The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 13, 1911, Page 7, Image 7
TI1K NORFOLK WBKKLY Xl VS-JOURNAL , PK1DAY. OPl'OBKK 1J : , 1011. l\ Trumutor fl OfHc , Mndl-mi Counlv. X < b Xotlru IK hoii'bj Klvcii that | iurimiil lo llio lit\\H of the Htiilc of Xelnrmldi the InndM and tuwn liit.s duMcilliiMl In the folloulu list , on ulileh lliu tuxoa tomiiln unp.ild for thu ionr 1010 , or MO much of I'm li of MU < h landx or tout ) lots MS may I HI nocoiHiuy , u 111 , on the Mini Monday In Novem ber , 1'Jjl , lie Hold ! > } mo ul public auction at my offlco In .Mfidlxon , fi > i the dilliKiuont tavi-s thereon IIH hoiolnaflcr Hiatnd , toKi-thti with Inti-rusl on oacli amonnl til Uni tate of tun j > ur cent per aniiiim fiom the flrftt day of .Miiy. 1011. PO IH of pulillcnllon nl the rate of twi-nlv " clits for each land dosnlbud nml tun cuiitH for en I'll lol ilpfcilpilon and com1 ! of snlo. DalIM ! nt .MadlNon. Nuhiaska , thla 2nd day of Oolobul , Jill. A D r A I'irrniisox , County Tio.isuror. 1'itr.riNcr. Ul , ItllllKC 1 four1 Amt I't HU $ J 91 I't si 1 ' ' * 70 Sr , NVV'i ' is M fiC H\V , 20 13 1G ( i vunr.N Tnp. Ul , Iliumr U VV.'Ml. Ill-HP Sir Amt . . . . . I $11 " ' ' si : ' , i I'- " Si'i 111 5,1 13 NE < 4 " - f'GS K \IM v/.no i'itrri\T. : IIPHC Sec Anil SI.1 , q\V i 9 $1097 suni.i , i UI3I3U l'lliriNCT. : I nil. Ul , HIIIIKI * I Went. ncsc s Ami $4 I O.I MV > , 7 IS il'l t 10 JO 19 ' ' ' 10HI n'i's'w" ' , HI 20 19 W > < i S\V > , 10 28 02 ' 11 Ifi 1G SW , Ifi 13 8U 1C 51 20 22 22 19 PI xi : i Nil11 in 11 \ \ 'i sm'i 2fi 10 HS I.Xi : ' / , 29 22 82 ! -i 32 2 19 iPt 32 .75 Pt XHM iN'lJ'i 33 7 G5 \ \ Gfi nciOB X'i ' xnv 21 30 pt syj xr.f , 11 SI Pt S' ' SW , fiO 27 23 15 ' ' i't'N4- ! SI3v'i , - , ' ' 31 10 50 Pt'S' < ' , 31 118 \\'i f- I 09 une PUIMTNCT. Tnp. - - , HniiKi' I \\I-HI. I > l C. Hoc. Amt fi $ IS7I NvV'i 7 413' ) XW't 1C S'l fifi SW'4 1C Cri 0 I 1S 2' " O.t Pt JK. H\V'i 1S TC ) S\V'i 20 ' ! ( > 27 2r. 4322 XU'H 2K 11 4 J scilOOI.rilAI" ! ' Tn p. UU , IlniiKC It \ \ < < . r > i' f Sec Amt XW'4 t $ J I ' 17 7 14 Ifi SWU 7 41 S' ' ) 21 . ! ' ) Ofi N'Vs' 1,1 27 7.2 rvmvinw iMiisciM'T. Tnp. - - , ItiiiiKi * U VV < 'N ( . lii-vp Sec Amt r. $ Psio G 21 SI ' INCT. DPSC. Sect Amt \'ii4 ; i $ ill I. ' . X\V'i t 27 01 1:1s : i 1 t ! " Si : ' , 1 5 I ! Pt sU t PI 3G IG 15 fit -.K , SVV , 20 27 13 wu xnu 17 05 uu N'nu 2r. III 1C x\V > , .11 57 fifi X\VH tr. n jj vvi.i.r.v N TT. Tnp. I'l , \V < < ( , li sos Amt $17 .in s 'i sun and C 95 si ; ' , M3vt 10 I1) ) 12 NL XW , 10 Ifi 2. ! S\\ * ' , 10 2.1 IS A\ n 15 Ifi AX'2 S\VVt 1.1 1 I CH 1C 24 70 1CPI PI 52 2' si : 1 , 41 St ] IG91 XllVi 25 3(1 ( Vi 22 13 51 i j 22 10 7T Pt X13V. 2J SZ Wis XWV , . 41 Sis ] > t. ' s ; svvu'sVi',4 Tu 7 6 ! Pt S\V > , S\V4 31 2 S ! pt sn > , s\vu : n pt snn * 31 is : h'l snu / 1 si 17 1C X\v'4 nnd Wife 3C GS ' Pt'SH'4 SI3" , 35 Tnp. Ul , llniiuo K Wcxt Desc. Sec Amt WU xn > i 10 $13 4T pt"i : in 33 c ; 11 S 9' S\V > 4 17 S S < XU'H is 12 : swu IS 3 71 20 31 3 ! 