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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1911)
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. , , , , . NORFOhlv NKUKASKA F1UDAY JUNK 23 11)11. ) WHEAT AND RYE ALREADY MADE THEY NEED NO" MORE R A IN IN THIS VICINITY , CORN OUTLOOK IS BEST EVER Corn Is More Than Knee High Right Now , Ten Days Ahead of the Fourth. Rye Crop Around Norfolk the Best In Years Potatoes Need .1 Shower. "Tho wheat and the rye around Nor folk nro made , No more rain Is need ed for them. Corn Is more than knee high right now , ton days ahead ot the Fourth , and never looked bettor. Wheat is a good crop and rye has not hoon so good In years. A little shower Is needed for the potatoes. " This Is the crop situation around Norfolk , as seen by one prominent farmer. "North Nebraska seeing to got the best of It , " he says. INTERSTATE AUTOS MAY BE ASSESED PLAN TO HAVE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT - MENT LICENSE CARS CROSS ING STATE LINES. Washington , Juno 23. Before the senate adjourns today , It Is expected that the Root amendment to the Ca imdlan reciprocity bill will have been acted upon. Not even Senator Root , himself , now expects that It will be passed. The amendment , which deale with the terms governing reciprocal trade in print paper and pulp wood between Canada and this country , will bo brought up , It was announced , at the earliest possible moment In today's session. The monotony of the tariff argument is expected to be broken by Sonatoi Simmons In a set speech later on the success ot the good roads. The sen ator'is ' prepared to proceed to discuss his bill taxing automobiles which crosi state lines. The tax would take the form of federal licenses and the sen ator contends that It would mean It revenue several million dollars a year u BROWNE KITS REPORTER Newspaper Man Unconscious Fort ) " "MI niltes' Resufi : "of "Attackr' Springfield , 111. , June 23. Represen tatlve Lee O'Neill Browne of Ottawi assaulted E. O. Phillips , the leglsla tlvo correspondent for the Chlcag Tribune , in the speaker's room at 1 o'clock last night. Mr. Phillips wa unconscious forty minutes. Since the Larimer Investigation Brown and Phillips have been on ur friendly terms and for more than i year have not spoken. Meeting lat last night Mr. Phillips addressei Browne and the assault Immediate ! followed. TAFT TALKSOF RANKING President Commends Aldrlch Commli slon Plan of Finance. New York , June 23. "There Is n legislation , I care not what It Is tariff , a railroad , corporation or of general political character that at a equals in Importance In the putting c our banking and currency system o the sound basis proposed by the m tional monetary commission. " So declared President Taft las night to a big gathering ot bankei and men of prominence in the bus ness world at the banquet of the No York State Bankers association whlc is In session at Manhattan beach. H address was mainly devoted to caret * and coherent elucidation of the Al rich national reserve association plai which he warmly commended as pr vldlng for "the establishment of tt 7,000 national banks of this counti on a sane basis. He declared it 4 < careful and well drawn plan devise by a non-partisan committee , " to ave the concentration of controlling infl once either in Wall street or in Was ington , and expressed his belief th the plan in its general features oug to commend itself to "the whole bu : ness community of the country , " tl farmers and wage earners as well i the banking , railroad , commercial ai manufacturing Interests. REDDICK HEADS IOWA ELKS. Davenport Gets Next State Conve tlon Adjourn at Sioux City. Sioux City , la. . June 23. At t closing session of the Iowa Assoclatd ot Benevolent and Protective Order Elks , the following officers were ele cd for the year : George L. Reddlck , of Iowa Cl president ; B. F. Keltze , Webster Cii first vlco president ; S. T. Meers , W ; erloo , second vlco president ; W. Beck , Sioux City , third vice preside ! J. R. Frnley , Fort Madison , secretnr Adolph Henlgbaum , Davenport , trei urer ; ' Henry Louis , Iowa City , truste Lew Bennett , Des Molnes , doorkeope Ben J. Schwind , Dubuque , sergeant arms. Davenport won the honor of 1 next convention city over Clinton. JOHNSON MAKES BREAK. Slack Pugilist and Wife Thrown ( of Westminster. London , June 23. Jack Johns CONDITION OFJHE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum 97 Minimum . . : 08 