The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 01, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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Pleasures of the Week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Howell cele
brated tholr silver wedding August
211 at their homo eight miles south
west of the city. All of their children
were present , also a few Intlmulo
friends. A delicious 6 o clock dinner
WIIH served by tholr two daughters at
homo , Misses Ethel and Bertha.
Piano mimic by MJss Hazel Feiitress
WIIH the feature of the evening. All
departed expressing having a very
pleasant time , wishing the happy couple -
plo many happy returns. Beautiful
and useful gifts were received from
all present.
Prof , and Mm. Courtney Quutidt of
the St. Paul Lutheran Hchools were
pleasantly surprised by many of their
friends who took the Quandt residence ,
north of the city , by Htorm. A sub
stantial financial gift was presented to
Mr. and Mrs. Quandt who were re
cently married In Wisconsin. Rov.
John Witt made the presentation ad
dress and It was responded to by Prof.
A successful surprise party was per
petrated on C. E. Hartford by Mrs.
Hartford and several friends Wednes
day evening. About 100 friends and
neighbors filled the house and gave
the unexpected homccomcr the sur
prise of his life. The event was In
honor of Mr. Hartford's fiftieth birthday -
day anniversary. Refreshments and
music were enjoyed.
Mrs. J. A. Kcleher gave a lawn so
cial at her home Thursday evening
to which the Norfolk ball team were
Invited. A largo crowd was present
and a pleasant evening was enjoyed.
After the social the members of the
ball team and a number of the young
ladles attending the social enjoyed a
dancing party at the P. J. Stafford
Mrs. S. M. Braden entertained the
members of her Bridge chib on Wed
nesday afternoon In honor of her sis
ter , Mrs. G. M. Culver of Chicago.
The high score favor for the after
noon went to Mrs. W. N. Huso. Mrs.
Braden served a dainty lunch at 5
Tuesday afternoon at the homo of
Mrs. llowins a farewell was given
for Mrs. Alberry , who is soon to leave
for her new homo In Omaha , by the
Ladles' Aid of the M. E. church. A
beautiful souvenir spoon was given
as n remembrance.
The members and friends of St
Johannes church enjoyed a lawn fes
tlval on Wednesday evening. Ice
cream and cake disappeared rapidly
and the treasury was enriched by n
neat sum.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Burnham pleas
antly entertained the West Side Whist
club Thursday evening , complimentary
to Dr. and Mrs. A. Bear of Richmond
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Butterfleld' en
tertalned a small company at dlnnei
on Saturday evening to compllmenl
Mrs. W. II. Bucholz of Omaha.
The children of Trlnltv Sunday
school enjoyed a picnic at Sprliu
Branch on Wednesday.
Miss Gwendolyn White cf Omaha l !
a week end guest in the home of Mr
and Mrs. Burt Mapcs. Miss Whit *
has a beautiful voice and will sing ii
the Methodist church Sunday morning
She will also organize a class in voca
music while here. Miss White Is !
daughter of the late Ben White , win
had many friends In Norfolk and the :
will bo glad to meet and welcome hli
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Arnold o )
O'Nell visited on Wednesday am
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Georg
N. Beels.
Miss Mellle Bridge went to Counci
Bluffs Tuesday for a visit with friends
Coming Events.
Dr. and Mrs. P. II. Salter will glv
a reception this evening to celebrat
the golden wedding of the doctor'
parents , Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Salter.
Dallas , S. D. , Aug. 26. Special t :
The News : A very pretty weddln
was solemnized here , In which R. F
Parker , son of R. D. Parker of thi
place , and Miss Harriet Lynn , daugl
ter of Mr. "and Mrs. W. H. Lynn , als
of Dallas , were united In matrlinon
at the pretty home of the bride's pa :
ents. It was a morning wedding. Th
ceremony was performed at 8:3 :
o'clock by the Rev. Blair Roberts <
the Episcopal church.
The young couple took the train i
11 o'clock for a short visit In Omali
and Missouri , after which they wl
go to Kansas City , where Mr. Park (
will complete his course In the ve
erlimry college. Miss Lynn Is we
mid favorably known In church at
social circles here , and the groom
an excellent young man of sterllr
qualities. Both have a host of friem
in the community.
Dakota Man Shot by His Brother W
Recover from Wound.
Beresford , S. D. , Aug. 26. Ro )
Young , who was shot by his brothe
Merit Young , the latter then comm
ting suicide , was brought to the Tc
hey & Owen hospital here , where 1
passed ft fairly good night. The dc
tors report no Indications of serlo
results. The bullet Is located In t
lower lobe of the right hand. It t
W > -VTT * * I I q 11 * *
veloped that Merit Young had been
ntoxlcated on Wednesday afternoon ,
and durl'ig Wednesday night had driv
en his family from their home.
