The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 22, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Market Types of Horses
Animal Husbandry Department , Puidue University Experiment Station
tire numerous clawH" nnil grades of horses on tlio great markets ,
THERE rnny bo divided Into about four distinct types , according to tlio
HBO to which the horses nro adapted , na follows : Draft horses , har
ness horses , Bdddlo horses and ponies.
Other clnhHos on which market quotations nro nindo , ns loggers , wngon
horses , chunks , etc. , nro of seine one of the nhovo types , being classed sep
arately , duo to differences In weight or quality. The general couformntlou of
these chiBKcs Is mich Unit they mny como under one of the four above uaiued
Draft Horses.
The standard weight for draft horses ranges from 1,000 pounds np other
HilngH being equal , the heavier the bettor. Horses of draft typo weighing less
than 1,000 pounds uro classed on the Chicago market as chunks and wagon
toorscs. In the attempt to produce heavy drafters enough animals nre pro-
A DRAFT GELDING. Champion at the 1910 International. Shown by J.
Crouch vl Son , Lafayette , Ind.
dticed to meet the demand for thin typo of horses ; therefore little definite
effort nt breeding chunks or wagon horses nOed be made. The conformation
of the draft horse should be such flR to give him the greatest degree of strength
and pulling power. IIo should be compact and muscular throughout wide and
flecp bodied. Style and carriage , while not materially affecting the utility ,
ndd greatly to the selling price and demand for the animal. Quality is nn im
portant factor In determining the selling price. Drafters lacking style and of
Inferior or mediocre quality sell as loggers. There Is nn active demand for
this class , but the price hi not equivalent to that paid for the higher class of
iiorses. The farmer or breeder striving to produce horses of draft typo for
the market should take for his ideal the muscular , compact , low set , blocky ,
stylish show gelding. Ills failures to realize this ideal will generally result in
Lorscs which will find definite classes in which to sell IX they have the draft
Harness Horses.
Harness horses nre generally divided into heavy and light classes accord
ing to the use to which their conformation , action and style adapts them.
Heavy harness horses nre those of the hackney nnd coach type , having rather
compact conformation , high going action and superb etyle. They nre driven in
lienvy harness to n carriage or moderately hcflvy vehicle at a moderate speed.
They nre sometimes called carriage horses or conch horses Instead of
heavy harness horses. The light harness horses arc of a more rangy , open
conformation than the heavy harness horses , have a lower , longer stride * and
are driven to n plainer , lighter vehicle at a greater speed :
They nro used for road and speed work. The American standard bred trot
ters nnd pacers nre largely producers of the light harness or roadster type.
Saddle Horses.
Saddle horses nre divided into two classes according to gaits the three
gnltcd nnd the live galted. The three galled must show three distinct gaits ,
the walk , the trot and the canter. The five galted must show in addition to
the above- three gaits the rack and nuy of the following : The slow pace , tlio
niunlng walk or the fox trot Besides the difference in gaits , the couforma-
tlon of the five gnlted horse is slightly more compact , less rangy thnn that
of the three gaited horse. The general confortn/itlon of the saddle horse Is
slightly similar to that of the harness horse , the former , however , generally
being n little higher ut the withers , with shorter tack and more level croup
-than the latter.
Ponies vary in height , weight and conformation to n considerable degree ,
< ho maximum height allowed by the market being fourteen hands. There are
three breeds which contribute toward supplying the pony market the Shet
land , Welsh and hackney. While the conformation of body may vary from
tlio rnngluess of the roadster to the compactness of the drafter , it must be
euch that It fives the pony a pleasing appearance and good-stylo.
Produce a Definite Type.
One of the very best ways in which horses may be improved Ss to use
In the breeding operations stallions and mares having the breeding and
conformation which will enable them to be producers of offspring fitted to
j > erform n definite function In the best possible way. The most marked anil
permanent Improvement cau be accomplished by farmers of congenial dispo
sitions within a community uniting upon a breed best suited to their environ
ment nnd sticking to it through thick and thin for a long number of years.
Avoid miscellaneous crossing et breeds and types and the use of inferior
You cap sell used musical instru
ments through classified advertising.
Most of them are sold In this way.
