T11H NOIiKOLK WBKKl/V NEWS-JOURNAL , FHIDAY. JULY 7 , 1011. n Atkinson Dentt Stuart. AtkltiMin , Neb. , July 3 Special to Tlio NOWH : The Atkinson bahcball tfitin won from Stuart- 1 to 7 In nn evenly matched game1 , lloth teams played well , consldoilng the high wind that was blowing. The feature of tlic Kinno were tlm fielding of A. 0. Miller and tbo pitching of Casey , allowing only two scratch bits. Tbo score : Atkinson 02103001 0 7 Htuart 001201000 1 DntU'lles : Casey and Kay mer ; Johnson and Jones. Wlnslde Beats Norfolk , 3-2. WliiHldo beat Norfolk at baseball at Wlnsldo Sunday afternoon , 3 to 2. Getting Ready for Land Rush. Tbo 1'aeiflc bold lias rented tbo Hocond Moor of tbo now Koyen build ing , corner Madison avenue and Fifth Htreet , to be Illled with rots during tbo coming lioHcbuil and 1'lne Hlilgo In dian re-nervation land rush. It Is esti mated ( iOO lodgers ( an be aecommo- dated in tills building. Nlobrara Beats Crelghton. Nlobrara , Neb. . July 3. Special to Tbo NOWH : Nlobrara won the game from Crelghton In the ninth Inning after two men were out. The high wind and dust probably accounts for the high score. At the close the score ntooil 11 to 10 In favor of Niobrara. Score : Crelghton 20005010 2 10 Nlobrara 30000011 C 11 Batteries : Crelghton , McKay and Cain ; Nlobrara , Mackey , Wblpple , Bar- rell and Wabasha. Dakota Undertaker Suicides. Hot Springs , S. D. , July 3. James W. Doyce , an undertaker of this place , took his life early in his "deii" over bis store , by sending a rlflo bullet through his breast. A member of the family went to call him for breakfast and found him dead. IRON QUILL IS DEAD. Famous Kansas Poet Philospher Dlea From Heart Failure. Colorado Springs , Colo. , July 3. Eu gene F. Ware , "Iron Quill , " the famous Kansas poet , United States pension commissioner under President Roosevelt velt and one of tbo best known law yers in the west , died suddenly from heart disease Saturday night at Cas cade , a summer resort beveral miles wefat of this city. Washington , July 3 While Capt. Eugene F. Ware was commissioner of pensions , ho drew forth a storm of disapproval from grand army men by bis annual report and in a speech in San Francisco to "an obelisk of gold , " which be said could be erected with the money paid out in pensions. Aunt Delia With Him. Boston , Mass. , July 3. President Taft , accompanied by his aunt , Miss Delia Torrey of Millbury , MaJ. Archi bald Butt and secret service men , left this city at 2 o'clock for Indianapolis. The president motored to Boston from the summer white bouse at Beverly. A LONG JURY TRIAL. No Verdict Yet In Case of Ohio Sen ate Sergeant-at-Arms. Columbus , O. , July 3. With long dis tance jury records In Franklin county already broken , the jury in the case of Hodney J. Dlegel , senate sergeant-at- arms , who for two weeks has been on trial charged with abetting in bribery , was sent back to its room for further deliberation at the opening of Judge E. B. Kinkcnd's court today. The case was given to the jury at 4:30 : last Fri day afternoon and since that hour the jurors have been locked up. Rails Won't Go Beyond Winner. The Northwestern railroad will not extend beyond Winner , S. D. , this sum mer. The track has been completed to Winner and no more grading will be done. Winner will be the nearest rail road town to Mellette county , which is to be opened by the government in October. The railroad is building a large new depot and eating house at Norfolk , upon which work Is being rushed in order to be prepared for the thousands of transients. Charles Schram. Charles Schram , a retired and pen- Hioned engineer of the Northwestern Railroad company , died at his home at COG South Third street at 2:44 : Sunday morning , after a year's Illness , brought on by heart trouble. Mr. Schram was 60 years old. He Is survived by a widow , two sons , Erail and Kobert , find five daughters Mrs. Welsh 4ck- rrman , Pocatello , Ida. ; Dena , Minnie , Lizzie and Edith. Funeral services have not yet been arranged , it being expected that Mrs. Ackerman will come here from Idaho. Funeral services will be held from the family home at 2 o'clock Wednes day afternoon and at 2:30 : from the church. Atlanta , Ga. , July 3. After linger ing at death's door for nearly a month , ( Jen. Clement A. Evans , formerly com- mander-in-chlef of the United confede rate veterans , died here of brlghts' di sease. Ho was 79 years old. His death was not unexpected. Crazy Man Still Out. After being at large for over a week , the escaped Insane patient who has been terrorizing women and children In Norfolk for tbo past three days , is still uncaptured. Police arc at a loss to find means by which the man can be captured. The police declare they have searched all over the city for the man but have been unable to find him. Only last