The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 03, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Ki ri
rho Norfolk Weekly Nows.Journal
The NOWH , Established 1881.
The Journal , Established 1877.
President. Secretary ,
Every Krldny. By mall per year , $1.50 ,
Entired at the postofllco at Norfolk
Neb. , as second class matter.
Tolephonus : Editorial Department
No. 22. Business Office and Job Rooms
No. II 22.
Mr. Wlcket-slmm : "Will the con
Erogutlon now rlso and sing 7.11
verses of 'Steel Away. ' "
The daughter of Senator Ln Fol
lette , Is to marry n playwright. Per
haps they will drnnmtl/o father.
Kubellk , the great player , has $235 ,
000 Insurance on his fingers. Tin
amount ho carries on his hair Is no
Orvllle Wright says man Is n. na
tural filer , but you'd never think 1
to ride on some of our accommoda
tlon trains.
Now It is said that England Is golm
to annex Egypt. Why not ? Grcn
Britain took everything of value li
Ihnt country a long time ago.
The latest political rumor Is tha
Wall street is raising a fund of $5
000,000 for the purpose of defeatlni
President Taft for re-election.
The coffee trust In Brazil by fore
Ing the price up so high Is dolni
much to encourage the growth of tin
plant in Porto KIco and elsewhere.
Now that n Now York woman lia
lost $ ' 1,000 out of her stocking , one'
faith In the most standard method
of safe deposit are severely shaken.
President Taft went down In a goli
mine the other day. Wore this 189C
ho would now have to go down In :
silver mine or bo lined up with th
money power.
There Is talk of a $3,000,000 shorl
ago In the Washington navy yard
but the valuable time , of the clerk
should not bo taken hunting for a 111
tlo item like that.
The Wrights think they have a di
vice that can be balanced in the ai
at any time , but a teterboard over th
barn fence Is as far as we care t
go in that direction.
The big trust magnates accept sul
poena service much moro meekly tha
of yore. It used to bo the fashlonabl
game to dodge Uncle Sam's men jus
as you would a book agent.
The Printers Cost congress Is mee
ing in Boston , but as printers a
rork purely out of their passional
love of the human race , no one wl
say anything about higher prices.
Premier Stolypln of Russia Is sal
to have possessed a kind heart. Th :
might have been a safeguard to hii
in some countries but in Russia it !
only a coat of mail that Is of an
Mr. Taft was fed on buffalo sten
In South Dakota , and If Mrs. Ta
vould only get up these novelties f <
fchn at homo , perhaps ho would I
content to settle down in the whii
After seeing the butcher chop i
his meat into the small pieces yc
can now buy for a quarter , wo fe
sure that he is the greatest conimc
divisor we used to study about
Mr. Taft has travelled 208,728 mill
since entering the government ser
ice in 1900 , but If they figured
the distance ho has travelled in Inn
ing for lost golf balls , the total won
lie much larger.
Mr. Taft Is opposed to barbai
yells by college boys , but if tin
weren't allowed to rend holes in tl
aiv they'd probably tear down tl
college building , which would 1
moro expensive.
As it will be for the benefit of !
concerned to got a verdict in tl
steel trust suit as quickly as posslbl
ire hope the case is not postpom
for a year every time one of tl
lawyers wants to take a vacation.
John R. Walsh's relatives say Tt
tilled him. Wo are acquainted wi
a number of bankers who pay no i
tcntlon to the ticker , but continue
sit tight on the lid of their dcpos
ore' money , and somehow they ke <
out of jail.
Kaiser Wilholm honored Ambuss
dor Lelschmann by talking half i
hour with him in private. If t !
kaiser wanted to know about Ame
can conditions , we hope Mr. Leisc
Tnann gave him a full account of tl
Philadelphia-New York ball games.
The lottery Is not the only game
chance that Is open to the Cuban ,
has In fact encouraged other forms
Bumbling made all kinds of chan
speculation respectable. If we mig
forget the old Louisiana lotteries , o
Tory own , wo would bo tempted
read Cuba a solemn discourse on tl
.eubject , but our shame Is too recer
It Is a nasty business , wo of America
know from a disgraceful experience.
Wall street paid down Its good
money for Mr. Taft on representa
tion that ho would stand without
hitching and was safe for any lady
to drive. But hero ho goes tearing
down the street , head In air , and col
liding with the oil and steel and other
wagons that own the highway.