Every House In Norfolk Filled , People
Search In Vain.
If demand for dwelling houses Is a
sign of prosperity , Norfolk Is In a
lealtliy condition. There Isn't a
IOUHO In the town to bo had and many
icoplo nro searching Innlti for a
ilaco to live. It Is thought many more
leoplo would move1 to Norfolk If they
ould find modern houses to live In.
, Crelghton Shuts Out Valentine.
Crclghtoii , Nob. , Aug. 2i. ( Special to
I'hu News : Crelghton shut out Valeii-
Ino here yesterday , 1 ! ! to 0. Dunaway
'or Crelghton pitched a great game. ,
allowing only two hits. FeatureH of
ho game were homo run hits over
.ho fence by Caley and Thompson.
latteries : Crelghton , Dunaway and
Cent ; Valentine , Grimes , Klrkland and
Campbell. Umpire , Frank Hale.
Winslde Defeats Norfolk.
Wlnsido , Neb. , Aug. 26. Special to
The News : Winslde defeated Norfolk
! iere yesterday In a fast game of ball ,
C to 2. Batteries : Norfolk , Wynkoop
and Hoffman ; WInsldo , Fox and Ram-
soy. Wynkoop struck out 8 and al
lowed 8 hits. Fox struck out 12 and
allowed 4 hits. WInsldo had 4 errors
and Norfolk 11. Home runs by Fox
and Cress.
Crelghton Wins Games.
Crelghton , Neb. , Aug. 26. Special
to The News ; Crelghton beat Valentino
tine at baseball Thursday , 3 to 2 , and
beat Royal Wednesday , 8 to 3.
Colonel May Not Oppose Democrat If
Taft IB Nominated.
New York , Aug. 26. The Outlook , of
which Theodore Roosevelt Is contrib
uting editor , prints in Its current edi
tion nn eulogy of Gov. Woodrow Wil
son of New Jersey.
Henry B. Nccdham , who when Col.
Roosevelt was president , ranked as
ono of the "official press agents of the
administration , " Is the author of the
New York politicians are wondering
if there Is a political significance to
this fact.
Col. Roosevelt , since the defeat of
his candidate for governor at the last
election , Henry L. Stlmson , now a
member of President Taft's official
family , has refused to take any part in
republican politics in this state. The
man whom ho most bitterly denounced
at Saratoga , William Barnes , jr. , is
now chairman of the republican state
committee , and If Roosevelt wants to
go to the next national convention ho
, will personally have to ask them for
that honor.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Madison , Neb. , Aug. 22 , 1911 , 1 p. m.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present , Commissioners J. W. Fitch ,
Burr Taft and H. Sunderman.
The minutes of the meeting of Aug.
7 , 1911 , were read and approved as
On motion the following bills against
the county were allowed :
Nebraska Culvert Co. , cul
verts $ 79.20
Nebraska Culvert Co. , cul
verts , road district No. 14. . 72.60
J. R. Luton , work , road dis
trict No. 18 5.00
Chas. Parker , work , commis
sioner district No. 3 26.00
Nebraska Culvert Co. , cul
verts , road district No. 24. . 22.00
Brewer & Brown , bridge re
sIS pairs 5.10
S. O. Davies , dragging roads ,
claimed $18 , allowed at commissioner -
missioner district No. 1 12.6C
E. O. Alyea , work , road dis
trict No. 18 10.0C
Martin Walter , work , road dis
trict No. 3 3.2c
Madison city , electric lights
to August 2 , 1911 21.3C
Loonan Lumber Co. , bridge
lumber 89.5J
Loonan Lumber Co. , coal for
jail 34.4E
Mallory & Jewett , meat for-
pauper 8.6 (
Clarence Verden , wolf bounty 2.0 (
Charley Flster , road work ,
commissioner district No. 3 C.0 (
W. H. Pinney , draylng 1.5 (
Madison Hardware Co. , mer
chandise for jail 123.8 *
s Thos. Reigle , bridge work. . . . 5.7J
Thos. Reigle , work , road dis
trict No. 10 59.0 (
A. B. Lang , meals for pauper. 1.1 !
o II. Frlcke , Jr. , culvert , road
14 31.81
IS district No.