Average 77 Uarometcr 29.86 Chicago , June 24. The bulletin Is sued by the Chicago station ot the United States weather bureau gives the forecast for Nebraska as follows : Generally fair tonight and Saturday. the pugilist , and his white wife cre ated a scone at the entrance of West minster Abbey when they attempted i , enter. Johnson thought ho had | * ets entitling him to see the cor- P' * ' 'pn , but they were tickets furnish- ev f \ by Lord Lonsdale for the re- vle"o stand. Joh ty was thrown out while ho protesU l ! < yid his wife followed. TROOPS ARE CUT DOWN A GREAT NUMBER OF TURKISH SOLDIERS ARE SLAIN. SURPRISED BY A REBEL ARMY Terrific Battle Fought In Asia TurkIsh - Ish Commander Is Missing Turk Gunboat Shells Own Army by Mis take , Killing Several Hundred. Hodleah , Arabia , June 17 , via Aden , June 23. Rebels In great force today surprised and cut up a Turkish col umn commanded by Mohamed Al ! Pasha outside Gheesan , a town on the Red sea , about 100 miles north ol Hodeldah. A thousand Turkish sol dlers were killed. Mahomed All Pasha Is missing. The fighting was so desperate and at sucl close quarters that 500 Turkish fugl tlves are suffering from serious dagger gor wounds. The survivors fled It disorder to Gheesan , pursued by tlu rebels. The Turkish gunboat Sutebb , Intend Ing to shell the Arabs , shelled Ghee san instead , killing or wounding sev eral hundred of the soldiers. The reb els captured four guns , two maxims 2,000 rifles and a quantity of ammunl tlon and ultimately retired. DAK OTA GRAIN SUFFERS HOT , DRY WEATHER OF PAST FEV DAYS , DOES DAMAGE. CORN AT CRITICAL STAGE NOW Unless More Rain Falls on South D ; kota , A Sioux Falls Report Says , th Corn and Potato Crop Will Suffe as Badly as Small Grain Did. Pierre , S. Dak. , June 23. The las three days have worked havoc wit the small grain outlook in this state The Intense heat , with but a llmlte supply of moisture in the ground , ha made certain that the small grain cro will be the poorest for years. But with all that the reports , nc only locally but all over the state , at that the corn and flax crops are ye holding In good hape and with ord nary rains will develop quickly an nicely. The rains would also hel out the hay crop to a large exten The temperature yesterday did ne reach 100 Showers fell both east an west of the city yesterday afternooi The government forecast Is for , sho\ era for the next twenty-four hours. Sioux Falls , S. D. , June 23. Owln to the dry , hot weather the critlci stage for corn and potatoes In Soul Dakota now has been reached , an unless there Is a general rain or loci showers within a day or two it feared both corn and potatoes will I injured to as great an extent as sma grain has been previously Injured. Conductor's Hand Is Hurt. Ewlng , Neb. , June 23. Special The News : The conductor ot an e tra freight train yesterday In son manner fell from a car about tv miles east of Clearwater. In his e forts to swing himself away from tl moving train In his descent his rli caught on a bolt or nail , lacerating L hand and finger so badly that whi he arrived In Ewlng he found It ne essary to have Jeweler F. M. DoolIU saw the ring from his finger , i y , though suffering considerable pain , t Injured man continued on his run. OIL TO GO UP. Supreme Court Order to Octopus Effect. r ; Washington , June 23. The mandc at of the supreme court requiring t dissolution of the Standard Oil co pany went Into effect yesterday , a under Its terms the trust must be d solved within six months from tl date. It is understood that the cc pany will not seek further lltlgatl ut but will comply with the order. It utm understood here that the price of m , will be raised soon. KING AND QUEEN IN GREAT PARADE PROCESSION OF GREATER PRO. PORTIONS THAN THURSDAY. THE MASSES GET A GLIMPSE. A More Extended Route , Including a Circuit of Some of the Most Popu lous Districts of the Capital , Is the Scene of Friday's Line of March. London , June 23. King George and Queen Mary toda showed themselves to the mosses ns distinct from the more favored classes who were able to obtain access to the circumscribed area ot yesterday's pageant. Today's procession was on an even grander scale than that ot the corona tlon. The route was more extended , Including a circuit of some of the most populous districts of the capital , the crowds that looked on were corro spondlngly greater and their majesties were accompanied by larger escort The scenes along the route were , tea