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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1911)
TDE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOUKNAL , FRIDAY , JUNE 23 , 191L Tte NoifOlk Wwkly Niwi-Jiiirnil The News , Established 1681. Th Journal , Established 1877. THE HU6E PUBLISHING COMPANY W. N. Huso N. A. HUBC , Prcnltlcnt. SecrcUiry. itJvury Friday. By mail per year , fl.DO. Entered nt tlie postofflce at Norfolk , Neb. , UK bccond class matter. Telephones : Editorial Department No. 22. Business Office and Job Rooms , No. II 22. The Harvard freshman coxswain IIIIH tlie mumps , but Harvard men us ually have a lot of cheek. Each party In congress Is spending BO much time trying to put the other in a hole , that it IB almost out of sight itself. Charlie Taft was hurt pole vaultlngi but If he is ever going to climb ns high as his father , he must have a vaulting ambition. Mr. Toft is now worrying about where he can exchange thoee dupli cated silver wedding presents without the givers knowing it. Gospel meetings have been held in front of the New York stock exchange , but we doubt if the gospel was per mitted inside the door. An asbestos company In the east has been burned out. We have hcnrd of similar instances where Ice com panies were frozen out. George V will be glnd when be bas a right to put his crown on , and not have to walk out bareheaded in the chilly days of an English June. The hotel men in convention at Bos ton sang "It's nearly time to hit the down. " We doubt If any of them ever admitted that the time bad fully come , The steel trust probe shows J. P. Morgan has great power. The Amer ican people won't do anything about it if he allows the ball games to go on , The Japanese are anxious to entei Into n peace treaty , and to prove theli alncere desire for peace they have Just ordered four battleships and a cruiser , The senate has been in session onlj eighty-two hours , and probably ball that time was spent in coaching the new members on "senatorial cour tesy. " Mr. Taft at Yale commencement Will he have the self control not to gel put with the old grads , when they g < round in the night singln.g "How drj I am ? " It Is stated that a shipbuilding com pony , capitalized at $10,000,000 , has been organized In Canada. It will no1 be their fault if Canada does not hav < n navy. i Eighty-three students get dlplomai at West Point , and unlike most othei graduates , they do not have to spenc n year sweeping out the office am washing windows. Mr. Taft declined to perform th < marriage ceremony for a New Jerse ; man , but no doubt he can get Teddy t < officiate at the christenings If they ar < numerous enough. As it seems to have cost the govern ment $2,450 to get an $850 portrait o Secretary Day , It would pay to estal llsh a tintype saloon to retain tbi likenesses of high officials. New York City kicks on the noise a night of the garbage carts. The ; would kick still worse if they invadei the forenoon hours sacred to sleep ii metropolitan sporting life. Jack Johnson is being cheered i : London streets. Over here the soun < of " $10 and costs for auto speeding was more frequently heard than th acclaims of the populace. A Texas man has sued for divorc on the grounds that his wife holds poor opinion of Senator Joe Bailej Here , at last , Is an unanswerable ai guinent for woman suffrage. Gov. Deneen of Illinois has vetoe the bill to keep the newspapers fror publishing the crime news. He fel that citizens naturally want to knoi what the legislature is doing. We have always been told that th mills of the gods grind slowly , bu could they grind any slower than th mills of the United States senate an continue to do business at all ? The general acceptance of the trus decisions Is a wonderful testimony t the success of the two past admlnii trations in dealing with the most con plex problem of modern politics. Mrs. Taft was unable to receive th guests at the silver wedding. W wish Aunt Delia would stay on 1 Washington and relieve her of th arduous duty of making the pies. There Is talk of establishing a sun mor capltol for the president , but th representatives of forty-five out of foi ty-slx states will vote against any pai ticular selection that may be made. Germany has gained over 4,000,00 in population in the last five yeari Since tnis increase is not due to 1m- nlgratlon , there need bo no anxiety about race suicide in the fatherland. A Japanese bellboy In n Boston bo- el has become a college professor. This Is probably one of the cases where hotel employes are able to af > ord costly luxuries out of their tips , Descendants of former presidents were at the Taft silver wedding , but f they had not been wearing the an < ccstrol tag , you could not have told hem from Tom , Mrs , Dick and Miss larry. We now have a real American navy Ninety-five out of every hundred iner ire citizens of the United States. DC sertlons linvo decreased as the ratic of Americans In the service baa ad' ' vanced. The only republican congressmar from Virginia Is having his scat con ested on the ground of fraud. . No re nibllcan ever got into congress froir Virginia by fraud. It must have beer a miracle. Mr. Taft attends the July 4 celebra tlon at Indianapolis , where they wll show him a head on locomotive col islon. Why don't they entertain bin with a toy rattle and Crandall build Jng blocks ? The government could make monej selling the wreck of the Maine to sou venlr hunters. It could also make money selling George Washington1 ! monument to a circus side show. Bui it won't do either. They are trying to popularize th ( Congressional Record by making th < price $1 a year. We should like t subscribe , but fear that the childrer would abandon all serious reading foi this frivolous literature. They won't keep Cip Castro out o : Venezuela If he really wants to gei back. He won't stay long watchlnf the gome on the bleachers , after bav ng had sole and undisputed tenanc ; of the box office all these years. Justice Howard of New York tolc the graduating nurses that high heeli are as heathenish as nose rings 01 tattooing. This is what happens whei a man makes a speech without gettlnf his wife to look over the manuscript There is nothing like having a per petual reason for your attitude. Las session Senator Lorimer refused to re sign because he bad been vindicated This session he refuses to resign be cause no man should resign under fire It has been pertinently suggested tha the fire be put under him. Representative * Sulzer of New Yorl proposes that the wreck of the Maim be made up into souvenirs and sold a a dollar each , Instead of towing it ou to sea and sending it to the bottou once for alii With proceeds of thes < souvenirs Mr. Sulzer would have i memorial bridge built across the PC tomac from Washington to the nation al cemetery at Arlington. The me morlal bridge is all right in itself , bu the means of securing it suggestei are objectionable. People have ' Re membered the Maine" plenty loin enough. It better be allowed decen burial and the oblivion of the grave. It is rumored in European circle that the venerable Emperor Franz Jc sef of Austria-Hungary Is about to n tire in favor of the heir apparent , hi nephew , Archduke Franz Ferdlnanc In case of the younger man's EUCCCI sion to the throne a question arises ate to the status of bis son , in the futun Prince Maximilian Charles should b the legal successor to the throne afte his father , but his succession is Jn periled by the rpevaillng unfair mai riage law , which excludes the sons t rulers whose wives are not of loyi blood from succeeding to the thron < The Archduke Franz Ferdinand ma ried the Duchess of Hohenberg , wh is not of royal birth , so their marriag is pronounced morganatic. While archeology deals only wit the deadest of materials , it is one < the llvest of sciences and is constantl bringing new things to light out of th dead past Dr. Peters , at Nippur ha uncovered a civilization going bac 6,000 years before the Christian en and DeMorgan at Susa has found bronze age al least 10,000 years oil Inscriptions as commonplace as ov newspaper advertisements but writte in characters utterly unknown hav been deciphered and translated an proved. Few records of sclentif achievement disclose the power ( mind and trained human intelligent which these discoverers of the burie past have employed. They make th long past seem a living reality iustea of a myth. A large advertising agency had tl following Interesting and inspiring ai > ertisement In a recent issue of a po ] ular magazine. It shows not enl what kind of a man that firm wanl but the kind of men that the world a ways has a place for. The ad reads "We want men whose training , edi cation and outlook on life is clean , oj timistlc , cheerful and courageous- men who believe in work and in then selves , but not to the extent that tli experience or ability of others counl for nothing. Wo are bringing to close the biggest business in our fort ; one years , and wo are only beglnnin to commence to start. Wo need goo men to aid us as we never needed hem before. Literary fellows with no respect for business hours or busi ness standards need not apply. " Senator Root IB a very large man In many ways. Ho has the mind to be a arge man always , but in the matter ol he reciprocity agreement , which his settlement of the old disputes with Canada paved the way for , he is tak < ng a small and selfish attitude He knows that to push his amendment to he reciprocity agreement is quite as strong opposition