rilK NORFOLK WKEKLY NE\VS-JOUKXAL , FKIDAY , SKPTEMBEfl 1 , 11U1. Sullivan Ready For Duty Although lie Has Been In Harness For Many Years , Chicago cage Americans' ' Catcher Still Classes With the Best I J'lioto by American Press Association. Clark Griffith , Reds1 Fiery Leader Cincinnati Manager Has Pulled Off More Trades and An noyed More Umps Than Any Other Player Photo by American Press Association. Knabe , Phillies' Clever Infielder As Caretaker of Station No. 2 , He Has Few Superiors In the National League Today Vvi > KxWV rP'v' X > y * ? ' * Pboto by American Press Association. Street , Senators' Iron Man The Oftencr He Is Worked the Better Brnnd of Catching He Delivers For the Washington Americans Ptwto by American Pres Association. Onkdnlo. Mr. and Mra. F. M. Oborolmxv ar- lived last Friday from ( irldloy , Cal. , \\lioro they haxo spout the last two > oui'8 , and expin-t to lucato permanent ly In Oakdalo. Kov. Mr. Clifton , presiding older of I ho I'nlted llrothroii chinch , will pronoh here for the no\t few Sundays , coming from Meadow Grcno. Latoi Hov. Mr. Zlminornmn will move here from Ort'hard , ho having boon Blvoii the call to thla pastorate for the next year. Mr. Zimmerman Is not a stranger - or to all here , and the people of Oak- dale will bo Kind to have him xxlth UB. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. 15. Mutson re signed their positions In It. M. NOB- bit's general store last Saturday and will moxe to Stromshorg , where Mr. Matson has accept < rl a position as manuKcr of u store. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lelth are now filling the posi tions vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Matson. Mr. and Mrs. Matson will leave the llrst of the coming month to take up their new home , and their removal la very much regretted by all. Claude Bangs came down from the western part of the state the llrst of the week to attend the Lynn Mlnton came up last Sunday from Omaha for n ten days' visit with homo folks , but was recalled to Oma ha Thursday to go out Into the state as foreman of one of the Nebraska Telephone company's gangs. The grading for the schoolhouse was completed the latter part of last week and n car of the hollow tiled brick arrived the llrst of the week which am being hauled to the grounds. The laying of the brick foundation will commence at once. Miss Nellie Morris returned Monday evening from IJioomllold , where she spent the latter part of last week with Miss Ella Trenlmllo. Mlus Trcn- hallo will arrive the later part of tills week to take up her position as an instructor in the school here. J. F. Boyd was transacting business in town Tuesday. Mrs. A. 13. Nicholas is spending ( lie week In town visiting home folks , and attending the Chautaucjua. Hay Honey of Raymond , Nob. , ar rived the lirst of the weolc to take up the position of assistant In 11. A. Wor- ley's barber shop. Ho will also be a member of the Oakdale band and a member ot thc'Oakdalo ball team , be ing well litted for both places. Mr. A. 131 wood returned last night from a business trip in Canada. Hex' . Snyder , pastor of the Metho dist church here , departed on the early train Wednesday morning for Colora do to look after business interests and for a xisit witli his family. He xvlll be gone about ten days. Among the Tilden citizens camping hero are Dr. and Mrs. Barr and family Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boycr , Mrs. T. T. McDonald and daughter , and others. Mr. Thomas Hanson of the German bank of Tilden and John Thorns and family of Tilden attended hte Chau- tauqua here yesterday. C. F. Heft , assistant at the depot here , spent part of last xveek and the first of this at his home In Cedar Rapids. Mrs. John Nelson of Tilden Is a guest at the home of her daughter , Mrs. O. B. Manville. Notorious Woman Leaves. With tears in her eyes Edna Ingham , Ill-famed woman and formerly a resort keeper of this city , bade goodbye to her friends In Norfolk before leaving the United States for her childhood homo In England. Tiie Ingham wo man sold her business here sometime ago. She came back to Norfolk from Omaha xvlicre she has been stopping to make final settlement of her busi ness affairs and she declares she xvlll "sail" very soon. The Ingham xvo- man has been in many shooting scrapes here , some that have been made public and some that have not. The woman xvas reported to have come into possession of a largo