The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 15, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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On The
Henry Woodruff May Come Dack ,
If Norfolk wants Henry Woodruff ,
famous star , In "Tho Prince of To
night , " a great musical comedy , ho'll
come to town.
When Mr. Woodruff was hero last
year in "Tho Genius , " ono of the boat
uhows ever neon In Norfolk , ho said
that he'd like to como back If It could
1)0 arranged. Ho Is again under Mort
II. Singer's management and Mr. Sing
er has offered the attraction to the
Auditorium , but on a guarantee. So
It's up to Norfolk to say whether It
wants the famous comedian In his bril
liant now role.
Mr. Woodruff has been ono of the
J big features of state fair week at
' , Lincoln this week. Ho has boon at
' .tho Oliver all week and Is acclaimed
the best state fair attraction ever seen
in Lincoln during a state fair.
A list will bo circulated among Nor
folk people to determine whether or
not they want Woodruff September 27.
The largo cast of principals In sup
port of Mr. Woodruff evidences the
choice of the best to bo had In the
musical comedy Held , and the chorus
Is a typical Mort II. Singer beauty
gathering of girls , who can sing and
dance and make the audience wonder
If the producer cornered all the pretty
girls In the country. As the prince
of the mythical land , of Lunltanla ,
I wherein ho succeeds In winning the
girl of his heart , Mr. Woodruff pro-
I sonts a portrayal with all the nils-
chlovous twinkles , apt witticisms and
bubbling good nature that have won
him so strong a regard In the hearts
of theatergoers.
Popular Lyman Twins Coming
! The over popular Lyman Twins , who
I have been favorites In Norfolk for the
I past half dozen years , are coming to
the Auditorium soon with a new comedy
ody , Just out this season. It Is said
to bo the best they've been seen In
and they're always clever In whatever
they undertake. They always got a
full house In Norfolk , because Norfolk
people know them and like 'em.
Club Building About Finished.
The new quarters of the Norfolk
Commercial club will be formally
opened with a cmoker to Norfolk cltl
zens on next Thursday evening , Sep
tember 14. Carpenters and othe
workmen on the Carlson buildings on
Second street and Norfolk avenue de
clare that the Commercial club build
ing will bo ready for occupancy by
that date. Secretary A. W. Hawkins
of the club declares the building wll
bo furnished In time for Thursday
night's smoker when the formal house
warming Is scheduled.
The new building consists of three
rooms , a largo private ofllce in the
front and a reception room large
enough to seat at least 100 people
At the rear of this reception room is
a kitchen.
Injured by Lightning.
Gross , Neb. , Sept. U. Special to The
News : The farm house occupied b >
the family of Levl Johns was strucl
by lightning at 6 o'clock a. m. , tin
bolt striking the east gable. Mrs
Johns , whoso bed was at the side o
the house , was quite seriously burne <
about the left side. An uncle and ser
were also stunned. Mr. Johns ant
the two youngest sons were away a
the time and escaped injury. The
damage to the building is not great.
Fast Ball at Burton.
Burton , Neb. , Sept. 9. Special tc
The News : Sprlugview was shut ou
by the Burton White Sox , the first day
of the old soldiers' and settlers' re
union at Burton , by a score of 1 to 0
This goes down in history as one o
the fastest games ever played Ir
northwest Nebraska. Not a mar
crossed homo plate until the last hal
of the ninth inning when Burton mad
three hits thus scoring one man. On
.man was out when tlio winning scor
was made. Schanager of Sp ingvie
and "Kid" Outhouse of the Burtor
team both pitched fine ball , Outhous
getting eleven strike-outs and Scha
nager seven. Both teams played a !
homo players. Time of game , 1:10 :
Umpires , Kirseh and Spaun. Th
Burton White Sox play the fas
Wewela , ( S. D. ) team today , and
good game Is expected.
Tlio Burton White Sox claim t <
have the fastest team of any towi
in the northwest , playing all loca
players. This team is composed o
all farmers but Captain Clayton am
he and Manager Rhodes can justl ;
feel proud of the Burton White Sox
Henry Woodruff is Golf Shark.
Henry Woodruff , the handsome stn
who backs up his good looks by rea
acting ability , and is now appearinj
in Mort II. Singer's musical fantasy
"Tho Prince of Tonight , " which ma ;
soon be seen hero , is a golf shark , ac
cording to his fellow members of tin
Lambs club , and an effort will be madi
to induce him to play on the Countr ;
flub links if he comes to Norfolk.
