f\ \ THK NORFOLK WKKKLY NKWS-JOURNAL , FRIDAY , NOVKMIJBU It , 1911. Oakdilo. C. II. liny departed last Thursday noon for n visit to frluntlB In Wis consin. Ho stopped ever night In Oiiiaha to attend the land nhow. Mm. 10. W. Mlnton returned li\Ht TlinrBdny afturnoon from Chicago , where HIO wont Hovornl weeks KKO , nt the donth of her sister. Mrs. C. H. Holzell , her daughter , ciiino up on the HIUIIU trnln from Stanton for a short VlHlt. .1. W. JolniHon. formerly of this place , spent Friday In town visiting friends , and to pnrtako of the "hunt. " The Oakdalo IIOJ-H' basketball team played tlio Elgin tuain here last Fri day , losing the game with a BIWO of 1C to ft. They , nowovor , redeemed UioniHolvoH WodnoBday of this week by defeating Petersburg on their homo grounds with a Hcoro of 44 to 1. Charles O'Neal Hold IIH ! general merchandise Htore here to I ) . L. Shone- I felt the latter part of last week. Mr. Crlnklnw of Ncllgh , will manage the store for Mr. Shonofolt. Miss Lulu I. Durland of Plalnvlew , Bpent Saturday afternoon and Sunday as the guest of Miss Nina Mlnton. Ciiiy Hawk and wlfo wore visiting relatives here the first part of this week , arriving Saturday afternoon. Nov. .1. M. Loltly of the State Anti- Saloon league , was la town between trains Saturday and returned Sunday afternoon , holding services In the St , Clalr country Sunday evening. The auction of the products exhibit ed at the corn show was held In the Strlngfellow building Saturday after noon. The prl/.o corn brought $5.10 , sold to the Torpln Grain company , and all other exhibits sold well , whlcli funds will be used toward the good roads Idea. Harry Mason spent Sunday In Lonp Pine. Announcemcent was made the firsl of the week to the effect that the Her ger cash store will bo closed out , Mr Horgor planning to move to the Pacl flu coast in a short time. .1. M. llutchlnson of Lincoln , was transacting business In town the firsl part of the week. Those putting In cement sidewalks around their premises in the past fe\\ days are : P. L. Uakor , half block ; Mrs. L. M. Hay , half block ; W. W Hopkins , aiound residence ; and Enr Kenfield , around residence. The carload of water mains arrivec the latter part of last week and hav < been distributed around town , to hi laid UH fast as possible. There wll be eight blocks of 4-Inch mains laid besides some smaller mains. Mrs. Leo Adams and Miss Katli Rotzlaffvere Klglnihltors Tuesda ; afternoon. Invitations have been issued for ai I. O. U. U. social at the homo of Mlsi Nina .Minion for Hallowe'en , the eve ning of the 31st , also for a Hallowe'ei dance and party to be beld in the K P. hall. James Yengor returned from Canadi Tuesday evening , where ho has beci for some time past looking after bus ! ness Interests. Miss Lindalo Improves. West Point , Neb. , Oct. 28. Mis Anna Lindalo , who underwent a ser ous operation at the Omaha Goncrn hospital on Wednesday for a stil knee joint , the result of a sever rheumatic affection , is now conva escont and on the road to speed recovery. SOUTH DAKOTA AT A GLANCE. Willie Crook , aged 8 , of Mldlaiu was caught under a caving bank an killed while at play. Ilobbers broke Into the store c John L. Howe , at Garretson , and gc away with just $15 In cash. Instruction in the common scho < branches Is to bo furnished Inmate of the state penitentiary who have nc had an education. A new time card of the Northwes em's Dakota division shows the r < moval of the day train which ha been run between Pierre and Rapl City. Sioux Falls Shrlncrs are preparln for an elaborate festival next mont on the occasion of the annual cer menial session of the El Hiad tempi An agent of the Heinz Plcklo Co. looking over the ground in the vicii ity of Pierre with a view to establish ing a plcklo factory or salting static there. The Y. M. C. A. which has recent been organized at Mitchell has ou lined a big winter's program , inclu ing gymnastic , social and Intellect events. Boxcar thieves who have been ope ating in various parts of the sta pulled off a bold robbery at Brlst and are believed to have gone to tl Twin cities. A daughter of James llutchlnso near Mitchell , saved her life by jum Ing into a water tank after her elotln had caught fire from an explodii kerosene can. T. T. Hoseland cleared $1,000 on tl potatoes raised this year on seve teen acres of land near Goodwin. Ross Sifford of Holabird ; Albert : Freeman of Sioux Falls ; Clyde 1 King of Vermilllon and William A Reams of Mitchell , have been adm ted to the South Dakota bar. An attempt to burn the plant of