THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , FRIDAY , MAY 15) ) , 30J1. The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal The News , Established 1881. Tlio Journal , EHtnbllsbed 1877. THE HU8E PUBLISHING COMPANY W. N. HUHU N. A. Huso , President. Secretary. iSvory Friday. By mull iior year , $1.50. Entered nt the puHtofllco at Norfolk , Nob. , IIH Hecond clitHtt mutter. Telephones : Editorial Doimrtinont No. 22. IliialnoBS Office nnd Job UOOIUB , No. II 22. Lndy Uccles being unnblo to deny herself any luxury , has been operated on for appendicitis. A Mexican revolution Is like n Mex ican dollar. It looks big , clanks loud , but it doesn't got much. About $500,000 In silver went to tbo bottom In the Mcrlda , nnd now the mornmtds can have their new spring hats. Money , according to Wall street re port , Is "distressingly easy" but the men wlto have It are distressingly oth erwise. It Is mild that Russia favors wo- men's rights. It Is high time some one's rights wore fnvorejl In that country. Those Alaskans who tnrow the coal Into the harbor scorn to bo taking rather radical means to avoid the Binoko nuisance. I Gen. Wood says disarmament Is on ly a dream of dreamers. Dut If people - plo never did any dreaming , wo would still bo living In caves. The El Paso people seem to think our soldiers should fight , bleed , and die , to protect their right to sco the battle from the rooftops. The house 1ms voted to Investigate the sugar trust. We hope they get after those * people that sell sweeten cd Hour as powdered sugar. It Is not true that the secretary of war resigned because the militia of- fleers were always In the foreground when the pictures were taken. Many Americans are being present cd to King George. They probably do their best to conceal the damning fact that they were born over here. The people who vowed not to cut their hair until Senator Lorlmer and President Diaz resign seem likely to save barbers' bills for some time. The grand jury says there is no crlmo wave In New York , but they can hardly deny that there Is a per petual high tldo of naughtiness. The democratic house has begun to purify the government by removing 300 officeholders guilty of the corrupt practice of holding republican views No doubt it's dangerous In El Paso when the Mexicans are fighting , but perhaps not inoro so than when the cowboys come In to spend a week's pay. Henry Van Dyke has resumed teach Ing of literature at Princeton , and wo hope he gives duo attention to the classic style of the baseball report crs. After Mr. Madero becomes presl dent , the Idea that he alone should have the right to do any voting may look Just as good to him as it did to Mr. Diaz. The democrats In congress are wrestling with the problem of tarlf versus the presidential election. They cannot decide on which side lies th most votes. Senator Stoneof Missouri wants t Intervene In Mexico. The other sena tors wish El Paso people were a littl less curious and a little more dispos cd to run. The Informer Abbateraagglo was called a hyena in the Camorra trial. In our country the witnesses feel like hyenas after the lawyers get through with them. Mexican soldiers are not very good shots , Imt almost any of them can shut their eyes , pull the trigger and hit the United States two times out of every three. It Is not fair to expect the progres sive and public spirited farmer to devote vote all his time to dragging the roads. Ho should pause ever and anon and swat the fly. The Mexican mess will seem like smoking the pipe of peace to Henry Stlrason , after his experience with the war paint and tomahawks of Tam many politics. The democrats are trying on the surface to capture the farmer vote , but when they think no one is listen ing they keep Jeering at Uncle Reu ben's whiskers. The Ynqul Indians nro dangerous again. They can't help questioning sometimes why the pale face expected them to give their land away and yet look good naturcd. Beventy-llvo thousand Americans are aid to bo in peril In Mexico. If they online their remarks to the weather nd the crops and quit talking poll- lea they'll bo all right. Helen Taft attended the naval acad- irfy dance the other night , and as icr father works for a living , she was nighty lucky to got into this nrlsto- ratic circle unchallenged. Four battalions of suffragettes arc lOBleglng the Now York legislature. Some one should ask them how many lusbands they left at homo with cold llnners and no plo cooked. Perhaps Mr. Diaz would not feel so Ircadfully about resigning , If ho would ollect