TUB NOKKOlMv AVKHKLY NKWS. ! Ot'RNAh , FRIDAY , MAY 32 , 1911. The Norfolk Weekly News-Journi The Nowa , Kmabllshod 1881. Tliu Journal , 1-Mnbllshcd 187 THE HU8E PUDLI8HINQ COMPAN \V. N. llUHO N. A. HUHO , President. Secrotnr iSvory Friday , lly innll per year , $1.G Entered at tlio postofllco at Norfol Nob. , UH second ehiBB iniitlcr. Tolophonefl : Kdltorlal Dopurtlno No. 22. Business OIllco mill Job Uoou : No. II 22. Unngor anil ItB clgarot promise go down to lilntory with Chicago ai Mrs. O'Lonry'B cow. The principal business of the que < of the May nowadays IB to got tl dual out of the parlor rug. If ton per rout of the gardens th are planted every spring niaterlallzi what a beautiful world this would I Now York Is said to bo facing water famine , but they'll never lent the difference on the Great Whl Way. Now the students are rioting Mexico. The liberal culture of o colleges la acquiring an Internatlon Influence. Socialist Merger has moved to nbi Ish the senate. IIo should not gl up hopes of getting Into It so early the game. lly the time the democratic hou reaches Schedule K , the- wool nv will wish they could put an O tihci of the K. Alfred Austin is writing a coron tlon ode , which relieves us of the fc that he will offer us any spring poet before 1912. J. P. Morgan paid $25,000 for Latin letter Martin Luther wrote , ai wo have doubts If Mr. Morgan ct read It at that. Former Senator Bevcrldgo is nc mentioned for ambassador to Gc many. It Is about time we had book about Germany. The per capita circulation of mom is $31.55 , and If the socialists won quit talking about a divy and go work , It might bo $34.tiG. Possibly on days when there are i ball games and some time during tl summer , the senate will begin to d bate the reciprocity treaty. If the democrats had any Idea th some of their measures could becon law , they might stop to read the over before voting for them. Twenty-one nations give Carnegie gold medal for promoting peace , they don't look out ho will try to wo off a library on some of them. The huumiie minded person nc goes out. to plant a tree in order th future generations of caterpillars sli ! not suffer the pangs of hunger. Hobble skirts can not bo worn the coronation festivities , and mai of our feminine tourists will bo wls Ing they had remained at home. A Jap ball team from Waseeda ui verslly is beating our western collei teams. This a portentous sign the decline of American education. The fashion plates continue to me el women after a peg-top , but tl great majority of sensible womanhoi never gets far from the bell outline. Our people are traveling thousam of miles to see the coronation , whl sensible Londoners are preparing take to cover until the racket Is eve Andrew Carnegie told the peai conference that Britain Is his motht land and America his wlfeland. I seems to have married his own slstc Labor troubles used to prevail Mi day , but the workingman reallz pretty well now that when he strlk he usually hits his wife and chiltln llrst. Keelprocity is said to bo sure lifty-livo votes in the senate , but nln ty-two senators have speeches whli must llrst bo Interred in the Congrc slonal Record. Seventeen Baltimore students ha' ' offered to bo subjects to test a cane cure , while most of us cross the stre to avoid a friend who has recent bad the measles. Solomon's crown is said to h.r been found by archaeologists. PC Imps King George could buy it chei at second hand , instead of having invest in a new one. In the early days of temperance i form , wo used to hear about "T ( Nights in a Bar-room. " Our glld < youth of today are more inclined ten bar-rooms in a night. This Is a time of great danger health , when the housecleaners Incl the germs to go rampaging all ovi the house , when before they wore res ing quietly us harmless as kittens. The birth rate in the American sc tion of New York is one-eighth < that in'tho ' foreign section on the ca nlde. Money doesn't HCOIII to have n affinity for the high birth rate In No York. The principal test for candidates 1 the election of 1012 Is going to 1 tholr ability to cram good leglslatlr down the throats of the bosses HO fi that It will stilish out of their boi heels. April showers were scarce this yei over the bulk of the country , and tl people who have run off with the neighbors' umbrellas have doll von themselves to the enemy of souls I