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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1911)
f , TUB NOHFOLK WKKKLY NEWS-JOrUXAL , FRIDAY , AUGUST 25 , 1911. Davis , Athletics1 Veteran First Sacker "Silent Harry" Is Slated to Handle the Cleveland Naps Next Season Photo by American Press Association. McBride , Washington's Shortstop Manager McAleer Says His Brilliant Infielder Compares Favorably With the Best In the Game Pftoto by American Proas Association. Caldwell , Yanks' Young Pitcher Many Critics Predict That With More Experience He Will Develop Into a Star Photo by American Prosa Association. Bescher , Reds' Speedy Outfielder Manager Clark Griffith of Cincinnati Says "Big Bob" Is the Swiftest Base Runner In Game Ytato by American Prea PASSES STATEHOOD BILL. In Form Acceptable to President , It Goes Through Senate. Washington , Aug. 9. Statehood for New Mexico and Arizona on a baste acceptable to President Taft was ap proved by the senate through the pas sage of the Flood-Smith resolution pre sented by Senator William Alder Smith , chairman of the committee on errltorles. The resolution passed f.3 to 8 after debate In which the house was % barged with ovadlng a vote on the resident's statehood veto , and In vhlch the jtrosldont waa charged with rylng to coerce the people of Arizona n the proposed recall of judges. The senate measure will bo conoid * red In the house today and that body vlll bo able to pass it if it chooses o do BO , without having to vote llrst n a rc-paasago of the vetoed resolu- Ion. It might go to the president to- lay or Monday. The now resolution , favored by the ircsldont , requires that Arizona shall llminato from Its now constitution the ecall of Judges provisions before it hall bo admitted to the union. Now Mexico Is instruccd to vote \gain on n change In its constitution leslgned to make that act moro easily uneudablo in the future , but it Is not undo a condition of Now Mexico's statehood the people approve that hango suggested by congress. MAY STOP AIR MEET. Wrights Demand All Gate Receipts and Destruction of All Planes. Chicago , Aug. 19. Coroner 1'otor Hoffman has threatened to close the ; reat aviation tournament bore , by egal means , If necessary , unless the ivlators cease Hying over the heads of the thousands of spectators. Contestants have Ignored the rules , which piohlblt them fiom Hying over .be crowds. Suits have been liled against the of- Iclals of the international Aviation Meet association by tbo Wright broth- ( . is , charging Infringement of their talent lights. A permanent injiinc- .ion to < 3top the tournament , and an accounting of all money taken hi as gate lecclpts , aio demanded. No United States judge is in Chicago cage and no hearing can bo secured until tbo moot lias closed. Orvlllo Wright said his company would not push its efforts to stop the meet , but would ask for all money taken in , as damages for Infringement , and that every aeroplane In Chicago bo turned over to them for destruc tion. tion.Wright Wright aviators will continue In the meet , competing for the llrst time against rival flyers. MADERO QUELLS REVOLT. Greeted First as Traitor , Later He Draws Applause. Mexico City , Aug. 19. Francisco I , Madero has Induced Emallo Zapata to surrender his arms. Ho advised President - ident Do La Barra of the result of his interview with the leader of the rebels In the state of Morelos and the gov eminent , relying on the word of Za > pata , will send an officer to Cuavtala today to muster out Insurrectos. Ma > dero arrived In Cuavtala at midday , The rebels , styling him "traitor , " threatened to assassinate him if he entered their camp. Later they greet ed him with "viva's. " Standing In tbo public square he drew from them general applause by a speech and then began his conference enco with Zapata. Today would have seen the begin' ning of hostilities. LIVERPOOL IS IN TURMOIL. Electric Power Cut Off Newspapers Inflaming the Mobs. Liverpool , Aug. 19. The city was ir semi-darkness a part of last night Only a fraction of the usual clectrica ! power was available and that was used to make possible a continuatlor of the curtailed tramway service. The railway stations had been