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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1911)
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , , , , . NORFOLK NEBHASKA FJKIDAY SKITEMBEK 122 J J11. A BIG STRIKE ON IN SPAIN 20,000 BUILDING TRADESMEN OBEY WALKOUT ORDER. ARMY HAS ITS GUNS LOADED The Crown Believes Revolutionary Leaders Are Using ' Leaders to Further Rebelllo \ is With Firm Hand , Keep Dobreak. . tfc Madrid , Sept. 21. The . - f.ploy - ft < xl In Uio building trades i city obeyed the utrlke order and " 5.irk . today. Twenty thousand mot. xj. % . i- volved. The military Is keep. * + > , situation In n close grip and \ under the authority of the Inn * * decree suspending the constitute > ial guarantee and the government Is maintaining a firm attitude toward the labor leaders who , It Is claimed , nro being used by revolutionary .agents to further a campaign of violence lence ngalntt the state. Dispatches from the provinces re porting the general situation through out the country are closely censored Imt as near as can be determined It appears that the prompt and fearless course adopted by the government CONDITION OF THE WEATHER * Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum G i Minimum 34 44 Barometer 39.84 Chicago , Sept. 21. Tito bulletin Is sued by the Chicago station of the United States weather bureau gives the forecast for Nebraska as follows : Generally fair tonight and Friday ; warmer tonight. trio of train robbers who bold up and robbed the Northern Pacific fast pas senger train at Buffalo , N. D. , several weeks ago. He goes by the name of Pnt Crowe and John Young , bo claims. The sum of $12,000 was stolen from the express car at the time of the rob bery mid the engineer was shot. A reward of $10,000 was offered for the arrest of the trio. It Is expected an official will arrive bore tomorrow from Huffalo to Identify the man who says be ha ? served tlmo In Illinois state prison for robbery. Ho says he was nearly crazed from fear that some ono might shoot him In trying for the $10,000 reward. RAISE DISCOUNT RATE. London , Sept. 21. The Bank of Eng land raised Its discount rate from 3 to 4 percent today , a week earlier than last year , In order to protect Its reserve against possible unexpected demands before the usual autumn With Snow , Rain , Slush and Mud Norfolk Will Badly Need Pavement Norfolk has been particularly free fiom muddy streets this summer , owing to lack of rain. But with the snow of winter , the slush of spring and the normal rainfall of summer , this city is used to having streets kneedecp in mud n good portion of an average year. Everybody realizes the importance to Norfolk , from every view point , of providing a paved street to the new Third street depot , so that visitors won't have to ride through a mire for an hour before getting up town. Lack of pavement In muddy weather works very serious Injury to Norfolk In every way. It keeps people away from town and makes them knock when they have to come. It's a big black eye. We've wasted ono entire summer this year , not laying a single paving brick. Are wo going to shiftlessly repeat that performance next year ? If we're not , NOW'S the time to get the paving petitions up to the council , so that work can start In early spring. Every summer Norfolk loses , without adding paved streets , keeps the town back. And If we're ever to pave ( which everybody knows we are ) why not do It , and begin getting the benefit of it ? lias been successful in holding off nnythlng life .a gimoTnl suspension of industrial activity which might de velop Into a revolution. Discussing the situation last night the premier said that the government would respect the right of the work ing men to strike so long as they pursued lawful methods but at the .same time he made it clear that If the employes of the public services quit work without having given the notice required by law summary measures would bo taken to end the move ment. The first sign of revolt would be , ho said , the signal for troops to use their arms without hesitation. COMERS RESIGNS FROM COMMITTEE FORMER CHAIRMAN OF THE NEW YORK DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Albany , N. Y. , Sept. 21. William J. Conners of Buffalo , former chairman of the democratic state central com mittee , has resigned his membership on the committee to take effect Im mediately. More Vote Selling. Brookhaven , Miss. , Sept. 