The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 26, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Plcanuren of the Week.
MTH. .1. Iliuiin entertained the Titos-
day IlrldKo club anil Mrs. Mary Leon-
nnl of Watorloo. In. . Mrs. S. K Krs
Ulno , Mix. K. K. 0 lllottu , Mrs. C. K.
llumliiuii , Mrs. George Hiirton and
MlKH lliiniliain nt n I o'clock luncheon
on last Saturday to compliment Mrs.
Leonard. 'I'lio high Hcoru prl/.o in the
hrldRo Kiunu wont to Mrs. Iliirnlinin
Mrs. Luonanl was given n guest prlsro.
Mrs , C. K. Hurnliam wan hostess nt
a pretty 1 o'clock luncheon on Tues
day. Mrs. Mary Leonard of Wntorloo
was the guest of honor. After the
lunch , which was n templing one and
daintily Horvctl , the guests enjoyed a
feW ruhhcrs of bridge. Mrs. Leonard
was presented with a guest prize and
the high score favor fell to Mrs. Ann
K. Leonard.
Mrs. S. (3. Mayer wns hostess to tin
Tuesday Bridge club on Monday nt n
' 1 o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Mary Lcoiv
ard of Waterloo , Mrs. W. IL Butter
Hold , Mrs. C. II. Reynolds , Mrs. S. M ,
Draden , Mrs. .1. S. Mathewson and
Mrs. I' . II. Sailor were outside guests ,
After n delicious lunch the usual game
of bridge was enjoyed.
Thirty ladles enjoyed a delightful 1
o'clock luncheon in the home of Mrs ,
C. J. Fleming on Wednesday. The
guests wore seated at tables bcauti
fully laid and served to n four-coursi' '
menu. Five hundred furnish amuse
incut for the afternoon , the honors
going to Mrs. M. E. I'angle and Mrs
13. It. Hayes.
The Fortnightly Card club mol
with Mrs. A. Handklov Tuesday after
noon. The guests of the club were
Mrs. 13. S. South , Mrs. A. S. Gillette
Mrs. Frank Scott and Mrs. M. Walker
The high score prize- wont to Mrs
13. S. South , honor prize to Mrs. Lei
Mrs. M. A. McMillan presided at ai
liiformal luncheon on Thursday. The
nftornoon hours were very pleasani
ones for the guests.
St. Charles Teacher Entertains.
St. Charles , S. IX , May 20. Specia
to The News : Miss Hughes , teachei
of the school hero gave n dinner t (
her children , being the last day o
this term.
Mrs. C. S. Parker and Mrs. J. S
Mathewson go to Columbus tomorrow
to meet their mother , Mrs. Margare
Johnson , who has spent the winter ii
California. Mrs. O. J. Johnson am
children accompanied her as far a :
Denver and will visit there with Mi
and Mrs. W. II. Johnson before com
Ing on to Norfolk.
Mrs.F. . J. Cramer of Chicago , foi
merly Miss Gae Stanton of this citj
Is In Norfolk for a few days' vis !
with relatives and friends. She 1
visiting nt the homo of her aunt , Mn
W. if. Shippeo , and at the home of he
Cousin , Dr. Kierstead.
Mrs. M. Burnhnm of Rockwell Cltj
la. , arrived in Norfolk Wednesday fo
a visit in the home of her son , C. I
Mrs. N. A. Rainbolt returned Satin
day night from Omaha , where she ha
stopped on her way home from Cubi
Mrs. Jack Koenlgsteln left Tuesda
for a two weeks visit in Manson , Ii
with her sister Mrs. Meredith Daniel :
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Braden and so
of Huron , S D. , are guests in th
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bradei
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Salter ente
talned the West Side Whist club o
Thursday evening.
Northwest Weddings.
Charles Bongo and Louisa Race !
were married at Niobrara.
W. J. Reefe and Anna Rundquh
were married at Brunswick.
R. A. Barton and Marie E. Lambi
were married at Bassett.
Anna Goebel and Martin Ham !
were married at West Point.
Mike Larson and Bessie May Shafer
for were married at Naper.
Harry Brandon and Emily Trude
were married at Colome.
John Tunlsson and Rublna Clai
were married at Colome.
Frances Pistulka and Elstulka ar
Einanuel Noziska were married i
Frank Harrison and VIvon McCon
were married at Cams , Neb.
Joseph Reardon and Gertrude Ha
burg wore married at Chadron.
Eunice M. Fusselman and J. M. E
gelbert were married at Leigh.
