TIIK NORFOLK WBKKLY NHWS-JOURNAL. FRIDAY. N'OVIttlHKK rt. 1911. tt ajm UUDOV biEutw uonmcr. Ctilcngo , Oct. al.Former Mayor \ Fred A. Ultimo of ChlcnKO wnH reapon- Hlblo for thn election of United States Senator Lorlmer , according to tostl- mony given by former Speaker Ed- wnrd D. Shurtleff , of the IlllnolH legis lature , before the federal Honntorlal Investigating committee , Shurtleff nnlil ho owed hlH election IIB npcakor In no Hmall part to the advice and support of UUBBO. Previously , Roger O. Sullivan , democrat commlttceman , and CoiiKrcHsman Int C. Copley had tcstlflod that Lorlmor'fl elovntlon to the Bcnnto wan an outgrowth of Bhurtloff's election as speaker. Sulli van said that Lorlmor would not have KOIIO to the Ronato hut for the elec tion of Shurtloff. The former speaker of the Illinois house traced the his tory of the Lorlmor election and said that BO far as ho know there was no vorrupt In connection with It. Rfchcson Case Postponed. IloHton , Oct. III.--When the case of Itev. Clarence V. T. Illchoson , pastor of Itnmanuol Baptist cliurrh , Cambridge - bridge , who Is charged with murder ing Miss Llnnell , was called In the municipal court today , the hearing wan postponed until Nov. 7. The min ister was In court only two minutes. Tornado In Texas Town. . San Antonio , Tex. , Oct. III. The town of Tliolum , eighteen miles south of San Antonio , was practically de stroyed , two persons were hurt and much damage was done to crops by si tornado yesterday , according to news received hero today. 'Presidential Politics Involved. Kansas City , Oct. 31. With the pri mary object of electing a national coinmlttcoman to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Moacs C. Wot- more , the democratic state central commlUeo met In this city today. In- cldontally , it Is said the action may Iiavo nn important hearing upon the liooins of Speaker Champ Clark and former Gov. Joseph W. Folk for the democratic presidential nomination. J3. F. Goltra of St. Louis and 13. Y. .Mitchell of Springfield , wore the prln cfii.il candidates for national commit tceman. The meeting Is expected to extend throughout the day and possi bly longer. Commltteemen and visit ing democrats wcro to bo given a lunch. Addresses by prominent demo crats , including Senator James A. Heed and Senator William .T. Stone , were on the program. BIGGEST SHEEP RUN EVER. October Biggest Month in South Omaha Market's History. Omaha. Oct. III. This month has been a record breaker so far as it concerns sheep receipts at the South Omaha stock market , the total being 71(5,490 ( head as compared with 647 , ' 752 In October 1010 , the previous rec ord. Last year's heavy receipts wcro attributed to the shortage of the hay crop , but this year feed of all kinds is abundant and tlierefore the re ft'ipts of sheep are considered the more remarkable. Mrs. S. M. Dowlinq Succumbs. Madison , Neb. , Oct. 31. Special to The News : Mrs. S. M. Dowlltig stricken with paralysis yesterday al 11 o'clock , died last night at 11. She was about 75 years old and was a pioneer of this county. She was W. L. Dowllng's mother. Robert A. Klentz. After a lingering illness which com. . menced after an operation last spring Robert A. Klentz died at 5:15 : last night at the homo of his parents , Mr And Mrs. Fred Klentz , 202 Braascl avenue. Tuberculosis was the canst of death. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. Mr. Klentz leaves a widow. On March 29 last Robert Klent ? was operated on for appendicitis Soon afterward pneumonia developed and this became chronic. Ho lint been , over since his operation , con fined to his bed. Wiley Turns Down Honor. Washington , Oct. 31. Dr. Harve > Wiley , chief of the bureau of chemls try. put aside a signal honor when he declined to preside at a congress to bo held in London next March by the 1'uro Food and Health society o Great Britain. The purpose of the conference , as stated in the invltatioi to Dr. Wiley , is "to consider methods for overhauling our antiquated and in efficiently administered food laws. " Rate Advance Suspended. Washington , Oct. 31. Material ad vauces In the freight rates on the heavy triffic in Minneapolis in car loads , recently prepared by the west ern trunk lines and Individually b > the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific were suspended by the interstate commerce merco commission to February next pending thorough Investigation. Th informal complaints of the proparec rates reached the commission fron shippers. A Bank Change. Washington , Oct. 31. To accommo date banks In the smaller cities , Post master General Hitchcock has decided that the minimum amount of bonds t < be accepted from banks qualifying ti receive deposits of postal saving : funds at third class postofflces shal ho reduced from 15.000 to $1,000. Ad tlltional