The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 18, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal
The News , Established 1881.
The Journal , KutabllBhed 1877.
W. N. HUHU ! N. A. UUBO ,
President. Sccrotnry.
rivery Friday. Hy mull per your , | 1.CO.
Entered nt llio postolllco ut Norfolk ,
Nob. , IIH Hccontl class matter.
Telephones : Editorial Department
No. 22. Uuslnass Olllcoand Job Ilooms
No. H 22.
\Ve take It for granted that Dr. Wl
ley keeps a "scrap" book.
No other substance In the world
ever utterly disappears except money
TLo farmer's dream Is to run n ho
tcl ; the city man's dream Is a cblcker
Tlib greatest revolutionist of the
nge Is sold to bo the man who work !
on the Ferris wheel.
With the advent of Senator Vardo
man wo may expect some importan
changes In the constitution.
Let us hope that In drawing up th <
International peace treaty the Engllsl
pparrow was duly disposed of.
The "Wiley episode clearly revcale (
the power of public opinion. Nobod ;
IB saying a word against the docto
A snob Is one of those that doesn'
like those who are his superiors an <
nil others because they arc his In
The revolution In Mexico Isn't th <
only one. The world has been havlni
them ever since most of us can re
A Chicago balloonist recently trlei
to Hop twice In the air and met hi
death In the attempt. He was not :
Paris lias adopted our expressly
term sky-scraper In preference to thel
word "pratte-clel , " which means th
xamo thing.
The best way to keep girls on th
farm is to make it the most attractlv
place on earth to the boys. This nil
works both ways.
The long drouth which has prevalle <
In the south has broken. Every se (
tion of the country is now recelvl
plenty of moisture.
When It comes to Investigating th
money trust there are a lot of peopl
who can honestly testify that they or
not connected with It.
Ty Cobb has visited the president n
the white house. Probably he gav
him some pointers. Ty Isn't in th
habit of being put out.
The world Is always looking fc
faster men , for keener men , for me
who can conserve energy , Increas
output and minimize cost.
Uncle Sam confesses that be 1
short 200 second lieutenants. Wit
tbe dancing season just about to ope
tbls Is a serious matter.
President Taft has swept the repul
llcan platform so clean that the fran
ere of the next one may think It sal
to add a few more planks.
The children of Philadelphia , It !
reported , caught 600,000 Hies this SUE
mer. That beats the record of tt
Philadelphia baseball club.
' Mexico promises to exclude Chines
labor. That will make It more difflcu
than ever for the San Francisco Ct
nese colony to get recruits.
The boys and girls of Washlngtc
having kiled 5,000,000 files , whi
means are left of keeping tbe gover
jnent clerks awake on a hot day ?
Among the Important questloi
which Secretary Wilson has not y <
answered Is , "Why should boiled coi
on the cob be called roasting ears ? "
There is little danger that the Gatv
dam gates at Panama will ever 1
tampered with by Hallowe'en frolic
era since they weigh 750 tons each.
Now that tbe price of cotton Is coi
Ing dow with the big crop , It is 01
belief that Uncle Reuben should 1
able to add a blled shirt to his outf
Col. Astor has given Miss Force
112.000 engagement ring , which goi
to show that It costs money for
young man to get married nowaday
Mr. Taft may be able to milk Pai
Ine , his Jersey cow , but can he drl'
his new horse Reciprocity well enouf
to plow up the white house pota
patch ?
A New England physician accus <
one of his women patients of belt
' germ mad. " She was so afraid
germs that even her relations we
German prosperity ic si such
| ' | height that every man is employ *
and Poles and Italians are crossh
the frontiers to answer the excess1 !
demand for labor. Although there
a high rate of Increase of populatlc
the emigration has fallen to a very low
figure , only L'5,000 last year.
An Ohio Judge threatened to leave
he bench and thrash an attorney.
ho court was so Interested In the
crnp that it forgot to flno him for
Dispatches announce that two op-
rations for appendicitis were per-
brined on an ocean liner. That's all
Ight If the ocean liner was a victim
f appendicitis.
A "booster" IB defined by nn ex-
hango as one- who does all the good
le can for all the people he can ; for
he longest time he can and leaves
he rest to God.