The town of Tripoli Is the terminal
point of African caravans bringing tc
the west the products of a vast inter
land where ostrich feathers , Ivory
some gold dual and other African prod
nets are taken. Perhaps the most In
tercstlng feature of the town can be
seen In the remains of what was once
a triumphant arrh erected In honor ol
Marcus Aurollus In llil A. D.
The horolno of Llmerock light , Idr
Lewis , who has kept the light burn
Ing for more than half a century , was
stricken with apoplexy at her post o
duty Oct. 25. She had saved eighteot
lives , some of them at great per
sonal risk. She was the only womai
ever officially appointed to the posl
tlon of lighthouse keeper In America
Right nobly did she fill the place.
On Saglnaw Bay on an arm of Luk <
Huron , Is the strangest town known
It has no name nor fixed locatloi
but consists of about 150 modern little
tlo houses on wheels , which are tin
uiines of moro than COO people. Whci
ho fishing season arrives , these inov
iblo dwellings nro rolled out onto tin
ce In the bay and the fishermen an
eady for business.
There are 4,000 persons In tin
Jnited States , according to the las
ensiiB , who have passed the 100 yea
Milestone. In the matter of long live :
ho women seem to have somowha
he load , as out of this number 2,50' '
ire women. It would be a remarkabli
sight to see this aged company gatli
red together and hear the reminis
censes they would bo able to recall.
Prof. Lowell has discovered anothe
canal a thousand miles long on Mars
According to this learned man's ills
covorles , it would seem that the lead
ng industry in Mars must bo ditcl
Hgglng. If he could ascertain whetli
r steam , electricity , or mule power i
used by the natives to propel thei
rafts through these canals , it wouli
idvanco the cause of science consii !
If the "unspeakable Turk" could b
wiped off the map of Europe and Asi
the cause of civilization would b
served well , but Italy Is hardly the ir
strument which divine provldenc
would use to accomplish such a stt
pcndous benefit to mankind. Rovoh
lions are great time savors , but evolt
tions require tlmo and the extinctlo
of the Moslem , the atavltic survival c
the savage childhood of the race , mus
wait , or at best must have a nobler f
nale that comic opera squabble eve
the remnants of a plrato horde hudd
ing on the edge of an African deser
Every new road laid out where i
will add convenience to any part of
section , every bridge and culvei
erected or improved , every road wli
ened or bettered , every breaker n
moved adds value to the whole coui
try. The desirability of a communit
is made up of all the advantages' , coi
veniences , improvements and wealt
of the different parts comprising i
Every possibility for betterment le
neglected or undone is a resource ui
developed for the community. Th
improvement of highways is a golde
key that will unlock to the people a
of the good things that make HI
happy and pleasant comfort , conven
ence , culture , wealth and elegance.
It is seldom that the ability of
Judge can be given the high tribui
that can be paid Judge A. A , Welc
republican nominee for re-election i
the bench In the Ninth judicial dl
trict. The supreme court of Nebrasl
during the past sixteen months i
Judge Welch's term , has affirmed e
actly 90 percent of his decisions ,
record that can be claimed by hi
few Judges in the country and whic
in itself is the best evidence to tl
people of the district that they hai
a man of splendid talent on the bem
at the present time , and ono who
they may well afford to keep there.
The young man or the young worm
who finds an education within h
reach ought to seize it and it Is fc
tunatoly true In this land of ours , th
no man who aspires to an educatli
need go without it It is within tl
reach of all. There are hundreds
boys and girls who are working the
way through the colleges of the cou
try. And no man or woman who go
the education will ever live lot
enough to regret it. An education
the ono thing that no ono over r
grets. No matter what fortune i
misfortune comes to ono In later HI
the knowledge ho has acquired , tl
habits of thought and study and tl
formation , these things are never lit
ed among a man's regrets.
It Is Httlo credit to Mr. Bryan th
he should bo so partisan in his po
tics as to bo everlastingly impugnit
the motives of those who happen
be of different opinion. It is lltt
credit to him that ho should insln
ate that President Taft has allow <
and will allow the "trusts" to dictate
supreme court appointments.
Not even his bitterest enemies
charge President Taft with being any
thing but sincere In his work. Many
disagree with him and many claim he
Is a poor politician , but that he line
ever permitted his administration tc
become tainted as Mr. Bryan sug
ests , will require moro proof than
Ir. Bryan's unfounded accusation tt
onvince the American people.
