The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 10, 1911, Image 1
A . rt.f4.iN , i " ' < l THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , , , , , NCMKOUv NEBRASKA FRIDAY NOVEMBER 10 1911 ANOTHEH IMPORTANT CITY GOE5 OVER TO REVOLUTION. A SPECTACULAR PIRATE RAIC Bandits Make Sensational Attack 01 Food'Supply Boats , Massacring thi Entire Crew on One Ship Amerl can Cruiser Albany Reaches Amoy Pckln , (4 ( p. m. ) Nov. 9. The e > cltcmcnt is growing tonight. Res dents of the city are taking In grea quantities of rice and other stores Fifteen hundred Infantry and cavalr from the Manchu first division , whlc fled from Chang after the assassin : tlon of Gen. Wu Lu Cheng arrive here today and entered the city. Th legations consider that all hope fo -the Manchu dynasty has vanished. Amoy , China. Nov. 9. Th r c Fu Chow IB today in the ban. . V th revolutionists. After taking e ? 'o wiped out the entire Munchu . " . ' The foreign settlements have i > . disturbed , but fires have brolv fIn - In several sections of the natlv threatening its destruction. " Fu Chow Is ono of the most li V , : tant cities In the south , having a ? ulatlon of 700,000. It is the scat t ; naval arsenal , government shlpyai n mint , n school of navigation and largo dry dock. The situation Is quiet today , but serious state of affairs is thrcatenc owing to the scarcity of provision ! Most of the city's supply junks wer captured by pirates in a spectaculn raid yesterday , the entire crew of on ship being massacred. The - American cruiser Albany a rlvcd hero today , together with Japanese destroyer. A revolt < troops In the village of Anhal , fifl miles north of this city , la causln trouble there. The soldlera ha\ burned the magistrate's yamen an the provincial cuntoms hou so. CANTON JOINS REBELLION ' .Largest City In China Lowers Dragt Flag , Salutes New Government. Hong Kong , Nov. 9. Canton , tl capital of Kwang Tpng province , ai the largest city in CblnRv , formally d Glared its Indopondenfco at noon todh when the dragon flag was lowered ai a saluteIn honor of the now gover ment was fired. TWO GENERALS MURDERED. Condition Bordering on Anarchy E Istfi at Chang Sha , In Hunan. Chang SJia , Province of Huna China , Nov. 1 Via Shanghai , Nov. A condition bordering on anarcl exists hero owing to the desperate valry of the revolutionary loaders wl 'took possession of the city a few da ago. The two most prominent ropv lican chieftains , Generals Chlao a 'Tseng , were both murdered by s dlers today. They had been very Je oua of each other's positions , a : their quarrels bad been taken up their followers. In an effort to control the situatl Tan Tuanan , the republican goverm has been proclaimed dictator. But Is R scholar and not a leader , and reported as anxious to avoid the sponslbillty. His family has 1 < ChangSha , and some of the mcmbc of the provincial cabinet , includi the head of the customs and the f elgn minister , have fled. Rioting a indiscriminate fighting are feared , a the people are streaming into t country districts. Foreign women and children lin been ordered to leave Shang Tan , a an order has been sent to Chang ' Other cities in this province have a joined the revolt , but In all of tin the government has remained In c < trol. Expect Battle .at Tien Tsin. London , Nov. 9. A dispatch fn Tien Tsln says that the rovolutlonar this morning posted manlfcs throughout the city declaring their tcntlon of securing Tien Tsln ted They called on all sympathizers wear the white arm band of the re lutlonary movement. The viceroy still obstinate. The French con endeavored without success to r uado him to leave his yamen , wh lie has surrounded with his guards. Is feared that desperate fighting \ occur at this point. The latest vices from Pekln say that the sit tlon is quiet there. Refugees are e pouring In the gates. A cablegr from Nlu Chwang , the chief port Manchuria , predicts an uprising Mukden shortly. Nanking , Nov. 9. The Manchus i revolutionists rested on their ai today. The loyal troops still li Purple mountain , the city's strc bold. The besiegers Are awaiting munition from Shanghai. In yes day's fighting the revolutionists ' 1,000 killed and wounded. Tim N chu were strongly entrenched - nad six 3-lnch guns and ample munitions. Toward night the ln rs who had attacked prematur ran short of powder and though BuKory fighting continued througl the night llttlo damage was done either aide. The imperialists are Ing rapidly reinforced. Today totalled approximately 