a great extent , a repetition of those yesterday , with a much greater crowd of spectators. The procession began to form In the yard of Buckingham palace and the adjacent streets at 9 o'clock and two hours later It was under way. Between lines of cheering thousands the royal party made stately progress from Buckingham palace by the way ot Constitution hall , Piccadilly , Trafal gar square , through the city , over Lon don bridge by Dorrough road and Westminster bridge , thus making a complete circle. The pageant Included four full squads of cavalry , representing all branches of that arm of the service , lite guards , dragoons , hussars and lancers , each accompanied by Its own band and a section of horse artillery , These were followed by all the nav al and military aides de campe on duty , the war office staff , deputations of foreign officers , the royal suite , the members of the royal family and the foreign princes , and the colonial In dlan escorts , who immediately preced ed the state carriage. In the royal equipage with the king and queen , rode Field Marshal Kitch ener and the bearer of the royal stan dard. The royal escort brought up the rear. Many Thousands See It. Seats for many thousands had been erected along this long route and the greeting to the king and queen was indee'd'a royal oiie" . They received ft great welcome from the visitors In the hotels , from the stands of Picca dilly , Trafalgar square and the Strand ; from the business men of London proper , who had brought their wives and children to he city for this day , and again from their majesties' humbler subjects , south of the river. The decorations of yesterday re mained In Piccadilly and those in the other streets tra versed were not less spectacular. Except for the absence of the gold coach , the cavalcade was more bril liant than that of yesterday and the stands along the route certainly made a brighter appearance. Those on Con stitutional hill , overlooking the palace garden , were filled with uniformed of ficers from every part of the world , who had come to London to honor Britain's king with their daintily dressed ladies. During the early morning the sky was overcast and occasional drizzling showers were keeping the spectators in doubt whether it would be neces sary to raise the umbrellas. However , there were no heavy showers as In the early hours yesterday. Great Show of Soldiery. Almost exactly at the appointed hour , the colonial and Indian contin gents which were to lead the way over the seven-mile route formed on Vic toria embankment and proceeded up the Mall , past Buckingham palace to Constitution hill and Hyde park cor ner. It was a wonderful display of soldiery that preceded the carriages , exhibiting all the cavalry uniforms oJ the empire. A contingent ot Canadians escorted the first carriage , occupied by Sir Wil fred Laurler , premier of Canada and Premier Fisher of Australia. This was followed by other carrlag 11 es carrying Premier Morris , of New Foundland , Premier Boath of the un ion of South Africa. Premier Ward , ol New Zeland , the governors and com mlssloners of smaller colonies , each escorted by troops from their respect ive colonies. They were followed by the ever pop f > J ular troopers , the Northwest mountec ' police and an African force organlzec on similar lines. n The colonials in royal carriage ! and wearing uniforms and decoration ! [ e came next and were cheered all aloni the line. For plcturesqueness the Indian section te tion , next in line , could not bo ex celled anywhere In the world. Tin Indian cavalry In the most gorgeou silken uniforms and turbans , wearlni In medals won on the field of battle preceded the carriages in which wor te the ruling Indian Princes and potet 10 tates. The latter were fairly welghte 10n down with Jewels of enormous value nid id Their costumes , Including turbans an Is- tunics , were of every hue. They r < liS celved a hearty reception at whlc ai- they were visibly pleased. aim m , London Enjoys the Sight. is Although enjoying the spectacle a Jll Londoners always do , the people wet out today to see their majesties an VACATION TIME ( Copyrtght. 