President Taft has picked men ol
Ighcst Ideals and highest lntegrit >
or the supreme court. Ho has picket
ho highest type of man , with tin
incHt judicial training , that tills
ountry knows. And the America !
leoplo have faith In the Integrity o
hat court.
When this republic does lose faltl
n Its supreme court , or when the su
; iromo court does become corrupt
hen pity the American flag. And un
II there Is moro basis than partlsai
jllndness for attacking motives o
he supreme court , let our statcsmei
each respect for the courts rathe
linn cast Insult and Insinuation upoi
hem ,
The Third congressional district o
Nebraska is fully as much a ropubll
can district as it is a democratic die
rlct , on the face of the record , am
eliminating the personality of the lat
Ion. J. P. Lattn , who drew very grea
support from republican ranks , tin
district may well bo counted as posl
ively republican.
In the last six elections the ropubll
cans have won three times and tin
democrats three times. Robins ( dem.
ivas elected in 1900 by a bare 17
najorlty. McCarthy ( rop. ) won li
1902 by GGO and In 1904 by 2,191
Boyd ( rep. ) was elected In 190C am
n the next two campaigns Mr. Latta'
; ) ersonallty , with his great hold upoi
many staunch republicans , togethe
with the lavish expenditure of mono ;
hat was in ado In the campaign mat
aged for him by Dan V. Stephens
; ave democratic majorities.
But even In spite of Latta's tw
winning campaigns , the district ha
been republican half the tlmo sine
1900 and In ono campaign (1904 (
when Dan V. Stephens was campalg
nanager for P. E. McKlllip , the n
publicans won against a $38,000 slus
fund expended In McKllllp's behalf.
And so , eliminating the Latta pei
sonality and check book , the Thir
Nebraska district may still bo counte
safely a republican district and ther
is not the slightest reason in th
world why a united republican part
in this district this year should no
succeed In electing Jim Elliott to sui
ceed Mr. Latta.
Several newspapers are attemptln
to inako political capital from Judg
Welch's ruling on the error in dat
in the state's complaint charging Jo
McKay , in Antelope county , with mu
dor. The fact of the matter is thr
the mistake was not mentioned t
Judge Welch by the attorneys for di
fonso In support of their demurrc
to the information. They simply sal
they did not care to argue it. Nc
was it called to Judge Welch's attoi
tlon for a ruling until after a Jur
had been sworn to try the caso.
No doubt this course was pursue
by thorn so that McKay could plea
former Jeopardy If the infornmtlo
could bo amended during trial an
the court should hold otherwise , nece
sltating the discharge of that jut
and commencing over on a correcte
information. Some states ( amen
them Kansas in one opinion by Judf !
Brewer , afterwards judge of the Unl
ed States supreme court , had hel
that such a mistake could bo correc
ed during trial and the case procec
with the jury then impaneled. Othi
states have held that such inform
tion was void. The Nebraska suprerc
court had never passed on the poin
In view of the uncertainty as I
which line of authorities the Nebrasl
supreme court would follow , Judf
Welch certainly pursued the only sa
course when ho followed Judge Brei
er and held that the mistake cou
bo corrected and the case procee
with the jury then sworn , rather the
run the risk of setting McKay fn
on a plea of twice in Jeopardy I
discharge of the jury , should the N
braska supreme court follow Judf
Brewer on the point.
There's a good deal of hutubi
about these land lotteries , and tl
United States government , surprlsii
as it may seem , is largely responsib
for the graft. Louis Hill was pret
near right when ho classified the lai
drawing game , three years ago , as
scheme that defrauds thousands o
of hard earned dollars.
In the rush that just closed , 53,01
people registered for homestead
Many of them traveled considerab
more than 1,000 miles to register ,
is fair to estimate that the averai
expense to each applicant was $5
That would make $2,650,000 not f ;
from three millions of dollars poun
DSt era a slim gamble , for the mo
part by people who could ill afford
spare the money. At all events , tl
people who ought to get governmei
homesteads are people who need the
and who have little surplus cash
throw away.
