The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 15, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Tbe News , EBtabliHhed 1881.
The Journal , Established 187'
W. N. HUBO N. A.
President. Secretary
Friday. Uy mall per yenr , fl.EI
Entered at llic postofllco nt Norfoll
Nob. , as second clans matter.
Telephones : Editorial Departmor
No. 22. llUBlness OIHco and Job Room
No. H 22.
The record for n long flight seem
now to belong to Menu Lisa.
The politicians are now enrlcliln
the country by trying to make tw
plums grow where one grow before.
The latest ocean greyhound IH ovc
000 feet long , but It could be more co
rvctly described as a dachshund.
In TopeUa , Kan. , they spell "Cam
val" with n "K. " Seine one presen
the mayor with n blue backed spoilt :
There Is complaint about Inaccurat
crop reports , but If they were accurat
Wall street would not have much lei
to gamble about.
Senator Lorimer's hat was knocke
off by a biplane , but If , as some e :
pect , his olllclal head comes off sooi
ho won't need any hat.
It Is again announced that Senate
Bailey will retire , but our poor huma
nature IB constantly being deceive
by the Illusory visions of hope.
Champ Clark says the presldenc
must come to him ho won't seek 1
It's a good bet , however , that Cham
won't dodge It If he sees It coming hi
AB Mr. Burgess got way across th
English channel , his mother would ui
doubtedly discover by the condition c
his hair that he had been in Bwln
A dozen people arc dead In Ne1
York from eating poisonous tea <
Htools. This is the kind of thing the
gives spice to the mushroom gathe
Ing fad.
"Ten Nights in n Bar Room" is In
Ing featured by the moving plctur
companies this fall , and it make
things seem very homelike to many (
the boys.
President Taff was entertained
the Connecticut state fair and we trui
he was not so impolite as to find fan
with squash pies seasoned with wooi
en nutmegs.
Senator Bailey says a million a yer
would not tempt him to serve anotlu
term In the senate. He well unde
elands that a good name is better thn
great riches.
In Reno lately n woman was diver
ed at 11 a. in. , and remarried at 1
in. Seine people tire naturally tard
or this needless interim would ha\
been dispensed with.
Recent airship fatalities are said I
be due to mechanical defects , but ah
to the fact that when the creator mni
man he supposed he would be sati
fled to live on the ground.
Upton Sinclair Is charged wll
chewing a prune twenty minutes , bi
It's strange If a man can't practit
the principles of Fletcherism wlthoi
being called to account for it.
"Equal work , equal pay , equal say
was a woman's banner in the No
York Labor day parade. If worac
could be held down to "equal say
there would be no kick coming fro
The New York World wants to hai
n special session of congress called
October , but most of us are flgurir
on some way to nail up the capit
doors so that congress can't get :
and begin work December 1.
An epidemic of rheumatism wi
said to have been brought on by tl
dry weather of the early summer , hi
the old fashioned doctor laid thattro
ble to damp weather. It is no longi
cafe to live in any kind of weather.
Mr. Bryan wants to defeat Judsc
Harmon for the presidency. If tl
Ohio governor is nominated there ai
a large number of republicans wl
will lend him all the assistance po
President Taft will make over K
speeches on his forthcoming westei
tour and his swing around the cou
try is generally accepted as the beg !
ning of the presidential campaign i
Congressman Berger , the soclalli
member of congress from Milwauke
wants to do away with competltioi
It's no wonder. There are eleven oth (
socialists who have already announce
that they are after his Job and the r
turns are not yet all in.
The easiest way to defeat any ei
emy of society is to cut off his sui
plies. Make the city clean do awa
with the filth and untidy places whlc
have so long been allowed to reinnl
unmolested and the question ofswa
ting the flics will bo solved. Flic
and cleanliness can never be friend
And now Atwood says he will defi
his > audevllle engagement until lati
In the season and on September 15 n
tempt a trans-continental flight. II
plans to start from Los Angeles an
go by way of Kansas City to ChlctiG
and thence east to Now York City.
Malno has an election on the quc
tlon of prohibition September 11. Pn
hlbltlon has been on the statute booli
of that state for fifty-seven year
Now the democrats want to repeal 1
The battle Is a hot one and both wcl
and drys claim to be confident of vl
An eastern exchange advises tin
now IB the time to put In your suppl
of gold as It will never be cheapo
The difficulty of following out th
suggestion just now Is that the a
cragu man Is Just figuring out whci
he Is to get the cash with which I
pay for the coal lie wants dumped Int
his coal bins.