Mr. Woodruff , as befits a successfn
star , has a beautiful summer home
located at Siasconsott , Nantucke
Isle , Mass. During the summer , whlli
entertaining several of the Lambs a
his home , each of his guests modest
ly acknowledged that he was th <
champion golfer of the club. Wood
ruff suggested that there was a pri
vate golf links adjoining his ground
to which ho had access , also that h <
could get the various implements nee
essary to play the game. All enthu
siastlcally set out for the grounds
and wore there thoroughly and everlastingly
lastingly beaten by Woodruff , when
they had never considered In the ! ]
championship argument.
Their astonishment , as expressed t (
Augustus Thomas , the playwright , ai
the club , was lessened when he in
ormed them that Woodruff owned the
ilka , which ho had constructed him-
elf. Now they are all practicing and
hrcaton to hire an expert to coach
hem to beat htm next summer , when
Lambs' tournament will bo held.
No Sunday Card Games.
Hunnowell , Kan. , Sept. IK Hunno-
well learned that It must not play
ards on Sunday during the admlnla-
ration of Mrs. Ella Wilson aa mayor.
To discover this fact four young men
of this town paid $10 each to Judge
Jonfalla' court at South Haven. The
complaint against them was sworn to
> y Mrs. Wilson. She charged thorn of
( laying cards on Sunday in a house
on the main street of Hunnowoll
without oven closing the front door.
Mra. Wilson said the convictions to-
lay were junt a start In her crusade
igalust gambling-society and profes
Frank Walter Rl k.
Frank Walter Risk , son of John
Risk of Battle Crook , died Friday In
a hospital at Douglas , Wyo. , from pto-
nalno poisoning. Ho was born Oc
tober 13 , 1887. The funeral will be
told at the Catholic church In Battle
Crook Monday morning at 9:30 : o'clock.
Latta's Cousin III.
Tekamah , Nob. , Sept. 9. W. W.
Latta , vice president of the First Na
tional bank of this city and cousin of
Congressman J. P. Latta , lies serious
ly 111 at his homo In this city , Just two
blocks from the home of his cousin ,
who lies 111 In a hospital at Rochester ,
Minn. Worry over the condition of
tils cousin the past week has brought
on his present condition , which , aggra
vated by kidney trouble , has made his
case a grave one. A specialist from
Omaha has been called to consult with
Dr. Lukens. Mr. Latta Is considered
one of the wealthy men of this section
and is ono of the early pioneers ol
Burt county , locating hero In 1857.
Three Eggs In One.
Lincoln , Sept. 9. A Plymouth Rocfc
hen's egg , laid on the farm of J. A
Buehlcr , In Johnson county , has been
found to contain another egg com
plete with shell and still a third egg
In a skin Interior. The original egg
was nine and one-fourth Inches In clr
cumferenco , and the Inner egg was
perfectly formed and larger than tlu
ordinary specimen.
Teaches In Omaha.
West Point , Neb. , Sept. 9. Specla
to The News : Miss Eva O'Sulllvan
daughter of the former veteran cd
Itor of the "Progress , " has resignet
lief position as teacher In the Soutl
Omaha high school and taken the
place of teacher of science In the Oma
ha high school. Miss O'Sulllvan is r
native of West Point and recelvee
her educational training In this city.
Nine Cluster Lights Promised By Sher
Iff for Tonight Not Here.
The nine cluster light poles prom
Ised to be set up in front of nine bust
ness places on Norfolk avenue by to
night when the electricity would b <
turned on , are not in evidence. Adei
Sheriff , who circulated a petition am
had it signed by many business mei
asking the council to favor Sheriff' !
lights , has no explanation to make
lie declares he will yet put up UK
nine lights , but does not say when
Not even one of these nine lights has
been put up since Sheriff made the
announcement. The petition handec
to the city council by him was placec
on file and no action was taken on i
by the city dads.
"We could take no action on it , '
says Councilman Fuesler. "We wil
not stop Sheriff from putting tin
lights on Norfolk avenue , but whei
we put In the lights and want a uni
form kind we can order them taker
out. They are putting them In at theli
own risk. "
The councilman's statement ma :
have some bearing on the absence o
the nine poles.
C. D. Burnam of Nellgh was hero.
II. H. Hull of Clearwater was litho
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Haaso returnei
from Lincoln.
George W. Phelps of Madison wai
hero on business.