bonds will be required as th deposits as any office Increase. TALKED HOLDUP LAWMAKING. Chicago. Oct. 31. Edward D. Shurt leff , former speaker of the house i the Illinois legislature , admitted to day before the committee of Unltei States senators Investigating th election of Senator Lorlmer that h discussed alleged holdup legislntlo at n dinner given by railroad off : rials nt the Union League club. Ch cngo , during the 1909 session. Shurt leff sold lie lnul attended the dlnno by invitation nml named the Into ir Rawn , former president of the lotion road , as one of the officials t the meeting. Ho admitted ho had acted as conn- ol for two Interurban railroads while member of the legislature. Ho do- iled ho know of any attempts at brlb- ry or corruption during the 1909 sea- Ion. Shnrtlcff denied that he had depos ed forty $100 bills after the close of ho Forty-fifth assembly In 1907. Nebraska Football Squad Crippled , Lincoln , Oct. 31. Nebraska started ho week's preparation for the Ames amo last night with a crippled squad , Owen Frank , who made four touch- owns last Saturday against Missouri , as a bud "charley horse , ' while his rother Ernest has a crippled hand. tacoloy has a wrenched leg and sov- ral other members of the squad wore liable to participate In practice last Ight. After the overwhelming defeat f Missouri the local eleven expects o have no trouble with other games xcept Kansas and Michigan. RICHESON IS INDICTED , ambrldge Minister Is Charged with Murder on Five Counts. Doston , Nov. 1. Rev. Clarence V. T. tlcheson , pastor of Immanuel Baptist hiirch , Cambridge , was Indicted on Ivo counts , charging murder In the Irst degree , by the Suffolk county rand Jury yesterday , for the alleged lolsoning , on Oct. M , of his former sweetheart , Miss Avis W. Llnnell , of lyannis. It Is understood the jurors vero unanimous In ordering the In llctmetit. By the returning of this true bill he necessity of holding a hearing In he municipal court Is obviated. Braden Wins Championship. To S. M. Braden , president of the Norfolk Country club and donor of he cup which went for the first bogey score on the course , falls the honor of winning the 1911 open champion ship nt golf. Mr. nraden yesterday afternoon defeated Sol G. Mayor 3 up i ml 2 to play In an eighteen hole natch for the Mayer championship cup. The match was followed by a good sized gallery of Interested golfers. Considering the chilly day , both men lilayed a superior game of golf , Bra- Ion going the first nine biles In 48 ind Mayer In 52. Following were the scores : OUT. Braden 5 I 0 0 4 fi U C ! ) IS Mayer 4 4 5 u 5 0 7 7 5 52 IN. Braden 5 4 5 5 5 0 0 Mayer 10 . C fi 4 6 fi The Mayer cup , which President liradon wins , is a beautiful sterling trophy. The cup must be won three years in succession to be kept per manently. There still remains one of the sea son's tournaments to be played off the directors' cup event. Baby King Desperate. Pekin , China , Oct. 31. The state of terror which has taken possession of the entire Imperial country was further evidenced today by a long list of edicts supplementing yesterday's remarkable proclamation and offering further concessions of the most radi cal character. Today's edicts indicate that even though the dynasty survives , Manchn rule is at an end. The transfer oven of the cabinet offices to native Chinese Is ordered and the throne swears that "hereafter Manchus and Chinese shall bo regarded equally , " meaning that the elaborate system of Manchu pensions which are now paid to practically every member of the race will be discontinued and the Manchus left to earn a living by their own enterprise. All today's edicts , like that of yes terday , are written In the first person , as coming from the infant emperor himself. This Is unusual and is ap parently a device adopted by the throne's advisors in a pathetic attempt to create among the people a feeling of personal loyalty for their sove reign. Even Praise the Rebels. The edicts make a complete capitu lation to the demands of the national assembly and even go so far a a to offer extravagant praise to the -ebels for bringing about the great reforms which are promised. The throne abjectly acknowledges Its Incapacity , pleads Ignorance of af fairs , asks that its lapse bo pardoned and that it receive the advice of all Chinese. Finally , it makes a hysteri cal effort to rally Chinese and Man chu alike to the royal standard by hinting at grave foreign dangers which It thinks should bo faced by a united China. King Condemns His Relatives. In his struggle for existence , the Infant emperor even condemns many of his closest relatives. The present is officialdom he declares has not sought the Interests of the people , but only Its own pockets. The revolutionists are unimpressed of by the flood of edicts from the