The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 13, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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I'nthBr MoMahon wont to Oinnlin to
visit with Ills paronlH.
.Mr. and MIH John Hire returned
fioni u few days' visit In Otnulia.
Mrs 13d waul ,1. Blown In In Mo-
Comb , 111. , visiting with relatives for
A few wno ! < H
Coiiitalilu John r riynii returned
fioni a tineu days' bimlnoHH ttlp to
Misses Martini IlniniinniKl and An-
tin ICoopsel toturnod from Omaha af-
l * r vlfilllng for a wch.
Mrs. C. 11 CalmnlsH Is 111 at lior
IIOIIK , HurfciliiB from u sllil ; < ( attack
Of tOllHllltlH.
Mr. niul Mrs. M. II. Irvln mm Iholr
daughter. MHH ! Don Is Irvln , leave
hnre Monday for lliolr future homo In
San niogo , Cal ,
W. R Hull , a Norfolk inorchant. IB 111 In Kansas Pity. Act-on !
Ing to A letter roei-lve-el fioni Ills Bla
tor , there In four Unit Inlias appori-
dleltlB nntl It wan thought possible ,
when the letter was written , than an
operation would bo necessary.
Fifty-five couples enjoyed the danc
ing party Friday evening given by
the Norfolk Ad flub Prom a flnan-
Mai standpoint ( ho dante was not a
jreat BuoeeHB an fai as the Ad club
a concerned , but aH a successful dune-
ng party all those proMont declared
t a "hit. "
Work In the order of the temple
me the feature of Friday night's
'fleeting of Damascus command.v ) No
0 , K. T. Messrs. Kemp and Bright
of Wayne and Hunter of Lincoln weio
present. After the ceremonies a ban
quet was enjoyed , with A. II Vlelc
ton8tnia tor. The following respond
ed : D. nees , J. IJ. Maylard. P II. Da
vis , J. Allberry , P M. Hunter. J. II.
Kemp , C. II. Hrlghl , S. n. Dean and
D. J. Rlx.
A colored woman surprised many
people by walking down Norfolk ave
nue with a heavily laden banket on
her head. Neither of her hands touch
ed the basket and she waddled down
the sheet keeping the hea\y load well
balanced. Manv onions ones turned
and looked at the stinlght sight. "You
ain't been down south ha\o you , mis
ter ? " said the woman to one cut Ious I-
ous person. "If jou had , you wouldn't
look so hard. "
A mlsBionfcsl at which sovoial
towns sunounding Norfolk will bo
represented , will be hold at tlio St
Paul Lutheran chuich Sunday. Thoie
will be fiee services morning , aftci-
noon and evening during which soi-
Uions will be delivered in both the
English and Gorman languaRoa
Lunch will be solved at noon In the
Bchoolhouse All loveis of mission
work are welcome. IleC. . Pet linger
will pi each at 10 o'clock ; Ilov. 0.
Press of Wlnside will pi each at U 3D
and Ilov p. Mayoihoff delhets a ser
mon In English In the evening.
South Side News.
Mis. I ! . 1' . Plppen and son , Leo. L
Williams , ailived homo fioni Buttlo
Creek last evening , \\hcio they had
been visiting with Mrs. Plppon's son.
John WllllaniB and wife , loimeily of
the Junction
Mi. Holmes , the Oakdale i omul-
house foieman. was hcic on business
on Mondav
Mrs. J. M. Bondnratit an hod homo
from Dattlo Cieek last moiling , wlieio
she had been visiting with her giand-
chlldien , Mi and Mrs. John Williams ,
who aio conducting a icntamant
the 10.
Mrs. SioKo anhcd home fiom WIs-
nor hibt evening , whcio she had boon
on business.
Jake Chrlstensen loft for Rapid City
yesteiday to take a chance In the land
One of the two bollermakora , wlic
were statluned heio dm Ing the lush
was laid off last evening and scnl
Chailos Nc-lson Is acting In the ca
paclty of night call-boy at the lound
house dining the rush
Robot I II Wati-oii , foinu'ily of the
Junction , but who has been noikliif
out of Chadron for the past two yoais
Is back and will work out of lion
Finals In CoursiriQ Meet.
Friend , Nob. , Oct. 7. Finals In the
national ionising meet at this cltj
wore reached today. Twcnty-sovoi
dogs are loft and the tilals will sot
tie the winner The consolation pii7 <
will also bo determined today. No.x
week the hounds will move on to Sut
ton whore the Watciloo stake ovonli
vlll bo decided.
Beaumont lo Hurt.
, Fr. lice. Oct 7. While test
no A monoplane tor ( lie Frencl
Lieut Conneau , who tiles undo
Mue ofndie lu aiiihont , " mo
m clclent In landing part o
iic stnu k the ground , am
| -1ouiean : was thrown out. 1I <
d'a biokcn leg and other In
, but lie is not believed to bill
ll\ luti i
10 Oakdale high school babkotbal
i went to Tllden last Friday am
the hoys' team there bythe scor
1 to C.
ork on the schoolhoUBO was dolaj
le major part of last week owlm
ick of masons and rains at th
of the week. There Is , hovvcvci
rce of about nine or ten men a
i this week.
