The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 25, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Suiiutor Alien of Madison wns hoic.
II. L. Overoekor roturnotl from Sioux
GCOFKO Davis wont to Spencer on
buslncsH ,
II. O. Uolirko of HoskltiR wns hereon
on IniHliiesH.
II. Mnpos returned from a buslnosfi
trip to NollKh.
Frank I'otcrHon of Plorco was In the
city transacting business.
Arthur Alilnmn Is hero from Soutli
'Dakota visiting with relatives.
Hey Hopper and a party of nutomo
blllsts from Stnnton were In the city
Cleo Lodoror nnd ClmrlcsDurlnnO
returned from a day's visit In Pierce
W. L. Lehman Is enjoying a week's
vacation , which ho Is spending will
-olntlvca at Stnnton.
C. P. Thompson has returned to Nor
folk after n few weeks' visit with rol
iitlvcfl In Pennsylvania.
J. II. WllllaniB and William Krueger
two prominent farmers from Foster
were in the city transacting business
M. I ) . Singer , who has boon hen
visiting with old friends , has gene tc
Sidney , Neb. , to visit , after which h <
will return to Chicago.
Kx-Englnoor U. D. nines , roturnln ?
from Iowa , was in the city for a day'i
visit. Mr. Illnes was cnrouto to Cole
rude to spend a few days with friends
L. K. Pugeo has resigned his posl
tlon as salesman for the Dennett Plain
company. Mr. Pugeo went to Omahi
but will return to go into some otho :
Horn , to Mr. and Drs. Guy Aldorson
u son.
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Richer
a daughter.
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Relnhold
Mass , a son.
Miss Mlnnlo Pierre of Wlsner hai
accepted a position In the Cooler Bros
Now equipment , Including hose noz
zlea , rubber coats , ropes , etc. , wns re
celved by the lire department today.
Rev. Otto Bergfelder returned liomi
Monday afternoon from Lincoln , when
ho preached both morning and oven
ing.B. . C. Smith , 1102 Madison street
is recovering from ptomaine polsonlni
which ho suffered as the result of eat
ing canned meat.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Best are reportei
slightly 111. Mr. Best suffered fror
heat prostration some time ago and 1
is from the effects of this that he 1
The funeral of Mrs. Wegener will b
held Wednesday afternoon nt 2 o'cloc
at the homo of W. H. Wldaman an
then In the St. Johannes Luthera
church. Uov. Otto Bergfelder Is t
have charge of the services.
Five-year-old Mlnnlo Rader , daugl
ter of Mrs. Lizzie Rader , undorwen
an operation yesterday. Both of he
tonsils were greatly enlarged , causln
her much pain. They were romovec
A regular meeting of the boy scout
will bo hold In Pnscwalk grove undc
direction of Scout Master A. O. Haze
at 5 : SO evening. A "hike" c
bear hunt will be enjoyed after th
City dads , five In number , walte
patiently Monday night until after Pi
trolman O'Brien had sounded the cu
few bell. No quorum could be reache
and adjournment was taken until ne >
Thursday evening.
Wire Chief Ray Hartford of the N
braska Telephone company is at Ni
llgh where Monday evening ho made
change in the company's office at tin
place. The old switchboard has bee
replaced by a new one.
Cadet William Schmidt , who was i
Vcrdlgro spending his vacation wit
Ills relatives , left yesterday for tli
West Point military academy. It wr
in Cadet Schmidt's honor that Mrs. 1
B. Inglls entertained last week.
On recommendation of Patrolmn
O'Brien , a stranger on the south sit
was relieved of an automatic revolve
which he has been displaying wlthoi
much regard to anyone. The strangi
was allowed to go but the police co
llscated the weapon.
S. A. Erskino and Lowell Erskir
have gene to Chicago to attend tl
"karnea" of the Delta Tan Delta cc
logo fraternity. The "karnea" is a I
ennlal national convention. A tral
load of "Delts" from Nebraska we :
scheduled to leave Omaha Tuesdr
Winslde nnd Norfolk will play been
on the driving park diamond Wcdne
day afternoon. The game will bo
fast one. The Norfolk team went
Creighton Tuesday with a fine llne-i
and a good following of rooters.
large crowd of rooters are expected
come hero with Wlnside for tome
row's game.
Jay Hlght , 15-year-old son of M
and Mrs. T. G. Hlght , Iss ufferlng fro
two fractures of his left arm as tl
result of falling from a horse whl <
ho and Harry Ray , a playmate , we
riding. The youngsters were endea
oring to catch another pony and youi
Hlght was riding in the rear of tl
saddle when the pony began to pltc
Ho jumped off but fell heavily wl
his left arm under him. Young Ri
was not hurt.
