The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 27, 1911, Image 1

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NOUKOLK. iNKMKASKA. l-'HIDAY. ( HTOHKK 21. 1 ! > 11.
All the Beat Land Han Been Taken
for School Sections and Very Little
Land Fit for Agriculture Remains
for the Homesteaders.
Ch'PKory , S. I ) . , Oct. 27. Something
of ( i sensation in connection with the
Hoaebud hind lottery -'oveloped hen-
when 11 was dlsclr , hat forty-one
sections of school have been
-taken by Indian allo , ' .
This means that ft. > sections
of the best land In .Y ' county
will bo selected by the h 4 * Indian
school lands before the * , s have
a chance to file. Inasim ,5 , ? only
about thirty sections are ei 'f- s.d > '
the appraisers as agrieultui " * . ' ' , it
looks very much as though * . .o ot
the best land will pass Into the posses
sion of the settlers at this lime.
Even Mary .1. Kendall of Rapid City ,
who drew No. 1 , will probably have hi
lie satisfied with some of the land In
classification A at $2 to $1.7. per
acre. Kven in tills classification there
are but ( > 7r > homesteads to bo filed
upon. Aside fiom these two classlfl
cations tlio lands of Melletto county
are said to be too rough for farming
'Pointing ' to Stars and Stripes , She
Overawes Jnpnncse.
Hood River. Ore. , Oct. 27. Point
Ing to the stars and stripes whicl
waved over the building , Miss 13dni
Merchant , a school teacher , overawei
a score of infuriated Japanese rail
road hands who sought James O'Hrien
ji railroad section foreman. O'Hrion
who had incensed the Japanese by !
.sharp order , had taken refuge in tin
The orientals understood the im
piled warning not to attack a niai
protected by the flag , and heeded.
AH they halted O'Urlen climbed on
of one of the windows and , observinj
him , the Japanese resumed the !
chase. They finally trod him on to |
of a tall cottonwood.
Again coming to O'Ui ten's rescue
JIlss Merchant telephoned to the an
thorlties who found the Japanese do
Ing a kind of a war dance beneatl
the tree , while the badly frlghtenei
O'Hrien looked on In great perplex
President Taft Finishes Trip As I
Was Originally Planned.
Milwaukee , \Vis. , Oct. 27. With hi
departure from Milwaukee , Vreslden
Taft practically brought to ru end th
last leg of his swing around the circh
as it was originally planned. Tomoi
row the president will start on
strenuous three days' program a
Chicago , and on Tuesday He will win
up the original trip at Plttsburg , th
engagements that he has made fo
lowing that being quite distinct froi
those of the president's Journey.
Lincoln , Oct. 27. Prospects for til
Missouri game tomorrow were niuc
Improved last night by the anuounci
ment of Hlght Guard Morley Pearsoi
who was dropped from the squad I
the early part of the week for delh
-fluency In his studies , that ho lui
made up the work. Pearson has s
cured a certificate of eligibility an
will bo in the game tomorrow. Centc
llornberger , who quit because of tl
fact that worrying about him was a ]
to prove Injurious to his grandmothe
who is quite ill , may be in Saturday
Wymore , Xeb. , Oct. 27. James Pi
ton , a half breed Indian , was terrib
slashed with a knife in a fight in
saloon here last night between himsc
.and Charles Prewitt. Pulton attacki
Prewltt to settle an old grudge ai
Prewltt drew a knife with which
cut Pulton's face open from the mou
to the left ear and pierced the an
in half a dozen places. Pulton m
Daughter for Col. Elliott.
West Point , N'eb. . Oct. 27. Spec
to The News : A daughter was bo
to Col and Mrs. J. C. Elliott hero tl
imornlng. Col. Elliott Is the repul
can nominee for congress. Both p
ents are doing well.
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
Maximum ! ! 7
Minimum 20
\verage 2S
Marometpr 80.20
Itnlnfnll 0J (
Chicago. Oct. 27. The bulletin Issued -
sued by the Chicago Htntlun of thu
United Slates weather bureau gives
the forecast for Nebraska as follows :
Unsettled weather IniilKliI or Satur
day wltb tain or snow , wuriniT west
Testimony of the Two Girls that the
Dead Man , a Chauffeur , Had Sug
gested that They Accompany Him
to Hotel , Frees Father at Inquest.
