The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 20, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' " 'i
The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal
flic News , Established 1881.
Thu .louniul , Established 1S77
W. . A. HIIBC ,
President. Secretary
l5vcry Friday. Hy mull per your , $1.GO
Entered nt the postollleo at Norfolk
Nob. , na second clans mutter.
Tele-phonos : Editorial Doiiartmon
No. 22 , Business Olllcc find Job Hooine
No. H 22.
One trouble with tlio state of Trlpol
is Unit It Is Hourly ull desert.
TiitklHh podellorH arc giving tin
i ) ' Itullun quarters in thu largo cities i
' wide berth these eluys.
Chicago , not being able to stop th
guniblors , IH now trylni ; to put tli
forlunu tellers out of biiHlnuss.
A dollar's worth of sugur now last
about : IH long us an open-faced Itallui
1 - ' tenor would in Constantinople.
I T _ _ _ „ _
If Italy secures Tripoli It will bo
question of whether Turkey will no
got the bettor end of the bargain.
Foreign countries paid the Unite
Slnt"s nliout $570.000,000 for cotto
for the year ending AUK. ! M , I'JU. '
.lames .1. Hill says there Is too nine
political ghost dancing , but we hop
he docs not stop the ghost from wall
The war between Italy and Tnrke
does not give much promise of rlc
lilcklngs for the moving picture bus
There is much public unrest in Ei
rope. Royalty's old claim of ruling b
divine right is getting some bur
Missouri people are not Intorcstu
'In the war over Tripoli. It does in
create any extra demand for Mlssou
The farmer who raises a good nun :
tity of corn with red ears does IK
have to pay much to farm help to gi
it huskud.
Sixty troop steamers have salh
from Italy , and if there is only a ha
tallon of organ grinders , the Turl
will surely run.
California having voted for the r
call the Judges must get out on tl
streets and shake hands with the vc
ors like other politicians.
Ten thousand Chinamen were kllh
in a fierce battle near Chung Tu.
is a sad loss of life , but then the
are plenty of Chinamen left.
A Long Island farmer recently (1
ceased , left an estate valued , at $20
704.SO ; and yet there are those wl
say there Is no money in agriculture
Mr. Taft says the Panama canal w
be opened .Inly 1 , 1 ! > 13 , and those
us who can't afford a ticket will hate
to start out to walk down before lot :
Suffrage being beaten in Californ
the women must continue to couti
things by the masculine agents whc
they send to the polls every year ,
in other states.
itov. Wilson seems to have start
in early on his presidential campali
but one must reflect that there a
at least 15.00U.UUO voters with wlu
to shako hands.
The state of Tripoli has a total
about a million people. The people
the city or the state have never h
a real estate boom but Italy may
troduco the innovation.
Prom the positlvonoss with will
some people claim the guilt and o
ors the innocence of the McNam ;
brothers , such a little formality a < =
judge seems unnecessary.
The greatest naval display in e
history takes place at New York N
1. but every elevator boy will kn
all about the mistakes that w <
made in placing the armor belt 11
A Chicago judge has decreed tl
the state of Illinois will not admit
legal the Nevada brand of diver
He will henceforth insist on reside :
of that state patronizing homo divoi
There is talk of an armistice
tween Italy und Turkey , and as t
war has accomplished its most 1
portnnt end by assuring everyone
pension , it is perhaps time to si
| ' : | Mr. Carnegie has been accorded t
freedom of fifty-one English citi
which will at least give him the rij
to walk up to one of tliolr majes
policemen and Inquirq the way to
boarding house.
11 Bill Sunday , the evangelist , figui
that it costs $545.00 to save a slm
In New York City. One largo Hi
Is no doubt the purchase of a rallro
ticket to remove him n sufficient (
tnnco from that city.
I ] i Suffragettes nro following nnd
1' terruptlng the candidates for the M
snchusetts election , but they woi
wind moro popular favor by giving an
exhibition of thulr prowess ill the cre
ation of pumpkin pie.
Champ Ciaik'.H punishment for do
fentlng reciprocity with his flights ol
oratory has been promptly administer
ed. William H. Hearst has endorsed
him for the presidency. Is this whul
you cull poetic Justice ?
Anxiety Is expressed about the
Americans at Wu Chang , which tin
Chinese rebels have captured , bill
probably the only calamity with whlcl
they are threatened Is the non-dollv
cry of their laundry bundle.