closed ant train service stopped and largo crowds fought for places on the tram cars Even then thousands were forced tc walk long distances to their homes Ir the suburbs. The tramway service was cut off entirely at 9 o'clock ani the power used to light the streets as a measure of safety. Only three trains lelt Liverpool foi London and two for Manchester Three thousand young men have beer enrolled as special constables. Al the city magistrates met in secret con ferences and the mayor again appeal ed to the newspapers to avoid inflam Ing the people by printing sensationa headlines. Business at the markets and on the exchanges was suspended , notices be ing posted that labor troubles prevent ed their usual work. The LIverpoo Express will be unable to publish to day because of the cutting off of iti electric power. Two loaded prison vans were escort ed through the streets by the Scotcl greys. One of them was filled wltl women , who were singing "Fall In am Follow Me. " GETS $2,000,000. Madeline Force Will Get Cash , Bu Lose Dower Rights. New York , Aug. 19. Madeline Fore * is to receive $2,000,000 in cash whei she marries John J. Astor , but slu must sign away all her dower rights ROY E. LUCAS KILLED. Fremont Boy Meeta Untimely Deatl In Mississippi. Fremont , Nob. , Aug. 19. A telegran from Water Valley , Miss. , announcee the death In an accident of Royal E Lucas , a former Fremont boy. Partlc ulars were not given. Warnke-Wrlght. Madison , Neb. , Aug. 19. Special t < The News : Judge Bates Joined ii bonds of wedlock , Edward Warnko o Boone county and Miss Irene Hermln * Wright of Battle Creek. NORRI8 OUT FOR LA FOLLETTE. F. A. Harrison Announces That Insur gent Will Support Wisconsin Man. Lincoln , Aug. 19. George W. Norrls congressman from the Fifth district and announced candidate for Unltcc States senator next year on the re publican ticket , has declared hlmael for Senator La Follotte of Wiaconalr or president In 1912 , according to F. \ . Harrison of this city. Harrison assetta the declaration of ho McCook man was given as an nu * horlzed statement through n letter o him. In this Norrls said much had > oen accomplished In the fight of the ast two yeiira towards the overthrow of political control by the machine , ho political boss and the trust and 'omblnntloiiH. The next logical stop vould ho the nomination and election of n true progressive as president of ho United States. Further tribute to the Wisconsin senator was paid In declaring that the so-called special interests are made ils victims In this bloodless war and hat his nomination would bo the greatest xlctory to bo achieved by n regressive people. MOTIVE FOR MURDER. Hesse May Have Feared Wife Would Return to First Husband. TocuuiHoh , Neb. , Aug. 19. That L. ' . MeMaster , former husband of Mrs. 13. 10. llesso of Teeumsoh , xvhoso body , with that of bor Ifi-yoar-old daughter , s found In the old well on the Hesse place , hoped BOIUO day for a rceou Illation with bis wife. Is thought by lolniKcm county people to have been ho motive for the etlmo now laid at the door of 1C. M Hesse , one of the nest known Uiiillngtou brldgo men In the west. Old letters saved from the lire which destroyed the llesso home on the eve ning of lulv l > ; t. 11)10 ) , and which. It IH supposed was set by Hesse to hide the evidence of bis guilt , show that Me- Master in \\illlng to ills daughter Wiumctn , thought much of the two and laid the blame for the dhorce , which separated him and bis wife , to himself. That one or more of these lotteis may have fallen Into tbo pos session of Hesse , and caused him to brood oxer the matter until he commit ted the deed , Is considered the only possible solution to the grexvpomu tragedy , noxv more than a year old. Rumors to tbo effect that MeMastor may have been another of the Irate husband's victims are disproved , fol- loxvlng the finding of several letters which Indicate that at the tlmo of the crime ho was to have been , If bo carried out his plans , BOIUO distance from Johnson county. A Tecumsob citizen saxv McMaster several weeks ago In Chicago , accordmg to current report , and an effort Is being made tc locate him noxv in the hope that nd > ditional light may be shed on