20 Ifi 71 20 135 ! s > f xiv. 21 S 9 , Pt X\V , 21 24 ili Pt NV6 SW'4 ' 21 fi ! xii4 23 41 S ( AVC XG'J oo o o. 2S 7 < ! ! Pt SWU 30 35 9 ! Au w'6 sn > ; 31 7 S ! X" . " xnv , < H fi r\ \ s'j xnv , 1.1 6 9 ! 11 11 1' rtSwu sn'4 11 2' ' Pt S13' , SI3 > , 3G 13 2 ( MIAIc.itov 13 iMir.rivrT Tn p. Ul , \VCNI Desc SPP Amt $0 21 XW' , 4 1 pt su Si : ' , no G r.1 rt su si4 n > 12 : } i is i 24 12 4 ! swu 24 77 5 25 32 3' ' 31 19 3 .H3rri3ii i v Desc Ami XWH $19 S XU SW' 17 1 s r , s i XW 4 G % . S\V , 17 h 42 7 Pt XH ! 12 1 pt xnn S 2 1 Pt SWV , IS NEM 10 14 2 Des-c Sec. Ami \ o $377 SW\ ' S 4S 0 11 51 1 WU4NWH 17 oo 49 3 WH4 OO 10 3 30 45 C 49 S . . 'xwn 11 21 0 111(7111 ( , VXD Tnp. t , Ililiici * It WON Peso See Am pt xnf , sn , i $0 2 pt SE'j sni i 1 9 Pt S'4 SW' , 7 1C1q Pt StS SW'4 q 24 11 4 SRV , 21 25 S NP'i XWM 25 4 5 XW'4 27 Ifi 3 wv. swu 33 15 C nvTTi.i3 runi3ic Dcsc. Sec. \m V XU SI3 > i $7 S PtNWH xr ; " . 14 1 Pt SW > , 2 1 s : ! " > < ? Soc. Amt 11 24. 4C IS 33 GS N'13'4 19 13.81 X\V 't 24 13.3G S\V' ' | 28 2132 Sii4 : 2S 23 IG X'.j ' SEH 33 19 IS VV MtMIItVIM.i : TupM , Itlln mI VV'cMl. Disc Soc Amt Nr.4 X 2 $290 J 39 3 S 73 3 21 32 I 3G 3C \ \ f3 SW'i Nl < : ' , XW1/ , NW ' 4 pt SP. Pt SK' XH'4 s > xu i , N\V > , Xi , xn > Miiiroi.iv PI Tnp. Ul , lltniKi I \\VNt. ' Sec. A nit. PI'S' . . XU ' , S\V4 3 . $3C7 3S S' . X\V | 3s 17 33 " \V"K. sw'4 s 17 33 1 : s\v , 11 C 51 XI3' , 14 1C 3t 1:14 xw , It S 17 XIJ'j S'i ' 14 4 09 13'j ' SVV , pt vvMvy , 71 S2 XW'i Sll'i pt wfe siu : I'l I3H. SI3' , pt s\\r > 4 SEH svv , xc1- , svv , xn1 , Pt X\V , hU'U pt svvi4 sni , pt sw , SE > 4 xi : > 4 svvi } XVV't XP.4 M x\v > 4 svv , Pt AV 14 XEU XK'i PI xvvi , Pt XVVV pt swv svv ; pt AVi xn'4 pt wu s\vit ; i3ia xf4 : ' x\V' vu x\v4 sw ' Pt'XEli SW i > I\S | < ) \ CITY. Inp , Mi "i- Sec Ami Pt X13 4 XH'4 G $24 3C I't SVV ' , XW I Pt XVVt S\V4 } r , j , o , Pt SW'i X\V it - , 1 21 Pt SVV4 SL3' , " , .14' Pt S131t X13' , rt 24' Pt N13'4 SIP , 1 G' , ( IrlKliuil 'limn. Dose Lot Ulk Amt S 7 $1J H < 22 Sfifi 7 S S 19 4-1 Clnrk's Oiit f.nlN. Dose. Lot Ulk Amt E $1.S : F 21 S M' K. TI. Vilil Lot Ullc. Amt 10 " 51 $9 1 52 4 S 53 11.5 C G G C fi .6 6G 6G .3 3 .3 3 .3 .3 .3t 3 3 19 1 i ' uii Viii Lot IilU Xnv 3 TK $12 G 6 OS 121 r.V. . llnriu'N' .Mil Vili Desc Lot Ulk Am 1.1 10 $12 1 P. W. llnriii'n' lllh Vili Dose. Lot Hllc Am 1 91 $10 9 \ Iniulniiiu4ilil. . Dose. Lot Illkm pia G $36 1 R s 11 21 S S > 4 NEH 12 C X G 12 C X 3 SWU 13 6 nittiimr'K Vilil. Dose. Lot Illk Am X i $1 I S > 9 7 3 C lllllll'll iNl lllll. Dose. Lot Ulk Am J ? : 2I -I 3 ( 2 ) 153 121 7 * I i I1 i ( i ' I'nrk Ailil. Done. Lot Illk. Ami WCn N't 2 4M E3U M vmsov rri I MON l'ltl3'INLT. : u , iinnuf i vvi-Mt , . . . Sue Amt , I't SWi , S\V4 32 $051 Pt SH1 , S\V4 32 . I't SW'4 SEU 32 1 36 PI SWi' , sii4 32 2.03 Vilil , Dcsc. Lol Ullc. Ami All CO $2.02 G 70 .CS G 70 .64 7 70 51 8 70 .GS I't 4X.G 71 8 08 2 78 31 G 78 .34 ,1 , P. Diiiirnii'M A ill ! . Done. Lot Ulk. Atat. WHO 3 $14 SG El-3 3 810 Xurtli Ailil. Dose. Lot Ullc. Amt. 1 21 $041 2 21 .11 a 21 23 3G 4 21 41 S'U G 21 .14 1'rllr Aild. Dose. Lot Ulk. A nit , o 5i 5n i 3 4 SEU X110 I't Xt2-3 X 13 1 S2-3 M3WMv nitovi : . 31.23 5.71 X40 20 i Pt vctil nlloy SS9 1079 C S 10.79 32 S 2 23 9 G3G XG7 2 11 9tl S3 2 11 .13 It 12.7C 17 IS Ifi 7.CS 11 17 i 2 ; 11 19 GC 1 20 17 Hi Pt 4 20 osn n nl S 2E I1 n 11 run il Ollt I.OM. Desc. Lot nik Amt Pt G $10 1C Pt fi 1397 fifi Pt fi 1 91 Pt fief fiG 27 94 iiii-imisiun of I , ol (1,7 s ami II , Illk. I , Hull- rmul Vilil. Desc Lot Ulk Amt L'l $2 0-1 22 2 G I Mili-DlxNton nf l.nlN 1 , U III nml II , Illk 1(1 , Itnllnmil Ailil. De-e Lot Ulk Amt 1C $ S 2E > llllllIxlllll Of Out IIII .1 , Itnllroiiil Vilil. D use Lot Ulk Amt 1 22 $ S 2t 1 23 1.21 > .0 Gl C J 24 S.S ! \ . C. .loliiiNiiu's Add. Dcsc Lot Ulk Amt 1C 1 $0 OS HllllK - ' Cliurtli Add. DIM. Lot Ulk Ami II 2 $0 9i 15 2 14 2 ! Knola \ IIIiiKf. De c Lot Ulk Amt l ) 3 $2 K Miviovv i.itnv v iLi.vni : 'I'np. Ul , ItaiiKt * I VVi'Nt lii" . < - S 'C. Amt Pt XWj , 23 $31 ! I't XW , 21 11 51 Pt XWi 25 5 : Pt XW > 4 25 Gi Pt XW > 4 25 3 C ! Pt SE > , XEM 2G G 5 : ( IrlKliuil Tonn. Defcc. Lot 1 1n 3 1 E22 W44 G SIC X140 13121 XCC VV13 Pt (25\GO ( ) W20 X100 1 W22 S3S XI00 J Pt J 1 I.onN' Ailil. Dcsc. Lo 1 3 4 1 3 1 4S 4G 1 d. . S S 9 Mention Dose Lot Ulk Amt 2 $ & 9 XI00 1 S S100 G S 'I 11,1113V i , von. Tnp. Ul , I VV % ( Uec See Ami Pt SE1 PWH IS $ u 4 XEV , XVV4 19 2 4fi Pt XW4 19 fi Pt XW 4 XW > 4 ! > 9 Pt XW , , 19 00 0 Pt SW4 17 S I Tonn. Disc Lot Ullc 1 $1 2 1 303 : ' W75 1 2 0 21 W75 1 4 0 - > EGG 1 9 1 EG5 1 9 W31 4 32 Kliulinll lllalr'N Add. Dese Lot Blk. Ami SJ1 1 1 J"\25 SW cor 2 J $97 G G4 11 S 1 121 13 \ GO It ] 07 1 S 4 S 1 ) X10 2 ( 10 129 'Hint 1'nrtloii of Out I.i D 1 > luii licMM-ni CYnU' ' nnd MiidlNiin sini-ls , PPRP Lot Blk Am XI nn SJOO D $1C S Of nil Unit Portion of On Lot D l.jliiK HiiNt i I'.l in strt-i't i\tcndf Slllllll. Pesp Lot Blk Am SM'i.'U ' PCC,0 , D } 19 C X75 X200 S320 D Out Lot i : . DPSC Lot UlkAm X22 E $0 S W29 S200 E < 'loni'rr To mi Sto | Co , uh-Dh. of Out I. nl 1 % Desc. Lot Dlk. Am 4 2R $1 : 1 SO 1 ! 2 2 2 ! 1 2fi If ' . 2fi t . IPC Lot Ulk Amt. n X100 1514 G $081 SI00 E > 4 C 2S 35 LalkarC * snlt-im. of Illk , U of McConillN h illi- l.iit * . Disc Lot Ullc Amt o $0 9G IIVTTI.I3 rill313K VII.