In this torrid summer weather many
people who think they are overcome
jy the heat when they are really violins
lins of the eat and not all of them
ire English , either.
Judging by the testimony given tin
iteel trust committee , any panic thai
ihowcd Itself out of the house ; during
Col. Roosevelt's administration was
, aking needless risks.
Australia has enlisted a hundred
housand young men as a nucleus ol
a standing army to protect the Island
against Japanese invasion. There IE
where our Hobson would shine.
They are taking straw votes alreadj
'or ' 1912 , and the opinions of thirty
hree cowboys on the train from Santr
? e to El Paso will soon get front page
ii the metropolitan journals.
New York , according to the esti
mate just made , has a population o :
5,000,000. This is a great many pee
pie , but It must still grow consider
ably to catch up with London's nearlj
London has a company that insure !
against rain. They would starve wait
ng for business here. What the Unit
ed States wants is a company that wil
nsure us what rain is needed and tliet
deliver the goods.
A steam roller got loose In a Mich
gan town the other day and ran dowi
grade into the postofflce , complete ! :
wrecking the building. The postmns
ter escaped with his life but all th <
stamps were cancelled.
Times change and the ideas of na
tions change with them. The Spanlsl
government is offering special induce
ments to the Jews to locate there
while a few centuries ago the Jewi
were expelled from that country.
The proposal to preserve Sulgravi
manor as a memorial of the hundrei
years peace between Great Britaii
and America meets with a very warn
approval. The essential thing atpres
eat , however , is to arrange matters si
that memorials of this kind will al
ways mean what they stand for.
Secretary Fisher , who has a geniu
for detail and an appetite for facts , 1
on his way to Alaska to get first ham
Information about the Alaska muddle
If any one can find out what ought t
be done to bring order out of chao
without derogation of the people *
rights it is thought that Mr. Fisher I
the man.
The highest recommendation shlrl
sleeve or dollar diplomacy could wis
for comes to it through its graduzi
adoption by our neighbors. It is a
indisputable fact that American metl
ods of dealing with international a
fairs have led to the abandonment b
foreign chancelleries of many of thel
timeworn processes.
The president of Haiti evidentl
made up his mind that discretion 1
the better part of valor. Before th
revolutionists moved on the capiU
he boastingly said that they woul
not enter the city except over hi
dead body. Now they have taken poi
session of Port au Prince and the pre
Ident cannot be found. He has fled t
safer regions.
The oldest medical prescription o
record is one of the curiosities in tt
Metropolitan Museum of Art In Ne
York.It was given by an Egyptla
doctor and calls for a combination <
precious stones ground finely to I
used for fumigation in cases of by
terla. It dates back to about 1500 1
C. , and it is needless to say , was pr
scribed for a person of wealth.
Mayor Seldel of Milwaukee has a
compllshed something worth while 1
the line of municipal economy , eve
if some of his ideas are rather soda
Istlc. His bureau of economy and e
ficiency in its first semi-annual repo :
shows a saving over the previous si
months in the conducting of the city
business of $95,500. His administr
tlon has certainly scored in tbe fin
There was not much in the perso :
nitty of Admiral Togo to suggest tin
he was the compeer of the greatei
naval commanders in the world's hi
tory , or to arouse public enthuslasi
to a high pitch , but nevertheless t
who got a glimpse of the cold tacitui
Asiatic can be assured that he hr
teen one of the chief actors In tl
wonderful history of the twentlet
century world.
The death of Senator Frye of Main
removes the last of a loug line of r
mnrknblo statesmen who have served
that staid old state. Ho had served
1 congress since lEOtt. six terms In
the house of representatives being fol
lowed by his election to the senate In
1881 to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of James G. Illalne. Senator
Cullum now' becomes the ranking sen
ator In point of longest service.
Capital is timid and often runs to
cover on short notice whether there-
Is good reason to do so or not. The
present apparent lack of confidence
among the "big Interests" to enter
upon any extensive financial under
taking Is duo not as much to the present <
ent Investigations and prosecutions as
to the fear that the Insurgent clement
may succeed in bringing a radical administration -
ministration to follow the present one ,
However , the law of supply and demand -
mand Is pretty sure to keep our com
merce from any serious slump as long
as the crops are good.
