The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 15, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Fletcher , Giants1 Young Infielder
His Splendid Playing at Short and Timely Stick Hsr
Helped New Yorks to Be Among Leaden )
by American Press Association.
Plank , Athletics1 Veteran Twirler
His Good Work In Box Has Helped to Put Philadelphia
In the Lead
I Photo by American Press Association.
The flnder of an article of value
should advertise his find. Perhaps the
loser's anxiety to recover his property
will lead him to advertise but. th <
finder's anxiety to restore It shouk
lead him to advertise , also ,
Warhop , Yanks1 Clever Pitcher
His Peculiar Underhand Delivery Continue * to Prove
Elusive to Heavy Hitters
I t-
Photo by American Prc Association.
Danny Murphy In Action
Although He Has Been In Harness Many Years , Ath
letics' Outfielder Still Plays Brilliant Game
Stioto by American Proas Association.
Bransfield , Veteran First Baseman
Philadelphia Nationals' Guardian of First Sack IB Prov
ing That He Is Still Capable of Playing Good Game
Photo by American Press Association.
Misrepresent Norfolk House.
The Evnna Fruit company , the only
wholesale fruit IIOUBO In Norfolk , IB
clng done an Injustice by represen-
atlvcs of BOIIIO Omahn fruit house
vho are nilBrepresentlng themselves
o fruit dealers In towns tributary to
From good authority It Is learned
hat these representatives of the
Omaha house tell fruit dealers in
outside towns that they have estnb-
Islicd a fruit house In Norfolk and
hat they keep a supply of fresh fruit
n this city.
An order for llfty crates of peaches
esterday was taken from the Evans
Vult company by these representn-
Ives who , over the telephone , told a
'rult denier In another town that they
vere "the new Norfolk fruit house"
ind the dealer , believing them to be
: ho Evans Fruit company , ordered
fifty crates of peaches. When the
full arrived , he found the misrepre
sentation and immediately notified the
Svans Fruit company who believe the
njusttcc of such acts should not bo
countenanced by fair dealers.
Evans' Only Fruit House Here.
There Is but one wholesale fruit
louse In Norfolk today , that of the
Evans company who are receiving
; reat support from Norfolk business
nen who believe In patronizing home
ndustry. At no time since the es
tablishment of the Evans Fruit com
pany In this city have the merchants
who have been dealing with Mr.
Hvnns found anything unsatisfactory.
Mr. Evans is a good business man and
lias been dealing fairly with his cus
tomers. His fruit comes to Norfolk
direct from California , Colorado and
other states where fruit Is grown , In
carload lots. No crate of fruit has
yet left this new wholesale house
without being Inspected and the re
sults are that fruit retailers in this
section of the country are finding out
that they are getting better varieties
of fruit nt lower prices. Incidentally
the establishment of the Evans Fruit
company in Norfolk has had n ten
dency in lowering prices , Norfolk busi
ness men say.
Circulate Vicious Falsehoods.
While misleading reports have
been circulated by Omaha competi
tors of the Evans Fruit company , that
the Norfolk fruit house is "going to
the wall , " Mr. Evans and Norfolk
business men who are closely ac
quainted with the new business here ,
declare this is "talk to steal trade
from the local house. "
"The business has never been bet
ter since we established here , " said
Mr. Evans today , when asked about
the fruit business. "I know that the
Omaha firm is trying hard to take
the trade from us but the people of
northeast Nebraska and southern
South Dakota will recognize that we
have helped lower the price of fruit
by establishing ourselves among
them. The Omaha house Is misrepre
senting us but so far wo have paid
little attention to them. The reports
thaywe are losing financially IE
false. The business is getting bettei
steadily. While we are doing a good
business I believe that when the frull
dealers become more acquainted wltli
us they will be better satisfied tc
trade with a homo dealer. We arc
not kicking about the business , we
are doing very well for a newly es
tablished firm and by this time nexl
year I believe our business will bt
doubled. "
Nebraska Farmer Killed.
