The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 04, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal' '
The News , Established 1881.
The Journal , Established 1877.
W. N. HUBO N. A. Huso ,
President. Secretary.
fSvery Friday. Uy mail per year , $1.GO.
Entered at tlio postofllco at Norfolk ,
Nob. , as second class matter.
Telephones : Editorial Department
No. 22. UuslnuBH Olllco and Job Rooms ,
No. 11 22.
President Taft Is said to bo losing
weight but not with the people.
Alaska complains of a hot wave.
No use going there for relief from
heat , then.
Opportunity Is n knocker , nnd re
ceives about as much attention as the
rest of them.
Forty-one thousand rural mall car
riers nro rejoicing In the promise of
Increased salaries.
The curtailment of the cotton mills ,
It is expected , will reduce the over
stock of all wool' clothing.
How awfully tiresome some of these
summer days are , when you simply
haven't a thing to knock about !
Germany Is to launch six new dread-
naughts this year. What has become
of Andy Carnegie's peace fund ?
Missouri fanners arc urged to plant
cow peas to prevent pastures from
being burned up by the drought.
If Mr. Hearst buys that London
dally , he will teach the English how
to make a newspaper look like an auc
tion bill.
An electrical teleprinting apparatus
enables the Berlin police to print no
tices in 200 stations In the city slmul
The young king of Spain Is sick ant
ho deserves the sympathy of the whole
clvllzed world. Nine doctors are at
tending him.
People would be more comfortable
If they threw away the thermometer
but what would become of the soda
fountain man ?
The production of silver was ma
terlnlly Increased in Arizona , Callfor
nla , New Mexico , Utah and Washing
ton last year.
Although England Is Japan's ally
cricket has never won anything like
the vogue In that country that base
ball has gained.
Pennsylvania has a book agent 10
years old. lie has lived to see som
of his customers make the last paj
ment on that set.
Persons who say so much aboui
early rising these summer days an
reminded that the early worm get ;
caught by the bird.
Market reports say water melon :
are offered freely. If they are accept
ed freely , there will be a hurry cal
for the paregoric about 2 a. m.
As many people have only just go
to the point where they dare ride ii
nn automobile , the airship lines wll
not bo universally popular yet.
After much work on grape vines
fruit trees , etc. , the householder wll
soon be relieved by the small boy fror
the bother of harvesting the product
Prisoners in the Rhode Island pen
tentiary are to get a Saturday ha ]
holiday. They may have to create
waiting list of applicants for admit
Even the river Jordan is to be con
merciallzed. The falls below the Lak
of Galileo are to be harnessed to suj
ply electricity to the larger towns c
The international exposition at Ti
rln is expected to show that Italy ha
progressed more rapidly than an
other European country in the. las
fifty years.
The New York World proposes t
pension ex-presidents , although
know of n number of people who woul
take the job without salary and pay
bonus , too.
An Oklahoma Indian says "civilize
cooking" is gradually killing the re
men. If he also adopts the civilize
method of rapid eating , his end
surely near.
Kansas farmers are using Indln
farmhands this summer from tt
school at Topeka. It would be unfo
tuuate if they used the hoe to dig t
the hatchet with.
St. Louis barbers are refusing Up
Next we expect the leopard will d
clde that spots are not fashlonabl
and the Ethiopian will conclude h
skin is off color.
The man who attempts somethii
unusual and falls to make it go ,
pronounced impractical and vislonar
but if he wins , he is accorded the 1
sight of genius.
Mr. Taft is said to favor the "Si
America first" Idea. If his memory Is
good , ho should be able to describe
lore railroad freight houses than any
mn wo know of.
The wirelessB tatlou at Coltano ,
tuly , Is to bo completed ready for
isc In October , after which direct
onimunicatUm between this country
and Italy will bo possible.
About now the prudent citizen
lodges out of sight when ho seen a
iclghbor coming , fearful that the lat
er means to ask him to feed his cat
vhllo ho Is away on vacation.
Chicago pays down Its good money
or 1,000,000 , gajons of beer on anyone
ono of these hot days , although no
one was ever charged a cent for drink-
ng out of Lnko Michigan close by.
When the fact that ono mlle of rail
road requires about 270 tons of metal
s taken into consideration , ono ceases
to wonder what becomes of all the
nountalns of ore that are smelted.
