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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1911)
TH13 NORFOLK WBI3KLT NEWS-JOURNAL , FRIDAY , SEPTEMB13U 15 , 11U1. 1 O * [ BEt ICENTEH OF POPULATIOII ic 15 In Nlunnllt Discovery of Error Puts Citizens of Drown County It la Western Pirt , , H d Already Erected of Bloomlngtoa A Monument ' Ooo ooo * " " " * " ' ' ' " ' director of the census in THE the final statement of the location of the center of population announcad that an rror won made In the preliminary statement of July 17 last. In which the longitude wan glrcn as 80 decrees 23 mlnutea 24 seconds treat The correct utatemont of the longl- ttido of the center La 80 Oegrecu S3 minutes 20 sccondn west , changing the poaltlon of too point nluo minutes , ap proximately eight miles further west , and locating the center of population tn Boutbcrn Indiana , at a point In the vroatern part of the city of Bloomington - ton , Monroe county. In the statement of last July the population center was placed In Brown county , Ind. , eight mllea il' > east of w * t Is to a large extent doe to the In- creaio In population of th Pacific coast itates , their distance from tbo center giving them much greater weight than the populous states east of the center. For Instance. San Francisco - co , Seattle , Portland and Sacramento , with a population of 000,010 , barq as great an influence on the center as Philadelphia , Doston and Baltimore , with a , population of 2TT8,07a The w 8t , movement of ttra center * ln < tbo past dccado la the earno oa Its move ment from 1820 to 1830. The closeness with which the center of population through Its western movement haa dung to the parallel 80 degrees of latitude Is remarkable. The most northern point waa reached In 1TOO nnd the moot southern point In 1830. The greatest western move- INDIANA i > 2 / U i f' ! 1 . . . . Rw I x-M * * - i --4 : , % J x i T WOBI * I on X i j * . . J\ \ . . L * * ii * * * "i - fJAflPMl I * t J . / , J fJ T /I a T i : _ Lr .JL .i / ! / ! IjH " I f ' " " * I 4 p I I fr \ B TOI. joABRou. ! [ * rr ' Trji.'f-L-.j JCUHTOMJ TIPtOH j ] f OOONB e < < * > ' Sly ' - r - 1 --jManflTr rV " i OWKI * - - QROftB CLARK ou0om fWARRICK. AIlH OH - IfOUW x- * * \ Bloomlngton. Citizens of Brown county - ' ty celebrated the announcement and erected a monument marking the spot The error referred to occurred In multiplying 310,108 population by Its distance from the assumed meridian of 1S51.0 mllert. This work Is done In duplicate , and two clerks made the same error , giving the result of this multiplication as 59OS3W9.8 Instead of 590S3rvl9S , a difference of nearly 532,000,000 In the product , and as the rror affected the western movement it changed tbo position of tbo center of population as noted. In ten years the center of population has moved west 43 minutes 20 seconds , { or about thirty-nine miles ami north i art seconds , or about seven-tenths of a | mile. I The great Increase In the population of New York , Pennsylvania and cer tain other states north of the thirty- ninth parallel has balanced the In crease In Texas , Oklahoma , the In dian Territory and southern Califor nia. Tbo greater advance toward the OOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5OOOO USES CONCRETE GUN. Goethale1 Economical Way of Solidify ing Culebra Channel. Colonel Gocthals * latest device to aid In the difficult work on the Panama canal Is n "concrete gun. " It shoots a continuous charge of cement against the rock sides of Culebra cut , thereby changing n soft stone subject , to great erosion In the tropical climate to ono that Is as hard and free from erosion as granite. Ever slnco work started the rock sides of Culebra cut have been crum bllnjr. It Is Colonel Gootbals' idea to save tliem from further deterioration by coating them with cement , but to do the work by hand would have cost n tremendous sum. The "gun'1 la mounted on n flat car. It has a capac > Ity of 200 square yards of surface a day and requires only flve men to operate It. To "look after your ousfness inter ests means answering a good many want ads in the year's course. It may mean some of that work today , mentwas In the decade from 1850 to 1800 , when It moved elghty-ono miles. The total western movement slnco 171)0 Is G5S mllea. In 1910 the median point was located at latitude 40 degrees 0 minutes 24 seconds north and longitude 8-1 degrees 50 minutes 59 seconds west , practical ly the cighty-flfth meridian. Its loca tion , therefore , was three and one-quar ter miles south of Winchester , Ran dolph county , Ind. , and Its west move ment during the dccndo was 7.5 miles , while Its north movement was 2.3 miles. Comparing Its movement since 1000 with that of the center of popu lation , it will bo noted that the north movement of the median point