TUB NORFOLK WKKKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , , UH1. A Value of Good Kickers Clearly Shown This Year By TOMMY CLARK. absolute necessity of having Tlin consistently good punter Im posed upon the modern football - ball eleven by the revised code vtna never made more strikingly ap parent tlmn when In a recent game ono eleven , hopelessly outclassed by a heavier , faster and bettor drilled op- ponunt , escaped complete annihilation Fbotoa by American Press Association. xnnnK KIOKKUS op ABILITY. [ Dnlton of Nnvy. Butler of Cornell ani Dean of Army. ] by kicking almost Immediately whenever over It was fortunate enough to BO cure the ball. The Value * of a Kicker. In approximately forty minutes o play the team In question tried on ! ; three times to advance the bull rush Ing. The net gain was less than i yard. The opposition on the olhe hand found It comparatively easy ti make IIrat downs. On the attack I cut and tore through the weaker team' line or around Its thinks almost a readily as It staved off tbo other's pun ; attempts tit offensive pluy. Under the old rules the score wouli probably have run up Into the sixtie or seventies , yet the game was not ai uninteresting ono to the spectators simply because there was ono depart tncnt In which the two contcstlui teams were of almost , If not quite equal strength. The loser's punts a\ eraged almost as long as the winner * * and his ends , though not a star pair b ; any manner of means , were yet fas enough and know enough about tach ling to prevent long runbacks. Brilliant Plays to Come. The really good teams , with the bui den of having to piny for a champlor ship this month upon them , have no shown their best form yet. There ar ( lashes , brilliant enough at times , o real form , but It will bo lu the bf games that the real stuff will bo showi Then , unless everything , Including th grnndoldopo , goes astray , there wli be the prettiest duels between klcl era and ends , on ono side and backs o the other , that It has ever been th good fortune of the football rooter t witness. The very rules make for such ei counters. Perhaps the kicking sld 1ms an advantage , but It Is of a soi that Is bound to make the piny all th more spectacular. There may be few er of the sensatlonnl forty and Oft yard runs through broken fields , bu the change will of Itself crcato a fasi er , shiftier class of backs , which 1 : turn will necessitate an Increasing ! open gnme Harder to Block Kloker. Given two opposing lines of prai tlcnlly equal strength , It will bo al most Impossible to block kicks. Bine the three Inside men are now permit ted to lock logs , ono set of forward must bo Immensely superior to th ther to get through in time to "gut up" a kicking play. Add two gcx > tackles and the chances of intcrferln with a punt are not one-tenth as goo < a * they were in the old days. Even after the ball is kicked the ad vantnco In with the kicker. Unlcaa th leather strikes the ground within th neutral zone a player on the klckln. . eldo may not bo legitimate/ ! Interfere * with until bo baa gone twenty yard beyond the line of scrimmage. Thl rule IB Itself makes clean handling o kicked bnlls Imperative , with the loss of It an the most probable alternative. Good Kickers Numarout. Hvcry one of the pastern tennis has two or more rellablo too artists. I'enn- nylvanla tins four handy men In Mar nliall , Minds , Thaycr and Captain Mor. cor. Princeton has Pcndleton , An drews and Pcnflcld. Harvard Is well Kiippllcd with Potter , Fcltou and Wig- Klcsworth. The latter was Injured In the game with Holy Cross recently and will not be able to play until tfho real big game with Yale nt Now Haven. Yale bns Anderson , the former Wis consin halfback ; Francis and Captain Howe. The latter has developed Into one of the greatest kickers In the coun try this Reason. The Army Is well fixed with Arnold , Dean and Hyatt , while tha Annapolis men have a dandy In Dnlton. In I Thorpe Conch Warner of thn Carlisle Indians has a noted boot man. Cornell Booms to haw Urn best of them all In "Little Eddlo" Butler , the Hod and White quarterback. Butler's educated toe Ims won several games for the Ithacans this season. Nearly nil the western conference teams have men of more or less ability In the kicking line this season. Cap tain Andy GUI of Indiana Is probably the best In the west , hi * work being not only of the long distance variety , but extremely accurate. Minnesota baa n man of great ability In Capron. who Is said to be better than Johnny M c- Govern In the drop kicking line and far bis superior In punts. Illinois has Seller , who won throe Raines for his team last year merely through his ability