em peror. They declare that the dynasty's partial surrender has come too late. Moreover , they do not trust the throne , regarding their present post- tion too strong for yielding to prom. Iscs which they feel are Insincere , The revolutionists point out that such edicts as these , wherein the throne's own appointees and relatives are called thieves and scoundrels , do not tend to encourage confidence. What the edict states regarding them Is , of course , admitted by the rovolu tlonlsts , but the throne's plea of lg- noranco Is regarded as Incredible. Manchus Turn Against Throne. But while the edicts have apparent ly failed of their hoped-for effect In conciliating the rebels , they have stirred up a most formidable opposi tion from a new source. The an nouncement that most of the Manchu officeholders must go , and that all Manchn pensions will bo cut off 1m- mediately , produced a pronounced dls- affection In the ranks of the Manchus , and many nieintiors of this race are talking of a massacre of rovcngc. There were Indications already today that these proposals would find sup port , particularly among the younger Manchu princes , who will now be stripped of their high offices and un able longer to exploit their positions. Officials prominent among ttio na tive Chinese profess to have Informa tion that Prlnco Tsal Tao , undo of the baby emperor , Is willing to lend the massacre party. Prlnco Tsal Tao Is well known In Europe and America. A Panic In Pekln. Through the day the foreign lega tions , the missions and oven private houses owned by foreigners were filled by both MancluiH and Chinese who . . . sought protection from each other. Prlnco Chlng , the premier , Is using his Influence to restrain that element of Manchu who may bo disposed to ward violence. For their part , the Manchus dread a rebel Investment of J the capital. Both Chinese and Man- chits took refuge behind the Metho dist mission , which Is situated In the corner of the main city , lying between the legation quarter and the east wall , the most easily defended section of the city , and the legation guards maybe bo able to protect those who gather there. ' ' Long lines of carts piled high with | the household belongings of flee ing natives contlnuo to pass out through the gates before the early hours. Soldiers now guard all the city gates. Many carts emerge from the fort side of the city , some guarded t r , aoldlers. Cartloads of silver , some an money is brought to the lega- iKv ) from the defenseless Chinese milks for a temporary safe deposit mil . then removed to safe places , or followed to the minister of war , orally ' In exchange for royal troops , who are receiving their pay with tin precedentod regularity. The Chinese are also intrusting their money to Germans. The government has asked the mis slon doctors to establish a Red Cross hospital outside the city for the recep tlon of the wounded who will return inGc a few days from the encounter with Gen. Lt Yuen Heng's rebels. Foreigners are anxious over the sit uation in Pekln , but not alarmed. Out siders have not yet entered the lega- tlon. Nevertheless the fullest precait' lions are being taken. Armed pickets form a line about the legation walls and extend into the foreign quarters. Fears for Americans. Fears are entertained for the for eigners in the prp"ince of Shan-Si , many of whom are Americans. The rebels in that province are said to be In possession of me capital , Llan Yuan Fu , where there are several missions and which also Is the seat of Shan Si university. Few Days to Tell Storv- Shanghai , Oct. 31. A very few days will tell the future of China. The burning of the native city of Hankow by the imperialists , accompanied , ac- cording to the report , by brutal treat- nient of Chinese by Manchus , has created the worst possible impression. It is expected that unless the Manchus immediately demonstrate the sincercn Ity of the Imperial edicts being issued nt Pekln , the slaughter will exceed that of the late rebellion. The dis- , trict out of the Yang Tso Klang is omenously quiet. There is every in- dlcatlon that the native city of Shang- ' hal , Nankin , Chlng Klang , Chancnow and the lower Yang Tse forts will be In the hands of the rebels within a week. Whether this will be accompanied by wholesale massacre or quietly , as hertofore , depends on the Influence of the leaders. Foreigners at no point have been molested and they will not bo harmed unless such actions as those of the Imperials at Hankow con- tlnuo and the dishonor and murder of defenseless Chinese women and chll1 1 dren make It impossible to control the rabble. Further reports of small up-river towns and others in the heart of Sze Chuen provinces going over to the rebels are received. The panic among , the officials at Pekln Is regarded as ! ' one of the worst