nought. Postmaster General Hitchcock wan to try one cent postage In the Dlstrl of Columbia. Better make It easl for the people to write to ofllceholde Instead of for the ofllce holders write to the people. President Taft told tlw peace co ferenco that wo want no mure alii territory. If other people want us give thorn good government , tin must pay the market price for the costly goods we have been glvli away free. Simon Guggenheim of Colorado on the senate committees on publ lands and conservation. Mr. Guggc helm has long ago been regarded one of the most successful consen tors of the age. Ho conserves It the family safety deposit box. The harvest of insurrection whl Mexico Is reaping has grown from : most universal ignorance- and lack character. It is not possible to bul a real republic on such a foundatlc It would require a prophet Indeed predict with any degree of accura what will happen In the very no future In that unfortunate counti The outlook Is discouraging , yet wl the right kind of people Mexico cou bo one of the most prosperous cou tries on earth. Wo usually think of a bank as place wboro money is deposited ai loaned , but a bank Is about to bo < tabllshed in London which is not have a money capital. The coi modlty It Is to handle Is far moro vi nablo than gold or silver , for tli unique bank will deal in radium , the bank's vaults thcro will bo dope Ited $250,000 worth of radium , whl will bo loaned to physicians of ac nowlcdged standing and others , wl will deposit Its value in money , pa Ing a certain sum for the loan. It less than eight years since radlu was discovered , and while its vali is not yet fully known , It Is alreai of untold nso to physicians. A floi tailing business is anticipated by tl bank. MEXICO. The action of Madero's insurrect In continuing the war without the ca sent of their commander , even itt every rebel demand upon the gover ment had been met by President Diti shows the class of men who ha' spread revolution throughout Mexic It demonstrates their Inability to ns themselves and shov g the absurdity their demanding self government. Mexico Is today what Diaz has mm it. Many of the rebels are soldiers fortune , seeking merely adventui Among this class are many irrespo siblo Americans. When Diaz announced that ho wou resign , there seemed hope for imm dlato peace. But while Madero , tl rebel commander , was sending tel grams to the president to tell him he he had saved Mexico , Madero's ov "loyal" followers were overthrow ! ] the command of their leader and flgl ing for the sake of satisfying the lust for human blood. Diaz has said ho would lay dev tno reigns of government when pea is established. lie Is almost too o for the burdens of the governmei being over SO. But for such men : the insurrectos to succeed in gettii hold of the government of Mexic would mean nothing short of a catr trophe. THE OHIO GRAFT CHARGES. The every day citizen , who pays li debts and would rather sleep nigh than sponge a dollar out of others th does not belong to him , reads with sickening disgust the story of allegi graft In the Ohio legislature. Taken in connection with the Lo mer election , the Adams county , ( scandals , the Plttsburg graft cast etc. , one soon acquires the cynic feeling that American politics Is putrid garbage heap. Meanwhile , the average buslne firm soon ilnds out that It must gl' dollar for dollar , or there will be gravestone over Its remains In a c paclous industrial cemetery. The grafters , when you look them , seem Just about like averai people. You find their names on tl philanthropic subscription papei their bankers certify to tholr flnancl orthodoxy , they often sit In high prlci pews at church. Why is It that the American peep beat the world on making steel at cotton and bridges and locomotive but are turning out such a Job lot a tide in the way of government ? A big problem for a little artlcl Hero are three reasons. 1 Too much politics In local go eminent. We used to feel that unlei a man agreed with us about the ta iff , ho was not capable of bulldli streets and Bowers. But the vote are fast getting by that period of the political Infancy. 