After driving from "tramp island , "
small piece of land on the Northfo
river , north of the city , about twen
tramps , Patrolman O'Brien search' '
tto vicinity for a bicycle which h
Leon stolen from Fire Chief Gree
The property was found by the office
hidden under the M. & O. bridge. Tl
island is fast becoming known
tramps , who make their headquarte
there. Two of these knights of tl
road were given a bed in the city Ji
last night , but this morning they wo
ordered out of the city.
E. R. Taylor is recovering fro
burns received by n little experlen
with gasoline. Mr. Taylor was clea
ing out a bathtub nt his home nt 8
Cleevland street. Ho followed tl
gasoline washing with a scrubbing
water and to prove to his wife th
there was no danger from fire ho a
piled a lighted match to the bathtu
The gasoline which remained In son
parts of the tub caught fire , burnli
Mr. Taylor's arm. The burns wore
not serious but Mr. Taylor declares
that gasoline Is dangerous.
Among the day's out-of-town visitors
In Norfolk were : W. C. Oliver , Greg ,
ory ; Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. McFaydon , St
Kdwnrds ; A. L. Howser , Wltten ; D. L.
Best , Battle Creek ; C. T. Richardson ,
Battle Crook ; Ada O. McKown , Venus ;
A. L. Xnvltz , Mitchell ; J. P. Winter ,
Creighton ; Maude Andrews , Hum
phrey ; H. J. Bnckes , Humphrey ; A. C ,
IJruco , Laurel ; E. W. Ogarn , Lnurol ;
H. D. Mathews , Madison ; George
Schwoscr , David City ; T. C. Kirk
Plain view ; F. N. Morgan , Bassctt ,
There's a rumor afloat that the Nor
folk Electric Light and Power com
puny are contemplating Installation o !
a water power plant at the Elkhorr
river , to be transmitted to the cltj
over wires nnd reduce cost of produc
tion. An automobile party Includlnf
E. A. Bullock , C. J. Bullock , City En
glneor II. II. Tracy nnd another man
besides the driver Ira Dunbar , recently
made two trips to the river for som <
purpose and It has caused the niinoi
to bo started. Neither the electtoi
light people nor the city engineer noi
the driver arc willing to discuss th <
Installation of Meter System Starti
Something in Idaho.
Pocatello , Ida. , Aug. 22. Becausi
Supt. William S. Winter discharged i
revolver at Sheriff James Francis , win
was attempting to servo an injunctloi
preventing the company from Interfering
ing with the water supply , 200 arrnei
citizens attacked the reservoir of tin
local water works plant and nrreste <
Lho superintendent and six employes
The water works Is in the hands o
city ofllclals and for the first tlmi
since Friday last the city has water
The entire trouble started when tin
company began to install a motor sys
torn in the city to replace the old rat
The citizens refused to permit tin
meters to bo Installed. To retaliate
the company is alleged to have arbl
trnrily shut down the water supplj
Last Friday the city got out an In
junction against Interference with th
water supply , setting up that Supl
Winter was mentally Irresponsible
When Sheriff Francis tried to serv
the injunction yesterday ho was flrei
To Build Power Canal.
Omaha , Aug. 22. Construction t
an immense water power plant tha
will servo Omaha , Nebraska City , Llr
coin , Fremont and many other cltle
of this section at a rate as low as $3
per year per horsepower , was declare
a certainty by Dr. Frederick H. MI
lener of the Union Pacific railroad.
The Platte "River Hydro-Electrl
Power company has been formed an
partially financed. The water right
of the Elkhorn and Platte rivers wer
filed on in 1909 and approved on Se ]
tember. 2 , 1910. The plant will coi
sist of a canal sixteen miles long wit
a power house with a 75-foot hea
near the South Bend fisheries.
A Horse Drags Child to Death.
Valentine , Neb. , Aug. 22. Special t
( The News : Lillian Chrlstensen , th
' 10-year-old daughter of Laurence an
[ Anna Chrlstensen , living south of heri
jwas ' dragged to death by a horse yei
terday afternoon.
| It seems that the three little chl
dren were left at the house alon
while'the father was In the hayfiel
and the mother came to town. The
one of the girls came to town an
told her mother that her sister wo
' | dead. Coroner Lewis and seven
; , others went out at once In an aut
, ' \ and found her lying in the yard. The
could see where she had been throw
from the horse and could trail h (
for about three miles. She was rli
ing bareback and her feet must hav
got caught In the halter.
Cut Working Day.
