The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 10, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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The Number of Justices on the Su
preme Court Appointed by President
Taft Has Been as Great as That
Named by Jackson and Lincoln.
President Tnft appoints
WHEN to Justice John
M. Ilnrlnn on the bench of
the United States supreme
court , ho will linvo mndo tnoro np-
polntmcnt3 to that body than any
president except Washington , Jackson
and Lincoln. Washington appointed
altogether thirteen members of the
court , not all of whom served. Jack
son and Lincoln cnch appointed flvo.
Jackson reconstituted the court , leav
ing It at the close of his term with a
majority of the Justices holding com
missions awarded by him.
As originally made up the supreme
court consisted of a chief justice and
flvo associate Justices. In 1807 a ulxth
associate was added when a now dis
trict had been created to take In the
now western territory comprising the
eta tea of Ohio , Tennessee and Ken
tucky. In 1837 the expansion of the
nation westward again called for an
Increase in the court and two more
associate justices were added. In 1803
a ninth associate justice was needed ,
but flvo years later , when approaching
vacancies made it likely that Prcsl
dent Andrew Johnson might ha.yo'ltho
llppolnhnont of the now jtnomborn. congress
gross uan-ta-opmrantnKonlsm to the
chief executive , reduced the number to
eovcn , thus preventing him from mnk
Ing an appointment.
This number two yearn later , after
the inauguration of President Grant ,
was Increased to eight associate jus
tices and a chief Justice and as then
constituted the court has remained.
The last alteration in the court was
declared at the time to bo duo to po
litical reasons as clearly ns the roduc
tlon in 1808 , as the addition of a now
member made it possible for the court
to reverse itself In the legal tender
Records Since Washington.
Excluding the appointment of members -
' bers who for one reason or another
never served , the presidents have ap
pointed members of the court as fol
lows : Washington ( two terms ) , 0 ;
John Adams , 8 ; Jefferson ( two terms ) ,
8 ; Madison Ktwo terms ) , 2 ; Monroe
( two terms ) , 1 ; John Quincy Adams , 1 ;
Jackson ( two terms ) , 5 ; Van Burcn , 4 ;
Tyler , 2 ; Polk , 1 ; Flllmore , 1 ; Pierce ,
3 ; Buchanan , 1 ; Lincoln , G ; Grant , 4 ;
Hayes , 2 ; Garfleld , 1 ; Arthur , 2 ; Cleve
land ( first term ) , 2 ; Benjamin Harri
non , 4 ; Cleveland ( second term ) , 2 ;
McKlnlcy , 1 ; Roosevelt , 3 ; Taft ( after
Oiling the present vacancy ) , 5.
Of Washington's original appoint
ments , Ilutledgo and Robert B. Harri
BOH declined appointment. Washing
ton made more appointments to the of-
Jlce of chief Justice than any other
president. Ills first choice was John
Jny. On Jay's resignation , In 1705 ,
Washington appointed Ilutledgo , de-
nplto the advice of Hamilton and otu
ore of his advisers. Rutledge presided
nt the summer term of the court , but
before the senate could act on his
nomination hU mind had become 1m
paired , and ho was rejected. The pres
Idcnt then named William Cushing , an
associate justice , who declined on the
ground that ho preferred to remain as
KO associate. Then Oliver Ellsworth
was named.
Jefferson Named Three.
"When Ellsworth resigned , in 1700 ,
Adams , without consulting Jay , again
appointed him to bo the head of the
court. Jay refused to serve. Just be-
toro leaving office Adams appointed
Marshall. Jefferson , In his two terms ,
had the opportunity to appoint only
three members of the court. One of
these was Thomas Todd of Kentucky ,
who was named as the member from
the now western circuit created In
1807. The manner of Todd's appoint
ment was interesting. Jefferson called
In all the members of congress from
the three western states and asked
them to submit to htm a list of their
first and second choices for the place.
The name of Todd appeared on every
Madison soon after taking office
found two vacancies caused by the
death of Justices Chase and Cushing
He first named Lev ! Lincoln of Mas-
Rachusetts to succed Cushing , but Lin
coin declined on the ground that his
eyesight was falling. Then John
Quincy Adams was Delected , bat ho
refused because ho preferred diplo
macy and wanted to remain minister
to Russia. Joseph Story became the
Massachusetts member of the court ,
and the other appointment went to
DiivEll of Maryland.
Ho Vacancy In Twelve Yean.