features of the sltua- 1 tlon as it betrays a weakness on the ' I " part of the dynasty before the spirit of revolution. I i Leadens of the new party say the' I ' now edicts are a victory far greater than anything that has been won on ' " the field of battle. ) ' i All incoming river boats were filled ' " with fugitives. Most of these are , ' " Chinese , but there are a few foreignca \ ers. Eye witnesses of the fighting nt tn Hankow pay tribute to the Imperialist of forces. They say the rebels were little - I tlo more than an untrained mob , but sc courageous and quite ready to continuo - ( ' tinuo the fighting. j' j ' The new revolutionary paper money ' being accepted on presentation. , I' I ' Well Informed persons believe In n ; j O few days there will be strong posslati ! , blllty that the situation will pass out of the apartments of the premier with an the younger Manchu as a figurehead J. will not comply with the proclama- tlon of 1910 , the forming of n cabinet ; [ ! m composed entirely of Chinese and the ( It convocation of the parliament and 1 , fo the amount of railroad plan. Canton , China , Oct. 31. The dragon i ! m flag was again hoisted hero today. ' Ni Business is being resumed. I wl San Francisco , Oct. 31. Identical' , nc cablegrams addressed to the French CG and Belgian governments protesting ta against war loans to China were sent J. out by the Chinese National assoclath tlon here. The message follows : cc "Wo strongly protest against the dc war loan which your people make to gr the Manchu government for the purdc pose of prolonging a struggle against wi humanity and civilization. Wo avow la positively that the loan will ho rela pudlatcd by the republic of China , and cr warn your people from such an nnhe friendly act. " ( Signed ) Chinese- National Assool- lie ation , Honresentatlvo of the Chinese an People In America. " The following la a cablegram sent by the association to the Self Govern ment iiflsoclatlon of Canton : "The Chinese of America nominate Woo lYn Pung as provisional gov ernor of Canton , and also ask the viceroy of Canton , Chang Ming Chla , to resign. " Hankow , Oct. 29 Via Wu Hu , Oct. 31. The rebels have rallied and reor ganized their forces and are furiously contesting the imperialist advance on Han Yang. The insurgents still hold a section of the city which separates the foreign concessions from the na tive ) city. It Is estimated that 1,000 rebels have been killed and between 2,000 and 3,000 wounded during the fight of the last three days. Of a rebel battalion which faced the Im perialist machine guns with intrepid tendency , only two or three escaped. The others were * mowed down. The loyalists lost from 200 to 300 killed. Will Burlesque "Uncle Tom" Show. Uncle Tom's Cabin reproduced In burlesque by members of the Norfolk Ad club is the next feature In Norfolk - folk amateur theatricals. The coming - ing event is to take place on the night of Thanksgiving , Nov. 30. A burlesque1 of "Undo Tom's Cabin , " with all male performers , la expected to make a great "hit" and the Ad club has taken up the suggestion. Last night fifteen members of the Ad dub met in the Commercial club rooms and talked about the amateur show until near midnight. Sugges tions were made by every enthusiast present and It was decided to go to work Immediately with the work of arranging for the show. F , F. Huso was selected to manage the show and ho will also act as stage director and have charge of the re hearsals which are to begin Immedi ately. Other members of the Ad club are either to take a part In the shower or take an active part in the arrange ments. A feature of the preliminaries to this coming event will be the pa rade in which every member of the Ad club Is to take a part. Hundreds of dogs are scheduled to be In this parade and the hurlesquer's wagon "load" of scenery Is Included. Wisner's Fine New Church. Wlsner , Neb. , Oct. 31. Special to The News : The new M. 13. church was dedicated here Sunday , Bishop John L. Nuelsen officiating. The building complete cost $8,000 , $2,000 of which was raised during the morning and afternoon services , com pleting the payment in full. Dr. II. H. Millard of the Albion M. E. church , preached in the evening. The people of Wlsner feel very proud of the new church , as it is modern In every way and entirely out of debt for which the greater part Is due the local pas tor , Rev. L. V. Slocumb , who may well feel proud of his untiring effort to build the new church since his com ing ' ' to Wlsner. Bryan Cuts Out Several Counties. West Point , Neb. , Oct. 31. Special to The News : .The absence of Mr. Bryan in Cuniing and certain other counties : of the Third congressional district * ' ' and his failure to support Mr. Stephens In his canvass by his pres ence on the platform , is regarded here j1.8 highly