German newspapers are not slow Ir
applying uncomplimentary epithets tc
theh emperor. "William the Timid , "
"The Valorous Poltroon" and "William
the Peaceful" are among the titles
conferred upon him by those of hit
subjects who do not approve of hit
policies. The keenest European ob
servers pronounce the kaiser a con
sumtoAte bluffer and trader but m
fbjfcter , and their estimate IB belnj
borne out by events. The kaiser maj
be relied on not to declare war , but he
can equally be relied on to go to tin
very verge of war in his aggressive
ness and the time may come when Eu
rope will conclude that the only roae
o permanent peace lies over a beater
Germany. In England this sentiment
s very strong.
That business is slowly expandin (
there is no doubt. To what extent th
: he improvement will go remains t <
DO seen. It depends largely upon croj
and political developments. Addee
wealth to the amount of probably nin <
billions from our farms this year wil
be of immeasurable benefit to industry
and commerce. A steady improve
ment in all directions should taki
place. The presidential campaign o
next year may act as a check to an :
great development along industria
lines , as is usually the case in thi
years when a national election is held
but the volume is not likely to b (
smaller than it has been this year , am
the probability is that it will be large
by the reason of the consumptive de
mand constantly increasing to mee
the needs of our growing population
An insurance company has just IE
sued this caution , which is worth r
membering :
To control fires burning in liquid
( oil , benzine , etc. . ) use dry sand. Keei
In buckets , conveniently placed , eacl
supplied with a scoop.
The amazing crop shortage in th <
United States , as shown by the Au ?
ust 1 bulletin of the federal goverr
ment , proves that the entire countr ;
has suffered this summer from droutl
and that conditions generally are bac
It always tends to further bring bom
to this territory its own good fortune
so far as the crop situation is coi
With a crop shortage all over th
country , prices of farm products ar
bound to be high and money will pou
into this region in consequence. Sign
are for a prosperous year in the tei
ritory around Norfolk.
So convincing are the reports rt
ceived with regard to the objectioi
able features of oiled streets for citiei
that the Norfolk city council woul
not be safeguarding the city's welfar
to grant any petition to spread oil o
Norfolk avenue , without at least mal
ing a very thorough investigation t
the merits of oil for streets within
The fact that the oil is cheap , is n
argument in favor of trying it on Ui
principal residence thoroughfare <
the city , if the grease is to prove ol
No problem is ever settled till it
settled right , and everybody who hs
gone into the subject seems to agre
that , sooner or later , there should I
paving on West Norfolk avenue. :
would seem the act of wisdom an
economy , therefore , to settle the ma
ter right tbe first time , rather tha
try experiments that seem sure 4
prove unsatisfactory. The best is tli
cheapest in the long run , with pavln
as well as with any other commodit ;
Many people have been surprise
that the West Norfolk avenue petitlo
for paving has not met with succes
before this. As the main streets <
tbe city , it ought to sec an example I
the rest of the town. Norfolk pave
eight blocks last year and the improv
ment created by that little paving hr
been very marked , indeed. This yet
we've talked a good deal about pavin
but have failed to pave an inch. Ai
wo going to He down , now that th :
sort of enterprise bos been started
Other cities in the state , not muc
larger and without Norfolk's chance
to grow , have many miles of pave
What's West Norfolk avenue goln
to do ?
Much has been written about tli
sufferings of men at tbe summer hote
ml indeed Uu subject Is worthy of
omo concern.
Embroidery furnishes one safe and
ecuro resource to the women guests
gainst everything that adverse fate
an bring them In the way of boredom
nd bad weather ,
The masculine contingent has no
uch refuge. Ho can not piny tennis ,
coif , pool or other games more than
wo or three hours out of the twenty-
our. Nor can he read more than an
iour or two without weariness. And
) o red blooded specimen can sleep
nero than nine. Nor can ho spend
nore than two or three hours at the
That leaves about nine hours abso <
utely unprovided for in the modern
nan's scheme of enjoying a vacation ,
This fact has probably more to do
vith the scarcity of men at the sumner -
nor resorts than the alleged compul
slons of business.
The essential trouble is that the
nodcrn man , with all bis triumphs
ias not yet acquired such authority
over his own nerves and habits thai
ic has learned how to loaf. The onlj
possible way to make him happy on r
rest tlmo is to give him some new
kind of activity.