tl Deadwood Telegram at Ueadwood w frustrated by the prompt action the fire department. The loss w fully covered by insurance. A special eolctlon will be held Pukwana on Nov. 8 to vote on an sue of bonds for the sinking of a pi He artesian well. A special election may bo called Rapid City to determine whether t Great Western Telephone Co. may poles In the streets of that town. A freight train on the Northwc em near Pierre was ditched and foi teen cars badly smashed , The automobile club at Beresfo has ordered two now road drags a will begin at once on the work Improving the highways in tl vicinity. The third annual session of t South Dakota state grange has ji closed at Oelrlrh. Twenty thoiiBant copies of the mauler's annual addrcs are to bo published. The Deupont Powder Co. has a mai at the state experiment farm at Col tonwood who Is plowing with dynii mite. The experiment Is for the pui pose of ascertaining what can bo don by this method In loosening th ground In that district. Pearl Helden , a young glil of lib by , In Perkins county , broke one o her limbs and had to travel slxt ; miles In a HprlnglosH wagon to ge medical aid. She may die. The mining claim of a poor peddle liiilor of Rapid Oily , Henry Marks b , name , has suddenly been dlncovoroi to be one of the best gold prodiu-in mines In the Illack Hills. Marks ha held the ground for years. Si'\eral hundred people attended big Irrigation booster meeting In th auditorium at Pierre which was tulle to arouse Interest In the new project of that vicinity. Frank A. Putnam and L. W. Mom gomery of Sioux City , la. , have pin chased a controlling Interest In th State bank of Spencer and the Stat bank of Farmer. Dr. G. A. Young , of Omaha , formerl mipcrlntcndcnt of the Norfolk hospitti for the Insane , was called to Itattl ( 'reck during the week in consultatlo with local physicians over a case e nervous trouble. Among the day's out-of-town vlsl ors In Norfolk weio : P. T. Unrul Madison ; W. L. Stanton , Meadoi Giove ; Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Penhollov Newman Grove ; Martha Glaser , 13v Ing ; Robert Arthur , Spaldlng ; Cell Lafler , Bessie Lafler , Browne Laflo Madison ; M. F. Zimmerman , Lynch Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chamberlain , Ba tlo Creek ; William J. Hoferer. Cei or ; E. E. Carper , Bonesteel ; J. V : , ulkhart , Coleridge ; W. E. Hoope Jregory ; A. R. Davis , Wayne ; M. S McDufflo , Madison ; Henry Sumle nan , Madison ; Bert Mills , Beemor I. C. Schwlchtenberg , Plainview ; 1 3. Leavlns , Wayne ; Stella Witwe 'relghton ; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Slier Wayne ; E. R. Chaco , jr. , Stanton P. O. McFayden , Gregory ; C. ! Smith , Madison ; G. T. Lambert , Fo tor. Albion News. Albion , Nob. , Oct. 28. Special < The News : George Weber and Mis Mabel Cooper of Petersburg , appenrt before Judge Riley Wednesday mor ing and were united In marriage. Mrs. Mary Kin/or has brought su In the county court against Hem Gragert to recover $21 , which she n leges is due her minor son for labo Ira Paup his : filed suit In the dl trict court this week against Alfrt Paup , et. al. , the purpose of which to settle up the estate of Willln Paup , deceased. Marshal Nelson of Albion drew claim In south Dakota. His mil her was fiGti. Col. F. J. Mack and family returm to Albion last week from New Yor where they went to attend a nation gathering of National Guard officers Rev. Mr. Franzen , pastor of the L theran church , has received a call the Lutheran church at Norfolk. Tl Norfolk church at a meeting last we < voted to ask Rev. Franzen to becon their pastor , but he declined the cr for the reason he says his labors he are only partly completed. Miss Nina Longcor , who was an i structor In the Albion schools sever years ago , is the republican Candida for county superintendent in Km county. Naval Cadets Dismissed. Washington , Oct. 28. Preside tfnft has approved the dismissal fro the naval service of Midshipman B , Anln of Montana ; Fletcher Bleakly of Now Jersey and E. Leahy of Wisconsin , all of the nav academy , for breaches of disciplir The case of S. Roberts of Illinois , cadet involved in the same troul has not been acted upon. McNAMARA LAWYERS SORE. Their Dissatisfaction Overshado\ \ All Else in the Trial. Los Angeles , Oct. 28. When t McNamara murder trial opened ted it was evident that a little cloud dissatisfaction among counsel for t defense , first visible only a few da ago , had reached sufficient propi tions to overshadow most other terest among spectators. Rultn from Judge