ISi. L. E. Dudley , rent for election C.OI
i.Is II. Frlcke , jr. , culvert , road
Ish district No. 19 15.21
3O W. P. Kennedy , caring for
booths S.5i
iy.r Ed Harter , caring for election
.r10 booths 18.0
30 A. E. Ward , plat book 5.0
30of Madison Star-Mall , printing
for road district No. 19 2.2
at Chas. Sherlock , grading , com
atm missioner district No. 3 21.5
ill Philip Reeg , work on bridges. C.O
er Philip Reeg , work , road dis
3t- trict No. 15 10.0
Jos. Dlttrlck , repairs 29.7
ad Philip Reeg , work , road dis
is trict No. 15 10.0
ng William Bates , canvassing
ds election returns 5.0
J. E. Douglass , canvassing
election returns . . . . ; 5.0
Fred II. Davis , canvassing
election returns 5.0
ill Peter Emlg , work , road dis
trict No. 24 58.2
SS C. S. Smith , salary and mile
er , age 230.5
lit J. M. Smith , salary and board
DO ing prisoners 176.2
DOho H. Frlcke , Jr. , culverts 35. :
DC H. B. Allen , supplies 35.2
IDS H. Fricke , Jr. , grader blade. . . 8. (
he H. Frlcke , jr. , repairs 1 , (
ile- Philip Schwartz , work , road
district No. 26 15.00
H. Taft. work , commissioner
district No. 2 6.00
A. B. Robinson , work , road
district No. 1 ! ! 11.00
H. Taft. assisting surveyor. . . 22.00
Fred Benson , rent for pauper 8.00
C. C. Crouch , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 34.00
Geo. Good , work , commission
er district No. 2 16.00
F. E. South , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 C.OO
Richard Wiuidell , work , com-
mlsHloiier district No. 2. . . . 4.00
Ray Speeco , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 31.00
Fred Byorly , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 32.00
J. T. Moore , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 38.50
Bennett Seymour , surveying. 28.00
J. W. Fitch , labor and mileage 56.50
J. W. Fitch , telephone tolls. . . .50
U. D. Mathews , delivering bal
lots 20.00
H. Sunderman , labor and mile
age 50.60
W. II. Field , fees , insanity
cases , to be paid to witnesses 125.35
Pat Tierney , grading , commis
sioner district No. 3 CC.OO
Pat Tierney , grading , commis
sioner district No. 3 66.00
Pat Tierney , grading , commis
sioner district No. 3 90.00
Pat Tierney , grading , commis
sioner district No. 3 90.00
H. B. Allen , supplies 49.00
W. II. Klrcheffer , constable
and caring for booths 4.75
Western Bridge and Construc
tion Co. , on contract 1,000.00
Western Bridge and Construc
tion Co. , on contract 1,000.00
Western Bridge and Construc
tion Co. , on contract 1,000.00
Western Bridge and Construc
tion Co. , on contract 1,000.00
Western Bridge and Construc
tion Co. , on contract 1,000.00
W. W. Stork , clerk of election
and returns 6.60
V. W. Copeland , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
Fred Schilling , judge of elec
tion 4.00
Frank Wright , judge of elec
tion 4.00
Frank Carson , judge of elec
tion 4.00
Enola Hall Co. , rent for elec
tion 2.00
W. W. Stork , caring for booths 2.00
C. C. Wilson , judge of elec
tion and returns 11.00
R. F. McCallum , judge of elec
tion 4.00
Leonard Brown , judge or elec
tion 4.00
A. C. Williams , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
C. S. Botsford , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
W. W. Mills , constable 4.00
F. W. Colegrove , rent of hall. 4.00
F. W. Colegrove , care of booth 2.00
H. G. Ncidig , judge of election
and returns 6.30
D. K. Robertson , judge of elec
tion 4.00
Henry Werkmelster , judge of
election 4.00
Guy Chapman , clerk of election -
tion 4.00
George Dorr , clerk of election 4.00
C. II. Brake , clerk of election
and returns 7.20
Harry Morris , clerk of election 4.00
E. C. Danes , judge of election 4.00
Joseph Roberts , Judge of elec
tion 4.00
Carl Relche , judge of election 4.00
Fred Terry , caring for booths 2.00
School district No. 25 , rent. . . 3.00
W. S. Cunningham , judge of
election 4.00
B. H. Mills , judge of election 4.00
H. S. Botsford , judge of elec
tion and returns 12.00
G. W. Irving , clerk of election 4.00
C. H. Slbley , clerk of election 4.00
John Horrocks , judge of elec
tion 4.00 i
A. L. McCallum , judge of elec
tion 4.00 i
B. R. Palmer , Judge of election 4.00 i
J. E. Mclntosh , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
J. I. Grant , clerk of election
and returns 8.10
L. P. Grant , care of booths. . . 2.00
School district No. 50 , rent. . . 3.00
Henry Massman , Judge of
election 4.00
J. E. Rodekohr , Judge of elec
tion 4.00
Frank S. Wright , Judge of
election 4.00
Henry Neuwerk , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
P. F. Zimmerman , clerk of
election and returns , assign
ed to F. A. Peterson 10.70
John Schacher , care of booths
and rent 3.00
J. L. Grant , judge of election 4.00
F. II. Davis , judge of election 4.00
D. S. Llvinghouse , judge of
election 4.00