E. J. Jensen and Anna Boyer wei
married at West Point
E. J. Danaher and Clara Erlcksc
ment were married nt Verdlgre.
Clark Parkhurst and Chrsltio K :
ment wore marrler at Verdlgre.
E. Krysl and Anna Hytre were ma
rled at Stuart
S. W. Hytro and Mary Miksch we :
married at Stuart.
Niobrara News.
Niobrara , Neb. , May 20. The Stre <
and Alley committee of the Comme
clal club did some good work Tuesdf
removing trash etc. from streets ai
alleys about town.
The Koster house Is being move
to lots on west Main street. A cor
pany from Omaha is doing the wor
The building Is moved In sectloi
and the whole building will probab !
be In Its now location by next Sundn
Paint is being used freely by pro
erty owners , especially on Main strei
The W. W. Marshall Co. nro bulldlr
an extensive addition and also n war
OIIFO at the rear of their store
ulldlng. Those Improvements nro
lost substantial and Indicate Nlo-
rara'n growth and a feeling of as-
uranco for Its future.
The T. Oponcensky residence , one
f the Ilnost and most costly In north-
astern Nebraska , will be ready for
ccupanoy next week.
Mrs. S. B. Lytle.
Ndlgh , Neb. , May 20. Special to
'he News : Mrs. S. II. Lytle died at
er home In this city Thursday after
long Kk'ge of Illness , coupled with
Id age. Mrs. Lytlo came to Nollgh
Ith her husband In 1877 , and con-
Inually made this her place of rest-
ence. FunerM bervlces will bo hold
aturday morning at the Congrega
onal church , of which she was n
lember. Ilurial took place In Laurel
1111 cemetery , the remains being
laced at ms , ( bc-felde those of her hus-
and , who preceded her a few years
go. The funeral was held yesterday
Oinha Wins Athletic Meet. .
LincArtn , May 20. My scoring points
i every event save two , Omaha hlgl :
fhool won the state athletic meet
vlthout much trouble. The Omahii
earn made a total of 4HI- points :
ork was second with 2-1 ; Lincoln
3 : Kearney. IS ; Kearney Military
caden'iy , lf > ; Auburn , Sj , and Frank
In , ( P/j. The other entries ranged
rom three points down to a fraction
f a point.
Two state records were broken , the
idle vault by Hector of Omaha and UK
inlf mile relay by the Omaha toan ]
Vlley of York was the Individual stai
f the meet.
Huron Wins Meet.
Yermlllion , S. D. , May 20. Huroi :
von the state interseholaslic athleth
ncet here , scoring KG points. Brook
s was second with 21 , and Sioiu
'alls third with 1G. Centerville gel
oiirth place with M points. Foui
, tate records were broken by Peter
ion in the polo vault , 11 feet 1 inch ;
rempleton in the 220-yard hurdles ;
\larkey in the 220-yard dash , and Din
< ey in the hammer throw. , .
Dakota Farmers Fight Reciprocity.
Aberdeen , S. D. , May 20. Severa
iimdrr 1 South Dakota farmers am
usiness men met here and adoptet
ui address to President Taft and con
ress protesting against the pcndliif
reciprocity agreement with Canada 01
he ground that It would prove injuri
MIS to the farming industry. Slxteei
lelegates also were named to go t <
Washington and voice the objection !
of the convention on the Pacific.
His Third Sunstroke.
Neligh , Neb. , May 20. Special ti
The News : While John Caswell , i
young man about 23 years of age , wa
.vorking . in the gravel pit a few mile
northwest of Neligh he suffered fron
i sun stroke , and is now in a seriou
A doctor was immediately sura
moned and hastened to the home o
the unfortunate man. Caswell wa
taken to the home of M. Paradise , i
renter on the farm , where he is al
tending all the comforts necessarj
The physician stated that owing i
this being the third sunstroke to thi
young man , makes the possible n
covery at this time seem doubtful.
Women's Ball Team at Crelghton.
Crelghton , Neb. , May 20. Special t
The News : A crowd of 600 fans turr
ed out yesterday afternoon and las
night to see the Crelghton basebal
team play against the Hopkins ladies
team. The Crelghton regulars wo :
the afternoon game 7 to 6 but th
women won the night game 16 to I
It was the first night game ever plaj
ed In Creighton. Fao May struck oil
five men and Theisen struck out nin (
The night game is played with a bi {
ger ball than the regulation garni
The women travel in their special ca
A Story of Daniel Drew.
