The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 15, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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    mil. ' vTAnrvu.rr ivt.-.pu-r.v MPXVG tnrrt > KT. r. Tnrr AV ar.'rvnmrnr'n ir : inn
Omaha Suipect Released ,
Oinnlia , Sept. 11.Kdwnrd Koblcr ,
living near Springfield , who Ima been
hold lit connection with the death ot
William II. Overtoil , whoso body was
found Saturday morning 1 a clump
of weeds on 13. A. Colley's fiirm , nov-
oral miles from Onuilrn on the West
Dodge road , was discharged by n
coronor'B Jury. They declared the
caiiHo of Ovorton'u death was un
Fred Thletje la Home.
West 1'olnt , Sept. II. Former Coun
ty Treasurer Fred Thlotjo has return
ed homo from a three months' visit to
Germany. Ho was accompanied by
IIH ! two daughters. During their BO-
journ ( hey visited the principal cap
itals of Europe and spent some time
nt the blrlhplaco of Mr. Thlotjo.
Charles Korb Near Death.
West Point , Nob. , Sept. 11. Charles
Korb , a former business man of West
Point , IH lying nt his homo In this city
seriously 111 with n pulmonary affec
tion. Mr. Korb Is the second son of
the late George Korb. an old time mer
chant and resident of West Point. Ho
has been falling In health for the past
two years.
Albllng , Upper Bavaria , Sept. 14.
Elizabeth Edson Evans , the American
nuthoroHS , died hero loday. She was
born In Newport , N. II. , In 1832 and
had resided In Europe since 1870.
Mrs. Evans was a daughter of Dr.
Wlllard Putnam. In 1868 she married
Edward Evans , the author , who is a
native of Now York. Mrs. Evans con
tributed to newspapers and magazines
and her books Included the novels ,
"Laura , " "An American Girl , " "Trans-
planted Manners , " "Confessions , " "A
History of Religions , " "Tho Story of
Kauser , " "Tho Story of Louis XVII of
France , " and "Tho Christ Myth. "
So They Use Tallyhos.
St. Joe , Mo. , Sept. 14. As n rebuke
to the St. Joe Street Hallway com
pany which does recognize their or
ganization , the delegates and visitors
to the International Union of Amalga
mated Street Railway Employes of
America today drove to Lake Con
trary In tiillyhos , whore they were en
tertained nt a llsh fry , the main so
cial feature of the week. Association
onieers will bo elected Friday.
Sees War In Reciprocity.
Winnipeg , Sept. 14. "War , bloody
war has grown out of things less pro
vocative than that , " said Premier Rob-
lln of Manitoba In his address to con
servatives at Miami , Manitoba , refer
ring to what ho thought might happen
should reciprocity become n fact and
later on bo abrogated by Canada. Ho
drew a verbal picture of a carload of
live stock shipped to a Canadian deal
er and held up by Canadian customs
olllcers for duty because the recipro
city agreement had been abrogated.
Ho said abrogation would bo forced on
the liberal government when nn ex
asperated nation found that recipro
city meant ruin and that abrogation
would bo effrontery.
All South Dakota Is Represented at
Huron Thousands Pour In.
Huron , S. n. , Sept. 14. The crowd
at the South Dakota state fair yester
day exceeded In size anything In the
history of the Institution. Early this
morning when the lirst regular trains
began to arrive beneath smiling skies
it seemed certain nil previous high
water marks in attendance would be
Scotch Made Clubs Fresh From Skibo
and They May Change His Luck.
Beverly , Mass. , Sept. 14. President
Taft has a new set of golf sticks. ,
They are from Andrew Carnegie , and
reached Beverly straight from Skibo
castle with the brand of the Scotsman
who made them In Darnocb , Mr. Car
negie's home , stamped on the heads.
J. G. Schmidlapp of Cincinnati , a
friend of the president , brought them
The president did not know today
when he would get a chance to use the
sticks , but the driver already has been
jiick-named "Peace. " The president
hopes that the Scotch clubs may Im
prove his game , which has not been
up to last year's mark.
Ten Thousand Already Gone and as
Many More Being Printed.
Ten thousand circulars telling all
about the forthcoming October Rose
bud and Pine Ridge land opening , Is
sued by the Gregory Commercial club ,
have been exhausted , says A. E. Kull
of Burke , who has been enroute to
Rapid City on business. Mr. Kull ys
Interest In the opening Is so great that
the Gregory business men have been
swamped for more circulars and have
ordered 10.000 more which they be
lieve will disappear faster than the
previous 10.000. Mr. Kull believes
there will be even a greater rush of
homeseekers In October than there
was at the Trlpp county opening three
years ago.
Ask Wilson to Reconsider.
