The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 19, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Senate Will Follow the Approval by Three-fourths
House's Lead and Pass of the States Con
the Measure sidered Certain
-Ooo ooo o
last we are to have direct elec
A tion of Bonators , not only la
n few of the states , as now ,
but In all of the states. This
will put another crimp In Undo Joe
Cannon and glvo "tho Interest * " a
caao of the collywohbloB. For twenty
jreara wo have boon trying to put this
thing over , but the nenato Itself got
across the track. It IB a striking co
incidence that we nro adopting the reform -
form at the very tlmo tbo English are
doing things to the house of lords ,
after which the senate was modeled.
Bomo of ui thought wo had won this
victory at the last oesslon , but wo wcro
Junt four votes too previous. Now a
large bunch of statesmen from the red
Bftndfltono period the Hales , Aldrlchcs ,
Depews , Keans , Bulkoloys , Scotts ,
Dicks , nurrowBos , Warners , Carters ,
Pllesos , Flints and Youngs have do-
partcd Into ancient history , and a bevy
of progrcsslvo Democrats and Repub
licans have arrived In their places ,
giving assurance that this tlmo there
will bo n different story.
Some people seem to think a thing Is
good simply because handed down
from the carboniferous age. If God
had been of the onmo mind the earth
would still be Inhabited by dlplodo-
cuscs , IchthyosauruBes and rlngtallcd
monatora. rrogrcss got Into the game ,
however , and now wo have people that
smoke cigarettes and go to moving plc-
taro shows.
Frogreii Finally Wins.
Bat It took progress a long tlmo to
make a dent on the sonata. It could
gat the best of the pterodactyl , the
mammoth and the cave man , but the
senate defied It Progress had the
troglodyte groggy after the first few
rounds , but It never fcnted the senate.
As the fathers made It , so is It today ,
except that It has more money. In
the days of Washington and Adams
the sennto was long on back hair , In
the time of Webster and Olfly It was
long on oratory , and at present It Is
long on bank books and the stock
market. Sometimes also It is short of
tlio market , but that Is only when its
inside Information la bearish , Tha
senate Is a dignified body , willing to
represent any one that looks like ready
money. It has a brand of courtesy
that , like charity , covers a multitude
of sins.
* .Tbo senate has a rule against ap
plause , but seldom has to enforce It
Inco nobody wants to applaud. It has
no written rule against reform , but an
unwritten ono that Is as strong as the
laws of the Modes and Persians. I do
not know how strong the laws of the
Medea and Persians were , and neither
docs anybody else that talks about
them , but It la a good phrase that ban
long done service. It is safe to soy
that they wore stronger , for example ,
than the criminal clause of the anti
trust law.
Most senators look like ) perfectlj
nlco mon and are not at all Imposlnj
in appearance unless ono looks al
their rolls. By pocketbook measure
their greatness is of tremendous girth
There are inoro millionaires In the oen
ate than In any other body of equa
sice. They also look imposing to tbeli
constituents , and for a reason. Thi
way .tjioy impose on these poor peopli
is something scandalous. ' *
A senator is a big noise in Washing
ton , where money talks. If you do no
believe that money talk * in Washing
ton you should attend on * of its socla
functions or a session of eongresi
There are a few other talkers in thi
town , but for persuasive oratory mon
ey has them all tied to the post Th
others may be more garrulous am
have more rhetorical frills , but tb
long green brother is the vote gettei
When ho makes a remark aomethlni
Larimer and Bailey.
One of the members of the senate i
Lorimor of Illinois , and another is Ba !
ley of Texas , tfheso gentlemen belon
to different political parties , but wha
are party Ifnes between friends ? Ba !
ioy once resigned , and a few of u
were deluded Into giving three cheer ;
thinking that ho meant it , but it wa
too good to bo true. There were als
persistent efforts to have Lorimor n
sign , with nothing doing. Lorimor ha
too much trouble being elected and i
peeping elected to resign. Perhaps 1
Is just as well that bo did not The
would have spoiled a most interestln
investigation at Springfield and ai
other and moro interesting ono yet t
bo pulled off by the senate.