Between 1811 and 1823 there were
90 vacancies. This Is the longest pe-
xlod In Its history that the court has
remained unchanged. Just at the end
oS his eight years in the presidency
Monroe had the opportunity to fill a
racancy by the appointment of Smith
Thompson , in 1823 , to succeed Brock-
JSolflt Livingston. J. Q. Adams' eolo
appointee- was Robert Trimble of Ken-
lucky , who sat on the bench only two
Jackson , in hla eight years In the
presidency , tilled a majority of the
eeats , op the supreme court bench with
ills own ' appointees. These were Chief
Taney and -Associate Justices
of Oho ! > Baldwin ofjPennByl
vania , Wayne of Georgia ana Harbour
of Virginia.
Van Huron , noon after be become
president , filled the two now places
created by an act of 1837. His first
appointee , William Bmlth of Alabama ,
declined , nnd ho named Catron of Ten-
BFoo and McKlnlcy of Alabama.
William Henry Harrison wan the first
president to have no opportunity to
nako appointments to the supreme
bench , but Tyler , who followed him ,
appointed two justices. The second
president who made no appointments
was Karhary Taylor , but ho , llko Harrison
risen , wan but a short time in ofllco.
Klllmoro , who succeeded him , appoint-
vl one. Polk , Pierce and Buchanan
.ind the appointment of only one Jus-
: lcocach.
Lincoln who chose fire , including
3hlcf Justice Chase , was able to fill
> no newly created place. This was
for the new circuit created on the Pa
cific slope , to which ho appointed Bte-
phon .7. Field , Johnson , oa already re
called , was prevented from making ap
pointments to the court by having It
cut down in size. Grant's first appoint
ment was Edwin M. Stanton , who ,
however , never served , as ho died four
days after his confirmation by the sen
ate. Hayes appointed but two Jus
tices , one of whom was the late Jus
tice Harlan. Garflcld , In his brief
term , selected one Justice , Stanley
Matthews of Ohlp , whllo his successor ,
Arthur , appointed two , Gray of Massa
chusetts and Blatchford of Now York.
Cleveland appointed two justices in
each of his two terms. McKlnloy ap
pointed but one , Justice McKcnna of
California. Of Roosevelt's three ap
pointees , Holmes , Day and Moody , all
hut the last are still members of the
Story Was the Youngest.
Story was the youngest man over
ipontcd | ) [ to the supreme court bench ,
tie was only thirty-two when ho was
commissioned. Bushrod Washington
was thirty-six. Most of the members ,
especially In recent years , have been
well along in their forties nt the be
t-Inning of their service. The shortest
terms of those who actually partici
pated In the proceedings of the court
were those of Thomas Johnson of
Maryland , one of Washington's ap
pointees ; Trimble of Kentucky and
Itowell E. Jackson of Tennessee , the
Democrat whom Benjamin Harrison
appointed to the bench just before
leading office. Each served but two
Hlght Justices have served on the
bench more than thirty years. These
were Bushrod Washington , thirty-one
years , 1708 to 1820 ; John Marshall ,
thirty-four years , 1801 to 1835 ; Wll
Ham Johnson , thirty years , 1804 to
1831 ; Joseph Story , thirty-four years ,
1811 to 1845 ; John McLean , thirty-two
years , 1820 to 1801 ; James M. "Wayne ,
thirty-four years , 1835 to 1807 ; Stephen
J. Field , thirty-four years , 1803 to
1807 , and John M. Hnrlan , thirty-four
years , 1877 to 1011. Of the present
members of the court the oldest lu
term of service Is Chlnf Justice I'd
ward D. White , who was appointed
us nn associate justice In 1803 , In the
first year of Cleveland's second term.
Thla Often Will Prevent Their Prama ,
turo Lots and Consequent Irregu
larity of Second Set
It is most Important that the teotb
of children should bo attended to rot ?
nlarly. When the teeth begin to come
into position , they should bo brushed
by the parents. This will not only
cleanse the teeth , and assist In pre
venting decay , but It also will form
a habit which will be Invaluable in
after life. Many older children ob
ject to having tholr teeth examined
and it is often impossible to do any
thing with thorn. By starting at an
arly age , it will accustom the child
to th different procedure * ncoassarr
in the care of the mouth.
If you would aavo your child much
Buffering , and the evlli of a fou
mouth , you should have it * teeth ex
amlnod for cavities ever/ three
months , from the time it la two yean
old. If a cavity can be found when
first starting , it con be filled with
little expense , and no pain.
One thing that should not bo for
gotten Is that there ia a regular time
when each baby tooth should be lost
Those children who lose their baby
teeth too soon through decay do no
have , as a rule , as healthy pormanon
teeth oa those children who have ha (
their baby teeth attended to. What is
Btlll worse , the early loss of the baby
teeth is apt to cause the second teeth
to come down In the mouth irregu
larly , and often a disfigurement for
life Is the result of this early neglect.