J. P. Morgan has been decorated
with the Grand Cross of the Red Euglo
by the kaiser , but J. P. won't dare
wear It Into the stock exchange any
day when the bulls are feeling kinky.
The editor of the London Saturday
Review says he shlyers every time ho
reads nn American newspaper. Some
one should at once start the furnace
lire with a lot of those dry English
New steel barges are plying from
St. Louis to New Orleans , but If wo
really wanted to get there , and did
not care for periods of meditation on
Intervening sand banks , wo should sei
out to walk.
John Burroughs is the authority for
the- statement that a man Is happier
with seventy cents than he Is with
$70,000,000. Why not strike a fair av
erage , John ? That would suit most
of us better.
Under the new publicity law passed
by the senate those who are candi <
dates for congress cannot spend more
than ten cents each on their constltu
ents. This means either less cigars
or worse ones.
The president of France is at the
present time without a cabinet anei
things are moving along very nicely
Perhaps the president of the United
States would get along better If he
would dismiss his.
Georgia people are to give Presldeni
Tnft rabbit sausauge next time. It
view of the way Brer Rabbit used t (
elude Brer Fox , Georgia would bette :
keep still until Brer Rabbit is safel :
in the refrigerator.
It is announced that all the wire :
between Washington and New Yorl
will soon be burled In undergroum
conduits , except perhaps the wires b ;
vhich Wall street makes Its congres
sional puppets dance.
The Kansas agricultural college ha
raduated fifty-five domestic sclenc
: eachers. But what will they do wit'
.he millions of girls who have alway
refused to learn domestic science wit
mother in the kitchen ?
George Washington's umbrella , gii
en to Mt Vernon by J. P. Morgai
may be worth thousands of dollar !
but most of us would rather be see
carrying the $1 article down tow
than that historic treasure.
The Millinery Traveling Men's ai
sociatlon has passed a resolution tin
women shall wear small hats ne :
season. Why did they not vote to n
quire Halley's comet to stay at horn
nights while they were about It ?
Another cheap * skate has gone ov <
Niagara falls in a barrel and come 01
alive. It takes a pretty foolish sort <
a man who will risk his life In such
reckless and uncalled for way simp ]
to get his name in the newspaper.
The college professor who has ve :
tured the opinion that women wi
rule the world twelve years from no
has caused numerous paragraphers I
declare that the said professor
about twelve years behind the time
A woman's club has been organize
in the city of Mexico to work for tl
political interests of women. Tl
right to vote and the right to get t
vorced and marry again are deman
ed. The club expects to have nation
. London Is to have a museum deve
ed to the preservation and exhibitlc
of relics pertaining to the history
that city from the earliest date of i
occupation by man. That time rui
back much farther than most reade
are aware.
That European war cloud , which f
long months has been having needi
rest , has been brushed up and broug
out to be looked at once more. Th
time It's Germany that is to break tl
peace and visit Its wrath upon En
land and Germany.
The prison farm is a great succe
In one Canadian province , where nn
at liberty on honor make the soil yle
and live almost as free as the
brother. Is there any reason why t'
system cannot be made a success 1
: e cities ? Instead of sending the <
cndcr to n cell , sentence him to wo : t
on the farm. That may help to make
i man of him , If it be possible , but
ho other way ntjvor will.
There Is no place on this wide earth
Iko the country for nn Ideal home. As
Ingcrsoll once said , "There you see
the rising and the setting sun , you
beuomo acquainted with the stars and
clouds , nnd everything that has life Is
your sworn friend. "
The various rises and falls of Hoko
Smith of Georgia put to rout all the
ories derived from the prize ring re
garding the difficulties of "coming
Dack. " Hoko Smith has been up nnd
down oftener than "Battling" Nelson ,
though ho is no lightweight.
Scotty , the Death Valley miner , who
spent a fortune In the cast very quick
ly a year or two ago , 1ms picked up
another batch of coin and 1ms hired a
special train to go east and get rid of
It. Some people have more luck findIng -
Ing money than they have brains.
The Danish government will spend
$3,000,000 this year encouraging the
practical application of scientific meth
ods in agriculture. They ought to reap
good results from this expenditure.