night ono man reported to Night Watchman Livingston that he saw the fugitive on Norfolk avenue. Three days ago six telephone calls came to the police from the vicinity of Eleventh street and Nebraska avenue , calling for protection from the half naked creature who was terrifying everybody In the neighborhood. The officers walked up into that quarter of the town , found dozens of people who had just teen the Insane man , but were unable to locate him. Shite then reports have come from many parts of town but by the time the police arrive , the man is not to ue found. Tbo man IK an escaped patient from tbo state Insane hospital here. Baseball Hits an Auto Driver. A. Pfell of Hosklns was painfully Injured Friday evening when he was hit by a ball thrown by one of several traveling men playing catch on Fifth street between Madison and Norfolk au'iiucs. Pfell was going south on Fifth street in his automobile when ( ino of the players threw the ball , thinking to throw It over the machine. The ball struck Pfell on the right side ( if the nose , Just below the eye , making an ugly wound. The car was stopped by a companion and Pfeil was taken to the corner of Fifth street and Madison avenue In an unconscious condition. Ho lost much blood. It required about an hour's work on the part of men in the crowd and a physician who arrived Inter , to put Pfeil in condition to re turn home. Pfell is one of the twenty Hosklns boosters who arrived here Friday even ing with live automobiles to advertise the Hoskins Fourth of July celebra tion. The boosters visited Wlnside , Carroll , Sboles , Pierce , Hadar and Norfolk. The trip was featured with unlucky occurrences , three blowouts and , the most serious , the Injury to Mr. Pfeil. The roads were very good. The boosters were led by Pilot Peter Kautz and R. G. Rohrke. Ill Famed Woman Dies in a Retort. Mrs. Vashtio Best , commonly known as "Hazel" Best , wife of Eugene Best , died in a resort in the east part of the city early yesterday morning from the effects of blood poisoning. The bister of Mrs. Best arrived from DCS Molnes Friday and the remains were taken to that city for interment. Be fore death , it is said , Mrs. Best made a will , leaving all her money , about $2,000 to her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Best have not lived together for over a year. With the death of the woman , there is one indictment which was return ed by the recent grand jury , which will not bo answered , Mrs. Best be ing one of the owners of resorts who were indicted by the grand jury at Madison not long ago. Mrs. Best was 39 years old and had maintained a resort here for a number of years. The remains were brought from the resort early Friday morning to the Sessions & Bell undertaking parlors. The only visitor was Sadie Dubois , a colored woman living in this city. She brought the only flowers which were placed on the casket. Fish Are Stranded in This Vicinity. Fremont Tribune : J. L. O'Brien , su perintendent of the state fish hatcher ies , passed through Fremont in the fish car enroute to Norfolk where he expects to save several hundred pick erel and other fish from an untimely death. When the Elkhorn went down after high waier it left many Jish stranded in pools on the sandbars and in shallow water. The pools are rapidly drying up. Mr. O'firien will gather up the pickerel and take them to Wood Lake. Mr. O'Brien says many violations of the fish laws are being committed daily in eastern Nebraska. In the western part of the state the lakes are so full of moss and aquatic plants that drag-nets cannot be used. In the eastern pait of the state , how < ever , the carp keep the lakes practi' ' cally free from plant growth and mer who desire to use seines in vlolatior of the law have an easy time of it. Norfolk-Yankton Project Bobs Up. Sioux City , la. , June 30. The an niial revival of the railroad to the south out of Yankton has received Its impetus by the arrival of C. S. Cleavei of Chicago , in Yankton , where he hat set up his office. Not content witt building ono road at a time , Mr. Clea vcr has given It out that he will alsc set up an office in Sioux Falls frorr which point ho will in his odd mo ments build a little railroad to Sioin City. City.Mr. Mr. Cleaver is little known to Yank ton people , and whether ho has rail road backing has not been given out He claims to have purchased thi rights of W. W. Graham to the ok Yankton & Norfolk railroad , a projeci that has been often attempted and a : often abandoned. It involves tb < bridging of the Missouri river. Sioux City railroad officials are no : Informed as to any new project t < build a line between the two Sloin towns. Schools Open on September 5. J. J. Thomas of Lincoln , whotaugh school at Geneva last year , was elect ed as principal of the Norfolk hlgl school for next