M. V. Avery returned from a busl
ness trip to Meadow Grove.
S. C. Kimes was in the city frou
his farm near Battle Creek.
Mrs. John Lauver and Mrs. Willian
Lauver of Enola were here vlsltini
with friends
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bruse returnei
from Lincoln , where they spent a fev
days at the state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stanley , Austii
Roberts and Lillian Roberts of Winner
nor were visitors in the city.
S. II. Raymond returned from Lin
coin , where he has been siting hi
son and attending the state fair.
L. J. Mayfield , editor of the Louis
vlllo ( Neb. ) Courier , is hero spendlni
a few days with his brother , O. M
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Rhodes are li
Norfolk from South Dakota visiting a
the home of Mrs. Rhodes' parents , Mi
and Mrs. F. L. Estabrook ,
A. H. Vlelo Is bacic from a few days
visit in Lincoln. Mr. Vlele Is agali
troubled with his knee , with which h
has been laid up for a number o
Rev. Mr. Raabe of Bloomfleld , ROT
Mr. Llotcho of Leigh , , and Rev. Mi
Olondorf of Wlsner are In the city al
tending a synod committee meeting a
the St. Johannes church. The mln
Isters are being entertained by Sup !
Braun of the St. Johannes Sunda ;
school In the absence of Rev. Ott <
Forty Indians enroute In a specla
car from Nlobrara to the Genoa In
dlan school , were In the city.
J. Hicks has returned from Indian !
to take his former position with tin
Nebraska Telephone company.
OH for the extension of oiling tin
Madison-Norfolk road has arrived ii
Norfolk. The oiling will commence
( onday morning.
A largo crowd of Norfolk fans are
lannlng to accompany the Norfolk
cam to Battle Crook Sunday , The
amo will be a fast one.
Thirty Norfolk boy scouta left the
Ity at 8:30 a. m. with full equipment
or a march to Stanton. The scouts
lanncd to return homo about 6 o'clock
. m.
F. S. Battoy , a prominent hardware
nd lumber dealer of Hlghmoro , S. D. ,
i brother of Mrs. E. E. Coleman , Is In
ho city with his family , with a view
f going Into business In this city.
Supt M. E. Crosier announces that
ho Grant school would not open until
week from next Monday , on Septem
ber 18. It had boon reported that the
school would open next Monday.
Oliver Utter beat R. D. McKlnnoy In
ho semi-finals for the Burton cup , G
ip and G to play. Utter and E. F.
Huso now play an 18-holo match In
he finals , the winner to get the cup as
a permanent trophy. The match prob
ably will bo played tomorrow morning
at 8:30. :
There was a free-for-all fight In a
louse conducted by negroes on Second -
end street and Norfolk avenue. One
of the negroes was thrown from n
eocond story window and aoveral
alarms for the police were not an'
The police are watching for a man
who has a habit of prowling in the
roar of several Norfolk avenue bust
ness houses. The man was scon again
last night. It was bollovcd ho was on
ileavorlng to break bis way Into the
Schenzol moat market.
J. W. Porter of North Ninth streel
killed a five-foot bull snake this morn
Ing with a whip. Mr. Porter was driv
ing on Norfolk avenue near Thlrteentl
street when ho noticed the serpent h
the road. Remaining on the seat ol
bis vehicle ho slashed at the snake
killing It with the whip.
Nine cars or material for the no\ *
Union Pacific depot are now being
unloaded by a large force of work
men. The Union Pacific engineer ar
rived In the city today to take ful
charge of the work. There will b (
about twenty Norfolk men employed
The actual work of construction wll
begin next week.
Norfolk Is polntod out as an Idea
place for an electrical and gas whole
sale fixture point. A local firm it
much Interested in starting a jobbinj
house for that material hero. The :
point out the fact that fixtures am
glass can be purchased cheaply In thi
east and can be sold for less In thii
city than Omaha houses can afford t <
S. A. Cokeley was arrested for beinj
drunk and disorderly last night. Judg <
Eiseley , who has ono case to trj
against Cokeley and which case wai
continued from last week until nex
Tuesday , continued Cokeley's secoiu
offense until the day when the othe :
case will be taken up. "He at leas
may be guilty of one of these charges , '
says the judge.
The First Congregational church li
all ready to sign the Norfolk avenui
paving petition whenever the petitioi
Is presented to the trustees. This wll
add 100 feet or more to the frontagi
represented on the petition and wil
reduce the frontage still required t <
about 100 feet. The trustees of
church voted some time ago to sigi
paving petitions for either Norfolk avenue
onue or North Ninth street or both.