waa ono and six-tenth miles more than that of the center , while the center of population moved west 31.5 miles moro than the median point , showing that the Increase In the population of the Pacific coast had n much greater Influence on the movement of the cen ter of population than upon the me dian point. OOCXXXXXXXX3OOOOOOOCXXXXXXX > TO PROLONG LIFE. Sauerkraut Adopted as Experiment at Ohio State Hospital. Sauerkraut Is to become not only the staff but an agency for prolonging life r.t the Mnsslllon (0. ( ) State hospital , provided the theory of a Cincinnati physician proves correct after n thor ough test. The claim of the Cincinnati doctor Is that eating the dainty will add to the years of the consumer. The physicians at the institution will make observations as to the mental , and physical condition of the patients after following the diet. A Big Mushroom. A mushroom measuring fifty-nine Inches In circumference and weighing twenty-one and one-half pounds waa found near Swanvllle , Minn. The mush room wan of the edible variety. The finder of your lost article wll expect you to advertise it at once. Hi will look In this newspaper for your ni so it ought to be there. MONDAY MENTIONS. Ed Frlcko ot * Madison waa hero. C. C. Hecht of Plalnvlew was hereon on business. George Palm of Ilosklns Is here vis- ting with relatives. H. F. Barnhart returned from a busi ness trip to Madison. C. W. Landers spent Sunday at Ha- bona , Nob. , with relatives. Earl Sires returned from a few days' visit at Lincoln and Omaha. Charles Belersdort attended n Gor man picnic at Madison Sunday. M. S. Pariah and Chat Johnson of Fairfax were hero on business. Mrs. J. H. Klorstead and Mrs. Thorns of Tlldcn spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Klorstead. Max Janowsky has gone to Fremont , Cedar Rapids , la. , and ether cities to spend n few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nicola are ex pected homo from an extended trip in Washington next Friday. William Iluobnor of Hot Springs , S. D. , onrouto to school at Omaha , was hero visiting with friends. Mrs. C. H. Taylor has gone to Mar- shalltown , In. , to spend a few months' visit with her son , W. H. Taylor. B. G. Walters returned from a two weeks' vacation which he spent with friends at St. Louis and Chicago. W. II. Hall of Crelghton waa In town at noon on his way to LaCrosse , Wls. , to attend the funeral of his mother. Charles M. Mathowsou , cashier of the First National bank of Walthlll , was In the city transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Oman of Wayne wore over Sunday visitors at the homo of their daughter , Mrs. J. H. Van- scork. Mrs. S. K. West and her son Star of Winner and Mrs. Dan McManigal of Wayne are here visiting with the G G. Stockton family. Charles Durlnnd , who goes to Wash Ington university and Earl Krantz who goes to the Oregon Agriculture college leave Norfolk together next Saturday. Paul Paull , formerly manager of the Western Union here but now an operator orator of the Sioux City office , spent Sunday with the F. A. Blakeman fam ily. Six-year-old Marie , daughter of Mr and Mrs. Max Schmledeberg , Is report' ed very ill. Jewelers are busy fitting out young couples with wedding rings. "There are many wedding scheduled for September tember , " says one jeweler , but he is pledged to keep the names secret. Mrs. John Schmidt entertained the Ladles' Aid society of the Emmanuel Lutheran churcn TO ceieDrato her birthday Sunday afternoon. Dinner was served at 4 o'clock. For the first time in Norfolk's his tory has a ditching machine for sewer work been seen in operation here. D. C. Armstrong of Sioux City , who has received a number of contracts for much new sewer work here , had the machine at work on South Third street Saturday afternoon. A special meeting of the Norfolk Ad club will be held this evening In the offices of the Norfolk Light and Pow er company. Arrangements for dance to be given by the club is to be the feature of tonight's meeting. A telephone call from 309 South First street was recorded at the police station this morning. The request was made that a policeman be sent to the place at once. It developed that one neighbor entered the Blank home and struck a small child. A warrant Is to be made out for the arrest of this neighbor. Realizing the great need of charity work which will soon require their as sistance , the Norfolk board of charl ties will meet in the city hall next Thursday evening to talk over the plans of the season. Officers are scheduled to be elected on that night , Norfolk citizens and all those connect ed with charity work are requested to be present at this meeting. Three strangers who were arrester Saturday evening for being drunk on Norfolk avenue were released yesterday day and ordered out of the city. One of