An exchange that is gieatly dl
turbed by the noise of automobile
and motor cycles at night says : "Con
pared to the noises made on the stret
In front of where we sleep every ulgl
by automobiles and motorcycles tli
screeches of p'anthers and the wa
whoops of the Sioux Indians woul
sound like lullaby songs. "
Senator La Follette may yet have t
ask for relief from his "fool friends
The Wisconsin senator , though a leai
er In Insurgency , Is not yet ready t
part with President Taft as a repu !
llcan. Ho will not Jump into the rln
against Taft at least until Decembe
and he may not then.
By this announcement , La Folletl
baa put in the hole those disturbei
who , in order to kick up an intern !
row that might land them In offlc
have been out proclaiming him as tl :
next occupant of the white house.
If one would witness a perfect der
onstratlon of tc indomitable Yankc
spirit he would do well to take a trl
to Key West , Fla. , next January an
see the over-the-sea railroad that
to be completed at the end of th
year. It is 128 miles In length an
reaches from the mainland to Ke
West. A good part of this distance
of small Islands. The new line
built largely over the sea between tl
coral reefs that go by the name i
Islands. Some of the bridges are moi
than five mllen long. Where the w
ter is deep concrete work is heir
used. It is n tremendous undertakir
and one that any other people woul
hardly attempt.
Former Gov. Vardeman of Mlssissi
pi , who has been selected in the pi
maries for the United States senat
has declared that he is going to wii
out predatory wealth at one fell swoo
It is a great thing to have a man lit
Vardeman raised up to free us fro
the tentacles of a great octopus ,
is said that there is only one real :
great man brought forth in a centur
In the eighteenth century it was Was
ington who drove British despoils
from our shores. In the nineteen'
century it was Lincoln , who cause
the chains of slavery to crumble ai
fall away. And now it seems that
Is to be Vaideman for the twentiei
century , who shall blow forth tl
breath that shall cause predatoi
wealth to wither and turn to dust i
our feet.
It Is reported from London thi
Lord Strathcona is getting ready '
retire from public life , in order thi
ho may have a few years to thir
over what he has done for other
This would not be a matter of mu <
consequence were it not that the ve
erable high commission for Canada
past the age of 91.
His has been a remarkable caret
Born a poor boy In Scotland , he nevi
had any opportunities for an educ
tlon , and at the age of 14 entered tl
services of the Hudson Bay compan
coming to America as a lad. He llvt
In many of the outposts of his coi
pany , doing whatever he was bidde
Finally , when past the age of 50 1
became the head of the great ente
prise. More than any other man 1
built the Canadian Pacific railway , ai
was the brains of that great underta
ing for several years. He was tl
head of the Bank of Montreal with i
scores of branch banks. He is st !
called the "Empire Builder of Ca
ada , " and probably earned his till
Now ho represents the dominion i
the court of St. James. This is a r
sponsible position and one that exac
much hard work. But he says that 1
will retire. For seventy-five years 1
has worked for others , and has wor
ed hard and faithfully. He has earnt
a rest.
President Taft starts out this wee
on his 13,000-raile Journey , and loc :
committees must remove the mot
balls from their frock coats and si ,
hats , and rehearse the speeches whie
will never be listened to by the crow
anxious to see a real president.
The custom of presidential tours !
not a comparatively recent one , an
has not been adopted by previous pro
Idents merely as a means of repalrin
political fences.
Even Washington five months afte
Inauguration felt that he must gc
out and ECO the people in the northei
states. Adams and Jefferson did m
look favorably on these trips , whk
In those days without telegraphs se
aratcd a president from his olllcl
business. Monroe , however , got 01
for a four months tour , which canst
a great outcry In the newspapers. 1
went up the Delaware river In a bo
lined with crimson velvet , rowed I
sixteen brawny oarsmen wearing sen
let vests , white sleeves , and whl
trousers. When ho got to New Ham
shire , Gov. Plumer refused to recel' '
him , and the party had to llnd the
way around by looking at the gult
board n.