21. It be came known today that at least ten now Indictments against Lincoln county farmers charged with selling their votes during the state demo cratic primary election in August this year will be returned by the grand Jury now In session here , late today. Names of those indicted were not di vulged. Seven men already have been arrested. DETROIT STRIKE ENDS. Third Party Called In and the Matter Is Arbitrated. Detroit , Sept. 21. The strike ot the Detroit union railway employes was settled by arbitration last night. The employes accepted a now wage rate schedule of 23 cents an hour for the first six months , 27 M- cents for the next year , and 29 : cents thereafter. The rate was within half a cent of that originally demanded. It was also agreed that the men would bo placed at the disposal of the company thirteen hours a day In stead of twelve. This arrangement Is to bo in effect the next 120 days and will bo resumed thereafter K agreeable to all concerned. Before tb < < agreement could be for mally completed It was necessary to appoint n third arbitrator , Clrcuil Judge William M. Connolly being chosen. Less than fifteen minutes after the agreement was signed con ductors and motoruien were hustling to the barns to start their cars. SAYS HE'S A TRAIN ROBBER. Man Gives Himself Up , Claiming t < Be Dakota Bandit. Neenah , Wia. , Sept. 21. The loca police took Into custody today i stranger who says he Is one of thi gold shipments are thoroughly under way. Curiously enough money re mains remarkably cheap and plentiful and the Bank of England stock of bullion stands near $215,000,000 but a measure of protection Is considered necessary In view of the continental political situation and the advanced bank rates at Berlin , Belgium , Sweden and Denmark with early rises possible at Vienna and Paris. The London discount dealers' pro gress forced the private rates over the bank's minimum of 3 percent , causing an Inundation of bills to the Bank of England , another factor in the addition of higher minimum. Brussels , Sept. 21. The rate of dis count fit the Bank of Belgium was raised from 5 to 5 % per cent today. Vienna , Sept. 21. The rate of dis count of the Imperial Bank of Aus tria was advanced from 4 to 5 per cent today. Paris , Sept. 21. The rate of dis count of the Bank of France was raised from 3 to ZVs per cent today. ABE ATTELUOSES FIGHT Matt Wells , With Thirteen Pounds to the Good , Is Too Much. Madison Square Garden , N. Y. , Sept. 1. Abe Attell , the featherweight hamplon , tried the Impossible last light by conceding about thirteen > ounds In weight to the English light veight , Matt Wells , at Madison Square Garden. Wells was as clever is the American in every ring move , iad the call almost from the start and won handily. It was a fast , clean and clever ex- ilbltlou of boxing with none of the bloody features of the Flynn-Morrls contest at the same ring here last veek. The fight was a handicap match and Attell Is given credit for the jame stand he made against his heav er and clever opponent. INSPECTORS AT SIOUX FALLS. The $10,000 Disappeared From Post- office Vault There. Sioux Falls , S. D. , Sept. 21. It be came known that a $10,000 package of currency mysteriously disappeared from the Sioux Falls postoffico and lias not yet been recovered. No ar rests have been made in connection with the disappearance of the money. The package was consigned to the Sioux Falls Savings bank and arrived at the postofflce Tuesday. It was regularly receipted for and placed In the vault. When a messenger from the bank called at the postoffico for the package it bad disappeared from the vault. Three postoffico Inspectors arrived here for the purpose of investigating the case. It also is reported that de tectlves representing the Ocean In surance company , which had insured the money , are Investigating. Tlu package was consigned by the North western Bank of Minneapolis to the Sioux Falls concern. The entire $10 , 000 waa In ? 