The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 04, 1911, Page 3, Image 3
'I'lIK ' NORFOLK WKKKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , PHI DAY , AUGUST 4 , 1911. \ Over Eight Thousand Dollars Notable Feature of the Amer to Be Awarded to Farmers ican Exposition of BrewIng - Who Raise These Crops by Ing Machinery , Materials International Barley and and Products Eminent Hop Exhibit , Chicago , Oct. Experts on the Committee 12 to 22. of Awards. the Important crops In the AiONO of the control west , northwest and I'aclflc coast are barley and hops , both of which require considerable care In cultivation. The chief market for the 'better grades of barley Is the mulling industry , which supplies principally the brewing and distilling traded. The principal and almost exclusive market for hops Is the brewing Industry. For a number of years American nnd European scientists have devoted much Inquiry to these crops for the purpose of deciding upon which prop erties are conditioned their value to the consumer. With regard to barley , there la con- aldcrnblo difference of opinion , the views of American and Europaan In- Tcstlgntora diverging to an extant "With regard to hops , scientific Inquiry lias not yet proceeded far enough to" atato with any degree of certainty which are the leading characters of the plant that make up Us vuluo to the manufucturur who uses It. Departments of Agriculture Study Darley and Hops. The Agronomists and chemists of the Stnto Agricultural colleges and several specialists of the United States de partment of agriculture have dovotcd a great deal of time to the study of barley nnd hops nnd their Improve ment. They have been advising the farmers to devote attention to the pro duction of these properties m these ropa which are most desired by the consumer. In this work , however , they have met with considerable dim- culty from the fact that they hnvo teen nimble to state positively what these properties are that the consumer desires. In the purchase of barley and hops the Individual judgment of the buyer , i STEMB OF WHITE ) OLUI1 AND MAKCHUKIA ) BAULErS. 1 based upon personal experience , has \ been the controlling factor , and ns the ; Individual judgment Is often biased , by personal preference and even prejudice - j -dice It baq been dilllcult to define what ' character of goods would best meet 4 the renulrouieuts of the market. Improvement of Barley and Hops. A movement is under way to bring about Improvement In the growing of barley and hops nnd to lay down cer tain standards by which they can bo valued regardless of Uic personal equa tion. tion.At At the present stage this movement Is crystallizing In nn international bar ley nnd hop exhibit , which will take place Oct 12 to 22 , 1011 , at Chicago , In connection with the American Ex position of Brewing Machinery , Ma terials and Products. For this exhibit there will bo available a prlzo fund of over ? 8,000 , which will bo appor tioned to the different varieties and strains of the crops with a view of giv ing the greatest possible encourage ment to the farmers who raise them. The growers who may wish to par ticipate In the exhibit should addrcs3 the committee on awards , 1508 Ropub- lie building , Chicago , anil ask for the j necessary application and entry blanks. The committee on awards embraces not only a number of the most eminent ' ' experts among scientific men , growers , j dealers and consumers of these crops , ! but also specialists from the ngrlcmV j tural department of the United States 1 and the several barley and hop grow ing states. Among these serving on i the committee on awards arc the fol lowing : United States department of agriculture , bureau of plant Industry Professor M. A. Carleton , Professor II. V. Horlan , Pro fessor W. W. Stockberger ; bureau of chemistry Professor J. A. Le Clerc. Agricultural experiment stations Pro- lessor G. W. Shaw , Berkeley , Cal. ; Pro fessor Charles E. Saunders , Ottawa. Can ada ; Professor Alvln Keyser , Fort Collins , Colo. ; Professor F. D. Farrell. Boise , Ida. ; Professor V. M. Shoeamlth. East Lansing. Mich. ; Professor O. P. Bull. Bt. Paul. Minn. ; Professor Alfred Atkinson , Boze- njon , Moot ; Professor R. C. Doneghue , North