- I , VI.i : I.N IlKilll , VM1 i'ii ( : < i NCI' . VV'rutcrn 'limit l.iit Cn.'n A ilil. Desc Lot Ullc Ami 11 31 $4 12 I'liiui'rr Tumi Mil' "II.'M Uil A ilil. Desc. Dean. Pt ' " ' " \Vrvt. Doxc' See Ami. I't SW4 XW" , G $507 Pt XE' , XWV , C 1 91 Original Timu Desc. ECO E2I W34 X5I X5I XfiG E22 X102 All 3 f24 21 CJ Klmlmll lllalr'H Vdcl. Dese. LotUlk Ami 27 3 J 2C $0 27 G 27 3 GG C 27 3 Of 0 2S G K 10 2S 7 Daj'N A ilil. DPSC. Lot Ullc Amt 1 1 $0 41 2 1 41 3 1 41 I 1 41 5 1 .41 fi 1 41 7 1 41 A ilil. Desc. Lot Ulk Amt C f 33 $1031 10 I 11 11 SI A erejN Ailil. Desc. Lot Blk. Ami " 1 1 $20.6 ( I.1. . llnlp's Out Lots. Desc Lot Blk Amt 7 $1 Gl Niinnli- . IInU-'s Out Tot Pf = c Lot Blk Amt Pt 1 $3 0" > oiiroiic rrrv. Tnp. Ul , Itnncr 1 AVi'st Df-p Pep Amt Pt SHU SW 4. 21 $11 r , ' . Pt XW ' , SWI' 21 2 S' ' Pt SWi' , pni , 23 30 7' Pt SW > Pt SR' ' , ( 23 1 Pt SH" , Pt SW , SE' , ( 23 10 Pt P"/t ! } Pt SW'i _ SE , 21 1 3' ' swV 23 S 1 ! Pt ' 15 3 ! Pt SW1/ on 12 d Pt SE'4 nn 9 Pt on IS 0 : FtSvfe- nn 1 3' XEl' , XW' , oo 200 ! Pt E1 * XE1 , oo 41 1 ! Pt \\\4 XE'4 So 11 9 Pt XW4 XEi { 2C 13 C Pt XW'4 SW'i 2fi 127 Pt XW , XWV , 20 9 Pt XW'i XW'i 2fi 2 7 Pt XW4 XWV [ 20 4 G Pt SE1 , XW , 7 9 0 \ LOTS OUT II1I3 OP flTY. Hi-aeon lllll Vdil. De c Lot Ulk. Ami " 1 3 4G 2 $09 4G S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 19 20 SI I 28 f 2 n 3 4G 4G G 1.4 7 7S lg 11. 13' 13 IG II 21 nn r. l 105 $1 GO llrriium .Nl'mm's Add. ' SC. Lot Blk Amt. G $3 GO 10 .90 Queen CIH I'lnrc Add. LoUilk. Ami. Walnut Dose. 2 49 XOIiroLK CITY. llear'H Add. c. Lot Ulk Amt S101 t 1 $30 46 11 1 3 Gl , 12 1 3 Gl 3 2 4.00 4 2 27 00 5 2 IS 00 tear .t MntlirnNiin'M Vdil. Desc. Lot Ulk. Amt 3 1 $10 SO 4 1 221 3 GO 40 , ) esc. Lot Ullc Amt 1 $21 GC 3 3 CO 4 3 CO C J 10 SO 7 G 10 lIvi'l'M A ill ! . Desc. Lot Ulk Amt 1 $1 37 2 1.37 7 1 37 A .40 Ilraaseh's Mili-I.ntM. Desc. Lot Ulk Amt 2 $21 20 llurons' Sub-DM. 1 ol Lots 1) ) anil 111. Illk. U ol Palenalk's Vilil. Desc. LotUlk Amt 2 $1200 Iloaeon Hill Add. Desc. Lot Ullc. Amt , C. AV. IlniiiKcl 'N Ailil. Dose. Lot Blk. Amt S $0.4i Colliiincr'N A ilil Dose. Lot Ullc. Amt 7 3 $1.2' ' 8 3 1.3i 13 3 30G ln\N Suli.lMt. n ( Lot II HIllL'k 1- tit JIllllNl-'H bllll l.lllH. Dose. Lot Ullc Amt 3 $7.2 IH'tlrrniini'H Ailil. HOSC. Lot Bile. Ami. 3 S l.OS 4 S 1.08 5 S l.OS G s l.OS s 1.08 8 s 1 08 13 $ 1 OS II s 1 08 1(1 ( 13 13 14 13 .72 r i < AIM. "Tin- _ lU'lUlllN. " Dcsc. Lot Ullc Am I. $10.80 } } ? 1 2700 1 ? 3 19.SO G 9 21. CO 8 12 19 SO 9 12 1.80 10 12 l.fco 11 12 1.80 12 1 S& 3313 1620 3 IG 14 40 G f Ifi 1 SO Uiirlanil'M I'd Add. Dose. Lot Ullc. Amt. } 2 $1.17 Iliirliinil'M SII.LIN | | , Dose. Lot U1U. Amt. 2f $2SSO 3f 28 SO f > 28.80 2C 3.CO 3G 3,31 37 3.31 38 12.21 I'nrk Add. Desc. Lot Ullc. Amt. 2 2 $ O.S2 Out lot Pnilc lot lleriiiaii I im. nf LlllN mill . ' , , if I' ' Add. Desc Lot Ulk Amt. J $ J GO 4 19 SO G 28 SO 7 17 09 Carilncr A , IlraaNch'N Add. Dthc Lot Ullc. Amt C 1 $149 7 1 GG 17 1 .05 Ilanse'N Suli-LiitN. Desc Lot Ulk. Amt $25 20 Xl"0 niuj NIOO 32 40 A1C NIOO 91 ni-3 10S 00 S'n GS 10 X > a WCO 21 CO bCS 45,89 129 GO 90 00 39 GO 20 20 XL ' 4 2J 10 3G 00 2 10 2 G9 4I' 3 1 I' ? 