The Lorimor case had not a lltt
to do In crystallizing sentiment f <
direct election of senators. Publ
opinion was already for the cbani
In a languid sort of way , but th
made it bristle and , show its teet
Now everybody is for the proposltio
or everybody except Senator Hoybur
Uncle Joe Cannon and a few other
The house has passed it by an it
manM majority , enough of the atai
have Indorsed It to compel a const
jlattonal convention , and the senate
efriron Into a corner and must now
ccept It willy nllly. It has been
long fight , and the outcome shows thi
public opinion can finally have its wi
It it keeps of the same mind Ion
House Passed It.
To bring about popular election <
senators will require a constitution :
amendment , which must pass both
houses of congress by a two-thirds ma
jority and bo ratified by the legisla
tures of three-fourths of the states.
The house majority was so overwhelm
ing that it was almost brutal to re
cord It There were only 10 rotes In
the negative against 200 In the affirma
tive. Among those voting "no" wcro
former Speaker Cannon and Minority
Leader Mann. Both made speeches
attacking the measure. Mann said that
If this amendment wore adopted It
would bo but a short tlmo until the
senators would be elected according
to population. Cooper of Wisconsin
mildly suggested that this could never
bo done under the constitution , and
Mann rather vehemently asserted that
It could. Cooper then got a roar out
of the house by reading from the con
stitution the provision that the basis
of representation of two senators from
each state never can bo changed until
every state consents.
When the measure reached the sen-
nto Us enemies had It referred to the
committee on privileges and elections
tlons bill would probably moan the
failure of the entire measure In this
congress , OB It did In the last.
That sort of defeat by indirection
can hardly bo brought about twice.
Even If the Sutherland amendment
should bo adopted by the senate , which
is not probable , the friends of the bill
might fltlll pass It In the belief that
the objectionable clause would bo cut
out In the house. Then the issue could
bo fought out In conference commit-
tco. The Democrats and most of the
progressive Republicans oppose the
Sutherland amendment on two grounds
first , they say It Is not offered In
good faith , but Is designed to defeat
the bill ; second , that as the senators
represent the states their election
should bo controlled by the states ,
Borah a Live One.
Senator Korah , who Is In charge of
the bill , 13 confident that it will pass
and that the Sutherland amendment
will not bo Incorporated. Borah was
In charge of the measure last session ,
but the lame ducks got the bettor of
him. Now the lame ducks have limp
ed out Into tbo cold and unapprccla-
tlvo world , and their places have been
taken by men with two good legs who
stand with both of them for popular
election of senatoro. For a young
man Borah is n top liner , no knows
things. Ho ban the culture of books ,
but likewise the practical turn that
comes from contact with flesh and
blood men. The two elements make n
strong combination. Borah possesses
the face of a cherub , but let no one be
deceived thereby , for he Is also a nifty
lighter. He has to be Hlnce ho halla
from Idaho , which Is also the state of
Wcldon Brlnton Heyburu. Now , Hey-
burn wants everything that Borah
dons not. and vlco versa. Ileyburu Is
while its friends were not looking.