to kick goals and who wns bailed as one of the stars of > -MvMUy ya vj * > t % * ! ' ' * ' 1'liotos by American Press Association EOMC NOTED TOK AllTISTS. lllowo of Vale , Sprackllng of Drown an Moll of Wisconsin ] the west on this account , although hi work in other departments of the gam was 110 better than ordinary. In Keckle Moll Wisconsin has noted kicker. During prnctlco his war Is accurate and his punts very long. Chicago has not a man of ability , an Coach Stngg has been working nlgli and day trying to flnd a player wh will bo able to cope with the stars c his four great western adversaries. Michigan has three rellablo men 1 Captain Conklln , Harrington an Thompson. Coach "Hurry Up" Yoe thinks he has ono of the finds of th season In Harrington. Electricity In Agriculture. The British government Is about t spend a considerable sum In invest gating the use of electricity In agr culture. So far oa wheat U concert cd , the beneficial effect of eloctrlclt has already been amply demonstrate by experiments. Lone Robber Gathers $1,000. Great Palls , Mont , Nov. 4. A lot robber Intu yesterday relieved the bank of Hedges , Mont. , 100 miles south of here , of nearly $1,000 mid escaped. AMERICA'S ' DAVIS LAWN TENNIS GUP TEAM At no time since the Davis cup team was picked to represent America In the International play were tennis en thusiasts throughout the country ns happy as they are now. And It was all because thnt William A. Larncd , the nntlonnl champion , is going to Australia. Some weeks ago the na tional singles champion said that ho would not go to Australia ns a mem ber of the challenging tcnm. Lnrncd changed his mind , however , and ar ranged his business affairs so that it wan possible for him to go. This was welcomed by every court player , for without Larncd on the team America's chances to bring back * " , , X ' $ . * ) > ' ' 4 y . V > " < A. -A ; - : . i Photos by American Press Association. UBUDEKS OF THE AMEUICAN TBAU. the famous Dwlght L. Davis Inter national cup looked rather slim. Wltl Lamed , Beals C. Wright and Mnurie McLaughlln ns United' States rcpro scntatlves the challengers nppcar t < have the best chance in years to brlni back the coveted trophy. The chal lengers' chances for victory are mad twofold by the fact thnt the Aus tralaslnns this year are not as form ! dablo ns in years past. For several years American tcnnl players have tried to persuade Lnrnei to make the trip to the antipodes but each year he refused to go. Th reason why ho couldn't go was be cause of business pressure , Th American team Is scheduled to arrlv In Australia Nov. 22. Lamed will b the singles player and the other tw doubles men. It Is also supposed thn McLaughlin will share the burden o the singles with Larncd , also captnli the tcnm. TO MAKE HOCKEY FASTER. National Association of Canada Wil Cut Out Position of Rover. The Nntlonnl Hockey Association o Canada at a preliminary meeting hcli Informally and secretly recently ai ranged for changes In the rules to b adopted at the annual meeting the sec oud week In November. It was prnc tlcnlly decided to cut down the num ber of players on each team and b , doing away with the rover have team of only six men. It Is considered that this will male the game much faster and will als tend to make It more open , but fo' ' lowers of the sport hero are not o ono mind on tha radical change. MORAN TO MEET DRISCOLL Two Clever Englishmen Will Battle I London Deo. 2. Owen Moran and Jem Drlscoll , tb English featherweights , have slgno < articles for a twenty round bout at th Empire Skating palace , Dlrmlnghan England , on Dec. 2. Tbo purse is $13 000 , and a gold belt goes with it , whil each man will bet ' 2,000. The welgb Is 120 pounds at 2 o'clock. If both men are at their best critic In this country believe that Driscol will be the winner on points , as b easily otitclnsaea Moran a * a boxer. Try < H wi Wa&UAi. - , "BEAT QUAKERS , " YOST'S ' CRY Michigan EUven Planning Trlok Playt For Penn. "Bent Pennsylvania ! " Is the bnttle cry of the Mlohlgnn football player. Since the Benson started Coach Yost and his Wolverenes keep close tabs ou reports of the Quaker cloven. Last year Michigan held Pennsylvania to a tM ) score , and this year It hopes to do even better "Hurry Up" Yost is tench ing his men nil kinds of tricks In order that the lied ntid Uluc collegians may be conquered when they battle on Michigan's gridiron on Nov. 18. Yost docs not bury the fact thnt ho has ono of the best teams in years. He already has gene on record as saying that ho expects this year's team to make an great a record as his great 1004 eleven did. The Wolverenes look upon the Qunker gnmo ns the hardest