When Sir Morton Pete visited thl
country with a large assortment o
rallrojid schcmt's In tils head hu gavi
a grand dinner , nt which old Dante
Drew wns present. When the com
pany were in sroud humor Sir Mortoi
developed his plans In detail and dii
it very plausibly. Drew listened to th
end aud then , turning to the gentle ;
man slttlnt : nest to him , remarked
"We alp't polu1 to do none o' them 'er
things. " That ended it
Fremont Gets Western Leaguer.
Lincoln , May 20. Pitcher Han
Smith was released to Fremont in tt
state league by the Lincoln Westei
League club today. He defeated tr.
Detroit's second te.un 9 to 1 in tl :
pro-season game.
North Nebraska Deaths.
Mrs. H. M. Bronson died at Ain
Mrs. Sarah Lessig died at Ain
Ralph Edgar Carver died at Brl
Mrs. Dorothy Lorenz died at Wl
Mrs. E. V. Hart died at Neligh.
Henry Vandyke died at Colome.
Orris G. Hotchklss died at Colome
Nellie Fournler died at Ainswort
George F. Clifton died at Orchar
James F. Cook died at Burke.
Matilda Frleberg died at Herrick.
Mrs. P. Zenborg died at O'Neill.
Frank Gillette died at Ainswort
Mrs. J. F. Wright died at Atklnso
Alice P. M. Gerhardt died at We
Point .
John Asher died at Tllden.
Mrs. Mary Krause died at We
Nebraska Oratorical Contest.
Omaha , May 20. Glen L. Rico , re
resenting Bellevue college , won tl
state oratorical contest last night i
Creighton auditorium , with Omar 1
Sullivan of Creighton second. Ask
from the honor of winning the conte
Is a prize of $7G offered by William
Bryan , which goes to Mr. Rice. Yoi
and Hastings colleges sent candidates.
Eugcno Bishop represented York and
only a lapse of memory interfered
with his opportunity to secure n prize
contest. Robert Simmons of Hastings
delivered a worthy oration , but It was
hardly within the rules of ornto'ry be
cause of a lack of convincing delivery.
The second prlu of $50 goes to Sul
livan of Crelghton. It was offered by
the Misses Seabold of New Bedford ,
Mass. , who gave the prize for the prlv-
lego of having the original innnu-
dipt of the address.
Ewlnn Boys Paroled.
Ewlng. Neb. . May 20. Special to
'ho News : The boys who were Im-
Heated in tapping the cash register
n Dan Grady's saloon had a hearing
estorday before County Judge Ma
ine at O'Neill and were placed under
ends for their good behavior In the
uture. Marshal Coyne was also In-
tructed by the court to rearrest them
f they were ever caught again in the
et of pilfering.
Nebraska G. A. R. Session Ends.
Kearney , Neb. , May 20. At a busi-
ess session of the Grand Army of the
lepubllc held here , A. M. Trimble ,
est No. 2G of Lincoln , was elected do-
artmcnt commander ; O. H. Durand.
est No. 77 of Falrbury , was chosen
enlor vlco commander. For junior
Ice commander , Fieeman Merrlman
f Kearney was selected by acclama-
ion. The next meeting is to be held
t Beatrice.
J. L. Edsall has been elected presl-
lent of the Commercial club at Uris-
A terrific windstorm did damage In
he country districts around Water-
The state G. A. R. encampment will
held at Pierre the latter part of the
A lodge of Odd Fellows has been es-
abllshod at Melntosh with J. E. Brom-
ner as noble grand.
A. I wan of Westfleld. Wis. , has pur-
based the Woonsocket roller mill and
vill take possession nt once.
rtow mill at Cooperstown , N. D. ,
s to be moved to Conde.
The Methodists at Woonsocke/t , have
leclded to erect a new church.
Lightning did much damage In Mar
shall county during a recent storm.
The county scat contest in the new
county of Mellette , to be organized
icxt week , promises to be a warm one
jetween the towns of Wood , White
ilivcr and Ogallala.
James D. Elliott of Aberdeen , whc
ms been indorsed by Senator Gamble
for appointment as district judge ol
South Dakota , is on his way home
'rom Washington.
The people of Willow Lakes art
naking arrangements for the enter
tainment of the several hundred dele
: ates who will attend the twenty-llrsl
annual convention of the Fifth dlstricl
W. C. T. U. , which will be held at thai
place on Wednesday and Thursday 01
next week.
L. W. Dousman and C. J. Dousmar
liave disposed of the Lemmon state
bank at Lemmon to L. H. Haeger ant
associates of Elmore , Minn. , who wil
take possession on June 1.