The normal man , however , needs
periods of absolute inactivity. Ever
a machine will wear out three times
as quick if you run it night and day
Some time shall we not learn to make
our outing really count , by finding
lapplness merely in silent peace , sat
sfied merely to be without care , suf
flclently occupied by the jocund shim
mer of sunshine in the tree tops , the
restless lashings of old ocean on UK
sands , the rippling flow of the peace
ful river ?
To those who know their true mean
ing , the voices of nature speak with t
power and fascination that can drive
away all thought of dusty offices.
The latest revoiullon in Haytl hai
been watched In this country will
certain tolerance , a feeling of amuse
ment at the spectacle of a chlldlsl
people playing at being presidents ant
emperors and citizens. But the crowdi
parading the streets yelling for th <
cancellation of an American rallroai
franchise , the recollection of the twen
ty-seven alleged conspirators wh <
were pulled out of thejr beds tw <
years ago and executed without slight
est pretence of trial , soon gives tin
spectator in the grand stand an nngr ;
desire to descend and take a ham
There is also the fact that Hayt
controls one of the two principal approaches
preaches to the Panama canal. Alsi
the swarming of Germans all througl
these islands , controlling banking am
other business can to be wholly Ig
nored. The Hamburg American dock
at St. Thomas are practically a Gef
man coaling station.
Poor Haytl , once covered with Eu
ropean plantations , had much of cul
ture and civilization. When the plant
ers were expelled and a black republl
set up , the farms mostly grew up lnt (
On tbe surface the happy go luck ;
inhabitants welcome the coming o
American and other outside capita
and labor. But they are so chlldlshl ;
suspicious that one wonders at th
temerity of some of our financiers no\
trying to build 300 miles of railroai
down there.
For instance , every Haytlan port i
strewn with remains of wrecked ves
sels. Our government has offered t
erect light houses , but the suspiciou
Haytians veto the proposition.
It sometimes takes two months fo
a telegram to get from one town t
another. A frequent saying is , "Yo
can't expect a president to spen
money building roads when he need
it all to save his own neck. "
The administration of President S
mon just brought violently to a clos <
when the general scooted out of th
palace with his gun over his shoulde :
lasted only one year and eight month )
Hayti has been three times an empiri
and three times a republic.
It has been called a land of miser
and opulence. Its slopes are covere
with rare woods. There are rich co ]
per deposits. It is a great coffee pr <
Vu(0n § country. But its inhabitant
have spent their xUtb in the luxur
of idleness and revolution.
Uncle James Wilson , secretary e
agriculture , says that "the defense e
benzoate of soda is one of the pol
cies of the administration. " But th
celerity with which President Taft d <
nies this suggests that the benzoate e
soda question and other things rela
" " ' work loade
Ing to "Doc" Wiley's are
with political dynamite.
Doctor Wiley has taken radlcs
ground against food preservative
He has held that they permit fee
manufacturers to conceal dangeroi
changes in the constitution of the !
products. His theory has been t
keep on the safe side , and if there 1
a possibility that a food preservatlv
is dangerous , it should be avoided.
The mystery that governs the pre ]
, aratlon of food products has no doul
led to a certain amount of public hyi
1 terla. Possibly it may bo true a
claimed that the magazine articles o
"The poisoners of the people" hav
caused more indigestion than a
their naughty drugs.
But on the other band , there ar
statistics to back the statement thr
$100,000,000 n year of adulterated food
ave been worked off on the Amer-
can public.
Doth sides of the benzoate contro-
orsy have had their poison squads
nil encyclopaedic tabulations , but H
s still a matter of guess work as to
ust what benzoate does.
Of course there Is the report of the
oard of scientific experts appointed
y 1'resldent Roosevelt , Including Pros-
dent Rcmson of Johns Hopkins , one
f the world's leading chemists , and
'rof. Chlttendcn of Yale , one of the
; roatost physiologists , to the effect
hat benzontc , If used In reasonable
quantities , Is harmless , furthermore ,
hat as it has little color or odor It
lees not conceal changes in taste and
Still the Association of State and ,
National Food and Dairy departments
ast year could only muster a majority
of 57 to 42 favorable to this side of
ho controversy.