5 bllla. STEEL GARS SAVE LIVES NE FAST TRAIN CRASHES INTO ANOTHER AT CROSSING. CCIDENT NEAR KANSAS CITY V Missouri Pacific and a Santa Fe Train Enter the City on Same Track Both Late , One Crashes In to the Other at 1 A. M. Kansas City , Sept. 21. Quo man as killed and a score were Injured i a rear end collision between a Mis- ourl Pacific and Santa Fo passenger rain at Sheffield five miles cast of Cansas City , at 1 o'clock this morn- ig. The dead man Is Carl S. Durham f Jefferson City , Mo. , fireman of the Ilssourl Pacific. It Is believed none f the Inured will die. Nearly all of the mall clerks on the Ilssourl Pacific train were bruised nd cut , two of them being Injured orlously. John Din-ringer's hip was roken and Henry Hays' back was prained. The nose of O. T. Williams , ondiictor , was broken and George Iffin , engineer , suffered a broken nklo and a wrenched shoulder blade. The only person on the Santa Fe nown to have been hurt Is Mrs. Ana - a Lawless , wife of John J. Lawless f Los Angeles , who was In the dress- ig room of the chair car. She was calded by boiling water from bursted Ipes but was not dangerously In- ired. She and her husband were turning from Ireland. The Santa Fe train Is known as No. 5 and Is the Kansas fast mall from hlcago. The Missouri Pacific Is ic fast mall from St. Louis. Both liter Kansas City over the same rack and both were late. The Santa ' train had stopped at a crossing nd the other train crashed Into It. [ 'he Santa Fe's steel coaches are be- ieved to have prevented a heavy loss f life. CZAR WRECKS A ROMANCE : orces Brother to Give Up Sweetheart and Her Face to Be Marred. St. Petersburg , Sept. 21. It is re- orted that the most beautiful face n all Russia lias been hopelessly tarred by command of the czar , in r.vdor ihat tk.e Grand -Duke Michael , ho czar's only brother , might be re- tored to the honors which he for- eited through his infatuation for the ace. ace.Tho The story is replete with romance , itrlguo and statecraft in which the ; zar , the grand duke" and the beauti- ul Ekatarlna , a girl of high social landing but not of the royal blood , lay the principal roles. When the rand duke's infatuation with Ekat- rina first became known to the czar he was very much incensed. Soon fterward Ekatarina married a rich loscow banker , Mamontoff , and the .ffalr with Michael passed from the ndulgent brother to the province of he holy synod , chief authority of the irthodox church. Mamontoff Is the ichest man in Moscow , the town of Russian millionaires , where Ekatar- na's parents likewise are leaders In iociety. Mamontoff quickly developed the ealous temperament of an Othello , ind watched his wife like a Turk. iovo making between Michael and Ekatarlna was reduced to the ex change of burning letters , but when pies delivered one of the duke's mis sives to the banker , he gave an ex plosion of wrath that startled Mos cow society. Mamontoff was not only jealous , but brutal. Winding Ekatarina's blond tresses around his arm , he drag- ; ed her on the floor of her boudoir , demanding all letters that the grand duke bad sent her before and after ho marriage. When he got them , aft er many denials , attended by tears and protestations , he "beat her like a mujik , " and threw her out of doors. The matter was taken to the czar and Batched up. One night , however , Mamontoff returned unexpectedly and found the grand duke in his wife's boudoir. He assailed his imperial liighness with bitter words. Taking Ekatarina In his arms Michael ran into the street , followed by the banker. 'I will hitch her naked to a carl and lash her through the streets of Moscow , according to the old cus torn , " shouted Mamontoff. "You will do nothing of the kind replied the grand duke , "and the holy synod will give you a divorce. " And a divorce the banker obtained Michael then wed Ekatarlna morgan ntlcnlly. This coming to the czar's knowledge , the girl was sent to Hol > Trinity cloister. Her lovely hair , eye brows and eyelashes were cut off , and the duke was sent to Orel. HAULS DOWN THE FLAG. Denver Mayor Makes Marine Corp Take Down Stars and Stripes. Denver , Colo. , Sept. 21. Mayo Speer today compelled the United States marine corps to haul down It colors in Denver and as a result th mayor may be involved in an lui brogllo with the United States govern ment. Two of the official flags of th marine corps were hung over the side walk from the building in which th recruiting station has Its headquar ters In violation of a city ordinance ADIEU ( Copyright , 1011. ) TWO FAMILIES ABE MURDERED CLEW TO MOTIVE FOR THE COLORADO CRIME. APPARENTLY ENEMY TO BOTH 'he Surviving Husband of One of the Murdered Women Is a Consumptive and Not Strong Enough to Have Swung Axe , as Slayer Did. Colorado Springs , Sept. 21. In the bbence of any clew to substantiate obbery as a motive forche murder f Mrs. Alice Burnham , her daughter Vllce , aged 