The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 26, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Tte Norfolk Wwkly News-Journal
The NOWB , EfttabllBhcd 1881.
The Journal , EfltabllBhod 1877.
W. N. HUHO N. A.
PrcBldont. Sccrotnry.
iSvory Friday. Hy mall i > or year , ? 1.GO.
Entered at tlio pontufllco nt Norfolk ,
Nob. , as Bucoiul class matter.
" TelephonesEditorial : Dopartiuent
No. 22. UusliiusB Olllco and Job Rooms ,
No. II 22.
The niitUrUBt law seems about like
tbo ChlncHO statute that forbids all
Improper conduct
The whole anti-trust law now turns
on the word "unreasonable , " of which
there arc 90,000,000 different defini
"Slang will never force Its way Into
polite Bocloty , " says an eastern pro
fessor who evidently is not familiar
with polite society.
In view of the loop holes In the oil
trust decision , some of our bootblacks
nlll got together and agree to do no
more flvo-cent shines.
Now that Dr. Wiley Is protecting
mlnco pie , wo shall pay our taxes
this year with the feeling that we arc
getting our monoy'fl worth.
Now It remains to be seen how much
more It will cost the poor consumer
to pay the bills for running sixty dif
ferent oil companies Instead of one.
President Taft visited n wild west
.show In Washington but did not show
much enthusiasm over It. The presIdent -
Ident has seen congress In session.
The courts now undertake to separate -
arate the trusts Into the sheep and
the goats , and It ought to bo easy to
( show that most of them have butted
* The trusts may take the whole road
but there's a big policeman who says
the common people shall occasional
have a chance to walk on the side
The Woman's Whist league Is meet
ing at Baltimore , and the combatant *
could better afford to break all the ten
commandments than trump a part
ner's trick.
Dr. Pearsons has glten away ? C.OOO ,
000 , all his fortune but $100,000 , and ll
he signs the subscription papers thai
are presented to him , the rest will b <
Keno In a week.
The Hibernians oppose arbltratloi
with Great Britain. But It's choapei
to settle things In the courts , even 1 :
your father's landlord did make bin
live on raw potatoes.
The world owes the United State !
1441,000,000 for food and raw mater
lal sold abroad last year. The work
will get part of It back during th (
coronation celebration.
Eggs are four cents a dozen li
China. Why not Import some , parttc
ularly as they would be fresher whei
they got here than the cold storag <
kind they hand out in winter ?
Arbitration treaties are being nego
tiated with England and France , bu
the senate would rather see a wa :
some day than give up any of its tradi
tional privileges to vote on it.
A Los Angeles woman who lef
home more than ten years ago to bu :
an Easter hat has just returned
Some women spend moro time thai
others in looking for a new bat.
Five Pennsylvania's counties losi
1,000,000 In forest fires. The cami
era' bonfire gets away with far mon
of the savings of the country peopli
than the defaulting bank treasurer.
The Lorlmcr case Is reopened. W <
shall bo satisfied If this results in Hsl
ing legislators on the stock exchange
where the public can know the dall ;
quotations along with Steel and Read
The Reno divorce lawyers want al
papers in divorce cases made secret
The marriage service should be chang
ed from "until death do us part , " si
as to read , "until the newspapers cai
be hushed up. "
The stock market Jumped on the dc
clsions. Having made a pile of mone ;
by scaring the lambs to death , th
brokers propose to make a lot mor
by infusing them with the most reel
less gambling spirit.
Woodrow Wilson denies thinkini
about the presidency. Then why ii
thunder isn't ho sitting on his fron
piazza , Instead of enduring the ha I
mattresses and sausage diet of the pc
lltical one night stands ?
A very Illuminating notice was put
lished in an exchange a short timi
ago , which read , "Until further nc
tice , every vehicle must carry a ligh
when darkness begins. Darkness be
gins when the lights are lit. "
Susan Fowler , the original bloome
woman , died the other day at Vine
land , N. J. , at the ago of 87. She be
lleved that style and convenience
should go together. The bloomer at
tire a dress cut off at the knecfl
wns convenient enough but It fright
ened the horses.
Sculptor Lorado Taft says there are
more statutes In Washington than
were produced In Italy In the entire
renaissance period. Wo would not
mind buying one or two for the back
yard to hitch clothes lines to.