When you reael that the Massachu
setts board of health , out of ninety-
two candy samples examined , found
eighteen colored with deadly lead
chromate , you begin to wonder wheth
er all our food manufacturers mix up
heir messes with the philanthropic
beneficence and scientific judgment
hat would be used by Prof. Ilemson's
The historic surrender of the Eng <
Ish house of lords , to the demand for
the abolition of their veto power ,
narks a new high tide for democratic
feeling in England.
While our senate is often called n
iiouse of lords , the difference between
the two houses is enormous , showing
that though England Is considered n
democratic country , yet aristocracy IE
'ar more deeply rooted there than with
us. The abuses tolerated In their up
per chamber could never have lasted
hero a day.
At heart the Englishman has liked
the lords pretty well , with their sober
dignity , their many substantial virtues
their great Intelligence and culture
their luster of hereditary descent , and
their stolid obstruction to change.
At an ordinary session of the lords
the chancellor opens the day's work bj
sitting on the woolsack at 4:45 : p. in
A few peers come dawdling in. A
languid question or two Is asked ol
the government. Then they adjourr
at 5:15. The hearts of the peers are
clearly on the cricket field or in theh
stables or shooting covers.
When a crisis arises absent lords
are summoned by telegraph froir
every watering place In Europe. Manj
of their faces are so unknown in the
house that the doorkeepers don't recognize
ognizo them.
A doorkeeper asked a high dlgnltarj
one day , as be wai trj'lnc to enter the
chamber , "Are you a peer ? "
"Would I come to this hole if ;
wasn't ? " was the reply.
This is the only legislation chambei
In the English speaking world In whlcl
nearly every seat Is held by a man be
cause he is the son of his father. Foi
about sixty years previous to 1894 , tin
tradition was established that tin
lords were to yield to a popular man
date , as clearly expressed by the hous <
of commons. In that year the lordi
defied the house of commons on tin
home rule bill. Since that time the :
had defiantly used a , power not en
joyed by them for two generations
precipitating the historic struggle tha
has just ended.
The frail health and recent lllnesi
of Pope Pius must no doubt be accept
ed as showing the wear and tear o
his high office. When Pope Plus un
dertook his new duties eight yean
ago , his round and serene face toll
the story of a man in perfect health
But his intense devotion and anxiet ;
lest he miss of full performance o
duty creates a strain that has clearl ;
shortened his life.
Pope Pius's career has been a dU
appointment to those Roman Catti
olic theologians who had hoped fo
some more liberal treatment of th
conflict between the church and moil
ern thought. Plus is a man who ge
his faith by the secure path of Int * ]
ition. He falls to understand the m d
ern temper of scientific reseatfcli
which acquires faith equally or nor <
by reasoning from assured fact * o
modern learning.
But while Plus has dlsapp Inte <
those who had hoped for this bette
adjustment , he has performed bn irr
mense ser.vice in making tha papa
office more democratic , and removlni
the bristling hedge of tradition am
ceremony that separated thi * grea
spiritual office from the dailj rtttgd
and aspirations of the commom mar
Under him the ceremonial life of th
Vatican has been revolutionized fron
top to bottom. Pope Leo XIII sough
to resist the aggressions of modern
ism by keeping up in all their severlt ;
the minute and austere ceremonial
that separated him from daily life. '
When Pope Plus wants to know tin
time of day , instead of asking on o
his attending prelates , as unders tin
old rule he must , be simply consult
his cheap lickel watch , dear to hln
from association with his mother'
Instead of dinfe * alone * * d walkini
about the Vatican , surrounded b ;
guards , he walks and dines like any
one else , In company with one or mori
intimate friends.
When his prelates get ; to worryini
about the hostile attitude of govern
ni'iits ' , he tells them ( hey would be-
cully better off If the governments
losed their elaborate ) churches. Thou
vo would llvo after the simple and
plrltuul manner of the apostles , and
vorshlp lu barns , he says.
When lay visitors are received by
ho pope , Instead of having to nmko
hroo KouullectloiiB , kiss bin slipper.
iiul iomulii kneeling , they mnko only
slight genuflections , and then are
seated. The absence of form enables
he pope to come close In touch with
iln visitor.