2 The practice of secret plcdgli of convention delegates. The vet walks up to the caucus ballot b < with a chesty feeling of patriotic cl zcnshlp , and votes for some dolega who purposes and IB pledged to act < rectly contrary to the desire of tl men who voted for him. The vote are tired of having it possible for ( lice seekera to get Into power , mere by "seeing" BOIHO boss. 8 The sluggish , sleepy , phlcgmat Indifference of many supposedly goi citizens. They will remain away fro the caucus to save a dollar's worth time , while the rats of munlciii knavery are wasting $10 in taxes , i rect and Indirect. CARDINAL GIBBONS. Nation-wide observances began t Iiast week , celebrating the ordlnatli of Cardinal Gibbons to the prlesthoc and the twenty-fifth anniversary his elevation to the cardlnalato. Cardinal Gibbons IB said to be t only archbishop In the world who h no carriage of his own. Although will be 77 years old July 23 , you ci see him almost any afternoon , w : tor or summer , tramping along Bal more's streets. In the Muttering jn of Charles street , a thoroughfare fashionable shoppers and paradl dandies , you will note a spare a erect old gentleman , with a straig rimmed silk hat , distinct In style frc the modes of the moment , and with touch of scarlet under the brim. It James , Cardinal Gibbons , on no le urely stroll , but swinging along at steady pace over Baltimore's hills , a rate that makes many a vlslti churchman puff. He is not usual satisfied until he has reeled off fete to five miles , whether storm or si shine is to be faced. If you are a newspaper man set ing an interview , a churchman wi ambitions , or a curiosity seeker , y will Mnd him at his desk before t most of his townspeople are out bed. Unless you look as if you ci ried a bomb , you will reach him wh your turn comes. IIo will listen you as if your time were as importa as his. And he has almost ns ma calls in a day as the president of t United States. Baltimore is a great center for < icures. While feasts of terrapin a : wild duck and soft crabs irradiate t memories of many high livers , a : stimulate their palate for gastronon triumphs to come , Cardinal Glbbo lives on simple roasts and buttermi : Cardinal Gibbons is a writer of o of the world's "best sellers , " as 1 book of popular theology has reach a circulation of 2,000,000. He Is not for his American spirit , and his wi and tactful leadership. But the sp { taclo of a man elevated to a sumn of earthly dignity , who lives as' sii ply as the ordinary citizen , gives 1 personality a unique charm. WHISKERS VS. BALD HEADS. The above portentous theme was t bated at the National Press club , wl Nick Longworth and Bob Taylor f the bald heads , and Tom Carter ai Uncle Joe Cannon for the whlskerlU Congressman Nick said whiske are a lodgment for germs and oth herbivorae , Uncle Joe quoted Shake peare that "ho that hath no beard less than a man. " While wearing a beard Is usual considered merely a matter of fashle yet certain underlying temperamen lead men to adopt or reject it. Whiskers are appropriate to a ph osophic temperament. The man wl a long flowing beard gives an impn slon of calm retreat from strife ai turmoil. The beard must bo appi priate to such a temperament since Is a great deal more common In tl country than In the city , rural si roundlngs being more conducive to i flectlve philosophy. Pure logic undoubtedly advls whiskers. There is essentially i more reason for shaving the part : ular hairs that ornament the chin tin for shaving those that surmount tl eye or that cover the scalp. It takes a great deal of time shave oneself , or if one is too ind lent to propel the razor himself , 1 must pay a heavy tax to the barbc In the latter case , the hours spent the barber's shop must In a ye amount to nearly a week of workii time. On the other hand , the smooth fa gives an impression of greater alei ness. Alexander the Great instituti shaving , so that his antagonists mlg not bo able to grasp his soldiers 1 the hair. As the hairless man lee ! younger he feels younger , and ve likely more than gains the fifteen ml utes a day which the habit of shavli costs him. While the whiskorlto can point an Illimitable number of illustrious e amples , few young men of today a wearing whiskers. It Is an age f speed , and a bewhiskered man ru ning for the train gives an improsslc of a nature at war with itself and I surroundings. MAY-DAY AND J.ABOR. On May 2 , 11)11 ) , a leading .metr polltan newspaper printed dispatchi from only three American cities , gl Ing reports of labor troubles , whl < traditionally aio apt to center aboi May