Lincoln , Neb. , Sept. 9. Frank Ku
zelka , Jr. , a farmer residing near Do
witt , was instantly killed at 1:30 : p
m. , while watching a silo demonstra
tion at the state fair grounds. Ar
Iron hood covering the cutting knives
and weighing 500 pounds struck Ku
kelza with terrific force upon the fore
head. His head was crushed and he
died instantly.
He Flies at Neligh.
Neligh , Neb. , Sept. 9. Special t <
The News : Aviator Walsh of the Cur
tlss Exhibition Co. , made two of the
best flights at Riverside park yestcr
day afternoon ever witnessed In No
Shortly after 2. o'clock the firs
flight was made. Mr. Walsh attalne <
the height of 1,100 feet , traveling four
teen miles in fifteen minutes , and be
Ing In sight of the immense crowd al
the time. He went up the secont
time about two hours later , travellnj
twenty miles , was 1,100 feet In tin
air and was absent from the eartl
about twenty-five minutes. Ho twic <
circled the city and Riverside park
went east within two miles of Oak
dale , returning to the park and raak
Ing the descent perfectly.
Much has been said about C. F
Walsh as an aviator , but his demon
stration In Neligh yesterday wlthou
doubt gives him first place as an op
erator of the Curtlss machine. He
had absolute control of the biplane a <
all times , and made the rise In the
park In the remarkable short distance
of 200 yards.
If It can be stated that the people
of Neligh caused any 111 feeling bj
the failure of the flight during the
race meet and baseball tournament
they certainly made good yestordaj
In giving this free and succesful oxhl
bitlon. The business men of this cltj
and members of the Commercial clul
paid ? 500 for the entertainment of tin-
many visitors here yesterday after
Within thirty minutes after the second
end flight had been made Secretary C
L. Wattles of the Commercial clul
made the announcement that twc
flights and n baseball game woule :
take place at Riverside park this af
ternoon. In an Interview with Mr
Walsh last evening ho stated that Ne
Ugh was the only city In the west that
has given the public a free entertain
ment of a biplane flight.
Burk to Entertain Taft.
Pierre , S. D. , Sept. 9. Congressman
Burke , Gov. Vessey and Mayor Steph
ens last evening arranged for the en
tertalnment of President Taft Sunday ,
October 22 , at this city. President
Taft will bo n guest at the homo of
Congressman IJurke. Ho will attend
the Methodist church in the morning
and take luncheon with Gov , Vcsscy at
the St. Charles hotel.
In the afternoon the president will
speak on "World's Peace" nt the audi
torium and will dlno nt the Durko
home. The presidential party will bo
guests of the city at the St. Charles
liotel and will bo given an automobile
excursion over the city and vicinity.
Spain Sends Reinforcements.
Madrid , Sept. 9. Five thouHand
Spanish troops have received orders
from the ministry of war to reinforce
the Spanish garrison nt Melllla of the
Riff coasts of Morocco. The govern
ment's action is due to the constant
reports received from the commander
of the garrison saying that the na
tives continue to annoy the soldiers
by their attacks on the Spanish out-
Union Men Attack Them.
Danville , 111. , Sept. 9. Three ma
chinist helpers In the Chicago and
Western Illinois shops suspected of
being strikebreakers Installed a fore
runner of others would take the places
of union men If present conditions for
an Increase In wages now pending
with the committees failed , wcro elms-
rd from the shops. Ono of them was
overtaken and severely beaten. One
of the men was overheard to remark
that ho was waiting for n strike on
the Illinois Central when he expected
to take n job with that company ,
arousing the suspicions of the union
men. All three hurriedly left the city.
Zeppelin on Last Lap.
Gothn , Germany , Sept. 9. The Zep
pelin dirigible balloon Schwabcn sail
ed from tills city with six passengers
nt G:15 : o'clock this morning on Its
final stngo of its trip from Baden Ba
den to Berlin. The scheduled route
from Gothn was practically as the
bird flies , with a slight deflection to
pass over Selpslg. The distance of
the entire trip is 350 miles.
Mrs. W. G. Mason and Mrs. Nellie
Sheer and daughter of Long Pine
were In town between trains Friday
of last week , visiting with their son
and brother , Harry Mason.