Less serious results of the Reed run
away accident on Norfolk avenue Frl
day afternoon are reported today
Mrs. Murphy and her year-old son
who were thought to be seriously In
jured , are now reported out of all dan
ger. Both were badly bruised am
shaken up , but there were no brokei
bones. Mrs. Reed , mother of Mrs
Murphy , whom the daughter and he
two children were visiting here , is no
badly hurt. The 7-year-old daughte
of Mra. Murphy escaped with only i
slight bruise.
County Commissioner Burr Taf
made a trip to the county poor farn
Friday. Billy Pringle , who is now a
the place , appreciated the cane whlcl
the commissioner took to him. Plow
are at work breaking the drained lam
and Mr. Taft believes that next yea
a good crop of corn will bo raised 01
this land. Fourteen cattle were shir
ped from the poor farm to the Soutl
Omaha market and netted the count ;
over $400. Two teams of valuabl
horses are to be sold next year.
Building activity in Norfolk has no
abated by any means. Several ne
homes are to be built in the near fi :
ture , while a number of plans are ou
among contractors who are requestei
to file bids. Fred Doger and Otto Sell
Ing are building new homes on Firs
street and Philip avenue ; F. M. Chei
ington Is building a new home on hi
property in Edgewater park , where
few months ago his old residence wa
destroyed by fire ; Patrick McGrane I
building a two-story homo on Cleve
land street ; the St. Paul Luthera :
parsonage Is Hearing completion an <
workmen have started operations o :
the new addition to the Engelmai
building. H. G. Brueggeman has ha <
Ills home at 407 Philip avenue remot
eled. Plans are out for the new A. r
Stearns home. D. A. Ommerman ha
moved the old L. C. Mlttelstadt nous
to South Fourth street.
The Y. M. C. A. Fund.
A meeting of the trustees and 6 :
ecutlve committee of the Y. M. C. A
was held at the office of Mapes & Hr
zen , Wednesday evening.
The following approximate state
ment made by Treasurer Davenpor
is considered one of which Norfol
may well be proud.
First Total number of fully pal
subscriptions to date , 520 , amqunl
Second Total number of partly pal
subscriptions to date , about nlnetj
amount , $546.
Third Total number of subscrii
tions upon which no payment has bee :
made , 205 , amount , $3,781.
Of unpaid subscriptions about 10
are from contributors less than 2
years of age , and amount to abou
260. No special effort will bo made
or the collection of those , leaving the
natter optional with the children and
heir parents.
The congratulations of the state as
sociation on the exceedingly largo
lumber of contributors ( aa Indicating
mpular enthusiasm In the enterprise )
were received.
The following Is an approximate
statement of the funds expended :
'aid contractor $18,783.00
Paid for site 3,600.00
Vrchttcct work 750.00
Paid Insurance 150.00
aid collectors 92.15
Stamps and stamped envel
opes 33.70
Stenographer C4.00
Labor on lot 45.10
Vdvortlslng for bids 9.75
nspectton trip 30.00
The association is now Indebted to
ono bank in the sum of $800.
A now campaign la planned for Oc
tober and It Is hoped to collect bal-
unco of the unpaid subscriptions with
as little expense as possible.
The subscription card In use is ono
furnished by the state association , and
Is considered good for the object In
The proposal of the Norfolk Electric
Light and Power Co. to furnish water
from their turbine engine at the pow
er house to supply the plunge bath , Is
looked upon by the association as a
concession of great value. This will
save the association the expense of
heating , furnishing as It will an abun
dant supply of water at about the tem
perature of 70 degrees of a quality
superior to the city water for bathing.
The present officials of the associa
tion desire to express their apprecia
tion of the very general Interest man
ifested by our people in securing this
Institution , which Is a feature of the
modern , up-to-date city.
Respectfully submitted ,
The Executive Committee.
Founder of American Red Cross So
ciety Dying at Oxford , Mass.
Oxford , Mass. , Sept. 9. Miss Clara
Barton , founder of the American Red
Cross , is believed to bo near death at
her summer homo in this town. She
is 90 years old. Miss Barton is a na
tive of Oxford and for a long tlmo has
maintained a summer homo hero.
International Officers of Union Won't
Act Before Then.