the men , wearing two lodge buttons took advantage of these organization signs and worked on the sympathy o members of those organizations for sums aggregating from ten to fift > cents each. The money was dlvldei among the three , who spent it for "booze. " The school garden exhibit of the Norfolk schools for the Madison coun ty fair is being prepared at the high school building. Supl. Crosier has placed Miss Surber , principal of the Grant school , in charge of the exhibit and she will take it to Madison to morrow. All pupils of the Grant school who have gardens are request ed to bring their exhibit to the super intendent's office after school today , or tomorrow morning. It is said the exhibit this year will surpass that of a year ago. Mrs. William P. Rooney , n bride of less than three months , died at her homo In Cliadron Sunday night at mid night. The remains will bo taken through Norfolk Tuesday noon to Wayne , the former home , where the funeral will bo held Wednesday morn ing. Mr. Rooney Is a prominent at torney at Chadron and his parents re side at Battle Creek. He practiced law at Wayne for more than a year , recently moving to Chadron. Mrs. Rooney before her marriage was Miss Edna Cass. They were married June 20 this year Isaac Powers , jr. , manager of the Jacksonville (111. ( ) Packing company , who Is here visiting witli his parents. Judge and Mrs. Isaac Powers , reports good hunting on the Illinois river. The river for a number of miles Is fed by the hunting club of which Mr. Powers - ers is a member. The real hunting on the river Is enjoyed during the spring season , ho says , but there are plenty of ducks In the fall. The club owns most of the land around the river In the hunting belt and others than those belonging to the club , who are caugh there , are arrested by the patrols wh guard the club property. The river ho says , furnishes many fish for th eastern market and yields more tha ny river In the country with the ex- option of tli" Columbia In Oregon. Scouts Get Wet. Twenty-live of the Norfolk scouts who made the "hike" to and from Stan < on Saturday returned In the rain to holr homos at 7 o'clock Saturday veiling after spending ono of the moat trenuous day's march slnco the or- anlzatlon of the scouts in this city. Vet to the skin , the boys marched hrough the busy section o ( the city Inglng and making merry over their oaklng khaki uniforms. "Wo had n great Umo , " said the ) oya. "Stauton received us very well and treated us groat. Wo ore getting used to the marching and not ono of lie scouts lagged behind today. " Much scouting was practiced en- onto to Stanton and after a short rest t the destination , the Stanton boy cam challenged the scouta to a gatno f ball. The score stood 11 to 11 In ho sixth inning , when the game was ailed off in order to start from Stati on on schedule tlmo. The Lyndo rothors were batteries for the scouts. Bulldog Bites Child on Nose. Three-year-old Arthur Schwortfeger , on of Mr. and Mra. W. A. Schwert- ogor , 410 South Fourth street , Is auf- erlng for n severe wound on his nose is the result of a large bull dog at- acklng and biting him. The little fel- ow was playing on the lawn of his mrcnts * home when the dog suddenly limped on him and. probably playful- y , snapped at his nose , Inflicting a overo wound. Tno wound waa dress- id and stitched together by a physi cian. Fourteen and Half Feet High. Miss Bertha Sowall , 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sew- ill , prominent Norfolk farmers , is he- ng picked as a winner of many prizes at corn growing contests thla season. Saturday afternoon Miss Sewall brought to the city two stalks of her sample corn , raised by herself under the auspices of the Norfolk Corn Grow- ng club , which la composed of high school students and assisted by the Norfolk Commercial club , which fur nlshed the young lady with the seed 'or this corn. The two stalks , which iavo been put on exhibition In front of , he Parish store , measure a trifle over fourteen and a half feet In height. The distance from the foot of the stalks to the first ear of corn Is six and a half feet. The ears are very large and look like prize winners. The two stalks of corn look more like trees than cornstalks. "A Held of corn made up of samples like that Is very rare , " says one Mis- , sourl farmer visiting here , who In spected Miss Sewall's samples. "I suppose it would be Impossible to husk the ears without the aid of ladders. " Yankton Line May be Built. Mr. Graham of Norwalk , O. , who : ias been active in the Yankton-Nor- folk railroad project , was In the city Monday enroute fiom Pierce to Oma- lia , where he is to meet with Thomas H. Mattes , a prominent attorney , and the Sunderland Brothers , who he says are active in the further progress of the proposed