TUB NOKKOLK WBBKLY NKWS-JOUKNAb , PHI DAY , .JUIA' 7 , 1011. The Norfolk Wwkly News-Journal Tliu NCWH , KMnbllshed 1881. The Journal. Kutablluhed 1877. THE HUSE PUBLISHING COMPANY W. N. 11 line N. A. Huso , President. Secretary. iSvery Friday. Hy mall per year , Entered at tlio postofllce. at Norfolk , Neb. , as second class matter. Telephone ) ; : Editorial Department No. 22. Business Ofllceand Job llooms , No. 11 22. lllrain Maxim turn Invented a noise less cannon , but It will never bo pop ular for Fourth of July celobratlotiH. Mr. Carnegie- might bavo to put an addition on hit * libraries If bo told all bo know about United States Steel. The harem Khlrts prove unpopular tit Atlantic City. They were too much llko tbo mantle of chnrlty In covering up sins. Tacoina has found out that the men who will accept olllce under the recall nystom are the men who ought to be recalled. The government Is after the alleged magazine trust , nnd it proposes to Htop this restraint of the trade in muck rakes. ( g j Some people favor substituting ice cream for explosives July 4 , and stomachache achache really seems moro desirable than lockjaw. This campaign against unnecessary noises should take up the question of Capt. Ilobson and his views on the war with Japan. The summer resorts are filling up , nnd one must get bis quarters ready for the table waiters , or be relegated to the famine sufferers. The absence of n coronation ode from Alfred Austin caused comment , but If he can't get It printed elsewhere wo will take it at space rates. The queen naturally wept during the coronation , as her carefully pre pared dinner must have got very cold during an eight hours ceremony. Mr. Taft wants the senate to vote on reciprocity , and after a full line of speeches has been mailed to every voter , they may consent to do so. The congressmen are spending so much time looking at the grandstand that they forget all about the ball un til it gets tangled up with their feet. The arbitration treaty with England Is nearly ready , but the senate will observe its rights to deposit chestnut burrs beneath the British lion's tail. As Envoy Hammond had to wear knee breeches to the coronation , he could ride up to the Abbey on a bi cycle instead of having to hire a hack. Fourteen lumber trust men are pre sented with indictments , which papers it is now fashionable to frame and hang along side of your college degree. The fat men are In convention in Boston , and let us hope that bridges , railroad trestles and steamship wharves have been carefully inspect ed. President Taft kissed a baby on his Fall Hlver visit. After many hard knocks , he is gradually learning the elementary principles of statesman ship. Admiral Togo is spending seventeen days looking over our country , but we don't believe it necessary yet to put nnuor plate on the Hoboken ferry boats. The president talked to 100,000 people ple at Providence , R. 1. , almost as many as would have turned out to see a. Newport divorcee go by with her lap dog. Strange to say , the senators who used to wear the sugar trust tag in place of a boutonnlere , have got tc the point where they keep it inside their coats. Now that the coronation Is over King George must feel relieved to be able to put his tall coat in the closet and walk down to the olllce in his business suit. The Yale class of ' 9G brags of Its 30) ) babies , but how many of those bachelors olors of arts can carry one of the kids so as not to hurt Us neck , without con slant coaching from their wives ? From the way the story lias beer coming out , many people feel that Col Roosevelt would have gotten as nvucl satisfaction out of a ham sandwich as out of dining with Senator Lorimer. Many college students are now get ting trips to Europe by feeding cattle on tbo freight boats. This Is mucl preferable to serving course dinners tc the Smart Set as summer hotel wait ters. An eastern paper says the York Sun does not like Woodrow Wll son. Will this contemporary klndlj mention any one the New York Sur does like ? Aviator Sopwlth has delivered t package by aeroplane to the steamer Olympic. How n red blooded baggage handler would enjoy delivering trunks In that manner. If all the energy devoted by Hanker Morse to getting out of Jail had been previously devoted to keeping out , he might Rtlll be Joyfully riding around on his Ice cartH. Henry James got a Harvard degree and now they should give another to the man who shall get up a guide book by which ono can understand Mr. James' writings. John L. Sullivan Is to retire from the stgo , but If bo keeps on contrib uting bis classic gems of English prose to the newspapers , the cause of lltera- uru Is-stlll safe. Indianapolis and Buffalo have adopt- d