The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 26, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    Till' ' ] NORFOLK WKKKLY NUWS-JOUKNAIi , KHIDAY , MAY L'li , 1011.
Mileage Books Would Save Every Dollar Spent by Gov
Part of $12,000,000 An ernment Being Analyzed
nual Outlay and Located
nearly a year a commission
Foil by Frederick A. Clove-
Inntl. an economy cipcrt , has
bccu ntf work , under the direc
tion of President Taft and lib secre
tary , investigating the system under
fwhlch the United States gorcrnment
spends $1,000,000,000 a year.
The experts have reached their first
conclusions something can bo saved.
1C It Is only 1 per cent of the whole It
means $10,000.000 a year a tidy sum ,
even In the present day of big figures.
If 10 per cent can bo saved It moans ,
an annual return to the pockets of the
American people of $1 for every man ,
woman and child In the United States.
The experts now finishing their fiscal
7ear and entering upon the most Im
portant stage of their \vork have gene
at the problem with the Idea of Inter
fering with no phase of the govern
ment's work , hut of seeing that that
work Is performed with the greatest
economy of men and money and that
the government gets 100 cents' worth
of work for every dollar spent
As a pleasant little curtain raiser for
the big show that Is to come later they
liavo poked their finger Into Uncle
Sam's traveling cxpcnso account and
have declared that It Is too big. Chair
man Cleveland of the economy com
mission pointed it out to Mr. Morton ,
then the president's secretary ; secro-
1ary Norton explained It to President
Taft , and President Taft took the
country Into his confidence.
Think of spending $12.000,000 a year
simply for traveling expenses enough
to glvo every ouo of Uncle Sam's 000-
000 employees n first class trip from
New York to Chicago , with Pullman
fare thrown in and something left to
tip the porter ; enough to give the pop
ulation of a good sized city a trip
around the world !
It was as much a surprise to flu
president and his advisers to see this
bill for travel as It may have been te
the public. Appropriations have growr
eo rapidly In the government depart
mcnts and they arc distributed nmonp
such a variety of subjects that no dot
inltc Idea of the amount spent in nnj
one class of service has been possible
until Mr. Cleveland and his experts
had reduced the whole fabric of ex
pendltures to a scientific basis.
Travel Never Summarized.
"Never before was It known hov
much the government expended or expected
pectod to spend in travel expenses Ii
.any one year , " said Mr. Norton recent
ly. "Travel expenses arc burled awaj
in miscellaneous and contingent ex
pcnso accounts , where they cannot bi
reached and cannot be analyzed. Tin
very fact that so much as $12,000,00 (
goes Into traveling expenses arouse :
curiosity , and , although the inquiry
has hardly begun , It has already bcci
discovered that In many well run bu
reaus the government gets the benefit
of the lowest mileage rate , while hone
ono of the greatest departments a sys
tern of transportation orders results li
that department paying 10 per con
more for a trip from Washington t <
New York and return than an Individ
ual would have to pay. "
Hero is the key to the whole sltua
tion. The waste of money , If then
has been any in the matter of travel
Ing expenses to carry on the govern
ment business , has been a waste dui
to the complexity of systems followee
in the different departments rathe
than to the padding of expense ac
counts by government employees.
Did you ever try to pad an expcnsi
account for the government ? There 1
no Item of "entertainment of custom
era , " nothing for incidental expenses
nothing for taxlcabs or theaters. Ti
pass a padded account successful ! ;
through the censors of a govcrnmen
bureau at Washington Is a feat thn
few employees In Uncle Sam's estab
llshment can boast of.
Most of the departments pass upoi
every travel account at least fou
times before It is finally approved am
the bill paid. There are bureaus li
those departments where much travel
ing occurs equipped with all the latee
passenger fare tariffs and with th
rates of the Pullman company betwee :
all points.
When an expense account comes 1
the items for tickets are carefull
checked up on these rate shceti
When the rate clerk finally approve
the expense statement It Is proof the
the charges for the tickets and Pul
man htjve agreed exactly with th
'published rates between the polnl
Then there Is a definite standard c
expense allowed for each legltimat
item. You may have your laundr
done once a week at government e :
pens * in some departments when yo
are traveling , but you may not bav
your trousers pressed "on Uncle Sam ,
Clean laundry is considered a nece
slty , carefully creased trousers a lu :
ury. Other departments do not allo
even the weekly laundry bill as a
item of legitimate expense.