This is Odd Fellows' week in Sioiu
Falls and hundreds of them are in UK
city attending the annual meeting o
the grand lodge of South Dakota am
auxiliary organizations.
Twenty-nine candidates are takin ;
degrees this week from the fourth t (
the 32d , inclusive , at the annual sprini
reunion of the Black Hills consistory
No. 3 , Scottish Rite Masons.
The forty-first annual convention o
the Congregational church convenec
In Chamberlain. Forty-six churche :
and towns of the state are represente (
by between ninety and 100 delegates
Information has reached Sioux Falli
of the death at Galveston , Tex. , o
Capt. S. H. Dlxson , a prominent vet
eran of Sioux Falls , who went soutl
some weeks ago In the hope that hi
health would be benefited.
Although Eagle Butte is less thai
two years old and Dewey county i
less than six months old , the town am
the county feel old enough to hold ai
old settlers' picnic , and one has beei
announced for May 2G and 2C.
Oakdale News Items.
Miss Mason of Long Pine was 1 ;
town between trains Friday , vlsitin
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Matson.
The young men of .the Oakdal
Dancing club gave their annual Ma
ball last Thursday in the K. of P. hal
It was the last and also one of th
best for the season. There wer
about fifteen couples in attendance.
Last Friday evening the Booste
club met at a regular business mee
Ing , with committee for road work r <
porting and further action take
along that line. The road grader I
now at work in the south part of tow
having graded from the Cedar Towi
ship line , north to town. They ar
making a fine road and a great in
provement over former conditions.
O. E. Gains of Long Pine wa
transacting business in town Friday.
Miss Lulu I. Durland spent Satu
day and Sunday In Norfolk.
Miss Jennie McCoy spent Saturda
and Sunday visiting in Petersburg.
Rev. J. S. Ellis , pastor of the Metl
odlst church hero departed on th
noon train yesterday for Wlsconsh
to nil a church that he had filled pr <
vlous to his attending school. A r <
ception was tendered him in the pa :
lors of the Methodist church Mondn
evening with about seventy-five men
bors in attendance.
J. W. Johnson departed on the nee
train Tuesday to Mt. Vernon , S * D. , t
look after business Interests at the
placo. Ho expects to return again I
about six weeks.
Lyal Nesblt who had been confine
to the house with a light attack c
typhoid fever was able to bo up tow
Monday but suffered a relapse and i
now confined to his homo again.
The C. W. Priestly brick bulldim
half of which Is occupied by the H. \ \
Dunham grocery and half by the Bei
ger Cash store Is having the exterior
iron and wood work painted and the
Intorllnr of Merger's cash store pap
ered this week.
A good rain , that wns very benefi
cial to the growing crops loll here
Tuesday night.
Mrs. K. Mlhler and daughter were
Tllden visitors between trains Wed
nesday afternoon.
Messrs. Norwood & Wildermuth
have been busy this week putting In n
cement uirb along the west side of
the Oakdalo bank , after which there
will be a line of hitching posts put
In , same an have been established
elsewhere-In town and which are
proving very satisfactory.
Painters commenced work yester
day painting the front of the O. H.
Manvlllo real estate olllce. next to the
Onkdalo hank , also the O. J. Evans
building to the east of that.
Quarters for Commercial Club.
The Commercial club , at a special
meeting held yesterday afternoon en
tered Into a lease with G. L. Carlson
for a room 21x40 in his double brick
olllco building that he is about to
erect on his lots on Norfolk avenue.
The room will be divided Into a secre
tary's olllce , private room , a room for
luncheons and small gatherings , be
sides a kitchen and lavatory.
This room Is leased by Mr. Carlson
to the club at such , a , nominal rent that
It will not bo n financial burden to the
club , thus again bringing out the whole
Kouled , ' magnanimous spirit of Mr.
Carlson In the upbuilding of the city's
The Commercial club directors are
planning to have their meetings at
tended by business men generally , a
few at a time through the year , so
that all members may have an oppor
tunity to get directly in touch with
them and counsel with the directors
in the general work.
Committees Are Named.
President Kllllan has recommended ,
and same was adopted , that there be
standing committees for the balance
of the year with the following chair
men , they to select other members of
the committees from the body of the
club :
Advertising committee , C. B. Cab-
anlss ; reception and entertainment , C.
J. Fleming ; industrial , W. A. Witzig-
man ; soliciting , F .A. Beeler ; park , J.
E. llaase ; good roads , C. P. Parish ;
freight rate and trallic , L. P. Pasewalk ;
general business , H. A. Pasewalk ;
membership , C. C. Gow.