Grant got a call down from congre
for his trips , but he told the leglslr
ors that it was none of their business
The pleasant custom has usual
prevailed of giving a president n war
welcome regardless of politics. Clev
land got tlu > friendliest sort of a r
ceptlon In Minnesota , n republic !
stronghold. The south has ahva ;
lavished good fellowship on prcslden
who were politically unacceptable.
Traveling brings the president
closer contact with danger fro
cranks. President Garlleld was sh
by Gulteau while watting In the st
tion to start on a New England trl
President McKinley was shot at tl
Buffalo exposition.
The custom that a president mu
not step out of the country was disr
garded by President Roosevelt wh <
he went to Panama. President M
Klnley , a conservative by natur
walked to the center of the bridge i
El Paso , Tex. , and looked across fi
many moments , as if he almost fe
himself a prisoner. But he would ni
take the single step that would brer
a 110 years old precedent.
Nothing is stranger than the coi
ing together In the whirligig of tin
of two men who have political
fought each other for a lifetime :
some common agreement. It Is pro
able that In the entire country the
are not two public men who , in the
training , ideas ahd environment a :
more decidedly different than Goorj
Harvey , the brilliant editor of Ha
per's Weekly , and Col. Bryan , tl
brilliant chautauqua lecturer of Li
coin , Neb. They have m'vocated tl
most antipodal political Und soci
views for long years.
Each of these men has taken pa
ticular delight in ridiculing the otln
out of court of public opinion ni
each of them is a past master in tl
art of saying and writing things ,
was a reasonable propositon that
Bryan favored any idea , Harvey won
be found opposing it. But the yea
have actually brought about a chanj
and these two radical extremists ha1
at last met on common ground.
In the election of United States se
ators , if they are to be elected by c
rect vote , both insist that the feder
government shall have supervisic
over such elections and that tl
states shall have the privilege only
paying the expenses. In other word
both of these combative and distin
uished gentlemen believe that co
gross shall continue to be the Jud |
of who is elected to sit In that beef <
of legislators.
It Is rather restful to know thence
once in a lifetime , two minds whii
have made it one of their bpecial ml
sions in life to insist that the oth
was wrong should be discovered
The long controversy between Mi
Ella Wilson , mayor of Hunnewe
Kan. , and her refractory city count
of men , have furnished much pre
copy from this once obscure Ivans ;
town. Since Mrs. Wilson's electit
last spring the councilmen have d
clined to meet with her , or to conflr
her appointments , hence no tax lev
Mrs. Wilson announces that she w
fill the leading city offices with w
The election of a woman to tl
chief magistracy of a city is an intt
esting experiment even from the vie1
point of the anti-suffragist. A grc
many people who question the resul
of equal suffrage would still be dl
posed to place women in all elect ! '
and appointive offices to which tht
seem personally fitted.
Some people will be sincerely ser :
that such an experiment seems to 1
going awry through a silly division
forces on sex lines. If Mrs. Wllst
has encountered factious obstructit
on the part of her council , she w
find plenty of men who will espoui
her cause , not only from chivalry , b
also because they want to see publ
business well done , and would Just i
soon have women mayors as womt
clerks , provided -they could give tl
public cleaner streets and more e
flclent police.
Public sentiment has undergone
tremendous change since the tin
when a woman lost social caste eve
by so honorable an occupation i
teaching , and since It was thougl
that girls would get brain fever If UK
acquired the higher education of tl
Now our office buildings in the cltlt
are populated more largely by wome
than by men. The girls show accu
acy , speed and personal business tate <
to a higher degree than the men whoi
they have outstripped. As farmei
women display a peculiar gift for mal
ing things grow , and are handlcappe
only by physical limitations.
The chief obstacle in the way i
women in public office will bo thel
tendency to look at matters personal !
and from a viewpoint of sex. Tli
world's work will never bo more e
llclently done by lining up one BC
against another , as seems to be don
In Hunncwcll.
The rash act of Labor day when V
A. Chllds , Jr. , of Now York City klllc
Miss Catherine Van Wyek of Brool
lyn , IK attributed to unrequited lov
The young centers In this grisly tra ;
edy were but 20 years old ,
Passionate love Is a very powerfi
motor. When driven about the crook
and turns of a protracted wooing by a
Immature hand , It often lands In tli
Most young fellows at about tin
period have an attack of what tli
humorists call "calf love. " Any grow
up human fledgling wearing skirl
stirs their tremulous senses. Restrali
ed through the day time by the stupl
compulsions of work and study , 1
the evenings tills temporarily don
Inant passion takes the reins. The
waste their physical substance wit
late hours.