municipal ( lags for city booming urposcs. This Is not a bad Idea. It night be so used as to prove an in- entlvo to civic patriotism. Not merely did the court sanction he Southern and Union Pacltlc mer- ; er , but one gang of ruthless monop olists Is allowed to operate the two iaralk'1 lines of a double track rail oad. The democrats arc hurrying to get heir tariff bill into public document 'orm , before the tariff board has time o see bow It looks in the light of usiness men's ledgers and working- nen's wages. In view of the head-on locomotive olllslon at the Indianapolis Fourth of illy celebration , Mr. Taft would en- mnce his popularity by confining his peech to the historic words , "Let her go Gallagher. " By a strange contradiction from ivhat would be expected , the author of he much loved song "Home Sweet lome" was a poor and homeless bach elor , who never knew the Joys of home Ife after lie reached maturity. Ex-Senator Hopkins says Jack-pot- Ing has always been common in the llinois legislature. Like the hotel cloak-room man , legislators Instead of receiving a salary will soon be paying for the chance at the tips. Farming seems destined to become one of the highest of the learned pro fessions instead of one specially de signed to furnish employment for the men who didn't know enough to do anything else , as it was once regarded. If the campaign in favor of safe and sane Fourth of July celebrations is kept up energetically , the fire engine and the doctor will not play as im portant parts as formerly in the day's festivities. Watch the boy who knows how to stick to what he is doing till he has accomplished it. That boy has a fu ture. Tenacity of purpose is a charac teristic which will , alone , go far to repair even the lack of native ability. A Kansas official says that a drink is being sold in that state which upon being analyzed was found to contain prune Juice , jlmpson weed , logwood and tobacco. That old question , "What's the matter with Kansas ? " has been answered once for all. The defeat of the Root amendment to the Canadian reciprocity agreement gives the country assurance that the senate will act favorably on the agree ment , as It was entered , without tackIng - Ing on objectlonal riders. The sagacious newly married couple will carefully sweep up the rice of fered by attentive friends and offer it to them in the form of a rice pudding at some future social function. Banker Morse is now trying to get out of Jail by a habeas corpus writ , in spite of the service he could do his country by keeping calm and attend' ing strictly to the creation of cane seat chairs. As the packers won't be tried until November 20 , too early to assure us cheap filling for this summer's picnk sandwiches , some of us will have tc keep on using lettuce leaves from tlu kitchen garden. How those eleven Harvard bach elors of arts who are to become "Jour nallsts" will feel when the city editoi asks them to walk three miles Intc the suburbs and ask Mrs. Harduj where she spends the week-end ! Whatever may be the Justice of tin suit against the magazines under the anti-trust law , it Is evident that tin government is making every effort t < have all business Interests live up t ( the law regardless who Is hit. Forty-nine countries were represent ed at the recent meeting of the Inter national institute of agriculture ai Rome. It was voted to adopt tin American method of handling crop es tlmates , reports and conditions , whicl are acknowledged to be more com plete and accurate than those of anj other country. The luxurious club rooms in the annex to the senate are so complete and satisfactory in every detail thai it Is said the senators no longer pine for the adjournment of congress , bui are content to idle awny their time there indefinitely. Is there no way 01 making their quarters so hot for them that 11 icy will get a move on the busi ness for which they were sent there" Americans are the greatest fruit eaters In tHe world. The importation of foreign fruits has grown phenom enally in the last generation. A generation - oration ago the banana was a rare wiry. Last year 40.000.HOO bunches ere brought Into this country. Dur- Ig the same time only a few hundred lousand bunches wore oaten in Eng- and. The English take more kindly o American apples , of which they eat million barrels a year. Smokers can now grow their own ipes. The London Mirror states hat alabash seeds have recently arrived i England for the first time , and the nportor claims that any one can grow Is own calabash In a few months , uu- er glass. They have to be baited In n oven about three months before boy are ready for the tobncooulbt Consequently those who sow their cal- basil seeds now would not reap