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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1911)
NOHKOLK WKKIvhV NK\VS.l < ) tMNAU { FKU3AY , M.U fi , 1U11. HORNED LARKS ( Olocoris AlpeslrU Variety. ) SLIGHT DAMAGE THEY DO MORE THAN OFFSET BY GOOD THEY ACCOMPLISH lily JOHN T. ZlMMnn , Department of KntowoJory , University of Nebraftka. ) * B1 The Horned lArkfi or Shore re mtdlutn nlird blrdn , marked with krown , block and ithltfl or yellow , KB Mhown In the accompanying Illnttra- HOB. The possession of tno little tufts of feathers on the head the to Item the appearance of poK rmlnr kerns , hrnce the name "Horned Lark. " Tone birds are irniind dwellers , although sometimes setn peiched on f are posts nd wires. When on the flfround Ihey do not hop , but itklk or n , and when alarmed rife , uttering * simple alarm note , and fly for a hort distance or elide around and alight near the plnre from which they tiirtcd. During lli breeding season crab rruss , foxtail and otbern to tie number of at h'iut sixty-cleat. Mr. W. U MrAtre of the United States-bio- loRleM eurvfy finds that of ont hun dred werdii considered an the inoet Iroiiblnomt In tie country , mo less than thlity-eight contribute to the diet of these blrils Priilt IB very eeldom touched. Grain in sometimes eaten , but only when it Is found on the sur face of the Frontd as watte material or in case * where a field hat been town broadcast , nnd this slirht dam- uc > may be eliminated by the substitu- tlon of drilling for broadcast coning. Insects and other small animal formi , Bom * of which aie among our moat ie- HORNED Ice males rU into the air In a flight which carries them upwards until they may be lost to flight. At such time * taelr ewect , warbling SOUR IB often heard e > en alter the birds are indistin guishable. Although found commonly Along roadsides and In other euch sit uations , Horned Larks are eecentially .birds of th * open fields and prairie * , and it Is If ere that they construct their nests in a depression of th ground lined with grasses. The food of the lark * consists , for tke ooat part , at sands of various kinds , About three-fourths of which are of vweda , aiicn as sunflower * , tumbleweed - weed , smartweed , pigweed , dandelion , ver crop pchtn , arc readily consuned. Weevils are principally taken , kut other forms eaten are chinch hues , grasshoppers , leaf-hoppers , ants , cut worms , etc. , RE well as spiders , mites and small crustaceans. As we may see from th * abore , Horned Igarka are certainly to b nlatied among our beneficial birds , The slight damage they do in this re gion in the way of eating train is more than offset by the good they ac complish in the destruction of nox ious weeds and insect pests. For this reason , if for no other , they should be afforded ample protection. Nebraska's Farmers Should OATS Stick to Early Varieties. Bjr X . MOKTGOUIRT , I ) pt. of Ext * rim tout Asronomj. DnlTcrattrof N brn& . ) "What Tariety of eats shall we sow , fc a question In the mind of more than ne farmer In Nebraska at present. Tor aeveral years It Is admitted that ike oat crop has not been a very profit able crop and most farmers claim ikey would not raise it at all except tkey vuiat do so in order to rotate their land. There are two diffleulties Plow Across the Slope. \Vhn you are plowing up a sloping field , always hare the furrows run allots the * lop * . TbU will to a lone Try New * want a * . Print a wait ad that will draw re plies from the most capable stenogra phers In the city who would be avail- able. This is especially true of the early va rieties , like Kherson and Texas Rei. For a number of years several varle- tles of oats hare been crown at the Nebraska Eaperimeiit station to com pare their yielding power. These vari eties ran be divided into two groups the early varieties and the late varle- ties. The following table gives results : Pate ripe , Yield No. of Height , Color at arlj Oat * . 