Chicago , Sept. 9. International un
ion officials will neither sanction nor
disapprove a strike of Illinois Central
shopmen before next Tuesday at the
earliest , according to a statement
made today by Mr. Kramer , chairman
of the board that has the situation un
der consideration. It is the desire of
the international officers to properly
canvass the re-check now being taken
on the strike vote before they take
any definite action. The re-check be
gan last Wednesday and it Is thought
the official vote will not be before
Monday night.
"Railroad officials , " said Mr. Kramer
today , "have averred that first strike
vote was not thorough and that many
of the men voted blindly. It Is our
purpose , therefore , In taking this second
end canvass of the vote to satisfy our
selves that every man will understand
the situation before ho casts his bal
Even though the advisory council of
machinists , which meets hero tomor
row with other union , officials , should
favor a strike , It Is probable , say labor
union heads , that no strike would be
called until the International officers
have approved such action.
George P. Bemls Married.
Omaha , Sept. 11. George P. Bemls ,
73 years old , former mayor of Omaha ,
and Elizabeth A. Neff , 43 years old ,
also of Omaha , were married Satur
day afternoon by Judge O. F. Heard
In his chambers in the Cook county
building at Chicago. Mr. Bernis stole
a march on his friends in Omaha and
went to Chicago two days ago , where
he met Mrs. Neff , who went to Chicago
Friday evening from Richmond , Ind. ,
where she had been spending several
months with relatives. Though white-
haired and approaching the three-quar
ters of a century mark , Mr. Bemls de
clared ho Is young and will live to be
150 years old.
German Picnic at Madison.
Madison , Neb. , Sept. 11. Special to
The News : The German-American Al
liance held its annual picnic on the
Schwank Island near this city. Sen *
ator Allen made the principal address ,
A large number of people enjoyed the
day's festivities.
American Missionaries Missing ,
Peking , Sept. 11. The Chinese gov-
eminent is concentrating troops on the
borders for1 the purpose of suppress
ing the alarming disturbances in the
province of Szechuen , If the provincial
force are insufficient in number 01
prove disloyal. Sixty Canadian Meth
odist missionaries are among the
Cheng Tu refugees. These In all num
ber about 100 , of whom thirty are
Americans and nothing has been
heard from them for the past foui
Fraternal Picnic a Success.
Valentine , Neb. , Sept. 11. Special
to The News : The fraternal picnic
and corn show , which was in progress
hero last week was a decided suc
cess In splto of wet and chilly weath
er as there has been a good attend' '
anco most every day and the exhibits
are line and are oven a surprise tc
people living right hero when it IE
taken Into consideration the dry year ,
the exhibits cover a space 18x50 feet ,
packed very closely. The big Indian
dance every day with a hundred
dancers has proven a great sight for
visitors as well as the Indian vil
lage which covers almost as much
space as the city of Valentino Itself ,
The largo crowds have been orderly
and no trouble has boon had at all
in the grounds. Today , the last day ,
will bo the largest.
Madlion Wlna Two Games.
Madison , Neb , , Sept. 11. Special to
The News : Madison won two baao-
ball games yesterday afternoon on
the local diamond , defeating Cornloa
4 to 1 , and St. Bernard 2 to 0. Bat
teries In the first game : Madison ,
Schultzo and Hopper ; Cornlca , Oako
and Bonder. In tno second game :
Madison , Halloo and Balsch , and for
St. Bernard , Hayes and Albracht.
Wliner Beats Beemer.
Wlsner , Nob. , Sept. 11. Special to
The Nowa : Wlsner defeated Boomer
yesterday In a fast gamo.
Score : R. II. E.
Wlsner 00010400x G G 2
Boomer 100000001 2 7 2
Summary : Batteries , Becmor , C.
Martin and Fehlman ; Wlsner , B.
Swarz and Thompson. Feature of
the game was the brilliant playing of
Smith , the shortstop for Wlsner. Um
pire , H. A. Thlcdo. Time , 1:20. :
6 to 2 IB the Result of Sunday's Game
Play Again Monday.
Burke , S. D. , Sept. 11. Special to
The News : Burke beat Creighton
yesterday , 6 to 2 In a red hot gamo.
Brandt was batted out of the box in
the fifth Inning , Donaway did not faro
much better. Dclalr pitched a shout-
out ball for Burko. Slaughter batted
In the first throe scores for Burke.
Feature of the game was a fast double
Cavanaugh to Graham to Slaughter.
The same teama play again today.