to the agreement n o openly work for Its rejection. He knows that not only the commercial expansion and prosperity of the coun < ry depends largely on the acceptnrcf of this agreement , but the commercial and social unity of this continent , even he peace of the continent. Yet in spite of all these arguments for the agreement , which no thoroughly be leves in , ho is Imperiling its accept ance to gain favor in the state of New York. If he would turn his powers ol mind and ability to explain a mattei clearly to the public , to converting the state to the agreement , he is capable of overcoming all opposition to the nensure. It is a great disappointment : o the people when a really large mar takes a small and selfish attitude era a matter of such vital importance tc the welfare of the nation. OUR SHARE OF RAIN. It's been dry all over the United States for two years , but northern Ne jraska and southern South Dakota have fared , even at that , mighty pros perously. This section seems to have lad more than its share of rain , wher the dry weather that has prevailed over the balance of the United States B considered. In New York City they have quit sprinkling the streets , because of the water famine which bas taken Croton dam down sixty-five feet below nor mal. Pennsylvania , Minnesota , Wis consin , Indiana , Ohio , Oklahoma , New York all parts of the country have been dry. Yet in the territory around Norfolk west and northwest , crop conditions at this moment are flattering. Corn never was better and with reasonable rain , small grain will be a good yield The rain man seems to have got twisted up. In Europe there hav been many heavy floods , but In New York state , America , there hasn't beer normal rainfall since 1901. A NEBRASKA LYNCHING. Nebraska has been disgraced by the unwarranted and uncivilized murdei of a Cherry county ranchman bj white men. The state has been giver a tremendous amount of the most un desirable type of publicity- a result of this barbarous tragedy' and the only amends that can be made , in the eyes of the civilized world , will be the speedy prosecution and punishment o the guilty parties. This is no longer a half savage com monwealth in which mob law and vlg ( ilantes committee can run amuck am take human life at will. This is ai organized state filled for the mos part with law abiding and law respect ing people and the action of a llttli mob of half civilized human beingi who have no more regard for th < rights of the state than to wantonly take from his bed a man who has ap parently done no crime and string bin up to a telephone pole on the prairiei must bring humiliation to every loya Nebraskan. It is up to the authorities havini jurisdiction over this case to exercisi the greatest possible speed in bringini to Justice the'guilty parties. IN SEARCH OF A JOB. The first taste of the cold realitle of life comes to many school and col lege graduates flow. Hereto a provl dence known as Dad , who by som magic has collected money in a m'ys terious fashion in a place known a the office , has attended to tradesmei who have a habit of demanding con pensation for your clothes and othe necessities at inconvenient moments But somehow , Dad , for reasons no clearly stated , feels that the time ha come for a change. When our fathers were brought u on a farm , they could do carpenterln and raise potatoes by the time the quit school. They were about read to get a man's pay. The modern youngster , unless h attended a technical school , never di anything that is of assistance in a office or a factory. How then may h convince the proprietor thereof that h can do anything that needs to b done ? Let him reflect that when he make an application for work , his prospei tive employer is keenly scrutinlzln him for surface indications , as t whether he , as raw material , can b developed Into anything worth payln for. To bo five minutes late at a appointment , to wear shoes not we ! polished , to appear with his chin 01 namented by the downy fringes of a Incipient beard , will hurt him mor than he can be helped by nil the atl letic and scholastic laurels that a hi man being can capture In a unlverslt course. THE RECIPROCITY AGREEMENT. The American people for some Urn have been demanding a non-partlsa tariff board which would frame ou tariff schedules without any of th old-fashioned log rolling practlc which permitted one section of th country to trade its support to ai other provided its particular Interests were taken care of. President Taft has framed a tariff agreement alone such broad lines as this and if the American people are sincere in their cry for reform the only consistent thing for thorn to do is to adopt the present agreement. With the president on the ono hand declaring that the