tueli Ipes before Christmas. If China succeeds in collecting that Ix million dollar indemnity from Mex- co it will give the nations of the arth to understand that she is dis- Inctly in the arena and knowing her Ights , and hereafter proposes to main ain them at least when a smaller atlon does her a wrong. The world las made a great deal of talk about Ivilizlng China , but it is evident that China has decided to reciprocate. When the call to arms came lifty rears ago , a large body of students eft the University of North Carolina o Join the confederate army. It was most pathetic scene when this spring 00 old men , the survivors of that stu [ lent body , returned to their college and received their long waited for bachelor of arts degree. Although Canada was won Iroin he French by the English more than a century and a half ago , the French residents of a suburb of Montreal oh- ected most strenuously to a recent at- empt to place an English sign on the lostolllce. They gathered in the vil- age square and after a patriotic dem onstration in which the songs of their athers were enthusiastically sung hey placed a sign in the French lan guage upon the building. It takes a eng time to make an Englishman out of a Frenchman. The incident of 2,000 voters being ilisfranchised for live years for vote selling in Ohio Is still fresh in the public mind. Probably not many have thought to ask who bought their votes or what punishment was meted out to the purchaser. But recent disclosures supported by affidavits of the offend ing voters seem to prove that Judge Blair , who made this wholesale on slaught to purify the ballot Is , him self , the guilty party. If the offense charged were not so serious , this would add a spice of comedy to the melodrama , with Blair in each case in the leading role. FARM LIFE CHANGED. In ten years the automobile bus revolutionized the world. It has ou distances into fractions of their for mer selves and created a new relntion ship among country towns and be tween the farm and the town. "Booster" trade excursions , carry ing the citizens of one town over a great distance and permitting them to become better acquainted with the ! neighboring communities , have come to be quite a commonplace spectacle ii this part of the west within the pas few months , and their popularity i increasing. With the arrival of the automobile and good roads , farm life isn't the drudge that once it was. SUMMER IN THE CHURCHES. To the prevailing sight of closet church doors during hot weather , with the parsons mostly summering at coo resorts , it is commonly remarked , am with much force , that the devil neve takes a vacation. At the same time , when the young sters are driven up to Sunday schoo right through the summer at a periot which the day schools recognize a rest time , it takes a good many pic nics and Christmas trees to wipe ou inner resentment at conservative re llglous high brows. When the small boy remarked tha "We have a very kind minister at ou church , who preaches short sermon on hot Sundays , " the old folks laugl ed , but he had really hit on a profoun truth. PLAYING BALL ON STREET. Playing "catch" on the street In Noi folk has been permitted by the pollc without Interference , but the time ha come when a halt should be called. serious accident Friday evening , who a Hoskins man driving an automobll was struck In the face and serious ] wounded , ought to be enough of warning to t'he authorities to put stop to the nuisance. The streets were made for vehicle and not for a baseball field. The dan ger of throwing a ball back and fort on a principal business street , or an other street , Is obvious. Friday's ac cldent tells the story. v And what happened Friday will hap pen again , unless the nuisance is don away with. The next time the bal may strike and kill. No person wh drives on the street Is Immune from the danger and the next victim may b you , or some member of your family , If street ball playing goes on. HOW ABOUT A HOSPITAL ? Do you think Norfolk doesn't need a hospital ? Do you think the people of this city arc doing their duty by themselves , or by their families , or by the tributary which looks to Norfolk as Its metropolis , in not building a hospital ? Is it fair to ourselves that when members of our families are sicker or injured , they must bo carted 120 miles tin n rough railroad Journey , be fore they tan get modern , sanitary care ? Suppose It was your wife , or your ttlo girl or little boy who was slid- only stricken and needed hospital are , If n battle were to be made for Ife ? Wouldn't you think , then , that Norfolk needed something of that ort ? Don't you think we owe it to nil-selves to get busy on this proposi- Ion ? Is there