San Francisco , Aug. 22. An ord <
establishing nn eight-hour working da
in all shops of the Southern Pacif
, became effective. The superlntendei
of the motive power department sal
it was a method of curtailing expense
in slack times. The order had no co :
nection with the demands of the she
workers' unions , ho declared.
. Two Nebraskans Drown.
Curtis , Neb. , Aug. 22. Two me
Clarence Morrison , aged 23 , and Jol
J Brown , 70 , were drowned yesterday 1
} a small creek ordinarily dry , betwec
1. Curtis and Stockville. They were tri
L i Ing to ford the creek , and were swe ;
away by the current. Both bodli
were recovered. The torrent of ra
which fell yesterday turned smt
creeks and draws Into swiftly movlr
Says Wife Leadc an Immoral Life.
Madison , Nob. , Aug. 22. Special
The News : Frank A. Harnm of Nc
folk has commenced divorce procee
ings against his wife , Clara E. Hami
charging in his petition that his wi
deserted him December 17 , 1909 , ai
since that time has been living i
unclean life in Kansas City.
Mr. Hamm asks to be divorced ai
the custody of his daughter.
1s Bank Robbers to Pen.
s Aurora , Neb. , Aug. 22. Harry Fe
bes , Charles Taylor and John Evan
convicted of blowing a safe at Giltne
Neb. , and securing $1,300 which hi
never been recovered , will be taken
the penitentiary today to serve two
ty-elght years each. The motion
the defendants for a now trial w :
overruled today by Judge Corcoran.
Rumors of Graft Assume a Tanglb
Form With Filing of Charges.
Sioux City , la. , Aug. 22. Night Car
J. C. Newell of the police dopartmer
was stripped of his star and suspen
ed indefinitely by Chief J. B. Richar
The charges are misconduct in offii
and failure to perform his duties. Th
is the first definite and tangible actle
akcn by nnyono against the nlghi
iptaln , concerning whom vague am
uslvc rumors have been circulating
or the last two months In regard tc
cccptlng bribes in the shape of mon
y nnd diamonds for affording pollc <
rotoctlon to certain women of the un
The fact that raids were made 01
omo of these brothels and othen
ere not molested led to the rumo :
lint the night captain was "gettlu ;
ils. " While no charges have beei
itulo except those filed by the chlel
10 rumors have assumed such prc
ortlons that Chief Richard concludci
hey wore a reflection on not enl ;
'apt. ' Newell , but the entire pollc
epartmont , and that ho owed it to ai
oncorncd to seek a complete am
horough investigation.
Capt. Newell will appeal to the clvl
orvlco commission. Ho declares th
barges are nil a frame-up.
Aeronaut Falls COO Feet.
Marlon , Ind. , Aug. 22 , Frank
ord , 35 years old , an aeronaut whos
omo was at Anderson , Ind. , fell fror
its balloon GOO feet and met Install
Ills fall was witnessed by thousand
vho were at the park from which h
uado the flight. Ills wlfo fell In
Crawford was attempting to make
double parachute leap when ho lost hi
lold and tumbled.
Fairfax Beats Spencer.
Spencer , Neb. , Aug. 22. Special t
The News : Fairfax defeated Spencc
Sunday on the latter's grounds by
score of M to G. Swlnder , who wa
) ltchlng for Spencer , was knocked 01
of the box in the fifth inning. Ho wn
'eplaced ' by Jungman , who pitched
good game. Fairfax played a goo
clean game.
Score by innings : R. II. I
airfax 003090101 14 10
Spencer 000003300 G 5
Batteries : Fairfax , Frahm and Ur
del ; Spencer , Swindler , Jungman an
A.dklns. Struck out : By Frahm , 8
by Swindler , G ; by Jungman , 3. Un
lire , Sturdevant.
Want to Play Norfolk.
Valentine , Neb. , Aug. 22. Special t
The News : The Valentino baseba
earn is now playing In the vicinity (
Norfolk and , as they gave the Norfol
> oys a couple of games up here an
never have played any return the
would like to arrange for a game wit
hem on Saturday , August 2Gth , If
could bo done.
Burke Wins Two More.
Burke , S. D. , Aug. 22. Special I
The News : The Burke ball team a
ded two more to their long string <
victories on Saturday and Sunday , d
'eating Monowi easily. Both game
were featureless except for Burke
icavy hitting. The score on Satu
lay was 17 to 4 and on Sunday 1C I
3. During the Sunday game Evelslze
"Uonowi's center fielder , got his shou
der dislocated. He reached up for
: iard drive and got the ball fairly i
: iis mitt , but it was going with sue
speed that It turned his arm back , dl
locating the shoulder.