. E. Stubba of Tllden , was tram
ng business in town last Frlda
. "rank ( iross and family of Verd
e. spoilt the latter part of las
> ek \ UHIng Oakdalo friends an
Contractors last wool ; put n ne\ \
roof on the Cooper lesldenco occi
pled by n. M. Nosblt.
C. B. Ueer was among those utteni
ing the old settlors' picnic at Cloui
water last Friday afternoon.
Rev , Snyder returned Friday eve
nlug from the Omaha conference. II
to be nt Oakdnlo for the comln
' T.
' - Alartlndolo , sr. , roUuaoil froi
Omaha the latter part of last week ,
whore he hag been for thieo weeks.
Hex. Mi. Clifton of Meadow Orovo ,
ptogldlng older , dellvoiod the MOIIIIOH
.it the Cnlted Hrelhioti chinch last
.Sunday evening
11. U. lleckwlth of Nellgh , was.tram . * -
nctliiK himlnosH In town last Monday
afternoon between IraltiH.
C. II. 1 Vady wn * a business visitor
to Preiiumt Monday.
C. II. ( llbbs , of NowcaHllo , was
transacting luminous In Tllden Mon
day and Tuesday of this week.
Ilov. Mi. Xlmmerman of the United
Htothion chinch wont to Orchaid
Tuesday on business mattois.
Palnl'-rs have boon lonovallng the
flalloway pioporty on West Plfth
rc'ol this week , with a now coat of
C. I ! , . Harlow of Tlldon. was trans
acting business In town Wednesday
Charles Rlcliaidson. who has boon
hero looking after the Boyd Interests ,
returned Wednesday to Alnsworth.
Clenn Fisher of Norfolk , was In
town Thursday of thla wool : .
A heavy rain commoncen falling
early Thursday morning , and gave
the country a good soaking. WIIU
the rains received the flist of the
week , the ground Is getting well filled
with water.
Mrs. T T. McDonald of Tllden.
spent part of Mondav and Tuesday ol
this week , the guest of her BOH , II.
C. McDonald
Flist Game Is to Be Plnyed On Next
Chicago , Oct. 7. Charles Comlskoy ,
president and owner of the Chicago
American league club , and Chailes W.
Murphy , president of the Chicago Na
tional league club , have agtoed on
Filday , Oct. II ! . as the date for the
first game In the city championship
solles Hoth presidents believe that
13 is a lucKy number.
Cumlng County Auto Club.
West Point , Neb , Oct. " . Special
to The News : The Cumlng County
Automobile association has elected
the following officeib Piesldent , O.
C. Anderson of West Point ; secretary
and tioasuier , W. T. Filed , Iloemer.
Auditorium Goes Fast.
West Point , Neb , Oct. 7 Special
to The News' The walls of the now
audltoilum at West Point have now
reached a height of twenty-five feet
and the window fiames of the build
ing aio all In place. It Is confident'
ly expected that the stiuctuic will bu
opened to the public some time lu
Mis. Fiank I III sell wont to Omaha.
Harl Hansom spent a day at Omaha
Mis M. O'Bilen is at Sioux Cit.v
visillng li lends.
Mr. and Mis Taubol of Iloskins , art
boie visillng with lolativos.
11. A. Pasewalk and Geotge B. Clnis
toph ictuinod from Omaha
Leon ml Gossanl , Hatty and Flojt'
Hull went to Ciogoi.v ! to legistei.
Cleo Lodeier vvenl to Ploico to spout
a few days' visit with ic 1atives.
Mr. and Mis. 1) . T. Hodson of Madi
son , weie heio visiting with fi lends.
Mi and Mis. William Ahlman ant
Chailes Ahlman letinnod fiom Omaha
County Commissioner Stindoiman o
Newman Giovo , was heio enrouto l (
Mis H II. Smith has gone to Me
Comb , 111 , to spend a few weeks will
lelativoB ,
Mis. Tubbs and Miss Lillian Mai
tniault went lo Omaha lo visit will
Miss Dorn Hille has accepted a po
bltlon as stenogiaphet In Ihe Commoi
clal club offices.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Foil-is , i
Bom to Mi. and Mis. Claionci
Stioug at Wamoivllle , a son.
The West Side Whist club is soiled
uled to meet next Thinsday nigh
with Mi. and Mis. Sol G. Mayor.
F. ,1. Netlei is Biilfering liom > a cu
on one of his e-yes as the lesult o
bit > aking a huge lump of coal.
Chailes Binebaker , who was BU < ;
clenly taken ill with an attack of ti |
pendlcltls ThursdHy. Is lopoited some
what impioved today.