a man in all Norfolk vho wouldn't gladly go Into his pocket nd give as liberally as he could , to stabllsh such an Institution in this ity ? Surely not. As a rule the maintenance of hos- ) ltals In small cities is unprofitable , riit a proposition was made to the Corfolk Commercial club some months igo whereby , if the city will build n ; 10,000 hospital , its maintenance for ever will bo taken care of by the Epis- opal church of Nebraska. The News hopes , and it believes the icople of Norfolk hope , that the di rectors of the Commercial club may ee their way clear to take up the natter of raising money for a hospital , vithout further delay. Norfolk has needed a hospital for nany years , and it needs It worse every day. The cost is a small matter , vhen its importance to the community s considered , and there's no time like .he present for getting busy on the proposition. COLLEGE MEX IN BUSINESS. The statistics of any of our college graduating classes show a remarkable hange as respects choice of business nnd professions. Take for instance , the Harvard class of 1911. Here are the figures of stu- lents choosing the so-called learned professions : Law , 78 ; medicine , 2-1 ; ministry , S ; teaching. 49 ; total. 159. These are the total for business Callings : Business , So ; engineering , 4C ; banking , 22 ; manufacturing , 23 ; chemistry , G ; total , 184. That Is , the most famous American miverslty , once almost exclusively a training school for the scholastic pro fessions , is turning out more business than professional men today. It is felt by many people that it is a mistake , as a business proposition , for a young man who is bent on a com mercial career , to spend four years in college. The recently published fig ures of the Dartmouth college grad uates of the year 1900 do not support that Idea. The returns of that class so far as available showed that they are now averaging to earn ? 2C30 per year. And yet everyone of us counts in his personal acquaintance college men who are grinding away at adding up columns of figures or tending ribbon counters , work for which six months in a commercial school would have given adequate preparation. What is the mysterious influence of the classic shades of college , assum ing due attention to work on the part of the student , that has this power to enlarge the scope of a man's life , even from the coarse and fleshly viewpoint of business success ? It would indeed be hard to analyze. Ono great element must be the per sonality of the college faculty. The boy comes from a secondary echool where methods of teaching are too often conventional and routine. He finds the teachers repeating facts and directing them how to do certain prob lems , after rules found in books. The typical college professor Is a more original worker. He is apt to proceed as if no book on the suhjecl had ever been written , and as if pro fessor and student were original ex plorers in mi untried and undiscov ered field. This gives a student the habit of thinking out things for himself , and discovering and creating successes out of situations where others see onlj failure. THE NEW FOURTH. The movement for a more patriotic ; expression of national sentiment on July 4 gains force every year , and awakens approval even from those who are tolerant of the destructive burly burly once universal. At the same time , to make this civic birthday look good to the small boy there must bo something more thai the solemn splurge of the Fourth of a generation ago , accounts of which yen can find In the files of our older news papers. Of course the fathers used to have a Jolly time with wrestling matches barbecues of fat animals , and other exuberances. But when one reads the typical July 4 speech of about the year 1840 to 1850 , it Is clear that the patriotism of today Is at least more intelligent. But how the eagle did scream at those florid and rebundant functions of our previous history ! According to the holiday oratory of those celebrations , the entire polltica wisdom and constructive statesman ship of the world was centered under the stars and stripes. We were n bumptious I youth , and we used to pro claim the truths of statecraft to a waiting and awe struck world , much as the college graduate of today tells how the earth would cease this dis tressing creaking on its axis If It would but grease the bearings with the wisdom of newly fledged alumni. As the youth grows more modest the farther away lie gets from his college - lego degroo. so America takes Its place In the sisterhood of nations with loss aggressive self assertion. We believe we have the best government In the world , but we do not feel that it Is always good manners to be proclaim ing that