Monowi has a fast ball team , an
put up a very spectacular game in tl
leld , but could not produce a pitchc
who could hol'l ' the Burke sluggei
clown. They have a perfect licem
to win from any team In this terrltoi
except Burke.
Courthouse Visitors.
Madison , Neb. , Aug. 22. Attorne
M. D. Tyler and David Rees of No
folk , C. A. Smith of Tilden , an
County Judge Morgan of Bassett tra
sacted business at the courthouse ye
Tornado Near Beatrice.
Beatrice , Neb. , Aug. 22. The tc
nado which swept over this sectlc
was more severe than first reports I
dicated. Many barns were unroofe
small buildings overturned and trei
uprooted. More than 100 windmills
the country were blown down.
Victim of Shooting Alleges Wife
Not Faithful.
Fremont , Neb. , Aug. 22. As a E
quel to the shooting affray Saturd :
evening Herman Wasmer commenci
action in district court for a dlvor
from Grace Wasmer. He charges th
she has been unfaithful to him. Fn
Matthiessen is named as co-defendar
Governor as a Witness.
St. Paul , Minn. , Aug. 22. Govern
Eberhart of Minnesota today was su
poenaed to appear before the sta
board of control today to testify
the hearing of the charges of cruel
preferred against Supt. Whlttler of tl
Red Wing training school. This
said to be the second time In the h
tory of Minnesota that a governor h
been served with a subpoena.
Yeggman Cought In Nebraska.
Lincoln , Aug. 22. Extradition pc
ers have ben forwarded to Alma , Ne
for the return of Frank Rogers , all
Fisher , to Ford , Kan. , where he
wanted for a bank robbery commltt
in February , 1910. Rogers is said
have secured $3,650. He had be
trailed over the entire United Stati
but eluded the officers until his cc
ture near Alma. An armed guard
being kept over him day and night
So Sheriff of Davenport , la. , has Gc
ernor on His Trail.
Des Molnes , Aug. 22. Gov. B.
Carroll announced that a full ai
complete investigation into the alle
ed prize fight , held on the Mlsslsslp
river Sunday , Just outside of Dave
port , will bo made.
Gov. Carroll stated that ho learn
of a proposed bout Saturday moral )
and immediately communicated wl
the sheriff's office in Davenport who
ho was assured that the fight would 1
"Now I am Infqrmed that the fig
as held and that the Scott county
icrlff and his deputies made no effort
stop it/ ' said Gov. Carroll.
Louis Eckhardt , sheriff of Scott
ounty , probably will bo called upon
y the attorney general to explain why
o did not enforce the law nnd Btoi
10 fight.
Tire Blows Out , Two Men Killed.
Stanton , Neb. , Aug. 22. Special tc
ho News : George Munger , a brothei
f Federal Judge \V. H. Munger ol
Omaha , and Leu Hoppel , two promt
out Pllger , business men , were in
tantly killed in an automobile nccl
; ent three miles east of this city a
bout 7:30 : o'clock last night.
The car turned turtle , presumablj
vlieii a front tire blew out , and botl
nen sustained broken necks. The ;
apparently never moved after the ac
It was in a Maxwell "racer , " a ca
milt for sportsmen , that the fatal ac
Ident occurred. Mr. Munger , win
nvued the car , was driving. The :
vcro running nt about thirty miles ni
lour a few minutes before the accl
Engine Still Running.
The car turned completely eve
and when found was standing on th
vhcels , with the cnglno still running
One front tire was fiat. The roai
vas level.
When found , Mr. Hoppel was plnnci
mder the car and Mr. Munger was Ij
ng about six feet away.
The men had been to a point nbou
.hreo miles south of Stantou and wcr
cturnlng home to Pllger. Near th
joctzh farm they turned east to g <
.o Pilger and it was here that the ca
turned over.
Both Men Prominent.
Mr. Mungor leaves n widow am
several children. Mr. Hoppel is sui
vived by a widow.
Mr. Mungor was about GO years o
ago and was in the grain business a
.Mlger. He was a thirty-second degre
Mr. Hoppel was a member of th
firm of Krueger & Hoppel , merchant
at Pilger. Ho was about 40 years eli
ilso a Mason.
Pilger , Aug. 22. G. W. Munger , wh
was killed in an automobile acclden
icar Stanton , was a brother of Judg
W. H. Munger of Omaha. He was th
owner of the Pllger elevator. Mi
Hoppel was a partner of E. W. Kruej
er in a mercantile family here. Mi
hunger was GO years of age and leave
family of grown children.
SIster-ln-Law of Dead Man Recoverln
In East From Auto Injuries.