You may use a cab from the dep <
to destination Jn a strange city. Tl
employee who lives In Washlngtoi
however , and takes a cab from h
homo to the depot there will Dud thi
the vigilant eye of the censor of e :
pense accounts has cut out this ite :
and allowed only 5 cents for a strei
car ride to the depot The traveler
supposed to journey 03 ho would at
ila own cxpcnso.
A tip of 25 cents a day Is allowed
for the Pullman porter. If tips are
; lvcu to waiters they must be Included
n the prlco of the meals , and these
must always bo within reason. Tips
to the coatroom boy , a dime to the
bootblack and similar little items come
out of the employee's pocket and not
out of Uncle Sam's.
In view of these rigid interpretations
of traveling expenses that have pre
vailed for some Umo In most of the
departments In Washington , President
Taft'a deslro that the first teat of econ
omy be nnide on the traveling ex
penses of the government has aroused
Homo consternation among the men
who travel regularly In the oervlce of
the government. These include the
revenue , postolllce , treasury and cus
toms Inspectors , pension examiners , se
cret service men and special agents of
the department of justice and others
whoso duties keep them on the road
most of the time.
Sources of Wagte.
The blow Is not likely to fall here ,
however. The real waste In govern
ment traveling expenses , according to
leading officials of the government ,
comes from two primary causes first ,
trips that are not vitally necessary ,
and , second , travel that could be pur
chased for a less figure than Is actual
ly paid for It.
"Suppose we find that one of the bu
reaus Is spending $1.000,000 for travel
ing expenses , " said Norton , "and we
find that there are ten or fifteen or
twenty ways lu which traveling ex
pense money can be spent first class
single trip tickets , mileage , rbunel trip
tickets , etc. and we put an expert to
work and he finds that the bureau
spent only $350,000 for mileage , where
as it spent $1,150.000 for first class
single trip tickets.
"From the analysis and the questions
which would naturally follow It Is
found that it is the custom of the de
partment to Issue transportation orders
to the railroads to Issue tickets , which
orders , in turn , are honored and set
tled for at the first class single trip
rates. This would mean that the tie
partmcnt spends , let us say , $10 for n
ticket to New York and back , $1 more
than a private individual would spend
by the use of mileage.
"The individual buys perhaps $50 01
$100 worth of such transportation
where the government buys $10,000 , '
000 worth and pays for such a trij
as I describe 10 per cent more that
the individual would. If there is anj
appreciable portion of $10,000,000 01
$15,000,000 on which 1 per cent or 2 pei
cent or 10 per cent can be saved thai
Is an item of waste for which an ad
ministration might well be held just
ly responsible and an amount large
enough to engage the attention of con
gross. "
But back of the economy in purchas
Ing transportation Is the bigger ques
tion of what travel Is necessary. Th (
resident's demand for a test of econ
omy In the travel department is llkelj
to be followed by a tightening of the
lines and the reduction of some ol
the travel that has been developlnf
during the last few years.
Such an economy would undoubted
y hit the agricultural departmen
with considerable force. One state
ment from the economy experts showi
that the travel of this departmen' '
amounted to about $1,300,000 for tu <
last year.
Good Results Expected.
President Tuft's Inquiry will un
doubtedly determine the most econom
leal method of handling travel ex
penscs. It will result In the cutting ofl
of many trips ; but , most Important o :
nil. It will put the travel of the gov
eminent upon n scientific basis , when
the cheapest rate Is obtained for everj
Item of expense.
The travel expense , although It ha ;
been thrust forward by the attentlor
given it by the president actual ! )
only a small Item compared to tin
great developments that are to comi
from the board of experts. Cbalrniai
Cleveland has with him now Wllllan
F. Wllloughby , until recently nsslstan
director of the census , and Merrlt O
Chance , former auditor for the postof
fice department. There Is a furthe
advisory board on "economy and efil
clency" from the departments. Eacl
department has its own board of econ
oinlsts , and under Chairman Clevelani
Is n big stafT of experts.
Every dollar spent by the govern
ment Is to be analyzed and located.
The succession of Charles D. mile :
to the post of secretary to the presl
dent transfers to his shoulders th
work of supervising the Inquiry. With
in the next few months Intcrestlni
facts are likely to come from tbi
Cleveland board as to the real source
of waste In the management of a bll
lion dollar government.