of the season and the best ono from which to judge Michigan's real gridiron strength. There Is no method of obtaining the Wolverenes' strength since Yost's squad docs not play with I the conference teams. Both Chicago and Michigan pluy Cornell , and these games will go a long wny toward showing how strong the Mnlzo and IIIuo team Is compared to other west ern elevens. The personnel of Michigan's present eleven Is much the snmo ns lust year's. Not only Is Yost lucky to have prac tically an Intact team , but ho has been fortunate In locating suitable substi tutes for emergencies. A slight glnnco at the players reveals nt left end Onrrels. who Is a brother of the famous .lltmiiy Uarrcls of the 'O-I-'OO team , who Is thought to be ono of the best wings Yost has developed In years. Stnnlleld Wells , an All Amer ican end of last year. Is ngnln holding down n wing position. Yost says he would not want n bolter man nt tackle thnn Captain Conklln. Pontlub , while n new man , hns shown surprising Photos by American Press Association. TWO or MICHIGAN'S ' LEAD t NO FLAYERS. strength as his leader's partner. Tb worst holes "Hurry Up" found to fll were the guards. Michigan felt a severe blow whe she lost Benbrook. So fnr Almendlt gcr , n likely looking llncninn , has bee used ns n guard , while the other guan hns been Boyle , n veteran of last year" tenm. Peterson , n new mnn , Is plnylu center. He promises to be as good n If not better than Cornwall , wh played the position last yenr. McMillan , the sensational qunrtci back find of last season , Is again on th job. In the matter of backs Michlga Is veil fortified with Craig , Torbei Iluebel , Wetuier , Roblnsou and Hai rhiRton. Yost Is giving a lot of attention t Thompson , the fullback , whose kk'l Ing abilities give him n big advuntng over the other men out for the uilddl back position. Thompson has dove oped Into quite a kicker , and it Is upo him that Yost depends to score a Penr sylvnnla victory. BASEBALL IS UNCERTAIN. Recent Clashes Upset Alt Dope by th Wise Ones. Baseball Is n funny thing. Clevc land , third placer In the Amerlcat proved no match for Cincinnati , th sixth place team In the Nntlonnl , yc the St. Louis Hniuns , who were a bn Inst In the younger league , licked th Cardinals , who finished fifth lu th old league , and ( he- White Sox , wh were In Iho second division In th American , whipped the Cubs , runner up for the pennant In the Nntlonn It Is i lint beautiful uncertainty thn makes the game so Immensely popi lar. The Athletics beat the Oiants I the world's * series , but the majority c experts predicted this , an Fbllndrlphl Is Individually and collectively a be ten hall club , as WHS proved in the n rent games. Sign Morocco Agreement. Berlin , Nov. 4. The Morocco or French Congo agreement hotwet Prance and Germany waa slcned t ' .the German Minister of Foreign A fnlra Herr Von KJdorlct Waochtci and the French Ambassador Logur many M. Camhon. SATURDAY SIFTINOS. James Delnney goes to the C. C ranch to spend Sunday. II. 11. Ilarnlinrt returned from i ( business trip at Ynnkton. ' Miss Dosslo Kltchlo Is homo fron ! the Kearney normal school for i week's visit with her mother , Mrs Mlnnlu llltchlo. Miss Clara Wltwer of Tllden spoil the day hero with friends. Theodore Meyer of Wausnii , WIs is hero visiting with Ernest Ilaasch Deputy I'nltctl States Marshal .1. ! Sides of Dakota City was In the city Miss Sophia Dlmmcl , cnroutu fron WInslde to her home nt Omaha , wn In the city visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. R 0. Hclliiiniivli have been hero visiting with eli friends , have returned to their honi [ it Lincoln. W. W. Wiihson wont to Chicago o ; business. Mrs. Wasson accompanies her husband as far as Fri'Oport , 111 where Hlio will visit with her parents W. A. Dailies of Colorado , twent , years ago n partner In the law flrr of HalnboH & Uarnes , is licio spent : ing a few days' visit with N. A. Kali bolt. Charles Ostemlorf has moved fror Gil South Tenth street to IIMH Plerc street. * Horn to Mr. and -Mrs. Kline , flv miles west of Iltuhir , n son. C. F. Mitchell ol CrelBhton ha nio\ed to Norfolk and is living a Ol Norfolk avenue. W. W. Dcllart was called to Kmoi son , la. , on account of the HOI Ion Illness of his father. II. C. Pcrkhnm has imnod fiom 111 corner of Thirteenth btrcet and Noi folk avenue to 80(5 ( Norfolk inonuc. lion halls for the "chain gang have been iccoivoil. Chief Marquaul is now looking for n few members c the "gang. " The second car of poultry nlilppc to San Francisco by the Norfolk Pou try company left Norfolk today. / G. Lindsay had charge of this car. Many heating stoves arc belli * ; sc up and the icgulnr