Mrs. W. H. Munger , sister-in-law c
the dead man , is now In the east , re
covering from Injuries sustained in a ;
automobile accident. The chauffeu
attempted to turn on too narrow
road , with a deep bank down elthe
side. He lost control and the ca
turned over. Mrs. Munger was pinne
.mder It and for some time gasolln
poured over her shoulder , which 1
now giving trouble.
At that same spot another chauffeu
came along and derided the acclden
as due to carelessness. He attempt
ed to make the turn , lost control an
was fatally injured.
Mrs. Ernest Jackson of Dallas is
niece of the Munger who was kille
near Stanton.
L. Sessions , a Norfolk undertake !
was summoned to Pllger Tuesday t
take charge of the remains.
Fort Dodfle Man Killed Companlo
Escapes Injury.
Fort Dodge , la. , Aug. 22. Pete
Vlastovka , aged 22 , unmarried , wa
killed Instantly late Sunday nlgl
when an auto he was driving turne
turtle on a dark country road. Wl
Porter of Kale , Wis. , was throw
twenty feet , but escaped injury.
Ask Receiver for Phone Co.
Madison , Neb. , Aug. 22. Special t
The News : George R. Muff ley , pres
dent , John Bohlson vice president , an
Peter Mlchaelson treasurer , and men
hers of the board of directors of tb
Meadow Grove Telephone compau ;
have commenced suit in the distrit
court of Madison county , against Wa
ren L. Stanton , secretary and mam
ger of the company , requesting tlu
an accounting be had of all money r <
celved and disbursed by him and tlu
all money in his possession be pal
over to the treasurer of the company
and that In the meantime a receive
of the property of such corporatio
be appointed by the court. The pet
tlon represents that Secretary Stai
ton is now delinquent to the compau
to the amount of ? 1OG9.62 for whic
he has made no accounting althoug
same has been frequently dernandc
by the board of directors ; that ho lu
unlawfully tampered with the by-lav
and other papers , books and record
and has on his own motion prctende
to call special meetings for revisit ]
the by-laws , and when such spec ! ;
meetings were not attended by an
person but himself and wife , the
pretended to make and adopt new b
laws , one of which was that Seer
tary Stanton should bo the full an
unretralned secretary and gener ;
manager of such telephone compan
with full authority to make any 1 :
debtodness , collect and disburse an
funds at his own option and withoi
authority from the board , or withoi
the knowledge and consent of tl
board. According to the petitic
Secretary Stanton and his wife ow
62 percent of the stock of the cor
Mrs. Ritchie Says He Took Newbor
Fremont , Neb. , Aug. 22. "Yes. I b
llevo Louis Rogers disposed of m
baby. "
With these words Mrs. Carollc
Ritchie expressed to County Attbruc
Cook and Sheriff Bauman Sunday fc
the first tlmo since her arrest a doubt
as to Rogers' innocence. For more
than nn hour Sunday forenoon in the
presence of a nurse at the General
hospital Mrs. Ritchie talked with the
two county officials , telling them in de
tail the story , parts of which she had
given out before.
On her story and that of the chil
dren Country Attorney Cook will base
his case against Rogers for the mur
der of the baby found lu a box car nt
John W. Gates' Body Arrives.
Now York , Aug. 22. The body ol
the late John W. Gates , who died in
Paris recently , arrived today on the
steamship Kaiser Wllhelm Der Grosse
Mrs. Gates and her son Charles G
Gates accompanied the body. The
funeral of Mr. Gates will bo hold to
morrow morning at the hotel Plaza
Many friends from Chicago and the
west , Including a delegation of cltl
zen's from Port Arthur , Tex. , will nt
tend the services which will be con
ducted by the Rev. Dr. Wallace Mac
"Middles" are Back Home.
Washington , Aug. 22. The nava
academy practice squadron bringing
tile midshipmen back from their European
poan cruise passed In the Chesapeake
capes this morning. The squadron
which consisted of the battleships
Massachusetts , Indiana and Iowa , wll
arrive at Annapolis tills evening.
Bicycle Accident Fatal.
Ft. Dodge , la. , Aug. 22. Fred Gun
dorson , a young man recently throwi
from his bicycle , died yesterday fron
Injuries to his head. Gunderson'i
trouser leg caught in u pedal and IK
was precipitated over the handle bars
his head striking a telephone post.
U. P. Employes Not Yet Suspended.
Omaha , Aug. 21. The suspension o
2,500 employes of the Union Paclfli
railway company on account of tin
necessity for retrenchment , announce
ment of which was made Saturda ;
last , has not yet taken place , althougl
conferences between heads of the de
partments were being held this morn
ing in preparation for compliance wltl
the order. It was said at Union Pa
cific headquarters here this mornlnf
that the details of the matter had no
been worked out and therefore uoth
ing definite could be made public.