There's always n probable buyer reading -
ing the ads.
To appreciate tne lull usefulness of
classified advertising to you , In "push-
Ing your business , " or in managing
your affairs , is to possess real "busi-
ness Insight"
Take Shape of Books , Lunches , Different Kinds Recalled by
Cans of Peas and Other Black Hand King's Grape
Harmless Things. fruit Missile.
Glnseppo Costnbelll ,
WHEN as the "king of the
Black Hand , " was arrested
In Now York recently for
having concealed under his coat n
bomb the slzo of n grapefruit , contain
ing enough dynamite to shatter an entire -
tire building , the police remarked that
It was another of the many now fash
ions In the making of bombs , some
of which look llko cans of green peas ,
valises , canes and little lunch pack
ages. Odd as It sounds , It is nn actual
fact that there are fashions In the
bombs among revolutionists and an
archists as capricious as these ruling
woman's dress ,
The dagger , for ages the fnvorlto
means used for the elimination of en
emies , has become obsolete , and , ac
cording to the ethlca of tlio "reds , " the
stiletto or knlfo has never been wide
enough In Us scope.
The progressive twentieth century
anarchist or radical reformer alms to
kill by wholesale , and for this purpose
the Ideal weapon Is the bomb. In or
der to carry out his plans successful
ly the vigilance of the police has
forced him to change both Uio form
and the composition of his favorite
means of destruction.
Term a Misnomer.
The word bomb In the general ac
ceptance of the term Is a misnomer ,
at least ns far ns recent specimens of
the Spanish , Portuguese , French and
German article are concerned. For
merly n bomb was associated with a
sphere or cylinder of cast stool or Iron ,
which was at beat a clumsy affair , not
only awkward to handle , but difficult
to conceal.
The anarchists of today have reduced
the manufacture to a science , and the
evolution of the modern bomb Is an In
teresting study. In days gone by there
were two recognized methods of kill
ing by explosives one by the Instan
taneous expansion of deadly , perma
nent gases , enveloping and suffocating
every living thing within reach , carry
ing with It , na a rule , a fetid , Intolerable
erable stench , and the other loading
up the regular cylinder with balls and
The force and expansion of ordinary
powder were limited , fortunately , and
the damage from bombs was relatively
small In the Infancy of bombmaklng.
The first really Important discovery
In progressive explosives was made
when fulminate of mercury put In
an appearance. It revolutionized the
manufacture of arms and gave the
world the percussion cap.
Fulminate of Mercury.
The Barcelona radicals In their re
cent demonstration against the govern-
eminent used fulminate of mercury
bombs. One of these exploded , killing
almost thirty persons. Another was
caught In n woman's dress and picked
up Intact and Is now In the govern
ment laboratory. As n specimen of
bombmaklng It Is a masterpiece and
shows the skill of nn export mechanic.
It Is made of line steel , the halves be
ing lltted together by a nicely finished
tin cad. It contains not less than
twenty-six percussion caps.
Bertillon , the famous French crim
inal expert , has established n museum
showing specimens of old and modem
bombs used by anarchists "for the
propaganda of the faith. " Ravacho )
\vas the first to lake advantage of
dynamite In the bomb business. lie
Invented the "kettle bomb , " crude , but
Telegraph Pola and Chains Constituted
Western Town's Lockup.
Western Pacific trainmen running
from Orovllle , Col. , to Gerlach bring
word that that town Is to lese its jail ,
whli-h Is sold to be the only one of Ha
kind In the country.
The Jail consisted of chains attached
to a telegraph pole. On the post was
nailed the sign , "Gerlach City Jail. "
Offenders , after being found guilty ,
simply had the chain attached to their
iinkles and were loft there to spend
their term. Others wore kept there
awaiting trial in n Justice court. Now
word has been received that a now
portable steel Jail U on Its way to
Gerlach , in which prisoners nro to be
confined in the future.
Gerlach is n division point on the
edge of the Nevada desert. Its total
population is less than a hundred ;
but , like most new railroad towns , it
has a large proportion of undesirable
citizens , whose presence made a Jail
n necessity.
Brings In Sixteen Kinds of Birds For
Its Mistress to Mount.