reciprocity measure will bo of tremendous benefit to the entire country and with a few special nterests on the other hand declaring that the measure will bo injurious , the public must necessarily find some con 'uslon In making up its mind as te the merits or demerits of the proposed pact with Canada. Under the clrcum stances , however , It is a pretty safe plan to take the word of the president who occupies a highly responsible po sltlon In the matter , in preference tc the word of a few special Interests seeking larger profits for themselves Another point to be borne in mind h this : President Taft is taking respon siblllty for this agreement. He Is tell Ing us , the American people , that the measure will 'be ' beneficial to us ; he s practically staking his chances fet re-election upon this agreement ; he must feel pretty sure that It will worlf satisfactorily to the public or he wouldn't assume such sponsorship And indeed If the Canadian reciproc ity agreement should prove to be un , satisfactory to the people of the Unit ed States It could easily be terminated and the present condition restored. So long as President Taft is willing to accept the entire responsibility foi this measure and to stand or fall by its results it would seem that the least the American people could do is to rat Ify it and give It n trial. SIGNED EDITORIALS. Every once In a while someone bobs up with the proposition to require all newspaper editorials to be signed , Just at present such a proposal Is be- 'ore the New York legislature , in the form of a bill introduced by Senator Grady. But it will get no farther there * " " than elsewhere. The peculiarly anonymous character of newspaper writing is both a protec tion and a handicap to the newspaper worker. It has been a fixed custom for generations , and hence must be based on some reason inherent in jour nallstic work. It often seems' a hardship to some brilliant writer , that his work must be buried in the graveyard of the journalistic - nalistic "wevhere _ no one knows whether he or the office boy did it. Many a man possessing gifts of de scriptlon worthy of a Dickens wears himself down to a pencil stub in this blindfolded authorship , his true gifts as unknown to his townsmen as if he were the elevator Boy. * ' But on the other band , a newspapei is more than the men , who conduct it at any given time. Its policy is more than the views of the man who rattles the typewriter or wields the blue pen * cil. Its course is the concensus of s number of men , often times influenced by past precedents. It is an institution which the com munity has helped to make , and whicr helps make the community , both act ing and interacting on each other. A signed editorial gives an impresslor that merely one .man's personality if back of it , which is all wrong. So when a man comes along am asks editorials to he signed , it is verj likely because he wants to limit theii force. In that way the public woult constantly be misjudging the power o : an editorial opinion. Just as they wil laugh at a minister who wears ret stockings or a shiny coat , even thougl the words of eloquence and truth preceded ceded from him , so Jhg would denj ' the wisdom of utterance 'if they die not happen to like the manners of th < man who made it. The newspaper is a mighty orgai for the uplift of public opinion. In si far as it says true things it will hi effective. Its utterances should be al lowed to stand or fall by their owi weight , regardless whether the publli likes or dislikes the man that for tin time being is the mouthpiece of thl institutional force. WATCHING THIRD STREET. The news that the movement t pave South Third street has been a least temporarily abandoned will b received by Norfolk people wlh cent slderable disappointment. The neei of a good road to the south side ha never been so pressing as it is HOT after the Northwestern railway ha begun to build a permanent $65,00 station at the foot of Third street Never was the south side on such ; substantial basis as it is with this pei manent improvement- going on am with other important additions to tha part of the city already In sight. The people of the south side hav long realized the great need of a pei manent street to the business part o the city and have shown their prc gresslveness and their enterprise b ; giving to the Third street paving pe tition more signatures than it reall ; required. Such enterprise as thl should stand as an Inspiration to th balance of the city. Some slight misunderstanding seem to have arisen at the last moment eve the cost of the proposed paving and i ; order to maintain harmony among th property owners interested in Tnlr street , the people who had been worl Ing for this improvement have tempoi arily withdrawn the