4 J 10 IS 00 3 10 G 10 X' " . 1 10 0 4(1 G 10 14 40 G 10 11.40 G 10 2. GO 10 7.2C 11 19 SO 11 2.C9 c. s. nr ' Add. Dcscc. Dcsc Lot Ulk Amt , 1 2 $19 SO OS 1 4 7 2C W20 3 4 .29 1 4 &J G 4 S'J G 4 S2 SS 82 9 4 S'J 13 4 7.2 ( 1 G .91 7 G 1545 S 6 1 OS 11 9 2CI 3 10 Gf 4 10 .CE C. S , Hit } CM' Choice. Desc. Lot Ulk. Amt 1 $20.9 , IllllNlde Terrace Add. Desc. Lot Ulk. Amt 9 2 $0.71 10 2 9.0 ( S 4G 0 7S 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 1 2 3 4C 4G 7 8 r 9 .5 10 .5G 11 G 12 G 13 n 11 G 3 c 12 ! 3h h G 9 G 10 G 11 C 12 G 13 C 11 G 14 7 1n 11 .2 ! n 11 3 11 4fi 4G 11 11 fi 11 7 11 7S S 11 9 11 10 11 11 11 12 11 13 11 14 11 12 2 12 3 12 1C 1G 1 12 12 C 12 7 12 12 12 10 12 11 12 12 12 13 12 It 12 12Ud Illllsldp TVrnitv Ud Adi Desc. Lot Ullc. Am 13 $0 2 13 3 13 4G 4G 13 13 G 13 7 13 8 13 9 13 10 13 1,1 1 14 2 14 3 It 4 14 C 14 (1 ( 14 7 14 8 9 il 10 14 11 14 ' Desc. Lot HlkftAtnt. fi 21 .29 3 27 ,2'J " 27 2'l ' I'nrk rcnorvo Add.,2'J lli'lliiian'N Add. DOBC Lol Ulk Amt. 7 11 $13 49 19 12 .72 Illlli ' Add. Dose Lot Ullc. Amt 2V 3 $23 40 3 I Ivlinlinll .V IllalrN Add. lo Notfolk .hiiietliin. Dose Lot Ullc. Amt. o r , $10 so 10 G 01 3 C 12 CO 00 IHn'M Add. Desc. Lot Ulk. Amt. K15 n $138 48 U 22 100 9fi i : 2-3 IS 00 23 80 IS 00 12 GO I'd tdd. Dcsc. Lol uik. Ami. SI SO X270 WI22 X90 SI SO El 22 W2CO \V1I Dose. Lot Ullc. Amt rnl ) 1 $72 00 2 9 00 7 } 3 2700 iKstclu'M ltd Vdil. Desc. Lot Hllc Amt 2 1 $ G1 00 5 ) S2J G t t 2S SO ICIllK's Add. Deso Lot Ulk Amt 4 1 $5 40 9 2 C.29 K'M Ud Siih-11 l > . Dose. Lot Ullc Amt. S4 S\ \ 4 } 1 $1 GO 1 II 10 1U G 900 MntliritMin'M Vdil. Dose Lot Ulk Amt. $ IS 41 1C 14 Unilh liled of WS nnd nil 1 lOOt WIG XI01 E3 XI01 1 20 IS E'i ' 205 11 7 ISO 00 14 3 14 1 3 CO 7 ] 8(4 ( .10 CO II'M Ud Vdd. 3esc Lot Ullc. Amt 12 $1 SO 1.1 1 SO X'.O SI05 1.1n N"0 S0r ] r 91 ' S10 X71 1 S30 X71 S 10 SOS X10 S10r , X10 S10G S J 4 10 SO U.T'N Add. Desc Lot Ulk. Amt. 4 1 $0 91 S f G 1 SO Miller's Vdd. Defn , Lot Ulk Arnt. 2 $27 00 2 2 C9 Norfolk Junction. 5esc Lot Ulk Amt I I I'liM'nalk's Vdd. Desc Lot Ullc Amt E'i $20 12 1J 11 11 10 PaNenalk'i Ith Vdd. Desc Lot Ulk Amt I'lllIIT'M Desc. Lot Ulk Amt $04.00 l\ \ 28 SO 10 21 CO 11 . . . , * . . CII ? IMaee Add. Dehc. Lot Ulk. Amt $1.80 72 CG .GO .GO 1.20 1 14 .CO CO .CO .GO CG .05 fi- . fi72 72 fi'i .CO .05 CG 2 SS 40 .40 .4C .46 1 2" . 1C 40 Itecx' Suli.nix. of Illnek or Ilnrse > Place Add ! 1 $1200 . 