This is the committee that has chloro
formed every similar resolution since
the year one. Several times the house
has passed an amendment providing
for direct election of senators , often
by a unanimous rote , only to have it
put to sleep in the senate committee
on privileges and elections. Lost ses
sion Senator Borah changed the luck
of the measure by having it referred
to the judiciary committee , which re
ported it favorably. As soon as the
advocates of popular elections awak
ened to the fact that their pet bill
was going the old chloroform route
they raised the long yell , moved to re
consider , carried the motion and had
the bill sent to the judiciary commit
tee , which made a favorable report ,
just as It did In the last session. This
assures the passage of the resolution
by the senate. That three-fourths of
the states will approve it goes without
One Danger Point
There Is just one danger point This
Is the Sutherland amendment In the
hist session It was the Sutherland
amendment that defeated the bill. It
Is Innocent enough on its face , being
a simple proviso that the federal gov
ernment shall have charge of all sena
torial elections. The southern sena
tors say there is an African in this
particular legislative wood pile. They
charge that the amendment opens the
way for another force bill ; hence when
the enemies of popular election of
senators put that amendment hi the
Dill lost time tne southern senators ,
who naturally favored the measure ,
turned tail and defeated it That waa
fine , work for the foes of popular elec
tions. Now they nro trying to do the
same thing again. They failed in the
house , failed again in the senate ju
diciary committee and are carrying
their fight to the open senate. So
plausible Is tbo Sutherland amend
ment that even Theodora Roosevelt
was led to Bay a word in its behalf.
a Yet its incorporation In the direct eloc-
the kind of man that will fight all da )
over a technicality. He is so antago
nlstlc It hurts him to agree with him
self and so obstinate be makes a Mia
rourl mule look yielding and tractable
by comparison. Hey burn is as blttei
In opposition to popular election at
Borah Is ardent In Us favor. Wber
the bill was reported out a few dayi
ago Heyburn objected that the com
mittee hod acted on It In the morning
whereas to be perfectly regular II
should have waited until afternoon , li
consequence of which bo would flgh
till he dropped In his tracks , etc
Things like this tend to make us al
more amiable and charitable. Borat
took It In a perfectly angelic way. how
ever , and went on boosting the bill.
Even If the senate should rejec
popular election of Us members thi
states and the people will compel th <
passage of the amendment The con
stltutlon provides two ways whereb ;
It may bo amended Urst , the twi
houses of congress may Initiate th
amendment by a two-thirds majority
as already Indicated ; second , two
thirds of the states may do the sum
thing. In that event congress mus
cull n constitutional convention. Twc
thirds of the state legislatures hav
already petitioned for this amendment
thus compelling congress to act
W. J. Gow went to Boyd county o
Dr. P. H. Sailer made a trip to We *
Point and return.
Samuel Goto of Plorco was In th
city transacting business.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keellno of Coui
ell Bluffs are In tbo city visiting wit
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kingsley.
Miss Edith Vlole returned from Lli
coin , where she attended the convo
tlon of the Eastern Star.
Mrs. Cora A. Beels goes to Omnli
tomorrow for a visit with friends ar
to attend the sessions of the Theme
The First Methodist parsonage he
been sold to J. W. Ransom , who wl
A regular session of the Elks will
bo hold this ovunlng.
The W. C. T. U. will moot Tuesday
nftornoou with Mrs. D. Rcoa at 2:30. :
A good program Is prepared.
The young son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Filter ut Hadar la reported
quite 111 with an attack of appendi
For regular attendance at the church
services class No. 3 of the Baptist
church Sunday school was given n
banquet last Friday ovonlng.
move It soon to nome of his vacant
property. The now parsonage will bo
constructed this year.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hays have
been called to Omaha by the sorlous
Illness of Mrs. Mills , Mrs. Hays'
mother. Mrs. Mills made her homo in
Norfolk for many years.
The paper-hanging season Is fully
oponod. Many orders for redecorating
of the Interior of homes are being hold
up because of the great number of or
ders on hand at paperhangers" shops.
Tony Pasha , the Omaha ball plnyor
and former star shortstop on the Nor
folk team , Is In the city. It is hoped
by Norfolk ball fans that Manager
Stafford can In some way attach Pa
sha to the Norfolk toam.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. C. Englo and
daughter Shirley are spending n few
days ut the Culbortson-Engle com
pany's ranch , southeast of Long Pine ,
whore Ed Is assisting the boys In roping
ing and branding a few of the outlaw
Whltefaco cattle.
Northwestern Fireman O. N. Hill ,
014 South Third street , who waa In
jured at the Junction roundhouse last
week , has recovered. Mr. Hill sus
tained an ugly cut on the head when
a lump of coal foil through a coal gate.