on what a good living our ox-president makes Just by writing ono piece a week for the Outlook. Chicago's now chief of police an nounces that "vice must remain with- n the bounds of decency. " That is iretty hard on decency , nnd Is Just where most people do not want vice. The Mexican rebels , having cap- ured Juarez , want to bo "recognized" . Having only seen their features peep- ng out from behind some tree on a dark night , wo flnd it difficult to do so. Congressmen are praising them selves In the Congressional directory. Who can blame them for kindling a Ittlo Incense to offset the offerings of venerable eggs and vegetables ? Jack Johnson Is going to the core nation. IIo will probably bo accepted over there as a bettor typo of Ameri can culture than former President Hot of Harvard , or Henry Cabot About the only people who want ho United States to intervene in Mex- co are the speculators who were not satisfied with the rates of Interest paid by property protected by Ameri can laws. The original document of the con stitution was Inspected last week af ter being locked up nine years , but t must bo longer than that since any congressmen have read that In strument. James S. Sherman is mentioned for president. His chief qualifications seem to bo that as vice president ho lias been able to put the motions and count the votes without making many bad mistakes. Fourteen vote sellers get flvo years : llsfranchlsement nt Portsmouth , O. Now will the vote buyers get the same exact Justice , or will they con tinue to bo leaders of our political thought ? American experts are recognizing Persia's finances. If they learned their business well at home , they will at once raise the tax rate , Increase the assessment , and borrow all that anybody will lend. Wireless telegraph was a factor In rescuing 3GO people on the steamer Merlda , but lots of passenger vessels are roaming the coast with no means of asking help but throwing a bottle over with a message Inside. Something like 42,000 rural mal carriers will benefit by the Increase o salaries from $900 to $1,000 which takes effect July 1. There are alreadj more than 42,000 carriers and at the present rate of Increase the total wll probably go beyond 43,000. The argument that we are getting the bad end of the bargain in offering a market with ninety million patrons as an even exchange for ono with nine millions , falls by the waysldo when put alongside the fact that where these ninety million people are buying one dollar's worth of goods from the nine million , the nine million are now buy ing two dollars worth of the ninety million. How long would that sort o trade have to bo continued to affect u in a harmful way ? A sad but illuminating commentary on the futility of human hopes wher applied to getting rich quick is fur nlshed by an advertisement which re cently appeared in ono of the Sar Francisco daily newspapers in th classified columns. Hero it is : " will sell I have 5,000 shares of a one well known mining and leasing com pany ; will exchange same for one set ting hen and thirteen fresh eggs ( Leg horn preferred ) ; only permanent In vestors need apply. A. J. Moore Rooms 20-21 Bacon block , Oakland. " A couple of delusions , possibly. Ar exchange says nearly every farmer when ho has paid for his farm , edi catcd his children , laid by some spar change for rainy days , begins to thinl * about moving to town , wheio wltl sidewalks and other modern conven ences ho thinks life would be Ideal It Is till ho tries it. Nearly every cit man hopes at some time to bo able t own a country homo where ho ca spend his declining years In qulctnes and complete rest amid soothing in fiuences of apple blossoms , song o birds nnd hum of bees. Here h thinks that life would be complete an it is till ho tries it. President Taft declares that ho bo llovcs thoroughly in the reciprocity bill , that it is a mistake to think i will injure the farmers , nnd that it 1 not a political move on his' part. II ays : "I have no disposition to inter- ore with the prosperity of those who lake up the bono and sinew of the ntlon the farmers and 1 nm con- Inced that In no way am I Interfering with It. I believe that after rcclproc- ty has been given ono year's trial no Ide will think of Interfering with It. believe this treaty to bo the best hlng for the country farmers , mer- hunts , laboring men and all because believe it Is contrary to nature , It Is lying in the face of Providence , to nit an artificial tariff will between this iountry and Canada. If wo take down hat wall wo