Mrs. Fannie Davis , nn expert taxi
dermist of Slingerlands , N. Y. , has a
remarkable cat , for which she has re
cently refused nn offer of $100. This
cat has nil the Instincts of a well train
ed bird dog. It catches birds , but in
stead of eating them takes them to
her mistress , who rewards Tabby by
giving her a dish of milk.
80 far this season the cat has caught
flxtocn different species of birds , which
Mrs. Davis has mounted.
"What used to DO called sometimes
derisively "bargain hunting" has
evolved into the practise of intelligent
buying. The advertisements make It
cx'tremoly effective. Ho simply filled
nn Iron kettle with dynamite , celled a
fuse around the handle of an innocent
looking ladle which stuck out from
under the carelessly fitted cover. He
placed his "soup" In the ontrnnco of n
liouso In the Rue do Cllchy , touched
off the fuse and blew up the house ,
killing a score of persons.
Fancy Bombs.
This was the beginning of the era of
fancy bombs. A few weeks ago a
prominent olllclal in Lisbon received
what purported to be a sample of par
ticularly fine coffee. The weight of
the package excited suspicion , and It
was opened carefully. It was nn in
geniously made bomb , containing a
mixture of green powder , dynamite
and sulphate of copper.
The "sardine box bomb" thrown in
the chamber of deputies in Franco is
considered to have been the most dead
ly missile ever nsed. The explosive
is supposed to have been picric acid ,
prusslate of soda and the famous green
powder , separated by n pad of cotton
saturated with sulphuric acid. It was
filled with big nails.
"Canned Green Peas. "
The Innocent looking "canned green
peas bomb" is , according to nn ex
pert chemist , "tho most hellish affair
Invented. " It was sent to a promi
nent hotel keeper ns a sample. Uo
suspected something nnd sent it to the
government laboratory. It was found
to contain n powerful explosive nnd
belonged to the class called "bombe
a renversement" that is , n bomb the
inversion of which causes instant ex
It is fitted out with a straight or
curved glass tube connecting two
vials containing the necessary acids.
A wad of cotton separates the flu Ms ,
nnd this wad in some instances serves
in place of n time fuse. It was a
bomb of this kind which caused the
terrible loss of life in the central po
lice station of St Petersburg not BO
loug ago.
At the close of the reception preced
ing the Immediate departure of King
Alfonso for Melln n few weeks ago
there was a mysterious explosion.
Several persons were hurt In the room ,
but the police suppressed all informa
tion. It 1ms leaked-out that it was
caused by n new style of bomb , this
ono being a "vallso bomb , " fitted with
compartments filled with explosives
nnd provided with n tlmo fuse. There
have been found "hntbox bombs , " also
of a similar type. They seem to be
popular in parts of Spain and have
been found also In Italy.
Shaped Like Canes.
In Portugal the police seized n num
ber of "cnne bombs. " They were not
of a deadly variety , but rather were
intended to cause panics. They were
in the shape of a fancy cnne head and
filled with explosives without slugs or
bullets. In swinging the cane upward
the head was released by a spring and
could thus be thrown nt a great dis
tance In n crowd , generally exploding
In the air with n terrific nolso.
The "lunch box bomb , " Introduced
with deadly effect In Paris by Val-
Hant , was a complicated contrivance
and happily has not been copied ex
As minor novelties there nro bombs
shaped as n champagne bottle , coffee
pot , cigar box and book. There are
evidently bombs mode to order to suit
any special occasion.
Swam English Channel After Fifteen
Unsuccessful Attempts.
After thlrly-slx years , in which num
berless unsuccessful attempts have
been made , Captain Webb's feat of
swimming across the English channel
has nt last been duplicated by Wil
liam T. Burgess , a Yorkshlreman , who
carries on a blacksmith's business in
Paris. Burgess was twenty-two and a
half hours in the water , forty minutes
more than Webb.
Burgess removed to Franco in 1888 ,
married a Frenchwoman nnd made
Paris his home. His numerous at
tempts to swim the channel made him
a favorite among Parisians , who
were especially attracted by his faith
in Ills overarm stroke , which ho stil !
employs steadily and with the great
est ease.