25,000 c CONDITION OHHE WEATHEf Temperature for Twenty-four Hours Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum C1 Minimum .14 Average .41 Barometer 29.4 ( Chicago , Nov. 9. The bulletin Is sued by tlio Chicago station of tin United Stutes weather bureau give : the forecast for Nebraska as follows Unsettled weather with rain or snow tonight ; snow Friday ; much colder to night and In the south portion Friday Opposing them arc about 0,000 Man chus , strongly entrenched and wol equipped. The outcome depends largely ly on the loyalty of the Manchus who are disheartened because of tin attitude of the government at Pekln Foreigners are safe. Women nn < children have left the threatened dls trlcts and the Americans have fount protection In the consulate grounds The marines and blue jackets ban been landed from the United State : cruiser , New Orleans. Teln Tsln , Nov. ' . ) . All was qule hero at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Tin city has not yet gone over to tin revolutionists. CITY OF HANKOW DESTROYED. Fifty Million Dollars' Damage Done Hundreds of Dead Bodies. Hankow , Nov. 5 , via \Vu IIu , Nov. S The city of IIanko\v..J.jns been dc stroyed by fire over two-thirds of It ixtent. The lowest estimate of th IBS is $50,000,000. Four hundrei uiousand persons are destitute. Hun dreds of half-burned bodies lie union the ruins. Many of them arc bodle of women and children. The custom house , the postofflce and the Amei lean missions have been spared. Th city has been looted , the imperialist taking a hand in the pillage. In perlallst officers tried to check thi work , and executed a number of th soldiers. Refugees were deprived c their loot on entering the British cot cession , cartloads of valuables , silk and Jewelry being seized. It is suf Bested that the Red Cross receive th proceeds. He Had a Scheme. Chicago , Nov. 9. Former Stal Representative Walter Lanz of L Grange , 111. , today testified befoi the Lorlmer senatorial investlgatio committee that a former Springfiel correspondent of the Chicago Tri' ' une , John Corwin , now of Baltimor came to him in 1909 and suggestc the use of money to elect Robert V Taterson of the Tribune as Unite States senator. The Stanton County Result. Stanton , Neb. , Nov. 9. Special i The News : The following officla were elected in Stanton countj Clerk , Allen Sharp , dem. ; treasure Irvln Nye , rep. ; clerk of court , \ P. McFarland , rep. ; judge , W. P. Goi an ; dem. ; sheriff , James R. Stuckc rep. ; superintendent , A. L. Burnhat rep. ; surveyor , George Porter , dem coroner , W. N. Orris , rep. ; comml sioner , Thomas Kingston , dem , Want Reciprocity With Us. Washington , Nov. 9. Norway ai Sweden , through their diplomatic re resentatlves here , have requested tl United States to grant them und the favored nations' clause of the treaties the same privileges given Canada by section 2 of the reclproci agreement in which wood pulp ai print paper are admitted free of du into the United States. Electric Hotel For Paris. There will shortly be opened I 3 Paris n hotel without a single sorvai above stairs. Everything from tl . cooklnj ? to the delivery of shaving w : tcr will be done by electricity. In tl restaurant tin * music will bo plnyt 3 by an electric orchestrion , and at tt table d'hote dinniT there will bo n automatic dumb waiter on to whU orders will liu sent to the basement. 3 MARY MANNERING TO QU Actress Will Devote Her Time Building Model Cottages. New York , Nov. 9. Mary Manni ing , who in private life is Mrs. Fr < crick E. Wadswortli. the wife of Detroit millionaire , has decided quit the stage and go Into model hou building. She has come to the conclusion tl she cannot be an actress and live ideal domestic life. She may at tlm . however , consent to accept a short i gagement in New York If some p tlcular part "calls her. " Ij "After all , domesticity Is my hi : t II role , " she said yesterday at the Pla "I adore home I am devotedly fo 1- of my little daughter and also of I Wadsworth's children , and it is IIn ceedlngly hard for mo to bo n\v from my husband as much of the tl : as a professional life demands. n "I have solved the problem I mi work for I never could bo Idle. . ' husband has acquiesced in my sche of building model homes for work ! people upon a part of the land wh was ono of his wedding gifts to i This land is in Grosse Point , abi . seven miles from Detroit. r. "I have bought land adjoining atn property , until now I have a big nid tate and have already erected