This should be a period when an
billons for a useful and efficient caret
should color even the dull class rooi
or machine shop with romance. Bi
the fever of a premature love cosf
energy at n critical period that throw
the dull pall of failure over many
A hand clasp from Miss Sweet SI :
teen , having the slightest suggcstio
of physical energy behind It , sent ]
the thrilled boy home treading on th
starry spaces. But if Miss S. S. ei
ters the ice cream parlor with th
black hearted rival , what a mask c
treachery human nature becomes
How all faith , hope , and charity tur
into dust and ashes In a land of san
and thorns !
Girls are more mature at 20 tha
are boys. They read danger signal
In these black looks. The fellow wh
takes the game too seriously usual !
finds himself disqualified before
reaches the stage of playing for bloot
Well trained girlhood finds a "steady
to be embarrassing and needless bai
gage. She dislikes to see the blooi
of her maidenhood taken off befor
the real master of the flower garde
turns up.
Some people may often attrlbut
such a tragedy as the Van Wycl
Chllds case to the idea that the "gii
encouraged him. " One must remen
her , however , that a girl at 20 is nea
er the time of normal marriage tha
the boy. He should still be laying th
foundations of success among th
world's workers. She needs to kno'
men well before making her flni
choice , needs her own opportunitle
for testing and trying of disposition :
There are fewer such tragedk
where the tennis court is substitute
for the hammock. When young pei
pie interest themselves in acquirin
expert skill at home athletic art , ther
is less energy left to feed bonfires tht
are not ripe for the torch.
Now is the time for Norfolk to mak
paving plans for next spring. This 1
the time to get the petitions signe
and presented to the council , so tin
grading may be done this fall and-th
work begun promptly in the spring.
Norfolk needs nothing more badl
right now than more paving. The pas
summer has been an unusually dr
one , so that paving has not been neei
ed as much as It would ordinarily hi
In an ordinary season , Norfolk
streets are a pretty muddy and ui
sightly proposition.
Norfolk is growing and It ought t
take its future seriously. It ought t
do the things which its size and pro
pects would make fitting and prope
Evidence of confidence on the part c
Norfolk people themselves , In the
city , will prove stimulating to outsii
ers' faith in the town.
With the building of a new $65OC
station by the Northwestern at th
foot of Third street , it becomes appa
ent that some permanent and we
kept street is needed from that sti
tion to the business portion of the clt ;
Hauling the traveling public throug
oozy , gummy mud for two mile
doesn't tend to intensify the travelin
public's love for the city. They natu
ally measure the community's ente
prise by Its mud. So a really fin
class road to the Third street depot 1
demanded , if Norfolk is to get fu
credit for Its progresslveness.
West Norfolk avenue , as the prii
cipal residence thoroughfare In th
city , likewise ought to be paved. Tlu
street has perhaps more travel tha
any other in the city , and therefor
suffers most from lack of pavinj
Property owners on that street owe 1
to themselves to get together on
paving proposition , and pave.
Norfolk Is behind other cities c
Nebraska of Its size in paving. It' '
ahead of them In prospects for futur
growth. Why not Inyest In public in
provement and in that way help mak
the town a city ?
As some of us middle aged peopl
look at the fat and Jocund face of th
harrest moon , and absorb the goi
geous beauty of a clear Septembe
night , most of us have to admit tha
our capacity for sensuous pleasur
has been a bit dulled by the years tha
have flown.
What a glamor of romance used ti
surround a moonlight night when w <
were just grown up enough to feel th
witchery of It How it seemed as I
ono never could do anything so abst
lutely prosaic as going homo and gt
ing to bed. What an affront to th
Joy of living , to turn the cold eye t :
sleep on Mr. Man in the Moon , bcfor
the palo light of dawn should distills
the mystic visions by a summons t
the cold realities of life.
Our shallow human nature thu
grinds away on its dull round of tel
throwing the mantle of the commoi
place over the sweetest visions c
earth and heaven. Something ha
gone that can't come back. But woul
wo want It back , If we had to travi
over the same dusty road again ? Aj
there's the rub.