Dakota ; Professor H. V. Tartar , Corvallli , Ore. ? Professor E. D. Ball , Lo- &an , Utah ; Professor B W. Thatcher , Pullman. Woah.j Profeaior B. A. Moore , M dUon , Cleaning Barley For Seed. One of the principal difficulties that have obtained In the growing of barley as well as other crops Is that sufil- ctcnt attention has not been paid to HEAD AND BTEH OP WHITE OIiUD UA.11LET. the seed , not only In the matter of fanning out all dead and degenerate berries , so as to seed only good nnd llvo grain nnd produce n good crop where no grains will fall to sprout , but also because there has been n lack of uniformity as to variety or strain. This Is perhaps of moro than ordinary Importance In the case of barley and Is ouo of the matters that will engage the attention of the "barley nnd hop ex hibition nt Chicago In October , 10'1. The barley which Is used for malting purposes Is put through nn artificial process of sprouting In mass , In which' necessarily nil grains ore treated alike ; It stands to reason , however , that where plump nnd thin grains , mellow and llluty ones , starchy and albuminous grains nro nil steeped and sprouted under like conditions they will neces sarily grow differently and cannot yield a uniform inajt. This causes serious troubles to the consumer when ho works up the malt In the further proc- cssos of manufacture and makea It difficult for him to finish off a uniform product It stand ? to reason that where the different kinds of-gralns are nil seeded In the same soil in like manner - nor nt the same season nnd grow under Iho same weather conditions the ber ries ol different characters cannot pos sibly develop alike. The result will bean an uneven stand , differences In the time of maturing , different action lu ( he slack , etc. Pedigree Gram. Different strains of barley will grow dllToionlly on different soils nud in different climates. In order to produce the best crops hlch "will also bo the most abundant It Is therefore necessary to use pure strains , or , us the sclcntlsta call them , "pedigree" grain , where nil the berries are of the same variety or strain nnd will behave alike under similar condi tions. It Is also necessary to find by experiment what particular strain Is best suited to certain soils and ell- AND STEM OV MANCHURIA UAltLBY. mates nnd also what method of plant ing nnd cultivation Is best adapted to the varieties and types. A great deal of work has been done along these lines by scientific Investi gators , particularly at the agricultural experiment stations of Wisconsin nnd Minnesota. These scientific men nro serving on the committee on awards for the barley nnd hop exhibition which will take place In Chicago lu October , 101L Variable Speed Motor. The conductors of the Wright aero planes In France are experimenting with n variable speed motor , the speed of which can bo varied between 700 and 1,500 revolutions per minute dur ing the flight Big Dam For Brazil. Brazil Is to have a dam only slightly smaller in capacity than the famous lloosevelt dam lu Arizona. I American Artist Dying , 1 Philadelphia , July 31. A cablegram received today by his brother William Abbey , states "that Edwin A. Abbey , the American painter , Is dying In Lon don. The message which was sent from London yesterday contained but two words "Ed dying. " William Ab bey who Is a resident of Mt. Holly , N. J. , hut In business In Philadelphia , sald'that his brother had been falling for Boino time. To Close Assay Offices. Washington , July 31. More land marks of the old west will begin to disappear January 1 , unless congress should pass legislation to maintain the scattered western assay offices on the present basis. The government has decided to double the charges for assaying ( saying at Dcadwood , Carson , Salt Lake and Seattle. Congressmen from I these places protest that the effect | will ho made to close the offices be cause the mining companies will pre fer to send their gold'to the mints , where the assaying charge will not bo Increased. Tennis at Kansas City. Kansas City , July 31. With nearly eighty entries representing eighteen cities In the south and middle west , 'and including a number of champion 'players ' for the tenth annual Missouri I Vnlloy tennis