Walter Bordwell on Tali man A. C Winter , challenged I cause by the defense , and on Tal man Walter N. Frampton , also urn ! challenge by the defense , were eag ly awaited by counsel for the defei ant , but neither ruling , from the i ture of the cases , could throw furtl light on the insistent contention the defense that the court should ri immediately after such challeiif are made. Ordinarily there would have be no Saturday session of court , but t ing to the short session of Thursd which lasted only thirty-five mlnu because the supply of venlremen i out. Judge Bordwell decided to three hours today. This In more tli half a usual day session , and the we was pushed rapidly. The defense in the McNuaiara in dor case collided head-on wllb a co ruling. The trial proceeded. 'I point at Issue was made ground exception and may be up again , torney Clarence S. Darrow , chief counsel for the defense , brought the clash for the avowed purpose obtaining a ruling on the time wh the court will take in challenges rected against a talesman. For purpose of record , ho refused to r ceed until ordered to do so by court. It was the third day that A. Winter , a challenged talesman , sat the box , and the court had said would rule on Winter's case if the fenso desired. The point was pass and late in the day Walter N. Frai ton , a farmer , was challenged beca ho said ho believed both James MoXaniar.i and his brother , John it were guilty of murder In connect with the TlmcB dlflafltcr. The court deferred ruling on Frampton , who , on examination by the stale , made sev eral apparently contradictory state ments and Darrow stopped the trial In Its tracks. It Is the contention of the counsel for the defense that they do not know how to save up their per emptory challenges nor when to take chances on accepting talesman as to cause unless they know the exact status of every man In the box. Important Miners' Congress. Chicago , Oct. 28. The delegates to the American Mining congress having expressed their views on the subject of the goNornmeiit's policy toward the public domain , especially Alaskan coal lands , and heard the subject finally disposed of by Secretary of the Interior Fisher , and the leasing system , was prepared for further en lightenment today from the lips of President Taft. The relation of the federal government to the mining In dustry was the subject of which the president delivered the government's last pronouncement to the mine op erators and engineers who have as sembled from every part of the conti nent to discuss questions of business , miners' safety and International rela tions. The president's statement was the interesting event of the congress , which has been one of the most impor tant and significant In the history of the organization Inasmuch as what Is probably the 'ast ' of the great ques tions of mineral lands In the public domain has been settled during thiB session. Manchu Official Frightened. Amoy. China , Oct. 28. Revolution ary sympathy has developed to such an alarming \tenl hero that Taotol Clilng , the only high official in Amoy , today sent his family to Fu Chow , the capital of tlie province , for protec tion. As a precaution , all the mem bers of the household on their voyage northward wore the clothing of native Chinese , discarding their Manchu robes. Military Aviator Killed. Rheims , Franco , Oct. 27. While trying out a military aeroplane todaj the pilot , Jeane Desparmet , fell will the machine from a height of GOO feel and was crushed to death. TO BE DAKOTA BISHOP. Rev. Peter Trimble Rowe Is Trans ferred from Alaska. Now York , Oct. 27. The Rev. Petei Trimble Rowe , missionary bishop o Alaska , was today elected bishop o the Episcopal missionary district o South Dakota. Other missionary hi shops chosen by the Episcopal housi of bishops were : The Rev. D. Trumbull Huntington bishop at Wu Hit , China , and the Rev Henry St. George Tucker , presiden of St. Paul's college , Japan , bishop a Kioto , Japan. Rob Oklahoma Bank. Shawnee , Okla. , Oct. 27. Robber attacked the town of McComb , severa miles from here today , cut the tele phone and telegraph wires , then blev open the safe in the town bank. The ; got a large amount of money and es caped before a sheriff's posse couli head them off. Men are on the rol bers * trail. School Notes. Workmen have been busy this wee ! constructing scales , with a substantin concrete foundation , at the rear of th high school building. Wben an Innc cent bystander inquired as to the pin pose of this weighing apparatus , tli captain of the football