Out of 53.000 who registered , wo ai
now Informed , after the lottery , tin
not any of the first class lands ai
available and that considerable lei
than 500 claims of second rate agricul
tural land arc to be had by those who
drew. In other words , thu chances
against a man's drawing even a second
end rate farm , wore 10(3 ( to 1. That's
a good deal bigger odds than a roiil-
ti" wtwl offers against the player
yet "gambling" was prohibited at the
registration points.
if the government wanted to put
these claims where they wore needed ,
the sane method would bo to allow
people to register by mail , thus giving
every part of the nntlot mi equal
chance. Each applicant could bo required
quired to put up a stipulated sum us
evidence of good faith , thus keeping
down the number to persons really
'wanting homes. This would nit out
, the big expense of making trips to
registration points , and loss of time.
This plan has frequently been put up
to the government but politicians
i have always been able to counteract
the suggestion and win out with the
"rush" scheme.
Thousands of people are led Into the
belief that If they win , they'll get
something for nothing , and that their
chances for winning are good.
As n matter of fact , the require
ments nro such as to compel the
homesteader to pay well for his claim.
| and his chances of drawing are mighty
The United States government
ought to rise above this sort of a
game. It would cut down railroad
j revenues and take some money from
registration points , but the Interests
of all the people would be bettor
Dan V. Stephens , democratic nomi
nee for congress , Is posing as the
simon-pure champion of democracy ,
as the friend of the "masses , " as the
champion of purity In politics and of
"reform" all along the lino. Yet as
a politician who seeks votes by the
extravagant use of enormous sums
of money , Stephens' record is enough
to cause the "masses" of "common
people" to sit up and question Mr ,
Stephens' right to any claims about
the fundamental principles of demo
Dan Stephens was chairman aiv *
campaign manager for P. E. McKlllip
when McKlllip ran for congress
against J. J. McCarthy in 1904. Mc
Klllip is now a bankrupt and his fi
nancial affairs are being aired in
bankruptcy court. Some astounding
facts are brought to light In this con
An investigation , for instance ,
shows that in his 1904 campaign Mc
Klllip gave checks for campaign pur
poses amounting to $26,057.29 and
spent in addition to the amount rep
resented by checks the sum of $12,000 ,
making a total expenditure in that
campaign of $38,057.29. This onornv
ous use of funds undoubtedly con >
tributed to Mr. McKlllip's financinl
downfall. And Dan Stephens was MC' '
Killip's political manager.
In that campaign of 1904 William
Jennings Bryan , then the "peerlesa
leader" as now , swept over the Third
' | district , as he is sweeping over It
this year , and told the "pee-pul" how
they ought to vote. He threw his
arm affectionately around McKillip's
this year and told the people how
long ho had known McKilllp and whal
a model ho was. He failed to refei
to the fact that McKilllp was spend
ing $38,000 In his democratic effort
to get votes.
This year Bryan is again with us
He Is again in affectionate mood to
ward the candidate. He is telllnj
his audiences what a genuine "com
mon people's" democratic democral
Dan Stephens is. And he is not re
ferring to the fact that Stephens was
political manager for McKlllip in the
campaign that cost McKilllp $38,000.
As an Interesting little sidelight li
may bo noted , too , that in the lasi
campaign of the Hon. James P. Latt *
whose position Stephens now seeki
Mr. Latta Is said to have spent some
where in the neighborhood of $68,000
Dan Stephens was Latta's politico
manager In that campaign , as he hat
been In McKllllp's.
Is It any wonder that Edgar How
ard , that fearless Columbus demo
cratlc editor , turned loose his rapii
fire guns a year ago in protest agalns
Stephens' extravagant and Indefensl
ble use of the check book to sucl
astounding extent ?
Is It any wonder there Is a growln ;
protest among people all over th <
Third district , democrats and republl
cans alike , against sending to congress
gross as a representative of this dia
trlct , a man who has conducted cam
palgns on such an extravagant checl
book basis ?
Notice to the city administration
Tuesday night was Hallowe'en.
Isn't it a Joy to live under a clt ;
administration that has such faith li
humanity that It sees no reason fo
providing property owners with thi
slightest degree of police pro'ectioi
on Hallowe'en , deaplto the fact tha
genuine damage Is being done In al
1 parts of the city ? Take it from us
t that's the kind of n city governmen
wo ought to bo proud of.
t LOST. Ono battery key , withou
which ono young Buick refuses ti
run. Reward for return , and no ques
tions asked.