Bound to Do Discovered.
If a man Is really reliable ho doesn
have to devote much of his time to e :
plotting that virtue ; you are watchc
pretty closely whether you know It <
not Ateblson Globe.
They are as sick that surfeit wit
too much aa they that starve wit
nothing. Shakespeare ,
Try a News Want-Ad.
Five Story Oulldlng Burns.
Chicago , May 22. Fire today do-
Hlroyod the Northwestern Can com
pany's building , a llvo story brick
structure , causing a loss ot $100,000.
Two Iloors of the structure were oc
cupied by Davidson Uros , Marble com
Famous Athlete Says He Has Hid List
Fling at All Around Title.
Martin Sheridan tins announced that
tie had competed for the last time in
the all around championships and that
tie was content to leave his present
world's all around record of 7.385
points for others to shoot at. Martin
nun not the time nor the inclination to
go through another long siege of trainIng -
Ing necessary to fit himself for an all
around championship. He says ho still
will take an occasional fling at discus
throwing , shot putting , weight heav
ing , standing jumping and events
which come easy for him without spe
cial preparation. "Never no more , "
however , for Martin as far as the all
around game goes.
Holmer May Go- Abroad ,
nans Ilolmer. winner of the Pow
der Im 11 race , has an offer to tour Italy ,
Africa , South America and Australia
this summer.
Pa Was Right.
"Pa says you keep almost every
thing here. " said the small son of the
village editor.
"I gue s your pa's about right" re
plied the owner of the general store.
"And nn says. " continued the little
chap , "the reason you keep KO many
hluga Is because you don't advertise. "
Chicago News.
{ Soulless Contributors ,
"The congregation numbered thirty-
wo souls this morning , " remarked the
"Thirty souls , " corrected the dracon ,
'Wo got two plugged nickels in the
collection box , " Kansas City Journal
They Will Units In Giving Coronatloi
Present to the Queen.
Since the movement began to hav
all the British Marys unite in glvlni
a coronation present to Queen Mar ;
the number of women , children am
men bearing that name is proving t
be astonishing. Already It la behii
predicted that there must bo at leas
1,000,000 women who bear that nain
or its variants In England , Scotlam
and Ireland.
It Is only by careful reckoning tha
one can realize tin- number of Maryf
There are heveral In the royal famllj
First comes Princess Mary of Wales
Princess Victoria and Queen Maud o
Norway are both Marys , and Princes
Henry of Rattenberg Is n Marie. Am
two cousins of the king have the nam
of Marie , ' . . .ese are the crown prlii
cess of Roumania and Princess Marl
Louise of Schleswlg-Holsteln.
Then several of the duchesses ca
become contributors. The Duchess o
Norfolk and the Duchess of Bedfon
are both Marys , the Duchess of New
castle Is May , the Duchess of Rutlan
Marlon and the dowager Duchess o
Grafton Marie. In Scotland the relgr
ing Duchess of Hamilton and her prec
ecessor , the former duchess , arc bet
Marys , and the Duchess of Roxburgh
is May. The Duchess of Abercor
makes another Mary , and she rep re
scuts Ireland.
Mary Is n name that , of course
stands high In favor with Roman Call
ollcs. Most of their women bear 1
Indeed , It Is even given to a few o
their men , as In the case of the lat
Lord Aruiidcl , the Duke of Norfolk1
son by his first marriage , who had th
names of Philip Joseph Mary. It IB a
Interest to note that the name o
Mary was rare In western Europe unt
the time of the crusades. After tha
Ijowever , It came much into favor , an
every Christian country has now it
roll call of celebrated Marys an
TO FIRE $2,000,000 OFFICE
Du Pont Company Will Prove It
Headquarters Fireproof.
The ou > lils ; > f the Du Pont Powde
company at Wilmington. Del. , hav
decided upon an unusual plan to deni
onstrate that life two million della
otllee huildlim and he.-idquartcrs of th
concern Is tircproof. .lolin J. Raskol
an olllclnl. stated that In several room
fires would be started with Inlliunnu
ble material and the tlames left to d
their worst. Insurance underwriter
will bo present.
Every precaution will be taken , how
ever , to extinguish the fires should th
building not withstand the test Th
structure , Mr. llaskob says , has ever
safeguard against fire. It is built o
steel , brick and cement
Ball Game and Fight.