Lincoln , Sept. 14. The Nebraska
Methodist conference at Its meeting
here today adopted resolutions deplor
ing the decision of Secretary of Agri
culture Wilson to act as honorary pres
ident of the coming brewers' congress
and petitioning him to reconsider his
acceptance of the position. Copies of
the resolution were ordered sent to
President Taft and Secretary Wilson. )
Not a Times Dynamiter.
Los Angeles , Sept. 14. Information
was received hero today that Stephen
K. Smith , arrested at Larlmore , N. D. ,
on suspicion of being Milton K.
Schmidt , Indicted on the charge of
having been Implicated In the dyna
miting of the Los Angeles Times
building , has boon released , having
proved that he was not the man want
Fate Pursues Rosebud Party.
Dallas , S. D. , Sept. 14. Special to
The News : While returning from
Presho on their way homo from
Pierre , the auto containing a party
composed of Don Sinclair , the Winner
postmaster ; Ford Relchmann , Dallas
postmaster ; Oplo Chambers and Ucrt
Hancock of Dallas , the gasoline tank
In an unaccountable manner exploded ,
burning the car belonging to Henry
Sherman of Colome.
The party walked seven miles to get
to town. When Sinclair arrived at
Colomo ho found a telegram awaiting
him with news that his wife had died
suddenly that morning. One year ago
a cousin of Mr. Relchman was killed
at Pierre and n couple months ago
another cousin was seriously Injured
In nn auto accident while visiting In
the name city.
Accused by Dying Man.
Franklin , Neb. , Sept. 14. Charles
Clems , a stonecutter of thla city , is
being held in the county jail at
Uloomlngton on the charge of murder
as a result of the death Wednesday
of Frank Smith , who was shot last
Monday night In a room over Clem's
marble works.
Smith made a dying statement ac
cusing ( Clems of shooting him while ho
was lying on a bed In the lattcr's
room. Clems denies the story , assert
ing that Smith attacked him with a
revolver and that the weapon went
off In Smith's hand during the strug
gle f , wounding Smith fatally.
J. C. Elliott In the Field.
Wbst Point , Neb. , Sept. 14. Special
to The News : Col. James C. Elliott ,
editor of the West Point Republican
and for many years postmaster of
West Point , has announced his Inten
tion to ( Ho for the republican nomina
tion for congressman for the Third
district to succeed the late Congress
man Lnttu. Mr. Elliott has n strong
following In this portion of the ills-
[ W. A. Meserve ot Crelghton declln'j
ed to make the race. His friends at
Crelghton announced him as a candl-
date but without his consent. Ills
statement will be found on page 8. ]
Meserve Not In the Race.
W. A. Meserve of Creighton refuses
to accede to the demands of his fel
low townsmen and get Into the Third
Nebraska district congressional race.
Following announcement made by
Crelghton republicans In their tele
phone message to The News yester
day , Mr. Meserve telegraphed this pa
per that the announcement was un
authorized and that he will not be a
candidate. This is what he says :
"Creighton , Neb. , Sept. 13. Editor
News : The statement published In
The Norfolk Dally News of current
date that I am a candidate for the re
publican nomination for congress was
entirely unauthorized by me. I am
not a candidate , either avowed or re
ceptive , for the nomination. While I
appreciate the great honor of being
mentioned for this Important ofllce , I
do not wish my name to be used in
connection therewith.
"Yours very truly ,
"W. A. Meserve. "
Elliott May Come Out.
West Point , Neb. , Sept. 14. Post
master Elliott of this place Is prepar
ing to announce hla candidacy for con
gress to succeed the late Congressman
Latin. Mr. Elliott "believes that he
will have almost a clear field. He Is
editor of the West Point Republican.
There was n sentiment through this
section In favor of District Judge
Welch for the candidacy In 1912 to
oppose the democratic nominee , but
Judge Welch , who at present Is a can
didate for re-election to his present
ofllce , will not be available now.
Woman Goes to Lincoln With Two
Iowa Children.
Glen wood , la. , Sept. 13. Deputy
Sheriff Edwards went to Des Molnes
to secure a requisition for the return
of Mrs. Julia Howard of Lincoln ,
Neb. , to Mills county , la. Mrs. How
ard , who is the wife of Edward How
ard , is charged In a complaint filed
here with kidnaping two children ,
aged 7 and 9 years , from the home of
Mrs. Ben Hooker In this city. They
are children of Howard and a former
wife , now .Mrs. Hooker , from whose
home it Is alleged they were stolen
by Mrs. Howard. Deputy Sheriff Edwards -
wards went to Lincoln with a warrant
for the woman's arrest but she re
fused to return here without a requisi
The alleged kidnaping occasioned
considerable excitement In Glenwood.