104-01 per acre. yrs grew . l(07-f. grain. .lUrt July (1.7 Yellow July * 2.E Tellow ttersoB July 10 1C.3 4 Ttllow tornado. Red July 14 (0.3 Reddish Hed July II fr2.0 4 Reddish Average July 11 t > 3. Oata July 1 42 Wkitiak Iclect July If 44 TVbltisk i feiv Mlty No. I July J 44 Whltlsk iWfelte Queen July 10 Wkitiik Atterlran Bn er July 21 4 Wkltisk tat rev 4 Price duster July Zl Wkltlsk Hold's New Maek fisauty..July 23 Blaek July 44 Must be ce ttad witk ky grow. n e < ! eate I Nebraska at present Me I * ike Recreate J tke fertility of MM kujd and tke otker ! a tke kot , dry weatktr whlt-k sets 1 * about the flrct * f Jary , jest at tke time wbe oata is A Teloliig its k ny , and usually re- wtltB tai arresting tbe grontk at a crlt- teal tiBBe. Apparently , ear eats erep is the first ne to show tbe effect of decreased fertility and tbe complaint that oats 4o not pay has bten keare ! more and snore for the past Bre years. There wns a tlroo when yields of E0 and 0 fcuihels of oats in the state were com- Aion. Such yields , bowever , can \ > e secured aow where tbe land Is rotated with alfalfa or clover. Ijist year , near keruning , Neb. , there was a yield of over SO bushels per acre secured on Kherson oats on a field that had bee * broken up from alfalfa , and in Clay county , on the McKclvis farm , there were 100 bushels. These sound like Id time yields , don't tbey , but there In notblng old time about It , except the soil baa been restored to tbe old tine fertility. Gome people beliere that tbe varieties of oats are running cut , but tbls is not tbe case. As a aatter of fact , the varieties of oats we ar * growing in ( be state today are muck better adapted to the state than the varJHIfs used twenty years ago. It will ae c m kere that the firtt group ef varieties , kX6w& as the early cats , mature on tbe average about Tuly 11 and average 19.1 bushels per acre. Tke late rarisUea average niae days later in maturity and average 40.1 bushels a difference of almost fourteen bushels per acre la favor of the early types. The early varieties are not necessarily more drought re sisting , but tbelr advantage arenas to come In earlier maturity. As stated before , our dry weather usually begins about the flift week of July , and that is just the time when the late oats e in full bloom , when tbey nee4 plenty of moisture and cool weather In order to develop their grains prop erly. On U , other band , the early va rieties being about two weeks ahead in their state of maturity avoid la tome degrua till dry weatber , and for this reason srcra to give a bitter yield. In the northern states and Can ada , where they bave a slow ripening season and cooler weather for matur ing , the large late varieties give good results , but w cannot expect the Can ada varieties to give tbe same results In Nebraska that they do la Canada , unless we bave the Canada weather. For tbat reason , Nebraska farmers should stick , as a general rule , to tke early varieties , such as Kherson and Texas Red. way toward preventing the washing away of the top soil. If the land Is plowed tbe other way , a rain will flow off with a ruth , cairylng away your best soil Print & want ad that will tell em players exactly what you can do an < you'll eoon find work. Try a News Want-Ad. Manufacturers Offered Small Vine Dressers Arc Other Wine as Fa the Chief Factors mous Laughing of the Up Water rising OOO world's demand for more TOR tlmn the cham pagne district can produce Is at the bottom of the ncrloUN rioting that is now taking plnce In France's moet famous wine growing departments. The prceent agitation is n recrudescence of n ancient wnr between the departments of Marno and Aube as to which of them should It , alone entitled to label as champagne the \vlne they produce. To hnve tuo origin of the trouble understood It IB neceetmry to go bnck hlrty years , when every vine dresser owned tils own strip of Innd. In those dayH there wore IKK ) vineyard owners u Venteull aloue against only forty oday. Thirty years njro the big deal- > rs of HhKlms nnd Epcrnay paid high prices to tbe growers. In 1801 muny of those kir > ; e concerns commenced to buy up vineyards theniHulves. and , UK many of the email holders refused to sell , n phylloxera scare was engineer ed which Induced norae of them to yield. Two years later many new oham- pngne houses started business. Those firms Imported wine from other parts of France , gave it the nme treatment OB tbe real article and Hold it as gen uine champagne. These houses were se enough to buy up recognized vine yards. They produced on the spot only 00,000 galloue of wine , but Bold 4.000 , ' 000 gallons under the name of tbe par tlcular vineyard in which tbey made their headquarters. Germany Competes. ThMk Germany began to compete with fake champagne , and tbe lot