Ewlng , Neb. , May 22. Special. I
The News : A game of baseball wt
played on the Ewlng diamond Satu
day afternoon between the Orchai
and Ewlng nines , the score standln
8 to C In favor of the homo team. Ro
Benson and Herb Shannon of the E\
ing nine each scored homo runs ,
stellar attraction not on the bill o
curred after the game was over. Tl
left fielder of the visiting team seer
ed to bo aching for a fight and wou
not bo satisfied until he was nccoi
modated. Ewing scored again. Tl
vanquished is said to hall fro
An Air Race In Germany.
Frleherg , Germany , May 22. Foi
aviators , who are competing In tl
upper Rhino reliability flight , arrlv <
hero from Baden , having mndo tl
prescribed Intormedlnto landing : it
Offonbttrg. The first to rcadi Frlc-
burg was Jcannln , who covered the dis
tance In two hours and ten minute. ) .
Hriinhuber wan second , In two hours
and eleven minutes. The aviator Wit-
torstaettcr , who attempted the flight
with his wife as n passenger , did not
finish , The subsequent stages of the
reliability flight Inclndo MulhaiiBon
Strasshurg , Mannheim and Frankfort
at a total of 160 miles.
Teacher Takes Novel Method to Rouse
Interest In Mathematics.
Baseball baiting overages and other
sporting statistics have been used with
success by John B. Hebbcrd , head of
the mathematics department of the
Newton ( Mass. ) Technical high school ,
In developing an Interest In mathemat
ics among backward boys.
Mr. Hebberd has a class of boys who
have HiMjnt from seven to nine years
In the grammar school without getting
ahead. One of the most dllllcult things
has been to give them a grasp of
mathematical principles. The new
scheme by stimulating Interest has
proved of great assistance.
"Wo took advanthage of the spring
trip of the Red Sox , " said Mr. Heb-
herd , "to use batting averages , num
bers of right hand players and num
bers of left hand players , etc. , as foun
dations for our mathematical exer
cises. The football season also gives
us opportunity to work out some prac
tical exercises which Interest boys
who have never before been Interest
ed In mathematics. "
Carlyle's House Sold.
The house In which Thomas Carlyh-
was born at Ecclefechan has been sold
fo the London syndicate which possesses -
es Cnrlyle'H house at Chelsea and will
be furnished to represent the house
as It was In Carlyle's boyhood.
Impatience and prldo have destroyed
more souls than wickedness. Mazzlnl.
A Household Jewel.
"Is your new maid competent ? "
"Very. She can even fool agents and
peddlers Into believing that she's mis
tress of the house. " Detroit Free
Quite a Criminal.
"I suppose there's none of us bett r
than we should he"
"Indeed , no' I was thinking It over
last night Why. only yesterday I wa.
guilty or UIIIIIIK time , murdering n
tune , smothering a yawn , stealing a
kiss , cutting a creditor and breaking
Into a pnrhplratlon. " London Tit-lilts
At Omaha , Saturday afternoon , oc
curred the wedding of Paul Grant ant
Miss Merle Wills. The young couple
returned hero Sunday and will nmk <
their home In this city , the groom hav
Ing recently purchased a homo or
South Eleventh street Mr. Grant h
a prominent business man of this
city , having only recently opened i
plumbing shop in the Koenlgsteir
building. He Is the son of J. L. Grant
a prominent Madison county retiree
farmer , and is a nephew of S. H
rant of this city. The bride is one
of Madison's most prominent younf
women , the daughter of William Wills
Hereafter They Will be Added at thi
Rate of 100 Per Week.
Washington , May 22. Postmaste
General Hitchcock , impressed by thi
representatives of the successful op
eratlon of the post savings system
has decided to designate hereafter fo ;
considerable time 100 additional post
al depositories each week , instead o
fifty , as a month ago.
Announcement was made of thi
designation of fifty , twenty-three o
them to be located west of the Mia
slsslppl river , where the heaviest dc
posits heretofore have been made am
where the department feels banklni
facilities are comparatively limited.
The new postal banks will open fo
business on June 19. Among the nev
western offices are Holdrege , Neb ,
and Lead , S. D.
Miss tugenia Gllmour.