nl idn teen model cottages , with an acre nd - ground around each , which I purp dy , to rent to well-to-do working peoi e- The cottnfcca have taken a lot eut thought and planning , but it has bi utm well worth while , for I bollevo my tie start will bo on incentive fo : great movement that will sweep entire United Btatee. " IOWA GIRL ADHERES TO STORY OF POISONING FATHER. WITNESS IS 16 YEARS OF AGE Marlon Rhodenbaugh , Despite At tempts of the Attorney for the De fense to Confuse Her , Says She Didn't Know Nature of Drug. Northwood , la. , Nov. 9. The cross- examination of Marlon Rhodenbaugh , the 10-year-old sister of Mrs. Etta Larson , charged with the attempted poisoning of her father , was resumed In the second session of Mrs. Larson's trial today. Attorney Stlger , for the defense , continued his efforts to confuse the girl , but she adhered to her original story that she did not know the na ture of parts green and arsenic , which she testified she had put into her father's food upon the orders of the defendant. TRY TO CARRY OF TWO-TON SAFE IN GROCERY WAGON. GET TYPEWRITER. Sioux City , la. , Nov. 9. Robbers attempted to carry off n two-ton safe in the bank at South Sioux City , Neb. , In a stolen grocery wagon this morn ing , but failed and contented them selves by stealing a typewriter left for trial. The safe contained about $1,000. COLD WAVEJN8LACK HILLS Temperature Drops to Zero , Snow Falls Headed This Way. Deadwood , S. D. , Nov. 9. A cold wave hit western South Dakota , the temperature dropping to zero. Snow is falling. The forecast for Nebraska Is "much * ildop'l ' cplder. JiEB POLICEJOSES VOICE James Ryan of Chicago , Accosted by Bluecoat , Suffers "Aphasia. " Chicago , Nov. 9. When James Ryan was accosted suddenly last night by a unifonded policeman he was so frightened he lost his voice Ryan was locked up and for hours the police tried to get him to speak but without avail. Later Ryan's voice returned under treatment. Dr. W. M Small said he suffered from aphasia brought on by fright. ARTHUR SEETO PRISON _ Founder of "Absolute Life" Cult , Get ; One to Five Years. Chicago , Nov. 9. Evelyn Arthui See , founder of the "absolute life' cult , convicted of kidnaping to the delinquency of Mildred Bridges , ( juvenile disciple of the cult , todaj was sentenced to prison from one t < five years and was arrested. A SENSATION IN BASEBALL Ban Johnson Has Ticket Scalpin ; Evidence That Will Surprise. Ciclnnati , , O. , Nov. 9. "We will g < into this matter of ticket speculatioi thoroughly and the material that have gathered will be revealed at tin proper time and It will astonish tin baseball world , " said Ban B. Johr son , president of the American league when he arrived here today to parti cipate in a meeting of the nationa baseball commission. Besides Mi Johnson Thomas Lynch , president o the National league , and many lead ing baseball men were here to attem the meeting today. Aside from ticket speculation , th commission will hear the appeals o the Eastern and American associi tions to be granted a higher classlf cation in the national agreement None of the members of the commit slon would say what action that bed would take on the petitions. Many c the baseball men now here are stoi ping over on their way to attend th baseball meeting at San Antonio , Tex on Nov. 19. ' LORD DOUGLAS NOT A SUICID But He Doesn't Like Notoriety an Won't Deny That He's Dead. Seattle , Wash. , Nov. 9. Lord She to Douglas is in Seattle perfect ! well. He read last night's papers thr the body of a New York suicide ha been identified as his and decided m to contradict the report. Lord Sha to has been conducting a small clgt business in Seattle under his ow name , but seeking to avoid notorlet ; Plerco County Results. Pierce , Neb. , Nov. 9. Special 1 The News : Following county of I clala were elected In Pierce count ] Superintendent , Lettlo Scott ; trea uror , Thelsen ; clerk , J. B. McDonalt clerk of district court , Arthur Oclk < commissioner , A. H. Holmes. A democrats. * v. LIFE'S DISAPPOINTMENTS ( Copyright. 