Because of the unfavoiablo weatho
conditions Thinsday evening , th
mooting of the Norfolk branch of th
NebiasK.1 Federation of Retail Dealer
was postponed until next Tuesday.
A tspecial meeting of the city com
cil Is to bo bold next Monday night t
make further assessments on the pin
Ing of Norfolk avenue. No other bus
ness Is to be taken up at this meo
ing.The regular school pot lot ! In the Lit
coin school was cut short Thursela
because oi Ihe lack of boat. The fu :
naeos had not been put In operatic
when the pupils anlvod for the dav' '
w 01 k.
The head of an oik which had boo
killed In Montana recenlly was iccel'
od herelo bo mounted. The spnc
between the two horns measures eve
four leot and each horn is four an
a halt feet long.
Because of the absence fiom the clt
of several of the mombeis , Setrotnr
C 1 ! Suitor of the automobile associi
tion icporf that no meeting of tin
oiganl/atlon was held as schedule
Thinsday evening
11 Under of Kansas formerly e
Grand Island , who was brought heifer
for the additional ralhoad force du
ing the land rush , has accepted a pos
tion as bookkeeper in Iho office of tl
Uuiland Trust company.
Ourev Siolt , occupation dlshwnsho
paid $1 down on his fine of $7 50 I ,
Judge List-ley's courl wheio ho wr
bioiiKht this morning on charges t
being drunk Scotl found the judge
tender spot and was allowed to pay h
fine In installments.
A team of hoises which were b
lievod for n while to have boon stole
from the C. P. Parish barn , woi
found Inter In the morning. The an
umls Una ovidoutly broken out of tli
nun and wandeitd about the resl
leneo pail of the t It ) .
As a tribute of catccin , members of
he Pleice Masonic lodge jestorday
uosontod lo i : J Hla beautiful trav
llUK bag Mi lllIs deputy custodian
if the Masonic grand lodge and was at
i'lerce. oonfortlng degrees. Mr. Illx
ind his daughter leave next month for
lallfoinla , to spend the winter.
Satin day'i. Not folk-Omaha football
ame will Ksult In almosl a leunlon
for the Phi Kappa Psl college fiatot-
nlty. To tills flaterally belong Coach
Colegtove of Norfolk , Hofoteo Dean
Hinder of Omaha , Coach Hbblo Bur
nett of Omaha , Umpire Hen Choi ring-
ton of Omafia and Phvsical Director
Jams of Omaha.
Paltolman O'Hiien would like to
know what tionble hi ought him to
PasowalU's giovo In much haste
Thinsday evening. A woman's \olce
ever a telephone eail > saying thai
Ihere was some trouble on South Plfth
stieel was the cause of the officer's
trip. The number given him would be
located In the grove.
Taking advantage of Hie experience
afforded bj last nlghl's rain , the com
mittee in charge of the tonsil notion
of the large tabernacle in which n
four weeks' evangellslie mooting will
Lie held soon , decided to change the
localion of Hie strucluie from the Mlt-
telstadt piopoity on Norfolk avenue
and Seventh street to Norfolk avenue
and Ninth street
The first dance of the season will
bo hold In Manmardt hall this evej-
nlng. The dance Is given for the bene
fit of the Not folk Ad club and noth
ing has been loft undone to make Ihe
event n most successful one. The com
mittee on arrangements loport theh
vvoik completed and the music will beef
of the best Public splilted c Ill/ens
aie uiged to patronlxo the function , as
the Ad club is an active'booster oigan-
i/atlon for Norfolk , and needs the
money. The public'Is Invited. Tickets
aie $1.
A Rally at Nellgh.
Nollgh , Nob. , Oct. 0. Special to The
News : The fiist political rally in tills
county will be held In the contt teem
in Noligh next Satin day ov cuing. The
demociats have seemed Dan V. Ste
phens and William V. Allen candidate
for congiess and dlslilct judge , ics-
pecllvely , to open up the campaign
hoi e.
War of Railroads Over Coast Traffic ,
Gives This Line the Business.
Omaha , Ocl ( ! 'Iho old ilvaliy between -
tweon Iho Hill and Hariinian i.iilioad
systems between the Missonti ilvoi
and the Pacific coast bioKon out
afiesh and Ilaiilman's Southern Paci
lic lias just dealt Hill's Buillngton
line a Btiiggciing blow bj entting thu
latter line oft fiom all Piantiscu
and Califoiuia ttaflic. Conditions ate
such that noltliei the inteistato com-
moico coinmisslon nor the
cointh can inteileio In tbo tlglil and
fiom appealances the thai lines will
bo poi milled to settle the affali in
tholi own way. And this time Hie light
is being waged on the lails , not in the
stock maiket The entile tians-Alls
lsslppl countiy is the baltlofiold In
stead of the naiiov. confines of Wall
and Buiad stioets.