road. Mr. Graham de clared he has put about $20,000 Into the road and that he Is confident the road will be built. Mr. Graham once owned most of the Yankton-Norfolk right-of-way , but the matter has been In litigation for some time. Norfolk 7 , Battle Creek 3. Norfolk , 7 ; Battle Creek , 3. Feature playing on the part of every Norfolk man kept a large crowd of Norfolk ball fans yelling hoarsely at Battle Creek Sunday afternoon when Norfolk trimmed the Battle Creek team by a 7 to 3 score. There were no earned runs checked up for Battle Creek. Fox was struck on the arm with a ball in the third inning and became so 111 that It was found necessary to put him In an automobile. He retired , however , with much glory , having struck out six of nine men up in those three innings. The other three did not reach first base. Hey Boveo , a Pierce county candidate for sheriff , took Fox's place from first and played fast ball with great support behind him. Glissmnn came in from centerfield - field and replaced Bovee on first , and Dudgeon , with Kralm and the remain ing Held played export baseball. Gllss- man's overthrow netted a score for Battle Creek and a probable double out for Norfolk. Jones , with two strikes and two balls , was being hoot ed by the Battle Creek fans , who look ed for a strike-out , but he lined a pret ty three-bagger , which was followed with a single by Gllssmnn , Brown's three-bagger and -Hoffman's two-bag ger were other features. Score by Innings : R. H. E. Norfolk 10200020 2 7 10 3 Battle Creek..000020010 3 3 4 Batteries : Fox , Bovee and Hoffman ; Simons and Tlfft. Umpire , Ryan. Miss Long Teaches In Omaha. West Point , Neb. , Sept. 11. Special to The News : Miss Elizabeth Long , a former Cumlng county teacher , has accepted a position as teacher In the public schools of Omaha. Miss Long was very successful In her work In this county. Two Mail Clerks Injured. Omaha , Sept. 11. Two men were injured and two coaches were knocked from the railroad tracks at Thirteenth and Mason streets late yesterday af ternoon when a Chicago and North western passenger train , hurrying Into - to Omaha to make up lost time , miss ed its block signal and collided with a Union Pacific switch engine. E. M. Schoop and W. F. Mathews , railway mall clerks , sustained bad bruises and scratches , when the mall car In which they were working was struck by the engine. Gene Huse Wins the Burton Cup. E. F. Huse won the handicap gel tournament for the George H. Burton cup , defeating Oliver Utter 2 up and 1 to play In an 18-hole match yester day. At the and of the flrut nluo Lotus the players were oven and at the end of the thirteenth Utter waa 2 up , Huso taking .tho next four holes straight , and the match. On the first nine holes Huso tundo n score of 49 , Utter 51 ; oti the last eight holes Huso stood 44 , Utter 40. Thla ends the first tournament over played on the Norfolk Country club grounds for a trophy. There were sixty-four players In the first round , Utter and Huso having each defeated five men before they mot in tbo finals. The cup becomes the permanent property of the winner , Mr. Burton having announced that ho would put up another next summer. There are still two cups holug play ed for , the Mayor cup and the direct- ors' cup. The president's cup , put up by S. M. Braden , waa for the first bo gey score. Clapp to Speak. Lincoln , Sept. 12. Senator Clapp of Minnesota Is announced as the prin cipal speaker at the La Folletto ban quet which will bo hold hero Thursday evening of this week as the prelim inary stop In the formation ot a state La Folletto organization. Dakota Tragedy Causes Accident. Sturgts , S. D. , Sopt. 11. While searching iu a well for Hanford Beats , a wealthy ranchman , who disappeared a week ago , a lantern Ignited gas and a fearful explosion occurred , seriously Injuring Sheriff Collins , Robert Crulck- shank , Charles Hunt and J. F. Henry. It Is feared Beats was murdered. Nellgh Sees Mishap in Air. Nellgh , Neb. , Sept. 11. Special to The News : The many people who issembled at Riverside park Saturday ifternoou witnessed another beautiful light by Aviator C. F. Walsh of the Curtlss Exhibition Co. Walsh and his ) lplane traveled In about the same di rection as on Friday afternoon and maintained the same height. At ex actly 4 o'clock the machine went into the air , and fifteen minutes later the eft wing waa smashed , the propeller jadly broken and numerous connec tions loosened , but the aviator and engine were only slightly Injured. According to the story of Mr. Walsh at the Atlantic hotel yesterday , stated .hat it was his plan to alight against he wind as near as possible , thus get : Ing the machine stopped in a shorter distance. Ho came Into Riverside park from the northeast at sixty miles an hour , and ou account of the height of