Ewing , Neb. , May 22. Special ti
The News : News of the sudden deatl
at Lincoln of Miss Lugenla Gllmou
which occurred Friday morning at 1
o'clock caused a feeling of gloom am
sadness to spread over the entln
community. Miss Gilmour was hori
at Cherry Hill , Md. , fifty-seven year
ago , and previous to her removal t
Lincoln about two years since was i
resident of Ewing. She was a popula
worker In the orders of the Easteri
Star , the Degree of Honor and th
Royal Neighbors each of which wor
represented at the funeral obsequle
ot the deceased. Miss Gllmour was i
sister of the late E. S. Gllmour , fem :
orly county clerk of Holt county , ai
other brother , also lately deceasee
was for years night foreman on th
Baltimore Sun. The deceased leave
a sister-in-law Mrs. E. S. Gllmour , an
four nephews , Harry , Ned , Jay an
Lugeno Gilmour all of Lincoln , an
William Gllmour of Valentino. He
sudden demise was the result of heat
failure. She apparently was enjoyln
the best of health up until the ver
moment of her final summons
Miss Gllmours remains wer
brought to Ewlng yesterday afternoo
and amidst a profusion of flowers
brief service was held at the M. I
church after which they wore deposl
ed In the Ewlng cemetery.
A 16-lnnlng Game at Butte.
Butte , Neb. , May 22. Special (
The News : The first game of th
championship series between tli
Butte and Gregory high school tean :
was played on the Butte grounds her
the game going to the homo team a
tor ono of the fiercest battles eve
played on the Butte diamond slxtee
Innings , 8 to 9. Gregory carried o
ho honors In the Gregory county dl
Islon by never meeting with dofual
single time , whllo the Butte lean :
mdo the sanio record In the lloyi !
ottnty division. The Gregory team
ecently returned from nit oxtendoel
our of portions of South Dakota , los
ng but one gntno whllo away , and II
vns manifest on tliolr arrival here
liat the contest would bo close , at
ho opening game was eagerly soughl
Butte scored ono In the second am
hrco In the third , with which thoj
were obliged to bo satisfied until UK
nst of the twelfth , when they scoret
no. Not a Gregory batter reachoi
ho Initial sack until the first of tin
ourth , when they got two , and in flu
Ifth added two more. No more runt
mtll the twelfth , when" the visitors
nnoxcd another , but were again tied
"our strike-outs In the thlrtoontl
ailed for nothing but cyphers , and It
ho fourteenth Gregory landed three
nero and the limit and again wore
led. A long drive for two bases 03
loyal Wilson and a hit by T. Krlkiu
arned the winning run for the Butte
ads In the last of the sixteenth.
The features of the game were the
Ine work of the pitchers and the hit
Ing of W. Krlknc and Wilson of thi
ionic team , the former getting twe
nfo ones and three sacrifices In si ;
hanccs and the latter getting twc
onbles and a single.
It was the longest game over plnyee
n the county.
The second , gnmo of the series wll
bo played at Gregory Tuesday.
The score :
Gregory .0002200000010300 !
Jutto 0130000000010301 !
Two-base hits : Wilson (2) ( ) . Sncrl
flee hits : Tlenkcn , Spencer , Tingle
T. Krlkac , Wills , W. Krlknc (3) ( ) . Hits
Oft Krlkac , 8 ; off Slcgel , 11. Hit b :
) ltched ball : By Krlkac , 1 ; by Sic
gel , 1. Struck out : By Krlkac , 21 ;
by Slegel , 9.
Nellgh 10 , Stanton 6.
Nellgh , Neb. , May 22. Special t <
The News : Upon the return of tin
ilgh school baseball team from Stan
on Saturday evening there was i
much of jubilant youngsters. The ;
defeated the Stnnton boys on thel
own diamond with only eight playora
Center Fielder Miller not only playei
its position but also that of the rlgh
garden , on account of the absence o
Corby. The boys report that Mlllo
was there and over. The final scon
was 10 to 6 In favor of Nollgh. Thi
game closes the school year In base
ball , the homo team having won foil
out of the six games ployed , loslni
the two games played with Norfolk.
Great Rain Comes Down.
That was a great rain. It amountei
o 1.21 Inches In Norfolk.
A magnificent rain the rain wo'v
all been praying for descended upoi
lortheasteru Nebraska Saturday nigh
and Sunday , benefiting crops lues
timably. A million dollars would b
a tame and colorless way of trying t
sxpress the value of It.