By the filling of the baby teeth , the
child 1 * also assisted in the mastica
tion of 1U food. A decoyed tooth U
sensitive to bite on , and the child in
Btlnotively will avoid chewing on it
The result IB , if there is much decoy
that the child will bolt its food with *
out chewing , and thus form a detri *
mental habit which may lost through
Another thing to remember U that
if there are decayed places in the
tooth whore food may lodge for any
length of time , such decomposed mat *
tor becomes germ-laden and in many
cases Invites disease.
No wonder that the child , thus ne
glected , often displays a peevish , In
rltablo disposition , accompanied by a
lack of vitality and a tendency toward
At about the age of six the chile
will cut Us first permanent teeth , am
these teeth should bo watched for and
carefully examined from time to time
to prevent decay. These teeth are
called the first permanent molars , ant
appear Immediately behind the tern
porary teeth , JAoat parents consider
these teeth oa baby teeth-and allow
them to decay. They do not know tha
these are Borne of the most-lmportan
teeth wo have. Thla tooth-often starts
to decay soon after it comes In .b.u
if filled while the cavity U
nrove a Terr durable and us
That Many People Want Office In the
First State Election.
Santa Fo , N. M. , Nov. G. Fully n
lioiiBuiul candidates have been iiomlf
intcil for the various offices to bo'
Illcd Tuesday when New Mexico
'otes the first time for state officers ,
'or members of congress , for u an-
iremo court justice and eight district
attorneys. In addition to twenty-four
state senators and representatives arc
o bo elected. Heretofore Now Mexico
vns represcntd In congress by ft vote.-
ess delegate , but henceforth It Is to
mvo two members In the lower house
ind two memberrt.of the United States
senate. Its governor , secretary ,
tulgcH and other territorial officers
were formerly appointed by the presl-
dent , but now the pcoplo will elect
them. However , even under the terrl-1.
: orinl form of the government New
Mexico elected a legislature and its
own county officers.
In addition to stnto officers , judl-
clary , legislature nnd county officers ,
Now Mexico will on Nov. 7 vote on an
amendment to Its constitution under
an act of congress known ns the Flood
or Blueball version. This gives the
pcoplo a chance to pass an amend-
meiit clause of the state legislation
whether It shall make the constitu
tion more easily amendable than Ita
present provision for that purpose.
The republicans have declared against
too loosely amended constitution ,
but have not made a test of the party
feality. The democrats , progressive.
republicans nnd prohibitionists have
declared for a more easily nmcu"J !
constitution , with a hope of embody
ing the Initiative nnd recall , and the
last named In the hope of a prohibi
tion amendment to the constitution.
Three Gunboats Capitulate.
Shanghai , Nov. C. Three Chinese
gunboats , forming n part of Admiral
Sah Chen Ping's fleet , which put In
here yesterday for provisions , went
over to the rebels this morning. The
Chinese telegraph operators hero
went on strike today. The cables
have not been molested. Foreign ma
rines are guarding the cable house.
It is thought Admiral Sah is In hiding.
Chang Chow , capital of the province
of Clio Kang. was taken by the rebels
yesterday after a. brief but spirited
John Shaal Under Knife.
Stuart , Neb. , Nov. G. Special to
The News : John Shaal , a citizen of
this place , was operated upon at Til-
don for gall stones. At last accounts
the patient was doing well.
Elliott Campaigns in Boone.
Albion , Neb. , Nov. 6. Special to
The News : Republican candidates
for offices in Boone county , in com
pany with James C. Elliott , republi
can candidate for congress , left Al
bion Saturday morning , accompanied
by the Midland cornet band , on a cam
paigning tour. These men canvassed
the major portion of Boone county
by auto , speaking nt Primrose , St. Ed
ward , Cedar Rapids and Boone. They
returned to Albion about 4:30 : when
Mr. Elliott spoke for a brief tkne on
current political questions.
McNamara Case Delayed.
Los Angeles , Nov. C. Somewhat
discouraged by the prospect of find
ing another talesman to fill the place
of Seaborn Manning , ill with lung
troubles and hitherto regarded as jur
or No. 1 , attorneys in the McNamara
cases scrutinized twenty new venire-
men today and began formal examin
ation of some of them. The elimina
tion of Manning meant nn additional
delay before peremptory challenges
could be started , an even looked for
several days as being the first indica
tion of real progress in jury getting
task. Two men instead of ono to
bring the number of talesmen up to
twelve , therefore was the prospect
when court convened today. W. H.
Andrews , under challenge for cause
by the defense , was further examined
by District Attorney Fredericks , who
is resisting the challenge.
Following Raw Southwest Wind , Rain
Falls Sunday Night.