will sell more products o Canada than she will sell to ns. Vhcn you , gentlemen , como to see the csult , I believe you will admit that 'on have been wrong In your fears aid that I have been right. " THE SENATE DEADLOCK. Just what excuse the eight insur gent followers ot La Folletto In the onato can put forth for having de clined to accept the republican caucus nominee for president pro tern , unless t bo to stir up still more Inharlllony n the republican party with u view to creating n condition which will result n the defeat of the party In the next > resldontlnl election , Is difficult to inderstand. The olllco of president pro tern of ho senate Is purely an honorary one. Jo principle Is Involved. That official nerely presides over the senate In the ibsenco of the vice president. The office usually is bestowed upon the ranking member of the majority party. Senator Frye resigned and Senator ullom , next in rank , has been suffer- ng ill health. Senator Gallingor was .he next in rank and the honor natur ally and logically fell to him. Dut eight insurgent republicans refuse to nbido by the unanimous choice of the caucus of the republican senators , and hus prevent any selection whatever. The eight insurgents are : Senators a Folletto , Clapp , Bristow , Cummins , Gronna , Polndoxter , Bourne and Works. How any senator can repudiate his party caucus in this matter , and still claim the support of that party , is a political conundrum. It Is apparent , lowever , that there Is a fixed idea among this little coterie to stir up as much dissension in the party ns pos slble , with defeat in the coming presl dential campaign as the ultimate mo .ive. TOWN GROWTH. There nro two ways In which busl ness men nnd property owners can jecomo moro prosperous. The first method Is by pushing at their own business with all their might. That is always necessary. The second method Is by so uniting with other merchants to make their town grow , that all existing property owners and business plants become rnoro prosperous , through the growing value of real estate and the growing volume of trade that results from a larger population. Both these methods of expansion arc needful. The men who adopt the first method only soon find that they are up against a blank wall. They find that there Is only about so much trade in a town. They may get some of It away from thelr less hustling neigh bors. But when these neighbors wake up and see their trade dwindling , if they make special Inducements and show good judgment in advertising , they get their old customer back. The general pull for town better ment permits every business man to grow without trenching on his neigh bors' business. Thus it avoids those bitter rivalries that occur where re- tall traders are scrambling for the same customers without effort to cre ate a wider market in which all shall share alike. The business of chasing up now In dustries Is ono attended by many dis couragements. Three quarters of tno propositions In the market nro froai professional floaters , who are looking for tax exemptions , subscriptions of capital stock , and frco rentals , and who will move elsewhere as soon as they flnd some place to raise tha bid. There is , however , a Constant per centage of hopeful propositions always looking for a llttlo assistance. There nro constantly bright nnd competent young men , who are given no oppor tunity in the close corporations that are employing them. BEING PR'ESENTED AT COURT. The sorrows of the American Smart Set can bo read between the lines In the dispatches tolling of the many American women presented at the English court the past week. While Impecunious and mousey school teachers are having the time of their lives wrestling with rapacious London cabmen over half crowns , the worrited leaders of fashion are flut tering with heart throbs and vexations attendant on this supreme carnival of red tape. A plain simple little gown needful to get by the court professors of flum mery who regulate these doings , costs from $500 to $700. Then a girl really feels poverty stricken unless she has a $100 bouquet of costly orchids. You have to buy shoes of tradesmen who charge $25 because they shoo the queen nnd princesses , nnd the twenty- four button gloves cost $10. The traditions of the English court require a very low cut bodice. You could hardly make use of the dress at oven the firemen's ball at homo , with out extensive additions to Its struct ure. A sensational fear would immed iately pervade ono of our assemblies lest It shout dbo about to fall