To Entertain Traveling Men.
A social gathering and smoker with
the traveling salesmen of Norfolk is
being arranged for May 27.
James Evans of the O. C. Evans
Fruit and Produce company , who wns
in the city and decided to locate here ,
complimented Norfolk merchants very
highly on their large , well stocked
stores , saying we have stores here
quite equal to any large city and second
end only to three or four in Kansas
"A fine lot of business men , " was
his remark.
Pleased With Norfolk.
He had come here with the inten
tion of simply looking over the city
having intended to go to Grand Island
to establish his business there , bul
after being in Norfolk a few hours he
remarked to Secretary Gow : "Nor
folk will be our town for business. "
Mr. Evans selected the Olney build
ing at first , but after seeing the fine
equipment of Mr. Blakeman's storage
house ho said that would be just what
he wanted , to get established. Mr
Blakcman says he is also fixed te
quarter a wholesale hardware or othei
enterprise that need both storage ant
trackage , and all who desire to dis
tribute from this point.
Baker Construction Company Not Be
hind Picture-Taking Plan.
Manager Baker of the Nebraskz
Transportation company , which is be
hind the project to build an interurbai
line between Omaha and Norfolk
writes to L. P. Pasewalk of the Com
merclal club to deny n statement mad (
in this city a few days ago by photog
raphers who claimed they were mak
ing pictures of Norfolk buslnesi
houses in the instance of the Nebraski
Transportation company.
The photographers claimed the pic
tures were to bo used as evidence o
the character of towns the road wouh
cover , for the sake of convincing east
ern Investors. Mr. Baker , however
has already stated that the money fo
this road has been secured in Eurbpe
The two photographers told a New
representative that they were hen
representing the Baker Constructioi
company and that they were photc
graphing the business houses for tha
company. Since then , however , th
men have been selling post card phc
tographs to business men at the rat
of $1 per dozen.
"Wo will clear some good money 1 :
tliis town before wo get through , " Is i
statement one of the men made to i
local business man , to whom they nisi
represented themselves as employe
of the Baker company.
The men seemed to know mud
about the Baker company and declai
ed that they are having a hard time ii
their fights against railroads who ar
not In favor of an interurban rent
When asked for their names , the mei
declared they were pledged by Bake
not to give out any Information.
E. P. Weatherby went to Iowa 01
Dr. C. F. A. Marquardt returned las
evening from Omaha , where ho attend
ed a state convention of the Nebraak
Optical society.
Mr. Harvey of Verdlgre is her
transacting business.
Dr. II. T. Holden returned from i
business trip to Omaha.
George N. Beols returned last even
ing from a trip to Omaha.
L. P. Pasowalk returned from i
business trip to Bonestcol.
James Kllllan of Cedar Bluffs , Neb ,
pent the night In Norfolk a guest of
ils uncle , A. L. Kllllan.
J. S. Hull from Chicago Is visiting
vlth his cousin , George N. Mcols.
Mrs. L. Barney returned from a two
vceks' visit with relatives at Denver.
Miss Minnie Parr , cnrouto to Dallas
rom her homo at Dodge , was In the
city visiting with friends.
Albert Miller , of the postnlllco force ,
ins gone to Wisconsin to spend a few
veeks' vacation with relatives.
M. Rooney of Battle Creek. ( ' . S.
Smith and Monroe Smith of Madison
voro in ( ho city transacting business.
M. C. Hnzcn returned from a busl-
loss trip to St. Charles and Mutte.
Mr. llazon declares the prospects for
crops in Gregory county are very good.
Rev. Edwin Booth , Jr. , returned last
evening from Lincoln , where ho went
o read a paper before the Nebraska
Ministerial club , of which ho Is a mem
B. Mlnncy and A. J. Mason , publish
ers of the Columbus Tribune and who
mvo just bought the Columbus Jour-
ml , were In the city Friday on busl-
Mrs. C. Rnsley returned from Wa-
erloo , la. , where she attended the con-
ontlon of the American Nobles.
While in Iowa , Mrs. Rasley visited
vlth relatives at Marlon , In.
Mrs. Wnuford and Mrs. Potts arriv
ed In the city yesterday from Indiana
or a visit nt the homo of A. N. Me-
Glnnis. Mrs. Wauford Is Mr. McGin-
ils' niece and Mrs. Potts was his
schoolmate when he was a boy. The
visitors say that dry weather prevails
over Indiana , Illinois and Iowa.
William Beck has moved from 1101 !