of the old vine dresser became steadily worse and worse. There was also a succession of bad harvest * , and tbe dis content Increased. In January , 100& , a decree delimiting the wine country went into force , but did not prove ef fective. The Immediate cauM of the blood shed and sacking tbat have been going on started with the act of tbe govern ment in excluding the sparkling wine of Aube from the champagne class , to \vl > i'jh It had always been assigned heretofore. On March 10 Inst the inhabitants of tbe department of the Anbe joined in a demonstration of protest nt Bar-sur- Aube. Thousands of vlneynrd owners and workers went on a rampage. They made bonfires of tax demand notes Muffed in grape baskets , flew the red flag over their municipal buildings and burned effigies of their * o called ene mies. The municipal councils of more ( ban alxty towns and villages resigned collectively , nnd a procession of over 1U.OOO workers mnrched through the streets of Unr-mir-Anbe. Tbe Aube wine growers before tbe FORGIVES MURDERER.- Widow ef Form r Governor CoK en His Slayer In Prison. Behind the walls of the Idaho RenJ- entiary Harry Orcuaid. murderer1'of "ormer Governor Frank Stennenherg and confessed slayer of fourteen other men , stood face to face with the wo man be bad widowed and ivas forgiven by her. The warden told her he would not compel Orchard to nee her. When bar esMage reached Orchnrd bis face rorm- d pnle. "Ob , " he exclaimed , with a look c4 horror. "I can't ee her ! " Then he relented , saying. "I viovld rather do almost anything else , but if live. Bteunenberg has itsked to see me the least I can do Is to grant her re quest. " It wns n tense moment when the two were introduced. Mrs. eteunenberg R Orel to apeak , saying : "Mr. Or- cbaid. I have made this journey to tell you that God has told me to forgive you. 1 bave forgiven you the great wrong yon did me. and I think that I could not have perfect peace until I tell you with my own lips. " HONEYMOON WITH GHOSTS. Orid l Pair Will Live In "Haunted House" In Wisconsin. On a high bluff overlooking the Chippewa - pewa river in Wisconsin Is a big resi dence tbat in tbe nine years It baa been vacant baa been given a wlflo berth by superstitious tramps. The "haunted lionse" is to be occu pied when renovated by A. K. Wai- ruth , who at the age of fifty-seven bos become n benedict. His bride vras for- m&rly Miss Alice Wilson , and Mr. Wai- ruth declares she folly shares bis be lief tbat there Is no foundation for the gboat stories. Popcorn to Support Band. Leon. town of 400 persons In Kan- BUS , claims the distinction of support ing a band In more unununl way than any other town In Kansas. Tbe wive * , and iweol lieurtn of the munl- cliius pop corn , mid the bimdinnater , Uort Mflfhhiill. HUperlutoiidN ( tie sale. Every cent nt'c'tusury to maintain tbe ori'wnizatlon t * tninle till" wav. Print a want ad tone tcils what you can teach and you'll eoon have eome private pupils. Try a News want td. end of March showed a determination to be stopped by nothing. They dis carded tlielr moderate lenders an * .put tbemnelves under tl orders of the Unified Socialists and revolutionaries. On March 20 M. Ixsfevre. a Hadtenl Socialist deputy. Introduced a bill in the chamber of deputies suppronslng ail wine delimitations , but Increasing the facilities of the authorities for proceeding against those who bandied or manufactured fraudulent wine. A fresh outbreak of rioting occurred on April 8. when the committee on ag riculture of the chamber of deputies , to , whlch the government had referred the champagne question , recommend ed that tbe delimitation be arranged so as to Include all the departments belonging to HIP old province f Cham- pagne. This proposal failed to satisfy every party. The departments already included In the champagne district re sented an extension of the limits , while those which were being brought In objected to a condition which was attached to the report of the commit tee making It compulsory that the place of origin of the products be Indicated - dicated on the bottles. This , they said , would'mean ' the creation of five kinds of champagne Marnej Alse. Aube. Seine et Mnrne and Haute Marne. Eecent Outbreaks. On April 11 there were fresh mani festations In the department of the Marnc against the restoration of the department of the Aube to the delim ited