fact In the ears of our neigh bors. bors.The The new Fourth and its oratory will look more to the future than to the past. If It tells of the deathless deeds of the patriots of old , It will be from no fooling of self satisfaction but merely to show the youth of today the standard that Is bet for their far up hill climb. Thp new Fourth will always be a lay for young heart * . What If the iroworks do look a little palo to the ilaso eyes of ago. If they stir the 'Ahs" and "Ohs" from the children , hey make good. And first and fore- nest in the new Fourth must always ie manly athletics , for the llrst stop n patriotism Is to place n sound nor mil body at tbo service of your coun try. AROUND TOWN. You can't expect anything In this column today. Please pass the bromo-selzer. The Rosebud got an inch of rain Wednesday night , as well as the north edge of Xebraska. Apparently not out of the rain belt Just yet. Does your face get muddy these lays ? We haven't the heart to ask you if t's hot enough for you. What chance has the primary law among democrats of the Ninth Judicial ilistrict , anyhow ? If Gov. Aldrich's Information about Ohio opposing Taft is no more au thentic than bis wildcat dream about Nebraska going for the pompadour kid of Wisconsin , it needn't worry the president a great deal. The nldfashioncd raspberry pie , with juice around the edges , has been round , in all its deliclousness , in a liouse on Nebraska avenue and Elev enth street. A tea party might be all right these days , if it was iced tea. But a swimming party would suit us better. Are you on ? You know what the last guy in , is. Now beat it. There's always some place where It's hotter. Won't mention any names. How can a man sleep eight hours a day , work eight hours a day. spend three hours a day at meals , play golf two hours a day , run an automobile the rest of the twenty-four and stil1 have time to mow the lawn and water the trees and spade up around the woodbine and trim the hedge ? This is a good time of year to culti vate the neighbors' chickens. A little later they'll be about right to decapi tate. A Norfolk farmer , who has a colored farmhand , said to the man : "I'm go ing to pay you on a sliding scale this year. If the crops are good , I'll pay you well ; if they're poor , the wages will be lower. " "I've worked that way before , " the colored man said. "Once I worked that way for a fellow and at the end of the season I owed him money. " There may be ways of ridding Nor folk of criminals and thugs who have been camping around this town for the past three weeks. But a police force 70 years old is not the way. Where are you going to celebrate ? If you get a powder burn , or if the children do , have a doctor dress it at once. That's cheaper than the lock jaw. There are too many unswatted flies roaming around. And too many uncut weeds. And too big a town without a hos- prtal. Cast your lamps on that cluster light yet ? How'd Norfolk avenue look , with a string of 'em running along each side ? Fremont's got 'em. What's become of the old fashioned ante-Fourth noise. Time was when you didn't dare drive your horse around town for a week in advance of the Fourth , lest it be scared to death , and the list of Fourth of July acci dents began long before the arrival of the celebrated day. What's become of the Insane Fourth , anyhow ? Only three more sleeps , and not much of that. With a big land rush coming , it would be a great little time to build n new hotel In Norfolk. Tomorrow there'll bo no News. The Fourth of July is one day in the year when we absolutely refuse to work a goldarn bit. A humorist at Erie. Pa. , sending out a dispatch about a train robbery , says It was done in true "wild west" fash ion. We appreciate the courtesy of the headline writer on The News who changed it to read "wild cast. " That's more like it. With a hundred thousand people to pass through this city during the com ing hind rush , It behooves Norfolk to get busy and light her streets with ( luster lights from beginning to end. XOW'H the time. If you value your health , or your llfo , don't drink Ice water or anything else with Ice In It , this hot weather. It's a very Injurious thing to do. "American Illes 93 miles In 71 min utes ; " "Italian tiles lit ! miles In an hour In an automobile ; " "Atwood flies Into Xew York City. " Where the deuce do all the Illes come from , any way ? We keep swatting and swatting , ; ul still the air Is full of 'em. I'Set the alarm clock for 4 a. in. And don't hold the llrecrackor In your hand after it's lighted. And If you do get a powder burn , get a doctor to dress the wound , bo It ever so humble. Leaps Down Fifteen Stories. Chicago , July It.