Trinidad , Colo. , Out. 27. "Justlfl-
ublo lipmlcldo" was the verdict returned -
turned today by u coroner's jury at
the Investigation inquiring into thu
death of ,1.V. . llniuly , an automobile
driver stabbed by Allnn Fowler ,
former elty treasurer , on one of the
principal business streets oC Trinidad
last Tuesday night.
The verdict was returned within
less than : i minute after the jury bad
retired. Fowler stabbed llundyvhen
he met the latter in company with
Fowler's two voung daughters. Tin
verdict of the jury was based on tes
timony Riven by the two girls that
Hundy had suggested to them thai
they accompany him to a downtown
A Pendulum Device , Swinging b >
Weights , Omaha Man's Invention.
Omaha , Oct. 27. A pendulum bal
anclng device for aeroplanes Is tin
invention of an Omaha man , Dr. A
A. Crandall. Crandall says the dovict
is being given Its tryout by secre' '
experiments made by the Wriglii
brothers. The pendulum balancer an
tomatlcally adjusts the side planes 01
aerolons. The driver's seat is suspended
ponded as a weight at the end of tin
pendulum device and any gust of wine
which tilts the aeroplane reverses tin
aerolons and causes the machine t (
automatically balance itself. The ad
justment Is said to be of such a sen
sittve nature as to cause the median
leal device to work in the fractiona
part of a second.
Campaign Documents a Puzzle.
Milwaukee , Oct. 27. What to di
with Senator Isaac Stephenson's cam
paign documents after ho had expend
ed $107,000 in his fight for nomimi
tion at the primaries in 190S , provei
to bo a perplexing problem. Accord
ing to witnesses before the senatorla
investigation committee , the docii
ments brought together at the Ml !
waukee hendmiarters alter the clos
of the campaign were hauled fron
town to town , taken out of the stat
to prevent their being examined at
previous legislative investigation c
the senator's expenses and were altci
nately packed In a box in gunnysack
and in a trunk before they finall ,
landed before the present investlgf
tion. A trunk supposed to contain th
papers was produced and althoug
four hours were spent in cxamlnin
witnesses as to the trunk's wandci
ings , the contents were not revealed.
Court Will Read Only Part of Thcr
in Hyde Murder Case.
Kansas City , Oct. 27. Stories c
the first H. Clark Hyde murder trie
as published In local newspapers , ci
tered into the second trial today as
means of settling the qualifications c
venlremen who say they have forme
, . fixed opinions of the case from rea <
Ing newspaper reports. The defens
asserts these accounts wore accurat
and nearly complete , while the stat
takes the opposite view. The Issue i
whether \enlreman could form a
opinion from the stories , which at
liable to bo changed from testimon
not published In the newspapers.
The question first arose seven
days ago , and for a time it appearc
that Judge E. K. Porterfield woul
have to examine the files of thr <
dally newspapers for the six wool
the last trial ran. Agreement wi
reached last night , whereby only tl
transcript of the testimony for ce
tain days , and the newspaper accoun
from testimony will be compared. A
torneys will assist the court In tl
reading , and another venire of fifi
men has been called. They will r
port Saturday morning at 9 o'cloc
The first venire of seventy-nine me
was exhausted , with eight chos <
jurymen in the box.
Crawford's Rival Will Answer Prlma
Attack at Miller.
Miller. S. D. . Oct. 27. "Dick" Uic
ards has leased the opera house he
for tonight to answer Senator Cra
ford's speech on the primary law. Tl
hall was rented by John McCullom ,
leading democrat and ex-state senate
olLLL llUJol
A Petition Similar to That Filed
Against Standard Oil and Tobacco
Trusts , Is Filed In United States
Court Against Steel Corporation.