team sagely re plied that , In the future , the schoc board aimed to limit the weight c teachers. The pupils of the Ninth grade Eiif lish classes have begun a six weeks course in bookkeeping. Business me often object to such work in secoiu nry schools on the ground of its bein impractical. Theory is never equ.i to practice. Granted that scholastl 8 business training is not practical i every respect , still , must we not a < 0 knowledge that the immature learne y establishes a good foundation for hi lf later experience in the world of con 0 merce ? s The football squad will go to Nelig r' Saturday to play Gates academy. ' 'I The picture of Lincoln , presented t H , the school as a memorial of Asher Gl ' " lette , now hangs in the Seventh . " ' | room , which would now be Asher' ' 3"class. . ! ri .Miss Colleto was taken suddenly i r" Thursday noon and is now nbsei * " from her classes in the Seventh an l"i Eighth grades. r ) f LIchtenberg-Friedrich. 01 At the home of the groom's pa ! S ents at , Hadar at 3 o'clock Wedne ' day afternoon occurred the weddln " of William Lichtenberg and Mis v' Louise Friedrich. The young coup ! ? will make their home on the groom ? s farm near Hadar. Mr. Lichtenberg 11 the son of Carl Lichtenberg of Ilada 11 and Miss Friedrich is the daughter < u Mr. and Mrs. George Frledrich , wel ' ' { to-do Pierce county farmers. r- FRIDAY FACTS. rtj u. B. nines of Omaha , Is hero vlsl > ° ing with friends. Jr i , . p. Pasewalk returned from t- business trip at Wayne. of Lape Foreman went to Seward 1 in spend a few days with his parents. of Miss Nellie Grant of Madison , Is i : h town visiting her brother , Paul Grar H * Miss Helen Glissman of Doon , la. , ie here visiting with Miss Minnie Brui omund. . 10 William Hauptll , who has been he C. visiting with relatives , nas roturni In to Monowl ie Mrs. A. G. Heckman and her si le- and daughter went to Wisconsin d. upend two weeks with relatives. ; pMr. . and Mrs. August Raasch ai BO their son went to Milwaukee to spoi B. | several months visiting with rolatlv J , and friends 3ii A regular nu-etlng for Initiation w bo held by the Elku Saturday night. W. F. Hall , who has been quite 111 nt Kansas City , Is expected home Sat urday evening. George Clements and Marie Bailer of Norfolk were married at Stanton yesterday. S E. Malm Is moving Into the A. J. Johnson residence property on Koe- nlgsteln avenue. Mrs. C. Rudat , who suffered a stroke of paralysis , Is slightly Improved. Mrs. Hudat's loft side Is affected. The Remlln orchestra of Humphrey gave a dancing party In railroad men's hall at South Norfolk last night. Actual work on the Robert King cement stone factory on Madison ave nue and Seventh street started yester day morning. F. J. Hale has sold l.CSO acres of Holt county land to Fritz Kamrath of Madison , for $40 an acre , the deal amounting to $07,000. The Fremont police have asked the Norfolk police to looker a typewriter which was stolen from a car near the Fremont depot of the Northwestern road. road.Mrs. Mrs. A. II. Vlele has resigned as leader of the household economic de partment of the Woman's club and Mrs. Culiiisco has been elected to take her place. Royce Irvln , who was arrested at Albion for jumping a board bill In this city , was given a sentence of thir ty days In the county jail by Judge C. F : Elseloy. Arthur Krahn is suffering from a badly Injured finger as the result of getting the member caught between .ho door of the safe which he was locking last evening. The 18-months-old bon of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fleming fell against a table in the Fleming home yesteulay after noon and sustained a largo wound on Ills head. A physician found it neces sary to close the uotind up with sev eral stitches William Jennings Bryan , Dan V. Stephens of Fremont , and the enter tainment committee of the local demo crats will arrive from Wayne tills eve ning. Mr. Bryan will speak In the Auditorium and afterward hold a re ception on the stage. C. J. Fleming sold his option on the vacant lot adjoining the Citizens Na tional bank building on South Fourth street yesterday to I. M. Macy , whc will erect a two story brick building on this lot. The upper floor Is to be used for office rooms. The 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs A. U. Johnson , 507 Lincoln avenue who sustained a broken tinkle Wednes day night , is reported well on the roa ( ] to permanent recovery. The boy was delivering papers when he fell fron his bicycle and his ankle was foiiiu to be broken. Matters of financial