President Taft sent a telegram of
congratulation on King Alfonso's 25th
) lrthday. This Is better than getting
iip a surprise party , and happening
iround while Alfonso was loafing In
ils flannel shirt and carpet slippers ,
Now they are trying to amend the
Sherman law. As It will take four
years to pass such a law , and six
years to carry a case through the BU.
prcmo court , the trust people are not
doing much "thinking In bed" about It ,
Georgw Bernard Shaw says he won't
como to America because there h
nothing here to Interest him. Perhape
f some charitably disposed Amer
ican would order a few copies of his
books , he might feel better toward us
If you wanted to see Woodrow Wll
son , you once found him in the college
lego library getting dust on his trous
ers from old books. Next fall you will
see him carrying a torch , and cheer
Ing the house that has the most Ian' '
Former President Eliot of Harvard
comes out in favor of the "New agrl
culture" . From our experiments ir
the garden tbls spring , we are con
vinccd that the same amount of mus
cle Is required to propel the hoe anc
spade as ever before.
Senator Bailey has wired Mr. Rock
cfoller advising him to resign. Mr
Rockefeller knows that in this world
we must expect tribulation , but he
thinks he Is getting more than hit
share. In this the public agrees , onlj
they think he Is getting more than hh
share of the money.
The price of many household ne
cesslties has fallen appreciably during
the past few months , but sad to relate
a syndicate has grabbed the radlun
product and tbo price is likely to gc
up a million dollars an ounce or sue )
a matter. This will make it hard foi
those who have acquired the radlun
During the first nine daily session :
of congress , nearly 7,000 bills and res
olutlons were introduced. About five
sixths of them In the house , but mon
than a thousand of them originate !
in the senate. A very large proper
Mon of them are for pensions or othei
Ddividual claims. This looks i
ihough congress was busy , but no
on the business for which it was con
Thirty years ago aluminum was lit
tie more than a curiosity. In 188 !
only eighty-three pounds were pro
duced and it was valued at $15 i
pound. In 1909 more than 32,000,001
pounds were produced and the prici
bad fallen to twenty-three cents :
pound. It is now known to be one o
the most abundant of minerals , its on
forms one-sixth of the world's crust
and its uses have multiplied as rap
idly as its production.
The conviction of John Dietz am
the life sentence pronounced , seem t <
many to be very severe punlshmen
for a crime not clearly proven. Hai
John Dletz employed a skillful lawyei
there is little doubt that the trio
would have ended differently. Ther
were plenty of weak places in th
prosecution , if there had been any on
to take advantage of them. Under th
present condition it is doubtful if an ;
loophole for demanding a new tria
can be found.
Foreign military men who have it
spected the camp of our army at Sai
Antonio speak in the highest terms o
its sanitary condition. The Unite
States army learned a sad and expct
sive lesson during the Spanish wa
in the loss of life due to the unsan :
tary state of the camps at Chickc
mauga and other southern war campt
But the soldiers who were sacrifice
there did not die in vain If future get
orations of soldiers are saved from ;
similar fate.
Ticket sellers on the elevated rat
ways of Chicago are women , they ar
on duty continuously twelve hours
day , seven days in the week , and 3C
jtlays in the year , and the munlflcen
salary received for this exacting sei
vice Is $14 a week. Yet these pos
tions are deemed so desirable thn
one company out of the five , had
short time ago over 2,000 applicant
on its waiting list It is a pltifu
commentary on the condition of thl
class of women workers.
King George evidently does no
mean to neglect any of the ceremonle
and royal paraphernalia that belong b ;
.right of precedent to him or his fan
ily. The coronation festivities wll
scarcely be over , when on July 13U
the Prince of Wales will bo formall ;
invested with the robes of his rani
at Carnarvon Castle. This is said t
bo the first time that the Investur
of the English Prince has taken plac
in Wales , and the first time in man ;
years that an elaborate ceremonla
has been used. The plan for the ir
vesture ceremony in Wales is on
step in carrying out a definite program
of the king's to give some special
recognition to all the different parts
of his dominion.