for tune In England but she has confided to friends here that the "fortune" Is not "so largo after all. " There are heavy debts against It , so she xvill not enjoy much of it. She declares she goes to England to stay. Charged With Starving Baby. Charged with the neglecting , mis treating and starving their 2-months- old baby boy , Mr. and Mrs. George Stevents , 305 Nofth Eighth street , xvero arrested early this morning and taken to Madison to appear before County Judge William Bates to an- sxver the charges made in the county court yesterday by Mrs. Ida Schultz , a sister to Mrs. Stevens. According to reports there has been 111 feeling betxveen the complainant and defend ants. Mrs. Schultz , It Is said , will en deavor to get possession of the child , In her complaint Mrs. Schultz saya that the Infant Is being starved and unless Immediate action be taken by the court It xvlll die. She asks that the child and Its parents bo taken Into court. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens took the baby with them to Madison this morn- Ing. Mrs. Schultz says that Stevens will not alloxv anyone to assist or aid in the care of the infant. Mr. Stex'ens was getting ready to go to xvork this morning xvhen the con stable put hi in under arrest. The man seemed surprised and when ho xvas told his slster-ln-laxv xvas the com plainant , he declared ho had her ar rested recently. Records on the dock ets of the local police do not shoxv this however. Switch Track for an Alley. Signed by oxvners of nearly all prop erty from the east side of First street to Fifth street , betxvcon Norfolk and Braasch avenues , the petition asking that the city council grant a franchise to the Union Pacific railroad company to build a spur track from their right- of-xvay on Fifth street doxvn the alloy between Braasch and Norfolk avenues cast to the Sugar City cereal mills and thence south to the city pumping station , for the benefit of the city , and all business buildings In that section of the city , who receive and ship freight In carload lots , xvas granted by the council last evening ami the or dinance committee and the city attor ney xvoio lustuielod to tliaxv up an oidlnanco to that effect. The ordinance Is let bo taken up at the next meeting of the council xvhrn It xvlll bo ntshod tluough to enable the railroad company to got to xvork Immediately on the now Improvement. According to the petition , the railroad company Is to build the track no as not to Inconvonlonco tralllc In any xvay. Cars xvlll not bo allowed to stand on the track. II. A. Pasoxvalk and A. W. llaxvklna , xvho xvero pres ent at the meeting In the Interest of the petition , declare that the railroad company xvlll probably construct planking betxvoon the tracks In this alloy , which xvlll enable teams todrlxo there just as they are doing at the present time. The building of this track , say a number of the councilmen - men , xvlll not only Increase the value of the property affected by the trackIng - Ing , but xvlll Induce noxv business en terprises to come horo. The granting of the petition alone , say's one busi ness man , assures the establishing of a xvholesalo buggy and machinery house here. .lames Dlgnan , a local plumber xvho the council believe did some digging for the city some time ago , will be asked to make settlement xvlth Claude Housh , xvho not long ago ran into a ditch In the southern portion of the city and sustained several broken ribs and other Injuries. Housh asks the city for $250 damages. The city xvlll endeavor to hold Dlgnan responsible under his bond. The bond , bowoxer , Is only good for one year anil the xvork having been done over txvo years ago may leave Dignan out. Mayor Friday xvould establish a hay market square in Norfolk. Ho recom mended last night that the public xxorks committee got busy and find a location for fanners xvho come to the city to sell hay. The Foster lots xvhlch heretofore have been used for this purpose aio noxv occupied and the farmers are xvithout a lot for the sell ing ol hay. The public xvorks 'commit tee xvas instructed to llml a place for a hay market. The committee xvas given power to act. Tluough the untiring efforts of Coun cilman Koerber of the Fourth xvard , the NortlixvcRtern load xvlll not be in convenienced by a long xvalt for it petition to bo signed in New York City asking the city council to create a soxvor district on the south side for the connection