The attempted counter revolution ii
'ortugul has failed and Its leader
'apt. Coucelor , has taken refuge in tin
illlH with his followers. It looks a ;
hough Poilugal would remain n re
itibllc , for a svhlle at least.
A boy brought into u Los Angeles
court on the charge of being incor
Mglblc readily repeated the Ten Com
muniments , which Is more than cat
o done by some Wall street operators
have net got Into court yet.
Anyone who IH writing u history o
the United States .should omit SOUK
if these details about the preslelen
mil congress , and put in a full chapter
tor on the buttle of the ( Slants am
the Athletics for the world's champ
Mr. Taft's travels are considerably
made fun of , but there are a gooi
many political truths not to be ac
quired by communing with WashiiiM
ton officeholders and running over ti
Now York to take \Vall street's tern
October does not have five weokl ;
pay days , but It has five Sundays 01
which to attend religious services-
ami from some points of view that i
mucll better. And it has no Christina
to go broke on. Altogether , Octobe
Is all right.
William J. Bryan claims that h
made so much money on his 200-acr
Texas farm this year raising Bermud
onions and other products that he wil
build n , magnificent new $25,000 bom
for himself. Onions and politico
speeches pay well. D
The Young Men's Christian assoch
tlon is now recognized as one of th
great organizations of this countr
for the uplift of men. It has mor
than tiOO.OOO members , and own
buildings and equipment to the vain
of about $70,000,000.
News comes from London that th
Bank of Egypt has failed , or at leas
suspended. Since it lias only bee
paying its stockholders the small m
mini dividend of JS percent , it is su
prising that the institution should su
for any embarassment.
A Kansas bridegroom managed t
get a slight share in the attention (
\ \
the company by fainting dining tl :
ceremony. This was a distinctly fcm
. nine trick and the last one most me
would borrow to gain attention. U
til further proof wo will believe tl
poor fellow was really scared.
Texas cattle raisers are to hold
. meeting to find out , If they can , wl
there is a difference of 300 percei
between what the producers recoil
and what the consumers pay. The a
swer is simple. It is because the mi
dlemen , the packers , wholesalers ai
retailers , pile on enormous profits.
The Washington Post remarks th
it is becoming almost impossible
grouse interest in the principles
the big parties in local elections the
days. The question In these olectio :
to be decided is not one of princlp
but of the character and ability
the man who will head the local gc
Sydn ° y Hrooks , an expert Englli
observe'1 ' , wiio has recently visit
Cuba , finds the Cubans doing remat
ably well and expresses his oplnii
that the present Cuban republic w
prove permanent. Ho admits tli
tlior are extravagances and graft
the Cuban government , but obsorv
that these abuses , unfortunately , a
not peculiar to Cuba.
The ultra powerful Marconi wii
less telegraph station at Pisa h
been achieving astonishing results
its recent experiments. Communlc
tlon was established with stations
Ireland and Canada and in Masso\
In the East African Colony of Eritn
This is said to be the longest spa
a wireless message has over pass
over. Tests will soon be made
even greater distances.
II. G. Weygint , of Meadow Groi
has the qualifications for making
capable county judge. First of a
he is equipped with a good fund
common-sense. He has lived in Mai
son county for a great many yea
nnd his reputation for Integri
among those who know him Is of t
highest. He will fill the office wi
credit to himself and with satisfi
tion to the people with whose affal
he will be called upon to deal.
Oscar P. Austin , In a magazine i
ticlo , reiterates what wo have so oft
been told , that Americans nre t
most wasteful people on earth. Wh
everybody says must be so and the
is no doubt that waste will bring I
punishment sooner or later. The food
supplies tire already growing short
and high and the next fifty years
must HOO n largely Increased supply
or a moro careful conservation of the
present average of crops or many ol
our Increasing population will gc
One hear. ? much of the inflow ol
Immigration , the problems it bring *
with It and the probable menace 11
is to the American Institutions. Less
IH heard of the backward flow of this
population to the countries from
which It came. AH a matter of fact
such a shift of currents Is an unusual
happening. It takes place now foi
the first time In three years. Tin
number of steerage passengers cm
barking from Now York up to the
middle of September was 75,000 more
than the total number for 11)10. )
The ambassadors and ministers win
represent the United States In forolgi
countries will soon bo relieved of tin
financial burden of paying rent foi
their dwelling places , while the dig
nlty of our nation will bo far bettei
conserved by the construction or pur
chase of suitable official residences
for Its representatives. This countr )
has been slow in realizing the 1m
portanco of having proper residence.