An older sister of the two children ,
who It is claimed were stolen , discovered
covered what was being done , the
parents of the children being away
from home , and undertook to recover
her brother and sister , following them
lo the railroad stallon. Enroule
Sheriff Bushnell was encountered and
he was appealed to but refused to Interfere
terfere without a warrant and the wo
man and children boarded a Burling
ton train without further Interfer
Lincoln , Sept. 13. On her arrival
here , with the children of her hus
band , Mrs. Julia Howard , accused of
kidnaping , was taken to the CO
stallon , but on her on
that she had not stolen the Glenwood
children , she was released wlthoul
bond. Mrs. Howard said she look
the two children with the consent of
their mother , because , as she said ,
they did not wish to live with their
father. The two children told the
police they did not wish to return lolo
i Shane.
Nellgh , Neb. , Sept. 13. Special loW.
The News : T. Shane , father of W.
) . Shane of this city , died yesterday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at his home
at Orchard. Mr Shane was past 84
years of aRe. Ho was first taken sick
last Juno and Hlnco that time has
been gradually falling. Funeral and
burial services will bo held In Or
chard this afternoon. The deceased
was nn old resident of Antelope coun
ty and highly respected by all these
fortunate In making his acquaintance.
Majority Turns Against Repealing the
Prohibition Clause.
Portland , Me. , Sept. 13. Revised re
turns on the question ot repeal of con
stitutional prohibition at 1 o'clock Hits
morning reduced the majority against
repeal to 295. The tolal vole stood :
For repeal , 00,216. ,
Against repeal , 60,511.
A pretly wedding look place at 8
o'clock Tuesday evening when Rev.
Edwin Booth , jr. , nulled In wedlock
Miss Rosella Cole and Harold S.
Gow , two of Norfolk's most popular
young people , both graduates of the
Norfolk high school and both popular
In Norfolk society.
Harold S. Gow Is cashier of the
Carlock bank of Cnrlock , S. D. , Is
the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Gow of this city. The bride is the
eldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. II. J.
Cole , prominent Norfolk people for
many years.
Close to the large bay windows of
the living room of the Cole homo was
built a beautiful altar of ( lowers , the
color scheme being yellow and green.
Over the altar was a canopy of the
same ( lowers and a largo llowery
wedding bell hung underneath , a prize
marigold hanging In the ccnler of Iho
bell ready lo sound llie signal for the
matrimonial ceremony. The entire
room was bedecked with the smllax ,
marigolds and golden rods. The stair-
i-ase was completely covered with the
( lowers.
Sharply at 8 o'clock the strains of
the Lohengrin wedding march were
heard , being played on a violin by
Miss Marlon Gow , cousin of the
groom , , and accompanied on the piano
by Miss Nadine Cole , sister of the
bride. . Almost Immediately the bride ,
dressed ' in a gown of while satin , veil
ed with chiffon and trimmed with Irish
lace and pearl beads , wearing a tulle
veil and carrying a bunch of bride's
roses , walked slowly down the flowerc
bedecked staircase , accompanied by
her < bridesmaid , Miss Maude Rees ,
who wore blue crepe do chine with
overdraplng of baby Irish. They took
their places near the altar and soon
the bridegroom , atlended by his broj j
Iber Archibald T. Gow , bolh in full
dress , arrived. '
As llie music ceased , the young
couple knelt at the altar and Rev.
Mr. Booth began the ceremony. The
ring service was used , the groom's
atlendant carrying the ring. Dr. Cole
gave his daughter away and Miss
Gladys Cole , sister of the bride , and
Miss Mildred Gow stretched the rib
bon to form aisles.
After the ceremony a reception was
held and a dainty luncheon and punch
were served on the porch.
Besides the seventy-live Norfolk
guests and relatives at the wedding
number of out-of-town
there were a - -
guests , among them being Miss Nellie
Wattles , Neligh ; Miss Marian Cochran -
ran , Neligh ; Miss Belle Temple ,
Wayne ; S. Temple , Wayne ; Miss
Carrie Harding , Omaha , and E. F.
Strain of Gregory , S. D.
The young couple left early Wed
nesday morning for Carlock , S. D. ,
where the groom has prepared a home.
Miss Cole was recently elected to
teach In the Norfolk high school. In
1905 she graduated from the Norfolk
high school and in 1910 she graduated
with a B. A. degree from Oberlln col
lege , in Ohio. Last year Miss Cole
taught school at Neligh.
Mr. Gow Is also a graduate of the
Norfolk high school of llie ' 06 class
and for two years he took a special
course in the stale university.
Madison , Nob. , Sept. 13. Special to
The News : Judge Bates Issued a mar
riage license to William Lester Pen
hollow and Miss Hazel Maud Chitten-
den , both residing northwest of Mad
ison tn Schoolcraft precinct.
A Picnic at Burton.
Burton , Neb. , Sept. 13. Special to
The News : The old soldiers and set
tiers' reunion has come and gone and
all things considered , it was a sue
cess. The weather was not the besi
but there was a large crowd presen
the last two days. The program was
good , the horse racing was good , the
old soldiers' footrace was very fast
T. V. Smith of Burton winning by a
narrow margin.