tournament open hero to day on the courts of the Kansas City Athletic club. The skies were threat- at the outset , but only n heavy rain , ofllclals said , could prevent the pulling off of some of the fast matches today. Norfolk 18. Bloomfleld 4. Norfolk 18 , Bloomlleld 4. Freeman , Bloomfleld's pitcher , let Norfolk turn Sunday afternoon's game into a slugging match and out side of a batting practice for the local team , there was very little In- tcrest for the fans , who became some what excited over some unpopular de cisions handed down by "Babe" Wat ers , Hloomfleld's umpire , and also these of Umpire Scott of this city. GliBsman made the feature plays of the day , landing two long flies which ho put in his basket after two spec tacular runs. Besides this feature playing , Gllssiuan padded up his bat ting average considerably. Every member of the Norfolk team with the exception of Miller and Leahy got a hit. Miller got a sacrl lice. Leahy of Wayne pitched for Norfolk and struck out thirteen men and did not allow a base on balls. Jones , Wayne's third baseman , played with Norfolk but he was given no chance to show off his good third base qualities , so he made good at bat ting. Left Field Brandte for Bloomfield - field made several feature catches. The double from Dudgeon to Krahn to Miller was another feature. Wausa plays here this afternoon. Traveling with the Bloomfleld team are a number of athletes , Including "Babe" Waters , Bloomfleld's fighter , and Elliott , Hartington's wrestler and a foot racer who Issued challenges on the driving park diamond Sunday. The score : Bloomlleld ab r h o a e Lamb , 1 5 1 1 1 0 0 Cotton , 2b 5 0 2 4 1 3 Olson , 11) 5 0 1 2 0 3 Kloke , rf 4 1 2 1 0 0 Brandt , If 4 1 1 2 0 1 Farley3b 4 0 1 0 1 2 Gallagher , ss 4 1 0 2 3 2 Shanks , c 3 0 0 6 3 0 Freeman , p 4 0 1 0 6 0 Totals 38 4 7 23 14 11 Norfolk ab r h o a e Wagner , If 5 3 1 2 1 0 Glissman , cf 4 3 3 2 0 0 Xrahn , ss T..5 3 3 1 2 2 Miller , Ib 4 2 0 4 1 1 Jones , 3b 3 5 3 1 0 1 Dudgeon 2b 4 0 2 2 2 0 Watson , rf 4 1 1 0 0 0 Hoffman , c 4 1 1 15 1 0 eahy , p 5 0 0 0 14 0 Totals 38 18 14 27 21 4 Score by innings R Bloomfleld 020000101 4 Norfolk 50245020 x 18 Summary : Two-base lilts , Jones 2 , Dudgeon ; three-base hits , Jones , Gllss- man , Dudgeon ; bases on balls off Free man 4 ; struck out by Leahy 13 , by Freeman 0 ; left on bases , Norfolk 5 , Bloomfleld 8 ; double plays , Dudgeon to Krahn to Miller ; hit by pitcher , Jones , Wagner , Glissman. Time 2 hours. Umpire , Walters and Scott. Wisner Loses 13 Straight. Wisner , Neb. , July 31. Special to The News : The Wisner baseball team lias lost thirteen straight games , and believes that this unlucky cycle is now at an end. Gross Beats Indians. Gross , Neb. , July 31. Special to The News : In the best played game of the season around here Gross beat Greenwood , S. D. , Indians by the score of 5 to 4 on the latter's grounds. The Indians were unable to do any thing with Bell and good fielding kept the score down. Score : Gross 10400000 0 5 Greenwood 00030001 0 4 Batteries : Gross , Bell and Sindalr ; Greenwood , Fredericks and Oberslmw. Wheat Yield 58 Bushels an Acre. Fremont , Tribune : Stephens and Lamley have broken the wheat record so far this year by producing on Dan V. Stephens' tiled farm fifty-eight bushels of wheat to the acre. * This remarkable yield reported yesterday by Roy Laraley , who grew the wheat , was produced from ten bushels of pure bred turkey red seed developed by the Hon. George Coupland of Elgin , Neb. This seed was sown along one side of a forty-acre field of wheat seeded with ordinary turkey red wheat. The remarkable - markablo feature of this most remark able yield was the fact that the re mainder of the forty yielded an av erage of a little less than forty-one bushels an acre , thus showing an in- ciease In yield wheio the pure bred seed was used of about eighteen bush els to the acre. Shift Army Officers. Now York , July 31. Brig. Gen. Ralph Hoyt will succeed MaJ. den. W. II. Carter , In command of the ma neuver brigade In Texas , when the latter Is relieved August 15. Gen. Car ter will como to Washington to resume - sumo his duties as assistant chief of staff , relieving Gen. Arthur Murray , who will take command of the de partment of the west with headquar ters at San Francisco. The largo re duction in the number of troops in Texas has caused the abandonment of the original plan to rotate the various major generals in tours of duty there. Bryan to Be for Wilson ? Omaha , July 31. That W. J. Bryan will soon be openly committed to the candidacy of Gov. Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey for president , nnd that ho will carry Nebraska's delegation to the national convention for him , is the confident prediction of men who un derstand the Inward workings of the Nebraska democracy. Mayor Dahlmnn's open espousal of Judaon Harmon's cause , It is declared , will force Mr. Bryan into the open for Wilson. Nebraska votes for its presi dential choice in a primary , and , In order to defeat the Harmon machina tions of the Dnhlmanites , It Is easy to see that Mr. Bryan will have to espouse - pouso the cause of some particular candidate. Gov. Wilson Is the ultimate choice ot practically all of Mr. Bryan's friends In Nebraska. They think ho Is the man to beat Harmon with , nnd they believe that the peerless leader will ultimately line up for him. Champ Clark is an easy second choice , but ho is not looked upon as a particularly strong candidate. Bryan Prefers Folk. A man who ought to know says that Mr. Bryan's real choice for the presi dential nomination is ex-Gov. Joseph W. Folk of Missouri. This man also says , however , that Mr. Bryan , In common with nearly everybody else , understands that Mr. Folk Is not a serious possibility. Mr. Bryan has not crossed Champ Clark's name off his list of eligibles , but it is no secret that he was nettled by Clark's espousal of Chairman Un derwood's cause In the controversy the latter had with Mr. Bryan over free wool. The commoner , It Is de clared , no longer looks with any great degree of enthusiasm on the Clark candidacy. Much Wilson Sentiment. The amount of Wilson sentiment among Nebraska democrats is surpris ing. Men Immediately close to Mr. Bryan , of course , are not committing themselves , but the rank and file of the Bryan faction make little secret of their support of the New Jersey gov ernor. They say that as between Wll son and Harmon in the Nebraska pri maries it will be a tidal wave for Wilson. Three to one is a moderate estimate of their claims. All they are Interested in is in seeing that the anti Harmon strength Is concentrated on Wilson and not scattered. This feeling is not confined to en thusiastic Bryan followers. M. F. Har rington , the astute and affable gentle man from O'Neil who presided over the Fremont convention Tuesday , is not a 33rd degree Bryanite. He Is un der considerable suspicion of hostility to Mr. Bryan , but he is openly for Wil son for president. Ex-Gov. Ashton C. Shallenberger , candidate for the United States senate - ate , and a man who plays politics even in his sleep , while not committing hlnv self , Is known to lean decidedly to ward Wilson. Shallenberger wants to carry Nebraska for the democratic party next year , and he thinks that the nomination of Wilson would bo a long step in that direction. No More Cholera. New York , July 31 , Further en couragement to the belief 'that the danger of en invasion of cholera is now small , came with the arrival ol another Italian liner reportilng "al well. " The vessel is the Duca Dl Genoa from Genoa and Naples. The patients In the quarantine hospital are improving and there are no new cases. U. C. T. Picnic Is Best Ever. Pleasure seeking traveling men anc their families found the long looked for pleasure spot Saturday on the grounds of the Norfolk Country club where the fourth annual picnic of the Norfolk council , No. 120 , U. C. T. , was held. The committee , consisting o Chairman George H. Spear , E. E Miller , John F. Dunhaver , H. C. Old field , and S. A. Ersklne with Fred Get tlnger assisting as starter of racing events , are today being heartily con gratulated on bringing to a culmlna- tlon late Saturday evening the best traveling men's picnic ever held here. Over $400 worth of prizes were glv- en away to winners of the various twenty-one events , most of the prizes being useful and valuable ones. Starting early Saturday morning , automobiles and gasoline