Although in the course of the last
fifteen years ho took port in almost
all the big competitions , luck seemed
always to bo against him , nnd ho gen
erally finished second by about half a
length. Ills only victory was In 1000 ,
when ho finished alone In the twenty-
four hour race organized by the news
paper Auto nt Joinvlllo. This achieve
ment was the more remarkable as his
competitors were the best swimmers
of Europe.
Berlin to Spend $80,000,000.
Berlin has prepared plans for the ex
penditure of about $80,000,000 on rau-
Blcipal improvements , Including gas ,
water and drainage extension and Im
provcmcnt , canalization , an under
ground railway and street improve
ments with the creation of open
Describe the property you have to
sell as fully as you'd expect It to be
described ir you were reading the ad
instead of writing it and your ad will
"pay. "
Manilla , In , , Young Man and Young
Girl are Married In Nebraska.
Omaha , Sept. IS. Charging the ab
duction of his 15-year-old daughter ,
Charles Robertson of Manilla , In. ,
caused the arrest of William Weaver ,
aged 10 , and Frank Howard , aged 25 ,
both of Manilla , Sunday evening In
Plnttsmouth , fifteen minutes after
Weaver nnd Mildred Robertson aworo
falsely to their ages nnd were mar
ried by the county judge.
Friday morning Weaver nnd Miss
Robertson eloped from Manilla and
were assisted by Howard. They went
to Persia , In. , but n license was re
fused them there. They then went
to Council Bluffs nnd later came to
Omulm and hero too they were refus
ed the license. From Omaha the elop
ing couple went to Plnttsmouth Sat
urday night. In the evening , by testi
mony given by Howard they secured
u license and were married by the
county judge. A few minutes Inter
the couple were recognized by descrip
tion sent broadcast by the irate fath
er In Manilla and he was notified. IIo
ordered that both men be held on n
charge ot abduction. The girl was
placed on a train by a deputy sheriff
nnd was taken to her home.
Miss Robertson was formerly n
telephone operator In Manilla nnd
Weaver was the proprietor ot a small
restaurant. His attentions to Miss
Robertson met with tlio displeasure
of the father nnd the elopement fol
Tulsn County , Okla. , to Vote Bonds
Work For Drouth Victims.
Tulsa , Okln. , Sept. IS. Farmers of
Tulsa county , who suffered from the
drouth of the past summer , nro inter
ested in the special county election to
be held tomorrow to vote $000,000 in
bonds for road improvement Advo
cates of the movement have promised
that If the bonds carry , contracts will
so bo let that these farmers may ob
tain employment at road building. The
passage of the bonds will meet a to
tal of $1,000,000 available in the coun
ty for good roads.
Former Senator Carter Dies.
Washington , Sept. 18. Former
United States Senator Thomas Henry
Carter of Montana , for many years a
notable and picturesque character in
national politics , once chairman of
the republican national committee and
since last year chairman of the Am
erican section of the international
commission , died at his homo here of
infection of the lungs. He yas 57
years old.
Boy Must Learn to Cook and Be Able
to Assist Inured.
"Tenderfoot Scout Horlsky's experi
ence as a premier boy sciJut was bene-
ilcial to him Saturday when he passed
the second class scout examination
and was assigned a place In one of
the patrols which marched away from
Pasewalk grove this morning for Wnr-
nervlllo on the regular weekly "hike. "
Scout Horisky's climb to the ranks of
the more experienced scouts was not
an easy one and it was after two
pounds of beef , two potatoes and veg
etables were cooked by him with the
aid of but two matches , did Scout
Master Ilazen and Assistants Lederer
and Kirkpatrick pass favoiably upon
him as a second class scout. Scout
Horiskey was furnished with more
books on scoutdom which he must
master before he becomes a first class
scout and later he mny become cap
tain of a patrol. Besides the art of
cooking , the examination from tender
foot to second class scouts Includes
the mysteries of the 'first aid to In
jured , " swimming , scouting and the
ability to carry a wounded scout for
almost a mile , In such a fashion that
the tenderfoot being examined is not
much fatigued after his trip. Scout
Horisky like the other thirty odd
scouts now enlisted in the organiza
tion passed these examinations with
honors nnd is now pledged to secure
the enlistment of two tenderfoot
scouts , and before Christmas It is be
lieved the enlistments will reach the
one hundred mark.