Laws against corrupting voters arc
nest rigid In England. A member of
.ho house of commons was recently
inseatcd because It was proved that
ills election agent made a false state *
nent of election expenses. A candl
late who should give a cigar to a
voter before election would be likely
to have his right to his seat challenged
after election , and would not beal -
owed to servo if the gift could be
proved. This kind' of law would thin
out the American congress at a ter-
rlblo rate.
The boy scout movement Is making
rapid progress in many different parts
of the country. It haa a peculiar fas
cination in its call to the out of doors
and its attention to healthy sports for
the young and Is balled by the most
public spirited and progressive teach
ers and pastors. It appeals with good
reason to the manliness of the boy.
One of its enthusiastic promoters
says : "A scout is thrifty. Ho works
faithfully , wastes nothing , and makcG
the best use of his opportunities. He
saves his money so that he may pay
his own way , bo generous to those in
need , and helpful to worthy objects ,
He may give his services for pay , but
must not receive tips for courtesies
or good turns. "
The offer made by G. L. Carlson ,
and accepted by the directors of the
Commercial club , to lease part of n
new brick building which he plans to
erect on Norfolk avenue , at a nomi
nal rental , for Commercial club quar
ters , is a great stride toward a greater
Not only will the new quartern
serve to bring business men closer to
gether , but will work as an effective
advertisement of the ctly's enterprise ,
Norfolk will note this innovation
with more than ordinary satifaction ,
and the Commercial club directors arc
to be congratulated upon securing the
lease. Mr. Carlson , in this as in othet
acts , has earned Norfolk's gratitude.
There's a man on the Job of devel
oping Norfolk's possibilities. The
paid Commercial club secretary , de
voting all his time and energy to Nor
folk's upbuilding , is a material fact.
In Mr. Hawkins , the Commercial
club directors have selected a live and
progressive traveling salesman whc
has shown ability in various lines ol
work and who ought to make good as
secretary. He is ambitious and s
rustler. And in Norfolk , he has a
city of tremendous possibilities to be
Norfolk is probably the only city HE
size in the world , employing a man tc
do nothing but boost for the town
but Norfolk is the only city in thf
world of this size with Norfolk's field
and the people who know Norfolk
have faith that the Commercial club's
slogan , " 10,000 by 1915 , " will come
true , with persistent and systematit
effort on the part of Norfolk itself.
The record breaking sale of towr
lots in a new addition to the city las !
week , most of the lots being snappec
up by people in towns located in ter
ritory tributary to Norfolk , showi
great things in store for this commer
clal hub.
The business men of Norfolk
through their Commercial club , an
right now on the point of doing t
thing which , in itself , puts Norfolk 01
the map as one of the livest and mos
progressive cities of its size in th <
Where , on this globe , will there b <
found another cfty this size possessing
enough energy to employ a capabli
man to devote his time exclusively ti
the development of Norfolk , clvlel :
and in a business way ? Yet the em
ployment of a Commercial club secre
tary , whoso entire time shall be de
voted to developing and improvlni
Norfolk In a systematic and business
like way , is all but an accomplishe <
fact in this city , the selection of th <
man , elono remaining to be finished
A number of highly satisfactory ap
plications have been received and i
capable man for the work is assured
The fact that Norfolk business mei
are progressive enough and allvi
enough to employ an expert Commei
clal club secretary to boost Norfolk
is enough to attract unusual attentloi
to the enterprise of this city and thi
oportunlties that It offers. A towi
of this size , enterprising enough t <
so systematically develop Its possl
bilHIes for the sake of the growth
must bo an extraordinary town , thi
average outsider will logically figure
Not only should new industries re
suit from persistent and systematli
efforts on the part of a man devotlni
all his time to the upbuilding of Nor
folk , but many benefits will accrue.
The success of the Commercial clul
in bringing about the employment o
a paid secretary , is one of the bigges
things the local club has done , am
one of the biggest things of Its kinc
that any town this size ever did/
Now that the Northwestern rallroac
has announced that a permanent sta
tlon will be built at Norfolk Junction
at the head of either Second or Thlu
streets , a street car system from th <
depot to the business portion of th <
city becomes one of the town's par
amount needs. The hindrance to con
sideration of such n project hereto
fore has boon the possibility Hint n
new depot might not be built near
i the old site , and thus leave the car
system stranded high and dry.
A man In Norfolk the other day
from Omaha declared that he hnd
been to this city three times ; and that
in each occasion , he had heard all of
the bad points of Norfolk while riding -
ing In a cab from the Junction depot
to a hotel uptown.