Batteries : Burke , Dclalr and Ellaton ;
Creighton , Brandt , Dunaway and Hal-
Emmet Beats Stuart.
Emmet , Neb. , Sept. 11. Special to
The News : Stuart and Emmet play
ed n nice game at Emmet Friday , Em
met winning. Score 4 to 3. It was
the best game played here this sea
son with no kicking from either side.
Batteries : Emmet , O'Donnell and
Smith ; Stuart , Johnson and Plank.
Struck out by O'Donnell 11 , by John
son 8.
Socialist Sheriff of Milwaukee Issues
Ultimatum to Fighters.
Milwaukee , Wis. , Sept. 11. The
Wolgast-McFarland ten-round no-de
- - , -
cision boxing contest , scheduled for
September 15 here , will not be permit
ted If Sheriff William F. Arnold , so-
ciallst , of Milwaukee can prevent It.
Matchmaker Frank A. Mulkern of
the National Athletic club says the
bout will be put on according to the
program and that there will be no In
terference. Two of the socialist alder
men are Indignant at the course taken
by the sheriff.
Germans In War Mood.
Berlin , Sept. 11. At the annual con
vention of the German league In ses
sion here , resolutions were passed
protesting against the withdrawal of
Germany from her political posses
sions in Morocco and against her ac
ceptance of territorial indemnity in
the French Congo. The German im
perial chancellor was asked to break
off negotiations with France relative
to Morocco rather than settle the dis
pute on that basis. The speech of the
chairman of the congress was to the
effect that the acquisition by Ger
many of western Morocco corresponds
with the wishes of the German pee
ple. Another resolution adopted de
manded the speedier building of war
France Calls in Loans When Moroc
can Trouble Arises.
Paris , Sept. 11. Germany's counter
proposals to these submitted by
France regarding the settlement of
the Moroccan difficulty reached Paris.
M. De Selves , the foreign minister ,
after taking cognizance , carried the
document to Premier Caillaux.
The two ministers made a lengthy
examination of its contents and de
cided to submit the counter proposals
to specialists on Moroccan questions ,
notably M. Regnault , the French min
ister to Morocco. When they have
formed an opinion , the premier will
call a meeting of the cabinet , probably
Thursday , and lay the whole matter
before the ministers for decision. In
accordance with an agreement made
with the German government no com
munication was made to the press
concerning the text of document but
it is understood that Germany , in
return for recognition of Franco's
free hand in Morocco , demands econo
mic guarantees which amount to privi
leges and which would he unaccept
able , not only to France , but to nil
the other powers , as they would prac
tically suppress commercial equality
in Morocco.
It appears certain that the finan
cial difficulties of Germany are part
ly the result of the operations of
French finance. The German mone
tary world was caught at a tlmo when
it was unable to resist the sudden hos
tility of the Paris bankers , who three
weeks ago began to cut off credits
which in any way concerned Germany.
A good deal of Berlin paper is held
in Paris and considerable by Swiss
banks , which are debtors of the Paris
bankers. When the political situation
was taking on a dark phase , as an
ordinary measure of prudence , French
financiers began calling in the debts
owed by Germany.
German embarrassment was Imme
diately perceived and this process
was encouraged by the French gov
ernment as a diplomatic maneuver.
Mitchell Man Insists He Did Not Pro.
pose Doing Away With Qulnn.
Mitchell , S. D. , Sept. 11. To a
group of newspaper men today L. W.
Plotner responded to some queries
concerning the letters that ho la al
leged by the Qulnn family to have
written to n party In Sioux City with
the Idea of arranging for the doing
away of Peter Qulnn. Ono letter writ
ten on the lottorhcad of the former
sheriff gives the details as to the matter -
tor of disposing of Qtilmi by enticing
him to Sioux City , arranging n game
of cards and then striking him In the
head. Carbolic acid was to bo used to
smear over his lipa to allay all pos
sible suspicion of murder.
Plotner declared that there was ab
solutely nothing to the letters written
and that ho had nothing to do with
them. His first two initials were
signed to ono of the letters. Ho de
clared It was an easy matter for some
one to get n letterhead from the office ,
which always stood open. Ho also de
clares as falsa that members of the
Qulnn family received a letter from
him In which ho made a proposition
to pay a sum of money for letters
which they have In their possession
and that whatever letters they have
are not detrimental to him. Ho ad
mits having written some love lettcra
to Mrs. Qulnn and that ho wont to
Minneapolis to confer with the Qulnns
concerning them , but the others ho
knows nothing of.