year. A special meet ing of the board of education was heH in the high school building. Miss Mln nic Sublette of DeWltt was elected i teacher in the Seventh and Eight ! grades. Miss Margaret Gilberson o Weeping Water was elected a teacbei for departmental work. Because Labor day comes on Mon day , the board decided to open the fal term of school the first Tuesday ii September. Sees Need of a Park. Norfolk , July 1. Editor News : Much has been said recently of the necessity of the city's acqulrinj grounds for a public park. Probablj the great majority of our people wouh like to see this , if it can be done with out very heavy expense , but nothinf more than talk has developed fron the agitation of the matter so far Now It would seem that it Is not f very difficult nor expensive undertak ing , as ample authority is conferrec by law upon the city to acquire by pur chase or condemnation lands for thli purpose. If our people uro anxious fo : a public park they can wusily get one The city Is empowered to acquire lauds for parks on public grounds and to Improve the same , and to raise money for that purpose by issuing bonds not exceeding 110.000 in amount whenever given the power to do so by a majority vote of the electors of the city at a general or special election called for that purpose. Now any of our citizens who would like to sec this done can start it going by obtaining and presenting to the city council a petition asking for the election to vote such amount as may be deemed necessary , not exceeding $10,000 , and 1 doubt not the council will readily submit tbo question when ever such petition , signed by a re spectable number of the voters Is pre sented , and the expense of such elec tion should not deter as it will be very small. After the money Is thus raised there IH provision in the law for the appoint ment by the judge of the district court of park commissioners consisting of three persons , resident freeholders of the city , who shall have charge of purchasing and Improving the grounds , or if thought best park commission need not be called for , hut the matter left with the city council to manage. After this is done and grounds appro priated for the purpose have been se lected , the same can be purchased , but if the owner is not disposed to sell on reasonable terms , the city may con demn and appropriate it. Lands thus taken for park purposes shall first be valued by tbo appraisement of three disinterested freeholders of the city and the value or amount this fixed by the board of appraisers if approved by the city council , shall be deposited with the city treasurer for the owner , and the city may then take possession of and Improve the same. As has been shown it is not a difficult matter , nor need It be an expensive one for the city to acquire grounds for park mrposes , for if bonds are voted to the imlt the Interest on $10,000 4'/fc per cent bonds would require a levy or an assessment sufficient to not only pay the Interest but provide a sinking fund 'or the redemption of bonds at matur- ty , so that those who want to see ; iarks provided by the city for the pub lic have only to get a move" on them selves and need not wait for the pub ic authorities or anybody else to start t. A Citizen. The Norfolk Commercial club is at present working on a petition looking lo the voting of bonds for a city park. The petition is now being circulated. Another Carrier for the City. R. E. Truex of St. Louis has been transferred from the St. Louis post- office to be carrier for the Norfolk postoffice. Mr. Truex Is busy today getting acquainted with the streets of the city. Mr. Truex brought with him to Norfolk his wife and two children. Postmaster Hays says that the post- office department has found that they have too many carriers at some cities and is transferring them to points where they are short of help. With the addition of one more city carrier to Norfolk , the city is being redistrict- ed. There have been three carrier dis tricts heretofore and there will now be four. four.As As soon as Edgewater citizens are prepared for city delivery , in the way of crossings and sidewalks , Postmas ter Hays says the city delivery will be extended to that portion of the city , The patrons of the new service will have mail boxes at a convenient place before they will be served. Christoph Wins Tourney. George B. Christoph won the gel ! tournament at the Country club yes terday afternoon , making a score of 4f on his second round. On the Fourth of July an all-da } tournament will be held. The besl medal score figured on a bandicar basis will be given a prize and there will also be a tournament at doubles teams of two players each playing it foursomes , to determine the double championship. There will be a prize in this event. All players must hand a record o ! their best scores