off. The matter of expense does not wor ry our social higher ups a particle. The acrobatic steps with which they must prance across the hall , Is what bothers those who have never taken n training In circus stunts. You nro required to make a dozen to fifteen low nnd sweeping courtesies , pointed well over to the leo side of the drawing room , so ns not to turn your back on anyone. The Idea seems to bo to see how near you can como to sitting down on the floor without act ually doing It Ono girl got so tangled up In her train a while ago that she rolled the length of the stairs lllto n halo of hay. Fear of a repltltion of this incident no doubt caused the recent edict of the court against the hobble skirt at these ceremonies. HUNNEYWELL'S SPUNKY WOMAN MAYOR. The city of Hunnowell , Knn. , has a woman mayor , Mrs. Wilson , and a break between the executive nnd leg islative departments has resulted , likely to bo fought out In the state courts. Mrs. Wilson has called a meeting for next Monday night. The flvo men who compose the city council say they will ignore the call. The male councllmen seem entirely too worried about the supremacy of the male sex. They need not feel that they occupy a position on the firing line , with the fate of the masculine world resting in the balance , contin gent on their good defense. If Mrs. Wilson can sweep the streets cleaner , can nail the lid closer on vice , can run the business of the city on a business rather than a political basis , the city council of Hunnewell will beef of as little effect as was King Canute when ho told the tides of the ocean to go way back and sit down. The foxy thing would bo to give Mrs. Wilson unlimited rope. If she falls because of the limitations placed upon her , she will lay the blame on the council. Wo should advise that body to hold their meetings on Mrs. Wilson's front piazza If thereby they can demon strate that a clear field has been left for her operations. That they would in the end win out by thus bending for the moment to the feminine blast , will bo forecasted from the action of the new chief of police , Mrs. Rose Osborn. She wont to the store of a councilman , and tore from his window a newspaper cartoon entitled "A British View of Woman Suffrage. " If these women could not bear the display of n cartoon on such a matter of public discussion as woman suf frage , they have no place in the rough and tumble Of politics. They might better run for office In the Daughters of the American Revo lutlon , where a preliminary mauling might be received that would teach them to smile even if their plumage was ruffled. SAVING NIAGARA FALLS. A persistent campaign is being made by the power companies to divert moro water from these falls that are one of the wonders of this planet. According to the appeal issued last week by the American Civic associa tion , the companies now demand an increase of 68 per cent In the amount of water used in their turbines. The current flowing over the American falls Is already 'thin ' In spots. If more is taken , the unbroken span of surg ing tide will be cleft by the rocks that will be left dry. To many of our .p.epplo , the argu/f ment for the sake of beauty has JIQ force. To them naked tbrlcK walls , belching smoke stacks , ghastly cinder heaps , look much better than the ma jestic sweep of a falling torrent , be cause they mean that someone Is stor ing away dollars In his strong box. The United States has never had many ruined castles nor Gothic ca thedrals with which to attract visitors from the old world. Consequently the stream of travel from across the wa ter , compared with our tourists who visit Europe , has been small. Our natural wonders , Niagara , the Yellowstone , the Yosemlte , the Rocky mountains , have , however , a world wide repulatlon for scenic grandeur , surpassing anything to bo found in the tamer scenery of Europe. A cer tain number of Europeans como over periodically to see the wonders wrought by the god of nature In our streams and mountains. And this return tldo of travel Is tending to increase , nnd no doubt It brings a revenue to the people of the United States as great as the profits of the power companies. Why should ono of the things that bring this travel , profitable to the whole people , be ruthlessly marred , In order that a few wealthy corporation stockholders should be permltled to make fatter dividends ? Of far greater moment than this , Is the argument for beauty for Its own sake. Who that has heard the thun der of Niagara's ago long voice , that has stood