The Burton Wiiito Sox also won Hi
ball game Friday from Rockbrldge , S.m
D. , In a one-sided game , and won from
the fast Wewela , S. D. , nine Saturday
by a 6 to 7 score , Ihus winning all
three games. The Burton White Sox
play the Sprlngview Cells at the Nor-
den fair , when another fast game Is
looked for.
Establish a "Quad" in Dallas Office.
Dallas Is the center of attraction and
activity of the coming land rush as
far as telegraph companies are con
cerned. W. J. Durand , special agant
of the Western Union Telegraph ro
pany , accompanied by a line an
from Minneapolis , was In the city en-
route to Dallas , where they will start
Immediate operations In making the
Dallas telegraph ofllco one which can
handle telegrams much easier than at
the lime of Ihe last land opening. As
far as can be learned a "quad" will
be Installed In the Dallas ofllce. This
wire , on which four telegraphers can
work simultaneously , will probably
run from Dallas to Sioux City , hand -
ling all the business desllned for sta
ern polnls. Gregory Is also lo get a
good wire which will work direct without
out Interrupllons lo Omaha. The Nor
folk ofllce will be relieved ot Iho heavy
relay work which was experienced :
during the last land rush.
Crelghton Takes Game.
Crolghton , 3 ; Norfolk , 0.
Errors on tlu1 port of Norfolk In
their fast game with the Crelghton
team at Crelghton Tuesday were the
cause of losing the game. Crelghton
brought In thiee scores , but none of
them was recorded as nn earned run.
Once Norfolk luul a chance for a dou
ble with two men down , but an error
on second allowed another run.
Crolghton scored In the first , fourth
and llfth Innings. Fox for Norfolk
pitched a tine game and Delarr , Iho
former Columbus slnlo leaguer , was
In good shape. Tlfft of Pierce caught
for Norfolk and Kemp was behind the
bat for Crelghton.
Score :
Creighton 100 11 000 * 3
Norfolk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Crelghton 25 ; Burke Z ,
Monday's game between Burke and
Crelghton nt Burke was altogether too
lopsided for much Interest and Crelgh-
Ion came home with a 25 to 2 score on
their belts. Burke had won the day
before , but Crelghton , plugged up hard
with vacationing state leaguers , took
the next day's game In a walkaway.
W. A. Meoerve Is Candidate.
The republicans of Crelghton today
announce the candidacy of W. A.
Meserve of that city for the repub-
llcan nomination to succeed Congress
man J. P. I.atla as representallvo of
Iho Third congressional dlslrlct of No-
Mr. Meserve Is a prominent northern -
ern Nebraska atlorney. Six years ago j
he ' * served as state senator from the |
Ninth district , Including Knox , Cedar ,
Antelope , Dixon , Wayne and Thurstou |
counUes. He has lived at Crelghton
for . . fifteen years , is very well known
throughout . the district , has always
been n hard worker for the republican
party and is , his friends believe , the
logical . and Ideal candidate for the po-
They believe that Mr. Meserve can
be ' elected , arguing that he Is eminently
ly fitted for the place and that he
would command a great vote throughout -
out | the dlstrlcl.
Democrats Likely Will Nominate Fre
mont Man for the Place.
Lincoln , Sept. 13. Dan V. Stephens
of Fremont will be nominated to suc
ceed , Congressman James P. Latla , ac
cording to the analysis by democratic
politicians of the situation in the
Third Nebraska district as a result of
Mr. ] \ Latta's dealh.
Mr. Slephens will have llllle , if any ,
pposition wllh'in Ihe democralic par-
y. Though It Is yet too early for Mr.
lephens to announce his candidacy ,
lemocrats assert that such an an | I
louncement will be forthcoming In.
iue time.
Mr. Stephens has been congression
al campaign manager for the democrats - (
crats for eight years. He conducted |
he campaigns of P. E. McKilllp and j j
Judge Graves , when James F. Boyd , '
republican , defeated these democrats J
by close margins. In 1908 he camV
lalgned for Mr. Latla and won him Ihe
seat from Boyd by a majority of slight-
y above 1,900. Two years later this
najority was raised to 7,300.
Wliem Latta made the run the seca
end time , it was understood that it j j
was his last canvass for congress. The ]
general belief at that time was that ; I
Mr. Latla would slep aside In 1912
ind Ihat Stephens would be the dem
ocratic candidate. This opinion was
so far accepted that it was generally
conceded that Mr. Stephens could
have the nomination hands down.