the telegraph wires could not drop as fast as he wished , compelling him to turn east , still going at a high rate of speed and only a few feet from the round. At this time the machine tipped , and In his effort to right It : lpped again , when the left wing struck the ground , smashing It badly , and twisting the framework out of shape. After the engine had been shut off the jar caused the operator to open up the throttle , which In It self caused the large damage. Many screams were heard by women and fries In the grand stand , fearing the aviator had been killed. Mr. Walsh was assisted from his machine by the helpers and apparent ly was not Injured in the least. He was taken to his room and Dr. D. W. Qeattle called to make an examination. No bones were broken , but he sus talned a bruise on the right temple and also the right shoulder. Mrs. Walsh of Omaha , wife of the aviator , hearing of the accident , ar rived in Neligh yesterday afternoon. Mr. Walsh leaves tomorrow for Chad ron , where he will make several flights during the fair this week. The broken parts of the biplane were manufactured In this city and it Is expected that the machine will be ready for shipment today. Sprecher's Hat Stolen. The mystery as to why G. T. Sprech- er , local manager of the Nebraska Tel ephone company , goes about around the business portion of the city minus a hat , has been solved. "My hairs are beginning to get a glossy and lifelike look again , " said the hatless telephone manager to an Interviewer , as he rubbed his hands over his head. "Two months ago my hair was dying and then I discontinued carrying my hat altogether. A person takes too much care of his head any way. A hat is only a covering and people cover their heads just to hldo them sometimes. I believe It would do anyone good to go without a hat once in n while. " Many Norfolk people have been won dering for the past month why the telephone manager has discontinued the hat wearing habit , but Mr. Sprech- or has persisted In making answers to Inquiries into the mystery a joke. To day , however , ho deliberately threw all mystery aside and gave the benefits of his plans away. "I have always gone hatles ? as much as possible. " he said , "but then I car rled my hat In my hand. Two months ago I thoucht I would just stop carry Ing the hat at all. I never wear mj hat In the office. " While Mr. Sprecher has benefited by his experience of ridding himself ol the hat habit , he does not altogether advise e\eryone to do likewise. Sat urday the telephone manager for the first time missed his 1mt. Some mis chief makers in the telephone head quarters stole the hat and have been keeping It In hiding for three days While the stealing of his headpiece has come to his rescue In answering questions about the hat , he was vis Ibly worried as to the whereabouts o his personal property , "Of course I don't need the hat , " ho said , "but the joke Is getting long drawn out. I know who has the ha all right. " ' Dr. Thomas Ward Dies. Omaha , Neb. , Sept. 11. Suddenlj complaining that he felt a griping pall near his heart , Dr. Thomas R. Ward one of the best known practicing phy slctans and surgeons iu Omaha , toi pled over out of his chair to the lloo while sitting at breakfast with hi wlfo and daughter about 8 o'clock. II waa asalatod to a sofa nearby , b t vlthln half an hour after ho collnpaod ud passed away. A Daylight Steal. Valentino , Neb. , Sopt. 11. Special o The News : A follow by the name f Shafer tried to make a steal at no of the city stores hero. Ho wont , nto Mrs. Gassan'a place when none no but she and her daughters were hero and bought a suitcase and also lot of ether goods which ho put in ho case. Then ho picked the sultcaso p and ran out of the atoro. Mra. Gaasan followed him and did eonio oiling for help. The follow had got iway , however , before any ouo got hero , hut some of the deputies caught ittu at 2 o'clock in the morning at ho coal chutes where ho was trying o got on the train. Ho la lodged In all add as the otulT ho stole amounts o about $ GO ho will probably go over ho road. Dr. HolnW Wit One of the bt'Ht repartees ever credit ed to a nnbltunl maker of happy phrases was that mnde by the beloved 'Autocrat of the Breakfast Tabl < f' ou a certain social occasion. Going to dlno with a Boston neighbor , Dr. Holmes was mot by her wltb an apology : 'I could not got another man. Wo are four woman , and you vr111 have to take aa all In. " "Forewarned U fonrarmed , " ho said with a bow. FORAGE PROBLEM 0 ? E. A. Burnett , Nebraska Export- mont Station. The recent rains over the larger portion of the state have so Improved the prospects for corn that many lelda which did not promise a crop two weeks ago will now make from one-half to two-thirds of a crop , and nany tlelds which were greatly In ured