I Despite the iact that this is the
. most tilanic struggle the western tail
f load has known foi twenty-live > eais
it is being waged so silently that the
public is scaicely aware that the bit
ilvals aie no longer standing togethei
and woi king hainionlotislv , as Ihej
lm\o done in Iho past dee ado. The
cause of Iho light Is the owneiship ol
a simple $2.rpO on each lUkel sold bj
the eastern lines to Iho Pacific coast
but the effect produced is tiemendous
And still gieitei effects aie piotnlsot'
by the geneials in command of the
The situation is complicated by the
fact that 11111 , In Ihe fight , has the
asslslanee of the big Rock Island mil
load , which is In a position similar tc
L tile Builinglon , while Western Pacilic
j the new Gould load to Ihe Pacific , Is
t aiding the Sonllioin Pacific. Union Pa
f cific , main trunk of the Ilaiiimnn sys
tern , is. in the piesent fincas , only r
"lookei-cm" and a bvstander , and is
) 'taking ' no pail in the stiugglo How
! ever , Ihe latlor load is leaping a gold
! en hurvesl while Ihe oilier llnei
r "sciap" among themselves.
In latt , because qf the big fight
o Union Paciffc today is the only tail
s nmd opeiating tlnough Irnlns botweet
Chttago and St. Louis and San Fian
tlsco which ti averse the central poi
tion of the country
The trouble begun brewing a yea
ago when the interstate commerci
commission ordered Southern Pacifl
and other toads to iodine faie fion
Ogden lo the Pacific coast fiom $3
to $ : ! . " , but did not order a icductloi
of the through fare from Mlssoui
river points to Ihe coast. At Unit lime
and for ten years pievlous t heroic
through cars had boon opetated eve
Burlington and Rock Island lines a
far as Denv'er , thence over Rio Giand
to Ogden , where they weie tinned eve
to Southern Pacific for the haul to th
coast. At that lime Ihe roads ens
and vvesl of Ogden simply cut the rat
y In two parts , each taking an equal poi
tion. When the Interslnle commeic
commission's new rale was ordere (
Soulbern Pacific demanded that th
eastern lines continue to accept th
same propoitlon as foimorly atceptet
- . but both Burlington and Rock Islan
e lines refused and demanded n hlghe
pen outage of the test of the ticket
For almost twelve ii'ontns the tra
10 flc officials of the different system
Involved have boon seeking an adjus
r. ment. bul last week a crisis was road
n od and Southein Pacific notified bol
is Burlington and Rock Island system
if that the cais formerly operated eve
's those roads would no longer bo nccep
Is ed from them , and thai in future n
this traffic would bo handed over t
. Union Pacilic , which had made no di
n mnnds for an incionsod petcontngo c
the locolpts
Accoidlngly. both Burlington an
10 Rock Island Imvo boon forced to at :
contlniii * all tluotiKh < ais to California
via DenvtM and Salt Lake and the
gloat ttaffli ome enjoyed by ( hone
loads Is now being hauled by Union
Pacific The two svstems have found
their business piactlcallj ruined
by the aihlttaiy ait Ion of Sonthein
Pacific and have not yet found a way
lo "come back" at the latter line , but
aio ptomlsliiK that their next move
will make the Ilairlmnn people sit up
ami take notice.
School Notes.
The appealance of the school looms
Is delightfully Improved bj placing the
thiit.v-two fine plctuios. bought lasl
.vear with the funds uilsed b.v the ait
exhibit , on the walls , IJvety loom has
ono or mole
Benjamin Cluipln will give his gieat
Lincoln eiitoitalinnont under the mis-
pices of the high school , Oct. 21.
Because of lack of any heating for
the Lincoln building , pupils In that
building woio sent homo Thinsday and
Friday. The delay In the conlinctoi's
work Is n soilons loss lo Ihe schools.
Mi. Hunter an hod Wednesday noon
and has been lellevlng Ml. Colegiovo
of his duties nsfycmch at football prao-
llce. The boys are wet king haid and
Mr. Hunter fools confident that they
will BCOIO against Omaha Saturday
lie saja they aie In line form and
show the lesult ol the excellent coachIng -
Ing of Mr. Colegrove
Thinsday a biict rally as hold In the
high school assembly loom. After the
various football songs had been sung
and Leo Ogden and his loyal lootern
had wakened all the echoes within
foui blocks , Snpt. Crostot made a few
well chosen remarks at the close of
which lie lequested his predecessor to
addtess the school. Mr Hunter expressed -
pressed his nppieelation ot the condi
tion ol the high school , especially in
repaid to the einolltnent which shcnVH
n gain of twenty over the mimbei In
attendance at this time last 3 , ear. He
spoke ot the value of ideals and cited
Hoosovelt as an example of a man who
had developed himsoll Ihe ( inalllios of
the hisloilcal chaiacleis which ho ad-
mliod. As a piolltablo investment ho
in god the students to attend oin own
stale unheiMty so that they might fit
themselves lo occupy positions for
which U allied men and women aio 10-
quiied. Ho said that Got many , though
small in compailson with our bioad
nation , 's foiglng inpldly ahead ot us
in Iho mailer of skilled laboi. In or-
doi to be successful oveiy young man
should be It allied for his life work.