It Is understood that the order ap
piles not only to every department o
the Union Pacific but that all the line :
of the Harriman system will recelvi
similar orders.
Work Week Cut.
Laramle , Wyo. , Aug. 21. The ma
chlnlsts , bollermakers and carmen o
the Union Pacific shops were toda ;
placed on a forty-hour basis per week
working eight hours a day and havlnf
all of Saturday off.
South Side News.
Allen Castle of Battle Creek spen
Sunday at the home of his sister , Mrs
Fred Bauer.
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Pippen took li
the races at Neligh Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Williams Sun
dayed with his brother John west o
Foreman .loslsan has taken his car
penter gang to Brlstow to erect a nev
depot at that place.
S. C. Graham , master mechanic , o
Missouri Valley , was at the shops yes
Mrs. J. H. Brown and daughter Len
returned home from Omaha last even
Miss Emma Dobney returned to he
home in Stuart after a week's visl
with her brother.
Miss Bessie Etter of Niobrara spen
i Sunday at the home of her uncle , M
Moollck , while on her way homo fron
a month's visit in Hot Springs , S. D.
Mrs. J. J. Harrington was lu Mis
souri Valley Sunday.
Misses Patrice Curran and EHei
Brown returned homo from Mlssour
Valley last evening.
Wm. Rosko and daughter Mary re
turned from a month's visit with rel
atives In Milwaukee , WIs.
While James Brennan was lettlni
down a tank he had Jacked up to re
pair at the shops , the jack missed i
notch , letting the lever fly up , strlklni
him a glancing blow on the side o
the face. Had it struck him squarel ;
it would In all probability have pu
him out of business. As it Is he geoff
off with the side of his face skinnei
and a large black eye.
Ross Hammond Gets Big Muscallonge
Writing from Rice Laice , Minn. , t
the Fremont Tribune , Ross L. Han :
mend , editor of that paper and Intel
nal revenue collector in Nebraskr
tells how ho caught a muscallong
weighing sixteen and a half pounds
In part he says :
Next I put a larger spoon and a bl {
ger piece of flannel and a stronge
hook on the line that would hold
Missouri mule. For evidently the cat.
ture of a monster "muskie" was
man's Job. This was paid out at th
stern of the boat a distance of seventj
five feet. The oars beat rhythmlcall
and we moved steadily along In th
placid water , every nerve taut W
kept close to the reeds growing In th
shallower water near the shore. It 1
there the "muskie" feeds and fror
thence ho darts with ferocious 01
slaught to attack the fisherman's flovi
ing lure. Presently I happily found I
was possible hero to get many strike
from "muskles" in a single day , for
was aware I had another challeng
from the depths below. With firr
assurance of the strength of line an
hook I began hauling in. Fifty fee
away my prey arose and cracked th
surface with his tall. They say m
eyes danced , and I suppose this 1
true. "Give him line , give him line ,
came from the two other men who , a
I now recall , were somewhat excited
I did so , for he took it without leave
Then ensued a struggle such as make
"muskio" fishing the sportsman's de
light. The big follow would dar
hither and yon , cutting the water will
the line in fine fashion ; and then h
would plunge for the bottom. Sur
that I had him securely hooked , I wa
liberal in my dealings with him , givlm
as well as taking line. Presently h
was tiring and was brought near the
uont. As ho showed his great longtl
Warner , who by this tlmo was stand
Ing with gun in hand and ready for tlu
critical moment , pulled the trigger
Ding went his " 22" rlllo. nnd the bit
fish floundered nnd floated prone 01
the water. Then ho was hauled In am
stretched in the bottom of the boat
With great prldo wo nil surveyed him
With a head five Inches across and i
full length of forty Inches for the Hal
the "nuuklo" looked the part , llo wni
certainly a beauty ; graceful In proper
tlons and magnificent ; with obloti )
splashes of cream on a grayish blue IK
looked like a piscatorial fashion plad
In his sartorial tout ensemble.
Mrs. Amelia Wegener.
Mrs. Amelia Wegenor , a Norfol ]
pioneer , died very suddenly Monda ;
morning nt 10 o'clock at the home o
her daughter , Mrs. W. H. Wldnman
on North First street. Old ago am
heart failure wc-re the cause of dontli
Mrs. Wogener was born In Germany li
1835 and came to Norfolk from Water
town , WIs. , In 1870. Funeral arrange
rnerrts have not yet been made. Gut
tave Wegenor , a farmer of this vlcln
ity , and Edward Wc'gener , now in Car :
ada , are sons.