A. E. Ward , clerk of election
and returns 6.10
Fred Kessler , clerk of election 4.00
H. F. Barney , constable 2.00
Carl Knull , judge of election 4.00
Ernst Freudenberg , judge of
election 4.0C
O. A. Sunderman , judge of
election and returns G.7C 0
Geo. E. Stork , clerk of elec
tion 4.0C 0
O. T. Bostrom , clerk of elec
tion 4.0 (
Dan Scheer , care of booths. . . 2.0 (
School district No. 15 , rent. . . 3.0 (
Wm. Brandt , Judge of election
and returns 6.8 (
Joe Dieter , judge of election. . 4.0 (
Frank Gabelman , judge of
election 4.0 (
Henry Wehenkle , clerk of
election 4.0' '
William Rottler , clerk of elec
tion 4.01
35 Nick Christiansen , care of
booths 2.0' '
School district No. 19 , rent. . . 3.0' '
Ju Philip Sheets , judge of elec
tion 4.0
00 Leroy Munger , judge of elec
GO tion 4.0
! James Brown , judge of elec-
tlon 4.00
W. S. Crook , clerk of election
and returns 12.00
Win. Jackson , clerk of election 4.00
M. L. Sullivan , care of booths 2.00
School district No. 21 , rent. . . 3.00
Chas. Letheby , Judge of elec
tion and returns 8.70
A. G. Reed , Judge of election 1.00.
B. F. Witt , Judge of election. . 1.00 [
A. T. Redman , clerk of elec
tion 1.00
C. R. lllnman , clerk of election 4.00
Chris Brlnckman , constable. . 1.00
Chris Brlnckman , care of
booths 2.00
M. J. Hughes , judge of elec
tion and returns 11.00
A. E. Tiedgen , Judge of elec
tion 4.00
Win. Dktrick Judge of elec
tion 4.00
Charles Koctter , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
James Hughes , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
John Hughes , care of booths. 4.00
School district No. 23 , rent. . 3.00
Fred Schulz , Judge of election
and returns 9.GO
Emll Mooller , Judge of election G.OO
W. II. Widaman , judge of elec
tion 6.00
John Schelly , clerk of election 6.00
C. C. Gow , clerk of election. . . C.OO
Peter Bussey , judge of elec
tion and returns 8.40
L. L. Low , Judge of election 4.00
John Dlnkel , judge of election 4.00
John Ledercr , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
P. II. Ingoldsby , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
J. II. Massman , caring for
booths 2.00
School district No. 73 , rent. . . 3.00
S. D. Wells , judge of election
and returns 6.10
S. M. Dowllng , judge of elec
tion 4.00
Emil Moehnert , judge of elec
tion 4.00
Ross Nichols , clerk of election 4.00
John Wakeley , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
J. L. Rynearson , judge of elec
tion 4.00
Willis King , judge of election
and returns 6.10
Fred Zessln , judge of election 4.00
Wm. Isonhower , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
Mark O'Shea , clerk of election 4.00
Wm. Brogan , Judge of election 4.00
Wm. Erskino , judge of election 4.00
Lewis Ullry , Judge of election 4.00
J. H. B. Wagner , clerk of elec
tion and returns 12.20
Julius Glandt , clerk of election 4.00
Julius Glandt , care of booths 2.00
School district No. 27 , rent. . . 3.00
L. C. Bonner , judge of elec
tion 4.00
Oscar Reeves , judge of elec
tion 4.00
Pat Finnegan , judge of elec
tion 4.00
W. R. Martin , clerk of election
and returns 7.20
Thos. Lestina , jr. , clerk of
election 4.00
W. R. Martin , care of booths 2.00
School district No. 28 , rent. . 3.00
August Brummund , judge of
election and returns 7.60
C. H. Krahn , judge of election 4.00
H. J. Graves , judge of election 4.00
Jack Koenlgstein , clerk of
election 4.00
Paul Zuelow , clerk of election 4.00
W. R. Beswick , judge of elec
tion and returns 7.60
August Kaun , judge of elec
tion 4.00
T. V. Norvel , judge of election 4.00
August Steffen , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
Frank Tracy , clerk of election 4.00
Adam Soip , clerk of election. . 4.00
Peter Classen , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
Bernard Hassman , judge of
election 4.00
J. M. Leffler , Judge of election 4.00
C. D. Jenkins , judge of elec-
tlon and returns 7.10
C. D. Jenkins , care of booths 2.00
School district No. 30 , rent. . . 3.00
A. C. Cunningham , judge of
election 4.00
M. G. Doerlng , Judge of elec
tion and returns 10.70
J. S. Miller , judge of election. 4.00
G. C. Bennlng , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
Chas. A. Martin , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
Chas. M. Lambert , care of
bootlm 2.00
W. G. Flint , Judge of election
and returns 7.80
L. C. Hepperly , judge of elec
tion 4.00
W. F. F. Winter , Judge of elec
tion 4.00
J. Roy Carter , clerk of elec
tion 4.00
Otto Zuelow , clerk of election 4.00
Matt Schaffer , jr. , clerk of
election and returns 7.70
R. M. Fraser , clerk of election 4.00
F. W. Koerber , judge of elec
tion 4.00
E. R. Taylor , judge of election 4.00
H. T. Donner , judge of elec
tion 4.00
On motion board adjourned to meel
Sept. 12 , 1911 , at 1 p. m.
