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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1911)
THE NOBKOL-K AVKKKLY NBWS-JOfHNAIj , KK1DAY , XOV1CMHEK 24. 1911. SKUNKS and Wanted MINKS We arc Short 2000. Write for Quotations NORFOLK HIDE & FUR GO , , NORFOLK , NEB , Fifteen Years' Practical Experience C. F. W. MARQUARDT , Neurologist Optometrist 414 Norfolk Ave. Norfolk , Neb , MONEY V LOANED ON EVERYTHING Just received big line of trunks , suitcases and traveling bags. Suitcases 98c UP Trunk * 1-98 "P RELIABLE LOAN BANK A. LEVINE , Prop. 605 Norfolk Ave. , Norfolk , Neb. Agents for Columbia Phonographs graphs and Records. WE REPAIR BLOWN OUT TIRES AND INNER TUBES Wo arc expert tire repair men and Bimnmteo all our work Prices the lowcHt. Ao 'eimlr nny nnd nil kinds of uu to Urea nnd Inner tubes nnd do nil kinds of tire vulcnnlzliiK. A trial will provo that wo Kivo satisfaction. Out of town Jobs Riven prompt attention. References furnished. In connection. I.nnmnn Auto Tire & llcpnlr Co. , Norfolk , Neb. North 4Ui S . Next lo Auditorium Dr. A. B. Ayres DENTIST Room 5 Bishop Block Phone A313 Tooth extracted , cavities pre pared for filling , nnd Hvo nerves removed without pain. REMEMBER I pay the highest market price in cnah for Butter , Eggs and Poultry. T. J. V A I L , ( Successor to F. L. Estahrook ) Phone Red 258. 101 N. First St. AUCTIONEER Stock , Ilcnl E tiUe nnd Knriu Salon. I refer you to men I nave made sales for. Arrnngo lor ( lutes enrly. o. v. sriiKnu , MAIJISON , NEH. ERNEST C. RAASCH Ilenl Entntr. Mve Stock nnd Mcr- clumillHp Auctioneer. For references , ask my com petitors. LORENA M. SCHROOK OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Cotton Blk. , Norfolk , Nebraska. Phones : Bell 34. Auto 1243. Hours : 8:30 : to 11:30 : ; 1 to 5. Sunday by appointment. WANTED , HIDES AND PURS .HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR MINKS , MUSKRATS , SKUNKS AND COYOTES. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write or telephone for quotations. Also buy all kinds of old Iron , metal and rubber. NORFOLK IRON , HIDE AND FUR CO. Office 527 Norfolk Ave. Phone * : Bell Red 643. Auto 2025 DO YOU WISH THIS I1I3ST FOIl YOUIl BVKSf By right tests , right glosses , i-M&tt&to , rlBlit prices , we J tiSwk-L , > vs. ) mv , ° bult | p tl a , nrpcst optical btiHiness In north Nebraska , II. C. SIMMONS , ttettOptometrUt in Cotton Illk. , Norfolk , Xeb. MOST CERTAIN WAY TO END A BAD GOLD SURELY BREAKS THE COLD AND ENDS GRIPPE MISERY IN A FEW HOURS. It Is n positive fact that a dose of Papo's Cold Compound taken every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken will cure Grippe or break up the most severe cold , either In the head , chest , back , stomach or limbs. You distinctly feel the cold breakIng - Ing and all the disagreeable grippe symptoms leaving after the very first dose. It promptly ends the most mis erable headache , dullness , head and nose stuffed up , fevorlshncss , sneez ing , sore throat , running of the nose , mucous catarrhal discharges , sore ness , stiffness and rheumatic twinges. Papo's Cold Compound Is the result of three years' research nt a cost of moro than fifty thousand dollars , and contains no quinine , which wo have conclusively demonstrated Is not ef fective in the treatment of colds or grippe. Take this harmless Compound as directed , with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine made any where else In the world , which will euro your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly nnd without nny other as sistance or bad after-effects as a 25- cent package of Pape's Cold Compound - pound , which any druggist In the world can supply. WALTERS TO PENITENTIARY. Sioux Falls Grain Man Must Serve One Year for Trying to Kill. Sioux Falls , S. D. , Nov. 24. J. G. Walters , formerly engaged in the grain commission business here , nnd a resident of Minneapolis prior to coming to Sioux Falls , appeared be fore Judge Jones and entered a plea of guilty to the charge of assault with a dangerous weapon , which grew out of his attempt a few months ago to shoot nnd kill a young woman who formerly had been employed by him as a stenographer. Judge Jones sen tenced him to one year in the Sioux Falls penitentiary. Since his arrest on the morning following the attempt on the young woman's life , Walters had been In the county jail. After being sentenced ho collapsed and sank to the floor in a fainting con dltlon , but was revived In a few mln utes. The boy's appetite Is often the source of amazement. If you would have such an appetite take Chamber- Iain's Tablets. They not only create a