launches brought scores of traveling men and their families to the club grounds and as soon as enough were brought to gether the day's events began. There was "something doing" all the time and the entertainment committee had it's hands full. Little tots were taken care of and even the oldest traveler on the grounds had a part to play. Mar ried women were overcome In a tug- of-war contest by the single ladles and fat men raced In such earnestness that they gave much amusement to the many onlookers. Little tots scram bled In sand piles in which pennies were hurled , and , when' tired of play , the refreshment stand was visited , where n gentleman In white served ices , cold drinks and other refresh- ments. The refreshment stand and playgrounds were frequently deserted for a little recreation on swings and hammocks In the shady nooks of the grounds , and even these quiet places were cast away for more secluded spots along the rlvor , for which row ) oats nnd launches were nppropilatod. 'or faster riding automobile spins vero enjoyed. Coming back from a short rest , the travelers again min ted In athletic contests and ran po > ate races , sack races , etc. , while the adlcs followed their example by try- ng for prizes in the ball throwing contests , wheelbarrow contests , noodle .brooding and the nail driving contest. The golf contest was of interest. Jthors left the contest grounds for the mil diamond , where a fast game was ) layed between the Elks nnd the trav elers ending In a score of 10 to 12 In ho Elks' favor. The first and only iccldcnt of the day occurred nt this ; amo. Pltrher Arthur Koenlgstoln for ho Elks , was at bat In the third In- ilng. Ho struck nt a ball , which lanced from the bat and struck him over the eye , cutting a deep gash. Ho vas taken care of , and It was soon oported that the Injury was not se rious. The entire morning's program was , given over 'to addresses and singing , n which many of the travelers and , .heir ladles proved to bo genuinely alented. | C. L. Chaffee's address of welcome vas heartily applauded and the ladles't quartet of the U. C. T. sang several selections immediately after Mr. Chat- fee welcomed the travelers to the rounds. Miss Shirley Englo gave n recitation and was followed by an ad- Iress by Frank II. Beels. After a so- ectlon by Mrs. and Ruth Beebe , Mrs. S. F. Ersklne pleased the audience , ' with an original poem of interest to/ travelers. Miss Carrlo Thompson's | [ I piano solo was greatly appreciated and a few minutes' talk by Frank Con- , icily jollied the auditors. I I Dewltt Dunhaver gave a piano solo and was followed by a duet by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ersklne. A. W. Hawkins - kins addressed the audience briefly and as umpire of the ball game de clared ho was always for "a square deal. " The piano and violin duet by Mr. and Mrs. Lou T. Smith was heartily - tily applauded and the musical pro gram was ended with a whistling song by Miss Leona Scott. A short recess for luncheon was an nounced and after this the contests were on in earnest. Winners of Prizes. The winners of the day's events fol low : Little girls' foot race (7 ( to 10 years ) First prize , Helen Chaffee ; second , Irma Spear ; third , Atalina Chambers. Little boys' race (10 ( years or under ) First prize , Royal Chaffee. Every contestant won a good baseball. Ladles' foot race ( free-for-all ) First prize , Mrs. C. F. Flenis ; second prize , Ruth Shaw ; third prize , Mrs. C. L. Chaffee ; fourth prize , Mrs. Fred Gettinger. Men's potato race First prize , Phe- nls ; second , L. C. Erskine ; third , Schee ; fourth , Oxner. Cracker eating contest ( free-for-all ) j Bernlce Doughty won first prize ; j second , Doris Tappert ; third , Helen Hudson. I Boy's sack race First prize , Blain Smith ; second prize , M. Dunhaver. j I ' First' ' Ladies' nail driving contest prize , Mrs. Randklev ; second , Mrs. I I Smith ; third , Mrs. Collins ; fourth,1 Dorothy Rudat ; fifth , Mrs. Doughty. 