A year ago Congressman Latta was
renomlnated wllhout opposition , but
In 1908 he was the object of a hitler
fight at the hands of Edgar Howard of
Columbus , who wanted the congres
sional title himself. Howard Is the
only democrat In the district who has
made public a desire for ofllce In
Washington since Mr. Latla first be
came a candidate. The Columbus
man , however , is a firm personal
friend of Mr. Stephens , and it is as
serted that he would not think of com
peting with him for the democratic
On Ihe republican side , former Con
gressman Boyd has been Ihe recent
Third district candidate. He has been
twice defeated by Mr. Latta , with
Stephens as the latler's campaign man
ager. In 1910 , former State Treasurer
Brian -contesled for the republican
nomination , but Boyd snowed him un i-
der. Mr. Brian is now engaged in busi 1-
ness In Lincoln and is considered out
of the Third district affair.
Under the state law as interpreled
by Attorney General Martin , Congress
man Latla's successor will be chosen
at the general stale election In No
First Football Accident of 1911.
Neligh , Neb. , Sept. 13. Special to
The News : The first football acci
dent of the season took place yester
day afternoon at Riverside park when
the high school boys were at prac
tice. William Graybiel , the youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Graybiel of
this city , sustained a complete frac
ture of the right leg below the knee.
A physician was Immediately summon
ed and the fracture reduced. The
young man had an abundance of nerve
while Drs. Bartley and Beallle were
bandaging Ihe broken member. He
survived Iho ordeal wilhout taking an
State's Attorney Herbert Arrives and
Will Consider Evidence Offered.
Mitchell , S. D. , Sept. 13. W. M. Herbert -
bert , the state's attorney for this coun
ty , arrived In the city from Rochester ,
Minn. , and will take charge of the
adultery case against ex-Sheriff Luther
Plotner and Mrs. Kale Qulnn , his af .
finity , both of whom are In Jail awaiting -
ing their preliminary examination.
Mr. Herbert said It would be two or
three days before the examination is
held , as he Is not in touch with the
Concerning the charge of murder
which the Qulnn family la trying to
fllo against Plotner , Mr. Herbert said
that every effort had been made about
two years ago to sift the evidence
thoroughly which the Qulnna had.
Herbert said they attempted to secure
the assistance ot Judge Smith. The
judge Insisted that they should take
the mailer up with the stao's ) attor
ney , who , with their attorney , Cloyd
D. Sterling , made a thorough exam
ination of the circumstances. At the
end of the Investigation Mr. Sterling
was willing to drop the murder charge
and did not ask state's attorney fern
n warrant charging Plotnor with the
murder ot Peter Qulnn.
The Qulnns are expected back In
Mitchell this week to again press their
charges and try to secure a warrant
for the arrest of Plotner on the charge
of murder.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers of real estate for the past
Iwo months , compiled by Madison
County Abstract and Guarantee company
pany ) , ofllce with Mapes & Hnzen :
Standard Stock Food Co. to Herbert
Wlchman. W. IX , $250 , lot 12 , block 4.
Pasewnlk's Third addition , Norfolk.
. . Ella F. White to Jnred W. Btirch.
W. , D. , $1,000 , lots 11 and 12 , West
Meadow Grove.
Irven Rogers lo Casper Larson , W.
D. , $5,600 , nw 4 11-24-1.
. Mabel Peiter et al. to Walter Gal-
bralth ' , , W. D. . $1 , lot 4. block 58 , R. R.
addition , Madison.
. Fred [ Herman lo Irven Rogers , W.
D. , $2.600 , part ne'4 3-23-3.
I. Philip Demmel to P. H. and Carl
I. Demmel ' , W D. , $400 , w > & lots 5 and 8.
J. block 28 , F. W. Barnes' addition , Mad
, C. S. Smith , sheriff , to Carl J. H.
Verges ' , S. D. . $1,150 , part of neVi swVi
Nannie H. Russell to E. D. Perry
et ai. , W. D. . $2.000 , lot 6. block 16.
Western Town Lot Go's. First addi
tion , Norfolk.
Rebecca H. Blckol to E. D. Perry ,
et , al. , W. D. , $1,000 , lot 5 , block 16 ,
Western Town Tot Go's , addition , Nor-
L. II. Watson to George W. John
son , W. D. , $700 , lots 5 and 0 , block 1 ,
Collamor'b addition , Norfolk.
C. S. Smith , sheriff , to First Nation-
nl bank , W. D. , $980 , south 44 feet of
lot 6 , block 17 , F. W. Barnes' First ad
dition , Madison.
Anna G. Robertson et al. , to Nellie
C. Robertson , Q. C. D. . $1. block 4 , W.
M. Robertson's addition , Madison.
John B. Maylard to G. L. Carlson ,
W. D. , $6 , west 4 inches of lot 11 , block
6 , Norfolk.
Mary C. Lane , executrix , to Jesse
Leroy Hlght , deed , $1,200 , lots 5 , 7 , 8
and 9 , Ward's Suburban Lots. Norfolk.
Louis Ottmar to Jennie Randklev ,
W. D. . $275. lots 5 and 6 , block 1 , Col-
lamer's ' addition , Norfolk.