In n thousand such ways ho has
realized his Ideal of the "poor man's
tope. "
There ought to bo an unwrittun law
which would permit emptying a don-
jle-barrelcd shotgun into a covey of
three youthful Idiots who haven't any
nero regard for other people's rights
than to stand on n corner for nn hour
at midnight and give vent to bellowing
' .hat Is probably ottered as a substl-
ute for song.
First thing you know you'll be eat-
iig buckwheat cakes again , and put-
: lng coal In the furnncc.
And having supjer by lamplight.
AB rainmakers , the race meet and
chaufauqua have done pretty well , con
sidering It's a dry year.
Hut unless all signs fall , people In
Antelope county want to prepare for
the worst next week. The Indications
are for a deluge. Streets will be flood
ed , collars filled with water and houses
floated away. Any town that'll bring
nn airship moot Into our midst , wants
to expect the rain god to do his
P. S. Dear Nellgh : If it does rain ,
here's hoping we don't get blamed for
If we'd had the privilege of picking
her out , ourself , we couldn't have made
a better selection of a slstcr-ln-law
than the one we're going to get Sept.
07 *
Never again will we credit anything
tjp "a Norfolk man" when by rights
the credit belongs to a Ponca woman.
We've had a lesson.
We hope the killing of two prac
tical jokers In Michigan will have
some effect. We never did think much
of practical jokes , anyhow.
Kind of greasy thing to talk about
oil for Norfolk avenue.
But nobody seems ready to deny
that the principal residence street of
the city needs SOMETHING to make
it a permanent , clean , creditable high
Won't be long before the old school
bell will clang out from the top of the
little red schoolhouse , once again.
Some class to that headline in their
aid "Fly Nellgh. "
Here's hoping tbe crops don't get
flooded out.
Here's that swimming hole , Sol.
And circus day right on top of It.
Real circus , too , so have that alarm
be sure and go off.
It's good soda water weather ,
Speaking of soda water , those were
great days for the race when we used
to get Ice cream sodas in Norfolk for
5 cents.
Please pass another slice of thai
It's too hot to run a typewriter.
Men have always engaged In tire
some gossip , and called It criticism.
A man came home who hadn't seer
his wife in four months ; and as he
opened the door , his heart beating
high , his wife greeted him with :
"Don't hold the screen door open se
long ! You're letting in the flies ! "
Just how much can be accomplished
In overcoming bad tendencies , I dc
not know ; but I have noticed that
with the whip laid on properly , a lazj
horse does very well.
All great men are fools in spots as
you are.
Some beaten paths are too long1
cut-offs are possible.
Women say it Is easy to quit smok
Ing. I suppose I realize the folly 01
smoking as much as any lady living
but I cannot quit it as easily as can .1
woman , who has never learned the
Don't let a painless dentist fool yoi
more than once.
You people who do things In the
modern way , " or advise it , may as
well understand first as last that yet
have plenty of critics among the old
When people talk about you , you
say , "it IB none of their business. '
But they make it their business jus !
tbo same. ,
One fault Is urged against all elder
y men : that they buy a bottle of mod
icine , take a few doses , and then let il
stand around In the way.
When It comes to Greek or Latin 01
algebra , there may he school teachers
who can boat you , but when it comes
to practical knowledge , you may be
superior to thorn , if you are observing'
and have a good head.
Text , "Favor 1 * d o ttful and b autr I *
rain , but th woman that f r th tht >
Lord hall t > praUtfl. " Pror. xxd. W.
If over n subject needed wholesome ,
frank discusilon It Is this of lov < v
courtship and marriage. We're left Ik
to silly novel or artificial stag life.
The subject has boon full of joke com
edy aud titter. In modem society a
young man cannot give any attention
to n young woman without every on
winking , blinking , pointing and grin
ning. If any proof IB needed that
wove descended from a rac * of mon
keys there It 111 Nazi to the altar ofi
a man's conversion Is tb altar of but
marriage. God expect * , all things be
ing equal , every yonna roan to marry.
Tbe world Is fashioned by two * up
and down , zenith and nadir , btaren
and earth , sea and land , day anil
night , man and woman. The question
of "tho girl to marry" 1 one of the
biggest young manhood ha to noire.