1 Little girls' foot race (6 ( years and under ) Every contestant received a handsome doll. Larger girls' foot race (10 ( years and over ) First prize , Miss Florence Smith ; Clara Borowiak , .second ; Mrs. L. Gutzmer , third ; Shirley Engle , fourth. Sand pile race for children $3.00 in pennies were buried and every child was a winner , one getting sixty-five pennies in the race. Men's foot race ( free-for-all ) First prize , Shields ; second , A. L. Smith ; third , Fred Gettinger. Needle threading contest First prize , Eva Collins ; second , Mrs. L. O. Llzer ; third , Mrs. Schultz ; fourth , Mrs. Oxner. Cup race ( for men ) Merl Scott won first prize ; Chambers , second ; Prlschman , third ; Neil , fourth. , Ladles' ball throwing contest First prize , Mrs. Beeb'e ; second , Mrs. Shea ; third , Mrs. Engle ; fourth , Mrs. Chaf fee. fee.Fat Fat men's race First prize , F. H. Beels ; second , Frank Carlisle-third ; , Prischman ; fourth , White. - i Boys' potato race Lorin Tappert won first prize ; Lawrence Hyde , second end ; Gorhani Llzer , third. ' Ladles' tug of war tmarned versus singles ) Singles won , each getting' ' bottles of prize olives. Among the winners were RIcka Gettinger , Doro-1 | thy Rudat , May Johnson , Ruth Beebe , Mary Odiorne , Leila Scott , Carrie' Thompson , Dora Pahn , Einma Heck- man , Adelia Buchholz. , ' Ladles' wheelbarrow contest Mrs. j L. W. Greer won first prize , May John i son second , Mrs. O. L. Hyde third , ! Mrs. Hudson fourth. I Fungo hitting contest ( free-for-all ) Frank Neal won first prize , Llzer second , E. E. Miller third , Patter fourth. Men's golf contest E. F. Huse won first prize , score of 49 , George H , Spear was second , score 55. There were fear prizes given. The Ball Game. The ball game was won by the Elks In a five-inning game , 12 to 10. There were many feature plays , among them being the home runs by Schee and Shields. Hall and Logan were the heavy hitters for the Elks. Each Elk won a prize box of crackers. That Ball Game. Elks AB. R. H. O. A. E. J. Koenigstein , c. . . . 2 3 1 9 0 0 A. Koenigstein , p. . . 2 0 0 0 5 1 White , cf D. Mapes , Ib and p. 3 1 1 2 4 1 Scott , cf and Ib. . . . 3 0 0 1 0 2 Pasewalk , 3b 2 2 1 2 0 0 Logan , 2b 2 2 2 0 0 2 Gutzmer , If B. Mapes , ss 1 1 1 0 0 1 Hall , rf Totals 22 12 10 16 9 7 U. C. T. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Beels , 2b 2 2 0 0 0 0 Scott , 11)1 ) 0 0 I 0 ill Shields , 3b and p. . . 4 1 1 3 1 O1 ( lottliigor , if H 0 1 0 0 Oh Nell , rf 3 1 1 0 0 O1 Schee , c 2 1 1 7 1 s'l ' Oxner , BS Ersklno , If Stanllcld , p 2 3 0 0 7 1 Totals 25 10 5 15 9 5 Score by Innings : Elks 2 0 0 6 4 12 U. C. T 1 203 4 10 Summary Two-base hits : Gottln- gcr , Logan , Hall. Homo runs : Shields and Schee. Bases on balls : Oft'Koon- Igsteln , 5 ; off Mnpes , 2 ; off Stanfleld , G. Struck out : By Koonlgstoln , 4 ; by Mapes , 5 ; by Stanfleld , 5 ; by Shields , 1. Left on bases : Elks , 3 ; U. C. T. , 5. Wild pitch : Stanfleld. Hit by pitcher : B. Mnpos nnd Logan. Time , one hour. Umplro , Hawkins. Too Much Medicine. Nellgh , Nob. , July 31. Special to The News : Mrs. Catherine Osborn 't died ' very suddenly last Saturday even ing at the hospital of Dr. A. F. Con- ery , after an Illness that did not ex ceed [ seven hours. She complained during the forenoon of being unable to j ; see out of ono of her eyes , and also that t her hearing was slightly defected - ' ed , which Indicated that possibly death may hnve been duo to hemor rhage of the brain. About 3 o'clock In ( the afternoon she became uncon scious nnd died about C:30. : Dr. Conery and Dr. Chnmberlln beIng - . Ing unabln to state the direct cause 'of death , It was decided to hold nn autopsy. This was held by County | Coroner W. F. Con well and Dr. R. W. Chnmberlln of this city nnd Dr. Hall of Clearwater. Owing to the nervous r disposition of the woman nnd the j heart stimulants given , it was the con clusion ' that death may hnvo been caused by over-medication. The deceased was employed as nurse in Gray Gables' hospital last winter and was considered very pro- flcicnt. ' She was at one time head nurse for Dr. Allison of Omaha. The mother of Mrs. Osborn arrived from Omaha yesterday afternoon. The funeral will be held hero this after noon. Miss Jordan Will Be Elected Again. Valentine , Neb. , July 31. Miss Ger trude Jordan , treasurer of Cherry county , Neb. , who had to carry her case to the supreme court before she was allowed to take office , it being held that a woman , not being a