petition from th city council in the hope that the mis understanding as to rest may b cleared up and the paving go forward as originally planned. The abandonment of the project tc pave Third street just at this time would bo a misfortune. Norfolk is at n vital point in Its paving history and upon the successful termination ol the Third street project largely depends - ponds the success of future paving ef < forts in Norfolk. The completion ol the Third street project would be an inspiration to the balance of the city and improvement along this line would unquestionably be rapid. The defeat of the present movement , how ever , can mean only discouragement to those contemplating paving other streets and thus any effort to permanently - nently block the present Third street movement would work positive dctrl ment to the upbuilding of Norfolk. There is no portion of the city in which there is a laiger percentage of home owners than in the south side , and let it be said that no more enter prising or progressive prpperty owners - ers Hvo in Norfolk than the residents of that portion of the city. They real Ize the need of a good street from the new depot to Norfolk avenue and with commendable enthusiasm they have succeeded In getting enough signa tures to a paving petition to assure the paving. All Norfolk Is watching Third street today and is hoping that there will be no backward step. A new evidence that China is really waking up , is that for the first time on record in the history of her deal ings of other nations , she has demand ed apology and Indemnity for her sub jects which have been unlawfully killed , in the late Mexican fracas. To be sure China chose a weak nation from which to demand her first indem nity , but if she is successful in get ting her deserts from Mexico it will encourage her to exact them from stronger powers. It looks as though the amusement that has been so pop ular In almost every country of drag ging Chinamen around by their queues and killing them from time to time , without being called to account for It , Is a thing of the past. The Germans In Shan-Tung still treat Chinamen with less consideration than they would bestow on a dog , but they are not heaping indignities on the Japan ese nowadays , nor Is any other na tion. International justice is still largely a prerogative of the nations with the heaviest battalions , or what amounts to the same thing , the most money. If universal peace and inter national justice is ever enthroned , the life and dignity of a yellow man will be Just as sacred as those of the sub jects of proudest empire. 'AROUND T6WN. We see by the paper than Hon. Taft says , in case he should quit his pres ent Job and in case congress doesn't do anything for the ex-presidents , he'd have to go to work again in Cincin nati. Why not pawn s > ome of thobe presents ? There's a man In Norfolk entitled to a Carnegie medal , whether he ever gets it or not. His wife's away and he got a letter from her telling him to go home , pick the cherries , pit 'em and put 'em up. And that's just ex actly what he did. Yesterday was the one perfect day , "On what grounds do you object tc chickens ? " asked the first Norfolk man. "Anywhere on my yard , I don't care where It is , " the second Norfolk man replied. How would it do for us to suggest today that you cut a few weeds around your property ? And swat a few files ? Whenever we need rain in Nebraska , we get rain. And when we need a downpour , we get a downpour. This time we needed a deluge and deluge Is the name of what hr.ppeued And It was a seventy-five dollar del uge , if it was worth a red cent. It sure did help the grass seed , and secretly we've a hunch that 'that's why It came. Incidentally , too , it helped the bull frogs. Ever notice how quick a bull fro can come to life , after he's been deac for six months ? Not only one , but a hundred thous and of them , right under your window and all tuning up in concert at the same time. There's some consolation in theii song , though. It gives you a feellnf that , if everything else failed , yoi could make a living catchlne the frogs and selling frogs' legs to the elite east What's become , by the way , of th < old fashioned Norfolk boy who usei to make dollars at that very game ? We see by the paper that June brides are scarce In Norfolk. We ris < to remark that June brides can't be i bit scarcer than June grooms. Norfolk held one good depot anc has Just drawn a pair of 'em , maklin It three of a kind. That's a ham that's hard to beat. We've resolved to abide by Joht D's. plea , and not interview him. Aren't they mean , though ? There' ! a girl Jn Norfolk they call "Plgeor Toed Mildred. " And that reminds us , can you tell a toadstool from a mushroom ? Some train of