The rain was general over the easl
srn part of the state , extending a
far north as the state line at Anok ;
and as far west as O'Neill.
Following two weeks of hot , dr
winds from the south , which had fille
the air with dust and sapped the so ]
of moisture , the ? generous downpou
was a blessing to all the territory tha
'it covered and Its effect was percei
: lbly felt upon the Chicago board o
Lrade Monday morning.
The ground was not suffering , ej
cept In pastures , for want of watei
jut the copious rainfall at this tim
has given growing crops a boundin
start in their race to get under th
maturity wire before frost. Even
thing Is looking up , as a result of th
Rain began falling again in Noi
folk Monday afternoon. Every bit c
the rain soaked into the ground , s
; ently did the moisture fall.
Neligh , Neb. , 'May 22. Special t
The News : A most welcome rain vli
ited this vicinity yesterday , comment
ng early In the morning and contii
uing during the entire day. Towar
evening it began to get warmer an
then the rain descended In real en
nest , causing the gutters In the street
to become nearly bank full.
This Is the first good soaking ral
that has failed in this section of th
state this season. It cannot be est
mated the largo amount of good thi
lias been to the farmers , who In th
past few days have complained of th
dry condition of the soil.
Paul Deck of Hosklns Is here tran
acting business.
J. E. Jackson of Dubuque. la. , WE
in the city visiting with his slsto
Mrs. J. W. Dietrick.
A. E. Ward of Madison was in tli
city visiting with relatives.
R. S. Lackey returned from a bus
ness trip to Battle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kinney mae ]
an automobile trip to Stanton.
Superintendent J. fl. Kemp <
Wayne was here on business.
Arthur W. Hawkins returned fro :
a business trip to Long Pine.
C. E. Fechner of Stanton was hei
visiting with Adolph Moldenhauer.
Mrs. L. L. Lenten of Omaha is I
the city visiting with W. J. Schultz.
W. W. Marshall of Niobrara was 1
the city visiting with the A. H. Vie
Walter Pliant and Richard King
ley returned from Stanton , where the
went to visit relatives.
Mrs. Bertha Pilger has gone to Staten
ton , where she is visiting with In
daughter , Mrs. Edward Chase.
Mrs. S. W. Mappes and daught
Helen of Norfolk and Miss Mar
Mappes of Sioux City returned lion
from a week's visit with relatives
Grand Island.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. B. Mnnn ,
A special meeting of the Conime
clal club is to bo hold tonight. At tl
meeting the final stops on the ele
tlon ot a permanent secretary Is
ie a feature part of the meeting
'resident Kllllun declared today thai
ho paid dt'crutary Is to ho mimed to
Tina Mlckolflon , daughter of Mr
nd Mrs. John Mlckelaon , was opnrnt
d on for adenoids and enlarged ton
Us Saturday.
A real Chinese pheasant has roach
d a local shop to bu mounted. It h
ho first bird of Its kind handled b )
Norfolk taxidermists.
The advertising cnr of Campbol
irothers circus arrived hero Sunelaj
light The ad men arc busy blllliif
owns In this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwlg Koenlgstult
ave moved into their beautiful now
otuo at the corner of Koonlgstoln tiv
mm and Eighth street
To add to the comforts of the om
iloyes , the Norfolk Steam laundry
as Installed tub and shower batlm In
ho holler room of the laundry build
11 g.
Business men In Norfolk enjoyed
no of the best trading days of the
prlng season Saturday. The regulat
relors were necessarily held for lati
H. M. Purely of Madison is In the
Ity , looking ever the Commercial
lub's Belgian draft horses , with r
low of purchasing two ot the mosl
nluahlo ones.
Beicnuso of the rain Sunday , the El
In baseball tonm did not cotuo lion
or the scheduled gnmo with the Nor
olK'tenm. A game with that team It
elng arranged for next Thursday.
A regular quarterly meeting of the
Jurns club Is being planned for June
y the local Scots. The mooting will
nkc place at the J. A. Ballantyno res
ilunce. The program will be a social
An adjourned term of the ellstrlcl
ourt was held at Madison Monday
"uesday morning Judge Welsh holeh
short term at Plorce and Tuosdnj
ftornoon an adjourned Jury term wll
o held at Nellgh.