quali fied elector , could not hold public of fice , is candidate for the ollice at the coming election. She has been so satisfactory that no one has come for ward to oppose her and she will bo nominated by all political parties In the county. Strikes Head When He Dives. Wisner , Neb. , July 31. Special to The News : Wesley Wells , 21-year-old son of J. A. Wells , living northwest of town , dived into three feet of water in the Elkhorn river near here yester- day afternoon , striking hard on his head. His skull and back are injured and his condition this morning was' considered serious Young Wells , who weighs about 190 pounds , did not realize how shallow the river was at this point. Just as he was about to leap , companions s'houted to him not to jump , but it was too late. The young man was Immediately taken home. Enrouto home , running his hand through his hair , he drew out great wads of hair , indicating that his' scalp was badly hurt. But for the fact that the diver went straight , it Is supposed his neck would have been broken. Young Farmer Ends Life With Bullet. Wisner , Neb. , July 31. Special to The News : Henry Neuhauf , aged 21 , a farmer , sent a bullet through his heart at 4 o'clock this morning , nine miles southeast of here. No motive ' for the suicide Is known , as the young man was in good health and spirits. Neuhauf conducted a farm alone , boarded at the home of a widow , Mrs. DInklage. He has a brother at Pen- der. Horse Thief is Arrested. Neligh , Neb. , July 31. Special to The News : During the early hours last Monday morning a horse and sad dle was stolen from the barn of Tom Adams , who resides one mile north 'of Elgin , Deputy Sheriff L. Bennett f this city was notified and imme- 'dlately had descriptions of the stolen property sent broadcast. Mr. Adams was confident that the .horse was taken by a young man who had worked for him until a short time ago , but gave out no information or description , as he was hopeful in securing the thief in a short time. Officer Bennett had been on the search the entire week In the vicinity ' of the Niobrara river , as It was given , out that a young man and horse was seen going north in the neighborhood of E\\ing a few days ago. At C o'clock Saturday evening the police of Fremont arrested the young man , Harry Barlow , and took charge of the stolen property. Deputy Sheriff Bennett was notified and took the early train yesterday morning , return ing with his prisoner In the afternoon , whom ho placed In the county jail. Young Barlow has confessed to his guilt and is charged with horse steal ing. It is expected that ho will bo arraigned before County Judge Wilson sometime today. The horse was ordered shipped by Mr. Adams to Elgin. The Fremont of ficers will secure the ? 75 reward of fered. Race Entries Have Closed. When the entries closed at 11 o'clock p. m. for the Norfolk race meet , Secretary Hawkins found his estimate cut down considerably. However - ever , there are forty-eight fine horses booked for the six scheduled races , and It was expected that there would bo several arrivals this Afternoon , which had reported by mall since last Saturday. These would bo allowed admission according to the circuit rules : , The race secretary Is busy employing < ploying men for work on the grounds ! ! mill a force of policemen will bo put on to guard against till possible mis haps. An limpuctiou of the barns and tracks on the driving park nhows a tine track with just u little covering of dust from early practice. All around the i track the dust lies about a quarter of < an Inch deep , and notwithstanding this I , the race men declare It to he In first class condition. All Sunday morning , afternoon and Monday the owners of horses were running their animals around the track , BOIUO show ing very good speed. The ball diamond Is In line condi tion nnd the game with Madison will bo u fast one. From Madison comes the report that n large delegation from that city will bo hero to hold up their end of "Madison day , " which Is the first day of the races. New Deot Must Come Right Away. Ollit'lnls of the Union Pacific nnd M. & O. railroads will Ijo notified by the Norfolk Commercial club that un less I definite action Is taken on the