day. These three were the strike of Pen sylvanla R. it. shopmen , the Los Ang lew carpenters , and a small atrlko < 450 Philadelphia plumbers. On May 2 , 1)02 ! ) , the same nowspapt printed news from twenty-two dlffc out strike situations In the Unite States. Some of those , as for Instam the Lowell , Mass.Ntt'xtllo strike , at the shutting down ofIS mines In Cti cage & Alton R , R. territory , were fi reaching. What has caused In nlno years th sharp dccllno. In the tendency to at tlo labor disputes by war ? Principally a perception of the dc tructlvo power of the weapons In tl hands of both the contending force It has been as some day It will bo the International Meld , when arm nients bccomo too destructive , tl : common sense of mankind will r bol at the wholesale loss. The organization of strike brcakli Into a recognized business has placi powerful arms In the hands ot cnpltt Ono Now York concern has had 31 000 men on Its list , who cither fro the pinch of want , or dare devil a venture , or because they were of tl hobo type , were willing to bo cnlli "rat soiilcd scabs" for the sake $2.50 to $ I.50 ! per day. As the strike breaking concern g $5 per day for each man In the Nc York traction strike , this ono job gir returns while It lasted equal to tl salary of the president of the Unlti States. On the other hand , the labor arn has boon drilled and systematized wl organization by companies for relit watch of dlsalfectcd workmen , ai persuasion of strike breakers. Sj toins of reprisal have in some cas proved of deadly effect , as whei worklngmen slip Into their pocke portions of machines which tie up whole factory. The peaceful scttl ment of the anthracite coal strike 1 an arbitration commission was a ma nlflccnt object lesson. As Wayne MacVeagh said at tl time , a strike Is a "foretaste of hell When merchants will only give orde when they can get a privilege cancellation In case of strike , wh < children have to bo sent premature Into factories away from homo build a reserve against a day of wn ono sees how deadly the effects strikes are , and the working peep realize it better than anyone else. AROUND TOWN. Those new putting plots on the gc links aren't as green as they look. The senate is progressing. It wor begin work until 2 p. m. There seen to be foundation for the hope th. . by and by it won't meet at all. When ten or a dozen tramps g camped outside the city limits , nimo get around within an hour or so tin there are at least seventy-five despc adoes preparing for a concentrated n tack upon the city. Note to Intending Suicides : would bo a great accommodation i The News if you would give this pap < an advance tip when you get ready i carry out your plan. Wo spent $2 i telephone calls the other afternoc trying to verify a rumor that a form < Norfolk man had shot himself , ar never got any verification at tha We'd bo willing to pay a small coi mission to those planning to shot themselves , for advance informatlo All such information , of course , won ! bo regarded as strictly confidential. Wo knew all along that Mexico warring factions would come to tern of peace , before that cold had su sided. The rebels and federals ha\ met in peace conference , and tern named , but personally we're still uslr. up eight white flags a day without tl : slightest sign that the germs are wl ling to quit fighting. The Mayor Please Take Note. If wo were to become a grandfathe we'd set up the cigars to the Aroun Town department. The o. f. plagiarist is not yet obll orated. Like the lly , though oftc swatted , he succeeds in coming bacl For example , the Around Town cc nmn on April 2o said : "What's b come of the old fashioned girl wl : stuck gum under the dining room t hie during meal time ? " And on Fi day , May 5 , the Chicago Tribune Line-O'-Type man , B. L. T. , prlntc this in his column : "What , by tl : way , has become of the o. f. girl wli used to stick her gum under the dl : Ing room table ? " Apparently tl : Tribune is In need of help. Thanks , Old Scout Congratulation Norfolk , Neb. , May 7. Around Tow Editor : Please accept this box of e gars , on the strength of my becomiii a grandfather. Yours truly , J. F. A Norfolk horse committed sulchl the other day. Now how did tin horse know anything about the li creased cosr of living ? Just hors sense , probably. See if Thls'll Work. To the grass seed : Wo dare yo to