Junction News.
Geoige Benedict foi mot ly of Noi-
folk , but now of Iowa , was heio Mon
day visiting with lelativos and left
lot West Point on business Tuesday
Miss Conine Murphy of Clinton , la ,
passed thiougli the Junction last eve
ning on her way to Dallas to loglstot.
Mis. J P Thomas and daughlei ,
Minnie , of Ciolgliton , weio heio yes-
lei day on business.
A. H Foi bos , who has been wet king
in Council Bluffs for some time , has
lelnrnod lo Not folk and is on Hie look
out foi a position.
Order Restraining Discharge of Old
Soldier at Grand Island.
Lincoln , Neb , Oct. ( ! . AVhilo Gov ,
Aldi it h was confcri Ing at St Louis
with Govcrnois Hadloy of Missonii
and Jlaiinon ol Ohio on the prepai.'v
tion of the biief to piesont to the
biipieine comt of the United States
piotesting against the interfoionce of
lode i al com Is with state officials , re-
Btinlning oidets wete btonght lo this
tily to bo solved on him and othei
stale officials.
The oidet enjoins thorn from dis-
c-hniglug an Inmate of an old soldier's
homo at Grand Island , an institulion
w hose manageiiK nt is placed by law
in the 'u ' ndof the governor and oth
er late officials.
Laurier's Last Day.
Ottawa , Out , Oct C. The last meet'
ing of the Lam lor gov eminent was
held today. The ministers lesignatioii
will be tondeicd to Call Gtey tomoi
low and Mr. lioidcn will bo invited tc
foi m a gov eminent lie m.iy have hi <
plans toady and take office at once
as Sir Wilfied Lamler did In JS9C , 01
ho may take a few dajs to complete
his aiiangemcnti. By-elections wil'
be hold as soon as possible. Parlla
mont Is expected to meet early In No
Vfiaber and finish Its business befotc '
Reyes Denies Revolt Sorty.
New Orleans , Oct G Gen. Bei nardc
Reyes , for years Idol of Iho Mexicai
aimy , long political leader of Ihat re
public and lecenlly a candidate fo
the piosldency against Fiancisco I
Madero , jr , 'emphatically denies pub
Mention connecting him with organ/ !
Ing a new i evolution in Mexico , Gen
Reyes ni rived here fiom Sabanah am
will leave today for San Antonio
whore he probably will eslablish hi
homo. He declared he was forced li
flee his countiy because his life vva
liourly endangered as a lesult of th <
growing condition of anarchy follow
Ing the recent revolution.
Smugglers Must Pay Up.
o New York , Oct 0. The federal gov
ei invent brought forfelline sull
against Nathan Allen of Kenoshi
Wis , and John R. Collins of Memphis
Tonn , today to recover SIS..OOO , th
value of smuggled jewels and weni
Ing appaiel Fiom Allen a forfeit n
$110.000 Is claimed and from Collln
$ .Vio)0. ( ) Both men locemly pleade
guilty lo Indictments for smuggling
Interstate Commerce Commission Cn
Regulate Interstate Car Lines ,
Washington. Oct 0. A passongc
rate of ten cents across Ihe bridge be
tween Omaha , Neb. , and Counc
Bluffs , la , was sustained in a declslo
by the commerce court. More fai
i caching than the more question c
into was the decision of the com
that the interstate commerce comml ;
slon has power under the law to rogti-
late Iho opetallotiF of Interstate elec
tric rall\Mi > a , this being the flist deter
mination by a cotnt in support of the
iiimpany'H action In this icgaid. The
eoittt hold that the commission had
ample aulhotlty to Issue Its older In
addition to holding that the older It
self was leasonablo.
The case was brought by the Oma
ha and Council Bluffs Hallway com
pany and the Omaha and Council
Bluffs Bildgo company In an action
agalnsl Ihe Intei state commeico com
mission which Issued an eider fixing
Iho ton cent tale.
La Follelte To Talk Politics.
Minneapolis , Oct I ! . Senator Reboil -
oil La Folletto's visit to Minneapolis
next month will be under the auspices
of the Piogtosslvo Hopubllc'iin league
Ho will not speak at the Publicity club
luncheon as first artanged. Minne
apolis ptomosslvos doslie that the
senator shall make a political speech
dining his visit and politics Is barred
at Publicity club gathoilngs. The day
of Senator La Folletlo's coming hero
will bo fixed later.
Ratify Foss for Governor.