FRANKLY , wo don't think it win
' j genteel of 'em to take that key am
keep It , but wo confess stupidity ii
5 leaving the thing on the street when
It could be got at and particularly
In view of our rcmarkablo police pro
PERSONALLY , when wo wore
young , wo NEVER took a battery key
from anybody's car on Hallowe'en.
( In those days they didn't have 'em ,
which perhaps explains the reason
why. )
Don't shiver. This Is only a tasto.
Speaking of Hallowe'en luck ,
wouldn't It make you swear to pyo
two pages of the noon edition at the
last mlnuto before going to press ?
Now you noon edltlonors know why
you got four pages yesterday.
Wo would think- some of these golf
sharks under 30 would fool ashamed
of themselves to lot a man who has
lived about half n century , go out nud
clean up everybody In town for the
Now wo'ie glad we didn't register.
Cranking a car In cold weather
wears almost as many blisters on a
fellow's hand as the furnace game.
Dan Stephens Is quoted as saying
J.iat bo's elected anyway , but is mere
ly traveling over the district to let
ills constituents get a glimpse at him.
A man named Dan once had an awful
fall when he got too chesty Dan Me-
'Jlnty , wasn't It ?
We see by the paper that two big
moving picture magnates were vic
tims of a Jap running amuck In Los
Angeles. Wo trust their picture in-
atlnct prompted them to have the pic
ture machine ready for the emer
Now that the world's series has
lieon played off for another year , what
is there for a man to do the next
twelve months ?
That reminds us , Christmas is only
eight weeks away , and you'd better
Iniy 'em early.
Do we understand Mr. Bryan to
mean that he will vote for La Fol-
lotto If Bob Is nominated ?
Of course you've noticed how bloom
ing jealous every doctor in a Httlo
country town is of every other doctor
in the town. This situation recently
resulted in the near-death of one
woman in a north Nebraska village.
The woman was a preacher's wife.
There were three doctors In the church
and when the preacher's wife got sick
she didn't know , for the life of her ,
which ono to employ. So she just lay
there on her bed and came near pass
ing away before she finally got up
nerve enough to call one of the phy
sicians , at the risk of offending the
other two.
There is only one other kind of
jealousy that ever grows as bitter
as the jealousy between small town
doctors , and that's the bitterness that
arises between members of the church
There is this distinction , though :
The church choir affair Is found in
every city as well as in every ham
let. One Omaha church almost dis
rupted because two families in the
church won't stand for a certain choir
leader , and everybody else is dead
set on having him.
Here's a suggestion for moving pic
ture film : Company comes to visit.
Hostess tells how her children al
ways sleep all night long , without a
whimper. Lights out. Then all the
children wake up and cry at regular
fifteen-minute intervals all night. Explanations -
planations at breakfast about how It
never happened before.
Hello , hero's Hallowe'en again !
But modern sidewalks have made
it not what it used to be.
Wo see by the paper that a young
man was shot on a Ewlng street. Thai
ought to be a vital spot to be shot in
Another sure sign that winter Is or
the way ; They're getting the storm
windows on.
Another Hallowe'en is gone anil
you can heave a sigh of relief.
Notice to Golfers : When a golfei
Is called to the telephone before he
has finished changing from golf tc
street clothes , ho ought to shut the
clubhouse door.
Hello , here's November. Something
happening all the time.
I ! *
( Copyright 1911Geo.Matthew ; Adams. )
Somehow , a barefooted woman al
ways shocks a man. A man knows
woman has feet , but he hates to see
What do people talk most about ? 1
have concluded that they talk most ol
Some men are like phonographs ;
every day they reel off exactly the
same records.
Some people think that If they dc
not eat with a knife , or drink oul
of a saucer , that Is enough to know
about etiquette.
It makes very Httlo difference will
some men whether they make a state
inont on oath at the courthouse , 01
on the street.
A great trick of pretty women h
not to be very fond of anyone.
The popularity of dogs Is duo to t
story told years ago , and never au
thentlcateil , that there was once r
dog that would go after the cows.
In buying things , you are compelled
to run almost as much risk in trading
horses : nearly every butcher will sol ;
you ram for lamb , and little Is thought
of It.
It always makes a man mad to ask
him to bo Identified.
Experlenco indicates that If n girl
wants a husband , she must got out
and hustle for one. thu same as a
man hustles for a job.
1 try not to lu > prejudiced , but do
not nmko much headway against It.