Mr. Qulnn and Mrs. Johnson are re
lentless In their pushing of the case
against Plotner. Mrs. Johnson Is just
as bitter ns ho was at the tlmo of the
death of her brother , when she called
Plotner up over the telephone and ac
cused him of killing Peter Qulun , de
claring that she would get him If she
had to follow him to the day of his
Mrs. Samuels , Church Worker , Mor
tally Wounds Miss West.
Nashville , Tenn. , Sept. 11. While
the Dixie theater was crowded with
women at a matinee , Mrs. Earlo Sam
uels shot and fatally wounded Miss
Willie West. Mrs. Samuels used a
pistol of small caliber , which was concealed -
coaled by a handbag.
Women fainted and the 'wildest con
fusion prevailed. Men rushed from
the front of the theater and found Mrs.
Samuels standing calmly in the alslo
near the front row , where Miss West
was seated alone watching the show.
Her revolver was still smoking and
she handed the weapon over to the
chief usher , with a quiet remark : "No
such woman has a right to live and
annoy good women. "
Later at the Jail Mrs. Samuels talk
ed freely. In speaking about Miss
West , she charged her with alienating
the affections of her husband.
"Yes , I suppose they will say that
woman Is my husband's affinity , " said
Mrs. Samuels. "I have looked down
on affinities all my life and have al
ways prayed In my church work that
I would never run acrosss one. Now
that I have , I do not regret one bit
what I have done. "
Miss West is a fascinating young
woman , popular in certain circles In
Nashville and Memphis , where she
had often visited with the oldest fam
ilies in Tennessee. Mrs. Samuels Is
a noted charity worker and Is prom
inent in church circles.
Miss Arda Carlson won the W. C.
T. U. oratorical contest at Wetonka.
The rural mall carriers have Just
closed a two days' session In Sioux
Elaborate ceremonies attended the
laying of the corner stone for the
Episcopal church at Winner , the first
Episcopal church in Tripp county.
Mrs. Lara Holkan of Florence lost
her life in a gasoline stove explosion.
Her 6-year-old daughter sa\ed one of
the little children and put out the fire.
Dave Colombo and Heinle Hanson ,
recently arrested on the charge of im
personating government officials , have
been given their liberty because of in
sufficient evidence.
John Blakely of Gettysburg found a
silver mounted saddle on the skeleton
of a horse at the mouth of the Moreau
river. The skeleton evidently had
been in the sand for some time.
Irrigation projects involving 1,250-
000 acres are being pushed in the
western part of the state. Water pow
er is to be utilized to pump the irriga
tion water from the Missouri river.
A fine driving team belonging to
John Hnlllgnn of Flandreau was stol
en while he and some of his neighbors
were trading in town. All efforts to
locate the missing horses have failed.
The now commercial club at Brook-
ings now lias 170 members. The club
will use the second floor of the now
city hall.
Neck Broken ; Child Killed.
Madison , Neb. , Sept. 11. Special to
The News : The 3-year-old son of
Norman Ocl-.ner , living on a farm in
Stanton county , was killed last night
when tlio family carriage was over
turned. The child's neck was broken
and death was instantaneous. The
team had become frightened and ran
away. The entire family were thrown
out. The Ochner farm Is on what was
formerly tlio Tom Mortimer ranch.
Nebraska Farmer Stumbles and Falls ,
Explosion Injuring Him Badly.
Omaha , Sept. 11. Having dropped
an armful of dynamite caps as he
was carrying them from his farm-
liouso near Calhoun , Neb. , Saturday ,
Gibson Hank is in St. Joseph's hospi
tal in a serious condition as a result
of the explosion.
The farmer was brought hero on a
special train and mot at the union
station by Dr. E. R. Porter who took
him to the hospital. He was severely
burned and bones in his legs and
arms were broken by the explosion ,
which throw him nearly fifty feet.
Ilauk had bought the dynamite for
blowing up stumps and had started to
take It Into his house when his wife
objected. Ho started for an outhouse
to store it away and stumbled , drop
ping the big box of caps.
Pleasures of the Week.
Tlio Kensington club of Nownmn
Ornvo mot at tlio homo of Mrs. I. Son-
nolnml Tuesday afternoon. AmoiiK
the Newman Orovo ladles who eamo
In tlio Uorchart , Harvey and Jowoll
automobiles were Mesdames Frlnk ,
Harvey , Young , McKny , English , Hnr-
rliiRton , Gorohnrt , Jowoll , Morrlaon ,
Knabe. Tlio Norfolk ladles present
were : Mrs. South , Mrs. Hullouk and
Mrs. Colcman. Mrs. Sonnoland uorvod
a throo'courst * luncheon anil a plona-
ant afternoon was onjoyod.