Boston , Oct. C. The dcmocints
held Hie political stage In this cltv
with the- scene laid In old Fatioull
hall , and Gov. Poss , George Prod Wil
liams , this year's platform construc
tor , and Sherman L. Whlpplo , conven
tion chaiimnn , as the principal ac
tors. The convention was practically
a latificallon mooting for Ihe Btate
ticket and for the formulation of the
loading Issues of the campaign The
ticket which the convention ratified
was headed by Kngetie N. Foss , nom
inated to succeed himself as gover
Hoosier Poet Said to Be 58 , but Re-
fusea to Confirm This.
Indianapolis , Oct ( ! The first gen-
01 al obsetvance of Janie.s Whilcomb
RIloy'B hlilhd.o annlveisaiy was held
today In overv Indiana school In
ictognlllon of Iho honor , the "booster
poet" Issued giactings to his childten
ft lends.
Rlley is said to be 58 joaus old , but
ho icfusca lo confirm the dale of his
Electric Light Plant Built On Hill , Re.
lief Work Aided.
Austin , Pa. , Oct. -Befoic another
twenty-four hours It Is ox-peeled that
a tempoiaiv eleclilc light plant will
have boon established on the flats
whoie once stood the gioator poi lion
of the village. The plant will bo run
with gasoline power.
With Ibis plant in operation the
doming of the wreckage will bo push
ed night and day. The lelief workers
have heielofoio had to cease lliolr la
bor on account of daiknoss because
of having no menus to furnish light.
Schley la Buried.
Washington , Uct. G Suriounded
with all the pomp of military , the body
of Admlial Winfiold Schloj , who died
suddenly on Monday in Now Yoik ,
was burled jcblordaj attomoon in Ar
lington national ccinetciy on the Vie-
loiia. Heights , ovci looking Washing
No Strikebreakers Being Imported
There Ogden Situation Acute.
Omaha , Oct. G. At labor headquar-
leis in Omaha it was denied Thurs
day that any men had i etui nod to
woik in the Union Pacific shops , but
it was admitted that several had taken
positions up town. Sam Grace said
fifteen moie employes walked out of
the shops Thinsday. These weie the
appientices in the machine shops. Ac
cording to hibor loaders there aie now
but five machinists at vvoik. There
mo more men woiking in other oigan-
Izations which aio not so controlled
as the machinists. Union Pacific of
ficials will make no statoiiionl of Iho
number ot men who have walked out
and sum up Iho situation by Laying
that "ovci } thing is peaceable and sat-
isfactoty. "
Although Iwo cat loads of stilke-
bioakors have boon taken to the west ,
, ' none have boon loft in Omaha. About
[ i twenty were taken to Iho Council
. I Bluffs shops to loplaco the men who
.Iliad walked out , but as far as can be
, | learned now no new men have been
I employed at Ihe Omaha shops. Sev-
eial cols have been placed In the
shops and food has been taken there ,
. . but labor leaders declare It Is foi the
and that the Union Pacilic ot-
llcials have not attempted to relieve
the local situation by the transporta
tion of skilled mecuanics fiom else-
The members of the grand lodge of
the labor organization , who have been
Investigating the Omaha situation , loft
Thuisday. They were satisfied Ihat
the stiiKeis were in satisfactory shape
to continue the strike Indcfinitel.v and
withdrew to investigate condltons in
other centers. Waller Amos , vice presi
dent of Ihe machinists , went to Ogden
whore Ihe silnatlon according to labor
men is becoming acuto. Ho will sloji
at all towns on the Union Pacific
whoie ( hey aio stilklng shopmen ,
Ftank Paquln , who paid a hurried visit
to Omaha , went to the Illinois Central
leriltory to handle the car men strike
Ho is vice prosldont of the car mon'e
association. J. P. Ryan , vlco piosl-
dent of ( ho bollormakois , wont tc
Kansas to strcnglhcn organballons in
thai stalo.
Chicago , Oct 0 Four more stilken
returned to'work at the Bumside
chops of the Illinois Central Railroad
oompanv. Kvorythlng was peaceful
when Iho 900 shopmen reported foi
woi 1 : .
Dodgers Near Chicago.
Chicago , Oct. 0 C. P. Rodgers
who la making a const to const fllghi
for a prlzo of ? 50,000 , expects to lam
this afternoon In Grant Park , Chi
cnso , where the big aviation mee
was hold In August. Ho spent the
night nt Hammond , Ind , and slant ly
afternoon ho will got Into motion and
an hour later ho expects to ho In
After n rcsl here over night Mr.
Rodgers will depart for Kaunas City.
Cobb Has .417 Average.
Cleveland , Oct ( > . --Ty Cobb played
his last game of the season heie , hav
ing been excused fiom the St Louis
ttlp by Manager Jennings Cobb has
capttned the Amctlean league tec cuds
foi base stealing and tun getting , hav
ing sr > stolen bases and 119 i tins to
Takes Credit for Starting Work on
the Panama Canal.
New York , Oct. C Thoodoio Hooao-
vilt has an aitlcle on "How ( ho Unit
ed States Acqultcd the Right to Dig
the Panama Canal" in the cut rent
number of the Outlook.