to Chairman Chris toph of the sports committee In ordei to secure the handicap. All golfers of the Country club are urged to take part in the day's contest beginning ii the morning. Gold Attacks Anti-Glft Law. Lincoln , July 1. Applying for an In Junction against the enforcement o ! the Housch anti-free gift enterprise measure passed at the last session o : the legislature , William Gold of thli city made the first attack on an enact ment of the 1911 session In the federa court here. The assault on the meas ure comes from Gold because of it ! inclusion of trading stamps in the list of enterprises prohibited for the gaii of trade. The provision of the new law statei that "any gift promise , stated or im plied to give or bestow or In any man ner to hold out the promise of a glf : or bestowal of any article or thing , foi or in consideration of the purchase b : any persons of any article or thing. " Gold recites in his petition that he entered a contract with Sperry & Hutchinson of New Jersey for the In stallatlon of their advertising systen in his store and that he paid them foi the use of their scheme so much pei thousand stamps. The complainam charges that the bill was enacted be cause of the support of other mer chants who did not favor the use o : the trade attraction scheme by theii rivals. Further he says that It is clasi legislation and that many people through thp fear of accepting the stamps slnpe the passage of the Housch bill have ceased to take then and that thereby ho has lost trade , al of which he contends is In violation o the Fourteenth amendment to the fed cral constitution. A temporary restraining ordei against Attorney General Martin haf been Issued by Judge Mungcr of the federal court , but it cannot be servec until Mr , Martin returns to Lincoln. Already Planning for the Land Rush. Already President Kllllan of the Norfolk Commercial club Is taking steps toward providing for the tens of housands of visitors who will pass hreiugh this city during the first tlnee \seoks of October on account of the South Dakota land rush , of which Nor folk will be the gateway. The Commercial club will woik in conjunction with local hotels on a ilan to provide hundreds of cots in urge- balls available In the city so that he city's guests may find lodging while they are here. During the two irecedlng rushes hundreds of people walked the streets at night in Norfolk - folk , being unable to find places to sleep. The Commercial club Intends to guard against a repetition of this condition of affairs during the coming rush. Plans are also being made to dis tribute booklets telling all about Nor folk and asking the travelers to stop of ( and Inspect this city. Recommends 2J/2-Cent Fare. Sioux Falls , July 1. That South Da- Icotans are entitled to a 2Vi-cent pas senger rate law , though a straight 2- cent law at this time would work a lardshlp on the railroad companies , B the finding of John H. Gates , spe cial master In the case of the Chicago and Northwestern railway against the state. The special master takes direct is sue with Judge Sanborn In his decision on the Minnesota rate cases. The report of Mr. Gates will be giv en to Judge Elliott of the South Da kota federal court , who will render a decision in accordance. An appeal by the railroads Is ex pected. In taking exception to the methods used by Judge Sanborn In reaching ills verdict in the Minnesota cases , Mr. Gates holds that the expense basis and not the gross earnings method is : he practical way of determining bow low a rate railroads can work under and still make a reasonable profit on Lheir investment. Under the gross earnings method railroads are now earning CVfe percent profit. Roads of the state are now operat ing under a 3-cent fare. The decision Involves the 2Vcent rate laws passed by the legislature in 1909. Depot Agent Has TWo Wives. Hastings , Neb. , July 1. Walter S. Urunson , alias Alfred L. Young , night : icket agent of the Union Pacific and St. Joseph & Grand Island railroads in rand Island , was bound over to the district court yesterday on his plea of guilty to the charge of bigamy in the marriage of Miss Jessie Riddile of this city on June 2. He was arrested In Grand Island and confessed imme diately on his arrival here. His wife , Mrs. M. lena Brunson , lives in Mon roe , Mich. Miss Jessie Riddile is the daughter of Dr. J. P. Riddile , a prominent physi cian here. She has been employed as teacher in tbo schools at Wood River , and became acquainted with Biunson on her frequent week-end trips home , which necessitated her changing cars at Grand Island station , where Brun son was employed. Brunson former ly lived at Fairbury. Columbus Child Burns to Death. Columbus , Neb. , July 1. Frankle , the -year-old son of Edward Glenn , was burned to death in a fire that de stroyed his father's