Martin Murphy arrived last Satur
day from Lognnsport , "Ind. , for n visit
with relatives at this place.
Dr. L. L. Nelson made a business
trip to Omaha Saturday afternoon re
turning Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Bierer came up
from Council Bluffs , via the nutomo
bile route last Friday for a visit
with Mr. Blerer's mother , Mrs. L. M ,
Ray. They returned Sunday and were
accompanied by Mrs. Ray and son
Harry Mason spent last Sunday hi
Long Pine , visiting friendds and rela >
Miss Helen Dunham left Sundaj
for South Omaha , to take up her po
sltlon as instructor in the high schools
at that place.
U. S. Holmes returned last Satur
day evening from Omaha where he
went with his son to be operated on
Thornborg , C. II. Frady , Earl Duncan
and .1. I. Stringfellow were Nellgl :
visitors this morning.
He reports that Earl Is getting alone
as well as can be expected but wil !
be confined to the hospital for several
oral weeks yet.
Lon Snyder was an early mornlnt
passenger to Lincoln Tuesday to at
tend the state fair.
Dan. Springer left on the earlj
train Tuesday morning for Beatrice
to attend the business college at thai
S. E. Hall was elected village mar
shal the first of the week. J. E. Me
Kim , who has been marshal , has no
yet decided as to the future but wll
probably commence work on the rail
road carpenter crew at this place.
Roy Cooper was a visitor in towr
Wednesday forenoon.
II. H. Christensen of Elgin is visit
ing relatives here.
Contractors are now erecting a nev
cement block house on the cemcterj
grounds , 12x14 , to bo used for the
convenience of farmers coming t <
town , also to keep tools In.
Railroad carpenters have been busj
this week repairing and making nev
Improvements In the depot here.
S. D. Thornton , sr. , of Neligh was
n business visitor In town Thursdaj
Jacob Stlego and his crew of elghi
men commenced the first of the weel
putting up the 210 acres of hay ant
alfalfa on the Herd land , adjoining
town on the south.
Mrs. George Boyer of Tilden arriv
ed Tuesday for a short stay at the
homo of her sister , Mrs. H. C. Me
An Epworth League picnic was belt
at chnutauqua park Friday evening.
Glenn Fisher was a business visitoi
in town last Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. L. M. Ray and son Clifford
returned last Wednesday from an ex
tensive trip through Colorado , Wyom
Ing , Kansas and Iowa.
About ten or a dozen ball fam
from here attended the ball game ai
Battle Creek last Thursday.
Bert Hopkins has been staying al
home the past week , having had hit
hand crushed while performing hit
duties as brakeman on Northwesterr
train No. 3 , at Omaha a week ago.
Born , on Thursday of last week , tr
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McDonald n ten
pound girl.
E. A. Brodboll made a business
trip to Lincoln , Thursday , returning
Sues Lincoln Ball Club.
Lincoln , Sept. 9. The Lincoln West
ern League baseball club has been
sued for $10,000 damages by Ralph
A. Hanson , who was Injured by an
employe of the club during a riot fol
lowing n decision of Umpire McKec-
August 21 In a game with Denver
McKee had been attacked by the spec
tators and was being escorted from
the crowd by an employe named Bly.
Hanson was following with the mob
In hla rear. Someone hit Illy with n
mlssllo and , thinking Hanson thoumn ,
Bly struck him with n club , Injuring
him severely.
Louie and Temple Reach Nebraska on
Long Ride.
Fremont , Nob. , Sept 9. Riding from
New York to San Francisco on horse
back with the big outdoors na their
dining room and sleeping apartments ,
Loulo nnd Temple Abernathy , 11 and
7 years old , respectively , stopped la
Fremont iv few hours. They nro ac
companied on the long rldo by their
father "Cntch-'cm-Allvo Jack" Abernathy -
nathy , former marshal of Oklahoma
and crony of Col. Roosevelt.
Abel Shaffer of Hooper Meets Death
on Railroad Track.