Well , Fellows , It's New Ground Rccor
Well , follows , here's a real , hnug-ui
sure enough , genuine' new ground roe
ord for the Norfolk Country club gel
links , all right , all right , all right. Di
Sailer's gone and done' It in13. .
Did it in a wind and played the ta !
end of the game- after H wan almos
too dark to keep track of the ball , toi
Three players were with him G. 1
Buttorllold , N. A. Huso and C. 11
Reynolds. Here's the score :
Stiller 5 ! 8 G1 5 7 5 4 4
Bogey 4 4 4 5 3 G G G 4 4
Two less strokes would have wo
the Brndcn cup , which goes to th
first local man for keeps who make
the course In Bogey ,
Would Put Mining Properties Undc
Government Control.
Washington , Aug. 21. Senator Rol
ert M. LaFollctte In a speech cam
out openly in favor of governrnen
ownership of the railroads of Alask
and of governmental control of th
natural resources of that riclr terr
tory. In the course of his remark
ie offered a bill which he introduce
four years ago providing for the leai
ing of all mineral rights In the Unite
States , although the measure was Ir
tended to be applicable more esp <
daily to Alaska.
"The sensible and practical thin
to do , " he said , "Is to create a boar
of public works for Alaska to be ai
pointed by the president and cor
firmed by the senate , similar to th
Isthmian canal commission. Thl
board of public works should the :
undertake not merely to build a rat
road from Controller Bay to the co.n
fields , but It should now acquire al
of the railroads In Alaska , and settl
at once the policy of government ! !
"It should similarly provide for th
development of other public utilities
such as the telegraph and the tele
phone. It should operate and develo
the wharves and docks and stearnshl
lines If necessary to deliver the prc
ducts of Alaska to the coast ,
"The Morgan-Guggenhelms , accus
tomed to the highest profits on thel
investments , and demanding to a grea
extent immediate returns , must male
exorbitant and oppressive charges
The people of the United States d
not demand an immediate retun
They can themselves supply all necei
sary money at an interest charge c
less than three per cent. Rates fo
transportation and for other publl
utilities may properly be low , wit
the capital cost as small as the inves
ment would be to the people.
"Most important of all is control e
the transportation facilities by tli
government. It would forever remov
the irresistible temptation of dlscrin
inatlon , rebates and corruption whic
have characterized the worst perlo
of our railroad operation. "
Mr. LaFollette declared that th
people were waging a losing figl
against the corporations in Alaski
Between the great storehouse of na
ural resources and those who are tr ;
ing to develop it , he said , was to b
found "the enormous power of th
greatest concentration of capital tlu
the world has ever known. "
Mr. LaFoilette found a parallel i
the present situation in Alaska in th
struggle In the anthracite coal field
of Pennsylvania a quarter of a centur
ago. He traced the legislation passe
by the state of Pennsylvania and di
clared that In every instance it ha
failed to break the grip of rnonopol ;
"When we have before us the hi
tory of this anthracite struggle , " h
demanded , "now consummated in th
complete control of J. P. Morga
against the whole American peopl
can we expect any different result ,
we permit the Morgan-Guggenhelms t
get control of Alaska ? This powe
will lie in their control of the dock
wharves , mountain passes and the Hn
ited outlet to the markets. "
Twenty Business Men Sign Petition <
Have Big Week.
Fremont Tribune : A fall festlva
including a corn show , tournament an
parades , will be held In Fremont ne :
fall if a move backed by twenty me
chants and other business men Is s
cessful. A petition was circulated yei
terday asking M. G. Perkins to tok
charge of the preliminary arrangi
Prominent Norfolk Girl Is Married I
St. Louis to Southerner.
Mrs. Anna Madsen of this city ai
nouncos the marriage of her daugl
tor , Opal Gertrude , to Rudolph Hyp <
lite Dossat , Jr. , at St Louis last Thun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Dossat will be o
home In New Orleans after'Septembe
1. Mr. Dossat is assistant manager c
the South Side Sugar plantation nea
Now Orleans , which Is u very flno po
The brldi' is the youngest child of
ono of Norfolk's plonoor families and
has lived in this city nil her life. She
has been a favorllo in social circles
and prominent In Episcopal church
work. The announcement of the wed
ding last week wan a surprise to many
of the bride's Norfolk frlonds , ns they
had expected the ceremony to take
place next month , but the fact that the
groom was given a vacation at this
time served to hasten the plans.
Benjamin Pliant Is nt Omaha visit *
ing with rolatlvos.