Madison street to 810 South Eighth
Forty U. C. T. men from Norfolk
nro attending the state convention of
hat order at Grand Island.
Elton Seymour , who has been con
fined to his bed with a severe attack
if tonsllitis , is again able to be at his
One Norfolk milk dealer has told
some of his customers in this city that
inlesfi rain falls soon , his pasture will
Iry up and he will be unaole to fur-
ilsli them milk.
Peter Coburg was fined $7.10 in
Tudge Eiscley's court Friday morning
for being drunk and disorderly. lie
paid the fine.
Because he rode horseback too fast
in the business portion of the city J.
E. Miles paid a line of $8 in Judge
Kiseley's court.
There will be a special meeting ol
the Ladles' guild of Trinity churcl :
tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 : at the
home of Mrs. Weatlierby. All the
members are urged to be present on
account of Important business.
Albert Baker , aged C9 years , is in
the city jail for being drunk. Bakei
told Judge Eiseley that he had but r
few dollars and had spent them foi
drink. He was unable to work , he
said , and had been sick for some time
C. W. Collins and Benjamin Henry
two traveling sign painters , were fined
$7.50 each in Judge Eiseley's court foi
being drunk and disorderly. The mei :
were paroled by the judge and have
promised to pay their lines next Sat
Dr. C. F. A. Marquardt went to Hos
kins Friday morning in the hope ol
finding his sister Mrs. Carl Maas alive
but death had como during the nighl
after a two weeks' illness. Mrs. Maas
was 76 years old. The funeral will be
held at Hoskins at 10 o'clock Sundaj
Reports have reached police head
quarters that tramps were infesting
the old sugar factory buildings. Om
report said that a farmer who refusec
to feed the tramps was molested ir
the field and that five hoboes unhitch
ed his horses from a plow. Later i
was said the tramps had fled.
Roger Willey , a truckman of th (
Northwestern freight depot , Is suffer
ing from an injured back as the resul
of an accident while at work yester
day afternoon. Willey was hauling i
truck full of heavy brick into a cai
when an Iron platform leading to th <
car gave way. Willey was thrown Intc
the ca'r , sustaining some injury to his
A fire started in the kitchen of tin
L. Schenzel home on Madison avenu <
between First and Second streets at !
o'clock last evening. The firemen pu
out the blaze with a chemical. En
route to the fire one horse slipped am
fell In rounding the turn on Norfoll
avenue and Third street. The anima
was dragged the entire length of tin
Intersection by the force of the speed
Ing wagon.
The ball team of the Methodls
church won a fast five inning garni
from the Baptist church team yestei
day afternoon by a score of 5 to 9. A
O. Hazen , manager of the Methodists
is training his team steadily. Clei
Lederer Is manager of the Baptists
The feature of the game were tin
home runs by A. Smith and A. Bow
man. The batteries were Lobdell am
Kruch and Ogden and Gillette. Um
plre , Mapes.
The Norfolk Business college cami
within an inch of being t'plnched
Thursday afternoon , when Chief o
Police Marquardt made his appeal
ance in the office of Prof. Harms am
declared that if the students threv
another piece of paper out of the college
lego windows he would arrest the er
tire school and teach them the cit ;
ordinances In the city bastilo. Thurt
day afternoon an enormous amount o
paper was thrown out of the colleg
windows by some students. Many pec
pie ran Into the streets to witness th
paper storms. The heavy wind blev
the paper all over the street and th <
chief declared in such cases there i
much danger for the regular fire pre
tcctlon rules.
E. J. Rlx returned from Pierc
Thursday afternoon after having takoi
part In a most successful Mason !
meeting. A party of fifteen Mason
left Plerco in automobiles Wednesda
evening for Osmond. The fifteen-mil
automobile- ride was made In fast Urn
and the Pierce party wore met nt Oi
mend by twenty-four other Masons
who made the thirty-two mile trl
from Laurel. The visiting Mason
helped the Masons of Osmond confer
degrees and other regular work , after
which , the members of the Oslnond
Eastern Star gave the Masons a ban
quet. At the banquet table seventy-
three master masons wore seated.
The Pierce party returned homo at 3
o'clock Thursday morning. Among
the features of Osmond are the beau
tiful lodge rooms.
Norfolk a Live One.
N. P. Dodge of the Omaha firm that
Is platting an addition at the .luii'itlon
says Norfolk In a live town. "It is re
markable , " said Mr. Dodge , "the dlf-
ferenco In towns where we Hell lots.