-G. A. Wright , a clerk , committed suleldo today by jumping from the fifteenth story of the Masonic temple building to the court below. He was instantly killed. SUNDAY SCHOOL QUESTIONS Suggestive Queries on International Sunday School Lessons. July 9th , 1911. ( Copyright , inio. \ > y Kcv. I' . S. Unnrolt. II. ) The Suffering Servant of .lubovtih. Isa. 111:13 : 1111:12. : Golden Text The Lord bath laid oi < him the iniquity of us nil. I&a. 1111 : C. ( t. ) Verfo. 13 Who was the "ser vant" of whom Isaiah speaks ? ( i ! . ) Wliut is It to be u servant of God , and how docs Jesus fulfil such a position ? (3. ( ) In how many respects Is Jesui "exalted , extolled , " nnd "very high ? " (4. ( ) Verses 14-15 Notwlthstandinj the Old Testament prophecies con cerning the Buffering Messiah was there a single poraon who was not "astonished" at his crucifixion ? ( ft. ) Why were all the people of God Including hta apostles "nston- telied , " and disappointed , at the cruel- iixlcm of Jesus ? ( C. ) What bun Jesus "sprinkled" the nations with ? (7. ( ) What proportion of the kings or the presidents of the nations look to. and honor JGBUS as the Saviour of tbo world ? (8. ( ) Vcrpcs 11H:1 : How many to day believe this "report" of the suffering eon of OodT (0. ( ) Why tinve BO many refused to believe this "report ? " (10. ( ) What relation do those whom God has delivered from their sins and their sorrowful fears , bear to this "re port ? " (11. ( ) Vernes 2-3 What would have bcon the r nult to God's cause , if the world's redeemer had belonged to a kingly home Instead of a carpenter's ? (12. ( ) What would have been the dif ference In the results If Jeans had been a great general , a legislator , or merchant prince ? (13. ( ) What class of men have de- eplsed and r j cted Jesue ? U4. ) Did God want Jesus to bo "a man of sorrows ? " (1.1. ( ) Verpi's 4-9 How has Jesus borne our prletF and sorrows ? 1C. ) Did God plan to have the Jews reject Jesus and to crucify him ? Give your reasons. (17. ) Could Jesus have borne our prlefs and saved our souls If the Jews had accepted him ? (18. ( ) When the prophet says "We did esteem hl-n stricken , smitten of God nnd afflicted , " were the Jews or others right or wrong In so thinking ? (19. ( ) Was God at nny time angry with Jeeus , or did be ever punish him ? (20. ( ) In what way did Jesus bear nil the cruel Insults and the physical mifferinE Inflicted on him by IMP Jews , for our snkes ? (21. ( ) Suppose the Jews had yielded their hearts to the loving Invitation of Jesus , and had espoused Hit cauie as Hie Apostles did , what would have bean the probable result upon the sal vation of tha world ? ( This Is one of the questions that may be answered In writing by members of the club. ) (22. ( ) Why dirt the Jews bring about the crucifixion of Jesus ? /23. ) Verpos 10-12 What lire noine of the personal blessings which come to us through the death of Jesus ? (24. ( ) What are some of the national Mpsslngs which we enjoy through the death of Jesus ? LeBRon for Sunday , July Ifith , 1011. Manasseh's Wickedness and Peni tence. ? Chrnn YTTlll-1.9ft Just Like His Dad. "Bllpglnp says he has ono of the Smartest and handsomest youngsters in the country. " "Yes. " replied Mr. Growcher ; "that's what comes of so many people think ing It necessary to toll n man that hh children talc * after him. " Washing ton Stiir Fair Warning. Gotn > \ - ( ' , \ini - | | ( my diuili ; tor In I bo wny she has been ni-cii" tomi'd to live , young man ? IJirdtiipe ! | -Well. It'll iw your fault If I can't.- Philadelphia Itword. Two Fatal Mistakes , Marie Antoinette , escaping from the Tullerles. turned to the right Instead ute to the loft after passing the Inner arch She lost her way. lost time and by this means lost her own head and the heat of Louis XIV. So the story of Cnrlyle runs. Queen Oragu of Servla meant to leave Belgrade , but waited for n going away gown , being anxious that as a fugitive she should appuur in becoming attire. It was a fatal delay. THE TKIUNril Or THE DREAMER. Text , "lleliolil this dreamrr romoth. " flrn. xxxvll , ID. This story of Jononh opeixs up bright and tremulous with llfo an n Jmu > morning. Seventeen-year-old Bhopbcnl boy , light hearted and strong , IH strid ing over tliu fields of Hhochom to llnil a brothers and tht'lr nooks ITo stop one by tliu wny to unit if ho has m-en thorn. The stranger tolls htm thoy'ro nt Dotlinn , thirty mllon nway. Iltv starts off n tnln with nil the buoyancy of youth , hh young frnnlc eyes tlllctl with wondrr as ho remombiTH bin gtrango drcamn by night God has told him lie is to occupy largo nparo HOIIW day if ho Is faithful in Niiuiller ono. Then the chapter climes like tbo storm- lest and blackoHt day In Divombi'r when tliu