2 01 55 fi ' 7 f 2 540 SC Park Vdd. Desc. Lot Ulk Amt 17 $1 34 IS 3 GO 19 1 31 20 C 74 23 ) 21 I 3 GO 12 1 2" 17 1 20 1 IS 00 1 11 1 44 7 20 13 1 44 11 1 44 Take Body From Fire. Elgin , Nob. , Oct. 4. Special to The News : While the corpse of Ben Ba ker lay in his father's home hero , fire broke out at 7 o'clock this morn ing in the dwelling. The body was faaved fiom the flames , but Mrs. Ben Baker , In jumping from an upper story window , badly sprained her an kles and a sister of Mrs. John Baker , leaping through a window , was veiy seveiely cut and bruised by the glass. Her face was black from excessive bleeding and her wounds were seri ous. She is about GO years old. The corpse was taken to a nearby church. Ben Baker died Monday from Hod- kins disease a mysterious ailment of which the physicians know little. It Is said Omaha and Lincoln medical col leges have offered $2,000 for the op portunity to experiment on the body. The muhcles lelax in a case of this kind. It is said this Is the first case Omaha physicians have come In con tact with in twenty years. Lyons Man Murders a Brother. Lvons , Neb , Oct 1 IIa\lng Invited his brother , Charley Larson , to spend the day with him , Frank Larson , a farmer living near Lyons , took him into a room apart from the rest of the family and shot him dead through the heart. Ho then tan out of the house , halted u passing wagon and rode to Lyons. After doing a number of errands without any allusion to his act , he hunted up the \lllago marshal , told his story and gave himself up. It is believed the man Is Insane. There had been no angry words be tween the brothers 9 They are sons of Frank V. Larson , | an old and respected citizen. i I Reeder-Chace , Stanton. Nob. , Oct. 5. Special to The News : At 10 o'clock Wednesdav morning at the home of Mr , and Mis Charles Chace occurred the wedding of Dr Grant SimpHon Heeder ant ! Miss Wilda Erina Chase , the Rev John Fiank Poueher officiating. Aspara tis ferns , pink and white loses and Mink and white carnations decointed the reception hall , parloi and dining loom , and red rotes , \s-er ( the decoiation of the library. The house was daikened and electric lights furnished the illumination , Ab Mrs John Hollstein played tin Lohengrin wedding march the minis ter took his place in the ho\\er o : feins. The wedding procession begai with Misses Ethel Chace and Man Hicks , Pressed in white in.iniulscttc and carrying white carnations ticc with pink maline. They uniolled ribbons bens of jiink and white maline , inak ing an aisle for the wedding paity Little Doiothy Khrhardt , with whlti diess and bows oanled a basket o flow eis in which was hidden the ring The biidegroom was accompanied b ; Wilfied Joice of St. Paul Minn. Mis , Lou Chace was maid of honor am was dressed in a go\\n of pink ros < and messallne. She carried in he arms pink roses. The bride , cairyiui lilies of the valley , came leaning 01 the arm of her father. The biide' gown was a white satin and was over draped with pink hordeied chiffon She wore a tulle veil extending fioii a pearl bonnet. After the wedding a breakfast wa served to about sixty guests. Di Heeder has graduated from the Rnsl medical college and has purchased practice In