thought , that , don't you think ? The longest day of the year comes this week , and we'ro half way around the circle toward Christmas again. ( So do your shopping early. ) These are the days when you ought , theoretically speaking , to live on veg etables out of your garden , and spring chicken out of your own incubator and without any expense for furnace golfer or Tungsten rays. But if you'll look closely , you'll probably find your bank account about as short as It is in the shorter days of December. These June suns seem to molt salaries Just as the icy winds of winter blow 'em away. Confound it , what's the use- any way ! Did you ever dream that you went to the postolllce one day and found a letter which said : "I am sending you by freight today an automobile1' Well , sometimes those dreams come true. It did with us. And maybe you think we don't love that uncle. Cut the weeds. Going to the Ad club feed Friday night ? It always seems as if we had just begun to enjoy strawberry season , when it up and comes to an end. It helps some , though , that the can taloupes are here. We suppose the new king Is practic ing before a looking glass and asking the queen , "Is my crown on straight ? " What's become of the old fashioned phonograph In public places , with two little rubber ear tubes , which played when you dropped a nickel In the slot ? ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. It may be said for the dog that he doesn't enjoy dog days very well. A lazy mule accomplishes a good deal more than an energetic pup. The last strawberries are almost as much of a disappointment as the first cantaloupe. Old men are sure a man is not as old as he looks , and hope he Is not as old as he feels. The mule has his faults , but no au tomobile has ever been required to haul him to town. No woman of this day seems to have much luck In inducing her daughters to wear sunbonnets. Cottonseed ol may not be the equal of olive oil , but those who have tried it say it tastes just as bad. Barring the man in touch with the gate receipts , nearly everyone overes timates the size of the crowd. When a man has a firm determina tion to go to the devil , his friends shouldn't detain him so much. Nearly every man likes to hear the songs that were popular when he was young and thought he could sing. At the weary close of one , no holi day seems sufficiently Important to ex cuse printing its date in red ink. Most men form their conclusions ns to the cause of a fire after they hear how much insurance was carried. Aside from the coat of tan , other coats in hot weather add more to a man's grouch than to his dignity. When a woman compliments an other woman it is a sign the other woman is near enough to hear her. Confession : "The biggest He the writer ever told was when he once said that nothing ever worried him. " One never takes his thirty-third de gree in newspaper reporting until he learns to work all day without his lunch. There Is no denying that it is some what discouraging to an industrious man to see a loafer inherit a fortune. Eastern people are gradually getting over the notion that every westerner should be able to ride a bucking broncho. Considering what poor swimmers they are. flies are rather too persistent about using the cream Jug for a nata- torlum. Every young man confidently be lieves he will some day be so import ant he will have to employ a private secretary. When a man begins to carry an urn- brella as protection against the sun's bright rays , it is a sign he is getting olden than he wants to be. FAST TRAIN IS WRECKED. Chicago , June 20. Officials of the Chicago , Rock Island and Pacific have been advised of a wreck of the fast Denver-St. Louis passenger train that left Denver last night. So far as they know now , there were numerous in juries , but no fatalities. The wreck occurred between Wabaunseo and Me- Farland , Kan. , shortly before 2 o'clock. MAKE THE MORMON COME. Washington , June 20. The subpoe- nae of the house of representatives today was sent to the United States marshal at Salt Lake City to be served on Joseph F. Smith , head of the Mor mon church , requiring bis presence before the committee which is investi gating the so-called sugar trust. DLOOD TELLS ! Text , "Visiting the Iniquities of the fa thers upon the children , " ExoJus xx , C. The longer I Hvo the moro I bollcve in blood good blood , bad blood ; hum- bio blood , proud blood ; honest blood , thieving blood ; heroic blood , cowardly blood. The tendency may skip a gen eration or two ; then out It comet ) . 