barn yesterday afternoon. For some time the boys had been using the barn in which to play show and it is probable that the careless handling of matches was re sponsible for the blaze. The barn was burned to the ground before the fate of the boy was known , he being dis covered by the firemen , his parents not being aware of the fact that he was in the building. He was lying on a pile of coal and indications are that he dropped from the hay mow of the barn. South Side News. Mrs. T. G. Wood arrived home last evening from Missouri Valley , where she bad been visiting with her sister , Mrs. Price. Miss Marie Nelson of Wakefield was an out-of-town visitor at the south side. side.Miss Miss Julia Slama arrived home from a visit in Missouri Valley last evening. Mrs. Parker arrived home from Lo gan , la. , a few days ago , where she 'had been called by the severe illness of her mother , who is reported to be resting easy at present. Mrs. Ethel Alexander returned home 'to Sioux City yesterday. J. C. Morton of Crelghton was here on business this afternoon. Harry Witt has resigned his posi tion as storekeeper for the C. & N. W. and has gone to Omaha. Mr. Witt has not yet decided what occupation ht will pursue. Barn Is Destroyed. A barn at 108 North Ninth street was destroyed by fire Saturday after noon. Mr. Riser lives at the house at that number. TWO BARNS BURN. Fire on North Ninth Street Destroys Two Buildings. Two barns on North Ninth street , at IOC and 10S , were destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon. They belonged to C. W. Landers and S. S. Cotton. Some feed was burned. SCOTLAND YARD AFTER 'EM. Two Men Wanted In Connection With Times Dynamiting , Hunted for. London , July 1. At the request of the American state department the magistrates of Bow street court today issued provisional warrants for the ar rest of David H. Kahlan and Milton A. Schmidt. Tbo warrants were placed immediately in the bands of tbo Scot- lard Yard officials. The Scotland Yard men insist that there is no evidence that the parties wanted in connection with the dyna miting of the LOB Angeles Times building are here , beyond the belief of tbo California authorities that they came this way. SATURDAY SIFTINGS. R. F. Schiller re-turned Irom a busi ness trip to Omaha. Mips tiiiuim Schoregge expects to take a ten days' vacation commencing Monday. Mrs. Charles Erskine of St. Paul , Neb. , Is visiting at the home of S. F. Ursklno. Miss Vera Blakeman has gone to Sioux City to visit with her sister , Mrs. Paul Paul ! . Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hellerman of Mnrfahfleld , Wis. , are here visiting with August Hellerman. Miss Minnlo Braasch has gone to Kansas City and Omaha to spend a few weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Halpln and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McKiver start on a trip to Iowa Monday. Miss Grace Fowler has returned f loin a ten days' vaca''on ' , which sbo spent with friends at Sioux City. Miss Emma Goetting , who has fin ished the millinery season at the A. L. Kllllan store , has returned to her homo at Chicago. Supt. M. E. Crosier of the public schools has returned to his homo at Avoca , la. , to arrange to move his fam ily to this city. Mr. Crosier expects to return here on August 1. Miss Fannie DIckerson of Draper , S. D. , Is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott and is on her way for a two months' tour through Washington , Oregon and California. Miss Foraker of Wellington , Kan1. , and Miss Merrlam Wolfe of Noligh ar rived in the city to spend a few days with the Clans , who are camping on Pleasure Point , on the Craig farm. Dr. and Mrs. Kierstead have gone to Tllden for a weeks' vacation. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hartford , last Tuesday , a girl. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Robertson at 3 o'clock. R. M. Duffy , who sprained an ankle a few days ago , is recovering. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson died from convulsions at 10 o'clock Friday night. Funeral service will be held Sunday afternoon. All barbers of this city signed an agreement to close their places of busi ness at 11 o'clock on the night of July 3 and remain closed until July 5. A ball game which will be of much interest and which is expected to bo fast will be played on the driving park diamond Sunday afternoon between the firemen's and barbers' toamn. Both teams have been practicing continually throughout the week and botli say they will win. Ford Hawk , 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hawk , ranchers living near Hay Springs , was operated on in Norfolk Saturday. The patient is do ing well and his full recovery Is ex pected soon. Henry Kennedy , a switchman , suf fered a contusion of his left hand Fri day , when his hand