1311. ) when a salute fired by a battery in Hyde Park announced that the king and queen had left the palace there was rush on the part of those who had not already obtained places to points from which they might get a glimpse of the imperial ones. The royal procession was made up much as on yesterday though somewhat long er ns It Included many who before were In attendance at Westminster ab bey. bey.In In advance was a long line of troop ers and officers , Indian , colonial and British , all brilliantly uniformed. A drizzling rain fell as the royal car riage , drawn by eight cream colored steeds , slowly came up Constitution hill , but it did not dampen the en thusiasm of the crowds who were there to give the sovereigns their first welcome since coronation day. How Queen Is Dressed. The king wore a field1 marshal's unl- ) rpi with a sash of the-Order of the arter. The queen was dressed in white and lue sash of the Order of the Garter. Her hat was trimmed with ostrich eathers In two shades of blue. From nd to end of the long route their majesties received a notable spontane- us and loyal welcome. Following the sovereigns was a car- iage containing the Duke of Con- aught and the dutchess , princess , enerals and officers of state , includ- ng the Earl of Granard , the Duke ot Norfolk , the military attaches , among hem Major S. L. H. Slocumb , of the imerlcan embassy. The procession stopped at Waterloo lace to receive an address from the ouncll of Westminster city and at ther points to accept addresses from Ivic bodies Winston Spencer Churchill , as home ecretary , attended. Details of Yesterday's Crowning. Here were some of the details of esterday's ceremony : King and Queen Enter. At a few minutes after 11 o'clock a anfare of trumpets announced the ntrance of the king and queen. Again every one arose to their feet. The scene was marvelously impres sive as the leading figures emerged rom the robing room. Many scarcely restrained themselves from cheering , but the joyful notes of the initial an- hem "I Was Glad , " Intoned by the choir , suppressed the impulse. Lining the avenue of the approach ; o the throne were the picturesque 'eomen of the guard In their scarlet uniforms and carrying their pikes , a company without whom no British cer emony of state would be complete. First entered a little group of the clergy. Then came the chaplains ol the chapels royal , the dean of West minster , the archbishops of Canter bury and York , the bishop of London , and other bishops. Next , moving with great deliberation , five pursuivants followed by heralds in quaint medieval costumes , then the officers of the or ders ot knighthood , then the function aries of the royal household , alto ether an impressive and picturesque band. Queen's Wonderful Gown , The queen's regalia was borne bj various nobles , and finally the queer herself , in her wonderful coronatioi gown with the Jewels of the Garte presented to her by the Marys of th' ' empire. Her long purple train , em broldered in gold was borne by si : young women , daughters ot earls. Then the queen was followed by th mistress of the robes , the ladles of th bed chamber and the maids of honoi After the cortege of the queen , th king's regalia was carried by the hlgl est nobles of the kingdom attended b their pages. After them walked th king In his crimson robe of state , th train borne by eight nobles of big rank , the Collar of the Garter aroun his neck and on his head the cap c state. Following htm more court dl nltarles and gentlemen In waltln completed the procession. Their majesties passed their throne ! and proceeded to the chairs of state on the south side of the altar , where they knelt at the footstools. On the king's right stood the lord chancellor , the lord great chamberlain , the lord high consollor , the earl marshal and the garter-at-arnis and the noblemen bearing the swords ot state , and on either side of his Episcopal support ers. ers.Tho The dean of Westminster , wearing a cape of crimson velvet , took his place on the south side of the altar. The archbishop of Canterbury was on the north , beyond him the' archbishop of York and the bishop of London with twenty-one other bishops , all in con vocation robes. Rising , the king replaced the cap of state , which he had removed while kneeling. A Service 1,200 Years Old. Then the service proper began. The ancient ceremony familiar for 1,200 years , was performed with the same symbols and th ? recital but Uttle changed. It was the ancient scene with new actors. The archbishop of Canterbury pre sented the king. Facing the four sides of the abbey , he announced : "Sirs : I here present unto you King George , the undoubted king of this realm. Wherefore all you who are come this day to do your homage and service , are you willing to do the