The Danish people have always been
considered pretty good farmers in the
The English cabinet is considering
the appointment of 500 peers , In case
the house of lords rejects the action
of the commons on certain Important
measures. Five hundred new lords
would depreciate the market of titles ,
and American girls could buy them
The Australian premier welcomes
the revision of the Anglo-Japanese al
liance as guaranteeing freedom from
Japanese aggression for ten years in
stead of four. He Intimates that dur
ing that time the Australian govern
ment will greatly strengthen her mil
itary status.
If President Taft can accomplish In
his term the adoption of a treaty of
erpetual peace between this country
nd England , an initial agreement for
eclprocal trade with Canada , and the
ear completion of the Panama canal
e can well afford to be indifferent to
is own re-election.
It appears that absolutely every fire
n Berlin Is followed by severe investl
ation and'almost every one by puiv
sliment , ranging from a fine large
nougb to pay for turning out the fire
epnrtment for the careless to the
enalty for murder , where death hat
esulted , for the criminal.
Germany is bent on carving out ai :
mpire for herself overseas , and when
ever in the eastern hemisphere dls
urbance appears , there will the Ger
man mailed fist be brandished. If the
vorld really wants peace , the flrsi
equlslte Is permission to Germany te
lursuo her purposes unopposed.
The -Eastern Milliners associatlot
las brought suit in a federal court h
few York to defeat the state lav
which forbids the sale , after the firs
of this month , of any plumage , wheth
er it be of American birds or thosi
mported from other climes. It ii
claimed that the law is unconstitu
The dragon flag of China was re
cently seen for the first time in ai
American seaport. It was borne b ;
the powerful cruiser Hal Chi , whlcl
represented the empire of China a
3" the coronation of King Edward , am
afterward paid a series of friendl ;
calls along the Atlantic coast of thl
3"country. . *
Few inventors ever live to see n :
Idea revolutionize the world to th
extent that the telephone has. It mm
have been extremely gratifying to Di
1 Bell , in his world-wide trip , to see th
great impetus his genius has imparte
to commercial and social activity 1
lands which have been slowest t
yield to new ideas.
The trouble with the wool tariff I
that for years It has been manipulate
in such a way as to dlscriminat '
against one branch of the industr
and In favor of another. Preslder
Taft has pronounced It indefensibli
Now the question is , who knows ho'
to change this schedule so that tli
people will receive any benefit froi
it ?
Hoko Smith , the newly elected sei
ator from Georgia , has had an unu
ual career back of his unusual nam
He has been school teacher , lawye
newspaper man , a member ot Pres
dent Cleveland's cabinet , the governc
of Georgia twice , and is frequent ]
mentioned as a possibility for tt
democratic nomination for the pret
The London Post has had a vislo
or was it a nightmare ? Anyway , the
have suddenly discovered In the the
sands of American settlers in westei
Canada "a Yankee army in disguise
Just what that effectually disguise
army Is doing , or going to do , tl
Post has not revealed to the public i
yet We await the revelation wii
In Colorado the system of arrestii
nnd punishing the parents of incc
rlglbles has been adopted as one
the solutions of juvenile crime pro
Icms. Since its adoption it is claimed
there has been a noticeable falling off
In the number of occupants ol the
juvenile Jails. It might be well for
the people of this state to watch the
results of Colorado's experiment.
A colossal figure of the Indian chief
Ulnck Hawk , designed by Lorado Taft ,
was unveiled recently on a bluff In
Oregon township , 111. , where It is to
stand forever overlooking the beauti
ful country which ho loved to roam In
life. It Is of concrete , forty-eight feet
tall nnd was cast where It stands , a
notable trlumpb of modern sculptural
methods and n worthy memorial to a
great red num.
It Is purposed to spend $100,000 In
advertising the attractions of New
York city as a summer resort. It Is
particularly desired to explode the
Idea that It Is hot nnd'Uncomfortablo
In New York In July and August. Wo
bellevo in advertising , all newspapers
do , but $100,000 Is utterly Inadequate
to convince a dozen sane people that
Ne'w York Is a cool , quiet , haven of
rest In the sultry months.