In awe at the titanic force that could throw up this stupendous dam , can bear to think that these sublime - lime tones shall bo allowed to fade under the paralyzing hand of vandal man ? AGAIN IN NICARAGUA Tempestuous Nicaragua will have ad four presidents during n period' f eighteen months. For the dls- mtchcs this week say that President Estrada has escaped from the country , cslgnlng his olllco In favor of Vice 'resident Diaz. It scorns singular that a llttlo pco- ilo right In our back yard should bo overwhelmed by such n riot of wnslu- ul war and plllngo with social con Ultons about as hopeless ns under the deepest shadow of dark Africa. But war and gun piny is lllto meat and drink to these fever blooded hot icads. And ono of their revolutions is 10 tin sword comic opera sort of jcrlmmago , ns the killed and wounded n ono army alone In one of the bat les of 1909 comprised 800 out of n orco of 2,500 men. The country Is now in n feverish reaction action from the fifteen year tyranny of President Zelaya , who was driven out of office a year ago last December , clnyn suppressed any newspaper that criticised htm , nnd such an editor was ucky If ho got over the boundary with a whole skin. People who had infor- nation or money that Zelaya wanted vere persuaded to give It up by being dosed with chill peppers nnd alcohol. The government got n 150 per cent irollt on a tobaccco and liquor monopoly ely , and no doubt Zolaya got a big rake off on It , which ho promptly salted down In European securities. An illustration of Central American nethods was given during the brief ulo of President Mndrlz , who refused o let the newspapers print Secretary Cnox's reply to Madrlz's protest against the American attitude. When > ur consul posted Mr. Knox's reply on .ho door of his office , Mndrlz sent sol- Hers to keep the people from reading t. The now president Estrada , who has jeen In office since January of last year , was the Idol of the people as their savior from Zelaya. But appar- ntly Estrada has become involved In controversies with the ncsf of para site hangers on that hover like vul tures over the treasury of every Cen tral American state. AROUND TOWN. What's become of the old fashioned "safety" bicycle , and the man who thought It was some stunt to rldo with out putting his hands on the handle bars ? And speaking of bicycles , what's be come of the old fashioned man who took his wheel in the house at night so that It wouldn't get rusty ? Likewise , what's happened to the youth who rode all over town and all around the county , just to run up his cyclometer ? With all the cups that have boon hung up nt the Country club , this ought to be a year of great golf en thusiasm In Norfolk. ( The cups that have been hung up , you'll find swing ing at the side of the pump handle. ) There never was but ono windier day than Wednesday. That worse one was April 7 , 1892. We know , for we rode n bicycle to Pierce that day and had to walk back because the wind was too strong to ride against. How can you tell whether n tree is really dead ; or just playing possum to get you to water it ? Sunday's "Mother's Day. " Enough said. Run any spikes into your automo bile yet ? Here either. To tell the truth , we don't own an automobile , and It's not because we don't like 'cm , cither. If you insist upon the facts In the case , It's for the simple reason that we can't afford it Now we hope nobody will ask us again when we're going to get a car or why we don't. Norfolk , by the way , still needs that hospital. How would It do to run Mexican war news in the sport column , with a table to show the day's batting nv erage , runs , put-outs , etc. ? Why is the air always calm and serene rene in the morning , nnd windier than the very deuce along about time for golf In the afternoon ? We don't object to "Mother's day , ' but where does father como In at' Personally , wo could qualify better for father's day festivities. Summer Is here. At least that sea son of the year has arrived when you can get your arms and neck burned tea a beautiful blister playing a game o golf. But at that , the blister Is nowhere near the kind you used to got swim mlng all afternoon In the Elkborn , or working barefooted in the beet fields And ns a tanning of the hide , it can't compare with the kind that "mother used to make. " Those were "mother's days , " all right , all right You've missed something in life I you never worked In the beet fields a ten cents a row. But maybe you'l get your fun some other way. Speaking of Mothers' Day. Three Norfolk