It Is iMisy to I'Diivlni'o a man that
ho Is bulng wronged.
About the only thing that happens
In a country town In the iippcariineo
In the spring and fall of a strange
milliner to trim hats for six weeks.
It is easy to carry smite things so
far that everybody will lese money ,
and a few get killed.
A modest man is usually admired ;
if people ever hoar of him.
When a man wants to "talk It over , "
ho thinks he can soon bring the op
position around to his way of thinking
There are two things people are
quick to notice : when a man wears a
wig , and when a woman paints her
There may bo pleasure In tolll.ig to
day of the big thing you intend to ac
complish tomorrow ; but the humilia
tion you suffer tomorrow , when you
find you can't inako your big talk
good , probably offsets It.
A wrong Is sometimes nothing more
serious than a man clamoring for
something he is not entitled to.
How IK it that a widow , bowed In
grief at the funeral , and seeing no
onu , can tell alter it Is over who was
there ?
Man never gets over it. I know a
widower who is 70 , If he Is a day , and
as ugly a man UK there IR In the
world. The oilier day someone spoke
to him about "paying attention" to an
old widow. And the old man didn't
do a thing but grin in an Idiotic way ,
indicating that ho was guilty ! When
I pass CO , if a man speaks to me
of love , I'll knock him down.
In nine cases out of ten , an excuse
doesn't excuse.
Some people remind one of dogs ;
whatever they want to do , they do ,
without much regard for the proprie
I wish I could take advice as easily
as I give It.
Don't let a man tell you what people
ple say about you without telling him
what people say about him.
If you are enthusiastic , you have
probably had this experience : A sub
ject comes up in which you are inter
ested and you meet a man. You talk
enthusiastically , and find him as dead ,
as cold , as lacking In enthusiasm , as a
mackerel barreled five years ago.
When John D Rockefeller was a boy ,
his mother was always scaring him
with stories that ho was liable to go
to the poorhouse. Ho became so
frightened that he now owns nearly
all the money in the world.
If a woman's daughters hang on too
long , she snys a girl who marries be
fore she is 30 , is robbed of her girl
Women who are invited to a party
are not satisfied ; they want to be
asked to help receive.
I never knew a man who could keep
a horse looking decent in winter time.
In politics , a lot of things happen ,
and a lot of fellows claim the credit ,
I am becoming tired of the saying :
"All quiet on the Potomac" as I am
of the story that Byron awoke one
morning , and found himself famous.
Some men are so mean that when
they attend a ball game , they want tc
see the home team beaten.
After a country-town man has beer
to New York , there Is a difference ;
he is loftier , and not so well satisfied
with his own town as formerly.
When a woman abuses you , stand
it ; you can't fight a woman. But
there is a way of getting even ; abuse
her preserves behind her back.
Another person's secret is like an
other person's money ; you are not
as careful with it , as you are of youi
I don't want to solve the problems
of life ; I want to get rid of hearing
them talked about.
More money is put Into mining anil
politics than is taken out.
When a man amounts to BO little
that he Is not asked to sign petitions
or write letters of recommendation ,
that settles It ; he is pretty low.
When two members of the same
family meet on the street , they always
Beem to have something disagreeable
to talk about
If a woman didn't occasionally go
wrong , the good ones would bo so
proud that there would be no living
with them.
Murder Case Given to Jury.
Opelosus. La. , Nov. 2. The case ol
Mrs. Zee Rungo McRee , charged with
the murder of Allan Thurman Gar
land , the Tulane university student ,
was given to the Jury just before noon
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Text. "The Lord \vi n with Joseph , nivl
heM S n lui-lty fellow" iTymlalti'H trans
latlon ) . Genesis xxxlx. 2.
Ills name was Joseph. Ho rose from
the slave pen to the throne. The Bible
says ho was "a lucky fellow. " As the
other slaves saw him rlso they said.