Mr. Roosevelt discusses statements
which have been made from time to
time thai ho acted In an unconstitu
tional manner and usurped authority
in connection with the Panama ptoj-
eel , and ho upholds the regularity
of Iho piocoodlngB throughout.
Mr. Roosevelt says that his mess
age to congiosB sol forth In full and
In detail evety essential fact connect
ed with the various phases of Iho nc-
qulslllon of the Panama canal , He
"The pimple fact was that when the
Inlc-iost of the American people Im-
peratlvelv demanded that a cottnln
act should bo done and I had the pow
er to do It , I did It , unless It was
specifically prohibited by law , Instead
of timidly icfnslng to do it unless I
could find some piorislon of law
which lendeied It linpeiatlvo Ihat I
should do it In other words. 1 gave
tbo benefit of the doubt to the people
of Iho United States and not to any
group of bond It H , foreign or domes
tic , whose inletests happened to be
adveise to those of Ihe people of the
United States. "
! Battle Creek.
I Air and Mis. Fiod Richardson , jr. ,
'and ' baby , ate hoio this week from
j Big Creek , Chony county , vlslling
i datives and fi lends. Batlle Creole
is their native homo.
Ah in Togolor of Maiysvllle. Kan. ,
was visting heie a couple of days
with his uncles , Henry Massinan and
Tied Tegelei. .Monday he went to
Giogory , S. D. , foi legislation , lie
was accompanied b.v his cousin , Hi-
nest Cutkofski , who also will logistoi.
llcniy Tassomoier was heio Satur-
tlnj on business tioin Tlldon
Mi. and Mis. Arnold Wacbler and
baby were hoie fiom Iladar Satin day
and Sunday visiting her parents , Mr.
and Mis Jacob SUilack , and othei
Rov. Father Isadoie , C. P. , is given
some Inlei eating and attractive mis
sion let-tines of devotion at the Catho
lic chinch heio oveiy evening tills
week. The meetings aio well attend
ed by non-Catholics.
James McColc of Anlelope county
was visiting fi lends hoio Siintlaj.
Attorney W P. Rooney stopped off
hoie Tuesday on his way bpme to
Chad ) on ,
Mis Chailes Sclnoodor wont to the
Liitheian hospital at Sioux City Tues
day for treatment. She was accom-
mnled by Henry Massinan , sr. , who
s one of the diioctois of that institu-
John T. Dinkcl , who lives between
1010 and Not folk in Valley vicinity ,
ms built a largo now bam , 31x10.
Mrs Beitha Gaidols leturned Tues
day f loin an extended visit with her
laughter , "Mrs Butler and family , at
rcgoiy , S. D.
Mr. and Mis. JJloia Ilalght. ac
companied by their two children , 10-
utned Monday fiom a week's visit
vith her sister , Mis. Iloiman Kyi and
family at Dorsey , Holt county.
William Burner was hoio Tuesday
fiom Stanton , visiting at the homos
of his dniightcis , Mis Iivin Hogcis
ind Ralph Halos.
J W. DcMenit , several jcars ago
nlnlstor of the Baptist chinch at Ibis
ilace , aiilvotl heio Monday from
Silencer , S D. , for a visit with icla-
Chailes Flood , formerly a fanner of
ialtle Cieek pieclncl , ai lived heie
1'noHday fiom Oelwino la. foi a visit
with his many lolatlvos.
For Brass Bands.
Milwaukee , Wis , Oct -1 That tin
$107,7r > 3 which was expended b\ I mi
ed States Senator Stephen on m ! i
campaign for nomination at the i > i
marks was used legitimately toi
brass bind'- , lithographs , buttons .mcl
other campaign advertising and w.i
not employed coiruptlj was the MSI
of testimony given before the cna
torlal investigating committee
Fortune Board Tells Farmer He Wil
Win No. 1 , Before He Registers
Four fai met s , each owning < \ (
sections of land in Iowa on < 11 >
f loin Omaha , two lallroad men me
tluoe alleged bankers liom Mulium
Imbibing too much ot genuine Indi it
whiskey , gave passengeis em out n
Gregory shortly after midnight a bi
of a show.
A map of Mellotte county was pi <
cured and this was stuck up auanis
the window of the smoking c.u e > m
farmer closed his eyes , and w illiin ,
unsteadily tow aid the map of ilu m \
land pointed to a spot veiv < \ < , < t
the White river. This spot was w hoi
the now town of Carnhy was to h
located. The county seat was to l >
moved from White liver as sooni
ono of the parly would draw claim \i
1 , which was assured b.v tin oulj
boaid furnished by ono of the p.nn
, JTho fortune telling board had It thn
Ihe farmer would win No l and In
> 1 mediately a commission form of go
t eminent was formed. A mayor wi
1 ajipolntoel by the six conntllmen wli
were elected after a dispute as to tli
t largo number for a small town. Tli
t Ity clerk accepted his position but
the uew town bootnoiH woto dlsap
pointed after the tioamnoi WIIH unable
to arcopl office. Snoio.s from hli
( tuner came loud and long and no Huh
ntlluto could bo found because * all had
alteady taken off ho. The oiilju boiud
tells the truth , said the rainier , and
ho was willing to make a substantial
bet with the two talltoad ineti ( hat
ho would ho the winner of ( ho flist
choice for the now Intnl.