caught on an angle rod of a car , which he was riding at the south side yards. The hand is se verely bruised and considerably swol len. len.The The Citizens National bank has or dered a five-cluster light to be put in front of Its building. The new lamp arrived Saturday and will be set up at once. The Ad club's lamp for the Ne braska National bank is expected here soon. Tliis will give Norfolk avenue three poles of cluster lights. Losing control of his car when en tering the King & Mills garage yester day afternoon , a Des Moines man en- route from Tripp county to his Iowa home , smashed up the automobile owned by A. H. Viele , which was standing in the garage at the time , and also did much damage to his own car. car.Two Two calls from 1215 Taylor avenue brought a number of the firemen to the fire station Friday afternoon. The first call reported that a fire was burn ing up a house and instantly the other call followed saying the fire was out. The fire wagon was ready to leave the station immediately after the first call was turned in. The running team of the fire depart ment enjoyed a good workout Friday evening when eleven members of the team showed their good qualities as speed makers. Leo Broeker , who is to act as coupler for the team , was also practicing. A special meeting of the fire department is to be held Monday afternoon , during which the last ar rangements are to be made for the running team's expenses. For the second time within the past week , the city council met and ad journed after calling a special meeting to pass the Norfolk avenue paving as sessment. With the second assess ment worked out by the city engineer , property owners were dissatisfied , as the assessment called for about eights cents more per lot than was expected. A specliil meeting will be held next Thursday night , when the matter is to be settled. A. M. Sar was a caller in Judge C. F. Eiseley's office Friday afternoon and had a dispute with Constable A. W. Flnkhouse. whom he charged with arresting his son , Emll Sar , without a warrant. Mr. Sar had his arms raised and was about to strike the officer , when he was notified that it was against the law to strike an officer. Sar's son was arrested a few days ago on a disgraceful charge and was fined ? 5 and costs. There was great excitement at the police station Friday night when a feminine voice came over the tele phone saying that a woman was drowned southwest of town. Before Fire Driver Trulock could get the woman's name , the sender of the alarming message had left the tele phone. E. S. Monroe , John Rice and William McCune made a hasty trip to the Craig farm in a buggy , but upon arriving there , they found the "drown ed" woman safe and sound , though somewhat alarmed over the news of her alleged drowning , which she had also heard It was said the report was turned In as a "joke. " Devore Waiting For Hot Liner Now York Nationals' Speedy Base Runner and Crack Outfielder One of the Hardest Workers In Game I . W ? 85f ! # 9fe 8r - , - i , ? % > , t , * ' * \ * < 4i v > * v w. > --si ; ? * t. by American Press Association. Vaughn , Yanks' Big Southpaw With "Big Jim" Showing His Old Time Form , N 'York Americana Will Be Much Stronger fSWflsS ? > * > " > if ' f f. - . * * * ' i\ \ . I Photo by < r M'l ' < * Pre Association. FIND FOR SOME CLUB. Joe Jackion Saya Hi * Brother It Phenomenal Player. Joe Jackson , the Cleveland American crack outfielder , offers a free tip to the "greatest ball player I know , " nnd he says the club that can shackle the man will land the best man In the bush leagues. "The man I'm talking of , " said Jack son , "is my brother Dave , but he will not leave Carolina. He can do every thing I do. I think he bits the ball harder. He likes the south , and I don't think he will leave , no matter how much money they offer him. I don't pose as n Judge of ball players , but Dave Is a better player than I am , and the club that can conx him away from home will land a wonder. " Hai New Twitter. Pitcher George Suggs of the Cincin nati Nationals has a new carve called tn rural delivery. DIAMOND SQUIBS "Too many pitchers spoil the game , " says Silk O'Laughlln. "Lot the twirler stay In until the end. " To prove his slides , splkeu first , nro legal Ty Cobb Invites his critics to take pictures of bis cfforta to ranch base. The real name of Ping Bodle , the White Sox fence buster , turns out to be Fnmceto Snngulneta Plzola. No wonder he can hit. President SomeTH of Cleveland an nounces he will send Outfielder Jock- son to "collertf. " The great plnyer can scarcely read nnd write. TyrtiB Itaymond Cobb IH hatting131. . Incidentally the Georgia "poach" Is loading the American league in hatting , extra base hitting , run ' "Ins nnd tm&o A classified advertisement will find you the money with which to put your plan Into effect.