Following a raw southwest wind
that blew all day Sunday , this terri
tory was soaked by heavy rain Sun
day night. In Norfolk the rainfall
amounted to .CO of nn inch. The at
mosphere was clearer Monday morn'
Dr. Cook Comes Home.
Southampton , England , Nov. C. Dr.
Frederick A. Cook , the explorer , was
a passenger on the North German
Lloyd steamship George Washington
which sailed from here yesterday for
New York. Dr. Cook came abroad
ostensibly for the 'purpose of making
a lecture but speaking at Copenhagen
where ho met with a bad reception ,
ho abandoned his original ideas.
Burst of Flame and Smoke Is Followed
by This Phenomena.
Port of Spain , Trinidad , Nov. C. An
island has suddenly risen from the sea
in the mouth of the strait between
Trinidad and the Venezuelan coast.
The phenomena was preceded by an
extraordinary commotion in the sea ,
from which burst high columns of
flame and smoke.
J. F. Losch Not So Well.
The condition of. J. F. Losch of West
Point , a pioneer lawyer of that city ,
who has been ill all summer , has
taken a turn for the worse and his
condition IB grave.
Young Mlssourlan ulcldea , Fouf Days
Before. . Weddjpg Day. ,
, St. Jo ep.h , Mo. , ' 'NoV G , POUIJ da
before Ijo was ' j 'lyVJjT cii married
- . I
i !
ago the young man's father gave him
$10,000 and told him to make good.
Ball I Invested the entire amount In
apples , a sudden break In price of
which left him almost penniless. In
j ' nn effort to recover Unll lost every
thing ( ho owned , Including Ills credit.
Ho walked into the country near
Chllllcothe ( , took n pair of overalls ,
tied ( ono leg about HlB neck , the other
about a rafter and jumped off n box.
Cumtng County Auto Club.
West Point , Neb. , Nov. G. Special
to Thu News : At the last meeting of
the t Cumlng County Automobile asso
ciation n constitution was adopted nnd
officers elected ns provided therein.
The affairs of the association nro to
bo I conducted by a board of governors
consisting < of the president , secretary ,
treasurer I nnd seven vice presidents.
1 Annual dues \vero fixed nt $2. The
officers ( elected are ns follows : Presi
dent , O. C. Anderson ; secretary-treas
urer , W. T. Fried , Boomer ; vice presi
dents < , C. C. Stnbl , A. F. Loowe , F. F.
jWortmnn [ nnd W. W. Troxoll. The
| ( question i of tlio creation of mnlnten-
{ mice i of good roads In the county will
bo 1 ono of the chief objects of the
J association : which will be vigorously
pushed. ]
West Point , Neb. , Nov. G. Special
to The News : News has reached the
! , city ' of the marriage , nt Tecuniseh ,
'of ] ' ' Albert Edward Long nnd Miss Myr-
i' j tic ' S. Jury. Mr. Long Is n native son
. of ' Cumlng county nnd tlio brother of
| Dr. F. A. Lung of Madison , president
af ttio Stnto Medical association. He
was the former stnto editor of tlio
State Journal and Is now in the cm-
ploy of Bliss & Wcllman , live stock
commission merchants of South
Omaha. The bride is a prominent
society woman of Johnson county.
The newly married pair will make
their future home at 15-15 Georgia
avenue , Omaha , where they will re
ceive their friends after Nov. 15.
At One Time Stern of Gas Bag Was
Fifty Feet Above the Bow.
Atlantic City , Nov. G. Melville
Vanimnn and his airship were espe
cial subjects of interest to the crowds
yesterday. Saturday's mishap , he
says , was duo to gas escaping from
ono of the compartments of the gas
bag known as a balloonette nnd mak
ing its way into the hydrogen gas
compartment which caused an uneven
distribution of gas and air.
For a whllo the stern was fifty feet
higher than the bow. Sand bags were
hurriedly shifted and Vaniman acci
dentally dropped one on the water
cooling pipe attached to the radiator
from the main engine. This necessi
tated the stopping of the engine and
quick landing had to be made. Vanl-
man then steered for a body of water
nnd when the balloon struck , the bow
was submerged in thirty feet of wa
ter whllo the stern , supported by the
gas , was fifty feet in the air. The
men on board were rescued by the
crew of a dredge.
Fremont Millionaire , Head of Hardware -
' ware Firm , Sfcrlously Injured.
Fremont , Neb. , Nov. G. Henry J.
Lee , n pioneer Fremont merchant ,
head of the Omaha house of Lee-
Glass-Andressen Co. , was so badly
burned hero that his condition causes
grave concern. Mr. Lee was in his
garage , and lighted a match to locate
a lantern. A quantity of gasoline ,
which had escaped from the automo
bile , ignited.