The Woman's Home Missionary so
lety of the Metlwdlst church wll
ueet with Mrs. J. H. Lough on Soutl
Ninth street Tuesday afternoon at I
( 'clock. This Is mite-box openlnj
lay. Bring or send the mlto boxes.
Gotllcb Heckman was arrested Sat
irday by Constable Flnkhouso or
harges of trespassing on the prop
rty of J. W. Ransom. The matter lie
o be settled In Judge George C. Lam
jert's court Heckman Is chargee
vith fencing up property belonging te
Innsom and using It for a pasture.
George W. E. Dorsey of Salt Lake
lity , formerly a congressman fron
ho Third district of Nebraska , Is In i
erlous condition as a result of stem
nch trouble. An alarming syinpton
s the turning dark of ono of his leg !
vith general numbness , and It Is fear
id the limb will have to be amputat
id to save his life.
Next Saturday night the Cominer
cial club will entertain every travel
ng man In Norfolk at a smoker li
Marquardt hall. There are 165 trav
ellng men enrolled on the list ofUlu
ocal U. C. T. lodge and an effort I :
> eing made to get a record breaklni
irowd of the travelers together. L
j'ood speaker is scheduled for an ad
dress on that night.
A valuable plate glass window o
one of the A. L. Killlnn company'
show windows was broken Monda ;
when an outside case collapsed , whll
being repaired. One of the smal
; Iasses in the outside case was broli
en some time ago and when it was be
ng repaired it collapsed , fallliii
against the big window , breaking il
The glass was Insured.
Postal card Invitations have beei
sent to all members of the Norfoll
Country club announcing the forma
opening of that organization next Fr ;
day. In the afternoon there will h
golf contests , tennis , croquet , boatln
and special entertainment for th
children. Lunch will be served to al
nembers and their families betwee
! and 7 o'clock , and the balance o
the evening will be devoted to dam
Norfolk won honors at the state I
T. convention held in Grand Islan
Saturday. A. Randklev was electe
grand page and George H. Spear wa
appointed as a member of the note
accommodations committee. Thecoi
ventlon goes to Beatrice next yea ;
but local U. C. T. men say It will com
to Norfolk in 1913. Norfolk was mor
n evidence than any other city , 20
Norfolk buttons being distribute
among the delegates.
Following the footsteps of the Rurr
New Yorker , which gave Norfolk tw
columns of publicity , the Chicag
Live Stock Journal sent a letter t
Lhe Commercial club , asking for fu
information about the club's systei
of importing pure bred Belgian dral
iiorses. The information is asked fc
by the publication , for use In a stor
the journal wishes to publish abet
Norfolk's enterprise. G. L. Carlso
was asked to give the publication th
necessary Information.
The A. K. A. C. defeated the millet
at baseball on the driving park dli
monel Saturday afternoon by a scor
of 7 to C. This Is the second gam
between the two teams , the first b
Ing also won by the A. K. A. C. b
the same score as Saturday's gam
The game Saturday was anybody's tl
the ninth Inning. Ogden. who pitchc
for the A. K. A. C. , was wild for tl :
first two innings , but he soon settle
down and pitched a star game. Mlllt
pitched good ball for his team , hi
received poor support from his tear
mates. This Is the fifth successh
victory for the A. K. A. C. , havlr
won all five games played. Battorlei
A. K. A. C. , Ogden and Stltt ; Miller
Miller and Larkln.
Married Twenty-five Years.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kreuger eel
brated their twenty-fifth wedding a
nlversnry Sunday afternoon. The t
bles were decorated In roses and en
nations and over 100 guests we
Where the New Depot Will Go.
Although the exact location of tl
now $65,000 depot to bo built by tl
Northwestern railroad at Norfo
Junction has not yet Imnn dnllnlloly
solocU'd , It Is authoritatively Hinted
thiit the station will Bland either at
the hmul of Heconil Htrcut or Third
street. Surveyors have not yol ar
rived to stake out the' pre'clso loeui'
tlon and ( ho contract has not yol boon
let , but the work Is expected to begin
Dei Molnes Man Asked to Pay for
Damaqe Done Property.
Dos Molnes , la. , May 22. Andrew
Durland and A. Nylatul of Norfolk ,
Nob. , have sued O. P. llorrlck , con
tractor here , for damages of $2,338.
They nllugei their property was In
jured by dytmml' * used by the con
No Matter Where From.