the tragedy. Efforts to locate Hcsso have so fai proved fruitless. HEAVY RAIN IN HILLS. Will Be 01 Much Benefit to the Late Crops. Deadwood , S. D. , Aug. 19. Heavy shoxvcrs fell throughout the Black Hills and covered a wide area north and west during the night , and arc continuing today , with great benefit to Into potatoes , corn and pastures. MURDER CHARGED. Vaudeville Couple Will Be Arraigned for Preliminary. Fremont , Neb. , Aug. 19. Informa tion charging Louis Rogers and Mrs , Caroline Rietschie , the vaudeville couple plo , with murder In the first degree for the death of the Infant found in n box car at Colon has been filed In jus tlce court before Justice of the Peace Allen Johnson by County Attornej Cook. The shoxv people will bo given theh preliminary hearing either Saturday 01 early next week. Witnesses will be brought here from Omaha , Colon ani Wahoo by the county attorney. AJ yet neither Rogers nor Mrs. Rietschie has engaged counsel. Ewlng Boosters Out. Ewlng , Neb. , Aug. 19. Special tc The Ncxvs : Ten automobiles contain ing thirty-eight boosters , including the Exvlng bind , started out yesterday tc boost for the chautauqua to be hole : here five days commencing August 24 The Itinerary planned took in the towns of Inman , Page , Orchard , Clear water and Nellgh , and notwithstanding the bad roads in places caused by the rain , the boosters made fairly good schedule time , the trip being pronounc ed a decided success. The chautauquc attendance promises to be large. Thinks Airships Will be General. A. L. Klllian , xvho was ono of the spectators at the Chicago aviatloi meet Tuesday afternoon when two 01 the flyers were killed , believes thai the time is comparatively near at bane when aeroplanes will actually be brought into general use by the lay man , Just as automobiles are now. "There were countless thousands o automobiles out for the airship flights and I saw four horses , " Mr. Kllllai said. It occurred to him that in tin not very distant future the auto woulc bo relegited to the rear by the aero plane , Just as the horse has gone be fore the march of the auto. "It looks perfectly simple and easy , ' Mr. Killlan paid. "They get in , turn i wheel and soar Into the air like birds It looks as easy as running an auto mobile. They glide along about the height of a man's head , then rise te tremendous altitude , then dip and sal and glide. It looks remarkably easj and everybody with any nerve at al wants to go up. One Chicago alder man bought a plane for $4,500 for general oral use. I like the monoplanes bettei than the biplanes. " At one time he saw nine airships flying simultaneous iy. iy.Mr. Mr. Killlan has been away for Box- era ! weeks. Ho was at Cedar Rapids la. , where the Killlan company lias Just bought a store ; and later went tc New York and other eastern market centers. TAIL LIGHTS WOULD HELP. Auto Men Think All Vehicles Should Have Them. Considering the ever possible accl dent between motor cars and car i tunes at night and In behalf of the I safety of the people xvho tiavol after dark In vehicles , the motor car own * iirs and dealers of Norfolk favor an oidlunnco requiring all conveyances to carry tall lights after HUIIHOI. Ltko or * dlniinceH have been panned In other largo cities of the country teuently and are reported to bo the means of avoiding many accidents. While the motor car owners have not started n campaign for a similar oidlnanco In Norfolk , Its need In up- paient to all drivers. Norfolk espe cially IH adapted to such an ordlnanco according to the oxvuors. It IB a city with a Inrgo nroa considering Its pop ulation. The motor car men miy that many of the streets are not well lighted. Girl Swimmer Han ( flosc Cnll. Valentino , Neb. , Aug. 18. Special to Tlio News : Miss Hazel NoyeH liiul a narrow escape from drowning In the Mlmiochadimi mill pond. Sim swum about llftoon foot from Blioro and , being a beginner , boramo ex hausted and mink under 11m water. Miss Josophlno MoLoao , one of tbo expert - pert swimmers oC ( | IH | Beetlon , wont to ber assistance and held her bead abo\o water Until a raft wan piiBbod out from tbo sliore. FRIDAY FAUia. P. II. Davis went to Fiomonl on busi ness' . Herman Haaseb of Stanton