It Is a long way from the Junction
to the business section of the town ,
and this distance at present repre
sents one of Norfolk's handicaps. The
distance might bo erased by installing
a street car service that could carry
people back and forth quickly and
for five cents. Such a service would
create an immensely more favorable
Impression upon visitors in the city ,
and by making It thus easier for them
to got back and forth from their
trains , people from surrounding terri
tory would bo still more inclined to
como to Norfolk than they are now.
It would llkdwise make it much eas
ier for Junction people to get back
anti f6rth.
Such a line not seriously or even
materially Interfere with the business
of the cab linos. People coming to
and going from local hotels , don't rldo
in cabs now , but in buses. The swift
er and more economic street car
would do this same service , only do
it better than it can be done by horses
over dirt roads. People living in the
city would still use cabs , for the most
part , Just as they now do , in making
trips between their homes and the
Junction depot ,
An event of no slight significance
occurred Thursday , when Dr. H. W.
Wiley , government chemist , had a
meeting with thirty representatives
of mincemeat manufacturers. They
came together to define what standard
mincemeat should be.
The government's pure food men
say that meat should me an Ingred
ient of mincemeat. Most of the man
ufacturers contend that meat is not
a necessary ingredient.
Mince pie minus meat will lose its
unique character. Persons whose
digestion is not robust enough to cope
with moat made pie can remain con
tent with the less virile satisfactions
of pumpkin , apple , and other exclu
sively fruit pies.
It is probably true that pumpkin pie
is most attractive to persons of a
romantic and imaginative disposition.
Not merely do such relish this creamy
compound , but its golden color con
veys subtile suggestions of the luxur
iant vegetable garden of the old home
stead , bringing with It twining mem
ories that pull at the heart strings.
Furthermore , it suggests the glorious
rebundancy of the squash and pump
kin exhibits at the county fair , indi
cating the lavish hand with which na
ture rewards the toiler in the fields.
The minceple has glories of its own.
The tang of meat pervades the pie
with a tonic like a sunshiny October
day. It sets the virile forces of life
pumping energy into your blood , its
substantial nourishment sustains the
No wonder that the stern old Pur
itans of New England used to pre
pare long rows of mince pies at the
time of Thanksgiving. Had the pie-
makers regarded chiefly thq festal
aspects of the holiday , the squash or
pumpkin would have been preferred.
But with the strain of a cold New
England winter in prospect , it was
seen that physical energy for coming
storms was to be built on no less en
during basis than meat pie.
"Aroint thee , witch ! " , one may then
well say to these adulterators and de
cadents who would substitute fruit
Juices and floury concoctione , which
never can , support human life in days
of exhausting toil.
Newspapers are a mighty unhandy
thing to have around , Just as the police
are. At least , for people who have
deals to put through in the dark , or
burglaries to commit.
The latest attempt to gag the news
papers is In Ohio , where a bill has
been favorably reported in the legis
lature to put editors and publishers
in Jail , if they exact a promise from
candidates for office. There Is also a
fine of $100 to $500.
It is a newspaper's business to re
cord the buylngs and sellings in the
market , and legislators whoso votes
are put up at auction will no doubt
favor a law that will harass honest
No doubt some men will vote for
such a bill thoughtlessly , or from hon
est motives. Gov. Harmon favors the
proposed law and no doubt ho hon
estly thinks it will remove an evil.
Let such men think how much a pro
posal would hamper the publisher
seeking to defend the rights of the
The people naturally want to know
how their representatives are going to
vote on important public matters.
Any citizen has a perfect right to ask
n ca/idldate to pledge himself to vote
a certain way. The candldatehas a
perfect right to make such a pledge ,
or to decline to make it , Just as he
sees fit.
Newspapers naturally want to know
something about a candidate's point
of view before wasting their good
space on supporting him , Just as the
voter hates to cast his ballot for a
man who afterwards acts against his
The question whether candidates
should or should not pledge them-
PolvoH In advance is not one that can
bo nettled In a sweeping way. As a
general thing , the Independent legislator
later keeps his mind open until the
final show down , and dislikes to tic
himself up In advance. Hut occasion
ally there como square Issues of right
and wrong , where the voters want the
sheep ami the goats lined up before
the ballot box by definite pledges. In
seeking to secure such pledges , the
newspaper Is simply the agent of the
A sunburnt neck , honestly earned
nt hard play , la neckst to a rubbed
raw heel for real suffering.