importune * have been presented tb the officers o the Norfolk Ad club and because o their Importance a meeting of that or ganlzation will be held in the Commer cial club rooms Monday night. Al members of the club are urged to at tend this meeting. Deputy Postmaster B. C. Gentle wll not accept the appointment as post office inspector offered him by tin postoffice department recently. Mr Gentle declined the position today but this action will not forfeit an ; of his rights to accept another aj : pointment in the future. William Krueger was drunk again The police docket does not show jus how many "drunks" Bill has beei charged with within the past fe\ ears , but the judge says they an lumerous. The prisoner pleaded gull y to the charge and ventured to sa ; 10 was found drunk at 1 o'clock Fri day morning. He was paroled untl Nov. 4 , when he expects to hav .Miough money to pay his fine. Chief of Police Marquardt gave twi loboes a treat with a "square" men riday noon. Both men were pickci ip several days ago for being drunl nd since then they have been dietin ; on bread and water. They went t vork under the Leu street law afte ho square meal. General Manager F. Walters of th Northwestern railroad has issued thi ircular : "Tin ; name of the statioi on the eastern division heretofor called Norfolk Junction , will hereafte be known as South Norfolk. " Th circular is approved by R. H. Alsl on , vice president While enroute to the Grant schoc Thursday afternoon the 6-year-old so of Mr. and Mrs. Cox of 704 Madlso ivenue , slipped and fell on the cross ng on Tenth street and Madison av < me , sustaining a broken leg. Th little boy lay where he fell and hi father and mother carried him home The break is a serious one. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Heilnian of Lli coin , formerly of Norfolk , are her spending a few days with old triendi Mr. Hellman , who came to Norfol with some of the first pioneers froi Wisconsin , was In business for a tim with Judge Eiseley. Later he was on ployed In the Olney store. Ho is no usher at the state penitentiary nor Lincoln. His office was created fc him some time ago. Mr. Hellma was once clerk of Madison county. To show the great giowth of No folk , J. W. Dietrick , local agent for tl Northwestern road , reports that h company's business In this city lai July showed a bigger Increase thn any previous month In the road's hi tory in this city. This increase , 1 says , is greater than any month du ing the sugar beet campaign here. Tl month of October will show an i crease over the corresponding mom last year and probably o\er that any October for the paht five or t ( years. The regular lineup of the Norfo football squad will leave here at no < Saturday for their game with Gat academy at Nellgh Saturday afU noon. Capt. Keleher is In good for and will bo In the gamo. Logan , who back was strained recently , Is repo ed in good condition and will also In the gamo. Parish will play as qu ; terback and ho Is feeling tiptop. Fit IT expects to kick a few goals ai the entire squad are feeling confide that they will bring a Gates sen home. The scalp will come from n hard head , If Norfolk succeeds In pull Ing it off , Gates having a good record this year. Mrs. Oxiinm and Mrs. F. G. Coryell have returned fiom Holdrege where they attended the State Federation ol Woman's clubs. The session was un usually full of able lecturers and papers pors and the different departments ol work In which the woman's club In Interested. The library work Is par tlcularly active , nearly every town In the state having the advantage of free libraries whether they have an cxpon slve building or not. But the department mont receiving the most attention at piosenl Is domestic science and man nual training In the public schools. . The years are numbered when tin1 schools not having this department will bo In the minority and very miicli behind the times , they sny. The teach ers in domestic science of Holdrege came to the convention and gave n talk on "The Expense of Putting This Department In the School and the Benefit Resulting From H. " The pee pie of note on the program wore : Chancellor A very of the state univer sity , on "Comparing Gorman and American Schools ; " F. M. Hunter principal of agriculture department ol state university , "Tho Manual Train ing Department in the Public School ; ' Mrs. W. J. Bryan's , "Trees and the Love of Tiees In Japan ; " Mrs. liar Graves , daughter of Mrs. Bryan , was ; also present. While In Holdrege Mrs Oxnain and Mrs. Coryoll wore picas antly entertained nt