Kirklaud. Ill , whoie afte a short wedding tour they will inak their homo. The brldo is the riatigl ter of Mr. and Mib. Chailes Chaci who are well Known In noithorn N < braska. The bride was unusually fin oied with many beautiful and cost ] wedding gifts. Thobo present from out of tow woroMr. . and Mrs. John Heeder nu son , Herbert Reeder , from Tlpton , la. Mrs Palm m of Los AiifU'U" * , Pal .Mrs. Cliiirlcs Ki-nrwy of Morrlll. Neb. ; Mr. and Mrs. 13. M. Klirlmidt Uiiil daughter , Dointliy , oC Omalm ; Mr. nml Mrs. Cliiifo and daiiKhlor , QoliUo , ofVnyno ; Mr. and Mrs. .lamps Cluu-o of 1'llgor ; James Wachob of Omnlia ; Mlssot Klslc I'lphcr and Mlns Zulu \rnnld of Wnyiii1. and Mr. and Mis I 'lail H. Hammond of Kromont Uurkc Enter Rncc , I'lpito. S. H , Oct. fi. PoiiRiPssmau Huikn ua\o out the following "I shill be a ( 'andldato for ropic- si'iilathc ! n ( oiinicsH at tlu Juiu' , lllll ! , pilmaiy I'U'clion , subject lo tin1 \\lll of ( ho tcpulillriuiH In ( he Soronil ( .ongicsHlonal dlBlrlcl. 1 Hliall uly upon the lei-old matli' In my son Ire hoiotofoto , and If nominated and oloct- oil will pnrsuo a umrKO cntmtslimt with that i PI oitl. 1 favor the loiiom- Illation and IP election of Pn'stdent Taft. " Nellgh nnd Atkinson lo Piny. XollKh. Nob. Oil.ri Hjipilal to Tin- XosThe flibt lootball gaino of llu < ROIIHOII is cliodiilod to bo played In this cltj Sat in day at lei noon at IM\ot- alde pa'k ' The high st'hool plinen ol AtKlnson and Xellgh will clash on the giidlion for Hupienmcy. ' 1 holHltoia aio a HtioiiK Imiich of plnjoin but the homo IIOJB aio qtilto coiifldoiit ( hat they \\lll win In a walk RECALL PANAMA MAN. Dr. Porrns Recalled From United Stales Says It's Trickery. Panama , Oct. I I'losldent Aioso moim Htatos that at a uiblnot mod ing yosloiday aftoiiioon Itas decid ed to i pi-all the Panama minister to the United States , Dr. Holism lo I'cir rus , as the go\einmont was not satin- lied with his sen Ices. The foiolgn seciotaiy. Dr PiPdeiloco llojd.otod ngaiiiHt the iocall. WashliiiUon. Oct. I- Political tilek- 01 y in HIP Panama go\pinnient and his own legation heio , designed to ciipplo his candidacy for the piosl- dency , weio alleged by Dr. HellRailo Pai i os today to bo the loasons nudor- Iving his ice all fiom Washington. Dr. Ponas attributed the whole alfalr tea a politcal Intilgue of Piesldent inonn. Incorporates Valentine Line. PierreS D , Oct I Articles of In- coiporation were filed for the Iowa , Nebraska & Dakota Railway rompanj , which pioposos to constitipt an electric railwav fiom Valentino , Neb , to Siouv City , crossing tlie state line into South Dakota In Trlpp and Gregory coun ties. [ This compan > was formed about u \ear and a half ano by men who aio Interested in ( lie cmnoiHhip of a water power neat Valentine , Neb. ] A Class In Football. Lincoln , Neb , Oct. 4. Ncbiaslta