1911. ) NEW YORK GARBAGE STRIKE IN STREET CLEANING DEPARTMENT RESULTS IN INCONVENIENCE. New York , Nov. 9. The drivers' strike in the street cleaning depart ment began to make Itself felt today when ashes and garbage accumulated in several hundred thousand house holds. Although the drivers quit work only last night , facilities for taking care of refuse In the average private house and apartment are so limited that if the strike continues for twenty- four hours it will cause inconvenience and longer than that may develop Into a serious menaceto , health. Only a few"of the 2,500 carts operated by the department went out this morn ing. The drivers struck because thej did not like the new method of re moving refuse at night. The mer were called out after Mayor Gaynoi had told the street cleaning cominis sioner to notify them that the oltj was not In the position of a private employer and that they could strike as soon as they saw fit. The strlk ( is organized by the Internationa Brotherhood of Teamsters. Mabray Out On Bail. Des Moines , Nov. 9. J. C. Mabray head of the fake horse race swindling ang , was released from the Poll county jail on $2,000 bond this after noon. Legislature in Deadlock. Springfield , 111. , Nov. 9. Notice o the inability of the two houses t ( agree on an adjournment date wa : conveyed to Gov. Dineen In a resolu tlon Introduced by 22 to 4 today. Antwerp Progressing. TT. Tu k Sherman. Aner : > niv vior consul Kcnrnil at Antwerp. I * IIOKU after twenty-tin1 years' absence fr.in1 his native country. Mr. Sherman sail that Antwerp was coming to the from as ths ? greatest diamond market In th world. It would soou surpass Amster dam , he thought. For Interstate Highway. Columbia , Mo. , Nov. 9. At the in stance of Walter Williams , dean o the school of journalism in Missour university , the Columbia Commercia club today formally started a movt ment for a transcontinental hlghwa ; connecting all the state capitals dl rectly north and south of Missouri The club appointed a committee con sisting of Williams , William Hertl : editor of the Columbia Statesman , aiv two prominent business men of "thi city to communicate with the cit and state officials in the capitals ] r < garding the project. The road prc posed would link Baton Rouge , La. Little Rock , Ark. ; Jefferson Cltj Mo. ; Des Moines , la. , and St. Pau passing through Columbia. SAC CITY JURY DISAGREES Clifford Wilson Accused of Murderln James White and Skin. Sac City , la. , Nov. 9. Alter bein out nearly twenty-three hours , th Jury in the Wilson murder trial her failed to agree and wan dismissed i 6 o'clock last night by Judge Hutcl Inson. Clifford Wilson was accused of kll Ing James White and his son Mathov The former was a pioneer rcsldet hero. Two Chinese Women Vote. San Francisco , Nov. 9. Two Ame lean-born Chinese women wore regj tered'as voters at Oakland yeaterdn Ono wore Chinese garb and the othi American raiment. Doth wore occoi panled to the register's office by the husband. $ tao declared berwlf a i VWIU THOV ) i fUNB FOR ! EN E RAMP mblican and the other had not decid ed her party affiliations. Boyd County Results. Bristow , Neb. , Nov. 9. Special to The News : Following are the county results In Boyd : Superintendent , Mabel K. Hadsell , dem. ; judge , Judge Leslei , dem. ; sheriff , Bradstreet , dem. ; clerk of court , Fuller , no opposi tion ; treasurer , Yocum , no opposi tion ; clerk , Richardson , rep. ; coroner , Beatty. The county is normally repub ilcan. Potato Freight Rate Cut. Bralnerd , Minn. , Nov. 9. The Northern Pacific Railway company has announced a reduction In rates on potatoes from here and other points In the Crow Wing country to the Missouri river , to take effect Dec. 1. The rate , Kansas City territory , is reduced to 25.M * cents nor 100 'pounds , and to Omaha territory to 24 cents per 100 , a reduction of about 3 cents per 100 in both cases. AN ALLEGED BAD MAN. J. G. Gregory , Said to be Ex-Convict in Tolls in Iowa. Fremont , Neb. , Nov. 9. J. G. Greg ory , alleged ex-convict , charged wltk having stolen a team of horses from c Colome , S. D. , man named Brlnkman was arrested at Council Bluffs , accord Ing to word that caino last evening tc Sheriff Bauman , who tipped the lowt officers to the fact that Gregory was in Council Bluffs. It Is said that Gregory took th ( team from a fanner's barn near Co lomo , Oct. 3 , and drove down througl Kansas by a roundabout way to Coun ell Bluffs. The authorities say h < sold one of the horses on the waj and had the other hidden at Omaha. Gregory , Sheriff Bauman says , ii the man who shot and serious ! ; wounded Deputy Sheriff Moss a Council Bluffs twenty years ago am then made the wounded man's soi take him in a buggy the first lap' o his flight. The gun man served ! twenty-year sentence from which hi was released last August. BIG SWINDLE ISALLEGED New York Lawyer Arrested on Chargi of Misusing Malls. New York , Nov. 9. J. F. Atkins , ; awyer