the home of Mi ami Mrs. Alfiod Gerecke , formerly ol Norfolk. Roger Sullivan Testifies. Chicago , Oct. 27. Roger C. Sullivan democratic national commlttoemai from Illinois , told the committee o the I'nited States senators investigat Ing the Lorimor case , that friends o Uov. diaries S. Dlneen aided in tin ole'ctloii of Lorimor. John R. Tliomp son and Chaunccy Dewey of Chlcagc were the men named by Sullivan ii this connection. This testimony wai brought out on cross-examination b ; Attorney Ilaneey , counsel for Mr. Lor liner. Mr. Sullivan testified that Ii his belief the election of Lorimer wa the culmination of conditions in th Illinois legislature during 190 ! ) regula session and not the result of corrup lethods In securing votes for Lor ! icr. A recess was taken until Sal rday , when the hearings will be re umed. ROBT. MANTELL'S WIFE DYING. darle Booth Russell Was Her Hu ; band's Leading Woman. Atlantic Highland , N. J. , Oct. 27.- lopes for the recovery of Marl looth Russell , wife of Robert Mantel lie actor , have been practically give p. Her condition became so grav few days ago that Mr. Mantcll wa uinnioned from Canada , where h . as playing , and he has been at hi , -Ifo's bedside since. The Mantoll uvo made their home hero man ears. Miss Russell has long bee or husband's leading woman. The nvo two daughters. A FLIGHT WITHOUT POWER. Orville Wright's Feat Surpasses A Former Records. Mantc-o , N. C. , Oct. 27. When O illo Wright , In an aeroplane wit ! ut power , remained In the air I ninutes and 1 second , he broke all r ords for gliding machines. This e : ceded his own record and means a ; larently that when the present glide s perfected man may soar aloft a unlimited time provided he is favorc iy high winds. It does not mean , hov ver , that the problem of aerial nav gallon has boon solved , as no soarln an bo done in a calm. The wind was blowing at the nil jf forty miles an hour when the fliei arried the machine to the top of jig sand dune and quickly placed n position. In another moment , vas shooting upward to a height i wo hundred feet , with Wright mar pulating the levers. The wind wi oming in quick gusts , but the grac ul craft never wavered. Once up where he wanted it , Wrigl urncd it on an even keel and it flea ed in the air as steadily as a shl ides a calm sea. Over a spot les ban ten yards square It rested t\\ ninutes. The craft stood motionles xcept for slight tremors of tl ilanes as they answered the lever ind then slowly backed up ever tl rest of the hill. Then It went fo vard to Its old position and remal d there while the gale sang throiu the canvas. The third , fourth , fif and sixth minutes passed and still inn gsuspended. Watch in hand , tl imekeeper signaled Wright that I vas close to his 7-mlnute and fifte ( seconds iccord , and he nodded a r ply. ply.At At that moment the piano starti lownward and seemed about to allgl but when two feet from the hill stopped and hovered over the sp like a living thing. Soon it began rise and in a fash it was back on more over the hill top. From th .line on it remained in a given spi turning neither to the right nor t' lelt until the aviator began to descei by a long and graceful curve into t meadow , 700 feet away. RICHARDS TO REPLY. Crawford's Rival Will Answer Prlma Attack at Miller. .Miller. S. D. , Oct. 27. "Dlck" Rl < ards has leased the opera house he for tonight to answer Senator Cra ford's speech on the primary law. T hall was rented by John McCullom , leading democrat and ex-state senat TO READ BACK NEWSPAPERS Court Will Read Only Part of Th In Hyde Murder Case. Kansas City. Oct. 27. Stories the first B. Clark Hyde murder ti as published in local newspapers , means of settling the qualifications tered Into the second trial today a vonlremon who Bay they have formed fixed opinions of the casn from readIng - Ing newspaper mports. The defense asserts these accounts were accurate and nearly complete , while the state takes the opposite view. The Issue IB whether a ventroman could form an opinion from the stories , which are liable to be changed from U'Hllmon\ not published In the newspapers. The question first arose several days ago , and for a time It appeared that Judge E. E. Portcrflold would have to examine the flics of three dully ne < wspapors for the six weeks the last trial ran. Agreement was re-ached lust night , \\horeby only the transcript of the testimony for cer tain days , and the newspaper accounts from testimony will bo compared. At torneys will assist the court In the reading , and another venlro of fifty men