xvlth the noxv depot and other noxv buildings being constructed there. Councilman Koerber had ready an oidlnanco at last night's meeting xvhicli xvas passed with speed. After its passage City Engineer Tracy hand ed in plans and specifications and an estimate and bids for the construction of this sexver xvlll be advertised for immediately. Within eleven clays the bids xvill be opened and the lucky con tractor ordered to get busy at once. After an exhibition of a "disc" me ter by a representative of an eastern factory , it developed that the city has been paying $12 for a meter xvhlch Is not as good as a meter costing but $8. It also developed that the ordinances prohibit the purchase of the cheaper and better meter. The disc meter Is being installed in many other cities and has proved its superiority to the $12 meter used in Norfolk. The city council ordered that the city attorney change the city ordinances to alloxv the use of the disc meter. No reason xvas given why the ordinance prohib ited , heretofore , the use of the cheaper meter. FRIDAY FACT a. Oscar Alderman of Bassett xvas a visitor in the city. George Stetter of Valentine xvas here transacting business. William Leggett of Grand Forks , N. D. , Is visiting in the city. P. H. Davis returned from a busi ness trip at St. Paul , Minn. Mrs. Caroline Moir and a party of Creighton ladles xvere in the city visit ing xvlth friends. Rex- , and Mrs. Hubert Robert of Tecumseh are In the city visiting at the home of Mrs. Bertha Pllger. Mrs. H. Schmode , who has been here visiting with her brothers , Dr. R. A. Mlttelstadt and L. C. Mittolstadt , for the past txvo months , has returned to her homo at Scotts Bluffs , Neb. Mrs. Louise Barney , accompanied by her niece Katherlno Sheelcr , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheeler , has gone to the xvestern coast to spend several months xvlth relatives. They xvill visit at Portland , Seattle , and cli- fornla points returning to Norfolk about Christinas. John H. Hays returned from Omaha. II. F. Barnhart returned from Greg ory. ory.Born Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Krcit- man , a son. C. L. Anderson Is at Spencer trans acting business. Fremont is planning an aeroplane meet as a feature of its big fall festl- x'al this year. Mrs. A. G. Heckman has been called to the bedside of her daughter , Mrs. J. F. Faubel at Winner. Miss Matilda Schmodo has gene to Scotts Bluffs , Nob. , where she has been elected as a teacher In the pub lic schools. A regular meeting of the Norfolk Ad club will be held In the offices of the Norfolk Electric Light and Poxvcr company this evening. E. P. Weathorby has returned from Omaha , where ho went for treatment of cataracts In his oyes. Ho xvill go back for an operation this fall. A special meeting of the Commercial club directors xvas held at noon yes terday. Further discussions of the oil road problem xvoro features of the meeting. Mrs. W. P. Logan xvas summoned to Omaha yesterday by the death of a niece , the 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers , formerly'of Ponca. The Norfolk ball team xvent to Win- side at noon for a return game xvltn the WInsldo team. Atkinson xvlth a strong line-up conies to Norfolk Sun day afternoon. II. M. CoulHon Is making oxlemilvo Improvc'im-nta upon his residence pro perty , 1102 North Eleventh utroot. ( "ril llornor. found guilty of uumiull- Ing Frank Pen-hull , XVIIM taken to Madi son. 11 IK partner Gallagher , found guilty of the same charge , was able to Mini friends xxho paid liln lino. Nathan Uockard of llutiivla , 111. , fail ed to break the ground record on the golf links of the Norfolk Country club. Mr. Hockard played aumnil tliri-o timoH , going - IfiII and -li. ( llo loft the city this morning William J. Sheehan , xvho succeeded Frank A. llroxvn as traveling salesman for the Cudahy Packing company of South Omaha , xvlll make Norfolk hla homo. Mrs , Sheehan arrived In the city a foxv days ago and the noxv fam ily arc making their homo at the How- Ins residence , on South Eighth street. Two tramps xvoro being sought for yesterday afternoon by Chief of Po- llt-o Marquardt xvho declared the men \\ero making a nuisance of thomuolvea fi stopping citizens on the street and j * > bogging for money xvlth xvhlch to buy r xvhiskoy. City Engineer II. II. Tracy has fcl fc xvlthdraxvn his name as a candidate l for the ofllco of county surveyor. Mr. Tracy xvaa nominated on the