connected with the Columbiai Sterling Publishing company , publisli crs of the Hampton-Columbia maga zine , was arrested charged with usin ; the mails to defraud in selling stocl of the publishing company. Ho wa : neld in $15,000 bail for examinatioi Mov. 14. Assistant District Attorne ; Brown said the alleged swindle wouli aggregate about $2,000,000. Try to Dynamite a Pullman. El Paso , Tex. , Nov. 9. An attomp was made to blow up a Pullman ca attached to a westbound Southern Pf ciflc passenger train at the union d ( pot in this city about 10 o'clock laa night. A bomb about one foot lent wrapped with straw , was explode under the middle of the car whlc was filled with passengers enrouto t California. No one was injured anne no serious damage was done , the ca proceeding on Its journey a few mlr utes later. There Is no clew to th perpetrators. Southern Pacific detei tlves are making a rigid investlgatloi Football Players Still III. Sioux City , Nov. 9. The four men bers of the Mornlngslde football teai who are 111 with typhoid fever In local hospital are making slow pr gress toward recovery. It is posslbl that Elffert and Vernon may be r leased by the end of the week. Knout is making steady gains , but Is wea Wlckens Is In the most serious co : dttlon. No new cases have coma I light at the college. The manner I which the players contracted the dl ease has not been discovered. Hbr Ingsldo plays St Joseph's college i Dubuque tomorrow. UNCLE NO CHIPS IN GAME HE WILL NOT TAKE ANY STEPS TOWARD TURCO-ITALIAN INTERVENTION. Washington , Nov. 9. Report of ai appeal made by Turkey to the Amei lean * government for Intervention a Tripoli resulted In the Issuing of i statement by Youssouf Zia Pasha , thi Turkish ambassador , declaring tha Turkey had no wish that the Unltei States should act as a mediator to em the Turco-Italian war. "Tho call which the embassy mad on the Washington government No\ 4 had for its object to request th state department to intervene to "brln about cessation of the atrocities con mltted by the enemy against womei children and the defenseless populi tion of Tripoli , " said the anibassadoi "This appeal did not Imply in an form whatever a request for medls tlon , as has been reported in soni quarters. " Further official denials from th Italian government of the rumore atrocities by Italian troops at Trlpo were given out during the day throug the Italian embassy. Three cabli grams from the minister of foreign a fairs , San Glullano , were made publl by Marquis Cusani Confalonerl , tb ambassador. The first of these said "I beg your excellency to deny i the most absolute and emphatic fori the alleged Italian cruelties. Tl : Arabs are the ones who are guilty < atrocities against our soldiers. " Another of the dispatches denlf the statements heretofore made thi Gen.'Caneva had authorized the trooi to shoot all Arabs suspected of ha ing borne arms against the Italian It was stated that many of the Aral actually found with arms in their po session were deported instead of b ing shot. Apparently the state departmei has decided to take no action upon tl protest of the Turkish governmen contenting itself with a bare acknov edgment of the receipt of the prote and more closely watching ilevelo ments. The department officials a : firm in their conviction that the issi between Turkey and Italy is one th concerns European powers alone. SHOOTS OJF HIS TOE Farmer Near Albion Comes Close Losing Foot Trigger Catches. | Albion , Neb. , Nov. 9. Special The News : William Keishan , livii near Albion , had an accident , 1 shooting Sunday , which nearly co him his right foot. He was out hui Ing and talking with a neighbor , lea ing on his gun , the barrel of will was wresting on his right foot. T : trigger caught in his clothing son how , the gun was discharged and t load penetrated the larger toe. Me day evening he went to Columbus have the large toe amputated. Cut Off Water Supply. Tucson , Ariz. , Nov. 9. Striki : railroad shopmen at Gila , Ariz. , n facing a Southern Pacific order th all water bo cut off from their horn and that they bo forbidden to t drinking water from water cars , i cording to telegrams from W. Stewart , union labor official there I the Tucson branch of the fedoratl of shopmen. According to the te gram the order already has gone ir effect , causing a serious problem I the strikers to solve , as Glla Is si atod on the desert and the only t wells there are owned by the rallrc and produce water unfit for domes use. It is said the railroad