S. R. McFarland ,
County Clerk.
Harvey Deuval , Chairman of County
Committee , Gets In Quarrel.
Colomo , S. D. , Aug. 2G. Special tc
The News : Harvey Deuval of Win
ner , chairman of the Trlpp count )
republican central committee , was ar
rested hero Thursday evening bj
Marshal Holbrook for disturbing the
peace and disorderly conduct.
Deuval went to the postodlce Thurs
day evening and asked Lehmburg t <
retract the statement ttiat Ho ha <
asked for money for his endorsement
This Lohmburg refused to do am made some strong threats ate
to what ho would do to him. Mrs
Lehmburg , who was In the olllce , sc
cured the ofllco artillery and threat
jened to make short work of the in
trmler if ho did not vacate. Deuval
did not scorn to be much alarmed
and told her ho ate such articles for
breakfast. The marshal , appearing
about this time , saved her the trouble
of taking n shot at the gentleman
from Winner , and saved him from
eating the gun. He entered a plea of
not guilty and gino bonds for hlH up
pi-annieo before Squire Blakkolb Mon
day foienooii.
Mndlson Methodist Brotherhood ,
Madison , Neb , Aug. 26. Special to
The News : Rev. V. M. Drullncr , pas-
lor , UHHlsti'd by Drs. Ray of Columbus ,
Dawson of Omaha and Tlndall of Nor
folk , organized a Methodist brother-
Hood. The meeting occurred In the
church parlors. At S o'clock last evening -
ing occurred the IIrat annual banquet
of the brotherhood. Covers were
spread for 1115 brothers. The menu
consisted of three courses served by
the ladles aid society of the M. R
church In the beautiful church parlors
recently completed.
Following a delightful musical pro
gram William M. Darlington as toastmaster -
master In a pleasing and appropriate
manner announced the following
toasts : "Is Religion a Man's Job , " by
A. S. Miller ; "What Some Men Have
Done for Religion , " Dr. C. W. Ray of
Columbus ; "Why Some Men do Not
Attend Church , " Willis E. Reed of
Madison ; "Tho Distinction Between a
Mob and an Army , " Dr. C. N. Dawson
of Omaha ; "The Kind of Preacher I
Like , " Ex-Senator William V. Allen of
Madison ; "Tho Kind of Laymen 1
Like , " Dr. D. K. Tlndall of Norfolk ;
"The Ladles' Aid Society , " Rev. F. M.
Drullner of Madison.
The Ewlng Chautauciua.
Ewing , Neb. , Aug. 26. Special to
The News ; The Ewing ,
which started here Thursday under
weather conditions anything but fa
vorable , is at this writing giving prom
ise of assureu success. Over 300 sea
son tickets have been sold , which ,
added to the dally gate receipts , places
the business end of the proposition
entirely beyond the question of con
jecture. Yesterday afternoon and last
night the audience present numbered
about 500 , with every assurance that
today and Sunday even these llgures
will bo greatly augmented. The pro
gram as rendered Thursday and yes-
erday was of a high order of excel-
dice and gave perfect satisfaction ,
he program Sunday includes a union
neetlng to be addressed by Rev.