William L. Boyer to Ernest F. Hans ,
W. D. , $575 , part of lot 2 , block 17 ,
Battle Creek.
Charles Denny to John Denny , W.
'D. , $600 , part se'xi nwl4 19-24-4.
Samuel Heckman to Charles Denny ,
W. \ D. , $525. part seV4 nwVj 19-24-4.
Carl J. H. Verges to Burr Taft , W.
D. , $1,450 , part neVi sw > 4 22-24-1.
Therese Ileckendorf to Benjamin J.
Heckendorf. W. D. , $1 , lots 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
and ! 10 , block 4 , Edgewater Park , Nor
Arche B. Robinson lo Sever E. San-
derson , W. D. , $500 , lot 14 , block 18 , R.
R. addition , Newman Grove.
Jacob R. Jacobs to Geo. H. Gutru ,
W. D. , $30,400 , vys 35-22-4.
Henry Hasenpllug lo Charles
Schram , W. D. , $4,000 , ni of lot 5 ,
Ward's Suburban Lots , Norfolk.
Patrick Grotty to John F. McGrane ,
W. D. , $250' lot S , block 7 , Western
Town Lot Go's , addition , Norfolk.
Norfolk Stale bank lo Joseph Dobbin
bin , Q. C. D. , $1 , lots 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 ,
Fleming's Subdivision , Norfolk.
Herman Sleinkraus lo Edward W.
Hans , Q. C. D. , $1 , lot 3 , block 1 , Nor
Olga P. Kaul to Valentine Scheer ,
W. D. , $1 , lot 1 , block 30 , F. W. Barnes'
Third addition , Madison. ,
R. M. Waddell to Charles B. Dur-
land , W. D. $1 , lot 2 , Ward's Suburban
lots , Norfolk.
W. S. Cunningham to Mary A. Whit
ney , W. D. , $0,000 , part of se4
George H. Lee to Henry C. Lowman ,
W. D. , $300 , sw > 4 block 12 , Mandamus
addition , Madison.
Anna E. Haase to Henry F. Ilaase
iW. . D. , value , efc lot 9 , block 3 , Pase
1walk's addition , Norfolk ,
E. H. Lulkart to Maud II. Davis , W
D. , $500 , part of Outlet D , Tilden.
C. S. Smith , sheriff , to Lena Kop
pltsch. S. D. , $390 , lot 3 , block 1 , Math
ewson's First addition , Norfolk.
F. M. Westgate to J. W. Ransom
W. D. , $350. w % of sVL of lot 1 , blocl
3 , Pasewalk's addition , Norfolk.
L. O. Waterbury to Nels O. Pearson
W. D. , $400 , lot 16 , block 20 , R. R
addition , Newman Grove.
J. W. Ransom lo E. E. Beebee , W
D. , $450 , part of nwVi nw % 26-24-1.
Ailolph G. Thiem lo Fred O. Tlilem
W. D. , part n\ ' neVi 26-24-4.
Florence E. Mather to F. E. and E
G. Mather , W. D. . $650 , seV4 lot 4
block 5 , Pasowalk's addition , Norfolk
Albert L. Eddenfleld to Florence E
Mather , W. D. , $800 , seVi lot 4 , block
5 , Pasewalk's addition , Norfolk.
C. L. Anderson lo Nettle Dunhaver
W. D. , $1.100 , lot 7 , block 8 , Verge
Suburban Lots , Norfolk.
N. C. Eslabrooks lo F. A. Maslen
W. D. . $7,200 ne4 23-23-1.
Will W. Marplo lo W. M. Ralnboll
Q. C. D. , $1. njfc lot 6 , block 6 , Haase'
Suburban Lots , Norfolk.
William Lee Moxly to Alvln C
Holmes , Q. C. D. , $25 , lot 3 , block 8
Meadow Grove.
Union Bakers Meet and Talk of Wa
on Three Big Bakeries.
Kansas City , Sept. 12. The Inter
national union of bakery and confec
lonery workers which opened Its tr
ennlal convention here yesterday wl
fight the alleged "bread Irust , " whlc
refuses to recognize the union , by go
Ing Into the baking business itaolf. At
least It will launch Its own bakeries
In cities where the trust refuses to
recognize the union If the recommen
dation made to the convention today
by Otto E. Fisher of ChlcaRo , Inter
national secretary of the union , In his
annual report Is followed. The "bread
trust , " made up of three of America's
greatest bakery companies , Is the real
enemy of the bakers and confection
ery workers , according to Mr. Fischer.
"The bread trust Is the most Impor
tant one we have over entered , " said
Mr. Fischer In his report. "I'pon the
victorious outcome of Iho same de
pends our future success. Thousands
of people live In localities where they
cannot buy union labelled bread. Wo
must supply the market where Biich
condition exists. Wo should at once
establish our bakeries In such cities
where It seems Impossible for our or
ganization lo gel a fool hold , or where
Ihe Irust concerns are controlling the
bread market to such nn oxteiil thai
no competing bakery would dare to
recognize our organization or use the
label. Our International union should
have control of all bakeries thus es-
labllahed. "
Take Up Woman's Cause.