healthy appetite , but strengthen the stomach and enable it to do its work naturally. For sale by all dealers. When you have any green hides to sell. Bring them to the Bee Hive. BAKING POWDER That Makes the Baking Better Failures are almost Impossible with Calumet. We know that It will k'ive you better results. \Ve know that the baking will be purer more wholetome. We know it will be more even' raised. And we know that Cnlumct N mote economical , both in its ue nnd cost. \Ve know these things because w- have put the quality into it we li.i\e seen It tried out in every way. It is used now in millions of homes and i's Bales are KrouinK daily. It u the modern bakins powdei. Have you tried It ? Calumet Is highest In quality- moderate in price. Received Hiiheit Award- World' * Pure Food Exposition. BAKING POWDE. ' BANK OF ENGLAND NOTES. Always Fresh and Clean , at They Are Issued Only Once , Thrro Is ns grout n difference be twwn the yslc > iiit ! of loaning nntl ro ( U'rtnliiK ( In * notes of the llnnk of Knj ; Iniut nnd of ( lie luniks of the United Stnto na there Is In tlio nppcimmro of llio notot thoinot'lvi < . Tluv KiiHllsh note In putnowlint Innj'.cr pin ) much forontliT than OWN , Is of roiiRlihlto paper , with nipped ( > tlmii . nnd H printiul on one Bltlo only , with n few words nnd with no plrtnriM or : lp < .l n < 4. while ours nro romplotrly cov red on lioth sides with vl nctto nnd at he v , orl , . our uotps nro IsMiod apaln and ngaln until they lycoini- > worn that they ire no longer servlcoalile. A Unnk of 'laiul note Is never Issued inure limn once. Kvery note that i-oincs In Is canceled at on < e , and then It la stored away with other canroled notes to he presened for a certain period , when It Is destroyed hy ImrnliiK. It takes many clerks to keep the record of notes l ned and paid , and no accurately Is this work done that the date when nny note was Issued , the person receiving It. the time when it was paid Into tliu liank nnd liy whom , can lie ascertained from the books. If the time was within live years the note Itself can be produced. Many nre The stories of attempts to counterfeit these notes , which have al ways been failures. As the average tlmo between the Issue nnd the pay ment of the notes Is only live or six days the fact that a connterfclt H In circulation Is known nltnost at once , nnd the system of English bankers and merchants of keeping the numbers of the notes received and paid Ive * the clew whereby the offender Is quickly apprehended 1hange : Even nt your favorite store you wilt find unusual buying opportunities at particular times "Bales , " "bargains , " etc. And your favorite store's adver tisements will keep you fully Informed about these events. Merltol Hair Tonic will do won ders for your hair. George B. Chris- toph , druggist Highest market price paid for green hides nt the Dee Hive. A Good Message. Merltol Tonic Digestive has proven a good message to others , why not to you ? It acts first upon the stomach ach , strengthens the digestive or gans , creates a healthy appetite , nnd makes rich , red blood. Imparts new life and strength to the entire body. George D. Chrlstoph. druggist. Uring your green hides to the Bee Hive and get the highest market price. Merltol Rheumatism Powders sur prise everybody who try them. George B. Chrlstoph , druggist. Sioux Falls Hermit Dead. Sioux Kails , S. D. , Nov. 24. An ec- coritric character , known as "Old .Man" Berry , and who lived a hermit life for some time in the hills north west of the city , until removed to the county poor farm , died at the poor farm. So far as known he never told anyone where he came from , and therefore nothing is known of his relatives. Before his health failed he was a familiar sight on the streets of Sioux Falls , and was noted chiefly for his odd appearance and the fact that ho had a trained sheep that followed him around like a dog. "There could be no better medicine than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My children were all sick with whoop ing cough. One of them was in bed had a high fever and was coughing up blood. Our doctor gave them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the first dose eased them , and three bottles tles cured them , " says Mrs. R. A. Donaldson , of Lexington , Miss. For sale by all dealers. Woman's Home Burns. Albion , Neb. , Nov. 24. Special to The News : Fire destroyed the home of Mrs. Mary Green , in northeast Al bion yesterday. Some household goods were saved. Mrs. Green Is a widow and makes her living by washing Neighbors and friends have taken ac tlon to see that she receives proper care , and that