" "ather Hose of the Catholic church ,
vho as a minister of the gospel is very
popular and will naturally attract n
arge audience. The Ruthven MacDonald -
Donald Concert Co.'and Alton Pack-
rd , the cartoonist and humorist , held L
own the boards last night and were
imply immense.
< ansas Professor Finds Hook Worm
Germs On Its Feet.
Topeka , Kan. , Aug. 26. Believing
hat the little sand fly Is responsible j
or the spread of the dread disease j
) ellagra , of which there are now a L
lozen cases recorded in the state , Prof.
S. J. Hunter of the bacteriological dc-
lartment of Kansas state university
oday dispatched four expert bacteriol
ogists on motor cycles to collect speci
mens of the fly for further examlna-
ton. Prof. Hunter evolved his theory
torn an examination of larvae of the
fly found in a swamp near Ottawa.
A Crazed Negro Kllsl Fremonter.
Fremont , Neb. , Aug. 26. Charles
Wall , civil war veteran and proprietor
of the Midland rooming house on i
Third street between Main and Park
vas shot and almost instantly killed
at 9 o'clock p. m. by Hairy Earl , a
negro. A fancied grievance caused
he negro to fire the fatal shots. Run
nlng up the street after the tragedy
Earl rushed into the city hall , threw
ho revolver onto the table before
Desk Sergeant Tuttle and gave him.
self up. Answers he made to qiies
Ions of the police and County Attor
ney Cook indicate he Is mentally off.
So far as is known to the author !
, les there was no witness to the mur
der , though many people were In the
street outside the little rooming house
and heard the crack , crack of Earl's
When the details of the grewsome
murder became known Earl was load
ed into an automobile and taken oul
into the iiorth part of town so that nc
demonstration would be made by the
excited and angered crowd that gath
ered at the Midland. Desk Sergeanl
Tuttle , Chief of Police Peterson , Sher
iff Bauman , Deputy Sheriff Condlt ant
County Attorney Cook were In th (
car. They took the frightened negn
by a roundabout route to Sheriff Bau
man's home , where they put bin
through the third degree.
Earl frankly confessed the murde :
and laughed while he told the story o
the revolting crime.
"He did my brother dirt while hi
was sick there and besides ho wa :
against Johnson In the Jeffries-John
son fight. " That Is the only excusi
Earl offered for taking the life of thi
old war veteran.
Neighbors Meddle With This Family
Madison , Neb. , Aug. 26. Special t
The News : The case of the state o
Nebraska vs. George Stevens am
Augusta Stevens was commenced be
fore County Judge Bates and contlr
ued after several witnesses were ei
amincd until a future date.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stevens o
Norfolk were arrested and brought be
fore the county Judge on complaint c
Edith Schultz , a sister. of Mrs. Stevens
the information charging that the d <
fendants are the parents of an Infar
baby boy 2 months of ago ; that th
child Is being neglected , mlstreate
and starved and unless action is take
by the court the child will die as
result of Its treatment. The petltlo
further states that complainant hn
offered to take care of the baby hi
that the father refuses to allow ante
- to assist. The chief witness fc
ithe prosecution was the father of Mr
S'OVCIIB ' , Herman Spieling. It seems
that Mr. Splerlug and Mrs. Schultz ,
the fathir and sinter of Mrs. Stevens ,
objected to the marriage of Stevens
and that there has been considerable
Interference on the part of neighbors.
William V. Allen represented the de
fense and M. 11. Foster the prosecu
The estate of the late Charles
Schrain of Norfolk wa admitted to
probate today and Mrs. Minnie
Sehram , widow , and 12. A. Schram ,
son of the deceased , appointed admin
istratrix and administrator.
S. H. Grant returned from u week's
visit with his son at Emorlck.
F. E. Morrow of Central City was
lioro visiting with M. E. Crosier.
W. F. Ahlman went to Uloomllold
for a few days' visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. George Carty of Chad-
ron nro hcio visiting with the August
Raasch family.
Miss Helen Maylard Is In Madison
for a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs.
George Davenport.
Mrs. James Maloney of Omaha Is In
the city visiting with her daughter ,
Mrs. O. 3. O'Nell.
Miss Carrie Thompson has gone to
Newman Grove , where she will teach
In the high school this year.
Miss Edith Bechol of Fairfax , who
Is.on her way to Wayne normal , stepped -
pod for a visit at the home of L. O.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klnney and
Mrs. Joseph Pliant went to Omaha In
an automobile to spend a few days'
visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blttner and fain-
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Cadel Christian
sen wore here visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. C. P. Christiansen.