significant , clearly proving that f Mr. Stephens is wise to the feel ing ' existing in the democratic mind in this and several other counties regarding inga garding the "peerless" leader. He and his advisors have not forgotten the deadly blow delivered at the Grand Island convention , repudiating Bryan and . Bryanism and that the conven tion as a whole and more particularly the counties indicated , would not stand : for the doctrines so strongly championed ' at that time. Mr. Ste phens is wise in his generation and j1 in arranging his itinerary quietly cut out the "peerless" in those localities Jj where it was surmised his presence , would be harmful to the "cause. " The JVI halo of his beneficent personality will be shed only upon the so-called "dry" counties of the district , according to the announced schedule. Gov. Aldrich at Nellgh. Nellgh , Neb. , Oct. 31. Special to . , , The News : Gov. C. H. Aldrich arrived . rived In Nellgh yesterday afternoon , and ' ' was met at the depot by William Campbell ' , chairman of the republican central committee , Mayor W. T. Wat- ties and many prominent republicans and democrats of this city and vicin- Ity. He was escorted to headquar- ters ( by a double column of old sol- 'diers. ' He made a short address to the ' pupils of the high school on educational - wo cational lines , and at the close of his talk was mot with a hearty response appreciation. a The Nellgh concert band rendered several selections at the Auditorium during the evening , before his open- ing remarks. The house was packed by republicans , democrats and many ladies. People were present from Oakdale ; , Orchard , Clearwater , Elgin and Tilden. Before the introduction the speaker , the audience arose and sang America , after which Hon. the . F. Boyd said it was a pleasure to of him to introduce to the audience a man who received the largest majorIty - Ity ; ever recorded in Antelope county for any candidate. The governor in his opening re- marks said it was his first visit to wl Nellgh and Antelope county , and wished to express his sincere thanks and tiow for the handsome support accorded - corded him at the polls last fall. He .roi talked at length on the campaign W. " . " cise Bryan Is now making throughout . the state , giving explanations and to . of convincing argument why ho is so lai doing , and why ho Is asking the progressive do gressive republicans to vote with the 1 democrats on Nov. 7. Mr. Aldrich ] ai went into detail on the many good ' „ „ laws enacted by the republican logls- as latures of the past without the aid or , ' 1 consent of democratic votes of the tin house or sonato. ch He gave n brief talk on the repub nn lican candidates for supreme Jitilgo , ' n"8" j assuring the voters tlmt tlioy ; vororj ! < r honorable men and should bo elected , In speaking of District Judge A. A. Welsh , he said that lu < enjoys the rep utation of being one of the best quali fied for the position , and that his past record on the bench bears him out In this respect. "You want to leave well enough alone and vote to retain Judge Welsh. " His closing remarks were on the candidates for railway commissioners. He said that this was the most Impor tant office to be elected. Ho stated that the men nominated for this po sition were qualified In every respect and should be elected. Ho said that the republican party had accomplished moro good than any other political party of ancient or modern times. Is Plenty of Good Land. Chester Slaughter , a prominent real estate ( dealer of Dallas , S. D. , who , formerly conducted a bank at Dallas , mil , who still has hanking Interests In ' Trlpp , county , was In Norfolk today and talked very freely about the amount ' of land subject to homestead entry ' In Mellotte and Bennett coun ties. Mr. Slaughter said : "There lias been considerable In the dally papers about this land since * the drawing , most of which Is a knock on the country. I believe that this Is largely prompted by the locators In an Innocent sort of way , as each locator cater is trying to show that ho is best equipped to give the best service to those who drew numbers , and to show the necessity for those who desire to file or employ a locator. I am not against the locators. They are n necessity to those who do not know the land. I was In the locating busi ness when Trlpp county was settled and I believe the records will show that I located more people than any other Individual , and I think I had as many satisfied customers as any lo cator. It is unfair to those who spent their money to go to one of the sev eral registration points and register for this land to now lead them to be- llovo that they have secured nothing by having a number. The fact is that there is a great deal of good land in Molletto county which will bo subject to homestead entry , and I