come out ! "Mexico In pieces" sounds more t the point than "peace In Mexico. " Now that the war Is over , we're ing some ripping battles. Are all French aviators name Reno ? Time to mow the lawn. We've been advised to keep th trees well watered , but can't compl ; Confound it , wo haven't nny we water. ATCHISON QLODE SIGHTS. A dog very often disgraces dogs. If a man really has money , ho d tiles it. If you must tell a He , say buslnci Is good when It Isn't. It is our observation that most the garden hose leaks. If a woman can afford it , she languid ; If not , she Is lazy. The town cow would have mo ; friends if she wasn't so blamed Ind pendent. After a drouth there Is a ccrta satisfaction In being caught out the rain. What has become of the old-fas loned man who called a dance "shin-dig ? " No one , who does not play tl game , and very few who do , can spc "schanfskopf. " Most dogs would refrain fro chasing cats If the cats wore not : willing to run. Wo are In favor of the short hi lot if it will lesult In getting the i turns any earlier. Not shooting at tradition any , the are a number of- , horses that kli worse than mules. Time Is not so blamed prccto' ' that you are warranted to save it 1 growing whiskers. You don't know much about po tics unless you know enough not take It too seriously. If you are energetic enough make money by trickery you can mal more by honest eftort. If a man gambles and loses , 1 doesn't fool anyone when ho says 1 only plays for pastime. There Is too much borrowing in tl average family , not to mention tl average neighborhood. How would you like to live In country so slow people have time travel on a canal boat. Wo also admit feome difficulty understanding the man who pays re money for water cress. Don't expect your neighbors to aha : any pride you may feel in the accoi plishmeiits of a parrot. A "don't worry" maxim : Rhubar which nobody worries about , Invai ably makes a good crop. Many men who can tie handson bows In their neckties have never a complished anything else. If , as the women aver , men are i account , why do women insist c wearing mannish clothes ? When a girl picks a raveling off young man's coat it Is about the san thing as proposing to him. A woman , being patient , may Hstc to reason If yon don't also Insist tin she be reasonable about It. Some of the snobs seem to get good deal of fun out of it , so , pe haps , others shouldn't complain. You can't always tell which side < a fight will get the worst of it until peacemaker dips in ; then he's It. While It Is well to observe the spee limits , if you must hurry some , rus your work instead of your eating. A sportsman is a man who goes t the most trouble to catch fish , an gets the fewest fish for his efforts. Everyone hears about It when tli bock beer season begins. Does an ; one happen to know when It ends ? Girls are very seldom satisfied wit the names their parents gave then but boys don't fuss about such trifle If it is worth $2 to bo cured it worth many times that amount to kee well. Look after your habits and die While a shoemaker is apt to tnl politics a good deal , it Is safe to a sumo that he knows more about ha soles. While plenty of children shoul treat their parents better , that ian ono of the rules that won't work hot ways. While men are somewhat cowardl ; It Is not recalled that fear of a ral road wreck ever kept any of them f home. While an incubator chicken crow as much as the hen-hntched varlet ; it probably isn't boasting of Its ai cestry. It Is said of an Atchlson man thr. . ho is "Influenced" by his wife ; ho I not "Influenced" by her ; he gives ute to her. Governors seem to have too muc pardoning power , and the plain peopl who pass sentence on the average clt zen , too little. An agent may have some right when It comes to fooling the peopl * but ho hasn't any right to abuse ther when ho can't. While it may he true that no one 1 entirely free from superstition , ther arc those who don't let it cost thei any money. Every town has a few people wh stfein to consider going to funerals popular , pastime ; one might almos Bay they consider such llttlo Journeys the national game. A man Isn't as henpecked as POBB ! bio until his wlfo begins to pick out his clothes. You haven't hud Insomnia In Its worst form until you attempt to sleep with a llea. There IB so much disloyalty that a man can attract favorable