Trenton , X. . ) . , Oct. 27. It was an-
Hun Datively announced hero today
that three judges will hear the case
( if the government against the United
Stales Steel corporation. The judges
are tieorgo ( Iray of Wilmington , Del. ;
Joseph llufflngton , I'lttsbiirg , I'a. ; and
William .M. Lannlng of Trenton , N. .1.
Those judges recently handed down a
decision In favor of the government
to dissolve the alleged powder trust.
Snbpoenaes weio Issued today for all
the defendants.
Now York , Oct. 27. The entire
force of deputies of fulled States
Marshal lionkel was put at the dis
posal of the government today to fin
ish the task of serving copies of the
bill of eciuity in the federal suit to
dissolve the United States Steel cor
poration upon olticers and directors
of the alleged trust residing here. .1.
I' . Morgan and 10. II. Gary iccelved
borvico last night , but thirteen others
lemained to bo served in this neigh
According to a statement given out
at the offices of the United States
marshal In Trenton , where the suit
was filed yesterday afternoon , this
service of the petition will be followed
y subpoenaes requiring the defend-
nts to answer the petition at Trenton
n Dec.1. . expected that both
f these services will bo made within
orty-eight hours.
The news of the suit came yester-
ay some time after the stock market
ad closed but It brought many of the
rokers back to their offices in a
urry to lay plans for today's market
ml take advantage of the earlier
polling of the foreign exchanges ,
dealers In puts and call privilege were
usy all night sending orders to Lon-
on. Word of the sharp decline of
teel in London caused no surprise in
s'ew York this morning and traders
repared for a lively day when the
lock exchange opened here at 10
Fears of any unexpected develop-
lents today was dispelled by the
ength of time traders had bad to dl-
est the news and by the fact that the
umors of the government's Intention
lad long prevailed. Steel common
lock clohcd yesterday at uSM : and the
ireforred stock at 108 % . As a basis
or comparison of today's expected
lactuations it was remembered that in
May 1901 common sold as low as r > S %
nd that about a year ago it touched
J4 % at the culmination of a bull
novement based on the expectation of
in advance in the dividend. In the
ibsenco of any statement of the steel
orporatlon's intentions the opinion in
Wall street was that the corporation
vould fight the government's suit.
Preparations evidently made in an-
icipating of yesterday's decision to
ibandon the Great Northern ore and
lie reduction of ore of freight rates
ogether with the corporation's an-
louncement of its position after the
neeting of directors on Sept. 20 , was
evidence of this. Though litigation
nay run its course , however , It' ' is
believed that the case will be speed-
ly decided. The reason is that the
supreme court's decision in the Stand
ard Oil case has laid down a preced
ent by which the courts may Interpret
ho Sherman law In the present con-
Steel Trust to Fight.
The steel corporation is prepaerd
o fight for its existence. The men at
the helm of the great corporation
vero silent when the news came to
.hem that the blow which had been
icld so long , fell. Although It was
thought sooner or later "tho billion
lollar combine" would bo put to tile
: est under the Sherman law , oven the
liigbest officials of the corporation
: iad no Indication that the suit would
bo filed at this time , until the news
of the action was flashed to their tele
phone. The Steel men declined to
make any comment for the time be
ing. The attitude of the corporation
Is set forth clearly , however , in a
statement issued one month ago. It
was proclaimed then that In its belief
It was within the law , and over the
signature of J. Pierpont Morgan it
was said that it would not dissolve
Washington , Oct. 27. Now that the
government's fight to dissolve the
United States Steel corporation has
been fairly started , there will be nc
slow movements In the battle.
When the bill was filed in the
United States court at Trenton yes
terday , asking for the dissolution ol
the corporation and its subsidiaries
Attorney General Wlckersham alsc
filed a "certificate of public Improve
ment. " This says the case is one ol
most importance to the government
and asks that it bo heard by a bencl
of four Justices. Ordinarily It wouli
bo heard by only one.
Snow Over Wide Area.
Sioux City , la. , Oct. 27. Specials t (
the Journal from Iowa , South Dakoti
and Nebraska report a fall of snov
over a wide area. At Gregory , S. D.
a foot of snow IB reported.
( Copyrlcht. Iflll. )
The Republican Candidate for Con
gress In the Third District of Ne
braska Is Making a Winning Cam
paign Wherever He Appears.