has been called. They will re port Saturday morning at 0 o'clock , The first vonlre of seventy-nine men \uin exhausted , with eight chosen jurymen In the box. CAPITAL TURNS TO POLITICS. By-Elcction Results This Year Will Be Full of Significance. Washington. Oct. 27. With the ar rival of the adumco guard of con gressmen for the winter season and the loturn from vacations of adminis tration officials , attention at the capi tal Is centering on the off-year oloc- lions. Interest Is keen because of the bearing whlcli losults In scattered sections this fall may have on the na tional elections next. your. Two weeks from today govoinorH and legislators will bo chosen In a few of the states and then- will be some congressional and local elections of decided importance. Governors are to bo elected in Kentucky , Marjluml , Massachusetts , Mississippi , Rhode Is land and Virginia. A rcdhot municipal campaign Is In piogrcss In Philadel phia , which carries some features of national import. In New York City , where judicial positions are the prin cipal offices at stake , matters have tak en on more than usual off-year concern corn because of the Intensified bitter ness of the old fight against Tarn many under the rule of "Boss" Mur phy and the piofossed ictiirn t < the democratic fold of W. R. Heats ) who has declared war ou Murph } "from the inside. " The Massachusetts election in in volved more than any other with tin national campaign of 1012. Kugcm N. Foss , whoso success constituloi the straw that pointed the way t < democratic control of the house o repre untatives when ho was electee to fill a vacancy from a ropublicai dibtiict several months before tin 1HO ! landslide , and who subsequentl : loft his seat in congress to beconn the democratic governor of the eli Buy State , is a candidate for ie-elo < tlon. His republican opponent is th present lieutenant governor , Louis A Frothinghum. National issues have boon injcctei Into the campaign on both sides. Th republicans , under the leadership u Senator Lodge , are defending the Tal administration as progressive. Th democrats are combatting the Tal tariff vetoes and , whichever way th tide turns on election day in Noven her , the victorious party outside a well as inside the state will muk the most of it for moral effect o the country , preliminary to the gresi struggle for the presidency. National interest in the New Yor City contest , whore the Tamilian ticket is opposed by fusion , lies parti In the charge that Murphy Is strlvin at this time to nationalize his contn of politics. He now dominates th Empire State situation , from the gen ernoishlp down. He recently mad Norman E. Mack , who Is nation. chairman , chairman of the democrat ! state central committee. Hearst , It I declared by his opponents , took th action he did with the intention e first defeating Murphy and then hi coming a candidate for the democrat ! presidential nomination. SANTA FELL IN A CHIMNEY. After Twelve Hours' Imprisonment S-Year-Old Boy Was Dug Out. New Britain , Conn. , Oct. 27. Whil playing Santa Clans with several otl er children Erland Nilson , 5 years oh climbed to the roof of his homo an stepped Into the chimney. The othe children waited a while for him to a ] pear at the fireplace and then turne to some other games and forgot aboi him. Erland , who had fallen fort feet in the cellar , remained in tli chimney nearly twelve hours befoi his cries were heard. Then It wt found necessary to send for a mnsc and remove a number of bricks froi the basement of the chimney He w ; uninjured. TRYING ANTI-TYPHOID VACCINI The Serum Being Supplied by the Ur versity of Wisconsin. Madison , Wls. , Oct. 27. The effo made by the University of Wiscons to prevent a threatened epidemic < typhoid fever by the use of unti-t phoid vaccine at the county asylum Monroe last week Is being watclu with interest throughout the stut Dr. M. P. Ravonel and Dr. M. ' \ Smith of the hygienic laboratory the university vaccinated 103 inniat of the asylum , using vaccine prepari at the state university. The nutho ties of the hygienic laboratory ha great faith in the vaccine and are pi paring to supply it free to all phy clans in the state willing to give It trial. Great success has attended : use In the United States army , whc it has been made compulsory for : i. officers and enlisted men under years old to be vaccinated against phold. m Theobaldl. People who care for good inn ° - missed one of the most delightful i al slcal entertainments ever given In N folk by staying away from the Am of orium hist night. The grout Tli Imldi was the t > tnr attraction , \ \ Mine. North , vocalist , a clotiu second. ThoDp persona who did attend the performance were onthUHlaHtlo , and made the house ring with applause Theobaldl's descriptive violin play Ing was fascinating to a degree and , though classical , uoic appi eclated f i inn a popular viewpoint qutlo aw much as by the trained musician Mine. Not Hi has a beautiful \olco with whlcli she charmed her hon t era Miss Keller , ( ho accompanist , nas equally clever. Campaign Documents n Puzzle. Milwaukee , Oct. 27.