The parents of boys who have joined
the new organization in Norfolk are
elated over the work already accom
plished by ihe organization. The boys
are becoming gentlemen in every re
spect and according to the "scout
laws" they will bo fined whenever
found guilty of an ungentlemanly act
The "hikes" which , up to n few weeks
ago were limited to only a few miles ,
are now being extended and the youth
ful scouts are unanimous that they
find It easier to walk on these jour-
nery every time they go out. A few
weeks ago the scouts marched to Bat
tle Creek and had but one straggler.
Then they "hiked" to Stanton and
there was no report made of any
stragglers , notwithstanding the fact
that the boys participated in a ball
game after reaching Stanton.
Saturday , more enthusiastic than
over , the scouts assembled in Paso-
walk grove , neatly , but comfortably
fitted out in the khaki outfits , knap
sacks filled with a heavy day's ra
tions , including raw potatoes , raw
beef , bread and other supplies which
each scout must cook by himself or
join in the iiartol mess outfit Sharp
ly at 8:30 : the scouts answered the roll
call and at the command from their
captains they started on their march
with the scout staffs at "left shoulder. "
These "hikes" point out experienced
men , will help the youngsters no mat
ter how frail. Already Improvement
Is shown In some of the scouts who
first entered the organization. The
"hikes" are regulated so that the
scouts will not suffer from over exer
tion or In any way overtax their
The officers , staff and enlisted
scouts in the Norfolk organization who
are endeavoring to make the 100 mark
by Christmas , follow : Scout Master
A. O. Hnzen , Assistant Scoutmasters
Clco Lederer , Elder Klrkpntrli-k , Cap
tains Loonldas Evans , Harold Ander
son , Donald France , Jay Hlght , Lloyd
Rouse , Scouts and Tenderfeet James
Lynde , George Lyntle , Joe Wllley , Gor
don Hognn , Hervoy Lough , Douglas
Luke , Raymond Beymer , Maurleo llor-
Iskey , Fred * llIrHch , Carl Whltmoro ,
Verne Adams , William Adams , Archlo
Horford , Benjamin Brnasch , Jud "West-
rope. Hollla Askey , Roger Stltt , Eric
Fuesler , Albert Wltzlgman , Harry
Bowman , George Mather , Lloyd Cole ,
Master Ellerbrock , George Gill , Blnine
Steve Evans , the clever out
fielder of the St. Louis Nation
als. Is n live one. Tlio last day
of the re
cent trip of
t h o Cnrdl-
n n I B to
T 111 s burg
about 7,000
fans hied
the mselves
to the hall
yard to see
M a r t y
O'Toolo. In-
Xdf'V c Id on tally
' the y went
HVAXH. , , „ ( ( „ H ( , o
the Cardinals nnd 1'lrates play.
Anyhow it ruined , and they were
doubly disappointed , as O'Toolet ,
didn't even warm up. Coming .
back on the car , which was
crowded , everybody was talking
about O'Toole.
Steve Evans hopped on nnd
found Ivy WiiiRCstnndlng in
i about the middle of the car.
Ivy has red hair nnd looks a
great deal like O'Toole. This
was Steve's cue.
lie braced Ivy with extended
mlt nnd spieled In n stngo whis
per :
"Hello , Mnrtyl How do you
like PlttsburgV"
The crowd ate it up. One
public spirited citizen Introduc
ed himself to Wlngo ( rnther ,
O'Toole ) and Invited him ( Win-
go ) to call around for lunch the
following day. Then Steve
asked Wlngo about his great
pitching feats in St. Paul , and
In the meantime many passen
gers rode past their Intended
Steve never overlooks a bet
John Dovey , former part owner of
the Boston National League club , Is
now a fccout for the Louisville team.
Connlu Mack says he wouTdn't pay
S''L'.noO for a whole league. That's
a roundabout way of taking a slam
nt Lefty Hussoll.
Harry Trilby , the old Chicago
player who Is now an umpire , had a
tun In with a player the other day.