West Point , Neb. . Oct. 27. Special
to The News : Col. .1. C. Elliott , le-
piiblican nominee for congress from
the Third Nebraska district , is this
week actively campaigning in Colfax ,
Platte and Merrick counties. Wher
ever Mr. Elliott goes ho finds enthus
iastic support and encouragement.
The party workers were never more
active and there never was a time
when prospects looked brighter than
at the present. Everywhere along
the line Mr. Elliott finds opportuni
ties to puncture the glaring misstate-
incuts of his democratic opponent and
incidentally to confirm and bring
home to the people the principles set
forth in his platform , published by
him at the commencement of the
campaign. This statement of his po
litical position and views is so plain
and concise , so comprehensive and
thorough that he who runs may read.
It has been received s > o favorably
throughout the state that the major
ity of newspapers of the district have
reprinted it in full. Mr. Stephens
finds it unanswerabo and therefore is
obliged to have recourse to vitupera
tion and vindication of the republican
party , not sparing the president in his
Opens at 59 , Then Declines to 54 ,
Few Blocks Change Hands.
London , Oct. 27. United States
Steel opened on the London market
this morning at 59 , then fell to 57
and finally to S-P/fc. The amount ol
stock changing hands was small com
pared with the big decline. The prin
cipal offerings appeared to have been
cabled over night trom Wall street ,
Hears covering later in the morning
lifted the quotation to 50.
Coal Strike Ends.
Winnipeg , Man. , Oct. 27. Martin
Ilurrell , minister of agriculture , todaj
made the definite announcement thai
the western coal strike was at an end
Ho had rcccievd word from Robert
Rogers , minister of the interior , ii
the following words : "Have succeed
ed in reaching complete settlement
which was agreed to and signed b ;
both parties.
Six Hundred Automobiles to Gathe
at Columbia Saturday.
Columbia , Mo. , Oct. 27. Huslnes
men of Columbia today completei
preparations for the welcome here tc
morrow of COO motorists from al
parts of the state and the dedicatloi
of the cross-state highway authorize *
by the commonwealth a month ago.
hundred motorists from St. Louis , 10
from Kansas City , and about the sam
number from towns along the rout
were scheduled to start for Columbl
this morning and to reach here n
10:30 : a. m. tomorrow. Gov. Herbei
S. Hartley will lead the party froi
Kansas City.
A feature of the dedicatory prograi
will bo a barbecue prepared for 10
000 persons. The exercises will b
held In the auditorium of Missoui
university tomorrow afternoon. Ai
dresses will bo made by Gov. Hartle
and the mayors of St. Louis and Kai
sas City. The official cross-state
highwa.v extends across the center of
the state from Kansas City to St.
Louis , following for a great portion of
the distance the direction of the his
toric old Santa Fe trail. Communities
along the route have contributed
$ ; ii)0,000 ) ill labor and $150,000 In cash
toward its improvement.
Famous Detective Running Down the
Clews Poison In a Bowl.
Boston , Oct. 27. The special ses
sion of the Suffolk grand jury , which
Is hearing evidence against Dr. Clar
ence Rleheson in connection with the
death by poisoning of Miss Avis Lin-
neil , assumed something of a special
trial by witnesses for the defense as
well as state witnesses were called.
In all more , than a dozen persons
were examined , including three direct
ly connected with the defense ; Mr.
and Mrs. Losa Grant Edmands , par
ents of Miss Violet Edmands , the ac
cused clergyman's liancoo , and Robert
Hums , head of a detective agency em
ployed on the case. A report which
came from New Hedford was that Mr.
Rleheson , two days before the death
of Miss Linnell , obtained Hour and
water fiom .Miss F. H. Carter , his
landlady , explaining that he wanted
It to mix paste to bind books.
The report had it that upon return
ing the bowl he told Mrs. Carter ,
"You'd better wash it out thoroughly ;
there has been poison In It. "
Mrs. Carter on leaving the grand
jury room , where she was examined ,
would not discuss the report , while
her husband said he could neither af-
lirm or deny it.