And now they nro selling newspa
pers in slot machines in New York
City and this method of handling their
sale will probably extend to all the
big cities of the country in a short
time. It will mean that the next gen
eration will miss the cry of the
"newsies" which has heretofore been
ono of the distinctive features of city
life. In ten years' time the horse and
the newsboy will be practically elim
inated from the metropolitan centers.
The ease with which eleven aero
planes crossed over from France and
landed at a stated point , thence pro
ceeding to the outskirts of London and
repeating the landing exploit , shows
the great progress made in aviation
since the exploit was first achieved.
The problem of locomotion is fully
solved , and It only remains to increase
the carrying capacity of the airship In
order to permit n conclusive test of
the availability of the aeroplane In
Nature bestowed water power most
lavishly upon Norway , and the inhab
itants of that country are only begin
ning to realize Its value. There are a
great number of lakes lying In deep
valleys , with contracted outlets , which
can easily be converted Into reser
voirs , with much less expense than
usually attends such engineering en
terprises. The result of this cheap
electric power will be to make electric
smelting of Iron and steel an Import
ant Industry there.
Here is something that should be
borne In mind by everyone : There
is no such thing as hereditary tuber
culosls. The remedy is simple and all
should know it. It is one of the most
easily curable of all the chronic infec'
tlous diseases. You can cure con <
sumption by the unstinted use of fresh
air , twenty-four hours out of the twen >
ty-four , plenty of good food and plen
ty of good water , inside and out. Chll
dren should get all the fresh air pos'
sible. They should sleep and play in
the open air.
The use of English in the world dur
ing the past hundred years has in
creased much more rapidly than thai
of any other language. All the othei
principal languages of Europe have
shown some growth , but the Engllsl
language , which at the beginning o :
the nineteenth century was the Ian
11 guage of but twenty millions , at th (
end had increased in influence until i
had become the speech of 130,000,000
How much this means to the commer
cial and Intellectual progress of th <
United States cannot be estimated.
Perhaps Mr. Loeb is rather brusque
possibly1 he has no more tact than i
bulldog , and maybe he lacks all thi
suavity of the easy boss. But , certain
ly he gets results ; certainly he doe
not lack courage , and he is provini
that the apparently impossible is pos
sible. Before he came into office , th <
collections at New York's port fo
fines , penalties and forfeitures fo
, evading the customs laws , average
about $60,000 a year. But since 190
they have not been less than $1,000
, 000 , nnd for the year just closed ar
Germany Is causing more of a scar
among the English and the Frenc
11 than Japan has here In the Unite
States. If reports are true of Gei
many's intentions there is a greti
deal more Justification for fear of he
aggressions from her neighbors tha
there is ground for apprehension i
this country of trouble with the littl
brown people of the orient. Hov
ever , with all the trend there seems t
bo among the different nations towar
, peace , there never was a time whe
they needed to be more careful !
watched. Their military armament
n , are large and human nature still ha
o good deal of the savage In It
The Fargo ( N. D. ) Forum , whlc
has consistently opposed reclprocit
, because of its fear that the fannei
' of the northwest might suffer , ver
candidly admits that President Ta :
, . has shown a commendable spirit 1
promoting It and closes an article o
the subject by saying : "Despite wha
ig ever personal views one may have <
ir- the advantages or disadvantages <
of the measure , one must concede thi
b- Taft has shown broad statesmanshl ;
Ho has acted for the whole United
States and his display of backbone has
been ono of the most remarkable fea
tures of the long fight for the measure.
The good or the evil of reciprocity
will rest with Taft and the republican
party. It It redounds to the bencllt of
the nation Taft and his political organ
ization will be entitled to the credit.
If It turns out disastrously , Tnft and
the republicans will 'receive the
blame. "
Twenty-five years ago the American
navy consisted to all Intents and pur
poses of the three protected cruisers ,
Chicago , Boston and Atlanta. There
wcro some old wooden ships nnd some
monitors but they were good for noth
ing. The country was proud of Its
cruisers nnd sent them across the At
lantic to let Europe see that the Unit
ed Stales had a navy. Next month
the most powerful fleet ever assem
bled under the American flag will be
engaged In maneuvers In the vicinity
of Capo Cod bay. The Indiana , put In
commission In 1S05 , was the only first
class battleship the navy had. There
will be twenty-one ships of that class ,
nil of them Its superiors nnd some
with twice Its displacement , gathered
oft the Massachusetts coast n few
weeks hence. There will also be an
armored cruiser division , the Atlantic
torpedo fleet of sixteen or seventeen
destroyers , and several submarines.