her home shall be re built. The tract of land lying eight miles west of Petersburg , known as the Lockwood ranch , was sold last week by Trumbull Bros , to Freeman & Son of Iowa ; the consideration being $2 ( per acre. Possession will be given March 1. Judge Rlley Issued a marriage 11 cense this week to Harry Atkinson of Des Moines and Anna Gumm of St Edward. H lTill Compton , Tom Christian son. Smith National bank and P. D Smith of St. Edward , have filed suit in the district court ngalnst the vll Inge of St. Edward with the purpose of enjoining the village board from removing the hitching posts from cer tain streets in St. Edward. In the case of Abts vs. Cunningham tried In the district court , the plalntif was given judgment for $2,613.40. The International Harvester com pany secured judgment In distrlc court ngalnst H. C. Christiansen , et al. , for $1,063. Oakdale. N. S. "Westropo of Norfolk was transacting business in town last Frl day.The The funeral of August Llermnn was held at Tllden last Friday afternoon Miss Needa Rnnkln , assistant oper ator nt the telephone office here spent the latter part of the week vis itlng friends at Meadow Grove. Rev. Mr. Green of Nellgh preached both morning nnd evening at the Methodist church hero last Sunday. Messrs. Irving Stringfellow nnd C A. Wlest returned Saturday evening HEALTH To Lyclia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Pcottvillo , Mich. " 1 want to tell you how muchgood hydlaK.l'inkluun's Vn ne table Compound - pound and Sanative Wash haviMlont1 mi1. 1 live otia farm and have worked very haul. 1 am forty- live years old , and mil the mother of thirteen children. Many people think it .strange that 1 am not broken down with hard work and the care of my fain- ily , but I tell them of my peed friend , your AreRetablo Compound ) , and that there will bo no backache and bearing down pains for them it' they will take it as I have. 1 am scarcely ever without - out it in the house. "I will say also that 1 think there is no bettor medicine to be found for young girls to build them up and make them strong and well. Aly eldest ( laughter has taken Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound for pain fill periods and irregularity , and it has always helped her. " 1 am always ready and willing to speak a good word for the Lydia , E. Pinkham's Remedies. J tell everyone I meet that 1 owe my health and Imp. piness to these wonderful medicines. " Mrs.J.G.JoiiNSON.Seottville.Mich. , K.F.I ) . 3. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound - pound , made from native roots and herbs , contains no narcotics or harm' ful drugs , and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of fernalo diseases. from Kimball county , where they had been for three or four days looking after business Interests. Born on Monday , Nov. 20 , to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jascke , a boy. George Williams and family depart ed Monday for Shirley , Ark. , where they will make their future homo. Mr. and Mrs. Holdsworth , parents of Mrs. Williams , left Tuesday noon and after visiting at different points in this state nnd lown , will join them. Messrs. 13. A. Brodboll and George Sweet were transacting business In Neligh Wednesday. Miss Marion Mason of Long Pine stopped of here Thursday to visit her brother Harry , on her way home from a trip to Omaha. R. B. Manvllle of Council Bluffs , la. , came up Wednesday evening for a few days' visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Pauline Hartsough , who has been employed as housekeeper for II. S. Manvllle returned to Omaha Thurs day noon. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brodboll were Norfolk visitors Thursday. Mr. Hackett of CJcarwater was transacting business In town between trains Thursday , also renewing old acquaintances. H. S. Manvllle , who has been failIng - Ing quite rapidly the past month , is expected to live but a few days longer. Miss Ella Hickman , proprietor of the New Hopkins hotel , has received the bids for the erection of her new three-story building , but has not as yet awarded the contract. It will be let , however , before the end of the week. Through the efforts of a few enter prising musicians here an orchestra of sixteen pieces has been organized , and will commence to practice at once. Friday and Saturday evenings the pupils of the public school will give entertainments In the K. P. hall to raise funds for the purchase of a new piano. J. E. Parker , 2021 No. 10th St. , Ft. Smith , Ark. , says that ho had taken many kinds of kidney medicine , but did not get better until ho took Foley Kidney