A number of stitches were taken In
the wound.
Ono of the Interesting games of
baseball scheduled for Sunday after
noon Is that which will be played be <
twcon the tailors and barbers teams
on the driving park diamond. While
the tailors declare they will sew ur
the barbers , the barbers promise the
mon of the needle n close shavo. A
substantial prize Is to bo contested
Superintendent Arnot of the Schuy
lor , Neb. , public schools and formerly
county superintendent of schools at
Fremont , Is In the city. Mr. Arnot has
made application for the position ol
superintendent of the Norfolk schools
Mr. Arnot's application Is the last one
of the many the board of education
has received since Mr. Hunter an
nounced his resignation.
Constable John Flynn received about
forty checks last night to be paid tc
physicians and all witnesses called Ir
the coroner's inquest of the Kauri
Stohr death. Constable Flynn has tin
chocks In his office , where he Is pay
ing them out to those who call foi
them. Everyone called to testify Ir
the case has a check In Mr. Flynn't
office , and should call there for It.
N. L. Palno and Mr. Smith of Fremont
mont , expert sheep shearers , have jusi
finished shearing 350 sbeop on UK
Country club grounds , belonging tc
the Norfolk sheep syndicate. A gas
ollno engine furnished the power foi
tbo two clippers and the sheep losl
the heavy coats of wool at the rate 01
150 per day. Mr. Paine declares hh
average time in shearing sheep ii
300 per day. Both experts intend to g (
to Wyoming from here , where thej
have a larger field to work. The woo
has been packed in large sacks and ii
to bo shipped to Fremont
Deputy Game Warden Stearns li
asking for the cooperation of the pop
ulation north of this city along thi
Elkhorn and Northfork In keeplnf
game fish In the river. Wardei
Stearns reports that the hoop no
placed below the mill dam is bearinf
fruit. Many game fish have boei
transferred from the lower Northforl
to the upper waters and all the can
captured are being taken out. On <
man Is employed here solely for thi
purpose of watching this net.
Chief of Police Marquardt was call
ed to a residence at the Junction yea
terday to solve the mystery of the die
appearance of young chickens. Several
oral fine young chickens had dlsar
peared during the night and the in
dlgnant owners declared neighbor
possessed ferrets which came Into th
house and devoured the thoroughbrei
fowls. The chief was unable to dlt
cover any ferrets nor did neighbor
claim ownership of any such animate
The chief believes the thief is a mini
S. F. Erskino acted as toastmaste
at the social meeting of the Men *
club of the Congregational churcf
hold In the church parlors Frlda
evening. Mr. Erskino made a capabl
toastmaster and his ability to drai
from each speaker an Interesting ac
dress was one of the features of th
evening. A. Randklev talked on"Th
Girl Problem. " A. N. McGInnls gav
an interesting talk on his trip In th
south and C. S. Bridge kept up th
Interest by a fine talk on his trip t
"The Commercial club of Norfoll
Nob. , is composed of the llvest mon 1
the state , " said Dean Burnott of th
state university , addressing 600 sti
dents and faculty a few days ago t
Lincoln , Immediately after he had n
turned from thts city with three pur
bred horses imported by the Norfol
Commercial club. After highly pral
Ing Norfolk and Us great enterprls
Dean Burnott bad the three horse
brought before the class and ga\
thorn a talk on Norfolk's horse broe
Ing facilities. "The horses which tti
Norfolk Commercial club Imported ai
the best brought over to this country
he said.
Is Found Not Guilty.
Noligh , Neb. , May 13. Special 1
The News : Precisely nine montl
from the day and date and with !
nearly two hours after the case <
Leu Greggorson had been submltti
to the jury early last evening , thf
brought In the following verdict :
"Wo , the jury duly Impaneled
this case , find the defendant n
guilty. "
The defendant , Lou Greggorson , wi
{ j 'cross-examined by Attorney Willlan
yesterday morning , and the ontlro
Into consumed did not take moro than
twenty minutes. At this puriod the
IcfoiiBo rented ,
The Htato asked that the testimony
of the physicians and surgeons , who
cstlfiod to the hypothetical quoHtlou
OH Thursday , bo stricken. This mo
tion was overruled by the court.