Fremont , Neb. , Sept. 12. The federal -
eral district attorney , Frank llowell
of Omaha , has been called In by the
Bohemians living In this neighborp
hood to use his Information in securing -
ing the release of Marie Necld , the
Bohemian woman held hero on the
charge of bigamy and threatened with
deportation. The woman's baby has
been 111 and she has been given Ihe
suit llowell lias taken the case up
with the Immigration authorities.
Fremont Vaudeville Actor to be Sepa
rated From the Woman.
Fremont , Nob. , Sept. 12. Louis Rog
ers , Iho vaudeville actor who Is be
ing held here on the charge of having
murdered the Infant child of his wo
man companion , will be taken to the
state penitentiary for safe keeping.
Tills Is done to render communication
between htm and the woman , Mrs.
Rletchle , impossible.
Brief in Rate Cases.
Lincoln. Sept. 12. The committee of
lawyers from Iowa , South Dakota ,
Kansas , Oklahoma , Nebraska , who will
present briefs to the supreme court of
the United States in the Minnesota
two-cent passenger rate case has been
ompleled. Presidenl Wlnnell of the
'ebraska committee , appointed P. W
'oughert/ ' , the attorney of the South
akota committee as the representa-
ve of thin state , completing the mem-
orshtp. The committee will meet In
Friday to prepir" .1 prelim-
lary r > "ef of their case.
Is a Sensation in Horse World.
A sensation in horse circles through-
lit the world is promised as a result
f exposures made in the October Is-
ue of Carlson's Breeders Review , pub-
shed In Norfolk today. G. L. Carlson ,
lie editor , who Is recognized as an
uthorlty on scientific horse breeding ,
ddresses an open letter to II. G. Me-
llllan of Rock Rapids , la. , president
f the Percheron Society of America ,
n which Mr. Carlson calls upon Mev'
.Illlan . to explain a great many ac-
Mr. McMillan , who Is the president
f what Is considered the foremost
rganizatlon In Ihe horse world , Is ac-
used of methods by which Ihe honesl
'ercheron ' breeders of America are
aid to have lost millions of dollars.
Us methods are alleged to have com
pelled the Canadian government to
idopt a rigid Inspection of American
jred Percherons. The traffic In fraudulent -
ulent pedigrees is said to have reached
enormous proportions , dozens of
lorses of such pedigrees being sold at
) ublic sale at one time. Judging
lorses at fairs Is said to have been
nlluenced and controlled. Grade
lorses are said to have been exhibited
as horses of pure breeding. Legisla- _
ures are alleged to have been Influ
enced and a large part of the agrlcul-
ural and live of the coun-
ry have been subsidized and one of
America's greatest agricultural col
eges is alleged to have been corrupted
so that the mere mention of this one
time most highly honored institution
of its kind in all the world is but to
irouso suspicion.
Questionable Pedigrees Charged.
Mr. Carlson says McMillan has
made Innumerable questionable pedi
gree records. For example , he charges
that in the pedigree of Capton 35402
Vol. S page 139 "Percheron Records , "
the animal's dam is given as Childe-
bert 42S3 (551) ( ) . This name and number -
ber Carlson charges Is a stallion ac
cording to McMillan's own published
records and Carlson adds : "It Is the
first Instance In all the world's breedIng -
Ing that a stallion ever gave birth tea
a live foal. "
McMillan is charged with producing
and dealing extensively tn topcross
grade horses , "buying Ihem at a low
price only to sell them to Innocent
men who are not judges of breeding
and pedigrees. "
In regard to another Instance Carl
son says : "It will also be noticed
that Nina 20921 was not so very slow
as a breeder herself , since she pro
duced two foals In the spring of 1903. "
One Inslance Is cited In which Mc
Millan Is alleged to have registered
Imogene 22827 as the mother of a colt
before Imogene herself was born. Of
another case Carlson says : "A com
plaint was recently filed against you
In a Minnesota court for damages by
a Mr. Miller. The damage asked In
this case was based upon your repre
sentatlon that a certain colt which
you sold to Mr. Miller was a Percheron
of pure breeding , when In fact it was a
grade colt which you purchased in
Dakota. You filed an answer to that
complaint alleging that Mr. Miller was
not the party Inleresled. Hundreds
of breeders in Ihls county are now
asking why you filed that technical
answer , it you are Innocent of the
chni'go. Those men doslro to know m
why you did not light this charge on A
Its merits , If you nro Innocent , Instead
of resorting to such means as you did , rm
suit. In the " hope that you might win the
Stanton Schools Open.