- What to do with Seiuuor Isaac Stophonson'H tain pulgn documents after ho had expend cd $107.000 In his fight for noinlna tlon at the primaries In UK'S ' , proved lo bo a perplexing pioblom. Accord Ing ( o witnesses before the senatorial Investigation committee , the docu ments brought together at the Mil \\aukoo headquarters after the i lese of the campaign woie hauled from town to town , taken out of the state to prevent their being examined at u previous legislative Investigation of the senator's expenses and were alter nately packed In a box In giiniiytuicks and In a trunk before they finally landed before the present ln\estima tion. 'A trunk supposed to contain the papots was produced and although four hours were spent In examining witnesses as to the trunk's wundor- Ings , the contents were not revealed Snow Over Wide .Area. Slou\ City , la , Oct. 27. Specials to the Journal from Iowa , South Dakota and Nebraska report a fall of snow over a wide area. At Gregory , S D , a foot of snow Is reported. Dnunhter for Col. Elliott. West Point. Neb. , Oct. 27. Special to The News : A daughter was bom to Col and Mrs. J. C. Elliott here thin morning. Col. Elliott is ( lie republi can nominee for congress. Both par ents are doing well. Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator or Administratrix. The State of Nebiusku , Madixnu County , ss. : At a county couit held at the conn ty couit room , in and for said county , October 2'.s-l , A. D. HIM. Present , William Hates , loiinty judge. . In the matter of the estate of W. H II. llugey. deceased. On reading and filing ( lie petition Jof Charles II. llugey , jintying that ad ministration of said estate may be grunted to Emily M. llugey , us admin- istrutrix. Ordered. That November 21nt , A D. 1911 , at 1 o'clock p. m. , is assigned for hearing said petition , when all per sons Interested in .said mutter may appear ut u county court to be held ut the ( ourt room In and for said ( ounty , anJ show cause why the pray er of petitioner should not bo grant ed ; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing there of , bo given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Norfolk Weekly News-Journal , a weekly newspaper printed , published and circulated In said county , lor throe successive weeks , prior to said day of hearing A true copy. Win. Bates , ( Seal.I County Judge. HELP WANTED. WANTED All parties Interested In the Gulf coast , Texas , country to write us for information. Come to a conn- try where two crops can bo grown each year , where the soil Is good , wa ter sweet and pure , where the sun of summer is tempered by the cool breeze from the gulf and where stock does not have to bo fed more than half the year. Get in touch wl'h the Tracy-Enos Land Co. , Victoria. Texas. WANTED Success Magazine r quires the services of a man In Nor folk to look after expiring subscrip tions and to secure new business by means of special methods usually ef fective ; position permanent ; prefer one with experience , but would con slder any applicant with good natural qualifications ; salary $1.50 per day , with commission option. Addresa , with references , R. C. Peacock , Room 102 , Success Magazine Bldg. , New York 'REI5TLES ' PLATES ARE RIGHT ; .REISriB RATES ARE RIGHT FRANK" REISTLE ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPER 10M IIU 1420-24 ItWBtHCl DUIVCD COLO OUR CUT5 PRINT 60 YEARS- EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS . , . . COPYRIGHTS Ac Anrnne rniilnu' n nketrh nm1 drurnptlnn nmr qnlcklr uirer'nlii ' nur oiilninn Ireu wlictlu-r an lUTetitlon la probably pittt'ntnhlfl ( oiiinainlrft tloiiamrlctlrroiituiciiilnl HANDBOOK on l' tcrni lent fri'ii. Oh1c t nuriii j for Ki-curnip l > utpm . I'Dti-nu tnU n tlin-m-ti Mmm \ e'o. recall i Ic tptcialnotlet , wiiliout cliuruo , lutUo Icu Scientific Jhntrican. r A rundinmelr lllnMr-ted I-nrvifjt < Mr It rululUm t mir tcliuitlUo Journal. 1 urine f.- - Ito our ; fuitr miintlii , | U Bold Ujrall nownle/Osrt / tl I'M. u h.mtu. 0-