for Its foreign diplomats , hut nego
tlations are now under way to elthei
build or purchase in all the importani
Uncle Sam's naval department has
ordered maneuvers' ' on both the eus
and west coasts for next month am
some enterprising person conncctee
with the administration whoso name
is not made public , bus given out ui
interview which convoys an Idea tha
the showing of naval strength Is beliif
made because of a "widespread mi
tional unrest throughout the world
and especially the strained condltioi
in Europe. The individual who start
ed that line of talk ought to be can
net ! from his Job. There is no vagui
unrest in America and as a nation i
doesn't greatly concern us if a fev
European governments want to quai
rel with one another like a bunch o
youngsters. The naval maneuver
were probably ordered Just as prevlou
affairs of the kind have been ordered
to keep the navy in practice am
make them earn their money no
with any thought of Hearing trouble.
Broken in health and feeble will
age , John R. Walsh , former banke
and railroad promoter , convicted o
misappropriating bank funds to hi
own use in railroad building , wnlke <
out of the Loavenworth ponltcntiur
Saturday afternoon , a free man , ha\
ing been paroled by the federal boar
after serving a year and eight month
of his five-year term in prison.
There will be those In Chicago , wh
lost all their savings in the crash du
to Walsh's manipulations , who wi
point out that many a man is servin
thirty years In prison for robbing
bank , who has not. causeil n thoi
sandth part of the grief and distres
that followed In the wake of Walsl
But the parole board apparently bi
Hovcd that the aged banker had su
fered enough for his crime in high f
nance and that little was to be galne
[ i by keeping him locked up any longe
I They probably reckoned that Wala
, ' had suffered everything that he con !
' , be made to suffer disgrace , the lot
of position and wealth and even in
paired health. They may have figure
that the mental anguish to a man e
Walsh's sensibilities , duo to his dow :
fall and the blot upon his famil
name , is keener and therefore give
| him more tortnro in a short space <
time than is possible to the kind <
man who dynamites bank vaults.
At all c\ents , the board thougl
that John R. Walsh had paid the pe
ally and that he ought to be given
chance to live the rest of his docli
Ing days with his family , whose su
ferlng has been unquestionably ;
as that of Walsh himself. The
. | felt satisfied that Walsh would brer
, I no moro banks and that sufficient e
1 ; ample had been given to make otln
11 bankers cautious about niisapproprin
, I ing funds. Maybe , too , the boa :
3' ' thought there was some fault to 1
, ' attached In a system of bank examin
tlon which would permit such manlp
The shades of our solemnly for
fathers would utter profuse exclam
tlon points , could they see the m <
aiof people that will attend the gam- -
; > i between tlKi New York Giants at
the Philadelphia Athletics.
Back in the simple early days
Princeton college , the institution
laws called games played with
stick and ball "low and unbecoinit
to gentlemen , " on account of the "i
. ternate heats and colds of the vlole
, I exercise" and the tendency to act
f dent. In 1SG8 , the Yale Courant pi
dieted that the frequent acciden
would ' 'rid the country of able bodli
men. "
Today the same kind of black co ;
ed dignitaries that wrote those for
some predictions will bo quietly sll
ping into the grand stand to see tl
world's championship awarded , ai
very likely wilting their collars und
the strain and sweat of rooting.
The 190n world's series of the
3 [ games drew 145,295 people , with ga
t receipts of $188,302. This year's gam
2 with the great home backing of the ;
3 two rival teams to draw upon , w
produce a blpper rowd.
The vfoltle-n stream of dollars slgiil
fled by such assemblages haunts tin
dreams of many a college boy. Ill
father , with his threadbare collegi
professor's coal , may have culled th
game 'low and unbecoming" but 1
looks high und becoming to the youtu :
ster as ho reflects on Ty Cobb's $9
000 per.