After Bonding the jury to tholr
room for a few minutes , the court
stated to the attorneys In the case
: hat his Instructions to the jury would
bo for them to disregard the charge
of murder In the second degree , as
; ho evidence Introduced was not suf
ficient to sustain the complaint as
made In the information ,
Mr. Armstrong , a witness In rebuttal -
buttal , was called by the Btato , but
was not allowed to answer the three
questions put to him , and was ex
cused. The objections raised by the
defendant wcro that the witness had
loon present In the court room during
the examination of Dr. Conwoll , the
first day's proceedings of the trial.
Undertaker Jackson of Elgin arid Dr.
D. W. Boattlo of this city were also
recalled In rebuttal by the state.
There apparently was no point gain
ed In tholr examination.
County Attorney Kllbourn started
his argument before the Jury at 10:45 :
and concluded at the noon hour. At
torney J. W. Rico and Charles II.
Kclsey occupied the attention of the
Jury for over two and a half hours ,
after which Attorney Williams clos
ed for the state.
This ends another chapter in the
history of Antclopo county , being the
third murder cnso within two years.
It la currently reported the expense In
this trial will bo something enormous ,
on account of the many medical ex
pert witnesses.
This case la the ono that ox-County
Attorney Rico refused to prosecute
and gave his reason that It was lack
of evidence , and is the ono that Minor
Bacon has boon interested In from
the beginning. IIo filed charges
against Rico for malfeasance In of
fice. Mr. Rico was exonerated by
District Judge A. A. Welsh on a hear
ing last fall , and In his findings from
the evidence stated , as was so pub
lished in The News at the time , It
would have been malfeasance in of
fice If ho had prosecuted Lou Greggcr-
Another Jury was impaneled last
vening and the case against Charles
Burdick for horse stealing was immo-
lately taken up. The defendant is
elng represented by Attorney Rice
nd Attorney Kllbourn la looking of-
or the Interests of the atato.
Uncle Sam Denies Rumors.
Washington , May 13. Through Sec-
etary of State Knox , President Taft
uthorl/.ed United States Ambassador
, ane Wilson In Mexico to deny in the
most positive terms "all foolish sto-
ics" of Intervention In Mexico by the
United States. Secretary Knox's tele
gram to Mr. Wilson , which also is to
)0 made public in Mexico , was sent
ollowlng a session of the cabinet in
which the Mexican tangle took up
much of the time.
A Bloodless Battle.
San Diego , Cal. , May 13. San Quon-
in , south of Ensenada , was captured
vlthout firing a single shot by thirty-
Ivo rebels in command of a Mexican
rom Los Angeles last Monday inorn
ng , according to advices received
The Insurgent force consisted largo
y of Indians. They ransacked the
own and looted the Chinese store
The rebels then proceeded to the heel
el and compelled the proprietor tc
ervo dinner. Ho had anticipated
heir coming and burled all supplies.
School Notes.
LaVonno Zorbriggon of Lincoln k
now a student of the Norfolk hlgt
The normal training girls who spenl
Wednesday visiting the schools ol
Miss Morgan and Miss Winter , report
ed a good time and excellent schools
Invitations have been issued for th <
unlor-senlor reception to be given al
the home of Guy Parish.
The announcements for the com
mencement exercises have arrived
They were distributed among the claai
Friday , making the pupils feel more
like seniors than ever.
The third of the series of Latin pro
gramo was given last Thursday. Tb <
program was as follows : Song , so
clety ; paper , "Roman Games , " Nellli
Chase ; discussion , "Wall Inscrlp
tlons" ( illustrated ) , Leroy Gillette
discussion , "Roman Comedy , " Bessli
Ward ; recitation ( Latin ) , "The Flirt , '
Emily Cerney ; song , society ; transla
tlon , "Roman Jokes , " Margaret Bates
translation , "Will and Testament of i
Little Pig , " Iryl King , Marian Stltt
recitation ( Modern Latin ) , "A Lover'i
Hard Luck , " Mabol Odiornc.