When the player showed fight Truby
said : "Go and sit down. I can give
you rocks and I'll take buns and run
you out of the park. "
Silk O'Laughlln , the umpire , say-
more lilts are made on bad balls than
good ones. Silk has seen thousand-
of hits made and says n big majority
were on balls that were too far out
too close or too high or too low to bi
Coin Is Sent to Secretary Nagel by
Jerseyite Who Likes Him.
A bronze cent piece of the coinage
of 18-19 has caused excitement among
the office force of Sccietnry Nagel of
the department of commerce and la
bor at Washington.
Mr. Nngel's secretary , Harry A. Ste
vens , was alnuo in the ofllce when n
solitary letter arrived with the penny ,
big as a silver quarter. It was a pres
ent to Secretary Nngel from a New
Jersey man who said that he liked
some of the speeches the secretary had
made. II. W. HoIIman is the donor.
What to do with the coin worried
Stevens. He feared It might be re
garded as a bribe. lie turned It over
to Mr. Nagel for final disposition.
Aviation Will Influence Winter Styleo
of Women's Headgear.
The science of aviation Is to be the
chief influence on designs for woman's
headgear next winter , according to the
National Association of Retail Milli
Like the aeroplanes , the hats will be
based on two distinct designs mono
planes with single spreads of plumes
and biplanes. In the display of winter
styles such names arc found as "sky
stars , " the "volplane turban" and the
"rainbow spiral , " a particularly giddy
effect In many colors.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Madison. Neb. , Sept. 12 , 1911 , 1 p. m.
Board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. Present ,
Commissioners J. W. Fitch , Burr Taft
and Henry Sunderman.
The minutes of the meeting of Aug.
22 , 1911 , were read nnd approved ag
On motion H. F. Barney , chairman
of the soldiers' relief commission , was
allowed $200 for use of commission ,
$100 to bo drawn to W. II. Wldaman
and $100 to John Crooks , members of
the commission.
On motion the bond of the Norfolk
Commercial club , contractors for oil
ing road , was approved.
On motion the following bills were
allowed :
S. R. McFarland , salary and ex
penses $167.00
University Publishing Co. , sup
plies for superintendent 40.00
Gus Knul , salary 00.00
N. A. House ] , salary 133,33
C. S. Smith , salary nnd fees. . . 321.10
N. A. IIousol , olllci' expenses. . . 13,28
Sessions & Bell , burying pauper 11.00
H. F. Barney , rent for election 0.00
H. C. Husking , rent for election C.OO
J. H. Heggemoler , work , cum-
nllssloiier district Nn. 2 11.00
W. II. Fuorst , taking acknowl
edgement l.fio
J. A. Moore , appraising road. , 2.CO
.1. A. Wright , appraising road. 2.CO
John Sclmcher , serving notices 11.00
D. L. Best , viewing roads -1.10
13. C. Mortz. appraising road. . . 2.C.O .
W. II. Klercheffer , caring for
booths 2.00
Huso Publishing Co. , supplies ,
etc 32-1.00
Juelson & Gustafhon , lopnlds ,
commissioner district No. 1. . 12.15
Madison Hardware Co. , supplies (5.75 (
Bridges Bros. , auto hlie 4.00
Madison County Farmers Tele
phone Co. , rent and tolls to
August 1 62.55
A. J. McWhorter , work , com
missioner district No. 2 10.00
Huso Publishing Co. , printing. . 2-1.07
G. E. Klerstead , rent for elec
tion 5.00
Bennett Seymour , surveying
ditch No. 3 10.00
Ell H. Collins , work , road dis
trict No. 13 12.25
J. P. ( iabclman , work , riprap-
ping S-l.CO
Crewel Lumber and Grain Co. ,
material for rlprapplng 10.50
Dahlstrom Hardware Co. , hard
ware 10.20