0 and her son , John , aged years , and Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Vayne , found dead In their homes esterduy , authorities here hold the heory that the crime was 'committed y some enemy of one , if not both , of ho families. The two families , who lived In ad- olning houses , were murdered with in axe while they were sleeping in heir beds , indications pointing to the crime having been committed Sun- ay night. A. J. Burnham , husband f one of the murdered women , who vas held by the police , Is a consump- ive , and officials at the hospital where he has been working say he Islet lot physically strong enough to wield an axe as was done by the murderer. 'AT ' CROWE ATTACKS A WOMAN ON STREET SHE RESENTS HIS "STRONG ARM" FLIRTATION MOB BEATS HIM UP. Chicago , Sept. 21. "Pat" Crowe , some time kidnaper , sometime preach er of the gospel , last night attacked a woman in Wells street. He was an gered because the woman resented his attempt to flirt. The woman , hysterical and bearing on her face the imprint of the man's 1st , hurried home before the police earned her name. Crowe , beaten by nen who did not sympathize with his 'strong arm flirtation , " was taken tea a hospital and later to a police sta tion. tion.Crowe Crowe achieved notoriety several years ago as the kidnaper of the son of Edward Cudahy , wealthy Omaha packer. Some time ago Crowe be came a temperance evangelist under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. but has several times fallen from grace. Bakers In a Row. Kansas City , Sept. 21. Today's ses sion of the triennial convention of the Bakers and Confectionery Workers' International union promised to be the most hotly contested thus far , the delegates taking up important changes in the constitution and the nomination of officers. There were contests for several offices. The convention waste to have taken flnal adjournment yes terday but anti-trust sentiment among the delegates took a new turn and end ed In filibustering that will prolong the gathering. Monopoly of the privi lege of free speech was charged and if it had come to a trial the members so accused probably would have been found guilty. The dlctatory tactics were used to prevent certain changes in the constitution. Mllltla to Escort Taft. Manhattan , Kan. , Sept. 21. Com pany "I , " Kansas National guard , un der command of Copt. George J. Frank , has been ordered to Topeka the morning of September 27 as an escort to President Taft , . TAFT'S ' EYE LIGHTS 'ON FORBIDDEN LINKS THE PRESIDENT LONGINGLY LOOKS AT GOLF GROUNDS , NO TIME TO PLAY. Grand Rapids , Mich. , Sept. 21. President Taft was aroused early up on his fourth day in Michigan , the Grand Rapids program calling for every minute of his tlmo from the ar rival of his special car over the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad at 6:40 : until his departure to the southern part of the state at 1 o'clock. The president was greeted at his car by a reception committee headed by Senator William Alden Smith. Au tomoblles wtre there to take him to the Country club where brcaUfast was served , with a large party of leading citizens present. No tlmo was given at the club for the president's pastime golf , although the links are classed among the finest In the country and quickly drew Mr. Taft's eye. Following the luncheon the pro gram included an automobile run to the Michigan state soldiers' home , a speech at 10 and an automobile drive back to the city , a speech to an open air mass meeting at Campau Square at 11 o'clock , the principal address of the day , a fifteen minute talk at the central high school at 12:20 : , a fifteen minute talk at the library club at 12:40 : and departure for Battle Creek at 1 o'clock. It was raining dismally when the presidential party arrived , with the skies overcast , but the downpour let up before the start for the country club. W. T. Sherman's Son Insane. San Jose , Cal. , Sept. 12. The Rev. Father Thomas Sherman , son of Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman , was committed yesterday to the hospital for the Insane at Agnew , following an attempt at suicide yesterday mornIng - Ing at the Jesuit novitiate at Los Ga- tos. The Rev. Father Sherman , ac counted one of the most brilliant orators tors In the Jesuit order , came here from Chicago a few months ago In an endeavor to regain his health , his nervous system having suffered a se vere breakdown. DEMENTED