rush of tran&fci Ing these heaters to bo set up for th winter's work , is now ( n full sway. Duck hunting came to a halt till week when hunters found that all th ponds , lakes and even portions of th river were coated over with a thi layer of ice. Capt. Kolehor took his footba squad to Columbus Saturday mon Ing for a game with the Columbu high school team. Both tennis wer said to he about evenly matched. Two cars of potatoes and a car c cabbage consigned to the Evans Frul company arrived here quite badl frozen Friday. Five cars of apple are expected here by that company. After an interesting meeting hel by hose company No. I of the fir department last night , ,1 social nice ing was held. The fife and drui corps gave several selections. U < freshments wcro served. Pastry Cook Nlstle of the Nortl western eating house was arfeste Saturday morning by Chief of Polic Marquardt. The cook was found sloe ] Ing on the Northwestern rallroa tracks on Madison avenue and So1 enth street. F. J. Yerkc , a dispatcher in the en ploy of the Northwestern road an formerly chief dispatcher nt Glasgov Mont. , has resigned his Norfolk pos tlon and will leave in a few weeks fc Moberly , Mo. , where he will take up similar position with the Wabas road. road.The The Hoffman & Velio furnltiii store had an Informal funeral Frida ; The pet cat which has reigned si preme over the rats in the basemei of that store for several years passe away peacefully during the night an after being discovered with the aid c a lantern , the funeral took place. Mrs. Julia Rock and nor daughter Misses Jennie and Blanche of Atlant : 111. , have come to Norfolk to spen the winter. They will make the home with Mrs. B. A. Waddell at 11 North Ninth street. The Illinois pei pie have been advised to come t Norfolk for a change of climate. When the city council meets Moi day night a month's work , say som officials , will make almost an all-nigl session necessary. Sewer contract are to be let ; the mayor Is dete mined to swing his municipal llgl ownership proposition and many bil arc to be allowed , including the a lowing of salary for city employe Tuesday will bo election day and clt pay day as well. George D. Smith has received ii formation that his brother , Congres man Smith of California , who h.n been In a sanitarium for the past si months , has so far recovered that li is able to go to his home at Baker field , and he hopes to return to Wasl ington after the holidays and reinsl dining the remainder of the congre sional session. The doctors said si months ago that he had quick coi sumption. The M-inonths-old daughter of M and Mrs. S. E. Rudd , who reccntl was scalded about the limbs , Is no suffering from an abscess In both eai as the result of measles. The llttl child has suffered much pain froi swollen glands , sere throat and now cutting teeth. The physician r ports that the child Is strong an will recover. The child suffered froi convulsions the day after It we scalded by the accidental drop of boiler filled with hot water. South Norfolk News. Charles Kriz is building an add tion to his residence. Walter House is on the sick list. Lewis Richmond of SIkes , Monl visited at the M. Moollck home. Mrs. R. T. Nlchola arrived bora from Bonesteel after a visit with lu parents , Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schen ; baum. , Miss Dorothy Myers of Plalnvle waa here. L. Van Horn arrived home froi Wlnni'toon where he visited with hi sinter , Mrs. Chariot * Poarci1. Mr. Holmes , roundhouse foreman a Onkdnle , was hero to attend the ft ncrnl of the Into C. It. Kjunptimn. Chicago , Nov. I. The police atlmll ted totlny thnt tht'.v hnd practical ! ; reached the end of their mpo In thel Investigation Into the death of Patro man Arthur BIsBonetto and the death of eight others , all of whom had bee close associates of Mrs. Louis Vei tnllyn. Although Coroner Hoffnin hnd satisfied himself that Blssonolt died by arsenic poisoning and a win rant charge has been Issued for th arrest of the woman , the ovldunc against her thus far Is purely clrcun stnntlnl. The coroner , the stato's a torney and the police tlcpartmoii have had detectives looking up over possible connection of Mrs. Vermlly for the last wool ; cvor slnco it wa suspected that the patrolman's deal was not natural. Arthur Blssonettc , ar. , father of th dead policeman , today tloscrlhod Mn Vermllya's efforts to obtain his mm' ' body for burial after hl death. "An undertaker named C. C. lloj son \\is ; making ready to move th hotly fho minutes after death , " h said. "I piotosted til the hurry an ho Insisted that It would he hotte to mine the body nt once. I formal ! forbade them to touch It. " The contents of nine bottles t medicine taken from Mrs. Vurmllya homo by the coroner arc- being am lyzed. SOUTH DAKOTA AT A GLANCE. Kllef Kllefson of Elk Point died i the ago of SO. A bust of the late Senator Kit red go will bo placed in the stat capital. The deer hunting season has openc in the Black Hills and game is pioi llful. 