district. The rioting -was due to the action of the Mnate on the previ ous day In adopting a resolution ask ing tbe cabinet to restore Aube as part of the champagne district. The other departments regard the action of the senate as a deadly blow to their inter ests nnd as a concession to their dead ly rival. The majority In the chamber of dep uties , as in the senate , probably op poses the system of delimitation. The chamber , however. Is proceeding cau tiously , as It does not desire a minis terial crisis at a time when the buA > uf. now four mouths belated , seems with in a few days of couclusion. The administration Is continuing to oppose the suppression of the delini'- tation because It hopes to have tbe system recognised Internationally. The Madrid convention has already assur ed such recognition lietween France and Spain. Great Britain. Switzerland. Portugal nnd Brnell. An international conference on the subject will meet at Washington on May IB. at which the Krench government bopes that all countries will reach an understanding , even Germany , which Is the most fear ed rival of France us a champagne manufacturer. GIRLS IN CAGES. 8euth 8 n Islanders Keep Yeung Wo- m n.r8 cliidd JUntil Marriage. * ' ln s.ome-parts'otttews"BrItaln ! ) the natives bare k otmfbm of placing young women In strict seclusion before marriage by Imprisoning them in cages for several years until they reach a marriageable age. The Rev. Grorge Brown , who has pent many years of his life In the south sen Islands endeavoring to stamp out pol.vgnmy and vanuaballam among tbe natives , describes how on one oc casion be Inspected a number of these human cages. The atmosphere inside them was dot and stifling. He nays : "The cage was quite elean and contained . tained nothing but a few lengths of bamboo for holding water. There was only room for a glrrto ) cjltor He down In a crouchra"'po8itlon on the bamboo platform , ami when the doors were nbut It must have been nearly or quite dark Inside. . They are never allowed to come out . except once a day to bathe in a dish or wooden bowl placed close to each cage. Tbey are placed in the cages when quite young and must remain there until their marriage. " EARS TOO BIG FOR NAVY. Would Be Hicruit Barred Beoauo Oailon Would Kid Him. Obarles n. Phillips , aged eighteen of Carnal , 111. , applied to the naval recruiting _ cruiting officer to enlist bim , saying tbe one ambition of bis life was to be a sailor. His measure was taken , and be was found to be In almost perfect condition , but the recruiting officer told him his ears would bar him. "Why. your ears are so big and at tract M much attention tbat at ! tbe suitors in tbe navy would kid yon 10it that yon would find life miserable. it old tbe officer. "We cannot accept you. " Hard Wood For Tomb. Philippine hardwoods are to be used in cQuatrpt.'tlng the -tomb of tbe latt emperor ; t .jOhlntt. For the plllan giant liewi 'wlll . be tak * " from the 'Mlmljimo fo'c ntK. home of them al 1- ready rut lielng sixty feet high and four faer In Court at Fairfax. Fairfax , S. D. , April 29. Special t The News : Circuit court is Ktill I BtiEsion. Tbe civil action of Albet ; Bjornson against M. F. Harrington c O'Nolli for the recovery of $1,000 fees paid for alleged failure to properly do- feud tlio plaintiff in n criminal action originating In 1'JOO In the cuao of KOH- tin ) against lljornson , was tried , llotli i's coutusU'il every Inch of the ground. After this rase IH disposed of it is said a $10.000 case of the l.aiuro Tonimlto company against the West ern Townsiti' company from Trlpp county will come up for trial. Samuel Jones. Ewlng , Neb. , April 29. Special to The NCWB : Samuel Jones of Serin- nor died Wednesday night at 11 o'clock. Mr. Jones was n nephew of D. A. Huston of Ewlng. Mr. and Mrs. lliiflton loft for Scrlbnor on yestor- day's early train to attend the funeral. Mrs. George Nicholson. Wisner , Neb. , April 29. Special to The News : Mm. George E. Nicholson of Wisner died last night nt r.:30 : In tbo Prosbjterlnn hospital at Omaha. She was a widow anil livwl In Wisner for thirty years. She was very nopu lar. She belonged to the Eastern Star nnd Hoyal Neighbors. She leaves three children : Hugo , county attorney of Cumlng county ; Hubert , now at tending the university , and Marian , attending the publli- schools of Wls nor. The funeral \sill be held Mon day