Soulh Side News.
Mrs. Chat les Long at lived home
from Lynch Monday noon , wheio nlm
spent a few dajs at Iho homo of her
Edwin U. RobotiKoti of Chicago , top
resi'titlng the Northwestern imssongi i
depntIntent Is stationed 111 NoiTnIK
dining the rush Ho IB kepi busy gtv
Ing Infotmatinn nbont ( rain cotinei
Special Agent Duff } ( H also fiom
Chicago , whole ho wan employed bv
the Plnkeilon company.
Nine 'cmihes well filled with rogls
Mat kin passengeiH , niosllj ( torn Min
nosotn , attlved In the cltv al It
o'c lot k to bo ttaiusfc nod to the Noith
western train leaving hero al 1 'n
Among tlipso passengers Is John
Btttnla piomlnont rainier living
neai M.inkalo. Mr. Burnt/ a school
mate of U W Zutof this city , ami
the ( wo men mot heie after not h.iv
ing sec-n each othei foi over twnitv
veins. Mi- limnlopoils ! that flftic n
cats packed with icKlsiiallon pass , n
gcrs left MatiK.ito TIICHI ! i\ In lh <
nine cais which attUtil Wcdncsd.iv
theie wc'te about 501) ) pasHongc'ts
Among the Mlnnci-oUi fanners , n <
onio vvealthv men , but most of Ihi in
decline thcj have come hoio because
of the low lilies and the cippoitunllv
to see this pint ol thecountry. . Most
of the MlnnesotaliH have never been
in this pail of Nelnaska or In tin
Rosebud countiv
The Noitbwestein passcnijer ( lain
leaving heie tit 1 : io wtm well nil. d
and additional coachcft were repottiil
to be In loneliness to lake care of Ibi
Minnesota lanneis.
Notice to Ci editors ,
The Mate of Nebraska , Madison
count v , ss.
In the matter of the estate of lla/.c 1
Best , deceased.
Notice is heioby given to all put
sons having claims and demands
against lla/ol Best , late of said Madi
son county , den eased , that the linn1
fixed for filing claims against said os
late Is six months from Iho 2nd dav
of Ottobot , 1 ! > 11. All such poisons an-
HMjiilred to piescnl Ihcii claims \\itli
the vouchers to tin- county judge ol
said county at his office In the eltv
of Madison , in said Madison coiintv
on 01 befoie the Mill da.v of Apnl
1'H2 and that all claims BO filed will
lie heaul Kioto said Jndgo on ( he
. ! id day of Apill. 1912 , al 1 o'clock p
ai Violet Phaip is the oxocuttl.x ot
I he ostite
It Is fuither oidoietl that notice to
all persons interested In said eslati
be given by publishing a copy of this
older In the Noifolk Weekly News
Join mil a weekly newspaper printed
published and ( imitating in said conn
tv lei font consecutive weeks pnnr
lo t-ald d.ij of healing
Wilnesi my hand and seal this 22nd
d.l.v ol Sept ( mbt i , A I ) 1911
William Bales ,
( Seal i Connt.v Judge
WANTED Ml pailles inlorcsled In
the Gulf coast , Texas , countiy to write
us for information. Come to a coun
try wheio two ciops can be grown
each jear , wheio the Boll is good , wa
tt-r sweet and puie , vvheie the BUII of
summer Is tempoied by the cool
brce o fiom the gulf and whoie stock
does not have to bo fed more than
half the year. Get In touch wlh Iho
Tracy-Hnos Land Co. , Victoria. Texas
WA NTlVn Success Magnrlne re *
ejiiiies the services of a man In Noi
lolk to look after expiring subscrip
tions and to sec in o new business by
means of special methods usually ef
fective ; position peimanent , prefer
one with expeiience , but would con
slder any applicant , with good natural
qualifications , salary 51 150 poi day ,
with commission option Address ,
with i of 01 one PS , R C Peacock , Room
] ( > 2 Success Maga/lne Hldg , New
" .S
f < - tfB&C
Anrm ! _ t f I I I I t ! 11 n
t III r ui
HIM I I II i i. ninaii u u
tt mi i 11\ < I ' OOl I II I Htl 111 !
li MI 11 I - I till III" ,
! ; > . , id ti > tice , w en n. > , i
v -
A lmmi nmi > l lI'nMi- ' lot ! vfpb f J argent rlr
rulniKiii i I i ii / i i u > < 1 < urr ul , 'limit
mr f nir in Mi'.fcL.
Unmu. V iu ' .vesbtiuicm „ > . C.