same ? " "God Save the King. " As the voice of the archbishop , sounding strangely loud In the Impres sive silence that had fallen on the august assemblage , died away , the spell was broken by the blast of the trumpeters and a mighty cheer ot "God save the king" fairly shook the great edifice. Cheers followed and , escaping the walls of the abbey , were echoed and re-echoed by the throng outside. Then followed the various rites. Two bishops sang the litany and the communion was recited. Reverently the 'archbishop placed the crown upon the king's head. Again the trumpets sounded and once more the abbey resounded with cheers and the cry "God save the king. " Editors to Nlobrara. Nlobrara , Neb. , June .22. Special to The News : Editor F. C. Marshall of the Nlobrara Tribune , Is busy sending out announcements of the three days' picnic and assembly for the editors of northeast Nebraska , to be held at the Nlobrara Island park beginning Satur day , June 24. Nlobrara will have a street carnival continuing for five days commencing the 27th Inst , The Wai ter Savidge Amusement company will furnish the attractions. Spencer Plans Are Complete. Spencer , Neb. , June 22. Special tc The News : At a meeting of the Fourth ot July promoters all neces' sary arrangements were perfected for a glorious Fourth of July celebration at Spencer. One thousand dollars has been raised for the celebration. An Interesting program consisting ot sports , a baseball game and races will be pulled off during the day , conclud ing with a grand display ot fireworks. Spencer is the only town in Boyd county that will celebrate this year and an enormous crowd is expected. Judge A. L. Sutton of Omaha will be the speaker ot the day. Mrs. Lea Out of Danger. Washington , June 23. Mrs. Lea wife of Senator Lea ot Tennessee , whose life is believed to have been saved by the transfusion into her veins of a quart of his blood , was pro nounced to be out of danger. Senator Lea has recovered his strength. MRS. CLEVELAND DIDN'T FORGET An. Ortaha YauihG.av ; , , , H r.Ha Bouquet New York , June 23. Mrs. Grovei Cleveland , widow of the ex-presideni of the United Stat'es , has returned from Europe , whither she went tc bring back her son , Richard Folsoni Cleveland , who has been 'at school In Lausanne , France. Mrs. Cleveland was accompanied by her sister-in-law Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland. "I haven't a thing that I can say tc you , " she said , "except that , of course I'm glad to be back home , for there's nothing in all the world like this , now Is there ? " The attention of Mrs. Cleveland was directed to an occasion when , as 2 bride , she visited Omaha with the president , and a young man handed her a bouquet of red roses , with the compliments of the Omaha club. "Why , of course I remember it , ' said Mrs. Cleveland ; "are you the guilty man ? " The questioner admitted the gulll and seemed proud of it. "Then , " remarked Mrs. Cleveland "since you were so good as to give me roses then , you will be carefu about your flowery writings now won't you ? " Krugar's Farm. A company rwnnrly formed In Scot land has acquired a larpe portion of the Into President Kruger's farm. Wo- terkloof. In South Africa , and Intends to cultivate tobacco plantations and citrus fruit orchards. Education In Korea. In education Korea has advanced materially in recent years. In 1804-1 a department of education was estab llshod and a thoroughly graded publli school system , including normal echoo training. There are nlao school * of far elgn languages. Who's Who In Norfolk J. S. MATHEWSON. J. S. Mathewson was born In Corn- fret , Conn. , March 14 , 1875. His fa ther , Joseph Mathewson , was In the milling business. In 1881 he came with his parents to Norfolk. His father was then manager of the mill. Ho attend ed the Norfolk schools and Is a grad uate of Wesleyan academy. He also took a course In the Nebraska univer sity. On October 12 , 1002 , he was married to Miss Frances Margaret Johnson. Mr. Mathewson In the year 1894 and prior to that time engaged In the farming and cattle business. In 1895 , with his cousin D. Mathew son , he purchased the W. W. Roberts Insurance business in the Mast block , the firm being known as Mathewson & Co. Mr. Mathewson served a term as councilman under Mayor Friday's 3 first administration. NO DEATHS iN LORIMER CASE BUT POLITICAL AND PERSONAL ENEMIES ARE TOGETHER. IS SILENCE IN WITNESS ROOM Men Who Hate Each Other With Deep est