The siirgings of baseball fever I :
the hoa'-t of youth will never ngal :
be cured by laws und anathemas. Uu
there are certain facts about avoi
ago baseball .salaries that can ho tad
fully presented by the foxy parent t
the youth who looks at baseball as
gold mine for the man who does th
There Is the fact as stated by "On
ing" magazine a few months ag (
that the salary of the average playe
of the American1 and National leagu
Is about $2,000 for the baseba
months. When you consider that th
average player Is good for about te
years , there Is much point In Christ
Muthewgon's warning : "Keep out c
baseball unless you are a star. "
A compln'nt ' against newspaper i :
responsibility is lodged in the las
number of the Outlook magazine b
Rev. Dr. Washington Gladden , of C <
luinbus. O. He asks newspaper mete
to discuss the question how the coi
dltlons he complains of can bo In
Dr. Gladdon's grievance is this : I
a recent pastoral letter to his flncl
ho complained of the modern tendei
cy as seen in his church , to use Sui
day us a day of amusement. He talke
of the consequent tendency to weal
en interest in church life. Some on
with tills as a basis rushed to tli
conclusion that Dr. Gladden's wor
was proving a failure , and a wholl
false dispatch was distributed to tli
press , stating that Dr. Gladden wn
about to resign. This was printed u
over the country. Dr. Gladden say
It seems impossible to get it corrcc
Every newspaper man has seen
lost of blunders like this perpetratei
le knows that the majority of thoi
are not the romances of some repor
or's glowing imagination , as Dr. Glai
den may think under such annoyln
Most of these stories are passe
out to sonio newspaper acqualntanc
> y men who look as substantial an
reliable as the dictionary. The
originate in that turgid flood of go
sip that flows in and out of the eai
of the people day by day. Ninetec
out of twenty of these yarns are pi
to sleep by the patient investigate
or common-sense intuition of son
lewspaper man. Occasionally tl
watchdog nods , and a story like tl
Gladden fake gets by.
There is no more serious and dlgi
fled occupation than that of the now
paper reporter. He is the historif
of his town and his times. Often tl
color he gives to his facts swln !
more public sentiment than tl
learned disputations of the editor.
And yet some people seem to lee
at this dignified task as very nun
of a Joke. They take pleasure
passing out fake yarns to see If gul
bio young reporters can bo "strung
The newspaper reporter reflects ti
temper of the people that he meel
If he finds our leading citizens cai
less and inaccurate in the statemen
made to him , how is he over to lea
the splendid value of truth ? If tl
people that lie meets take his wo
as a joke , vho can wonder If he us
the power and sweep of the print
page as a means of paying his lit !
debts of persiflage ?
We see by the paper that $15,0
will fix affections in the Fix fain !
that wore unfixed. Why didn't th
ask for fixteen thousand dollars wh
they we'-e about it ?
Leslie M. Shaw says one can ma
a million dollars honestly , if ho h
the courage and aptitude. Wo n
open to conviction , but not convince
Wo know of some millionaires w
nro open to conviction but not ce
Wo see you managed to sli
through that Jonah day , all right.
Here , too.
But we'll wager the king of Chi
wishes Friday , the 13th , had no\
Speaking of the trouble in Cliii
there'll be a Hallowe'en along he
pretty soon.
Waterloo , la. , has mot itself in t
baseball war.
A lamb that will gambol on t
green , deserves to be fleeced. 0
bit at the sports' committee clu
enge. )
Had the grip ?
Here , too.
All of which goes to prove that
man's lacking in the upper story w
will spend half a day washing his c
with his feet soaking wet , and th
sit around in slippers the rest of t
It's great weather for ducks.
But too damp wet for mankind.
A Norfolk man doesn't know wl
his wife meant. She said , spcnkl
of the possibility of his dying , tl
she wouldn't care to marry any other
man. Ho doesn't know whether she
meant that , having had one expert-
once , she didn't want another ; or
whether she mount she saw In him
the only perfect man on earth.
Another bunch who thought of l-'rl
day , lit , were some of those students' '
who took final examinations on certain
tain branches , at school.
Clubs no no longer trump at the
white house. The big stick Is gone
and Taft turned a spade at Sun Fran
Wo haven't won anything yet 01 :
those world's series games.
Nor lost anything.
Wo'll bet a lot of Philadolphlam
would like to bo able to say that.
They want to know what constitutes
bias in the McNamarn case. Why nol
ask the sowing girl ?
The paving sentiment In Norfolk Ii
on the Increase.
A grip Is a grip. A sore throat Is
a sore throat and the around-towt
man knows it. There's plenty of ad
vice all the way from hot lemonade
down to much red liquor and pills
added to the drinking of lots of cole :
water. Hero's hoping ho will sooi
be with us again.