1 loirs of a claim holder must , piov up on the claim after Iho death ol Hi man who filed In older to got tli land. Grading work has already begun o the big irrigation project near Pleir < The workmen expect to get 400 acre in shape before the ground freoxes. The state board of pardons has re ommcnded n paidon for By Parkin sent to the pontitentiary from Lav IPIICO county on a charge of assaul Hunters In the western part of tli state report that duck hunting is in usually poor this year and that gees hunting is practically a thing of tli past. past.Word Word Is received fiom the meetln of the Episcopal House of Bishops 1 session at New York to the cffei that the state will not he divided inl two dioceses. Miss Eva Hutchinson of Mltche who was severely burned last Sundii wjillo attempting to start a fire wit kerosene , has died as the result of he Injuries. The program for the South Dakol Educational association meeting ; Pierre on Nov. 27 , 28 and 29 has hoc completed. It contains many notabl speakers. The sportsmen of Ziebach count have arranged for a big roundup ( wolves to he held on Nov. 30 , Thank giving day. Hunters from all ov ( the county will take part. The store and postoffico at Barhar ; a junction of the Great Northern an See railways , was burned to tli ground. It Is believed that the plac was robbed and set on fire. H. A. Luniley , who has a big hors ranch near Pierre , Is shipping nearl a hundred head of light harnc ; horses to Kentucky. He expects I put a lot of his land under cnltiv tlon by means of irrigation. J. H. Conley of Presho claims tl world's record for big spuds. It asserted thnt he has sixteen spec mens of the Murphy tribe wlilc weigh thirty pounds. The large : weighs two pounds and six ounces. Women Against Suffrage. San Francisco , Cal. , Nov. C. Tli Women's Initiative league of Califo nia , which plans to bring the questic of womans' suffrage again before tl voters of the stale , this time wll women themselves empowered to e press their will at the polls , will sta : canvassers out to get signatures to petition asking repeal of the constit tional amendment recently adopte Miss K. I. Cronoy , president of tl league , predicts that equal suffraf will bo overwhelmingly defeated presented again , now that women en vote on the question. It is the league purpose to bring the question up i the presidential election next year. To Elect Kansas Congressman. Kansas City , Mo. , Nov. G. Repu licans from all parts of Kansas gat : ered in tills city today for the closin features of the campaign In the Se end Kansas congressional district , special election to name n succossc to the late A. C. Mitchell will bo hel tomorrow. The contest Is expected I he a close one between V. S. Greei the republican nominee , and John I Taggart , the democratic nominee. Tl : republican campaign will close t < night with speeches in Kansas Cil by Gov. W. R. Stubbs of Kansas an a number of ther prominent repu' ' licans. The democratic campalg closed Saturday with a speech 1 : Champ Clark , speaker of the natloni house of congress. HOW FAST THE BABIES DIE. Every Ten Seconds an Infant Expire from a Preventable Disease. Kansas City , Nov. 6. "Watch tl light flash. Every flash a baby die from a preventable disease. " This was the grim wording of a pi card which attracted wide attentlc at the Child's ' Welfare exhibit in th city today. The exhibit opened last Thursda ; and has attracted thousands of vlst ors from other cities. Infant mortn ity was the question to which especii attention was given today. A sma red electric light glebe in a cas flashing every ten Bocomhi , bearing the placard caused hundreds of moth ers to stop and look with startled ex pressions , moauwhllu drawing tholr children closer to thorn. The flgurcn anil photographs showing the Inroadn of preventable- diseases among Kati- HUH C'lty children were ithown. Of Ui.SOO children In the nehools , exam ined last . \ear by the health hoard , It WHH shown that IC01 ) were recom mended for treatment. Tin * records also shouod In that number it,151 uuf- fored from adcnolihi , In many eases oiitlrch unknown to the parents Leo O'Neill Brown Again. Chicago , Nov. ( J. Lee O'Neill Brown , former minority loader of the Illinois house , was scheduled to again appear today before the senatorial In vestigating commit too In the Lorlmur hearing. It was