will venture the assertion that after the 8,000 names have been called there will still bo good land left for squatters. "In Gregory county several hun dred squatters secured good claims after the list of lucky applicants had filed on all they desired , and some of these squatters' claims are now worth $50 per acre. In Tripp county the same condition prevailed , perhaps to a larger extent , and some of the squatters' claims In Trlpp county are worth above $40 per acre today , and Trlpp county has only been settled a little more than two years. In Mel- lelte county the appraisers listed as A 1 land , only the very best , and much of the land listed as A 2 and gra/.ing land Is In fact good agricul tural land. It is true that the state of South Dakota gets sections 1C and 30 for school purposes in each town ship where said sections are not other wise appropriated , and for such of said sections as are allotted or ap propriated the state selects such land as it desires sufficient to make two sections in each township , but It must be borne in mind that the state must select in both of these counties and must take the sections 1C and 30 re gardless of their value where they are not appropriated. This will leave several hundred good claims and a great many fair claims In Melletto county. The land In the Rosebud country Is so fertile and conditions are so favorable that a farm does not have to bo level to be of great value. Any quarter section of land with eighty acres or more of plow land Is a very valuable asset , and worth taking. Improved farms of this character in the settled portion of the Rosebud are selling above $40 per acre , and at the rate the land has advanced in the past five years it will soon be worth $75. The Rosebud country Is In the com .l belt and the rain belt. We are grow-1 | ing more corn than any other new t country and almost us much as any old country. For the past five years we have had more rainfall than Ne braska , according to government stat- _ istlcs. This year we had more rain fall than any other portion of the United States. During the growing months of the year we have the same j. rainfall as the best portion of Iowr , I ' where land is $200 per acre. In 1909 our yield of corn per acre was greater of than that of Iowa , our yield will beat the yield of Iowa this year. In tho' I production of oats and garden stuff h have all the states "backed off of . the board. " Potatoes this year will' ' ( yield 200 bushels per acre. In such country farms do not have to con- j i I , . slst of entirely level land to be ofi great value. I" | "Many bankers , professional and business men who have no Idea of ' using their homestead rights availed ' ' ' themselves of the special railroad . . rate to see the Rosebud country and . just as a matter of testing their luck registered for land. In looking over list of the winners , I find many them who are not In a position to avail themselves of the advantages' i , WJ they have gained by having drawn a J i 'ca number and these numbers will neces-1 fn sarlly be called without a response. "Tho adverse reports in newspapers I Iy will serve to cause a great many of m S those In the lucky list to fall out w ] I predict that 50 percent of the , . . first C.OOO will fall out and for this Jf of ) reason I believe that any man who holds a number below 3,000. will exer fc very poor judgment if ho falls attend the filing and avail himself a the opportunity ho has to file on land. The quarrel between locators en does not Interest mo , but from what'w"j ' know of the appraisement of the 1 i , land In Molletto county I know that I ' ) „ much of the land which is classified j j his j , ] roiiKh land Is of a KOOI ! aprlcul-1 I tural : nature. It is also quite likely ! , ] c that some of the Innd that has been classified as A 1 land Is of a poorer nnturo tlmn some that Is classified ha grazing land. Diirliifj the filing in wj Tripp county there wore many rolln- hie- locators who gave the people of. flcent service and the siuno condition will prevail during the filing on Mel- lette county land , hut the fact that sonic man who IM In the locating busi ness happened to ho on the apprais ing erew will not necessarily mean that he knows any more about the land than many other reliable real estate men , many of whom are now carefully studying and appraising this land. "Guenther Bros , of Dallas , have formed a German colony and have sold thousands of acres In the extreme - tromo western part of Mellotte coun ty , prices ranging from $18 to $25 per acre. Some of the German farmers living on these farms are : Daniel He- inert , Philip Ralsen , Peter Rles , Chris Buechler and others. I think I am safe In saying these farms cannot be bought for $35 per aero today. 