for twei years baa followed the custom of c rylng drinking water to Glla und lowing tha residents there tbe fi U69 0 * it CLAIM DEI is mm OMAHA WORLD-HERALD SAYS HE HAS BEATEN HAMER. RAILWAY COMMISSION CLOSE On the Face of Returns Received , Harman , Democrat , Has a Lead , But Several Republican Counties Re main to be Heard From. Omaha , Nov. 9. The World-lior- aid , democrat , this morning claims the election of .lames R. Dean , democrat , to the state mipromo bench over Francis G. Iltunor , republican. Humor has run behind the rest of the republi can state ticket and Dean loads the democratic ticket , and the World- Herald , with returns from 7511 pro ducts outside Douglas county , compar ing the vote of two years ago , esti mates that ho has won by moro thaa 1,000 plurality. The republican leaders maintain that their entire state ticket Is elect ed. All the present Judges of the supreme court are republicans. The race for railway commissioner Is In doubt. Twenty-nine counties give liar- iiuui , democrat , a lend of about 1100 but several republican counties are to be heard from. Neither side claims more than a slender plurality. DEDICATE MEMORIAL HALJJO LINCOLN TWENTY SPECIAL TRAINS CARRY NOTABLE CITIZENS TO HOD- GENVILLE. Hodgenville , Ky. , Nov. 9. Hundreds are already here and more are com ing this morning for the dedication of the memorial hall to Abraham Lin coln. The great granite building com pleted ; provided out of contributions of loyal Americans and endowed by them , occupies the site of the cabin in which Lincoln was born near the center of the Lincoln farm , the shrine today of the whole country. Cut Into one wall of the memorial hall are these words : "Hero , over ttie log cabin where- Abraham Lincoln was torn , destined o preserve the union a nd free the laves , a grateful peo'ple have dcdlcat- d this memorial to unity , peace and rotherhood among these states. " Within is the rude cabin of logs , he same that the newly wedded Lln- oln and Nancy Hanks built when hey took possession of the farm that oday becomes a national park. Rob- rt J. Collier , chairman of the execu- ive committee of the Lincoln Farm ssociatlon , has written Gov. Wilson , ornmlly notifying him that the mom- irial , costing ? 112,000 , has been erect- id and paid for and that a fund of ome $50,000 has been completed and nvested in safe securities , the Income o provide necessary maintenance. .iov. Wilson , who made public lost light his reply , has accepted the trust n the name of the commonwealth , > roviding only that formal transfer await the action of his successor , Gov. McCreary , and the next legislature. Today President Taft received the memorial in the name of the nation. Veterans of both union and confeder ate armies , notables of state and na- ion , representatives of the army and other government departments , are lere in numbers or coming and twen- y special train are carrying people who have assembled In Louisville. E IS SUED inference of Church Dignitaries Falls to Irbn Out Trouble. Topeka , Kan. , Nov. 9 , The contro- ersy between Bishop David H. Moore of Cincinnati , bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church , and Mrs. Carrie E. 2ope , of Topeka , growing out of the formation by Mrs. Cope of an auxil iary of the national branch of the Women's Home Missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal churcli , reached a crisis yesterday afternoon when suit for $50,000 damages against the bishop was filed by Mrs. Cope. The suit follows recent charges made against Bishop Moore to the conference of the bishops by Mrs. Cope , alleging that Bishop Moore had libelled her In a letter ho had writ ten on the subject of a bequest of $10,000 left to the Women's Home Mission society by Mrs. Fannie Mur ray , of Atchlson county , Kan. This suit was filed after a confer ence of the four Methodist Episcopal bishops Charles W. Smith , Portland , Ore. ; James F. Berry , Buffalo , N. Y.r John J. Nuelsen , Omaha , and David H. Moore , Cincinnati , held hero in the hope that the trouble between Mrs. Cope and Bishop Moore could be Ironed out without creating further controversy In the church. The moot ing was behind closed doors and. many witnesses were heard , but no agreement was reached. The four church dignitaries left for Denver to > look after church matters there. L DOWN GOESJUGAR AGAIN Another Ten Cent * Lopped Off th * Recently Increased Price. New York , Nov. 9. All gradea oC refined nufcar were reduced 10 a hundred pounds today.