WOMAN AT LARGE Miss Kate Martern , Aged 40 , Wand ers Away From Antelope Co. Farm. j Nellgh , Neb. , Sept. 21. Special to The News- Deputy Sheriff Bennett of this city has been informed of the disappearance of Miss Kate Martern from the farm of Vern Cage north east of Neligh , where she has been staying with relatives for the past year. She is considered slightly de mented. For some unknown reason Mr. Ben nett was not notified of the fact until yesterday , when It became 'known : hat the woman had left for parts un known last Friday. Miss Martern Is described as being 40 years of age , liavlng brown hair and eyes. When she left the farm she was carrying a small bundle with her , and In all prob abilities will be looking for work. YEGGS GET $50 , MISS $1,000. Chautauqua , Kan. , Bank , Robbed Four Years Ago , Blown Again. Chautauqua , Kan , Sept. 21. Over looking nearly $1.000 in currency in an inner compartment , robbers early today blew off the outer door of the safe In the Citizens State bank at Chautauqua and escaped with about $50 In sliver. The bank building and furniture were greatly damaged by the explosion. The bank was robbed of $2,300 four years ago. London Discount Rate Up. London , Sept. 21. The rate of dls count of the Bank of England wag raised from 3 to 4 percent today. RECIPROCITY IN BALANCE WITH SHOWERS OVER CANADA , LOOKS BAD FOR PACT. LIGHTER VOTE IN COUNTRY And It Is the Rural Districts , Not In the Cities , That" the Government's Agreement With Uncle Sam Has the Most Strength. Ottawa , Out. , Sept. 21. Showery weather was predicted for most of Canada today and tula was regarded as" unfavorable" the government which is stronger in th * country and weaker in the cities. Montreal , Sept. 21. Canada is holdIng - Ing tgday the heaviest vote in its his tory , to register its decision as to whether the government and recipro city are to be endorsed or defeated. In all the ten provinces polling booths were opened at 9 o'clock and will close at 5 o'clock this afternoon. The Australian ballot system prevails throughout the dominion. Even in the smallest constituencies an hour will be required for the counting of the votes , so no result will be known before - fore G o'clock. As many ridings are very largo and their population is widely scattered , results in them will not be learned until after midnight. However , unless the decision is very close , enough constituencies probably will have been heard from before 10 o'clock to indicate accurately the general result. Today's vote is being taken In 214 of the 221 constituencies. Seven are not voting. Three of these counties gave their decision on nomination day a week ago , returning government sup porters by acclamation. In the re maining four , owing to wilderness con ditions which retard official election , voting has been deferred two weeks. When the polls were opened this morning there were crowds at every booth waiting to vote. Both sides continue to express confidence. | GENTRY IS CHARGED WITH THE KILLING SOUTH DAKOTA MAN'S BODY IS FOUND DEAD IN A MUD GRAVE. Mitchell , S. D. , Sept. 21. The ver dict of the coroner's jury in the case of Gus Kraft , who was found in a mud grave seven miles east of Woonsockel Tuesday , was that Kraft came to his death as the result of being shot by a gun by Charles Gentry , who waa traveling with Kraft. Want Fights With Wells. New York , Sept. 21. James Cot roth of San Francisco telegraphed to dajto George McDonald , manager o Mat Wells , the English llghtweighl champion , offering Wells $5,500 foi a bout with Packey McFarland 01 $7,500 for a contest with Ad Wolgast the lightweight champion , the fight ti take place in California. A Famine In Philippines. Manila , Sept. 21. Danger of a fain ine In the Philippines on account o the failure of the rice crop has be come so threatening that Gov. Gen Forber today decided to order th purchase by the government of ai entire shipload fiscal In Rangoon. Th cargo will be sold to the people a coat. The price of the staple on th markets hero has advanced far abov all previous records with only a sma supply la sight. NTRIGUE IN HIGH RUSSIA OFFICIAL CIRCLES INVOLVED IN PREMIER'S DEATH. DETAILS TOO BAD TO PRINT t. Petersburg Newspaper Says That the Details of the Assassination of Stoylpln Are Too Scandalous to Bo Given to the World. Tsarltsyn , Hussln , Sept. 21. Hell- dorus , the reactionary priest , doctln- d to officiate at the rutiuloiu