There will be all told more than fifty
fighting craft in the fleet.
It Is not so very long ago that the
rdlnary farmer never took any reg-
ilar holiday. In the older part of the
ountry you used to find a host of men
n that business who had not slept out-
ido their homes for untold years.
Some of our farmers have now nc-
[ uired a familiarity with Pullman
ars and automobiles. But even they
arely secure understudies that can fill
heir places for any given week or
ortnlght In the crisis of summer.
It would bo like Napoleon deserting
ils troops at the turning point of
Vaterloo. The fatal failure to cultl-
ate or harvest a crop at a psycholog-
cal moment may mean the throwing
iway of the whole season's work.
Then comes the time when the cumu-
atlve results ot n farmer's past ex
perience count at their highest value.
The cloud no bigger than a man's
land , meaningless to his assistants
or his boys , to his eye trained to note
ho slightest gradations in atmospher-
c change , may bo the sure herald of
he long expected rain.
But that does not mean that the
'armor gets no vacation. If he knows
lis business , he gets away during the
vlnter for a sight of the big world in
he cities. And he returns with the
'eellng that life under the sun and
he stars Is financially more profitable
ind spiritually more blessed than sky
scrapers and soft. coal.
Norfolk will be disappointed at the
reply of the officers of the Northwest
ern railroad company , that they are
averse to changing the name of the
new depot from "Norfolk Junction" to
Third Street" station.
There In no "Norfolk Junction" to
day. Years ago what had been "Nor
folk Junction" became a part of Nor
folk proper and "Norfolk Junction"
ceased to exist. It's all one big Nor-
: olk-today.
Norfolk suffers from me ract that
Lhe Northwestern railroad persists in
using this obsolete station name. People
ple passing through on the main line
get an Impression that Norfolk Is a
town of perhaps 400 people , because
they believe that what they see from
the station is all there is to the city ,
If the station were called the "Third
Street" station , travelers would knVnv
at once that there was more to the
city than the one depot
Norfolk people will think that the
Northwestern is straining a technical
Ity as an excuse for not meeting the
city's wishes. It will look to Norfolk
as If the Northwestern might verj
easily keep up with changed condl
tlons and , when a town actually be
comes part of another town anc
changes its postofflce name , at leasi
paint over the sign on their depot tc
The United States government rec
ognlzes no "Norfolk Junction. " Th <
federal census and the postofDce ruai
call only for one big "Norfolk. "
It was only a little thing tbat'wc
asked for of the railroad In this re
gard , and there will be keen dlsap
pointraent that upon even so small :
point , the Northwestern was unwllllnf
to meet Norfolk half way.
When congress made a law In 190 !
by which anyone who Imports smok
Ing opium can be fined.$5,000 and 1m
prisoned two years , many people ha <
the comfortable feeling that one cursi
bad been driven from our shores.
But the other day the New Yorl
police , after poking around the shlj
Roseric at a Brooklyn wharf , foun <
$1,000 worth of opium hidden in thi
bunks. Evidently there is work ye
to be done.
The Chinese government is going ti
the bottom of the thing in its effort t <
stop the cultivation of the variety o
poppy that produces opium. This i
just as much of a proposition as if w <
tried to close up every distillery am
brewery In the United States. Ther
is one poppy farm In Hong Kongalon
that yields JCOO.OOO a year net profll
We regard the Chinese race as ur
worthy to walk our streets and Inhabit
American homes , and yet they have
shown the temper of their national
llfo by absolutely stopping the cultiva
tion of the poppy in eleven out of eigh
teen provinces ,
The use of opium is much moro
harmful to the American temperament
than It ever was to the Chinese , pro
ducing among us u sort ot delirium
Iromons. Oriental people who are
disinclined to athletic exercises Hud
In Its guiitlo nnd soporlflc relaxation
u substitute for normal diversions , and
sometimes among thuso phlegmatic
peoples the results nro no worse than
those that follow the use of tobacco.