Misses Eliza Filter and Martha
Brummund have gone to Crelghton
and Bazlle Mills to. spend a week or
ten days visiting with relatives and
Mrs. Otis LeRoque of Omaha , who
lias been here visiting with her sister ,
Mrs. William Ahlman , has returned to
"her home. She leaves in a few days
for an extended visit on the western
Miss Ricka Gettlngcr has resigned
her position as bookkeeper In the Fair
Ex-Capt. Gllssman of the Norfolk
ball team was on second base for the
Norfolk team at Wlnsido Friday after-
no no.
J. S. Jackson , formerly of Norfolk
but now of Kansas City , is expected in
the city In about two weeks for a visit
with friends.
The 3-weeks-old infant of Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Horst , farmers living on
the Ernest Zutz farm north of this
city , died Friday morning.
Jay Ilight , who last week sustained
a fractured arm as the result of falling
from a horse , Is now able to be up
and enjoy visits to the city.
Catcher Hoffman of the Norfolk
team went to Crelghton to play In an
outfield position with the Crelghton
team In Saturday afternoon's game.
High school football players are al
ready inflating the pigskin with the
aid of automobile pumps and getting
ready for the football season which
will open in this city next month.
The ball game Sunday afternoon be
tween Norfolk and Atkinson on the
driving park diamond will bo a fast
one. Atkinson is said to have "plug
ged up" somewhat and are coming to
The rope bell signal , used to bring
r the horses from their stalls at the
lire station has been cast away and
, an automatic bell connecting with the
signal in the station oftice has been
A. B. Dillon , deputy grand master
Workman of the A. O. U. W. , in Ne
, braska , has decided to move to Nor
folk from Ainsworth. Mr. Dillon has
rented a W. R. Beswick house on
South Eleventh street.
A number of Norfolk auto drivers
may enter the county fair races at
Madison. Frank Masslck Is consider
' ing it. The first prize will be $100 ,
second prize $25. The race is to be
five miles long. There are no limita
tions on cars.
N. A. Rninbolt , who Is enjoying a
fishing trip at Lake Andes , S. D.
writes home that the fishing is better
than he ever dreamed fishing could be
He tells of catching more than fifty
bass in one day , all of them more than
four pounds in weight
Louis , the 5-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. John King , Is suffering from n
largo cut on his leg as the result oi
being run down by a small wagon
o pulled by some playmates. Twc
o stitches were taken In the wound and
the youngster Is getting along well.
The 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Chamberlain succeeded Ir
swallowing a large button last even
ing. A physician has not yet beer
able to rPinove It. The button , says
the physician , Is larger than a twenty
five cent piece and two and a hal :
times as thick. He Is at a loss to ex
plain how the child was able to swal
low it.
It is barely possible that "Chick1
Evans , the noted golf player of Chicago
cage , who recently made a mark ii
European tournaments , may come t <
Norfolk this summer for a few days
Ho has v/rltten Lloyd Pasowalk , hii
college fraternity brother , that IK
would like to come out here to res
up , as no has been ill since comlni
home from England.
Looking forward to the time whei
an alfalfa mill will be established Ii
Norfolk , Ernest Raasch put In eight ;
acres of nlfalfa on his farm west o
this city. This Is the largest field o
alfalfa In the county. Mr. Raasch re
ports that ho has received many lei
ters from Iowa parties who want t
buy alfalfa by the carload. "There 1
a great demand for alfalfa , " he says.
in Pitcher Kingdon , who twirled fo
is Tllden against Norfolk on the drlvln
lit park diamond some time ago and late
iy for Norfolk against Pierce , Is gettln
ors. Into the limelight. Kingdon was plcl
s. cd up by the Fremont state leagu
team and IIMH won cu'ry game
DUO HO far pitched. The oxctiptlon
was the tlo game 1 to I \\ltli drain !
Island. It Is icpoitod that Pa llourko
! if the Omaha Wi-ntem League team
ms taken Klugdon up for a trial.
.lust IIH hamtmimo an over , gold-
rowlied teeth and big , tthliu < \ eyet )
gleaming In their dusky sett Inn , I'ran-
CH Gordon , for yean * a resident or
Norfolk and ono of four remaining
hlldreti of the first colored famlh that
' \or HUH ! In Norfolk , was lm < It In
own Saturday , \lsltlng old friends
With her WUH her brother , llert ( lor
Ion , JIIHI from Detroit. They both left
for Dallas , W. D. , where they'll open u
esluunmt during the forthcoming
and rush. Frances IB now employed
n ( lie homo of Mr. and .Mrn. Frank
arkHon at Dalian.