afternoon in Wisuer. He Found Out , Fairfax Advertiser : Claus Stoffcr , while walking along the railroad track about two miles west of Bonestcel , picked up a railroad torpedo , and be ing curious to see what was on the inside of it , placed the torpedo on thxe track and struck It a blow with sledge hammer. He speedily found out , for fragments of the torpedo struck him in the face , badly cutting it and narrowly escaping tearing his left eye from its socket. He will be laid up for some time as the result of his injuries. First Choice. Mr. ,1uul icl. M.v clear , I unsme of the fiiM to lei : > ' . Mrs. , Ia\vback--Oli. ritu al\vm ii.v tluit. Mr. . .Inwhack can pi-Mf If ( Ms time. Look out in the halt Mm ! M > f die bcHiillful umbrella I brought lidinf - Toledo Blade1. Johrtny'i Reasoning , Sunnn.i Ki liool Tcncher What Is trouclcn T. TommyV Toiuuyr An In w rd Monitor. Sundnj School Teach er And Ailist is : i monitor , Johnny ? Johnny An ironclad boat. Chicago Sows. The Man' * MiiUk * . Out of loyalty to his own sex the maubger of tiie uotnnn's suit depart ment diFcimrKtHl tils Doting woman uteuogcHplier tuul hired a man. Tbe first butch of It'tHMh dictated to the man were written to itliout a hundred old customer * . \ > lioui he Invited to ex amine privately lot of exclusive gar ments before lliev nure placed on tale. The d y after ( lie letters wore mulled the women fle.cKfd Into the more , but the tire tluU liunuul in tlielr c.ies was the tire of Hie HM-nurr rather ( linn of the bargain tinnier. One word nlileh each wumiin bad underlined In her letter exiliiined | tlielrinitb. . The gar- moultso Hie niMiiiiger hud meant to XHT. liad lieen lU'Mvnietl for women of * tock hKurc. sui-li HK they possessed hut the mule Klenogi-Hpher had drawn on Hie iilplmbel nnd lihd written tt " " "stocky "No woman on eitrtu would IIHVC been xi ill.v of Mteh , a inlstitl ; > . " growlul flic miuuiyer. The next week tiie girl stenographer li < IUuf , Job. tuu-k.-Philadelphia Led- Grr t Men Tall and Short. A recent Investluufor has attempted lo show tliut LomlHOKo nd IIH ! follow- TK were w eng In iiHHertlng that men of genius were of small siatnre. Of U30 Indlvidling of eminence he found | that figures were obtHinahle for 10' ! of IheHt * sixteen neie of middle height. Wry-eight wtiove ind twenty-nine he- low. American * pnriioitlitrly combined ffreatueeK with Indies. Jefferson nrl Jnckvon were more than six feet tall. itamner v > * n lx feet four IneheK , and WaHhlritfton.Ineoln and Beecher were wore tlmrj Klx , f et , .Among > ft * wens ' 'ytorel Jers' TolHtoy' wim. n large man. and HO were Thuckerny , Bismarck and Darwin. On the contrary , many of the world'fl greatest genluces were undersized and even deformed. Napoleon , Poe , Pope Alexander the Great. Nelson , Blftke and Caesnr were small men. After nil IK xald , genlUR In no re specter of rules.- Now York American Greatest British Warship. Barrow in Furness , England , April 29. The Princess Royal , the largesl cruiser-battleship ever- built for the British navy , was launched today ant christened by Princess iVbyal Lonlsc , ] after whom the vessel was named The cruiser has a displacement of 26 , 3CO tons and turbine engines affording 70,000 horse power. Her contraci calls for a speed of 28 knots an hour She will carry eight 13.n-inch gum besides smaller weapons. SENATE COMMITTEES MEET. They're Busy Trying to Dig Down to Bottom of Accumulated Business. Washington , April 29. Committei meetings were the order today fo senators , members of the moro important mat portant committees arriving early a the capltol to acquaint themselrc with the mass of matter that has pilei up since congress convened and whicl has remained practically untouched. eh.d - The fact tbat when the senate ad journed yesterday It was not to mec again until Monday gave opportunit ; to prepare for the serious business o the session which was prevented by ; to the factional fight over committee IS- in signments In the republican ranks. ISfit rt Tbe house again had the free UK of 'bill before it An effort yesterday t ollow the lead of the senate and ad- ourn until Monday was frowned on > y the democratic leaders because of he increasing number of members vim have announced tliolr Intention of speaking on tliu measure. Hepresen- atlvc Hammond of Minnesota , later u the day , is expected to make one of ho principal