women wont to a danco. Two of them wore tholr datigh tors' beads and a third was indlgnnn because her own daughter was oh enough to bo at the dance and woo her own beads. When Is the wind going down ? Yes wo asked the cook , but the cook didn't ' know. Now who docs know ? Mnybo the wlnd'll go down when he grass seed comes up. Or when the war comes to an end. Yes , By That Time Surel Or when wo got rid of that cold. Wo sco by the paper that there are 00 now books in the library , but wo can't find ono of them In the bunch hat tolls about the wind or the grasa seed or colds. What do wo have a Ibrary for , anyhow ? The supreme court has determined hat oil and water won't mix. Is It a sign of laziness If you never lave had any ambition to keep a cow ? riicn wo confess ennui. Did the docllno of your stocks caused by the Standard Oil decision , nuso you to lose any sleep ? Hero cither , Pete. ATCHI80N GLOBE SIGHTS. Know It all , if you can , but don't try o tell It nil. Donylng It doesn't amount to much as evidence. A man can bo smart and not plead : il own case very well. If you are drawing wages you don't earn , your rainy day isn't far off. No restaurant over made n success by serving olco and paper napkins. When a man begins to look into the future ho sees so much that isn't there. What has become of the old fash ioned boy who carved a picture on his slate ? Fortunately , it isn't easy to con vince a sick man that he isn't going Lo recover If ho isn't When your curiosity runs away with you , that Isn't a sign It Is going to flnd what It is after. Some men are such good mixers that it Is hard for them to get any useful work done. A boy doesn't mind chapped hands if the affliction permits him to wash them less frequently. Fewer farmers who favor the sin gle tax Idea , now believe the automo bile ought to pay it all. A garden spot won't do much to re duce your living expenses unless you cultivate It a good deal. You can't make a fair guess by the way n widow "carries on , " how long her grief Is going to last. Our Idea of a cheerful person Is one who can bo greatly pleased by win nlng a game of solitaire. Revenge may bo sweet , but It Is another of those sweets that Impair the digestion a good deal. An Incubator chicken doesn't mind being an orphan , never having had a taste of maternal affection. It might be well to bear in mind that a sick person appreciates flowers more than a dead one does. Remember that there are various ways of emphasizing your remarks without swearing about them. Parties are Important to politicians nnd society girls , but other people shouldn't take them seriously. You needn't worry much about the trusts grinding you down if you help yourself up as much as you can. Love Isn't so blind that It hasn't been known to shift its course when a better looking woman beckoned. Our notion of extreme laziness Is carried out by any reasonably healthy person who eats breakfast In bed. Before telling your troubles to your friend , remember that he probably has enough of his own to keep him busy. Men can't all understand women but there continue to bo a fair mini her of bachelors who are never caught Every boy regrets that in the course of events , so many good dogs are spoil ed by having women for their owners Considering the kind of hats they wear , women go to too much trouble to protect them when caught out ii the rain. Try to save enough money so yoi won't have to go back to the bush leagues when you begin to get old am worn out. ' Friends may be divided Into two classes , but those who stay with you until you begin to need them form the larger class. You may wonder that the fakir puts up such a convincing argument. But It Isn't any wonder , ho has to bo con vlnclng or quit If a man never wastes any money ho is pretty sure to get rich , but if ho is never going to waste any money what's the use ? Speaking of extremes , there nro boys who can't Icarn to smoke , nm others who don't seem to bo nblo to learn anything else. Do you sometimes doubt the possl billty of getting an honest opinion ? Then listen to ono expressed of an other behind his back. An ornery man never gets so far down the line that ho doesn't ndmiro a good citizen , if the good citizen wll nly refrain from trying to reform the . m , If you insist on running things , uiiko up your minds that a lot of peo- ilo will be awaiting an opportunity to give you both barrels. When u woman becomes Interested n a ciiHe , HIO ! has Shot lock Holmes over the ropes In the content for the leteotlvo championship. A woman with half a