attention these days by simply sticking up foi his own town. Although Americana claim to bo a very busjl people , a lodge usunlb manages to send delegates to the state conventions , "There Isn't anything to him , " said ono man concerning another this morning. There Isn't anything to the majority of us. Speaking of Jumping from the skll let Into the stove , thcro Is the gout who takes to chewing tobacco as an antidote for smoking. You needn't conquer anything moro ferocious than a meal ticket to bo a conquering heio in the eyes of the woman who loves you. WIH- the exception of those wlit think they may some day have a chance to entertain one , pietty ncarl ) everyone hates a duke. While the coroner's jury may servo a useful purpose , It probably woult take a bettor detective than the cor oner's Jury to locate It. When a small town , with neither factories nor Jobbing houses , builds t $100,000 clubhouse , the town Is grow , ' \K \ at the wrong end. Sometimes a married woman wll say , In the meanest way , In speaking of a woman who has never married : "Sho is just as well off. " A man who keeps n phonograph era a piano should consider the musicians union and the neighbors , and Insist 01 very llttlo overtime playing. Anyone can get a job searching for hidden treasure , but like writing exclusively clusively for posterity , there is considerable siderablo difficulty In collecting the salary. If all epitaphs stuck close to the truth , you would occasionally encounter tor something like this In tombstone literature : "Its quiet out bore , but he enjoys It ; he was talked to death. " HUNTER MAY FILL BILL Pirates' New F'rst ' Baseman Playing a Brilliant Game. Much Interest is being taken In the work of Fred Hunter. Pittsburgh new first baseman. According to Manager Fred Clarke. Ills new guardian of bag No. 1 Is the goods and will improve as the season advances. For seven years llrst base has been the ono big weak spot on the Pirates , and every . , . , . , " SW1 ? . ? ' W- * . . > - . J . FRED IIONTEU , IMltATES' NEW FIUflT BABE- MAN. year there has been a fresh cxpcrl ment. and every year before the echoes of "Aha at last ! " have died away the agents of the club are digging through the bushes for new material. But this buusun It appears different Ono year It wait Clancy ; another year ft was Swac-tna , then Abstain , who was followed by Flynn. This season the Pirates' hope Is Fred Hunter , and the word "hope" Is used advisedly , for the average tenancy of the Initial sack berth In recent years has been less than a single season. From the players' point of view the pillow has bet n a graveyard of : baseball ambi tions. Clancy. Swucinn and Absteln have gone back. Of the four who have cavorted around the cushion In as many years Jack Flynn'alone remains In the elite circle , fighting for prestige and place. Hunter has been holding the bag In line style since the season opened. IIu IK a splendid thrower , handles the pegs well and covers a great deal of ground Ills batting could bo improved upon , but he gives promise. Hunter started out on his baseball career as n pitcher for the C'hlllleothe ( O. ) team. He twirl ed a good ball. Ho then took up piny- Ing the Initial suck and made good from the start. Last year he was with the Kansas City tun in , and Ire was generally regarded ns the brst Hist Imseman In tbe American association , SATURDAY NIGHT iERNONS YOUR. LITTLE CLAY GOD. Text , "Thou ( Omit nut innlco unto thee Any Kruvon ImnKu or uiiy llkcnoea of uny- thlni-lix. xx , 4-C. It happened In Philadelphia. Yes , In the very city of homes , churches * ami orthodoxy. Searching for a plan ter of parlH figure , 1 Ktumblcd into un Idol factory. They were rushing to finish a largo order of Buddhlut idols for Korea. 