speeches In advocacy of Uio bill. CHICAGO'S WOMAN OOSS. Mr . K t * Doyle. Who Got VoUf For 1 th H rri oni , Dead. Mrs. Kate Du.vle , who became known as Chleogo's foremost , woman iwlU ticlan tin migh her Hctlvltivs In behalf of the members of the Harrison fund- ly in their political campaigns since the father of the present mayor elect WHS n candidate for congress In 187H , dead Mrs. Doyle , who WHS seventy-sir yers old , entered the Harrison family as a nurse In 1801. In the following nine years she became ncqnalutttl with many of the Irish voters of the clt.v , assuming n political Icadorshlp over I Item that became an important element in the imlltknl affairs of the elt.l. When ' "arter II Harrison , Hr. lie- mine n candidate foreougress in 1873 Mrs. Doyle begun tier career as an aeihe poltlli inn. H.i her acnuiilntiiiu-e with the liMi AoterH of the city she \MIS etuih'ed ' to give the Harrison forces material assistance In the cnm- linlgii. Klectloii day she visited the polls at the head of her forces , nil of whom < ! iM their ballots for Harrison. \Vheii Carter II. Harrison. Jr. , began his political career Mrs Doyle did ef- IVrtlvo \ > oil ; among tbe voters. Snyinfl the Right Thing "I don't seem to he nble to pay the right thing to women , " n bashful young man rounded to us the other ila.v. "and that's why 1 don't shine In societj. I'll tell you nn iiiHtance of it. Not long itg'i I met 11 woman 1 hadn't seen for jeans , nnd I could HCC that she WJIK trying to keep young , so 1 thought I'd Kay 11 graceful thing to her. " 'Yon cimy jour age remarkably well. * sii.xs I. "Well , the moment I wild It 1 could see that I MIIK In wrong. She was looking hilly nnd getting red. no 1 " 'Doi-'t mind my little Jokes. 1 nev er menu whnt I wiy. As a matter of fuel , jou don't carry your nge n lilt well. ' 'And then she killed me with n liKtiglity l > k and willed awny without KHj-ii'g goodliy. Sii.v. how shonld 1 hne pul if" ThRt Which Countt. Whiif K it Hint counts in tlie celex- inl citj 'i Onlj tlui * good which Is done 'or the line of doing it. Only those , ns in which the welfaie of til hers s the in : ster thought. Onlj tho'-e In .tors In which the sicrltlce Is yreater ban the ivugi - . Onl.\ those glfis in which the giver forgets A NEW NORFOLK INDUSTRY. A modern French dry cleaninr es tablishment was opened for businr-s Friday afternoon in this city. The e.v ablishment is the property of Mrs. 3. Rasley , proprietress of the Norfolk Dye works , and is to bo managed In , connection with this business. Tbe building is made of cement blocks and : s entirely fireproof. It is located im mediately behind the dye works , 229 Norfolk avenue. Three rooms compose the main floor of this building the workroom tbe drying room and the boiler room. [ n the latter Is located the motor from which tbe electric current is brought into the main room to operate the dry cleaning machinery. The cleaning fluid , which is home- - what of an explosive nature , is con tained in three enormous tanks which are located several feet underground and from which large pipes lead to : the cleaning establishment. . The building measures but 24 by 30 feet , but is BO arranged that it is very convenient and the small space is well apportioned. The building is steam heated and equipped with electric . lights. Without the cost of the building , the machinery cost , about J3.0QO. The underground system alone cost about . J700. MAY TRY THE PLAN. Larger Cities In Nebrasxa Likely te , Chance Form of Government. Omaha , April 29. All the towns ol importance throughout Nebraska arc < considering the adoption of the com , mission form of government. From definite Indications it appears that ter cities having populations above 0,00 ( will take advantage of the law recent ly passed by the legislature enablinj them to vote on the change. The law , providing that towns of th ( iea above classification of size , through : petition from 25 percent of their voters itm ers , may demand a special election itfi the question of adopting the comrois fill sion plan , goes into effect July 1. lln is reported from each of the concerned nig ed cities that steps already are ig ign taken toward preparing the petition and that it will bo filed Immediately at the time appointed. The cities which are in line for th 1Cn < forthcoming commission plan olectioi are Omaha , Lincoln , South Omaha