Chllrden Come Across the Sea.
Fresh from the fatherland , wltl
their big blue eyes wandering aroun <
in all directions to locate their par
ents whom they have not seen fo
over a year , Erma and Irvln Huth
aged 8 and 11 respectively , allghtci
from the Union Pacific train at '
o'clock last night , having made th
trip from Hamburg , Germany , to Noi
folk all alone.
IS The children are those of Mr. am
Mrs. Julius Huth , who arrived In Noi
folk seven months ago.
About a year ago Mr. and Mrs. Hut
decided on a pleasure trip to Amerlcr
Leaving their two eldest children wit
grandparents , they started from Han
burg with the two youngest chlldrer
They visited In Now York , Wisconal
and other states. In Wisconsin the
heard of Norfolk and decided to com
hero to visit with old friends. S
pleased did they become with th
country that Mr. Huth , who Is a we
educated mechanic , decided to sta ;
Immediately he rented a homo on Ltr
in coin avenue and entered the omplo
of the Northwestern road as oxper
mechanic. Later the family moved t
After much worry as to how thel
two children should bo brought from
the fathorlaiul , Mr. Huth arranged
with church societies In Germany to
accompany the two llttlo children to
Hamburg. Here they were placed
safely aboard a llnor and the crow of
the ship took great care of thorn. On
loir arrival In Now York , they were
not again by members of the church
ocloty , who Immediately toloBraphotl
10 parents In Norfolk of the safe ar-
ival on the shores of the United
tatos. Then they were placed aboard
Lohlgh Valley train and In charge of
rain crows were transferred to the
Itlwaukco and Union Pacific roads ,
rrlvlng safe and sound last night
A Happy Meeting.
All the way up from Columbus , the
wo llttlo children were the subject of
rout curiosity for the passengers who
; athored around thorn and made them
appy. Largo tags were tied to the
lothlng of each child. On each tag
, -as written the name of the child and
s destination. This tag was attached
o the children by the German society
t Ellis Island , N. Y , Before the train
oft Columbus the railroad company
Irod Agent C. W. Landers hero to
otlfy the parents that tholr children
vould arrive and to bo at the depot to
mot them.
It was a happy mooting botwson the
aronta and the two llttlo tots , who
iniuedlatoly began tolling , in excel-
out Gorman , of tholr trip , how every-
no was HO kind to thorn , etc.
When the children alighted from
ho train , their happy faces did not
how the signs of weariness from a
rip of many thousand miles , which In
haled the crossing of the Atlantic and
ho various transfers of many trains.
Take Pictures of All Norfolk.
Two photographers , connected with
, ho Nebraska Transportation com
pany , with which the Baker Construe-
Ion company of Omaha la connected ,
uivo taken 400 photographs of the
various parts of Norfolk , Including all
ndustrlcs and business institutions of
ho city. The various stores are being
photographed. To a News represonta-
ive , the photographer declared ho
iould give out no' further Information
ban to say the photographs wore tak
en for the purpose of laying before the
eastern financiers the exact conditions
of this part of the country.
'Wo have taken about 400 photo
graphs in Norfolk. This la an ideal
country for an lutorurban , and II
should have one. The photographs are
akon for the purpose of sending to
ho eastern financiers who wish to see
exactly what kind of business chances
hero are in this vicinity. I nrn going
out to the sugar factory today. I have
akeu a picture of almost every Indus-
ry in the city. Our idle time is taken
up in photographing all the store
fronts In the business section of the
ity. "
A Baseball Riot.