A tramp asked a councilman for i
pair of clean socks in Norfolk. Tin
tramp know he was In Norfolk.
Some class to giving you the fill
description of the big ball game will
other dallies showing up with only i
few Innings of it.
That Norfolk cousin "Matty" will
New York Is some pitcher , Uu
Coombs combed down the mat Tues
That request for more paving has
not yet been granted. Will some one
please hurry it along ?
It's tough to be laid up with tin
grip and know that out on the gel
links they arc trying hard for i
Two Norfolk barbers wont to Oma
in to visit friends. They lost the !
obs when they returned. Now the :
ire going to start a shop of the !
V Norfolk policeman reports show
ng two gun men to a restaurant am
hen tracing thorn to a lonely spo
n the east where ho enjoyed a reveler
or duel with them. Why didn't in
akc 'em in at the restaurant ?
A Norfolk boy has returned from :
uonth's vacation. "I want to * knov
vhothor I am married or not ? " h
s asking. The first question put d
lim by his mother was : "Tel
no , son. are you married ? " An
other Norfolk joke. Ills friends ar
Bothering him to death to buy cigun
le Is not married.
( Copyright 1911 ; Geo. Matthew Adams. )
I know a business man who has n
opposition , und he seems to hav
ibout us much trouble us anybody.
In nearly every conversation , sonn
thing is said about "finding out" pe (
The only really valuable1 advice
can give a wife for the maiiagemei
of her husband , Is to food him wel
treat him well , and trust to luck.
When two friends have a quarre
each begins to tell how much he ha
done for the other.
When a man longs for a "congou ! ;
soul , " he means someone who wi
compliment him.
No mnn ever loved a woman afti
quarreling with her.
The boys say that if anyone give
a circus eiephunt tobacco , it will .1
ways remember him. The boy may 1
a man grown , have whiskers and clii
dren , and move to a strange tow
but the next time the elephant sc <
him , it will pick him out , and gru
him , and step on him , und gel eve
When a man writes a letter askii
n favor , he believes it helps his cam
to put "Hon. " before the name in u
dressing the envelope.
A man may not know much in otlu
ways , but ho always has a very cloi
notion of what a woman's duties ur
A boy is proud of his mother win
she Is dressed up , but ho doesn
dare touch her ; she will scream uboi
his dirty hands.
Ask a married woman what she h :
done most of In her married life ai
she will fool like saying : "Cook , was
dishes and forgive. "
Ever engage in an enterprise tin
turned out as well as you oxpectc (
The next time you go In for profit i
fame , cut your estimate In two ; tin
send It to me , and I'll cut It in tv
You have the right to act the foe
of course , but why insist upon It ?
Another thing that makes mo nine
To an article and make a fu :
about It , nnd then have n patient pe
son find that the lost article has bee
In plain sight all the time.
What has become of the old-fas
loned man who wanted to put his en
mlos whore the dogs wouldn't bl
them ? ( Chart : In jail. )
In speaking proudly of his motlic
a man often halt way leaves the Ii
presslon that his fattier was ratln
opposed to the strict bringing up tl
mother liiHlnteil upon. Hut there are
wwl latliei'K , too , although this may
he the first tInui you over saw the
statement In print.
Most people * bellovo that Just ahead
of them Is a veil liable to be raised
at any moment , and reveal some great
mystery. But I have looked no long
( hat 1 am almost doubtful.
A man thinks ills wife puts toe
much stress on the doctor's kindness ,
considering that It costs $ : ? per visit ,
The people always have the power ;
if they do not use It for their own
good it Is because they are decelve.d
by false loaders Into needlessly fight
ing each other.
Don't hurt anyone who likes you
As you grow older you will find that
they are pitifully few In number.
No man ever fulled If ho guvo n
little Job intelligent euro , but many
millions have fulled In going after the
things that were beyond them. Lit
tie jobs carefully tended have u liublt
of growing.
lleulth. like success in ll/o , depend ?
upon your \\lll power to do that whlcl :
agrees with you.
Every man who succeeds Is self
Many of the toasts about women are
not made good ; nor are the roasts ol
men always proven.
People like meaningless , flower )
language much bettor than they like
common-sense talk.
Most men believe u genuine emer
gency has arisen when they do not up
It always nmusoH mo to see how
rapidly a ( heap automobile can nit
down hill.