Rout Larson , rlprapplng 22.75
L. L. Johnson , rlprapplng 22.75
L. M. Johnson , work , commis
sioner district No. 1 21.CO
Willie Larson , work , commis
sioner district No. 1 21.00
Geo. Kalzow , work , commis
sioner district No. 1 35.50
L. M. Johnson , work , commis
sioner district No. 1 48.50
L. M. Johnson , work , road dis
trict No. 13 23.00
II. Frlcke , jr. , culverts , road dis
trict No. 14 17.10
H. Frlcke , jr. , axle grease 40
II. Frlcke , jr. , culverts , road dis
trict No. 1 24.80
II. Frlcke , culverts 7C.OO
Loonnn Lumber Co. , bridge lum
ber 24.80
Geo. M. Dudley , hack hire 15.00
Ed McMillan , road work , com
missioner district No. 1 1C.OO
A. C. Shade , road work , com
missioner district No. 1 12,00
Wm. Spence , road work , com
missioner district No. 1 16.00
L. W. Lyon , road work , commis
sioner district No. 1 11.50
Jake Cleveland , road work ,
commissioner district No. 1. . 6.00
H. Fricke , Jr. , culverts 17.10
Peter Emlg , work , road district
No. 24 29.25
John Flynn , taking dlpso pa
tient to hospital 27.71
Geo. Booth , work * road district
No. 22 C.OO
Chas. Kalmer , work , road dis
trict No. 22 9.00
Robt. Scheer , work , road dis
trict No. 22 9.00
Walter Snnderman , work , road
district No. 22 3.00
Theo. Scheer , work , road dis
trict No. 22 3.00
J. II. Hunter , work , road dis
trict No. 3 14.50
Albert Klrstine , work , road dis
trict No. 10 10.50
James Hughes , work , road dis
trict No. 17 20.00
W. P. Dixon , grading , commis
sioner district No. 1 29.40
Wm. Clasey , work , commission
er district No. ? lu.r.O
Win. Clasey , work , bridges. . . . 55.00
Ed. Crooks , work , commissioner
district No. 3 10.00
Wm. Clasey , work , bridges 12C.OO
Joe Ambrox , work , commis
sioner district No. 3 4.00
W. P. Dixon , grading , commis
sioner district No. 3 101.CO
W. P. Dixon , grading , commis
sioner district No. 3 100.00
Pat Tlerney , grading , commis
sioner district No. 3 82.50
Pat Tlerney , grading , commis
sioner district No. 3 82.00
Pat Tierney , grading , commis
sioner district No. 3 100.00
Pat Tierney , grading , commis
sioner district No. 3 C2.50
H. Nlles , work , commissioner
district No. 3 9.00
Ora D. Lyon bridge work 12.00
John Hoffman , bridge work. . . 9.00
John Hoffman , work R D No. 8 59.25
John Hoffman , work R D No 2 28.00
B. B. McGinnis , work C D No 2 9.00
Mike McGrail , work C D No 2 14.00
J. H. Hueremnn , work R D No. 2 2.00
J. H. Huereman , work C D No. 2 C.OO
Madison Hardware Co. , nails. . 3.25
M. McGrail , work R D No. 8. . . . C.OO
E. Diefenderfer , work R D No. S 12.00
E. C. Dalns , work R D No. S. . 4.00
C. E. Metz , work R D No. 8 1.00
Harley McGinnis , work R D No
8 1.75
Wm. Hoffmen , work R D No. 8 1.00
B. B. McGinnis , work R D No. 8 10.00
A. W. Tillottson , work R D No.
A. W. Tillottson , work R D No.
7 14.00
Wm. Clasey , work R D No. 7. . 3.00
J. H. Massiuan , work R n No. 2 23.00
Alfred Linn , work R D No. 9. . 6.30
Will Purdy , work R D No. 9. . . 58.40
Gnbrlelson & Co. , materials R D
No. 13 8,00
Emil Gall , materials R D No. 19 7.00
Newman Grove Village , > , cost
of Culvert R D No. 13 26.40
Gutru & Juelson , work R D No.
13 5.05
Fred Schilling , work R D No. 19 13.00
Gus Mnchmiller , work R D No. 1 43.00
Wm. Schwartz , work R D No. 2G 41.75
Frank Carson , work R D No. 19 8.00
Henry Sumlerman , labor and
mileage 86.50
Harvy Carson , work R D No. 19 10.00
Burr Taft , labor and mileage. . 72.60
J. W. Fitch , labor and mileage 88.70
On motion the hoard adjourned to
meet Sept. 26 , 1911 , at 1 p. m.
S. R. McFarland ,
County Clerk.