Fort Smith , Ark. , May 15. DIsrc
arding the order Issued by Mayor
Bourland that the Indcpendonce-Forl
Smith ball game of the Western asso
ciation , scheduled for Sunday , must
not bo played , the teams were ready
o go on the field when the mayor nnc
a squad of police walked upon the
field. A small riot ensued und the
mayor and two police captaina wcro
njured by heavy cushions which the
'ana ' threw.
Loses Foot ; Drowns Himself.
Jefferson City , Mo. , May 15. After
oslng a foot by attempting to board a
freight train in the Missouri Pacific
yards , a man supposed to bo Frank E
Bernthaler of Palestine , Tex. , crawlec
nto the Missouri river and drownec
himself. Trainmen saw the man craw
and slide thirty feet down the bank
into the river , ad ho wont to his death
throwing out letters with the nama o
Bornthalor on thorn.
Dootsr Wanted Pett , and Now H >
Horn * RtsymblM 00.
Several weeks ago Dr. Edwin O
Sugg of Chicago attended a reception
during which a group of guests were
discussing pets. Every ono but Dr
Sugg appeared to have some sort o :
pet and he remarked that be would
like to possess a "critter. "
Two days after the reception an ex
press messenger delivered a box from
which emanated peevish growls , and
opening It , Dr. Sugg found a fine Bos
ton bull terrier. He was pleased.
Next came three white spinning
mice , which were pretty and dainty
and again the doctor was pleased. The
next day a large parcel arrived , and
when Dr. Sugg opened It he found a
cage containing two canaries. Still he
did not "tumble. " Whllo he was ad
miring the canaries on expressman ar
rived with a parcel from which watei
was dripping. When Dr. Sugg tore
away the wrappings ho found n bow
containing three goldfish.
The next contribution was a white
rabbit , and Dr. Sugg began to lose hi
temper. He lost It entirely the follow
Ing day when he opened a package
and found three doves , stuffed. Sev
eral days passed and he was beginning
to breathe easily when along cam
another package containing two stud
ed and mounted roosters. Dr. Sugg
then and there determined to accep
no more parcels unless marked wttl
the name of the sender. But while b
was away along came an cnormou
packing box which was accepted bj
some one else at the house. It con
talned a stuffed horse.
West Point Race Plans.
West Point , Nob. , May 15. Spccla
to The News : The board of manager
of the West Point Speed assoclatio
have elected the following now of
fleers : President , W. I. S. Nellgh
vlco president , Chris. Schlnstock ; secretary
rotary , J. C. Hanson ; treasurer , Her
man Koch. Elaborate preparation
are under way to make the race moo
of 1911 a success. Classes and purse
are as follows : Trotting 2:15 : , $400
2:19 : , ? 400 ; 2:24 : , J400 ; 2:30 : , $400. Pac
ig 2:07100 : ; 2:11100 : ; 2:15 : ,
100 ; 2:22 : , $400 ; 2:30 : , $100. It Ifl also
n contemplation to otter purBOH for
no-half , livo-olghUm and throo-quar-
or-mllo running ovouts. The Hold of
oraos will , Judging by present In-
ulrloB and prospects , ho double the
Izo of that of last year.
Man Rifuses n Offer of f 1,000 For
Thr Old PonnU * .
While grmlliiK the lawn at Birch-
wood , Dnvlil Tumor Dnnn'n now villn ,
icnr FlttHlleld , Mans. , Joseph Oorbnt ,
upcrlntoiuli'iit of the estate , found
lireo undent Kngllnh pennies. Ono
IIIH tliu portrnlt of King George II. ,
nil the ditto , 17-12 , In very distinct
'he other two hoar n likeness of
Gcorpo III. niut nro dated 1TTT. They
ri ) about the Hlr.o of an old fashioned
American cent.
Lonox was Incorporated In 1707 , and ,
cconllng to lilHtory , the original In-
orponitorH drew tip tluslr platform In ,
n tavern that utood on the nlto of Mr.
) nnn'H house , which Is on the hill , op-
mslto the old Congregational church
uid cemetery.
Mr. Corlmt refiiNod un offer of f 1,000
'or his three pennies.