Stnnton. Nob. . Sept. 12. Special to
The News : The Stanton hchoolH be
gan yesterday morning their yoar'u
work with the following tonchora :
Prof. J. H. Welch , Mlns Elizabeth
Noaker , Miss L. Danlelfl , MHS ! Daisy
Robinson , William H. Blackstone , Miss
Lillian Nye , Miss Mnur , Mrs. J. I ) . El-
more , Miss Esther Ranbe and Mlsa
Marie Johnson. The school wns open
ed In the old buildings. It Is expected
thai Iho now building will bo complet
ed and turned over during Iho next
Iwo weeks. When this Is done Stanton -
ton will have the finest school plant ot
any town of Us size In the state.
Gov. Norrls of Montana Wants More
Power for State Executives.
Spring Lake , N. J. , Sept. 12. Two
methods In which the powers of state
executives throughout the union ought
to ' bo strengthened , In the opinion of
Gov. Edwin L. Norrls of Montana ,
were discussed by him before Iho
conference of governors hero today.
The first vital step to bo taken ,
Gov. Norrls believes , In to bestow
upon governors the power to remove
Inefficient state officers charged with
the enforcement of the criminal and
remedial laws. The second Is to
grant the governor the right to lull Into
and refer legislation lo Ibo voters for
their approval or rejection.
Gov. Norrla addressed himself to
"Strengthening the Power of the
Executive. " In part , ho said :
"No useful purpose can bo served In
having unlimited authority lo call out
the militia when It Is desired to pre
vent prlzo fighting , suppress gambling ,
close wine rooms or enforce the crimi
nal statutes In general. To attempt
to suppress violations of the various
criminal laws by calling out the state
troops would be about as sensible or
practicable as would be the use of
coast defense artillery in destroying
sparrows. "
Hunnewell Town Council Won't Stand
for More Women Officers.
Hunnewell , Kan. , Sept. 12. "Wo
don't want any more women in of
llce , " declared the city council of
Hunnewell , and adjourned after re
jecting tiio names of the mayor's ap
pointees for city clerk , city treas
urer and to ( ill the vacancy In the
Mrs. Ella Wilson , the mayor , de
termined to get the government of
Hunnewell In working order , sent In
the names of three women for city
clerk. The council rejected each of
them. The mayor then sent in the
names of two women for treasurer.
Each In its turn was rejected. Then
the mayor tried to fill Ihe vacancy
with two masculine sympathizers but
the council would not have It and ad
"I guess I'll have to call in the
state . officials yet , " said Mrs. Wilson ,
after the meeting. "The councllmeu
were ' actually rude. They won't be ,
however , after the state officers get
after them. Then they'll bo glad to
hold down their jobs as councilmcn
and submit to the wishes of Iho
mayor. "
Did You See This Airship ?
Did you see Iho airship Ihat ( low to
the northeast of Norfolk Sunday mornIng -
Ing ?
That an airship flying 500 feet high
and headed southeast passed to the
norlheast of this city Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock and disappeared In the
distance is the statement of Karl
Krlekhause , foreman of the press room
of The Daily News.
Mr. and Mrs. Kriekhauso and their
guests , Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Neill of
Indiana , were near the standpipe at
10 ( o'clock Sunday morning when Ihey
saw an aeroplane , apparently a mono
plane , ( lying as above described. They
watched It for at least ten miles , Mr.
. .
Krlekhause declares. lie has seen
both biplanes and monoplanes and
thinks . tills was a monoplane , although
this was too far away to be sure.
O'Neill Business Changes.
O'Neill , Neb. , Sept. 11. Special to
The News : A new laundry under the
management of C. L. Rico began
operations hero today.
The O'Neill Bottling works has been
sold to E. M. Merriman. Mr. Merrl-
man owned Ihe plant some years ago ,
and went west. He returned to
O'Neill a few months ago and pur
chased the plant.
Dakota Boy Killed.
Huron , S. D. , Sept. 11. George
Burke , eldest son of John S. Burke ,
roadmaster of the Dakota division of
the Northwestern railroad , was thrown
from an electric light polo and instanl-
ly killed by coming Into contact with
a live wire. The young man was as-
slsling In slretchlng electric light
wires at the slale fair grounds.
Big Tanks Burst , $50,000 Worth of
Syrup Runs Down Street.
New Orleans , Sept. 12. A flood of
molasses swept down several streols
leading from a slorage warehouse
when a large tank containing about
a million gallons of treackle hurst
with a tremendous report. A stream
fifteen Inches deep made Its way down
market street for nearly a mile. The
explosion brought crowds to the scene
and thrlfly resldenls obtained a year's
supply by merely scooping up the
syrup with buckets.
The explosion was caused by the
crumbling of a wall supporting five
Innks. The flow of the molasses was
so swift that two boilers weighing fif
teen tons were swept from their foun
dations and carried across the street.
The loss Is $50,000.