expected ho would complete IilB testimony at the morn ing session. Otlior wltncHBeH , who It \uw expected would bo called during the day , Included Mr Charles S. Luke , widow of u former democratic momiier of the legislature , and Otis I . . and Sudney YnrboroiiKh , frit-lulu of , CharloB A. White. It wan mild the committee might tnko n recess at the end of the present week and continue Its hearings In Washington In De cember. Tnft In Cincinnati. Cincinnati , O. , Nov. (5. ( President Tnft arrived In Cincinnati from Hot Springs , Va. , early today. IIo will re main hero until 10l0 : ! o'clock tumor- low night , when ho will leave for n lour of Kentucky and TennesHeo. NEW EXPERTS ON HYDE. State Will Introduce New Scientists In Kansas City Trial. Kansas C'lty , Nov. ( i With twenty- flvo talesmen in the jury room and forty nevcnlroiueii ready for exam ination , the third week of the Dr. 11. Clarke Hyde murder trial began to day. AttorneyH hellovo the panel of forty-sovpn temporary jurymen will ho completed this week. Two days arc allowed for uxorclHlng peremptory challeiiKt'H , HO It la possihlo that ovl- donco will bo heard next week. A possibility of George A. Smith , a talesman , having to he released , developed - voloped last night when ho was taken severely ill with acute Indigestion. Ho had been Buffering ; for several days , hut his case was not declared to be serious until last night. A physician was called to attend him. It developed today that new scient ists will enter the case In favor of the state. At the last trial the state seemed determined to attack experts , declaring they were frequently wit nesses in big murder trials. The stale has refused thus fnr to make known the name of more than ono expert. He , Ralph W. Webster , of the University of Chicago , IB a co-worker of Dr. Walter S. Halnes , who testified for the state In the first trial. Mexican Town Attacked. El Paso , Tex. , Nov. C. The town of Pedrecnnn , Durnngo , Mex. , was at tacked by nineteen bandits. The In habitants put up n sharp resistance , firing upon the marauders from the roofs of their houses. Three of the bandits were killed and two others were wounded and captured. All the bandits were well armed and mounted and wcro repulsed after many shots shots hnd been fired on both sides. The residents of the town fear a fur ther attack and have made an urgent appeal to the federal authorities for protection. Former O'Neill Man Accused. Hot Springs , S. D. , Nov. G. G. B. Flanagan , son of a millionaire hanker of O'Neill , Neb. , has been bojmd over ' to the circuit court In $1,000 bonds at a preliminary hearing , charged with , arson. Flanagan is owner of the Smithwlck Lumber company , whose yard burned at Smlthwlck , near here , Juno 4. After elaborate inquiry by Deputy State Fire Marshal Crnns in- formntlon was filed connecting Flan- nagan with the fire , the property he- ing heavily insured. State Insurance l Commissioner Basford attended the I I hearing. Principal counsel for defen- j dant was M. F. Harrington of O'Neill , I Neb. Flanagan's father now lives in Minneapolis. Had Pneumonia Five Times. Nellgh , Neb. , Nov. G. Special to j The News : John Gerald Payne , the , 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. i Payne of this city died Friday morn ing of pneumonia , being the fifth time during his short llfo that this dread disease had fastened Itself upon the little child. The sympathy of the en tire community is extended to the bereaved family. Funeral services were hold yesterday afternoon at 1:30 : at the homo in Nellgh , after which the remains were taken to Elgin and buried in the family lot. Rev. Beach of the First Congregational church of this city , had charge of the services. LOCK UP MRS. VERMILYA. Chicago , Nov. G. Mrs. Louise E. Vermllyn , the widow suspected of having poisoned Policeman Arthur Blssonettc , was ready today to leave her homo where she has been under guard , and become a rcnl prisoner in the county hospital. Her alleged attempt at suicide , calmly sprinkling her food with an arsenical preparation resembling pop per , convinced the police that she would bo safer under their direct watch than in her homo and after a consultation yesterday , they decided to remove her this morning. Municipal Judge Walker , who is sued the warrant for Mrs. Vormllya's arrest , consented to hold court In ber room before her removal to a hospi tal and she will bo arraigned while still In bed. It will require only the formal presentment to the widow of the accusation of Peter Blssonetto , brother of the dead patrolman , that she murdered his brother. Then will come the committment , without tak ing ot testimony. \l