Following Turks , They Were Trapped
and Shot Down by Hundreds.
Malta , Oct. 27. The Italian reverse
at Tripoli on Oct. 2 , ' ! , according to
steamship passengers just arriving
here , amounted almost to a rout. An
Italian outpost encountered a Turkish
post , which retreated. The Italians
followed and found themselves sur
rounded entirely on all sides.
Three companies of Hersagllers
( light infantry ) were totaly annihilat
ed. Several officers were made priS'
oners , and hanged by Irregulars. The
return of the remainder of the Italian
force , carrying many wounded , said tc
be 700 , caused excitement among the
Arabs of Tripoli. They attempted tc
revolt , tiring many shots and wound'
ing many Italians. The attempt was
soon quelled and hundreds of Mussiil
mans were shot.
Woodrow Would Have Progressive
Republicans Unite with Democrats.
Madison , Win. , Oct. 27. "I do noi
recognize any difference between mj
own principles and tho.principles 01
the progressive republicans , " an
nounced Gov. Woodrow Wilson o
New Jersey , in an address before i
thousand democrats and La FolletU
republicans here.
The New Jersey executive broadl ;
hinted that v/uslon of democrats am
progressive republicans with a plat
form based on their common hopei
would bo met with acclaim by his fol
I "I understand the two have beconn
sadly mixed in Wisconsin , " Gov. Wil
son continued. "I understand the re
publicans have had to make drafts 01
the democrats to carry their measure
through and win their elections. Tha
means labels are wearing off and yo <
have to examine their Insldes to knov
what they really are.
"And now we propose that wo mate
our Insides and get together. "
The republicans present applaude
and listened with apparent approve
to his plea that big business the sp <
clal Interests get together with th
people instead of warring with them.
"The great problem In politics Is 'go
together , ' " Is the way ho summarize
Miss Marie Cruse of Helena , Mont. ,
Daughter of Thomas Cruse , Who Di
vorced Her New York Society Leader -
er Husband , Weds a Digger.
Helena , Mont. , Oct. 27. At. the risk ,
friends claim , of being disinherited by
her multimillionaire father , Thomas
Cruse , Miss Marie Cruse who a few
months ago obtained a divorce from
Alvar O'Hrien , a New York society
leader , upon grounds of non-support ,
today eloped with Harry C. Cotter , a
Hutte miner , and was married at Houl
der , a pleasure resort near Helena.
The bride's aged millionaire fathei
confined himself to his room and re
fused admittance to reporters. Short
ly before his wife filed suit for di
vorce , O'Hrien leit for Now York , but
returned to Uutte in a few weeks ,
Since his return ho has been employed
as a cowboy in Montana. Although
Mrs. Cotter was born here , she has
siient little time in Helena , having
resided principally in New York when
she is widely acquainted.
Woman Arrested on Another Charge
Makes Confession to Police.
Council muffs , la. , Oct. 27. Mrs
Alex Hunter of Plattsmoiith , Neb. , h
being held in jail hero as an important
witness in a probable murder.
The woman , who was arrested on n
charge of lewdness , became frighten
ed , believing she was held on a moii
serious charge , and made a confidant
I of the night captain of police. She re
lated that her husband killed a mar
I named John Wagner , slugging bin
, with a brick tied in a handkerchief ;
that he then threw the body under r
railroad bridge near Plattsmoiith t (
give the appearance- that Wagner luu
been run over by a train ; that he latei
compelled her to visit the scene tc
ascertain if Wagner was dead.
' Later , the two fled the state and en
tered Iowa. The woman says her bus
iband robbed Wagner of about $100
' The woman's story , at first bellevet
improbable , is today believed , as som <
I of the circumstances told by her have
. been verified.
I Hunter is said to be in westen
Iowa in hiding. The woman was ii
company with another man when ar
' Sheriff Edwards of Mills county , la ,
i is here today working on the case
He says the murder was committci
near Pacific Junction , this state , am
not In Nebraska.