W. E. Graham , a Norfolk Scotch
farmer and nn enthusiastic member
of the local Burns club , rotates a good
one on another Norfolk Scot. The
latter coming homo from n recent
Burns mooting mot ono of the Nor
folk mandolin club of whom ho In
quired If ho could play "Tho Honnlo
Lass of Bnllnchmyle. " The musician
answered In the negative , but Inform
ed the Scot that ho could play "The )
Lancashire Girl. "
"Play away , nion. It dlsna matter
a doiii whnr she comes frat- , " an
swered the Burns club niombor.
Meets Sisters Here fter Thirty Years.
C. R. Kleeberger of Aurolla , la. ; J.
H. Kle'oberger of Monroe , WIs. ; Her
man Kleoborger of GateOkla. . ; W. L.
Kleeborgor of Kansas City , Me ) . , all
brothers of Miss Maymn Klooborgor
and Mrs. W. / . King are visiting In
Norfolk at the heimo of the latter.
This Is the first tlmo Herman Kleso-
berger and his sisters have met In
thirty years.
Crop Outlook Never Better.
Never was there n brighter outlook
for crops In Nebraska than there IH
today , according to a statement of Q.
. Carlson of this city , who dnnlaroH
Sunday's rain was worth mlllleum ot
"Of course I cannot aay for certain
just how many millions of dollars the
rain was worth to us , but I could fig
ure It out to a very close estimate It
I knew just how much of a district It
covered , " ho said.
The rain , says Mr. Carlson , came
just In time for hay and oats , which
was already In a bad way.
Corn was not Injured by the dry
weather In the least. In many cases
the farmers had not yet finished plant
Ing corn , but the pastures , he says ,
were already beginning to burn and
turn yellow. In the low lands along
the sloughs , the hay was at a stand
still , but now It will begin growing.
The dry weather had not hurt the
fruit crop In the least , but as the re
sult of the extreme dryness , the nur
serymen who put out orchards on con
tracts , guaranteeing the growth of the
young fruit trees are heavy losers.
.Most of these young trees had died ,
but In some cases the rain will bring
them around , making a big saving to
the nurserymen.
A week or two of the continued dryness -
ness would have killed all of the
trees put out by these nurserymen.
Vegetables did not suffer , but the
dry weather In some cases held them
down. In many cases It has been re
ported that the vegetables were not
out of the ground , but this rain will
bring them up quickly.
The bright outlook for bumper
crops Is general , says Mr. Carlson.
Even in Kansas , a state which he vis
ited recently , is above the ten-year
Alnsworth Will Celebrate.
Ainsworth , Neb. , May 23. Special
to The News : Alnsworth Is arrang
ing for a very elaborate celebration
of the Fourth of July this year.
Kills Her Five Children.
Rambaph , Saxony , May 23. Driven
temporarily insane by an accusation
of theft , a woman hero today killed
her live children and then committed
How Chinaman Was Killed.
Laredo , Mcx. , May 23. At the end
of a rope which had been tied around
his neck , Dr. J. W. Llm , a Chinese
banker , was dragged around the plaza
l In Torreon , Mex. , until his body was
a mass of broken bones and bleeding
'wounds ' , according to reports reaching
| After dragging Lira around the plaza
until life was almost extinct , It Is re-
1 ported the rebels shot him several
times. He died within a few minutes
| Dr. Llm was ono of the wealthiest
Chinese In north Mexico and was at
the head of a banking Institution con
trolled by Chinese capitalists.
Junction News.
Miss Gwendolyn Arnold of Valen
tine was In the city yesterday on busi
Miss Catheryn Campbello accepted
a position at the hospital last week.
J. F. Moore passed through the
Junction last evening on his way
homo to Chadron ' from a visit with
Scrlbner relatives.
Miss Otolla Metz of Foster waa
here yesterday on business.
Guy Arnold of the pile driver gang ,
working at Verdel , was at the Junc
tion yesterday visiting friends and
William Alton , former foreman ot
the roundhouse hero but now foreman
of the Long Pine round house , visited
with the shop boys yesterday and Sat
James Bronnan went to Oakdale
yesterelay to do some work for the
Clint Bain , a former Norfolk rail
road boy but who with his family took
up their residence on the Panama
Isthmus some years ago , was hero on
a visit with old friends last week and
loft Sunday for Elgin for a visit with
his mother.
Miss Eldlna Whlto of White wood
Sundayed at the Junction.