mass or M. Stolypln , saying : "Stolypln was not of our family Ircle. Ho did us no good and has Is own blied mourners and cousol- rs. " Twelve thousand Jews have left lev since the assassination and tha xodus continues. M. Knlkln , chief of the patriotic laguo , has boon arrested for antl- owlsh discourses. Prefect Tollnmt- heff of Odessa asks guarantees for 10 preservation of order. St. Petersburg , Sept. 21. Full ex- osuro of the scandalous criminal in- igucs In high governmental circles ailing to Premier Stolyplu'u assassl- atlon Is forbidden , says the Novo 'remya , by partlotlc relations. The aper says that only a more fraction f the findings of Minister of Justice htecheglovltoff , who is investigating 10 assassination of Premier Stolyplu t Kiev , can over bo published. Only Gen. Trepoff'a prompt measure i throwing a cordon about the ( heater nd directing the work of the secret ollce , says the Vromya , prevented 10 escape of Hrogoff from the hands f Justice. Col. Kuliabiiko made a trenuous but unsuccessful olfort to ave the prisoner kept at the secret olico headquarters Instead of InJJio ortress. Had Tropoff surrendered Jrogroff to Kullabako , the papers de- lare , few details of the crime would ver become known. The inquiry into the assassination f Stolypln with particular reference o the revolutionary and police ele- lents involved is being conducted ersonally by M. Chtecheglovltoff. jreater sensations than those so far ublished are promised. Vice Director f the Department of Police VoigLa ta nder strong suspicion by the authorl- IPS wiio hold he Is In a measure re- ponslble for the outrage. The protection 'of the emperor and mpress and the cabinet minister at Ciev formed the subject of departuieu- al discord. Gov. Gen. Trepoff de- nanded general oversight of the pro- ective measures but was overridden y the director of the department of olice , M. Kurloff. Trepoff then ten- ered his resignation which was not ccepted. Kurloff , Voigln , Lieut. Col. ipirldovitch of the secret service po- ice and Col. Kullabako , chief of the ecret police , organized the protec- lon which cost $100,000. While Voigin and Kurloff were at Ciev on the eve of the cmperor'a Islt Demltry Dorgroff was consulted nd given the responsible position of uarding the premier as he promised o track suspicious terrorists , Nina Ylexandrovna and Nicholas Jncovl- vich. It is incomprehensible to those ngaged in the Inquiry how a subordl- late , as Verygln was , dared to disre- ard Stolypin's circular regarding evolutionary spies , and allow Bogoff , i spy and an informer , to guard the remler without setting other agents 0 watch him. Entrusted to Subordinate. Verygin was Kurloff's right hand man and maintained close relations vlth Kurloff's family. Kurloff , against Holypin's most determined opposl- Ion , married the divorced wife of a oung adjutant. Stolypin made the natter one of personal confidence to he emperor , but Kurloff's influential supporters at the court overruled the > remier. Many alleged accomplices have been raced to the revolutionary side and 1 vast number of arrests are to be nade throughout the country. The lollce have been searching In vain n St. Petersburg for a terrorist bear- ng the nick name of "Hermann. " A domiciliary search has been made of ; he rooms of the correspondent of a London newspaper and bis brother re siding in the lodgings of a liberal au thor , Mine. Tyrkova. It was reported that Bogroff's fath er was arrested on the frontier while returning to Russia but a later report said that he was In Berlin. Bogroff's parents on receiving the news of the crime addressed a telegram to M. Stolypin expressing adherence at their son's act. Bogroff's brother , who waa held at the St. Petersburg secret po lice headquarters , has been transfer red to the fortress. Bogroff's uncle , a physician , has been arrested at Odes sa , Another Bogroff , also a physi cian , has been arrested at Baku. Eighty men and thirty women , pro fessed liberals , are under arrest at Kiev. Stubbs Leaves U. P. Chicago , Sept. 21. John C. Stubbs , vice president and director of traffic of the Ilarrlman lines , announced to day that ho will retire January 1. His successor has not yet been named. Mr. Stubbs will make his homo in Ohio , where he was born In 1847. He entered railway service In 1869 as a clerk In the general freight office of. the Plttsburg , Cincinnati & St. Loula. railroad at Columbus , Ohio.