1 know n little fellow who doesn't look like his father or mother both could deny him easily but stand him under the portrait of his Revolutionary great grandfather and you arc startled by the resemblance. There's a law writ ten in your blood that determines your height , weight and girth. It tells the very form of your toes and shape of your fingers , color of your hnlr , bril liance of your eye , quickness of your step and tone of your voice. Wo cull it heredity. When you've Bald that you've said nearly all you know. You can't locate it. No man can say "Lo , beret" or "Lo , there ! " We hear of roy al blood and common blood , patrician blood and plebeian blood , but the biol ogist with his microscope knows no such things. Ho simply finds red and white corpuscles. Yet wo know wo are Uio heirs of the ages. Past gen erations are living in our veins. "Man is an omulbuB in which his ancestors ride. " "Wh t' Born In the Bone" Life is n loom. "We are lilt and miss rag carpet , made up of the va rious yarns of our forefathers and foremothers - mothers , woven in the loom of heredity by the weaver Time with a warp of our own Individuality. " Blood tells ! Four seeds dropped Into same neil , eamo sun , same dew , name air , same care one a Illy to please the eye , ono a crimson rose to please tlie nostril , ono an apple to please the taste , one a thorn to prick the touch. Same neil , rain , heat , moisture , but all different. Like begets like. When you sny of a girl , "How she favors her grandmoth ers ! " or of your boy , "He's a chip off the old block , " or you say , "Her mother bad consumption , " "His father drank himself to death , " you are sim ply saying , "Blood tells ! " "Eclipse , the racer , sired 334 racers , which won $800,000. " Herod sired 407 , which won over $1,000,000. Only another way of eaylng "Blood tells" with horses. If blood makes one horse worth $25 and another $20,000 it's time wo began to etudy man blood. We have borso shows , dog shows , chicken shows. The crowd attends. Newspapers give col umns of space. Society approves. A baby show is a matter for ridicule. Society with a poodle on its lap blushed , looks shocked , thinks it isn't more than half decent Men Vereue 8hMp. A gardener studies laws of heredity when he plants n cabbage bead. Isn't a human head as interesting as a cab bage head ? More attention Is given to improve the strain of the hen that lays the egg than the child that cats it. There is more said and written about how to improve the wool on the back of the sheep than to improve the man who wears It when woven. Christ said , "How much better is a man than a nbecp ! " Is not a man better than a cow ? It might be as well for our women's clubs to study the influ ence of the notorious Juke family with its generations of criminals and pau pers and the Jonathan Edwards fam ily with its generations of learning and culture as the influence of Ibsen or Browning. One of the saddest pages of literature is in Barrio's "Sentimen tal Tommy , " where the little girl Grl- 7x > l , daughter of the painted lady , finds out there's a taint in her blood and rushes to the doctor crying : "The bad thing that's in my blood. Oh , please cut it out ! I shan't stream ! I prom ise not to scream. " He tells her It can't be cut out ; she must bear it al ways. It's indescribably awful. Young man. see that your child doesn't rise after you screaming , "There's some thing bad In my blood ! " Don't damn your innocent children. Ar We Feted For III ? The world is stuffed with drugs. The pantry shelf is lined with medicine bottles. Sanitariums spring up like toadstools after a shower. Every pi geon , every butterfly , looks up and Bays , "How perfect are thy works , O Lord of hosts ! " Man coughs apolo getically and asks , "Who hath sinned , this man or his father ? " Any hope ? Yes ! Man has two creators , God and himself. Heredity and environment do not decide your destiny. How was Eden for environment ? Who were tbo ancestors of Luther , Lincoln and Shakespeare ? Know anything of the parentage of Moses or Paul ? Ever hear of John Bunyan , Jerry McAuley , John G. Gough ? And you and I ? Mixture of good and evil neither sheep nor goat , half virtuous , half vi cious ? All right. Even the half breed has a chance to make good. No man ever committed a sin that ho did not feel afterward that ho need not have done it ; it could have been otherwise. Any man or woman In your town who can compel you to sin ? No , by the Eternal ! Any dentl ancestor compel you ? The glory of will power is that wo can stand , like AJax defying the lightning , and say , "Not all the blood of my ancestors from Adam down to my father can compel me to do some thing I do not will to. " Your boat's on the stream. Will you drift or row ? Honor nnd fame from no condition rise. Act well your part There all the honor lies. A classified advertisement will In troduce you to the loser of the article you've found an introduction of mu tual importance. Try Ntwi