old year is dying. All In dark , nnd black as HII ! nnd guilt and jcnl ousy can ntnko It Joseph noJd Into slavery , Jacob mourning him an dead , the brothers carrying a load of guilt Uiat only the yearn of God's provldeiieo can clear away. In that day , In Pha raoh's pnlaco. with Joseph as prlmo minister , the triumph of tbo dreamer la complete. Substance and Shadow In nothing Is the practical man BO likely to err HH in underestimating tbo vnlua of tbo man of thought. Ho doesn't read history aright. Sonio man of thought , some pioneer of Imagina tion , Homo < 1 rim mer , 1ms been back of every worthy work the world has over known. Bainuol Adams did as much with his pen as George Washington with his flword for the colonies. Our national clangor today is American Ideals becoming materialistic. Wc'ro placing our trust In horses nnd chari ots rather than in men. I stood not long ago on dock of Hteamer watching the launching of tbo mightiest onglno of destruction the world has ever soon , turret rising upon turret , batter- upon battery. No wonder bands played , flags waved and crowds cheered. The evening papers called attention to thin floating citadel as n symbol of the pow er of our great republic. Yet the event was neither so InteroHtlng nor so suggestive - gestivo of tbo real glory and hope of our nation as the simple commoiu'o- ment exercises which will take place- In hundreds of towns throughout our land during the month of Juno. Young men and women representing the best and highest typo of tbo American people ple will graduate from our high schools , colleges and universities. These rep resent the real strength of our nation more than armies or navies. Looking at or Through. "Where there is no vision the people perish , " says Holy Writ. Then is tolii the story of Abraham forsaking his Idols going out , "not knowing whith er ; " Jacob nt Bethel , with tbo angels descending and ascending the heaven ly ladder ; child Samuel on his couch in twilight of temple ; Solomon nt Glboon hearing God soy , "Ask what I shall give tbee. " Tell me your dreams , I'll tell you the history of your llfo. Dreams are shadows of things hoped , for , the substance of things not seen. Every concrete thing in the world IB n dream made true , whether Indian wo man weaving a basket in Oklahoma or engineer pushing a tube under Hud son river. Phidias dreamed and the * marble spoke ; Joan of Arc dreamed nnd French armies fought ; Field dreamed and tied two continents to gether ; Bell dreamed and the tele-phono spoke ; Edison dreamed and the phonograph graph sung ; the Wrights dreamed and airships sail the skies. The world's dreamers are the world's doers , for it must needs be the dream come true. The difference between dreamer and visionary is as much as between child like and childish. Much depends OR the looking. Ono can look at a windowpane - dowpano or beyond it , upon n tele scope or through it The Triumph of the Dr am r. When Lorenz , great Austrian sur geon , was a ragged , barefoot lad , he found ono day n glove , the glove of a gentleman. Mother wild sadly , "It will bo long before you can earn the other , my boy. " Ever read the story of win ning the other glove ? It's Uirllling. Years of struggle , poverty , defeat A. terrible ecnyna breaks out on him nnd closes the coveted door. Twenty years later , in our day , the prayers nnd blessings of Europe nnd America are his he has found the other glove. Thursday noon , Dec. 12 , 1001 , a great Inventor awaits the decisive moment of his life. Signal Hill , Newfoundland ; a bluff , raw day ; 300 feet below him thunders the cold sea stretching out 2,000 miles to the coast of the British isles. No sound. A kite gyrates wild ly above. Then throe sharp clicks. Ten minutes Inter more agreed signals. Dramatic moment the dreamer has won Marconi's wireless is assured. Surely the Southern Cross never crowned more sublime scene than at 4 o'clock on the morning of Oct 112. 1402 , when Rodorlgo do Frinna from masthead of Columbus' flagship shouts , "Land , land ! " The news Is flashed from Plnta to Nina to Santa Maria , nnd San Salvador is written on tbo world's map for first time. The mys tery of the sea is revealed the dream er's dream Is now history. What's the dream of that young car penter ? Ruler of synagogue ? Rabbi ? High priest ? Foolish boyl He has no teacher , no great friends , no money , Still he dreams a dream of world conquest Huh ! He hasn't even a word. They crucify htm between thlerea. The dreamer has triumphed by wny of the CTOM. A classified advertiser , who "means business , " will get business. If ho" has something to sell that Is worth while , he will advertise it in a confident and convincing way nid he will sell It