A passerby , noticing the blaze ,
closed the door , thinking to prevent
a draft , imprisoning Mr. Lee , who
was obliged to break down the door
with n heavy shovel.
Ono ear and his hair were burned
off and ho was otherwise badly in
jured. Mr. Lee is reputed to be a
Commissioners Proceedings.
Madison , Neb. , Oct. 27 , 1911 , at 1 p.
m. Board met persuant to adjourn
ment. Present , Commissioners J. W.
Fitch , Henry Sunderman and Burr
The minutes of the regular meeting
of October 3 , 1911 , were read and ap
proved as read.
The matter of Drainage Ditch No.
3 , was laid over on account of Sur
veyor's report not being yet com
A warranty deed from Robert Lar
son and wife to Madison County of
a strip of land for a public road was
presented nnd ordered filed and rec
On motion the clerk was instructed
to correct the 1910 and 1911 tax lists
by dividing a part of the NW& of
NEi of 2G-24-1 , consisting of 2.71
acres nnd assessed to G. L. Carlson ,
by assessing 1.99 acres to G. L. Carl
son and 72. acres to F. Henkel for
said years on account of sale of said
property of said amount ; also to cor
rect the 1911 tax list by dividing a
part of NWVl of NE of 26-24-1 assessed -
sessed to Adam Pilger , consisting of
20.95 acres , by assessing 17.53 acres
to Adam Pilger nnd 3.42 acres to F.
Henkel on account of having sold
that amount to F. Henkel.
On motion , Henry Sunderman was
authorized to refioor the bridge near
the Seckel farm in Deer Creek pre
On motion , the following bills wore
allowed and warrants ordered drawn
for same :
Herman Werkmelster , bridge
work . ? 3.00
Will Purdy , bridge work . 7.G5
John Hoffman , bridge work , assigned -
signed to Jack Koenlgstein. . 3.00
Hurao Robertson iWycoff Co. ,
lumber bridges . 2.18
Norfolk Commercial Club , oil
for roads . 355.00
P. II. Demmel , work C. D. No. 1 56.25
William ; 'Schwartz , work C. D.
No. i
George 'BoVo , 'f6ad 'Work c. T > .
- ' > NOA i . ' : ' . . . < : : : . ; . - . ' . . r. , . : * . . "
Geofge "Cimhdttrr 'work' < K DV'-
No. 1 18.75
Steve Lyon , work C. D. No. 1 8.00
Ed HulKht , work C. 1) . No. i. . 13.00
W. H. Clayton , work C. D. No.
1 6.00
HiU'Vo Carson , work C. U. No.
1 G.OO
II. A. Carson , work C. I ) . No. 1 ! > .00
Edwin Brosh , work C. D. No. 1 8.00
V. W. Copolnnd , work C. 1) . No.
1 2.00
E. Ulefendcrfer , work C. D. No.
1 8.00
T. S. Carter , work C. D. No. 1 4.00
William Clnsey , work C. 1) . No.
William Clnsey , work C. D. No.
2 22.00
W. P. Ulxon , grading C. D. No.
2 r.o.oo .
W. P. Dlxon , grading C. D. No.
2 50.00
W. P. Dlxon , grading C. D. No.
O 19.CO
W. P. Dlxon , grading C. D. No.
2 29.40
J. T. Moore , work C. D. No. 2. . 9.00
Fred Byerly. work C. D. No , 2. 5G.OO
Chris Christiansen , work C. D.
No. 2 16.00
Hay Specce , work C. D. No. 2 4.00
Clmrlea Crouch , work C. D. No.
Chlttondcn & Snyder , repair
work 20.40
Will Purdy , work II. D. No. 9. . 40.45
Herman Workmcistcr , work R.
D. No. 9 5.00
Will Huddle , work U. D. No. 9. 1.80
Tom Dover , work U. D. No. 9. . 4.00
Alfred Linn , work R. D. No. 9. . 6.30
Ora Lyon , work R. D. No. 9. . . 4.00
llumo Robertson Wycoff Co. ,
lumber R. D. No. 15 37.05
Philip Reeg , work R. D. No. 1C. . 38.50
R. Claymon , work R. D. No. 15 13.00
Charles Weinberger , work R. D.
No. 15 3.50
J. J. Mnttlson , work II. D. No.
15 14.70
Hume Robertson Wycoff Co. ,
lumber R. D. No. 1C 13.77
S. O. Davies , work R. D. No. 1C 9.00
William Schwartz , work R. D.
No. 26 43.00
J. W. Wnrrick , lumber , C. D.
No. 3 5.25
J. W. Warrick , lumber R. D.
No. 4 10.92
J. W. Wnrrick , lumber R. D.
No. 20 26.10
.1. W. Wnrrick , lumber R. D.