As people grow older , the worries
that formerly affected them only al
night , begin to stay by them all day
A man with a tender heart and i
tendency for reform predicts that the
day is not far distant when horses wil
no longer bo could Into slavery.
Self-denial Is easier , in the long run
than self-indulgence.
I heard a man say lately : "I have
lots of friends. " Do you believe yoi
have a genid many , or do you some
times fear you are not appreciated ui
much us you deserve ?
An excuse never accomplishes hal
it Is expected to accomplish.
When 1 hour of a man committini
suicide on a woman's grave , I ulwuy :
wonder if bo treated her decent whei
she was alive.
What is known as. "nerve" is mon
common these days than formerly. 1
woman lately called on a wife in Kan
sas City and said : "I love your luif
band and want you to give him up. "
Why do proposed marriages intoi
est people so much ? And why do pec
pie attract so little attention afto
they are married ?
Ugly people resent It so much tha
the good looking arc usually mor
amiable than the ugly.
I often wonder If I have good advh
ors and spurn their suggestions.
Some men arc so far ahead of th
procession that no one knows the
are in it.
The Farmer's Condition.
Tilden Citizen : In his speech n
'Helen last Saturday , Dan V. Stephen
dwelt on the assertion that the fnrmc
had been discriminated against by n
publican legislators in congress ; th
inference to lie drawn naturally I
that the farmer has not made the f
nancial progress which his labor di
mands. Without trying to refute M
Stephens' oratorical hobby or a
tempting to show that any party 1
responsible directly tor the eonditio
of the farmer of Nebraska , The Cit
zen herewith presents facts that ca
be verified by reference to the file
of any country newspaper. At tli
close of the last democratic' admin
strutlon March , 1SU7 , $20 an act
was a fair nrlco for an unlmprovc
farm in the neighborhood of Tilde
and other similar towns siirroundc
by easily .cultivated , productive soi
In fact , the many farms sold at she
iff's sales about that period soldoi
brought more than $2,500 to $3OC
n quarter-section. The products e
the farm commanded prices that u
eruged less than one-half the amoui
that the farmer has been rocelvln
during the last ten years or mon
Since Mr. Stephens measures a
things material by dollars and cent
these related facts are worth consii
erlng as an offset to the projudlc
which his speech was intended t
Saving Him.
"Why have you nnd Miss Swee
broken off your engagement ? "
"Because she loves me so. "
"That's a queer reason. "
"Not at nil. She believes in fortun
Wlinj : . und when she went to have he )
future- revealed not long ngo she wa
Informed that she would bo nmrrlc
tlm'o. time * Thnt settled my case , to
the time being at least. She said thn
-she was determined that I alionld no
encounter the dainn-r of being flrst o
tin1 INt. " PIttsburK I'ress.
Looked Ominous.
"Mabol , what are that young mnn'
Intentions ? "
"I don't know , pnpn. Ho Is kceplm
nnIn the dnrk. "
"Tint Is the reason I nm nsklnfi
IV ! him he in-eil not mind turnln ;
1'iwn ' the light any more when h
a'.ls. " Houston Post.
Text , "I will lift up mlno cyc.i unto the
bills from whence cnmrth my help. "
I'suhn cxxl , 1.
God's world and God's word nro
full of mountains. Kvcry continent
hns Its grent range * . Kvcry Blblo book
in crowded with towering peaks. Whnt
n Uook "inlluenco of Hills In History"
would bo ! Mountains used to divide *
nations , but not ours. Eastern Penn
sylvania IH not divided from we Hte rn
by AlloghenloH. The Adlrondncka do
not make northeastern New Yeirk hos -
tllo to the rest of the Htnto. The
White mountains of Now Hampshire ,
( ire-en mountulim of Vermont , Blue )
mountains e > f Pennsylvnulu , lied inoun-
tnln.H of New Mexico , Black Illlln of
Dakota , do not make Inhabitants of op
posite nlde'.s cneinle'H.
Healing In the Hills.