Thursday was the windiest day we
over remember on a May 18.
Have you dug out of the dust yet'
Why doesn't the rain rain ?
Another wholesale house added tc
Norfolk this week. And room foi
Are you swatting the files ?
Did you see the swatting matcl
Thursday night ? Of course not.
Next Friday is the official day foi
formally beginning to swat the goll
ball on the nose.
Also for swatting the picnic sup
That rain was worth $25 If it was
worth a red cent !
Once again News advertising has
been vindicated. Didn't wo ask , Sat
urday , "Why doesn't the rain rain ? "
Joined the Ad club yet ?
Off again , on again , off again Mex
lean war. ( You can amend this b }
adding , "on again , " and sign It "Sum
mer Ones" ) .
A sore h 1 can certainly raise
h 1 with a man , if it wants to.
And speaking of sore heels , Bill ]
Ferguson says this : "Now you do ai
I'm tellin' you. I had a friend thai
died that way. Do as I'm tellin' you
do you hear me ? "
And you can bet your life we're do
ing as Billy said. If we must die , W (
want to die with our boots on , ant
nobody over could keep his boots or
long enough to die , with this kind o :
a heel.
Likewise , if we really must die
we're glad we were allowed to Hv (
long enough to know the'Standard Ol
case was finally decided.
But man's never satisfied. It woult
really be a hardship to limp out bj
the sore heel route , before that grass
seed makes good.
And speaking of grass seed : Here'i
an offer. What's it worth to the mai
that sold that g. s. , not to have his
name printed ?
P. S. We hope nobody will mlstak <
that for attempted blackmail. It's Jus
a business proposition.
Here Was Neglect , for Fair.
Mrs. F. A. P. of Dallas , sending i
check for another year's subscriptioi
to The News , says : "Hope that cole
Is better. " The cold is slightly bet
tor , thanks , but she never said om
word about that sore heel !
Life has its troubles , but now anc
then there comes a ray of sunshine
For once In its life ( and it's the firs
time in eight years' monthly attempts ]
the New York World , in writing i
check to its Norfolk correspondent
has succeeded in addressing the letter
"Norfolk , Neb. , " instead of "Norfolk
Va. " The WORLD does move !
We see by an esteemed contempot
ary headline on a news page in yes
terday's paper , that "A Great Rah
Came Down. " We thought that rain
storm came up.
Here's a little information for thi
public , gained only after a mlscel
laneous lot of personal suffering an *
distress , but which may not have beei
in vain if it brings a slight ray o
comfort to any one of our millions o
readers : It takes a heel Just a weel
to heal , after It has been scraped rav
by now shoes ; the left heel heali
three days earlier than the right heel
It takes a sprained ankle Just one yea
to resume its normal size , and it neve
does got back its original strength ; i
takes a strained shoulder Just fou :
weeks to get unstrained , if glvei
proper rest ; the muscles Just nbovi
the elbow on the right arm , if stralne <
at the ago of 10 In trying to lie a base
ball pitcher , will bob up and knocl
out your brassy work at the age of 2i
( did you get that 25 ? ) ; it takes Jus
eight days for the skin to peel of
after it's been sunburnt at hard play ;
it takes a nose one day and a night t (
como back , after having been rubbei
raw In an effort to wash out the black
heads ; the scar of a cold sere stayi
on your chin twelve weeks ( and may
bo longer ) ; and a cold in the heat
which you contract on March 25
What's become of the old fashionei
man who curled his mustache ?
Here's Plot for Moving Pictures.
Between morning and night , a wo
man will appropriate her husband'f
coathaugor , to hang a waist on ; will
the coathanger gone , the man hangs
his coat on the back of a chair ; wher
his wife wants that chair , off goes tht
I coat , In an Indiscriminate heap , upon
the lloor.
Why Is It that the shoes you want
to put on are never , never in the
pocket of the orderly Hhoo-caso that
hangs on the wall In the closet ?
Some men , after smoking a pipe ,
will leave the ashes In It rather tluin
shake them out and then runs , when
they want to smoke again , IIUUIUIBO
the pipe Isn't clean.