The accusation of Mr. Crane , ml
llonalro Iron manufacturer of Chlcagt
against the big men's universities t
this country , IB as serious as It la bolt
If Mr. Crane's charges are true , the
arc a black commentary upon the hi
men's colleges of America. If untrue
these unlversltes owe It to the publl
to bring prompt and convincing rcfi
A good many men's college nilvc
cates have for years denounced c (
education as a condition that did nc
make for the best character-bulldln
In young men and young women. Bu
an Interesting sidelight upon Mi
Crane's charges against universities
is the fact that not a single co-educr
tional institution is Included In th
list of those where he has found win
and women undermining the studen
As a matter of fact such condition
do not exist at the co-educotlonnl un
verslties , and for the very reason tha
they are co-educational. The youni
women attending Nebraska univorsitj
for example , come from the bes
homes of the state and their very pres
ence serves as a check of restrain
upon the youth who might olherwls
be inclined to run amuck.
Perhaps never has a more powerfu
argument for a co-educational univei
fllty been delivered than Mr. Crane'
The verdict of first degree murdc
against Henry Clay Beattle , Jr. , ma ;
be a just one , but the manner of reacli
ing that verdict did not savor of Jus
tice. Some of the Jurymen admittei
afterward that they all had their mind
made up before they ever left th
courtroom , and that they sat in Juds
ment not upon the murder charg
alone but upon Beattle's moral chai
acter in general. From reading th
press reports , It would appear tha
the jury , summoned to pass morel ;
upon the murder charge , was preji
diced against the prisoner because o
his general character and that the ;
found it much easier to send him t
the electric chair because of his admll
ted indecency.
Henry Clay Beattie , jr. , may hav
murdered his wife. He alone was witl
her when she was slain. He alon
knows the truth. But it is a sad con
mentary upon justice In this land o
the free when twelve men will unar
imously send a fellow being to th
electric chair , on a murder charge
largely on general principles.
We are told that the jurymen wer
God-fearing men picked from the bad
woods farms of Virginia. They san
hymns each day , in order to cleans
their minds of the dirty details of th
story that they were called upon t
hear. It may well be imagined tha
each of those twelve jurymen conslt
ered the infidelity which Beattie cor
fessed on the stand , as great a crim
as murder itself and that they woul
deem the electric chair none too st
vero a punishment , even though th
murder charge were not proved. This
of course , ought to have had not th
slightest bearing upon the verdict. T
allow it to affect the finding , Is rani
injustice. Yet the Jurors have admil
ted that they did allow Beattie's ger
oral character to affect the verdict.
Beattie is a rake of the worst typt
His morals are so loose as to mak
him despised of men. Yet there 1
nothing In the law that says he shal
be put to death upon such a charge.
Beattie may have slain his wife
The Binford girl was surely no
enough of a motive for the crime. Hi
circle of activities was large , withou
committing a murder. He may b <
guilty of the deed , but many will be
lieve , if ho is put to death , that ho ha
been put to death for his relation
with Beulah Binford rather than fo
established guilt of murder.
We see by the paper that a warnini
was served in New York with a bomb
We'll have our warnings served semi
other way. That appeals to us as ;
very bomb method.
Isn't It about time for the nationa
championship baseball series ? Or ii
it Thanksgiving day that is given ovei
to that ?
What's become of the o. f. dinnoi
pall , with place for coffee in the toj
of It , that they used to carry to school :
The Barnes boys had one twenty years
What's Johnny's batting average ur
to date on getting to pass the pencils'
Incidentally , Johnny's apt to got r
different kind of batting average if he
doesn't quit trying to trip everybody
that walks up the aisle.
Norfolk ought not to bo left abso <
lutely In oblivion. With thlrty-sevc
students going away to college , i
least one of them ought to make
football team somewhere. Wo'vo bet
off the map ever since Frank Pen
went to Lincoln ten years ago , In
here's where we ought to "come back
We're glad now that wo dldn'f lm >
any bets on Gotch. Thu referee saj
all bets are off , and It would mere !
have meant disappointment at coinli
so close and yet so far from a wlnnlii
We're going to try to get a Norfol
automobllo firm to go out and colic
us on a few Btrokes at golf. They'i
advertising , "Long drives our speclu
ty. "
It's getting close to frost.
That means Thanksgiving's net
and Christmas not much more dlstan
So buy 'em early.