No. 3 22.82
J. W. Warrick , bridges 129.27
J. W. Warrick , coal for pauper 6.75
Gust Machmueller , work R. D.
No. 1 80.50
John Maud , work R. D. No. 2. . . 18.00
Ed Fuerst , work R. D. No. 2. . . . 97.00
William Reeker , work R. D.
No. 2 10.00
George Reeker , work R. D. No.
2 4.00
Frank Deuel , work Ft. D. No. 2. . 30.00
Ervin Deuel , work R. D. No. 2. . 18.00 i
John Dlnkel , work R. D. No. 2. . 66.00 i
Ray Riser , work R. D. No. 7. . . 8.00 i
A. W. Tillottson , work A. D.
No. 7 . - 11.00
J. Roberts , work R. D. No. 8. . 2.00
Anton Vlllnow , work R. D. No. 8 15.00 I
Sam Lodge , work R. D. No. 8. . 5.00 I
Bert Lyon , work R. D. No. 8. . . 7.00 I
John Hoffman , work R. D. No.
8 , assigned to Jack Koenig-
stein 70.75
Charles Reiche , work , R. D. No.
8 1.50 I
Harry Morris , work R. D. No. 8 21.00 I
Harry Tnnnchill , work R. D.
No. 8 10.25
J. H. Hunter , work R. D. No.
3 11.00 I
Fred Ruegge , work R. D. No. 4 16.00 I
Chlttenden & Snyder , repairs R
D. No. 10 75
R. L. Reeves , work R. D. No. 11 125.15
Henry Frees , work R. D. No. 12 5.40
Charlie May , work -R. D. No. 12 3.75
Fred Austin , work R. D. No. 12 3.75
J. Penhollow , work R. D. No.
12 18.65
Andrew Wnllln , work R. D. No.
! 2 40.00
Emll Wallin , work R. D. No. 12 2.40
A. F. Jenkins , work R. D. No.
20 9.00.
Peter Emig , work R. D. No. 24 61.50 I
John J. Ambroz , work R. D. No.
23 36.00
Jacob Ambroz , work R. D. No.
23 238.50
Peter Ernie , work R. D. No. 24. 42.65
John Horn , repairs on jail 10.00
Farmer Mercantile Co. , supplies
for Jail and courthouse 9.05
Rees Printing Co. , supplies 14.50
Madison City , , electric lighting 26.10
Madison City , water rent 20.40
C. J. Fleming , drugs for pauper .85
Fred H. Davis , supplies for pan-
Per 4.45
M. R. Green , draylng 1.50
University Publishing Co. , sup.
plies for superintendent 5.00
William Bates , office expenses ,
postage , etc 19.00
William Bates , fees state .cases 38.95
Huso Publishing Co. , supplies. . 177.03
Huso Publishing Co. , printing..189.75
Nebraska Culvert Co. , culverts 56.20
John Mngner , land for road 10.00
A. B. Tashjenn , atending pauper -
per 1.50
Walter Planck , drugs for pris
oners , etc 5.65
Gus Kaul , salary 50.00
Henry Sunderman , labor nnd
mileage . * 87.00
Omaha Brick and Tlio Co. , til
ing 87.50
Robert Larson , land for road. . . 50.00
J. W. Fitch , cash advanced for
expenses 2.50
Fred Benson , rent for pauper. . 16.00
John W. Rico , livery 8.50
J. M. Smith , salary and board
for prisoners 102.93
B. H. Mills , register of births
deaths 5.25
C. R. Rynearson , register of
births and deaths 7.25
M. L. Koehn , register of births
and deaths 23.50
Charles Letheby , register of
births nnd deaths 10.00
H. Kilburn , register of births
and deo.ths 6.25
W. H. ilardlng , register of
' births and deaths , . . 3.50
P'fit Tieriioy , work R. D. No. 23. ' 30.00
Pat Tie'fnoy , work C. D. No. 1. . 19.5p
Pat Tlerney , work R. D. No'3. . ' ' 6.50'
On motion the board adjourned to
meet on Tuesday , November 14 , 1911 ,
nt 1 o'clock p. in.
S. R. MeFarlnnd , County Clork.
A Quickening Trade.
Now York , Nov. 4. R. D. Dun
Co.'s weekly review of trndo anys :
"The big volume of bimlnesn Is of
fair amount nnd trade continues to
exhibit a quickening spirit , In iiiont
lines It Is Htlll below producing capa
city generally contesting of tlio sup-
plylni ; of ImmediatenccoHHltloH. . The
absence of large unsold stocks on the
shelves and the presence of supplies
of credit nro so great that tlio country
IB now nblo to finance the pressing
needs of Europe to an extent that lias
rarely , If over , been equalled In the
past nro basic strength.