long-talked-of 1 now depot for this city within ton days , the matter will betaken taken up with the state railway com mission. The delay has been n year and n half. This was the decision of the direct ors of the Commorejal club nt their noon mooting Monday. Property owners on North Fifth street are said to be ready to pave as soon us the new depot Is built. Won't Clianoe Deot's Name. Supt. C. 11. Reynolds of the North- westoin railroad has written to the Ad club to the effect that the railroad company finds it objectionable to change the name of the now station In Norfolk from "Norfolk Junction" to "Third street station. " Following is Mr. Reynolds' letter : "Referring to your request of July I In regard to changing the name of our station at Norfolk Junction nnd of Nor folk city. "I have to advlso that the matter has been submitted to proper olllcora of the company , but objection on their part Is made to the fact that owing to Norfolk Junction being located upon a townslto originally laid out as such by the railway company , and on that ac count our people are averse to making a change In the names ns suggested. "Yours truly , "C. H. Reynolds , Superintendent. " Democrats In a Row. Washington , July 31. In the hope of insuring unanimity of action on the farmers' free list bill , the democratic senators met in caucus today. The principal question before the meeting was as to accepting the Bailey amend ment eliminating farm products from the articles to be admitted free , but there also were references to the pos , sibility of adding some of the general tariff schedules. The contract was 1 spirited but adjourned without result until tonight. I The only question to receive consld- I eration was the Bailey amendment , which was supported by Its author and was attacked by several senators. i _ I i WOULD PENSION ALL OVER 60. i | Washintgou , July 31. A pension of 1 54 a week for every man and woman more than GO years of age Is provided for in a bill by Representative Victor i L. Berger , introduced today. He is the socialist member from Wisconsin. | 1 The representative included In his bill a clause that none of the courts of the country , not even supreme court of the United States , should j.ass upon Its validity. - j ' To Enjoin a Copper Trust. " * i Lansing , Mich. , July 31. Judge Weiae handed down an opinion this morning granting a temporary injunc- tlon to the minority stockholders In the Osceola Mining company to pre- I ' vent the so-called copper merger. ' I Run On Salt Lake Bank. Salt Lake. Aug. 1. A mild run on its savings account department was 1 experienced by the Continental Na tional bank of this city. The legular deposits , it was stated , were not af fected. At noon approximately $30.000 had been withdrawn. A petition for a receiver for the Commercial Na tional bank , which named among other defendants olllcers of the Continental National bank , was filed in the federal court here Saturday by a number of i stockholders of the Commercial Na tional bank , It being charged that the liquidating company had failed prop erly to safeguard the Interests of the petitioning stockholders when the ' new bank , the Continental National , was organized. l A REPORTER'S MISSION. Lorimer Attorney Insinuates It Was to Blackmail Legislator. Washington , July 31. How he spent , two or three weeks Investigating the so-called Charles A. White confession was related today to the senate .Lori mer committee by Edward O. Phllllpa a reporter on the Chicago Tribune. The witness told of his visits to va rious legislators whose names were connected with graft In the White story. In connection with a visit to Repre sentative. Foster at Rushvllle which Phillips said was made to ascertain Foster's connection with a Fish bill , Attorney Hanecy asked : "Didn't you go to Rushvlllo to get something on Foster so as to make him testify as you or the Tribune do- fired on the senatorial matter ? " "No , sir ; I did not. " "If you wanted o know about the Fish bill , why didn't you call on Rep resentative Chlpperfleld ? " "Because Chlpperfield was thqn on Hudson bay. " Chairman Dllllngham rebuked At torney Hanecy when the latter tried to get Phillips to say that Represen tative Charles L. Luke died ot tuber- culosi * .