will produce good forage , al- .hough the corn on these Holds will bo small and difllcult to husk. The question of forage will bo the great problem for the farmer In nearly all portions of the state. The farmer * /ho has a good acreage of alfalfa will lot bo as seriously hurt as the man who has no alfalfa , but hay la bound : o bo high priced , and hay of mar- ictabio quality is now selling at un precedented prices. With moro than seven _ milllon acres of corn growing u Nebraska , almost all > .t wlilon" will make forage , every farmer should pro vide himself with a corn binder and arrange to cut as much forage as ho will need for his winter uso. The corn should ho harvested while the stalks are still green or when they llrst begin to fire at the bottom , unless the crop hag largely recovered from the effect of the drought and Is now making rapid growth. Every farmer who has a herd of twenty or moro head of cattle , especially if they are dairy cows , should seriously consider the question of the erection of a silo , and If ho decides to order a silo he should order without delay and en deavor to begin the erection of the silo within the next two weeks. The silo should bo finished and ready for use by the first of September , and the cutter and power should bo ar ranged for so that no disappointment will bo experienced in filling the silo. It will be safe to figure that three tons of silage , or possibly a little less than three tons of all ago , la equal tea a ton of the best hay. Corn can prob ably be put Into the silo for from $2 lo $2.50 per ten , Including the cost of growing the corn. In nearly all sec- : ions of the state the price of market able hay will bo mora than ? 7 per ton. Another great advantage In the silo will be the fact that plenty of forage will bo available for winter use , whereas , without the silo , or at least without corn fodder cut and properly cared for , the forage on the "arm would bo insufficient for the win ter's use. Every dairyman and most farmers of the state should use a silo , regardless of the scarcity of food , because - cause It Is more economical than feedIng - Ing entirely dry food during the win ter season. Eastern states where land has bccomo high priced have been building silos for many years , md the progressive farmer generally agrees that ho cannot make a profit on Uvo stock without the use of silage for winter feeding. In the leading dairy districts the use of silage for Hummer feeding has become almost equally as Important. The dairyman feels that he cannot afford to run the risk of drought and short pastures , even In an average season , and with seasons llko the present summer the man with a silo full of feed for sum ' mer use lins had a very great advan ' tage over those depending wholly up ' on pasture or on forage crops. It is 1 to bo hopd that Nebraska farmers generally will study this question thor oughly and will take this next stop forward in agricultural practice as a method of increasing their profits on the land. Murdered and Robbed. Omaha , Sept. 11. Murdered and robbed of $1,000 a month ago and lite body hidden in a secluded patch of weeds on E. A. Colley's farm , three miles from Omaha on the West Dodge road , Is believed to have been the fate of W. S. Overton , a bachelor farmer , aged CO years , who for the last forty years has lived on a farm five miles southwest of Springfield. Having read in a newspaper of the finding of the body with papers identi fying It as that of W. S. Overton , B. J. Overton and Ed Sack , nephews of the man , hurried to Omaha yesterday from Springfield. After a conference with Coroner Willis Crosby they de clared positively that the body was that of their uncle , who was last seen alive at Mlllard on August 11 , with $4.000 in his pockets , the re. celpts from the sale of his farm. The nephews declared their belief that Overton had met with foul play , bui refused to state whether they thought robbery or vengeance to Imvo boon the luotlvc. ; Overton had aold Ida farm qulto un expectedly and U waa said that ho was led to this move by the four ot nrrotit at tliu IntUanro of n neighbor over Homo trilling mutter. It Is ( mid Overtoil heard that the iiolghbor had gotio to swear out a warrant and , bo- lug anxious anyway to move from a neighborhood which had boon the scene of n long standing feud , docid- cd on short notlco to leave. Miss Murphy Dound Over. Valuntlnt ) , Nob. , Sopt. 11. Mlaa I3u- nlco Murphy , charged with Inciting the mtirdur of Charles Sellers , A ranchman ot Cody , Juno 17 , was given her preliminary hearing Saturday and bound over to district court and do- tiled ball. Tim accused young woman waa very composed In court and smil ed throughout the trial. JudgeQulgloy In refusing ball as sorted that ho bullcvcd the woman aa guilty as the