Charles Carstcnson wont to Toledo ,
O. , to visit with his brother , John Car-
Mrs. S. A. Hawkins of Ilnrlowtown ,
Mont , la hero vistlng her son A. W.
C. A. Mnyllold of Stanlon was in the
city visiting with his brother , O. M.
Richard Baker returned from Fre T
mont , where ho spent a few days with
Mrs. F. A. Seller of Verdel Is hero
visiting with her parents , Mr. and Mrs.
H. F. Barnhart.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Pearson of Oma
ha are hero visiting with the Fred
Braasch family.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Barnhart return-
I'd from n few days' visit with their
bon , Walter Barnhartat Gregory.
Joseph Kane of Winner , who was
; iioro visiting wllh the Dr. O. S. O'Noll
family , has gene to Danbury , la. , for a
few weeks' visit with relatives ,
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lensor ,
n son.
C. E. Cole Is enjoying a ton days'
D. F. O'Urlc'ii has accepted a posi
tion with the Nebraska National bank
as bookkeeper.
A Northwestern section man named
Mick sustained a crushed foot when a
heavy piece of Iron foil on It. lie was
lakcn to the Olio boarding house , 500
Philip avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Light have gene
to Arnolds Park , la. , and after a few
days' visit with relatives they will go
to Mlnnseota to visit. Mr. Light is off
duty from the postofllco nn a fifteen
days' vacation leave.
The Nebraska Lutheran syrfod will
hold a conference which will take up
three days' time in Stanton tills week.
Next Sunday a mlsslonfost will bo held
In that city. A largo number of Nor
folk people are arranging to attend.
Mrs. George II. Spear leaves the
hospital at Rochester , Minn. , today ,
having passed the danger point follow
ing her surgical operation. One day
last week Mrs. Spear's condition was
very serious and it was feared she
could not recover.
To satisfy the claims of a few cred
itors , Constable A. W. Finkhouso has
taken possession of the Spencer up
holstering establishment. The con
stable Is busy moving what furniture
there was in the building to another
part of the city.
David Damn is now able to sit up
and enjoy light meals. Sunday ho was
up for half an hour. The fever is all
gone and he Is now experiencing little
pain. His recovery is expected soon.
A special meeting of Mosaic lodge
will be held Tuesday night for work
In the M. M. degree.
Clyde Wlialen Is back at the Killlari
store after finishing a season In a
Chicago window decorating school.
Phil O. Hill of Hadar has accepted
the position of night clerk at the Pa
cific hotel for the eighth time. Byron
Ballantyne , whom Mr. Hill succeeds ,
has resigned to prepare for the school
Hal McCormlck will no more help
stop a runaway , especially if the own
er of the frightened horses has a bas
ket of eggs in his hands. Henry Maclr-
mueller's rig was run into by a rig
belonging to John Rice. Mr. Mach-
mueller was just getting out of the
vehicle with a basketful of eggs as
Mr. McCoruiick rushed to the spot to
stop an accident. The eggs went into
the air , corning down on top of the
Frank A. Brown has accepted a po
sition as traveling salesman for the
American Hand Sewed Shoo company
of Omaha. Mr. Brown's territory will
cover the entire central part of the
state. P. Sheehan of Omaha succeeds
Mr. Brown as traveling salesman In
this territory for the Cudahy Packing
company. Notwithstanding the fact
that Mr. Brown's territory will keep
him from Norfolk for a week at a
tlmeho _ declares Norfolk will bo his
hendq'uarters. Mr. Brown has pur
chased property here and likes Nor
"Jack , " a fine hunting dog belong
ing to Councilman J. C. Larkin , Is
dead as the result of being run over
by nn automobile. Jack was follow
ing his master to the cemetery , to
which place the councilman was tak
ing a load of stone. An automobile
reached the spot and the chauffeur
was warned by the councilman to be
careful of the dog. No sooner had
the alarm been given than the dog
yelped and was dead. The chauffeur
stopped and made a satisfactory finan
cial settlement. The dog was well
known and liked by many Norfolk
The pet dog belonging to Albert
Klnney and well known throughout
Stanton county for his hunting quali
ties , caused some excitement on
South Eleventh street Saturday even
ing by Just "groaning. " The dog , ac
cording to Its master , Is in the habit
of falling asleep and dreaming. Dur
ing these dreams the animal emits
some heart rending groans , which i
have often terrified the women of
South Eleventh street , even during
the daytime. At midnight Saturday
night a young man returning home
was given a fright by the groaning of
what ho presumed to be a wounded
man lying In the street near the side
walk. The young man woke up sev
eral of the neighbors and to thorn re
lated the cause of his fright On in
vestigation , the dog was found snoring
and dreaming peacefully.