1 think my statement can bo verified by writIng - Ing to the above parties at Cut Meat. S. D. " POSTOFFICE MAKES MONEY. Washington , Nov. 1. For the first time since 1SS3 the postofflco depart ment during the fiscal year ending June 30 , 1911 , was operated at a profit. In twenty-four months the conduct of the postal service has re sulted in changing a deficit of $17- 479,770 for the fiscal year 1909 to a surplus of $219,118 for the fiscal year 1911. During the last fiscal year the audited revenues of the department were $237,879,823 and tlio audited ex penditures $237,018,92 ( . These facts are lie-tailed In a rcimrt submitted to Postmaster General Hitchcock. Trotting Association Officers. St. Joseph , Mo. , Nov. L The Trot ting Horse Breeders meeting waa held here last night. Officers wcro elected as follows : Clark A. Smith , Topcka , Kan. , presl dent ; Arthur C. Thomas , St. Joseph , secretary and treasurer ; with a vice president for each of the twelve states embodied In the association. Attorneys Get Sarcastic. Chicago , Nov. 1 Attorney Hanecy , of counsel for Mr. Lorlmer , and At torney , and Attorney Healy of coun sel for the committee , clashed sharp ly and were reprimanded by Chairman Dlllingham today before the federal senatorial committee investigating the Lorimer election. The verbal fight occurred during the cross examlna- tion of State's Attorney Burke of Springfield and continued several minutes while Senator Dlllingham rapped for order and directed the at torneys to cease the exchange of per- sonalitles. Earthquake in Nicaragua. San Juan Del Stir , Nicaragua , Nov. 1. A prolonged earthquake was felt here at 3:40 : o'clock this morning. No damage has been reported. THE FIRST COLD WAVE. Freezing Temperatures Over Middle West Zero in North Dakota. Washington , Nov. 1. The first cold wave of the season made its appearance ance- today in the northwest with al most zero weather in Montana ami North Dakota. Experts say there a strong probability that it will he carried far to the southward during Thursday and Friday. Freezing tern pcraturcs are indicated for the Ohio valley , the lake region and the nortl . | Atlantic states. Hurrying Trust Cases. Columbus , O. , Nov. 1. Determined to follow President Taft's policy of quick action In the anti-trust cases Attorney General Wlckersham todaj filed a certificate of expedition in the United States court here that these cases against the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern and other rail a roads and coal companies who were charged with violating the Sherman anti-trust law In a suit brought several - oral weeks ago by the government. uo given precedence over other cases and be tried at once. FATAL BATTLE IN MEXICO. . Six Federals and One Maderista Kill ed , Fifteen Federals Wounded. Torreon , State of Coahuila , Mox. , Nov. . 1. Six federals and one Mador- ista were killed and fifteen federals of wounded in a fight hero last night. The . trouble grew out of an attempt four Maderist soldiers , who it is said had been drinking , to disarm a gendarme. A mob gathered and took the part of the gendarme. The Ma- derlsts were placed In jail only to be rescued . by forty other Maderlsts who disarmed the jail guards. The federal ' soldiers were then summoned and fighting in the streets began. The Maderlsts finally took to the hills and are camping near the city. Gen. Emillo Madcro Is coming from San Pedro to assume personal charge of nu thesituation. . Is Madero In a Wreck . sc Torreon , Mex. , Nov. 1. The special Is train on the Mexican Central rail- way carrying President-elect Madero and ) his party from Chihuahua to the capital , collided head-on with a at freight train near Gomez Palaclo car- „ today. The Madero party escaped unharmed ] , but Trainmaster Alberto , n. Sanchez | of Gomez Palaclo was killed. With Madero wore Alberto Madoro . and his wife ; Gov. Rabram Gonzales of Chihuahua and Gonzales' party fu ' South Norfolk News. ? . Mrs. B. F. Meyers of Chadron. was Norfolk visitor yesterday. . Mrs. John Dougherty , who was tak- , , quite ill Saturday morning is somewhat - what better at last reports. Glenn Boyd resigned his position i' , the roundhouse here and loft for' ' sic , homo in Plorco. I \J Alva Baker returned homo to Meadow - ' ! ' dow Grove this noon after a brief . visit In with - friends. -ill. t > III * 111 I" HDD. I \ Mrs. J. J. IlnrtluRtoii went to Omn-j' , yesterday to visit with her fnthor , . who is there for medical troatmpnt. „ Helen Taylor numbers among the sick this wwik. Miss Myrtlce Bayard returtu-d t u-r home In Ponca yesterday. Mrs. Taylor and family have moved iito their new homo on South Fourth street. William RocHche , who was slrucik n the eye with a bar tit the shops- ibont three weeks ago , Is able to bn it work again. Mrs. Ivti Wood of Bancroft visited n South Norfolk yesterday. L. t' . Chapman , foreman of the roundhouse1 , arrived homo from Clln- lon. la. , where he had been on busl- ilOSfl. ilOSfl.Otto Otto Lenler , who sprained his ankle i few days ago. was able to bo back it the shops yesterday. Cornhuskers Getting Stale. Lincoln , Nov. L After playlnR hrough over half a schedule ( hat 'alls for more hard games than any Hlior ever made for a Nebraska elov- 11. some of the Cornhuskers are thought to ho getting a little stale. Pac'ldc Harmon Is on the eduo e-f overwork and this , added ( o Ills bad knee , may keep him out of the Ames ; amc Saturday. It Is possible that L'oaeh Stelhm will use the big negro. Itoss , al guard Saturday and shift El liott to Harmon's tackle. Owen Frank , the crack half , was on the verge of staleness but Is return ing Into shape. After the Ames game a rest can be given the men , as II. will bo two weeks after that before Nebraska meets Kansas. Whooping It Up for Jim Elliott. Tekamah , Neb. , Nov. t. The repub licans of Hurt county are whoopltiR liiKS up in particular for James C. Elliott , of West Point , their candidate for congress to succeed the late J. P. Latin , of Tekamah , In this big Third district , and in general for the entire republican ticket. At 9 o'clock yesterday morning re publican leaders from over the county assembled ; at Tckaimrti , and wlto thlrtyflve automobiles filled with El liott boosters , the Oakland band loadIng - Int , started for a tour of the county. All the cars bore streamers bearing the legend , "Jim Elliott for Congress. " Mr. ] Elliott and the- six candidates for district judge in the Fourth Judicial fill district ; all the county officials , other leading republicans of Hurt county . . , and A. W. Jeffries , a repub lican orator of Omaha , were in the party. ! ) The Itinerary included Doca- tnr ' , Bertha , Lyons , Oakland and Craig , returning to Tekamah for a night meeting. Hurt county republican leaders say they will overcome the majority of 550 given Mr. Lattn last year , and will give < "Jim" Elliott from 500 to 700 majority. : Mr. Elliott himself fcolH confident of election , and his friends of Hurt county share that confidence lo a marked degree. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Miss Xeimor of Hosikns was a vis itor In the city. Mr . Charles Chace of Stanlon was visitor In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels of Stanton were here in their automobile. Phil B. Clark , county clerk of Knox county , is in Norfolk on busi ness. Mrs. A. L. Klllian has returned from an extended visit at Peru with her parents. ) ! l Misses Lydla and Martha Gootsch of Stanton spent a day here with friends. Mrs. Fred Stoinkrans and Mrs. Frank Gishpert of Pierce wer visit ors in tlr. ' city. Mrs. Dr. Pringle , Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Baxter of Pierce , came to town in an automobile. Born to Sir. and Mrs. Frank Mashek , daughter The Trinity guild will meet with Mrs. Fri'ik Scott Thursday after noon. Night Patrolman O'Brien left for Omaha Tuesday. E. Sasse is reliev ing O'Brien. J. C. Larkin has added $ l-,000 worth of improvements In his .stone and granite works. The new improve ments are in the shape of pneumatic stone cutting machines. Conductor A. G. Hockman , win has boon 111. Is again able to taltediarge his regular run. The lau'es ' of the Second ConuroFfi- limial church will meet with Mrs. R. Ra'.N.n tomorrow afternoon. Prof. Otto A. Voget gave a success ful Hallowe'en party Tuesday night. Thirty-five young couples enjoyed the dancing in Mareniardt hall. Twenty Norfolk boy scouts under the rotnim ml of Scoutmaster A. O. Hazcn and Cleo Lederor enjoyed a successful "hikes" last night Alien they participated in a strenuous "bear hunt. " Mrs. Gillette at 1304 Norfolk ave nue has notified the police thai there a mysterious odor in her home for which she has made an unsuccessful search. Chief Marqnardt declares It a job for the board of health. F. A. Lapo , a Northwestern cm- ploye , declares the report given out recently that ho had been married Seward is a hoax. "Somo one gave , out the report incorrectly , " says Lapo. "Up to this time I am an unmarried . married man. " Mrs. It. C. Perks of Idaho Springs , Colo. , Is hero to attend the funeral her brother , Robert Klentz. The funeral services will take place at 2 o'clock ' Friday afternoon from the Klontz family home at 202 Braasch avenue. Rev. Dr. C. W. Ray of Co lumbus will probably have charge of the services. Miss Pauline Vogot of Wayne , re cently of Sterns conservatory of mu ' at Berlin , Germany , has joined her brother , Prof. Otto A. Vogot. as assistant. Prof. Vogot and his sister have decided to open music Btudlos several cities surrounding Norfolk. Among i iho places where Miss Voget vlll teach ere : Pierce , Stnntou , Plain- vlovf , Mndlson , Meadow'drovo , Baltlo Crook , , Ilosklns and Oakdale.