men. The Httito la roprcHputcd not only * by County Attorney John M. Tucker , but by M. F. Harrington of O'NollI , whom the county uommlsijlonorH en gaged to aid In the prosecution of the four men charged with the murder and of the girl charged with com plicity. The defense Is Iu the handa of Tyrroll and Morrlasoy of Lincoln and W. U. Kelley of Independence , Mo. Mr. Kelley and Mr. Morrlaaoy wore In charge of the girl's cauo to day. day.Miss Miss Murphy , on advlco from her attorney , has had little to say slnco she returned from Missouri and gave herself up to the authorities. The on- tlro country Is Intensely Interested In both the trial of the girl and of the four men , Oeorgo B. Wood , Alma Weed , Harry Heath and Kenneth. Murphy , all of whom have admitted that they hung Sellers to a telephone polo. polo.Tho The defense In the Murphy hearing contends that the girl had nothing to do with the killing , that olio only com plained to her brother and the other men that Sellers had been unduly an noying to her. The state baa two wit nesses of Importance , neighbors of the Murphy girl , to whoso house , accordIng - Ing to the charges , she went and tried to persuade the man to go over to the bank and secure for her the pap ers which Sellers had deposited there. They are ready to testify , It la said , that she wanted these papers for her self. This hitter fact the defendant will deny. . . . ? The state has another witness ot Importance. This Is the young gin who testified at the civil hearing , where depositions were taken , and told some things concerning Miss Murphy's connection with the case that do not look well for her. The case iu question was a civil suit for $10,000 brought against the four men. Depositions were to be taken and the Heath family , relatives and all , were subpoenaed to testify. All of them refused to answer on the ground that they might Incriminate them selves , except this 17-year-old girl , who persisted in making a clean breast of what she knew. Eunice Murphy is only 23 years of age. She possesses some property in Cody and the neighborhood. Sellers , the murdered man , Is reported to have been worth $10,000 , and the families of Heath and Murphy have the money to defend the case with vigor. The Heaths and the Murphys are related by marriage in a rather mixed up manner. Harry Heath Is reported to have told everything that occurred and he Is likely to be used as a wit ness by the state when the trail of the men comes up. Heath and the two Weed boys are between 23 and 30 years old , but Murphy is but 18. In the murder trial that is to come off in October unless the defense can secure a continuance , the defense Is confronted with the fact that all four of the men admit that they strung Sellers to the telephone pole. Two lines of defense are open , the one , that Sellers threatened to kill the four men and that they acted In self- defense , the other , that of emotional Insanity. Sellers was unarmed and in bed when Alma Weed Is said to have rushed In and dropped a gun on him. No overt act on ills part at the time of the tragedy has been shown by the defense. The state will try to prove that all three men with Eunice Murphy's J brother on the night of the hanging , were enamored of the girl. Tlio de fense will attempt to show that Sellers - , lers was so badly in the same state that ho was dangerous to all the I I others , and that he had told Hutch | Jack that he would "got them. " The four men are said to have argued , after - ter the killing , that Sellers bad threatened - ened them , they believed they had a - right to bang him without any other grounds. Rev. John Lackey. Ewing , Neb. . Sept. 11. Special to The News : Rev. John Lackey died at the home of his son , Rev. R. E. Lack ey , yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the infirmities of old age . Mr. Lackey was born in Crawford county , Pa. , eighty-six years ago , and was a minister of the gospel forty-seven years , his special field of labor being In Wisconsin and Iowa. Besides his iocular ministerial work ho was of ten called upon to db mission work , a work from which he was never known to falter. Mr. Lackey was the father of seven children , two boys and flvo girls , one boy and three girls , together with his wife having preceded him to the better world. One son , Rev. R. E. Lackey of the U. P. church of Ewlng , and two daughters , Mrs. John M. Ly- UP of Washington. la. , and Mrs. W. M. Howie of Spearflsh , S. D. , are l ft to mourn his loss. Funeral services will take place In the United Presbyterian church tomorrow morning at 9:30 : , con ducted by Rev. Robert Hood of the Orchard U. P. church , after which the romalns will be taken to Washington , la. , for Interment. The sympathies of the people of Ewing are most sincere ly tendered the bereaved.