Wcsleyan nnlvoislty , located heie , has added a class in football to Its cuiil cnhini , that chib& hour being devoted to the explanation of the finer points of the game and definition of inles. Women Indents are permitted to register for the courses. BUILD LARGE STRUCTURE. Workmen ha\o stalled dealing up the old L. C. Mittelstadt lumber yards on Noifolk a\enue and Seventh stieot and by tomoriow laipontPis will bo busy constiucting a l)0\l20-foot ) taber nacle , which is to be ithed eon foi .1 four weeks' union evangelistic ie\i\al niQeting led byangelists ] ; McGann and Ilait. J. A. Dallantyno , chairman of the e\ccuti\o committee , has full chaigo of the constitution of this tab ernacle and reports that the seating capacity will exceed 2,000. The com mittee has decided on the Mittelsladt lot alter consideiing othoi locations , but they found that theio was no available location east of roiuth btieet. Yonight in five chut olios of the city prayer meetings arc to be held to which the pastors extend coidlal invi- tions for all those Intoiested In the coining meetings. The committees aie busy organizing the city. Norfolk Boys' Life In Camp. Camp Mickey , Neb , Oct. 1. Com pany D , of the Nobiaska National guaidb from Norfolk , aie vvpll lepio- sented in the camp. Battalion Sergt Maj. Wlllpy is one ot tlie Impost men in camp and is continuually asking foi a detail. Lieut. Lot in Hineggeman ib in command of Company D. in the abbonco ot Capt. C. L. Ancloibon , who retuined to Norfolk. Khbt Seigt. 1C. Lyndo Is making good In camp and has alieady become voiv popular among his mobs matob. The weather has been unfavoiablo and the Noifolk bo > b , who worc > detailed to the ball team , found much disappointment in the lain which fell Sunday and Mon day. The big ball game between sev eral of the ciack companies , Includ Ing Noifolk , has been called off on account of v , et grounds. The boys aio given plenty of liberty After taps , which aio sounded at 11:30 : each ove- nln , theie have been many eases of tunning the gnaid. The laf-t car leaves South Omaha at midnight and theie have been oases wheu- some of the bo.vs weie loft behind and wpie hi ought into camp in an automobile The camp Is located two milt s bouth of Hellpvuo. Among the Norfolk soldiers who were granted leave of absence aio : Capt. and Lieut Anderson , Sergts. Lou and 1'asevvalk. Corpoial Glldea , Privates Hewlett , Hills , Fox. Crotty and Cairablno. Sunday night's rain was the heavi est e.xpoilenced In the vicinity of Camp Mickey. The NoifolU company was on gnaid. The camp Is located In the lowlands and the night after the storm the Norfolk company was lather a sorry looking sight. Cook 'Hill' Jones and Assistant Rollins have bccoinu popular with the NorfolU com pany because of their ability to satis fy the appetites of the Norfolk soldier - dior °