Why Is It that the dryent plnco In
Norfolk , when It's wet ; the wettest
place , when things are dry ; the cool
est place , when It'e hot ; and the
warmest plnco when It's cold , Is the
Country club ?
He Liked the Candy.
A Norfolk woman yesterday called
across the street to a little boy and
asked him to bring her a cup of cof
fee. The lad brought It and wna re
warded with a piece of cntuly. When
ho was about to start home with thn
empty cup ho turned and said : "Say ,
don't you want another cup of coffee ? "
We've been offered a bribe , too , but
not for our vote. Wo wore approach
ed with an offer from two well known
golflsts , who agreed to put up a con
siderable sum of money If wo could
find It convenient to bo suffering from
that sere heel next Friday , and stay
away from the Country club opening.
So If wo don't win the golf tourna
ment , you'll understand why.
Here's to the now Commercial club
This column made mention the oth
er day of ono Norfolk girl who wore
her own beads at the dance , although
her mother wanted 'em. To make the
record complete , It should be said that
the mother has been wearing 'em over
Mayor Friday declared at a council
meeting that votes were bought In the
recent Norfolk city election. How did
he happen to admit it ?
What's become of the old fashion
ed napkin ring and the o. f. red and
white table cloth ?
We're dying to print one about a
Norfolk high school girl who will grad
uate next week , but we're going to
wait and see If she can persuade her
( P. S. The chances are we'd die If
we did print It , too , so far as the cas
ualty feature of it is concerned. )
The secret of doing things is in try
A hopeless loafer Is one who is too
lazy to dig bait.
Lots of persons who love their work
don't succeed.
It is deplorable , but in many cases
talent and conceit are related.
Rheumatism puts in a lot of over
time without getting paid for it
Some persons are so hopeful it's a
wonder they ever work at all.
Many people who take good care of
their teeth , neglect their tongues.
Remember that you Just think you
can do some other fellow's work bet
ter than he can.
About all the cleaning up some men
ever do is to get an occasional sha\e
and haircut
If business ever gets good enough
for some business men , they won't
admit it.
A pipe is the most satisfactory
smoke when you can't get cigars or
Western men like to think they are
a whole lot braver than eastern men ,
but they can't prove It
There are still a few old-fashioned
women who think It Is a sign of sheer
laziness to hire the washing done.
Not putting bands around cigars is
another conservation stunt that de
serves more attention than it gets.
Kentuckians are supposed to know
all about mint Juleps , but the fact
remains that a number of thorn don't.
No'man will put up the same kind
of service in his dining room that he
accepts gracefully at a picnic or a
free lunch counter.
Traveling abroad is doubtless of
great educational value , but don't
make the mistake of telling all you
learned when you get home.
It doesn't take long for children to
explode the fairy story business , but
if a man's wife loves him , ' ho can
work It quite awhile on her.
There are , however , a number of
things which will help Mother moro
than wearing a carnation In your but
tonhole on one day of the year.
We gather from the fashion pages
that about the customary expanse of
chicken-skin elbow is going to bo ex
posed to the public gaze this year.
People who write under a nom tie
plume may have differed reasons for
signing their stuff that way , but nlod-
esty isn't usually counted on the list.
If the town won't fall for the aver
age man's scheme he never thinks of
blaming himself. Goodness , no. Ho
blames the town and Its newspapers.
A Jersey cow Is a docile-looking
creature , but she frequently has a
mean disposition. Nor is the human
tU'siorado , always equipped with size
and fierce whiskers.
Text , "When the mnn touched tlio bone *
et Elltlm ho revived and Blood on bin
feot.-ll KltiRs jclll , 21 ,
Early nummer In Israel. Crops Just
about ripe. Time for Moablto raiding ;
parties. These foraging maraudon *
had worked their depredations until
the Israelites wore pnnlc stricken. A
funeral party IB winding itn way In
solemn procession alongside n hill.
Suddenly some ono calls , "Tho Monb-
itcs cornel" The dead man's friend *
look about where to quickly conceal
his body and escape. They choooo
whether by accident or Intention it IB
not told a cave which In the tomb of
the prophet ICllshn. The Jews made
no use of coffins. At the end of the
tomb tbo body of Ellsha lay In HH
grnvecloUicfl. As the body of th
young mau wan pushed into the Boput-
chcr it touched the form of Kllnhn.