Tito quick wilted Japs know the
true dangers of opium. The opium
committee of the Philippine commis
sion recently nindo the statement , that
"you can get drunk every night In
Japan without losing caste , but woo
bctldo If you become addicted to
opium , which the Japanese fear as
wo fear the rattlesnake. "
While the opium habit gains no
great hold In America outsldo of the
larger cities , It Is seen In every town
In the United States In the persons of
the victims of morphia , which Is oh
talned from opium. Says someone of
this curse , "At first you seem enclosed
In n silky film protecting you from
the rough contacts of life , but soon
you feel this veil tighten about you ,
and when you strive to rend it , you
Ind it is of steel. "
V vigorous campaign Is proceeding
n New Jersey this season to clean
iut the mosquitoes that have given
he state Its foremost situation among
ho newspaper squibs of the summer
In Montclair the health deportment
began back In April to locate the pools
of standing water where the pests
breed. Low spots sheltering the mos
qulto are adjudged n public nuisance
and It costs $10 for the privilege of
Maintaining one pool on your premises
hollering such dangerous wild beasts
The practical difficulty Is encountered
liowever , that a land owner can't be
prosecuted until you actually catch
liim with the goods on In the shape of
arvao proved to be mosquitoes.
It is thus not always n simple mat
er to get rid of them. The mesquites
s a wary bird and he nns a very keen
sense for danger as many people real
ze in the dead of night , as ho sings
Us paean over their frantic acts to
administer him a spanking.
Recent experiments on twelve ponds
close together having similar condl
Ions , showed that In only one of them
ivere there any mosquito larvae'and
that one was a pond in which there
ivere no fish , while all the others bred
The standard rules for mosquito ex
termination are these : Drain nl !
standing water , fill depressions that
can collect water , screen all water
kept for domestic use , and put crude
petroleum In all cesspools.
For 1 percent of the valuation , any
land , it is said , can be so drained ns
to clear out the mosquitoes , and It
ought to be worth 10 percent more for
The great trouble is that the wind
blows these vicious beasts for many
miles , so that exterminating them is a
statewide proposition. Recognizing
this , the New Jersey legislature appro
priated $350,000 n few years ago for a
five years' job on Newark meadows
and other low lands.
It is estimated that the mosquito
has killed more people in the United
States by carrying malarial poisoning
than were killed in the civil war.
We were planning to take that
swimming trip with Sol in a four pas
senger car , but now we'll have to get
a whole train of cars , so many people
want to go along.
We see by the paper that potato
vines are "coming back. " Which leads
us to remark that potatoes ought to
be able to find their way back if any
thing could that's what they have
eyes for.
We haven't seen so many emigrant
wagons pass through Norfolk since
There'll be something doing In Nor
folk next week when the races and
the school teachers' Institute and the
chautauqua all get going.
Dry weather means good roads , if
nothing more.
Will the weather man please give
north Nebraska a shower bath ? The
dining room table doesn't stay dusted
more than twenty minutes. Most any
time of day you can write your name
on It with your finger.
One of the tragedies of life Is the
fact that you always think of the
bright things when you haven't a type
What's become of the old fashioned
salve about the Union Pacific going to
build that depot within ten days.
And Isn't West Norfolk avenue goIng -
Ing to pave ?
When o man gets mad at a horse ,
how mad he gets ! Would he be equal
ly angry If he had an opponent cap
able of fighting back ?
People always feel better In fall and
winter than In summer ; In the fall
and winter , they can predict big crops
next year.
Text , "Him thnta \ weak In faith receive
ye , yet not to doubtful disputation. "
Horn , xlv , 1.
There's no harm asking question * .
The world has gone forward because
of healthful curiosity. Drop your
fathom line In the sea. Turn your tote-
scope toward the starts. Focus your
microscope over the drop of water.
Take your bar and pry open the rock.
You may open a new world to human
oyes. Remember Minister Wu'a orien
tal curiosity ? Ho asked the girls how
old they wore , old maids why they
never married , men how much salary " --.a
they earned questions Impertinent , -
none of bin business. To ask concernIng -
Ing God nnd man , Umo nnd eternity , J
whence nnd whither , Indicates a do- .
veloplng mind. The way and manner .
of the question Indicate much too. The
snarl of the cynic , the sneer of the
shallow , the vanity of Uio bumptious ,
get no answer. Notice men coming
to Christ To the earnest seeker aft
er truth frequently como revelations.