was lioro visiting with friends. Hx-Manager Voro Lnno of tbo West- em Union lott for St. J'nul , Minn. Walter 1'llnnt returned from Nollgh \\beio bo sjient a day with friends. Miss I.enora liana of llattlo Ciook Is hoio visiting xxlth Miss Adolla lluch- boh. boh.Miss Miss Allco Spiclui of Omatia la In the city visiting with tbo A. Uuchholz family. Miss Marie Kmgo of Missouri Val ley , la. , is tbo guest of Miss Anne Welsh. Mrs. Bishop and son of Lincoln aio hero visiting at tbo homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Phlnncy. Mrs. C. L. Anderson has gone to Holsteln , la. , to spend a few weeks with her sister , Mrs. Brandt. Mrs. Fred Benne and Miss Clara Ilenno of Stantou were heio visiting with the W. L. Lehman family. Curtlss R. Stltt , who has boon bore visiting with his brother , J. C. Stitt for the past few days , has returned to bis homo at Lincoln. Miss Boss ICoxvba of Chicago and Mrs. Sanders and W. U. Schmidt of Verdigro are visiting at tbo homo of Mrs. Charles Holtman. Dr. and Mrs. Pringle and daughter of Pierce and Mrs. W. D. Millott of Casper , Wyo. , visited at the W. II. Blakcman homo tills week. II. F. Barnhart Is moving from South Ninth street to 10G Madison a\onue. L. C. Lane has purchased tbo pop corn and peanut business formerly conducted by Harry Hull. John Krantz is having his household goods stored. M. E. Crosier will move into the Krantz residence soon. Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Haase are now comfortably located in their new bun galow at 434 South Third street. Harry Boomer Is looking for a rail road fireman who he declares has passed a bad chock amounting to $15 on him. The Norfolk city library will be closed for one week , owing to the fact that the new bookcases have arrived and are being installed. Gustavo Koerber was fined $10 in Judge Eiselcy's court Thursday for using obscene language. Carl Serge made the complaint against Koerber. There seems but little improvement in the condition of David Baum who has been 111 for ten weeks. The fever has disappeared but Mr. Baum Is very weak. Willis E. Reed of Madison was in the city cnroutc to his home at Mad ison from Butte , where ho delivered an address. Mr. Reed has many ad dresses scheduled for the future , among thorn one before the Norfolk flro department. Ed Bennlng Is suffering from a bad wound caused by the ulto of a dog. Mr. Bennlng's hand Is badly swollen and it Is feared the hand will become infected. The dog , when it sprang at Mr. Banning , gave no warning. It Is reported that this dog has bitten oth ers and Is very dangerous. The special train of Gen. Supt. Pe- chin of the M. & O. left the city last evening after a general inspection was made of the depot and conditions here. Among the officials on the special were Supt. Pechln , General Passenger Agent Seddons , Freight Claim Agent Gro- chau , Supt. of Bridges and Buildings Dgier , division Superintendent O'Neill , Roadmaster Pierce and Mr. Hall. A woman claiming to bo Mrs. R. E. Palmer , wife of Northwestenr Brakeman - man R. E. Palmer , has secured gro ceries and other staples to the amount of $25 at ono of the local stores. R. E. Palmer was In the city from Oak- dale , where ho is now living. He de clares the woman has been getting goods from other stores in the city under his name. Ho Is anxious to meet her. Switchman Walter Sherbalm is suf fering from an Injured foot and a bruised leg , which , although slight , might have resulted more seriously when the night switch engine in the south side yards went off the track last night. Two switchmen wore thrown from the engine. Sherbahn's feet were caught under the footboard of the engine and he would have been crushed but for the fact that ho clung to the engine with his hands. The party of four Norfolk men who went to Omaha to see the golf tour nament , returned at 10:30 : a. m. They had remained at Fremont over night. Great golf they saw. Ono man con siderably older than Harry Legg , made Legg play hard to win the thirty-six hole match. At noon , after eighteen holes , they were oven , but in the of- ternoon Legg won , 3 up and 2 to play. In the party were : Dr. P. H. Saltor. Dr. C. S. Parker , J. S. Mathewson , S. Q. Mayer.