In some places It takes two or three
days to get a sale well started , for In
the eastern titles people are slow to
start , but Just as soon as wo get west
of the MlMMourl river they start buying
before wo get our advertising well
"Norfolk looks as though we were
going to break our record In fast Hell-
Ing. We sold fifteen lots last night be
fore we had all our lots tagged , not
withstanding the wind storm.
"This morning we had to call In two
men who were putting out hills and
let them handle the selling * on the
"By 11 o'clock we sold thirty-live
lots and we had to nirange for quicker
transportation between the addition
and up town. We ha\e arranged for
fi\o automobiles .to carry people to
and from Homestead free of charge.
Anyone can now get an auto to and
fiom the addition any time , day or
evening , by telephoning to our olllco
on the ground , Hell phone 188 , or to
the Pacific hqiibe , where our autos
aie standing when not busy. "
Pleads Guilty to Bribe.
Columbus , O. , May 10. Senator Ed
gar Crawford of Carroll county , ac
cused of soliciting a bribe of $200
from W. II. Cook of Springfield , sec
retary of the Ohio Butchers aud Gro
cers association , pleaded guilty when
arraigned In criminal court before
Judge Kinkead today. Crawford was
arraigned along with an alleged park
foot-pad woman-robber and three burg-
lais. IIo showed no emotion when he
made his plea.
Arrest Rebel Commander.
San Diego , Cal. , May 19. General
Prycc , commander of the Insurgent
forces in Tijuana , was arrested with
Lieut. Milburn and a private of the
insurrecto army , as he attempted to
re-cross the line from the United
States into Mexico. Pryce had spent
the night and day in San Diego mulct
an assumed name.
Naval Academy Graduates.
Washington , May 19. The navy de
partment made public the names of
the lucky eighty-eight out of a class
of 15G midshipmen who graduated
from the naval academy in 1909 , who ,
after two years sea service have man
aged to pass the examination : ! that
will entitle them to commissions as
ensigns. Among the number Is Vance
D. Chapline of Nebraska.
Interstate Rates Higher.
Washington , May 19. Railways op
erating In Central Passenger associa
tion territory , including the states ol
Ohio , Illinois , Inidana and Michigan
are permitted , by an order issued by
the interstate commerce commission ,
to exact higher passenger fares for
Interstate than for intrastate business
where state legislatures or state com
missions have established a two-cant-
a-mile rate.
A Dakota Forest Reserve.
Washington , May 19. President Taft
today signed a proclamation establish
Ing the Harney national forest ir
South Dakota. It embraces 583,82 (
acres formerly contained in the Blacl
Hills forest and 58,727 acres taker
from th'e public domain.
Debate on Statehood Bill Will Not
End Until Tuesday.
Washington , May 19. The desire ol
| so many members to speak on the
joint statehood resolution admitting
1 Arizona and New , Mexico caused demo
cratlc leaders to change their plant
' for ending debate and rushing the bill
to passage today and discussion will
continue until next Tuesday.
The floor leaders of the majoritj
had hoped to pass the bill before to
day's adjournment but it was deemed
wise to cut off debate as long as sc
many members on each side had prepared
pared arguments which- they wlshet
to deliver.
Accordingly an agreement was at
talned by Representative Flood to con
tlnuo the debate until next Tuesday
when the joint resolution will bo call
ed for passage.
Call Off the Election.
Sioux City , la. , May 19. The elec
tion of officers of the Iowa Federatiot
of Women's clubs , In session here , wai
called off by Mrs. Julian W. Richards
president. It was found the offlcia
ballot was Incorrect. Many nomlnate (
on the ticket withdrew after the pub
lishing of their names , thus forcing i
new ballot. A new ticket will be madi
public today and an election will fo ]
Hoskins Items.
A. C. Lantz and Halsy Moser spen
Sunday evening here visiting friends
Miss Dorrls Pahn of Norfolk clerkei
at the J. A . Huebner store severa
days last week.
Misses Gladys Foster and Esthe
Templln spent Thursday and Friday 1 :
Wayne taking the Eigth grade exam !
nations .
Miss Meta Aron of Norfolk spen
Sunday aftornon with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zlemer departe
Tuesday for an extended visit wit
Mr. Zlemer's parents in Oklahoma.
Earnest Frelbert of Wayne is spem
Ing several days visiting relative
Miss Lena Shultz left Friday evei
ing for a several days stay in Norfoll
William and Thomas Moran c
Vnyno atended the operetta given by
ho school children hero Thursday
veiling. .
William Weatherholt and daughter ,
Irs. Paul Wef/el of Norfolk visited
datives here Saturday.