Wise men como from the cast , scholarly -
ly Greeks from the west. Nlcodeuius ,
the scribes and lawyers of the Jews '
hang on his answers. IIo never seenm
puzzled. The troubled look of perplex
ity never gathers on his face. He nev
er says : "Tho problem Is new. I must
consider. Como back tomorrow. " Ho
has the steady gaze of ono before
whoso clear vision the whole world of
truth lies open. When ho Is before the
high priests and Pilate nnd llorod ho
refuses to answer. Bold , leering wick
edness gets no response. Lot them t
live the plainest laws of God first ,
' deceive him. IIo -
They couldn't per- ,
celved their craftiness. Ho darts a ,
swift interrogation Into their Inner
souls : "I also will ask of you ono ques
tion. " To the sincere bo sits down by
their side as a mother with her child
and makes nil things plain. He even
gaVe private interviews to frank , hon
est seekers. Even Nature won't respond
spend to the snarling , the sneering ,
the supercilious , but opens up her In
ner treasures to the nature lover. !
" Move. "
"Tho Sun Do f
Still we think if wo could Just now
raise our eyes from this newspaper t
and see God as plainly as wo see that
chair or table we'd feel satisfied. If
we were as sure of him as wo arc of
physical things but wo cannot with
the physical senses. You cannot smell
the fragrance of n spray of heliotrope
with your eyes , nor can you tell much
of the beauty of n painting with the '
end of your thumb. Each experlenco
Is registered through Its own sense ,
physical through physical , psychic '
through psychic , spiritual through spir
itual. God is spirit and Is known only
through spiritual sense "Prove to
me. " says my doubting friend , "like
you'd prove that two and two ore four '
that there Is a God. " "All right Provo
to me likewise that this room Is warm
ror you , comfortable to me. " Go to n
man who never heard of Newton , Co
pernicus or solar system. Tell him the
earth moves upon Its axis and around
the sun. He'll tell you he believes his
own eyesight more than your learning ,
for it tells him the sun moves round
the earth. He drives a stick In the
ground and proves In flvo minutes that
the sun has'moved. As to the earth
turning on its axis , last night he left
a pall of water brim full nt the kitchen
door. This morning it was there un-
sptlled. Hud the earth turned over
the water But , pshaw , ho walks off
laughing. Call to him that he cannot
always believe even his own eyes and
the laugh will turn to guffaw or Jeer.
How Can We Know ?
Some knowledge comes by observa
tion , some by reasoning , some by In
ference , some by intuition , some you
must just accept by faith. If one Is
hungry mind you , I said hungry for
spiritual truth , that hunger will bo a
sixth sense. If I want to learn the se
crets of birds I am up betimes looking
after robins and wrens. They'll eat
out of my hand before long. I won't
learn much If I go with a gun. The
kingdom of birds isn't understand
able that way nor the kingdom of God
cither. My friend the bird lover took
me by the hand ono morning to learn
birds. "Pwas a great dayl Let mo
take your band a moment , my trou
bled , Inquiring friends. What's the
difficulty ? The Bible ? Ifs a book of
revelation and morals , not science ;
points out the weakness of good men
as well as bad ones. Not certain about
God ? He's the Creator. See that lamp
on the table ? Some one placed tt
there. Take out your watch. Open
the back. See the works ? Wonderful ,
aren't they ? It had a designer. See ?
Your watch three minutes fast ? Turn it
back. You've done what no watch could
do for itself In ten thousand years.
You've broken no law ; simply used a
superior Intelligence for a suitable end.
That's a miracle. There's a bad piece
of road , loads of sand and stone every
hundred feet Why ? When I was an
agnostic I said , "I don't know why , "
bat I did just the rame. There's pur
pose everywhere. If you'd s e a dozen
men talking through a machine to oth
ers a hundred rnllo * away and e mIng -
Ing satisfied you'd believe them , though
you'd noTor tried it That's prayer.
Believe la ein that you're a olnncr ?
Not Aak your neighbor. Imparity
Isn't cared by loathsomeness Bin nev
er cure * lUelf. Thf why CarUt
If there's a classmen ad that you'd
like to answer , remember'you live in
a classified city making It easy for
you to find any addrpsn.
Trv rt limit N - 'vum A.A.