Buy the way , there's an Oklahom
woman visiting in Norfolk who hr
every last Christmas present bougl
and tied up In tissue paper , ready ft
December 25 to roll around. She
the most loyal reader wo have foiiiu
In splto of our friendly suggestlo
of a plan by which ho could save
round trip car faro from Norfolk 1
Reno and back , he Insists on going t
the wedding. Aren't some people coi
trary ?
There ought to be somebody t
spring up and take the wrestlln
championship from Gotch , conslderln
all the wrassllng that's done by th
young men who put In their tlm
around livery barns.
No wonder he won the Burton cuji
he says he'll need it to boll coffee I
after that ceremony of Wednesda'
Sept. 20 , at Jtcno.
Wouldn't you think a man woul
hesitate to have that kind of a con
mony performed , after reading thr
table showing the high cost of llvln
at the present time ?
In truth , if tne price keeps on Juni ]
ing , he'll have the cup to boll It in hi
no coffee to boll.
Speaking of this , that and the othe
is your corn out of the way of frost ?
Ours too.
We'll bet Harry Woodruff a half co
umn wrlteup against two theater tlcl
ets that we can beat him at a game c
golf , despite the fact that his pres
aged says he's a shark at the pastimi
If Norfolk could start right in ne >
spring to pave West Norfolk avcnui
and a street to the new Northwester
depot on Third street , it would mak
every cltl/.en of the town proud to llv
here. With that much additional pa1
ing , Norfolk would be one of the mos
beautiful little rltles in the country.
Willingness to work is only the b (
ginning of the struggle : keeping at .
is where most of us fail.
One man willing to do things I
worth a million willing to sugges
It is the business of seven out c
ten men to fool you. Look out.
A man who isn't living properly wit
his wife , is always an object of sui
If I weie a school teacher , I wouldn
stand being called a pedagogue fc
fifty dollars a month.
Tastes are about evenly dividet
Half the people want their pickle
< our , and the other half want thei
A letter is all light , in a way , but
telegram is the real thing.
If you give a man an unnecessar
kick , he will "lay for you , " and ge
even. Do him a real kindness , and h
will pay that back , too.
What has become of the old fasl
toned stingy man of whom it was sal
he would skin a flea for its hide an
tallow ?
A man is entitled to what he ca
get , as a fighter enters the prize rhu
and gets the decision if he can , b
fighting according to Marquis t
Queensbury rules. But strictly obe
the rules , or you may land in Jail.
\ _
I wish people would quit advocatJn
expansion and pay more attention t
the reduction of county , city and towr
ship taxes , Taxes will finally becom
greater than our prosperity , miles
something is done.
J. Pierpont Morgan.
He's savage as a Jub-jub bird tha
flops around with broken wing ; hi
never says a friendly word , you neve
see htm dance and sing. Ho has i
dark , forbidding scowl , he has a fierce
aggressive jaw ; and when ho speaki
it's in a growl that jars you like i
crosscut saw. He looks around upoi
mankind as though he'd like to sla ;
the race ; the thoughts that fester ii
his mind reflected are upon his face
If money makes a man like that , ant
makes him hate to sing and dance , 1'n
glad I'm wearing last year's hat , ant
have large patches on my pants. I
money freezes up the soul , and makei
ono hate his fellow man , the rlcl
man's welcome to his roll I woult
not bo a money fan. When I go hump
Ing down the street to buy a volume
of "Old Sleuth , " the greetings of tht
friends I meet warm up my heart , re
store my youth. I would not give
their friendly smiles , the shaking ol
their kindly hands , for all J. Plerpont's
? olden piles , and all his railways
rachts and lands.
. . .