1 rubbed my eyes. Dream ing ? No. 1 could see the statue of William Penn on top of city hall from where 1 stood. I know wo luvd been sending rum and cigarettes to our be nighted Asiatic brothers but IdolHt Wonder what they will tell "tho child- llko people" about those idols ! That they are the gods the great American people worship ? I'd hate to bo a mis sionary standing about when thorn ) boxes are opened. Wouldn't like to have to explain to the puzzled people just how a Christian nation happened ( o bo sending Idols to perpetuate su perstition and degradation among these Hlmple folks of the Land of the Morning Calm. I picked up a small image , a hideous llttlo clay thing with pot belly and slant eycR , and smiled lu a superior Anglo-Saxon sort of a way. "They That Make Thorn" And yet somehow I could not help thinking as I stood among the sky scrapers at Broad and Chestnut Htrcels a few minutes later not only of the idols and Idol worshipers , but the Idol makers. How about their conscience and principle , men who In the light of the twentieth century , in the third largest city of Christian America , are making Images for heathen to worship ? A Scripture verse kept boring in on me , "They that make them are llko unto them. " As I stood on the corner gazing about me , visitor from Mnr.'J ' like , I mused : "Worshiping God un der the symbol of a llttlo clay imago or putting dependence In some other human made thing , living as if there were no God. Whore's the difference ? " "But those Idol worshipers are cred ulous and superstitious , aren't they ? " I know it , but listen. At a dinner par ty last week In cultured Boston the hostess said , "I've no superstition at all in regard to thirteen , but It's best not to risk anything. " A waitress made the fourteenth guest. The whole navy seemed to rebel n few months ago when It was proposed to commis sion a battleship on Friday. No girl would marry on that day , of cour.se. They feel relieved when the day Is fair "auspicious , " they call it Heav ens ! The very word and superstition our barbaric ancestors had ccntutlcs ago when they feared stars and eclipses. Spilling salt , breaking mir rors , black cats , now moons , will surely work us ill , while horseshoes , rabbits' feet , lucky stones and charms will pro tect us. Shades of Salem wltchcraftl Meanwhile police departments conduct raids regularly to keep down the num ber of palmists , clairvoyants and their ilk. What is the sin ? Attributing ef fects to things belonging to our own lowest creations and emotions Instead of to him "from whom comcth every good and perfect gift. " A Shelf of Idols. Then our American people have Idols things that take the place of God. Truly ! For instance : In the market places on Wall , Chestnut and State streets there is a big , arrogant , swollen Image called Success. American school * boys are taught to bow knee to this god every day. Not much said about the means. Sometimes least said the better. Moloch stands for cruelty ; sweatshop , mine and child labor fac tory Is his temple. Ho hides behind a screen of corporation or trust , and his priest calls , "Am I my brother's keeper ? " Mammon's enshrined behind bars of gold. Ills thirst's insatiable. Ills dev otees rob man and God. Baal , god of lust , blinks bnlofully under red lights , his virgins fallen women ; white slaves In wide eyed terror from their brothel conches cry plteously before his lecher ous priests. Meanwhile the mills of the divorce god grind on. Deep an swering to deep. The seats at the fane of Eros crowded with boys and girls In dark motion picture show , the most flagrant liberties pass unnoticed by uniformed usher these souls represent nickels , forsooth ! Your Little Clay God. Far from nil that , are you ? None of those hideously sinful Idols for you ? jood. But remember the llttlo images [ tachel hid under her skirts , protect- ng them by a woman's sure defense ? N'ot even Isaac suspected her. Any images hidden under your gown of nonsusplclon ? I know n man who's iddlng acre to acre , children robbed of Mlueation. wife's health thrlco broken , ) iico mentally , under the strain but , 10 matter , the little clay god Is fatten- ng. There's a homo In an eastern city ivhere a wife dresses her image self. 'lats , gowns and furs are lavished on t. She attends a court circle where > ther.s bow before a proud , flabby god ailed Society. Her husband ? Prison leers opened for him once , but If ! ricnds covered the embezzlement. An1 our little clay god ? A child , gluttony Irtnk , pleasure , business , a vllo imago ou have locked up in the secret chani- ) er of your soul ? Are these real pow- irs In your life or only poor little clay mages of your otfn making ? My mind ier. lsts In going back to the llttlo clay ted with its pot belly and slant eyes in he idol factory. A id the simple mind- ( d Koreans what better * rr TO thun hey ? Print a want ad telling what it li md what you'll sell it for and "turn t Into money. " want ndn urn