"Orders for steel products booked
by the leading Interests during Octo
ber huvo been the largest without tlio
exception in any month during this
year. The transporting companies
arc also making purchases of needed
equipment , contracts for some 10,000
cars having boon placed in the past
week , whllo about half that number
are under negotiation. In addition
part of an order for 25,000 tontt of
standard rails has been placed , busl
ness being for 1912 delivery. A fair
tonnage of structural material is call
ed for , but plates arc inactive. Steel
bnrs nro quiet and quotations nro
weak. There is n slightly better de
mand for wire. Pig Iron Is weak.
The movement of dry goods continues
very steady. Export between tlio far
east IB at a standstill , owing to the
Chinese complications , but tlio mlscol
laucous trade IH steady nnd shipments
still show n substantial gain over a
year ago. Woolen and worsted agen
cles report ns they demand for near
by requirements with a slow oxpan
slon of forward orders , on which the
mills are placing more looms nt work.
'In men's wear , novelties Imvo boon
closely cleaned up and there. Is stead
ier applications on tlio staples' , while
the users of goods are placing orders
further ahead and there 1s an Increase
duplicating tor spring. As the prices
work lower on cotton yarns business
expands , while the call for worsted
yarns Is well maintained for nearby
use. Footwear jobbers nro holding
off until assured that the lute ad
vances asked by manufacturers are
to be maintained and are not dis
posed .to place more than supplemen
tary contracts for winter goods ; busi
ness for spring delivery has not been
In very large volume as yet. Hides
and skins arc fairly active and firmer ,
but there is less doing in leather. "
Nebraska Squad Reaches Ames , la.
Ames , In. , Nov. 4. The Nebraska
football squad arrived here from DCS
Moines shortly before noon for the
game with the Iowa Agricultural col
lege this afternoon , which is expected
to have a bearing on the Missouri val
ley championship.
Members of the Nebraska team ap
pear as fairly confident of victory ,
while none of the Amca coaches or
players would make any predictions as
to the possible outcome.
Head Coach Williams of the Aggies
and Trainer Jack Watson pronounced
the condition of the men as excellent
with the possible exception of McDon
aid and Vincent. The former was in
jured in the Missouri game , and
though practically sound will not bo
started in the game. Ho may take
Lattlmer's place later. Vincent's
"Charley horse" will make him a non-
The following lineup was an
nounccd :
Nebraska. Ames.
Chauner I. e [ Lattlmer
[ McDonald
Shonka , C 1. t Hunt
Elliott 1. g Pfund
Hornberger. . . . center . . . .Rlngheimer
Pearson r. g Juhl
Harmon r. t Ruttledge
Lofgrene r. e Chappel
Warner quarter Hurst
O. Frank 1. h Weirauch
E. Frank r. h Hart
Purdy ] f. b Burge
Columbus Beats Norfolk.
Columbus , Neb. , Nov. G. Columbus
high school defeated the Norfolk high
school in a hot game by the score of
G to 0. Columbus lost the toss and
kicked to Norfolk for the first half.
Norfolk kept the ball in Columbus ter
ritory , but was unable to advance the
ball when yards were needed. In the
second quarter Columbus came back
strong and gained at will , the entire
quarter being played in Norfolk's ter
ritory. In the third quarter Ilagel
recovered a fumble on the twenty-
yard line and raced for a touchdown
and Rector kicked goal. The two
tackles and the backfield were the
ground gainers. Forward passes to
the ends were worked by Columbus
for long gains. The lineup :
Columbus. Norfolk.
Kinsman rt Kane
Taylor , ( C ) rg Lucas
Gu'r ' re Koerber
Cady c HIbben
Hartman lg McWhorter
Kauffmnn It Lander-Smlth
Hagel le Odiorne
Colton qb Parish
Carson rh Logan
Schmocker fb Emery
Hector In ( C ) Keleher
Refere.e Colgrove. Umpire fluff-
aker. Field Judge Crozler. Head-
linesman Westbrook.
Gates Beats Atkinson.
Nellgh , Neb. , Nov. G. Special to
The News : The Gates academy football -
ball eleven met the fast Atkinson
boys at the Riverside park field Snt-
urday afternoon and administered to
them a defeat to the tune of 11 to 3.
Atkinson secured their only points by
a goal kick from the field in the second
end quarter. It was probably the
most tempestuous game witnessed on
the local field this season. Gates se
cured five points in the second quar
ter and .six in the last. At no time
during the progress of play was the
goal of the hpmq poyflln danger. C.
A. Mohrman of , N.qij'Bh. , was umpirp
and Mr. Molten of Atkinson referee.
Argus Pheasants , Huge Giraffe nnd
the Skeleton of n Sea Serpent ,
Many Thousand Specimens Are Re-
celved Every Year.