Test , "Lot ortry ono In particular BO
love hi * wlfo won ns himself. " Hpli. vl ,
S3.Tho trouble with men IB they for
got They don't mean to bo grouchy
and Inconsiderate ; they arc ulinnly
thoughtless and forgetful of the wo
man whom they IOTO better than they
love their own HVCB. Lot mo take you
bock again tonight , brother , to your
wedding day. Whether In church , parsonage -
sonago or llttlo parlor of her homo
where you spent many a happy court
ing hour. She ualtl , "Jim , I've only
ono llfo to llvo , but I'm going to cast
It with you. I've bad n happy girl
hood and a good homo , but I'm willing
to risk all to go with you. 'Whither
then gocst I will go. Thy people Blmll
bo my people ; thy God shall bo my
God. Whcro you dlo I will dio. ' " And
there In the glory of that Juno day flho
gave up her girlhood , her home , her
nnmo , her all , to follow you. These
wcro bappy days. Llfo waa ono grand
ewcct song. Them were disappoint
ments on both filtles. She wasn't the
housekeeper you had hoped. But you
didn't marry her for that She WUB
pretty and vivacious , and that was all
you saw or ufiked. She didn't protcntl
to bo related to Mrs. Rarer or Marlon
Harland. If a fellow falls in love
with a girl for the graceful way she
BCITOB Ice cream at a picnic , and Bho
admires him bocauRo ho IB such a gootl
ball player , they neither have any. right
to expect perfection In everything else.
If you find some unpleasant trulta keep
still and take your medicine.
Honor to Whom Honor ! Duo.
That wua years ago. Now , OB you
look back and see your present HUC-
cess , If you are honest you will admit
"sho" has made you. "Yonder slta the
real president of the United States. If
she had left mo alone I should now bt >
dozing on the circuit court bench , " said
our genial president to a New York
audience. It was truo. He would
have downl along , played some golf ,
taken things easy and smiled. But
she wanted her husband to get on in
the world. In the efforts to moot his
wife's expectation ho discovered latent
powers of which ho llttio dreamed.
Man Is but a half circle. lie needs n
wife to make him complete. Some
times a tragedy happens. That wife
wears out her youth and her Iwauty ,
loses her attractiveness , over the cook
stove , the washtufi , the scrub bucket ,
the bearing and caring for children , in
her unselfish efforts ( o help him on In
the world. Some night ho walks in
the limelight of fame , and she Htnnds
in the shadow of his prosperily and
power , stooped form , gray hatred ,
wrinkled faced , faded the most pa
thetic figure God over looked upon.
Have you ever thought when your
wlfo was washing on Monday , ironing
on Tuesday , sewing on Wednesday ,
preserving on Thursday , sweeping on
Friday , baking on Saturday and enter
taining a raft of your poor relatives on
Sunday of the awful grind of her
never ending work ? The average man
knows a.8 little of the nerve wear of
household cares as the man In the-
Who Is "Bois ? "
The question that has wrecked more >
homes Uiau any other is , "Who is
boss ? " 1 don't know. Society bus
constituted the husband and father the
official representative of the family.
Legal proceedings are Instituted by or
against him. He is held for debt ,
taxes and damages. The Blblo says ,
"Tho husband Is the head of the wife ,
oven aa Christ Is head of the church , "
which sets o tremendously high stand
ard for the husband. Legally and
Scripturally , then , a husband is "head"
of a family. He goes out to earn and
to fight for his family. Ills dead body
should lie across the doorstep before
harm coines to wife or children. He
has a big task. As to whoso authority
should be supreme In a household
there should be no Juch question. Be
tween rational people all matters are
settled on rational ground , mutual
concessions and mutual compromises.
Your Old Sweetheart.
Nert to your old mother who's dead
and gone , the best friend you've ever
had la that brave little wlfo of yours.
Remember the tlrno you "went
wrong ? " If ever you needed an angel
from God It was thon. ECow quick
she was to forgive 1 When through
your blunder your money took wings
Bho flxed up her old hat and turned
her dress once more. Tears started to
her eyes when neighbors glanced sig
nificantly. But never mind , it was
for your sake. When you were sick
she cooked little dainties , sat and read
to you , quoted bits of Scripture , strok
ed your hot templea and told you of
the land where there Is no pain. To
night while you are asleep she will bo
up with the children. Get out those
old love letters , brother , and read the
spirit of them , fragrant as lavender.
Tomorrow morning when the steve
goea wrong and a hurried , harassed
face glancca across the table bo a
lever once moro. "Say , wife , those
biscuits are fine , meat la delicious , cof
fee la 'like mother used to rnuko. " '
Kisa her goodby at the door. See her
smtlo through her teara. She'll slug
all day long. Perhaps a year from
now you would give all you have la
the world to take hold of her hand ,
tell her you love her and call her your
old sweetheart ; but , too late ; sho'a
gone forovcrt
What used TO DO called sometimes
lerlslvely "bargain hunting" baa
svolved into tne practise of Intelligent
buying. The adv rtluem ntfl make It