The mere contact with thone hallowed
.bones produced that from Hllahn
which had In life cost prayer and ex
ertion. The man revived , stood on hln
feet and hastened homo with his
friends. Elijah had been honored In
his death , Hllsha after his death.
The Afterglow.
Llfo does not begin at the cradle nor
end at the grave. The nun sets in the
golden west , but loaves n glorious twi
light that loads UB homo. The trwo
falls in the forest , but in after dayn It
burns and glowa and cheers In our
grate. The tiny cornl inflect dies , but
the reef it raised breaks the nurjre on
the shores of a great continent. We
shall not only llvo in another , a spirit
world , but MO shall llvo on here as In
fluences and forces in this world.
"Tho evil that men do lives after
them ; the good IB often Interred with
their boneB , " said Mark Antony.
That's n miserable untruth , because It
is a half truth. Not only does evil
llvo after us , but good too. David linn
been dead 3,000 years , but his Psalms
are following him. Moses and Paul
centuries cinco wcro dust not even
their place of burial IB known but
their words will swny the rod of em
pire for untold generations. They belong -
long to the roll call of the past , .thone
"who being dead yet epcak. " ' Men
die , but their work IIvon on. The
world Is young. For awhile wo wield
trowel or pen. Brain thinks , eye
looks , tongue speaks. The pyramid lt
building. The twentieth century will
not rock It down , nor the thirtieth , nor
the one hundredth. Lincoln , living ,
was an American , northerner , Repub
lican. Today no section , no party
indeed , no nation can claim him. Flo
belongs to humanity , to "tho parlia
ment of man , tbo federation of tbo
world. " Death and flight of years
have no power to destroy them.
TheughU Expressed In Things.
The Olympic and the Titanic win
tell In a few months that Watts and
Stevenson still live. Marconi and the
Wrights will still live when their names
arc illegible ou the tombstone. The in
ventor in dead , but his busy fingers are
8(111 ( weaving warm textures for the
poor. The road builder and the bridge
constructor will walk by the Bide of
the dully thousands. The death of a
wolf means a meal for tbo other
wolves. The death of a thinker menus
a meal , mental Instead of physical , for
those left behind. Wolves feed their
stomachs ; we feed our brains on the
dead. You cannot overestimate the
touch of the dead. They are the glass
es through which we look at the past.
The distant is brought near. A writer
in a garret may shout a message to
the world. Who writes a book ? The
man with a message. What are its
contents ? The best in his soul. I
can touch the bones of Macaulay or
Emerson , Tennyson or Longfellow , and
the Inspiration of their lives lifts me
when sinking , and , like the young man
of the text , I revive and stand upon
my feet. In my room I have the
world's great men talk to mo histo
rians , musicians , philosophers , preach
ers. And they talk their best best
diction , best grammar , beet style , beet
thought Out from the Bible Moses
and Joshua and Daniel thrill me as
they thrilled the Jewish heart centuries
"The Touch of the Vaniihtd H nd.M
The influence of our dead is very
great We think we have lost them
because we do jot see them , and we
Oh , for the touch of & vanlBhed hand
And the Bound of a voice that 1 * atill
when they are near to us. Death is
cleansing. It sweeps away the faults
and blemishes wo saw In the flesh and
leaves only a remembrance that la good
and beautiful. I have known cases
where a mother accomplished things
after her death that she could not
while living. Mapy a prodigal h&i been
brought home and "comes to himself"
under the touch of a mother that has
gone from him. I know parents who
are being led by little baby fingers
long since passed away. If I wanted
to appeal to their better nature I would
appeal to the memory of that little
boy or girl. A mother shown me the
book in which the baby scribbled.
Wondrous skill. Here's the "little toy
dog all covered with dust" Here's
the high school diploma the pale faced ,
sober eyed girlie brought homo om >
June day. "She led her class. " Ah.
me ! Somehow I believe they arc still
with us. Llfo is stronger than death.
Love leaps the grave. If Cbriflt be
here , why not they ?
Print a want ad tolling what It is
and what you'll ' sell it for and "turn
It into money. "
Try a Nowa Want-Ad. " V