The Kleswu and Haunt families of
Norfolk spent Sunday nt the August
) eck home.
Dan Hyan was In town over Sunday.
Harry Xlemer of Sioux ( Mty Hpcnt
everal dnytt of last , week vlnltlni :
mine folks.
.1. T. Cockrano Hpent Thursday In
Sioux City.
The small daughter of Geo. WenUc
as been quite nick the past week
Mlsxes Mamie Moran and llnnm-ll
teed Hpetit Sunday nt their respective
ionics In Wayne and Wlnsldo.
Rev. Bracuer and daughter of lladar
lulled at Henry lleberer homo last
Miss Anna Pahn of Norfolk has ae-
epled a position as clerk In the J.
\ . lluelmor store.
Miss Pauline Suhrocder and Win.
'tics'/ were united In marriage al the
vanglllstlcal parsonage nt Stanton - .JJ
The residence of J. A. lluehner IB
ndergolng a thorough remodeling
vlilch Is Impioving it very much.
A largo circle of friends and rela
ives gatheied at the Wm. Hehmer
mine Sunday to witness the chrlH
enlng of their Infant daughter. The
crenuiny was performed by Rev.
'ran7. of the German Reform church.
The marriage of Rov. Sanleo and
Miss Helen Avormnit tooho phu e it
he .1. A. Averman liouie Wednesdi\
10(111. (
llalsey Moses of Wayne vl-ited
fiends her Wednesday evening.
The program rendered by the sdmni
hlldren last Thursday evening was
given before a largo and appreciative
uidlenee and was a decided sune s
To Philip Senner , Non-resldunt l > i-
endant :
You aie hereby notified that on tin
lid day of February. 1911 , Liz/le Sen
ler filed a petition against you in tin
llstrlct court of Madison county , Ne-
iraskn , the object and prayer ofhli h
ire to obtain a divorce from you on
he ground that you have wiUully
ihamloncd the plaintiff without i ; I
ause , and although of sufficient utili \
ty to provide suitable iimtntonam c-
'or plaintiff aud her children you have
; rossly and wantonly refused and neg-
ectcd to do so for the term of more
.ban two years last past.
You are required to answer said
ictltlon on or before Monday , the 2C.IU
lay of June , 1DIL
Lizzie Senner , Plaintiff
To Walter J. Sheldon , non-resident
lefendant :
You are hereby notified that on UK
3th day of January , 1911 , Luella c.
Sheldon filed a petition against you
n the district court of Madison coun-
, y , Nebraska , the object and prayer of
vhlch-aro to obtain a divorce from
ou on the ground that you have wl- !
ully abandoned the plaintiff , without
; oed cause , for the term of two years
ast past , and for the custody of Hie
Minor children , the issue of said mar
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 19th day ot
June , A. D. 1911.
Luella C. Sheldon , Plaintiff ,
By Mapes & Hazen , Her Attorneys
WANTED All parties interested in
.he Gulf coast , Texas , country to write
is for Information. Come to a coun
try where two crops can bo grown
each year , where the soil is good , wa-
< sr sweet and pure , where the sun of
summer Is tempered by the cool
breeze from the gulf and where stock
does not have to be fed more than
mlf the year. Get in touch with the
Tracy-Enos Land Co. , Victoria. Texas
WANTED Success Magazine r
quires the services of a man In Nor
folk to look after expiring subscrip
tions and to secure new business by
means of special methods usually ef
fective ; position permanent ; prefer
one with experience , but would con
sider any applicant with good natural
jualificatlons ; salary $1.50 per day ,
with commission option. Address ,
with references , R. C. Peacock , Room
102 , Success Magazine Bldg. , Now
PflOlt IIU 1420-24 tAWRtNU DtKVtO COLO
Anyone re-tiding n rkctrh and dencrlpllnn tn >
qnlcklr nicvtlnlii our opinion free whether u
liiTentlon Ii I'K.hnlilv ' imicntni IP. Cnmmunlc-
tlonintrlcllrronllJciiIfiil. HANDBOOK on l' tenU
vent f rea. Oldest nucncy lor . patent * .
I'atent * tak'n thrciuuh Mum. & Co. rocelrt
wlllioulcbarco , lulho
Scientific American *
* handiomolr lllnntrilcd weekly. I. rce t clr.
rotation of uny snoritldo Journal. Tornii. 13 '
t &rt fourmontua , fL Hold ty nil new dc ler
0"5-0 New York \
F fit. Wa htoitonI > , C.