demo cratic ticket , but declares ho Is unable to sorxo both au county surveyor anq city engineer. Ho prefers the latter position and sent a letter to County Clerk S. R. MeFarlantl asking that his name bo stricken from the ballot. County Commissioner Hurr Tuft has a force of men hard at xvork claying the road for the extension of the oilIng - Ing of the Madison road. Mr. Taft re ports that the \\orkmen are ondoaxor- ing to Inconvenience the travel on that road as little as possible , but some dllllculty Is already found In doing thin. The xvork of c-lajlng \\ill be rushed and the tralllc xvlll not suffer W. R. Gough , for the past two years employed as a tailor In the shop of P. J. Fuesler , lias resigned his posi tion to take over bis father's tailoring business at Perry , la. Mr. ( lough's father is 70 years old and finds It necessary to retire. Mr. ( Sough Is an ovboldlor and xvhllo an enlisted man xvas detailed au chief tailor of a regi ment of infantry. Ho has made many frit-mis in Norfolk and not long ago \\as united in marriage to Miss Lizzie Mansko. llo likes Norfolk and regrets leaxing this city. E. R. Hays Is busy loading a car with his household goods preparatory to moving to Sheridan , Wyo. , xvhoro lie has bought out a largo cigar and noxvs business. Mr. Hayes some months ago disposed of his Norfolk property and through the inducement of a brother-ln-laxv at Sheridan , a successful contractor and builder , ho purchased the store at Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes xvill leave Norfolk sometime next week. They have ar ranged to arrive at Sheridan before the end of August. Mr. Hayes takes possession of the Sheridan store on September 1. Ed Hans , proprietor of the Pleasure Club boat landing , is being annoyed by tramps xvho are making their head quarters on "Tramp island. " Several of them have been proxvllng around the Hans property and Mr. Hans cap tured one in the act of "pooping" through the tent In which Mrs. Hans xvas xvorklng. At the suggestion of a good sized revolver the tramp made fast time from the place , leaving be hind him Ills hat. Guy Nistel , xvho is assisting Hans , reports that the tramps are becoming too bold on the Island and that their presence there is begin ning to be a menace to the housexvivcs \ of that neighborhood. Six members of the Norfolk militia company returned this morning from Stanton xvhcro they spent three days xvlth the Stanton militia company at target practice. Private Fred Inglls qualified as a sharpshooter and the remainder of the Norfolk soldiers qualified as marksmen. Maj. Penn Is in charge of the target range. Lieut. Hans Anderson had charge of the Norfolk detachment. Lieut. Lorln Brueggemann takes the entire com pany to Stanton Sunday for target practice. Among the soldiers xvho re turned from Stanton today arc Lieut. Anderson , Privates Inglls , Odiornc , Hight , Truelock , Davidson. Judge Elsclcy hold a night session in the police court last night and ha 1 as an audience the majority of the city fathers xvho xvere holding a ses sion in the council chambers. Patrol man O'Brien arrested Mrs. Carl Whit- tenberg , 711 South Fourth street , on charges of being a vagrant and a nui sance. A man xvas found in company of Mrs. Whittenberg but because ho xvas the sole support of bis aged mother , ho xvas turned loose. Mrs. Whittenberg xvas given a fine of $10 and given until next Monday to pay. "I haven't a cent but I xvill try to get It by next Monday , " she said. "My husband Is working on a farm. He has been away since last Monday. " Hang Judge In Eflgy. Seattle , Aug. 20. United States District Judge Cornelius II. Hanford xvas hanged in eflgy hero last night while a mass meeting was being held to protest against his action In grantIng - Ing a temporary Injunction sought by the Seattle , Henton & Southern rail- xvay. The injunction restrains patrons of the company in the Rainier Valley from Interfering xvlth the enforcement of a nexv faro schedule. No arrests xvero made. BURNED TO DEATH. Charred Body of Solen Jensen Found In Ruins. Sioux City , la. , Aug. 25. Solen Jensen - son xvas burned to denth nnd six frame houses on the Fourth street via duct wore destroyed in n flro nt 3:15 : o'clock yesterday. The loss on the buildings , according to their owner , Charles Wise , will total $0,000. They wore Insured for ? 1,500. The occu pants estimate tbelr losses at more than ? 1,000. They carried no Insur ance.