Hooper , Neb. , Sept. 9. Abel Shaf
fer , a well known young man who has
resided nil his life near Hooper , was
killed under the wheels of n North
western train west of the Hooper de
pot after dark. How the accident oc
curred will never bo known. W. F.
Bayer , while walking along the track
about 9 i ) . m. , found a portion of the
mangled body.
Canada at Conservation Meet.
Kansas City , Sept. 9. W. V. Atkin
son , forester to the Canadian commis
sion of conservation , has been appoint
ed representative of the Canadian gov
ernment nt the national conservation
congress hero the last of the month.
Fremont Lineman Beaten Over Head
With an Umbrella.
Fremont , Neb. , Sept. 9. There waa
an Interesting little scene bordering
on the sensational enacted at the mu
nicipal light station at the hour when
the linemen , electricians nnd other
employes had assembled In the office
for their assignments of work. An
attractive young woman entered nnd ,
singling out Lineman M. T. Sankoy ,
confronted that young gentleman with
nn apology before nil present for nn
alleged defamatory statement ho had
made. Sankey dented that ho had
made the statement and blushed furi
ously. There were nt least a dozen
men In the room. Some of those com
menced to laugh and Sankoy , in his
embarrassment , permitted n sinllo to
play over his face. The next Instant
n shower of blows from nn umbrella
commenced descending upon his head.
Sankey turned and fled , nnd the young
woman pursued him to the stairs
which descend Into the engine room.
The flaying did not cease until the
unlucky lineman had disappeared.
Snnkey escaped without serious InJury -
Jury , notwithstanding the fact that the
umbrella was stuck full of pins for the
purpose of making it effective for a
lasting impression.
Immediately following her Inter
view with Snnkey , the young woman
turned to the others.
"I want you nil to know that ho denied -
nied that ho said It , " she said , between
gasps. "He told you boys that ho saw
me sitting on a man's lap and it isn't
so nnd lie's n coward or ho would have
taken It back , " she went on. Then
she fled , taking a badly damaged um
brella with her.
The young lady Is employed In a
Fremont store nnd takes her meals at
n boarding house in the vicinity of the
"A girl's reputation is everything to
her , " she said , "and there's no way for
her to defend It when nn ugly story
gets started , unless something llko
this Is done. I have a good position
here , but I have no father or brothers
to look after my Interests. I satisfied
myself that Sankey made the state
ment and made up my mind that I
would make him take It back if I
could. I damaged my umbrella nnd
unstrung my nerves , but I do not re
gret what I did. Sankey can make a
complaint against mo In police court
if ho wishes. " „
M. A. Jacobs , n pioneer of Presbo ,
was killed in a runaway.
Mitchell boosters are scouring the
country In autos to advertise the corn
Arrangements have been made for
a big shooting tournament at Marlon
next Friday.
Herman L. Cohen , a business man
of Lake Andes , has arranged to estab
lish a free public library in that town.
Indications at the auditor's office In
Pierre are that many of the hankers
of the state will protest against the
manner in which their property was
assessed this year.
Only one of last year's stars will bo
absent from the state university foot
ball team this fall , Pat Coffey , who
will coach at Western Union college
at LeMars.
Gov. Vessey has decided not to re
voke the notarial commissions of Lo
gan Fain and B. M. Herman , against
whom complaints had been filed.
Preliminary tests In an attempt to
clarify the waters of Whltewood lake
have proven satisfactory and the pro
ject of Irrigating a largo acreage from
the stream will be pushed forward.
Robert Walker , aged 10 , of Cooper ,
had his hands badly lacerated by the
explosion of a dynamite cap. Two
fingers had to he removed from his
left hand nnd it Is feared that all those
on his right will have to be amputated.
Northwestern Ready for Rush.
Fremont Tribune : Fully 175 cars
will bo placed In service on the main
line of the Northwestern to handle
the crowds that will rush to Melletto
and Bennett counties , South Dakota ,
when the land drawing registration
there begins October 2. Reports to
the Northwestern from Its agents
along the lines Indicate that the
travel will probably bo much greater
than that incident to the opening of
the Trlpp county lands several years