"What a lucky fellow ! " Of course lie
tolled whllo other slaves slept. I In
looked after Potlphar's affairs , whlln
the other slaves looked after them
selves. Ho busied himself bettering
the prison , while others busied them
Helves trying to break out There am
plus and minus people. Joseph was
plus. Still God and man said Joseph
was "a lucky fellow. "
Ono ought to dellno "luck. " "That
which chances to a person for good or
ill. " But when you say "chance" you
I'onfoMs Ignorance. The very flip of the
coin Is governed by nerve , muscle ,
thumb and brain that Hip It. If jon
could calculate the mental and phyd
leal forces between the coin's leap and
return you could buy the world. But
you can't. And It's Just that bit of
Ignorance wo call "chance. " If a boy
hated to saw woodland of the load of
pine , hickory and beech most of the
pine fell to his brother's side , and the
hard , knotty wood fell to him. ho
would say he had bad luck. Neverthe
less there would bo a cause for the
wood so falling. If , however , the
boy's father had so stacked the wood
that the pine fell to ono and the
hickory to another , because one was
better fitted for his lot than the other ,
the word "ehanee" would have no
place there. 1 f ono sawed wood while
the other taught his dog to balance n
chip of wood on his nose there might
be still another reason.
The Luck of Having a Job.
Joseph's good luck was In having an
opportunity of demonstrating his Ill
ness for doing largo things by faith
fulness to small things. He had the
luck of being a servant. That was
his chance. Every fellow who has a
Job has a chance. Don't think for a
moment that things went smooth and
without opposition. There were court
Intrigues and high officials , who en
vied him and tried to knlfo him on
the sly. Let's admit for the mo
ment that there's "luck. " Well , to
Joseph It "broke wrong. " Ho was
sold n slave. Blessed Is the man
whom misfortune doesn't sour. If our
111 luck makes us sour we're "goners. "
If we arc brave and smile things start
to "come our way. " Some men are
cradled on feathers , some on rocks.
Bunyan In Bedford Jail was better off
than the king of England. John the
Baptist In dungeon at Maehaenis castle -
tlo was In better "luck" than Herod
on the throne , though the former was
beheaded. Franklin munching his
penny roll on the streels of Philadel
phia looking for a Job , George W.
Chllds wheeling his barrow when the
other boys had gone home , the New
York judge who rammed paving
stones on the street to get money to
make a start are instances of hard
"luck. " When some official pushed a
stumbling block In Joseph's way ho
stepped up on it. A postal clerk in
Wushlnglon got "bounced , " had saved
1100 , worked his way to Japan , start
ed there n postal system and got $11.-
000 a year.
A Bible Cinderella ?
No ; no magic or miracle about It.
"Ho had a 'pullV " Yes. in a sense.
He took his 111 luck 1. e. , his brother's
envy , father's foolishness , boyish van
ity , love of money , a woman's lust , ly
ing lips , an ungrateful butler's forget-
fulncss , a despot's caprice , troubled
dreams and Ignorant magicians , strung
them together into a rope to "pull"
himself to the throne next to Pharaoh.
"He was faithful , " the book says. In
this shoddy age. shoddy clothes , shod
dy Ideas , shoddy morals , "faithful"
needs emphasizing. Ho had a clear
record. Remember John B. Couch's
last words "Young man. keep your
record clear. " No skeleton In his soul's
closet ; no Banquo's ghost ; no Belshaz-
zar's fear of shadows ; no Macbeth cryIng -
Ing "Out , damned spot. " And In pros
perity ? Adversity develops character ;
prosperity demands it. Weight of pris
on may be lighter than weight of pow
er. Flowers that bloom under snow
wither under sun. From slave pen to
throne was but a night ; prison rags 1
to palace robe , fetter of Iron to clialu \
of gold , bed of straw to couch of down i
all In n day ? No ; It took a Hfetlmu.
The Essence of Luck.
The great word In Joseph's vocabu
lary was not "luck. " but "God. " No
accident to him that "The Lord was
with Joseph. " Joseph was with the
Lord. God's hand was on the helm of
his life. He acknowledged God. as did
Captain Philip on the deck of the Tex
as after battle of Santiago , like Grant
declining royal reception In Europe on
Sunday , like Victoria telling Indian
princes secret of her empire's power
was the Bible. Joseph found God's
will and went that way. He looked at
his difficulties through God. not at God
through his difficulties. "Commit thy
way unto the Lord : trust also In him
and he shall bring It to pass. " was the
first article In his creed , section one In
his constitution. His disappointment *
were God's appointments. He saw God
In slave pen. prison , temptation , be
fore Pharaoh. "Them that honor mo
1 will honor. " Joseph was true to God
God to Joseph. The secret of his sue
cess was God. Get that , friend ? "The !
Lord was with Joseph , and he was n
lucky fellow. " His was the God of
the luekv.
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