That marriage will make or mar th
happiness of his whole life. It 1
oomothlng that's to last
T mp rlno th OtMl.
"Marry In haste , repent at leisure,1 *
Is still true. "Wo met on Wednesday ,
and midnight next Wednesday we
teed at n llttlo mission around a cor
ner. It was so romantic , " nald a
young woman connected with my con
gregation. Within a year there were
Quarreling , separation , birth and death
of their child and application for di
vorce at the county seat Better go
slow. Get n good start at your lifo
work. If it is true the great depart
ment stores will not employ old men ,
that the railroads will not take a man
after thirty , if gray hairs are no long
er dollars to the lawyer and doctor
and a positive curse to the minister , If
the clamor of the world la for young
men , you young men in your teens one !
twenties cannot afford to stand around
the corner pool room smoking ciga
rettes. You can't afford to "blow In"
all your cash for neckties and good
times. Put It Into books or banks.
You're up against a big proposition
when you marry. It's the acid test
that tells the metal you're made of. It
means sacrifice , self denial , self con
trol , rigid economy and gives In return
life's second greatest Je y. Don't "go"
with a girl , don't make love to her ,
unless you intend to marry her. Don't
wait unduly long until yon have de
clared your intentions. You wrong tbe
girl. Youth IB her opportunity for
marriage. If Bho misses that chance
she goes through life bitter and dis
appointed. If you "go" with her only
and for a long tlmo the community
takes it for granted you are engaged.
Other eligible fellows fitay away. She
is expecting a proposal. You ought
to give It. If you don't Intend to mar
ry , don't monopolize. Give the girl a
Daughters of Jaztbel.
A blunder here Is a blunder for life.
Socrates married Zantlppe and said he
"endured her for the sake of disci
pline. " The saintly John Wesley's wife
was a veritable termagant Blind Mil
ton's wife was a dally thorn In his
flesh. The names of Husk In and Rob
ertson , Bulwer and Barrio call up
great men whose lives were shadowed
by unhappy matrimonial alliances. Beware - A
ware the flirt If she flirts with one
he'll flirt with another. She's a pea
cock with clays of eagle and self as
surance of a magpio. She's shallow.
Billy , superficial , artificial. Her husband
must rob God , fellows and self to sup
ply her gowns , hats , parties , cards aneS
dances. You do not want her for your
wife and the mother of your children.
She's a half sister of Salome. Don't
marry "the woman with tbe serpent's
tongue. " The one who tolls all the
evil and unkind things she can of
others. With tongue goes temper.
Bhe'll drive a man to drink quicker
than snake bite. Happy Juno roses
will go down before this Much north
easter. Though she's n model house
wife , "pretty an n picture" and grace
ful In manner , you'd better leave
her alone. The Bible mentions her
and warna you , "Better dwell hi tbe
corner of the housetop than with B
brawling woman In a wide nouso. "
The 8w * tit Girl Ev r.
Marry a beauty. I mean her whose
beauty is deeper than the dressmak
er's silk , the milliner's plume , the hair
dresser's puffs ; deeper than paint and
powder , cosmetics and cream. Bo not
blind to ribbons that match , dresses
that fit , hats that become , forms and
features that are feminine and fair ,
but remember the rose of Florida ,
most beautiful of flowers , gives no-
perfume ; the bird of Paradlto , most
beautiful wlngster , gives no song.
There's a beauty of soul that shines
out through the true woman , mind
you , I said woman , not a llttlo tattle -
tlo , glbble gabble , gossiping gadabout ,
but a true woman that is ono of the
moat refreshing things on God's earth.
It moans sympathy and comradeship ,
heart and soul. And , my boy. If you
ever como across a girl with a face
full of roses who says as yon como to
the door : "I can't go for a few mln-
utoa. I want , to wash the dlihea for
mother , " you wait for that girl. Sit
right down on the doontop and wait
for her. If you don't some other fol
low may como along and carry her
off. Don't marry an Irreligious girl.
Know what ruined Solomon , the wisest
man ? IIo married away from God's
people. I've
never soon a woman
worth while as wlfo or mother who
wns not a follower of the Christ
What used to DO called sometimes
derisively "bargain hunting" has \
evolved into the practise of Intelligent \
buying. The advertisements make It