Japnn'a Oldest Port.
Nagasaki Is the oldest port In Jnpnn ,
where the llr < t forelgnerH , Portugueses
norchants. lauded ! WO years ago. It
H one of the llvo most Important ports
> f the country , with a population of
"fi.OOO. The largest vessels In the
world cnn anchor In Its spacious bar-
The Block Vulture.
Many a minor poet has had his shot
it aviation , hut wo have not happened
o BOO any other poem having this now
art or science as Its thumo In which
the Hulijcct In treated with HO much
rnaglnatlon and such literary skill as
: mvo none to the milking of "The
Black Vulture , " reprinted hero from
George Sterlings "IIouso of Orchids : "
Alonf upon the ilny'H ImmcnRUrod dorao ,
Ho holds unshared tlio aliened of the
Fnr down his bleak , relentless nyos
Tlio onKlu'H omjilrn and tlio falcon's homo.
Far down the inlleons of punnot roam.
111s hazard ! ) on the sea of morning llo.
Serene , ho hcnro the broken tempest
Wliero cold Hlerras gleam like scattered
And least of all ho holds the human
swarm ,
UnwlttlnB now that envious men prepare -
To make their dream and Its fulfill
ment ono.
When , poised nbovo the caldrons of the
Their hearts , contemptuous of death ,
shall duro
His roads betwnen the thunder and the
Hospital Surgeon Describes How H
Mends Noses With Ribs.
Noses repaired with bone taken i
ribs of tbo patient whoso features are
undergoing reconstruction represent
the latest advance In surgery.
How It can bo done Is explained la
the Journal of tbo American Medical
Association by Dr. William W. Carter ,
assistant surgeon of tbo Manhattan
Bye , Ear and Throat hospital , Now
Xork. Ho successfully performed sev
eral operations of this character.
The best case Is that which restored
to facial sightliness a railroad man.
who came out of ( in accident with his
nose so disfigured that there was little
of it left. The surgeon took a piece
two inches in length from the pa-
tlont'a ninth rib and , resting one end
of It on the remaining tip of the nose
and the other on the nasal process of
the frontal bono , grafted it with care.
The still living bone of the rib unit
ed wUh the nasal structure and form
ed a rafter which effectually support
ed the flaps of skin which were
brought up over this newly fashioned
feature. Photographs taken before
and after show a marked increase In
good looks on the part of the patient.
Dr. Carter tells his fellow surgeons
that ho considers the rib substance
especially adapted for transplantation.
This bone , too , Is easily adapted to fit
any deformity.
In ono Instance a girl six years of
ago had fallen on her face and flatten
ed her nose badly. The operation ,
which cost a small section of rib , gave
her a perfect profile. Another patient
was a womnn twenty-five years old.
who had fallen on her nose when she
was seven years old. Tbo deformity
was of the flattened and concave va
riety. The surgeon constructed a
bridge from part of her ninth rib , and
she Is now enjoying the possession of
a nose of almost Grecian symmetry.
The Louvr * .
The Louvre dates away back to the
reign of Dagobert in C28. In 1204 it
was a prison and in 1304 was made
into a library. The new building was
begun by Francis I. hi 1528 and en
larged and adorned by successive
kings , principally by Louis XIV. But
it was Napoleon I. who gave the
Louvre its real glory. Turning it into
u museum , Napoleon deposited in it
the finest collection of paintings , stat
ues and art treasures known in the
world. The magnificent buildings oC
the new Louvre were begun by Napoleon
leon I. and completed by Napoleon III.
about 1857.
Senior Play at Stanton.
Stnnton , Neb. , May 15. Special to
The News : The members of the sen
ior class of the Stanton high school
presented as their class play at the
Raabo opera house ono entitled "Mer
chant of Venice Up-to-Dato. " It waa
a very creditable performance. The
play waa well received by a largo aud
ience which taxed the capacity of the
opera houao. The Stanton people are
proud of the class of ' 11.