Mr. and Mra. Sol. 0. Mayor ontor-
talnod a company of olghtoon at a G
o'clock dinner on Thursday evening
In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Hoar and
Mr. and Mra. 0. W. Culver of Chi
cago. Tlio guests found placed at
beautifully appointed tables and
bridge was a feature of the evening ,
the honors going to Mrs. C. 12. Burn-
ham and Mr. Culver. Mrs. Mayor presented -
sented her guests of honor with hand
some favors.
The Woman's club gave a housing *
ton in tlio homo of Mrs. S. F. Ersklno ,
on Wednesday afternoon In honor of
two departing members , Mrs. O. II.
Meredith and Mrs. John Krantz. Mist )
White of Omaha , and Miss Majorlo
Doctor sang charmingly , and Mrs ,
Booth and Miss Until Shaw gave In
strumental selections that were thor
oughly enjoyed. Refreshments were
served at the close of a delightful aft
Mrs. G. D. Buttorllold was hostess
at a delightful luncheon on Wednes
day , complimenting Mrs. Bear , Mrs.
LauandMrs Culver. Mrs. C. R. Allen of
Uurnnt , Okla. , was also an out-of-town
guest. The lunch was a tempting one ,
served at prettily laid tables In four
courses. Urldgo was enjoyed during
the afternoon , the favors going to Mrs.
S. G. Mayer.
Mrs. Asa K. Leonard entertained a
small company of ladles at bridge on
Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs.
Dear. Mrs. Leonard served a delicious
supper at G o'clock.
The Ladies' Aid society of the First
Congregational church enjoyed a meetIng -
Ing In the home of Mrs. George- .
Dutterlield on Thursday afternoon.
Miss Martha Davenport entertained
a small company of young ladles on
Tuesday afternoon for Miss Mabel Col
lamer of Sioux City.
Miss Laura Durland was hostess at
a pretty little supper party on Wed
nesday evening complimenting Miss
Mabel Collamer.
Mrs. Dick was hostess to the ladles
of the Second Congregational church
on Thursday.
The ladies of Trinity guild rnetwltli
Mrs. J. G. Troutman on Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Culver and son
Stanley and Mrs. Lau , who have been
guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Draden
for live weeks , left yesterday for their
homo in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Powers , Jr. , are
expected to arrive tomorrow from
Jacksonille , 111. , fovr a visit in the
home of Judge and Mrs. Powers.
Dr. and Mrs. Dear returned to their
home in Richmond , Va. , yesterday af
ter a visit of six weeks In the home
of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Rainbolt.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Reynoldds and
Mrs. J. W. Dietrlck spent several days
in Lincoln tlio past week attending
the fair.
Miss Mabel Collamer returned to
her home In Sioux City today after a
short visit with old time friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker and baby
of Omaha were guests of Dr. and Mrs.
C. S. Parker for the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gillette have
spent the week in Lincoln , enjoying
the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wasson are
spending their vacation at Long Pine ,
Mrs. Virginia Whitney left the ear
ly part of the week for Chicago.
Tonight at 8 o'clock In Sioux City ,
at the home of the groom's parents ,
will occur the marriage of William
Mahnke and Mrs. Martha Urown of
Norfolk. They will return to Norfolk
Sunday night and will make their
homo at 110 North Ninth street. The
bride is a daughter of Mrs. Doeck of
this city and has lived most of her
lile in Norfolk. Tlio groom Is cm-
ployed In the Union Pacific railway
station. Miss Margaretha Doeck , a
sister of the bride , will attend the wed
Coming Events.
Mrs. W. R. Jones and Mrs. A. E.
Chambers will entertain at luncheons
on Tuesday and Wednesday of next
week in honor of Mrs. Jones on South
Ninth street. Mrs. Jones will also
give a luncheon on Friday.
The Neighborhood kenslngton club
will enjoy the first meeting of the sea
son with Miss Mason next Wednesday
Miss Florence Roll and Miss Rosolla
Klentz have Issued Invitations for
Wednesday evening , September 13th ,
to compliment Miss May Johnson ,
who leaves Norfolk soon to spend the
winter In California.