Three nrKiis litienHnnln from Ulnin ,
timrvolntin birds , 0110 of which la
"BtruttliiR" with n mireail of wlnir
almost < Miml | lit BUrfucu to the milt
of n snmll boat.
A KlrnlTo from Inkn Ilort.nwi ,
Ilrltloh Hunt Afrtcn , over Hlxtcun
foot lilKli.
The akeleton of an actual incut
rntltiK ecu serpent whoso tall could
liinh to pieces uny xvhulotiont Unit
over put out from n Now Knuland
IlKlihiB port.
The hones of n rcptllo which ox-
Isteil millions of years before the
famous serpent of tlm Harden of
Kdon , nearly seventeen foot lonK
nnd equipped with exactly the itort
of k'Ks now BOOM on n InnphiK kan-
A flyliiR dniRon whoso actual
presence would ho inoro trrrlblo
than the fuminiH dniRon laid low by
the xpctir and sword of the doughty
8t ( IrorKO of KriRland.
A rock larger thnn two foldlnr
beds which fell to earth from a
clear sky.
TheHo nro a few of the 10,000,000
specimens of the world famed collec
tion of the National museum at Wash
ington , which under a recent order is
now open to ( lie public on Sundays ns
well no week days.
There Is not the attempt on
the part of ( he museum to make n blar
ing cln-us exhibit of the things It IIIIH.
The collection Is arranged In a scien
tific manner , yet with nil the scientific
tific en re that has been taken the curators
raters have always kept the public In
mind , nnd the ppeclmeiis on view rep
resent only the finest and best of their
kind. They are put there because they
have a popular as well as Rclcntlllc In
The specimens come In at the rate *
of hundreds of thousands a year. Last
year the contributions to the museum
amounted to 2tO,000. ;
Tlio nrgim pheasant group IB In one
tremendous cage. One of the birds Is
a meek looking hen pheasant , but an
big as a Christmas turkey at that. Al
though the nrgus pheasant does not
have the same sort of coloring the
peacock Is blessed with , the manner
of spreading the tail and foatbera IB
the same. The curious feature of thla
bird Is the great development of what
are known as tfie "secondary feath
ers. "
These birds are rare , ns far as ex
hibits are concerned , because they are
very shy and have to bo trapped. The
group Is worth several hundred , del
In the paleontology exhibit la the
skeleton of a sea serpent. It is bigger
than a whale nnd slimmer , and ho
lived 3,000,000 , years ago.
There Is a bit of a fake about the old
reptile , seventeen feet long , furnished
with two strong hind legs and two
weak forelegs , for the bones of this
animal were not all found. To make
up the deficiency , Imitation bones were
manufactured in the museum and
placed In the proper position. However -
over , the thing Itself is there , lie/
came from out west , and ho lived
there several million years ago , before
the dawn of man's era. Near him ,
hanging on the wall , IB n slab of stone
with two enormous chicken tracks.
That's what they look like. The tracks
are larger than a baseball catcher's
mitt , and they are the trail of Rome
great beast which lived In the slime of
a New England marsh several million
years before Boston was founded.
Across the hall Is the skeleton of the/
dragon which bad wings. There wa
a time when these great beasts with
wings did lly. They have no place
now except in folklore and ghost tales ,
but be Is there , captured and pinned to
the wall of the museum , labeled wltli
a long Latin name , with plenty of
description to tell exactly where ho
came from nnd what sort of family
he had.
These are but a few things out of
the great exhibit that has been men
tioned. There are BO many others ,
even rarer and more Interesting to
some people , , that the list of them
would take days to read. The rock
larger than two folding beds actually
fell from the sky , nnd there are other
rocks like It , varying in size down to
little bits of stones no bigger than an
Sawtetla Sentinel Had to Coma Out
Without a Single "B. "
A newspaper without an "s" was
published at Sawtello , Cal. , because
some thief entered the printing depart
ment of the Snwtclle Sentinel and
made away with nil the "s's. "
Just why the thief desired a font of
"s's" Is unknown. Editor Henry
Schultz makes this apology ;
"At the time the Tbentlnel wath
about half thet an evil dlthpothed
thief entered thllh office and carried
awny all our eth. and for thlth rca-
then our tlnibthcrlberth will have to
do the very belli they can In rending
theme of the nrticlcth which are
Ihpelled In the manner which they may
have noticed in thlth announcement. "
Business IB conducted at aucb a ten
sion that you dent know your favorite
store today simply because you visited
It last week or even yesterday ! For
a etoro renews itself every day and
J'your.atore" may be twice aa import
ant , to you today-as.It-wan * week ago
to4ay. ' '