; Tom Moore Escapes from the Jail a
' Pierre.
| Pierre. S. D. , Oct. 27. Tom Moon
! a Stanley county prisoner , being hel
In jail in this city to keep him froi
conferring with his alleged pals In th
i Stanley county jail , slipped out of th
i Jail , making a quick getaway. Th
; ( hearing of Moore was to be called 1
i Stanley county court today.
Uncle Sam Investigates.
Indianapolis , Oct. 20. That agent
of the federal department of Justlc
1 have been Investigating allegation
1 against John J. McNamara of conspl
acy to destroy buildings by dynamlt
became known hero today. The gei
oral grand Jury for this dlstirct wl
t soon open an investigation and su
1 poenaes have been Issued for wltnes
Star Philadelphia Pitcher Rup
tures Intestines in Wednesday's
Game with New York Bender
Mows Down Giants in Last
Game of World Scries.
Philadelphia , Oct. 20. .hull
Coombs , ( he billliant Athletic
pitcher , Is In bed al his home In
this city with set ions' 'Internal '
injuries , received In the nl\lh
innings of yesterday's game when
ho wienched bis intestines. Today -
day his condition is much
and his physician called in two
other doctors. They succeeded in
reducing the injury and say no
operation will lie necessary.
Coombs , however , will be In bed
for a week , llo will be able lo
pitch again next season , the doc
tors .say.
When seen in lied , Coombs said
that in the six Inning his cleats
caught in the hole in Urn pitch
ers' box and when ho delivered
the ball ho felt a terrific jar. The
pain was Intense , but he kept on
pitching. In the ninth Inning lie
bad to quit. Rupture of the In
testines Is what killed Dr. Mike
Powers , catcher for the Athletics ,
several years ago.
It. 11.10.
'hila. . . .001-10170 * K ! 11 r ,
C. V. . . .1000000 "I 2 ! It
Shihe 1'ark , Philadelphia , Oct.
( i. Connie Slack's Philadelphia
\thlelies today won their second
vorld's championship within two
ears by pounding the New York
Uiants into the earth , i : { to 2 , in
he sixth game of the present
Ames , who started the game in
lie box for the Giants , threw the
Giants' hopes to the four winds
n the fourth inning when , with
.wo men on bases , ho threw to-
vard first on Harry's hunt that he
lad fielded , and hit Harry. The
jail rolled out to left field , while
Murphy and Davis scored. Then
Jarry went all the way home on
Murrays wild return -of the ball
o second base.
But it was in the sevenIi ! inning
hat the Athletics ran wild around
he course , scoring seven runs.
They made a farce out of Wilt/'s
efforts to hold them. They hit
ilmost everything offered , and the
jiants added to the comedy with
ostly errors. Kvon Marquard ,
vho relieved "Will/ when the in-
ling was two-thirds gone , let two
non score on a wild pitch. Then
Thomas got his first hit of the
The hurlesfiic | was ended when
Miomas tried to steal noeond.
Cight men faced Wiltin this half
ind six of them got hits. To the
spectators it seemed as if all the
Vthlolics were scampering around
he bases without fear of being
caught. The crowd saw it was over
ind started to leave the grounds ,
singing and cheering.
The Giants made one run in the
'irst inning when Doyle scored
after reaching second on a double.
He crossed 1ho plate on Murphy's
miff of Murray's fly.
The Athletics evened the score
in the third inning. Ames passed
Miomas , and Lord doubled into
ight field , Thomas scoring. The
lead of four runs secured by the
Athletics in the next inning was
too much for the Giants , and with
Bender pitching great ball New
York had little chance to repeat
their snail performance of yester
day by tying the score. Wilt/ ,
who relieved Ames in the fifth in
ning , appeared for the first time
during the series.
The game was marked by in
stances of brilliant fielding by
both teams. Collins , in the second
inning , prevented a score by ller-
xog when ho made a wonderful
pick-up of Meyers' hot grounder
and registered the third out of the
inning by throwing to first. De-
vore wound up the score in the
fourth inning by getting Lord's
long fly after a hard run. It was
as brilliant n piece of fielding as
has been seen during the world's
First Innlnn.
New York Devoro rolled a ground-
( Coutinued on eighth page. )