Feeling , Are Made to Sit and Look at One Another for Hours at a Time Hearing In a Basement Now. Washington , Juno 23. Down to rock bottom , the seunto committee to inves tigate the election of Senator Lorimar wont today , literally speaking , to con duct its work. The first open session of the com- mlttce was held In a room In the sen ate olllco building In which few could hear because of the nolso from the streets. The second day the window * were closed to keep out the noise , but the committee nearly suffocated. To day a room was procured In the base ment , where It was said both nolso and heat would be a thing of the past. The hearing room Is not the only place of Interest in connection with the Lorlmor Investigation , the witness room , in which those under subpoonao are asked to whllo away the long hours , having an Interest all its own. Arch enemies politically and perhaps personally , are thrown together with little to amuse themselves but to loolc at each other. So far no casualties have resulted , but every hour the room affords a composite study of Illinois politicians. COURT ONAJ MADISON Judge Powers Given Judgment for $2,790 Against Stadelman , Et Al. Madison , Neb. , June 23. Special to The News : An adjourned session of the regular March , 1911 , term of dlu- trlct court convened with Judge A. A. Welch presiding and W. H. Powers a court reporter. The case of Isaac Powers vs. ' Stadel man , ot al. , was found for the plain tiff , Judgment being decreed in the sum of $2,790. In the case of John Henry Dorr va. John Rex. Henry , et al. , to quiet title , decree quieting title as prayed for was granted. The divorce action of Bertha Nel son vs. Andrew N. Nelson , defendant defaulted. Finding for the plaintiff. Decree of divorce , custody of the chil dren and Judgment for costs. Jrert Alstadt vs. Louis DavJf.rOt aL actionqnletlng title of property In Dlttniar's addition to Madison , Neb. Judgment for plaintiff quieting title. The attention of the court was oc cupied the remainder of the afternoon with the case of the state of Nebraska ex rel. Gunnerson vs. Nebraska Chil dren's Home society of Omaha. This case was tried at the March term of. the court and the Children's Home so ciety , defendant , ordered by the court , under certain conditions , to deliver the custody of one of the children In question to Its father , Gunnerson , which order had not been complied with. The court held that the Ne braska Children's Home society had. shown good faith in trying to comply with the court's order and that their showing will be sustained. This leaves the questions at Issue about as they were when this case opened with the * Nebraska Children's Home society la actual custody of both children and it may be that the case will now b dropped by Gunnerson. ENTHUSIASTIC OVER ROAD. Meadow Grove Men , Who Make Trip , Are Pleased. Meadow Grove , Neb. , June 23. Spe cial to The News : The Meadow Grove business men who went to Norfolk to inspect the new county oiled road , re turned enthusiastic over the proposi tion. These were the men who made * the trip : John Harding , farmer ; H. D. Wey- glnt , harness man ; R. E. Rouse , ox- postmaster ; William Hopkins , post master ; J. R. Dow , implement dealer ; ' Thomas Evans , furniture dealer ; L. R. Prltchard , merchant ; Ed Crook , livery man ; Walter Palmer , pool hall pro prietor ; Orr Palmer , pool hall propri etor ; Will Hoffman , retired farmerp Lew Brown , hardware merchant ; ' Sherd Williams , farmer ; H. E. Mason , banker ; E. F. Buner , hotel ; W. H. Stanton , telephone man ; George Beed. retired farmer ; Charles Evlns , gardner - ner ; Tom Anderson , retired farmer ; Ed Alyea , teamster. Make Fish Trap : Are Fined. Neligh , Neb. , June 23. Special to The News : Chief Game Warden Mil ler , during a recent visit to Antelope county In an effort to apprehend the violators of the game laws , arrested Frank Fisher , H. H. Bradford , Fritz Hoschelt and Clarence Hanson , who reside In or near the vicinity of Bruns wick , for constructing a fish trap ot gunny sacks and chasing the fish into them. They paid $10 and costs each. Stand for State Rights. Salt Lake City , June 23. A resolu tion demanding a law repudiating the Jurisdiction of the federal district courts to suspend the laws of States was adopted by the convention of the National Association of attorney gen erals yesterday. U. S. Webb of Cali fornia was elected president and George Casson of Iowa secretary-treaa- urer.