do/.on children lousu't Ilo when she tolls how easily she IH awakened , hut there IH a siwpl- clou that other people do. Girlish wayH are excusable In girls , > r oven admirable at times , but when in old woman affects them , people login to wonder how she escaped , The man who keeps n revolver hi ho house ought to have to pay a high er tax on It than the man who keeps i lady dog about his promises unys on ils live stock. "Thoro is n Ilo out on mo , " said an Atchlson man this morning , "and my _ rent fear Is that someone will dis cover that It Isn't true. The Ho gives no undue credit" It IB remarkable how poor MIIIIO people uio when the assessor calls and io\v wealthy they aio when a daugh ter lands a man and an expensive wed ding Is on the program. Probably the longest measuioiiient of time , using the feelings IIH a gauge Is that which elapses from the lime ono sends a rush order for the doctor and his sufo arrival. If n man isn't henpecked to n cer tain extent , most of the furniture in his happy homo will boar llttlo burned spots whoio ho has laid his clga-a down in his own independent way. If some people don't BOO a doubleheader - header the day they como back with their rain checks , they nre convinced that It Is Impossible to get their money's worth In this homo of the brave. California people talk so much about their grandoldstnto that It Is u wonder they don't say moro about the earthquakes that occur there so fre quently some people use them for alarm clocks. Convicts are always kicking because the world doesn't receive them more cordially when they quit their btato jobs. It Is our hard-hearted opinion that the convicts should kick cadi other about this unhappy condition. Mrs. Taft Takes a Ride. Now York , May 17. The condition of Mrs. Taft was so much Improved this morning that it was announced that her doctors had consented to her taking an automobile ride through Central park during the afternoon. She will bo able to return to Washing ton tomorrow. Reach Potash Agreement. Hamburg , May 17. The German- American potash conference today reached a full agreement regarding the prices of potash and for an ad- Judgment of a supercontingent tax. The text of the agreement is now be ing drafted and now contracts will be arranged immediately. Another Dirigible Wrecked. Bltterfeld , Saxony , May 17. Parse- val II , the new German military dir igible balloon , while returning from a J trial High ttodny , was blown against the hangar and wrecked. Two pas sengers on board the airship suffered / sprained ankles. Falrbury Votes for Saloons Again. Falrbury , Neb. , May 17. Falrbury yesterday voted to return to the sys tem of high license of saloons after a year of prohibition. The majority for license was 1C9 in a total vote of near ly 1.000. Laay Decleo Recovering. London , May 17. It was said at the home of Dowager Lady Dccles today that Lady Decles was making satisfac tory progress toward recovery , follow ing the operation for appendicitis on last Friday. THE STATEHOOD BILL IS UP. Debate Will be Longer Than Had Been Anticipated in Congress. Washington , May 17. The IIOUHO joint statehood resolution to admit Arizona and New Mexico continued to day with the prospects that the do- clblon would piobably not bo termi nated tomorrow night. Before the debate began , however , there was considerable - siderablo Informal discussion on the democratic side over the action of the rules committee in moving the adop tion of the sugar trust resolution of inquiry and nomination of the special committee. The house adjourned yes terday whllo the democrats were fight ing on this question , many demanding a caucus to select the committee. Chairman Henry of the rules commit tee was ready today to take up the question with the possible modifica tions of the plan of choosing the com mittee. Democratic leaders who had hoped to dispose of statehood in two days at most were surprised to learn that an many on 'both sides wished to speak. The amendment requiring the peoplo' of Arizona to vote again on the recall ot the judiciary , is the chief subject of the discussion on the ono hand whllo many republicans oppose rosub- mltting the constitution of Now Mexico ice with a proposed amendment because - cause Arizona is held back. Democratic members of the ways and means committee resumed con sideration of the woolen schedule of the tariff bill. At the meeting Monday , ono mem ber referred to the "study class of wool. " The members were given long \ lists of figures bearing on importations and revenue derived from wool.