Pills. No matter how long you have had kidney trouble , you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of Foley Kidney Pills. Start taking them now. For sale by all druggists. THE FAIR STORE MALM , BURKE & CO. NORFOLK'S LARGEST SHOPPING CENTER A Special Lot of Ladies' Coats To Sell For $12 to $18 From $5.00 to $10.00 Less Than What They Sold for at the Beginning of the Season By purchasing ilic entire lot from the manufacturers , who couldn't carry them longer , we arc enabled to offer you some genuine bargains in new Winter Coats. Two months ago' at the beginning of the season , these coats sold for from $5.00 to $10.01) ) more than what we are selling them for now. They are of excellent quality and are made in the beautiful styles so popular this season. I'jtidi coat is a new model. Made with the large reu-rs and other strictly new style features. If yon haven't bought your new coat yet here's your chance to get one at a worth-while saving. Winter Blankets We can satisfy your needs in the Ulanket line and save you some money too. "We have a splendid line of good quality Cotton Blankets , with good stitched edges'and special bor der effects to sell for from ( i5e to $2.50. We handle the celebrated Trimrose wool-finished Blankets , and have a good line with big wide irder effects in plaids and stripes. J'rices $2.00 to $ 'l.7f > . Ladies' Genuine Leather and Velvet Hand Bags Special at $1.35 These bags are worth from $2.00 to $2.50. Ve want to close them out. The lot consists of leather bags , leather lined and velvet bags , Persian trimmed with long cords. Your choice of the lot at $1.35. Handsome Line of Rich , Warm Furs New Lot of Skirts Just Received , The highest point of woman's hap piness is _ reached only through moth erhood , in the clasping of her child within her anus. Yet the mother-to- be is often fearful of nature's ordeal and shrinks from the suffering inci dent to its consummation. IJut for , nature's ills and discomforts nature provides remedies , and in Mother's Friend is to be found .1 medicine of great value to every expectant mother. ' It is nn oily emulsion for external application , composed of ingredients which act with beneficial nud sooth ing effect on those portions of the system involved. It is intended to prepare the system for the crisis , and thus relieve , in great part , the suffer ing through which the mother usually passes. The regular use of Mother's Friend will repay any mother in the | comfort it affords before , and the help ful restoration to health and strength it brings about after baby comes Mother's Friend is for sale at drug stores. Write lor our free book for expectant moth ers which contains much valuable information , and many suggestions of a helpful nature. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. . Atlmla , Co. For The Little Miss A new creation in Children's and Misses' Footwear. High Slant , Cloth Top , Patent Leather Vamp. A shoe for dress and wenr that will look different. Price : Sizes 8V& to 11 , $2.00 ; 11U to 2. $2.50. If yon live out of town order a pair of these shoes by mail. State the size you want. We guarantee a fit , or refund your money. It will pay yon to try our $1.50 School Shoe. NORFOLK SHOE GO. B. T. REID , Pres , V. A , NENOW , V. Pres AUDITORIM FRIDAY NOV. ANOTHER HIGHEST GRADE ATTRACTION WM. A. BRADY LTD. , PRESENTS THE FUNNIEST PLAY EVER WRITTEN N BABY By MARGARET.MAYO Direct from a Solid Year's Run at Daly's Theater , New York Baby Mine is sending a gale of laughter around the world. It is now in its second year at Sir Charles 'Wyndham's Criterion Theater , London. Within three months Baby Mine will be played in Berlin , Vienna , Paris , Melbourne and St. Petersburg You can't stop a big laugh like Baby Mine. Seats for Baby Mine on sale Thursday , Nov. 23 Prices Lower floor $1.50 and $1.00. Balcony , 50c , 75c , $1.00. Hey You ! Wo do first-class Dry Clean ing , Stoain Cleaning , Pressing and Repairing Don't Forget All work is called for and de livered without extra charge. FURS REPAIRED " \\re guarantee satisfaction. Try us and see. Ask your friends about us Clothes Hospital Opposite Postoffice. Phone F GG8 Auto 2100 ARTHUR E. JOHNSON VIOLINIST Terms reasonable , satisfaction Guaranteed. Pupils accepted at any time. 1000 NORFOLK AVENUE PHONE BLACK 175 SWITCHES MADE FROM HAIR COMBINGS. All kinds of Hnlr Goods and accessories Manicuring , Facial Massngo and Shampooing. MIIH. MAHION U. COOI'BIt , filS Norfolk A\e. , Norfolk , Neb. MRS. CORA A. BEEL8 Trnclicr of I'liino , Klndrrxnrlen , Theory and Normal. Nniiroi.ic , . NIIIIIASICA INSURANCE STRONG COMPANIES Mathewson & Company \