.1. C. SchulU returned to Norfolk
'mm Abotdocii , S. D.hore ho retorts -
torts ho will now make his future
lome. Mr Sehultzlll truvol for the
Morrlll Packing company of Sioux
[ 'alls. Ho will open a now territory
or his Ilviu In South Dakota. Mr.
Scliultz leaves Norfolk with many ro-
grots. ' 'I was Just getting well nc-
limlntcd and everyone- here wan treatIng -
Ing us lino. Wo llko Norfolk , but the
move wan necessary. " R. H. MeKln-
ney will icnt the pluco vacated by Mr.
Schultz on the corner of Madison av
enue and Tenth street.
Saliim Journal : When a number of !
the Shrlners were In Rochester , N. Y. ,
attending the national meeting recent
ly they saw the Rov. W. R. McKIm ,
son of Mrs. Jennie McKIm of South
Eighth street and former rector of
Christ cathedral. The Rov. Mr. McKIm
has many warm friends In Sallnu who
will bo glad to hoar of him and learn
that he Is doing well , Is happy and In
excellent health. Ho Is rector of the
Episcopal church at Onolda , N. Y. ,
about eighty miles from Rochester , and
was on his way to Buffalo , but stopped
off to see the Sallnu Masons. Ho had
dinner with E. W. Ober , visited with
George Meyer , Edmund Armstrong and
many other Snllna men. When Mr.
McKim riade Salina his home ho wan
a member of the Masonic orders , and
the Knights of Pythias. He la an elo
quent speaker and was very generous
with Ills talent while living here.
A Birthday Party.
A party was given by Mrs. W. Rlckcr
In her new homo on Hlnlno street. Fri
day afternoon , the occasion being her
"birthday. Quito a number of ladies
were present and enjoyed a bountiful
supper served by Mrs. Rlcko , who was
assisted 'jy Mrs. E. Hraun and Mrs. R.
Thlel. A very pleasant time was
South Side News.
Miles Case and son George left for
Chadron on No. I ! last evening on re
ceiving word that Mrs. Frank Clark ,
formerly Miss Elsie Case , was very 111.
Mrs. Clark returned home yesterday
from Hot Springs , S. D. , where she
had been visiting the past two weeks.
Farmer Cut Up In a Mowing Machine.
Niobrara , Neb. , Aug. 26. Special to
The News : Joseph Kurka , a farmer
living about two miles south of hero ,
was badly Injured In a runaway. The
team was hitched to a mowing ma
chine when the accident occurred.
One arm was badly torn and a llttlo
finger taken off. A large piece of
flesh was torn from one hip. The pa
tient Is doing well considering his ad
vanced years.
Interest in Golf Matches.
Next Tuesday will be a great day
on the Country club golf links. It will
bo qualifying day for the Mayer cup
tournament and every golfer Is ex
pected to get out.
This cup is offered for the winner
of an open tournament , no handicaps.
The sixteen players who make the
best scores Tuesday will enter the
first round of the tournament. As this
is the first open tournament , without
handicaps , to ba played for a cup , the
matches are expected to bo eagerly
The fourth round of the Burton cup
play will be finished tomorrow and
then drawings will be made for the
semi-finals. The semi-finals and finals
are to be eighteen hole events.
, The first round of the directors' cup
tournament has been played and the
, second round Is In progress.
Apple Orchards Here Are Great.
"There are apple orchards In the
vicinity of Norfolk that cannot bo excelled -
celled for yield , anywhere in the
world. "
This was the surprising statement
made at the Ad club meeting last
night , on authority of Mr. Evans , of
the Evans Fruit company , who have
recently Installed a wholesale house
In this city. W. H. Blakeman , presi
dent of the Ad club , has been driving
about the country with Mr. Evans ,
pointing out orchards , and amazing
crops have been found. There is said
to be absolutely no market for these
fine apples save that created by the
Evans company In the territory north
and west of Norfolk.
Boost Home Industries.
In the course of the evening's dis
cussion , it was suggested that ono of
the most effective ways of boosting
Norfolk would bo to speak a word of
encouragement now and then to people
ple starting new Industries In the city.
"Get chummy with Norfolk's new busi
ness firms. Call on them. Make them
feel we're glad they're here. " This
seemed to be the sentiment.
Buy an Ad Club Button.
The Ad club has 250 clever llttlo
buttons , destined to create Interest In
Norfolk , which nro to bo put on sale
by members of the club. The buttons
sell for $1 each and the profits will go
toward pulling the club out of debt.
Everybody wearing an "Ask Mo" but
ton has contributed $1 to the club's
Push the Paving.
The West Norfolk avcnuo paving pe
tition will bo further pushed by the
Ad club. There remains but C20 feet
frontage to assure the paving.