The psalmist was right thore'H
strength in the hills. They've always
nourished bravo soulsi and leivo of lib
erty. You can't enslave mountain pe'o-
pie1. In city life man loso.s bin
stre'iigth. The * food be1 eats , the water
he drinks , the > air he breathes , ove-n the
constant touch e > f his follows , tondrt to
degenerate. Thcro'H healing In the
hills. They lift up their he-ads to kiss
the heavens and cntch the breath of
the clouds. There the woeieln nro full
of birds' nesls. There , ele-ep in the'
heart of the > fore-st , among ferns rare )
nnd delicate , where beast nnd blrel
quench their thirst , the mighty river
IH born. There It trickles nnd gurgle ) *
and gets a song In Its heart and thanks
fJeid. After awhile it nours the son
nnd lloatH ships of war and ceiminerco
on Its bosom , but it still remembers ,
like a Houl e > st ranged frenn God , Its
mountain homennd the blrdn , nnd the
squirrel , und the wild fawn , and the
Hash of the speckled trout In its waters ,
swee-t and clear. The sen mocks UH
lost children nnd lets them dlo crazed
with thirst. The mountains give them
berries red , and honey sweet , and
waters cool. The mountains tire the
world's grent sanitariums , the earth's
free tonic. Sny.s the physician to the
pale ; face-el mother : "Lung trouble. Yem
for the mountains. Dp where the trees
are full of he-ullni , ' , the pine nnd the
balsam 11 r , get your lungs full e > f brnc-
Ing breezes. It's better thiin pills ami
powder. It's God's own medicine for
tlreel men and weary women. " Mother
million bravely. Visions of hilltops nip
ped and strong , dark preen with ceelnr ,
fill her mind , and the Bible promise ,
"Tho strength of the hills Is his also , "
assures her semi.
Sinai , tlie mount of the law. There
In the wilderness , mid rough rocks and
towering crags. ( Joel spoke to the hosts
of Israel , led by pillar e > f cloud nnd lire.
As a inlrreir re-veuls marks of mud ,
soil of soot , blotch of blood , so the law
reveals murk and soil and blotch of
sin upon the soul. The mirror cannot
wash the face. It points us to the bnsln
for cleansing. The law leads us from
dark clouds of Slnnl to sunny slopes of
Morlah , where Abram came to of
fer Isaac. On Calvary God gives him
self to us. On Morlah wo give ourselves
to him. Ahrum's heart was Isiinc cen
tered. Instead of God centered. Is
there some Isaac , homo Idol , between
you nnd your God ? To Moduli , out
with your knife' !
PNpuh , the- mount of vision , where
the Lord took Moses nnd shenved him
the laud of promise' Die mount that
makes us homesick for heaven.
Could I but climb where Moses Blood
Anil view lunilsrupo o'ur
Not Jordan's stnwin nor death's cold flooil
Could ( right me ( rum that allure.
Quuruntaniu , mount of temptation.
Testing time oak strong and sound or
poplar brittle and rotten ? Joseph to
stand eir Judas to fall ? Tills is the
most beautiful mountain in Palestine ,
preen toppeel , pe > ld ( > n sloped. Mounts
of temptation are not bleak und cold ,
but minny and honey laden. The devil
does not strew thorns , but ( lowers.
The beauty of Qnarantanla is its dan
ger. Christ escaped by prayer. To
your kneesl
Satan trembles when he sees
The weakest saint upon hla knees.
Ilermon , mount of Christ's transfig
uration. Ills face did shine as the sun.
His common carpenter's coat looked
like ; luster of lilies. Have yem lost the
musk- from your soul , the laughter
from your heart , the glory from your
face ? Up to Mount Ilermon ! Trans
figuration changes all. The kitchen be
comes u kingdom , kettles coronets.
drudpery dlvliu- .
Calvary , mount of crucllixion.
Mount Everest is the hiphcst moun
tain In the world. Off with your hat
in the presence of the king mountain
of the world ! No ; we correct our-
selves. Not Everest , but Calvary , Is the
hlghe'st mount. Everest plves you n
view of the Himalayas , Calvary a vis
ion of God. Everest shows nn earthly
landscapo. Calvary n heavenly. Ev
erest offers Fcenery , Calvary salvation.
Everest reveals wonders of creation ,
Culvnry wonders of ro-crentlon. Not
Slnnl , whlsporlnp "Thou shnlt die. " but
Calvary , assuring "I urn come that yo
might have life. "
Ollvnt , the mount of Christ's as
cension. All the weary wny from man-
per to throne , now ho stops with hands
extended In blessing. Now ho ascends.
Kroin this mount Stephen rose , Paul
nscendod. Hero your mother stood ono
glorious niornlnp. Hero mny you
stnnel , worlel worn , earth weary pil
grim , when
Heaven's mornlni ? breaks
And enrth's dark nhndows flee.
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