Beatrice , Grand Island , Nebraska City or Fremont , Hastings , Kearney and York- - According to the system set dowi at by the commission plan bill , whicl was introduced by State Senator nul ning of Cass county , the successfu petition for the special election inC each city must bo followed by the Cor ! .dct tlon In not less than thirty days no ct over sixty days. In all cases re ty the election shall have been ed of out adopting the new form of govern raent the change shall be put into jf. - feet in the spring of 1912. fit Earthquake in Cuba. to Santiago , Cuba , April 29. An earth quake was felt hero this morning. N damage was done , hut there wan great alarm for a time. Lightning Kills Horses. Wiiisddc Tribune During tlm Htoriu last Wednesday. Oliver Conloy , wbo now lives over by Altoua , had three horses killed by lightning. Ho wan out In the field plowing with four horses , when the bolt descended nnd tit ruck him down. Ho was not hurt badly , however , hut when he rocov ere consciousness , only one lioraowivR left , the other three bolng dead. Thin is n very loan to Mr. Conley. ju&t as the f-prlug work roinnioncexl. He has other hornet ) but none of them have been broken to work as yeL \1 Hla Knee Wounded. Stanton Heglstor : Ocorgo Thorni * . operator at the depot , had an acci dent Friday that will cost him a month's layoff. Ho WIIH out with a friend , and while the friend wa un loading a gun ouu harm ! was dis charged and the entire charge went into the knee , tearing the llosh ter ribly. His wound was dressed utul Saturday Air. Thomas went to Atkin son , whore he will remain until he to covers. TWO STEAMERS LOST. One is Italian Boat , the Other Has Not Been Identified. London , April 29. The Lloydn ugtitit at Corcuhian , Spain , today reported that two steamships have boon lost oft Cape Valino , a promlntoiY of th northwestern extremity of the .Spanish peninsula. One of them IH the Italian ship F. S. Clumpa , wnH hound from Penartli , Wales , for Genoa , with a cargo of coal. The Identity of the other ship is not known. Dispatches from Madrid last night told hrlolly of the wrecking of "a bU ; English steamship" at Corcubian. No details have as yet been received here , nor is it known whether there was any loss of life. The F. S. Clninpa was a boat of about 2.000 tons. For Riding on Sidewalk. Nellfih , Neb. , April 29. Special to The News : Officer Ed Jackson ar rested Earl Farber for riding the side \ walks with a bicycle Into yesterday evening. This being the first cc.o : brought bcforo the newly appointed police judge , Charles Cassady , and be ing unahlo to flno the ordinances col oring this particular case , ho wa * granted his permission to appear at 9 o'clock this mom ing to receive the usual tine , which will ho about SO. with the instructions that the same will bo doubled if brought before bin honor the second time with the ham * > charge. Wileon at Norfolk. Norfolk , Va. , April 2ft. Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey ai- rived in Norfolk early today to attoud the banquet tonight of the Pewt r Platter club at which ho will be i guest of honor with President E. Ai Alderman , of the University of \ lr ginla. and make the principal addre On Arbitration Court. The Hague , Apiil 20. Delisarto Per ras , minister of Panama to the United . State's , ban been appointed by1 UiK government a member of the perma nent of the court of arbitration. To the Coronation. St. Johns , N. F. , April 29. Preraiei .Morris and Mrs. Morris left St. Johns today for New York form which poll tbey will said for England next Wed , nesday to attoud the imperial confer . ence and foionation ceremonies. Farm House Burns. Webt Point , Neb. , April 29. Special to The News : The farm home of - Gust. Wilde , two miles east of this city , burned to the ground. Some household effects were saved , but tbe , major portion consumed. The fire o-c- cuned in the afternoon. NOTED DEMOCRATS TO MEET. Assembly Will Take Place at St. Paul the First of June. St. Paul , April 29. Democrats of national prominence will be in St. Paul June 1 , when a conference of leaders of the party in the northwest will be held there. It IB expected more than 1,000 men from the Dakotas , Iowa , Montana , Ida ho , Washington , Oregon and probably Wisconsin and Michigan will attend. W. J. Bryan , Alton U. Parker , Gov ernor Xorris of Montana and Gov ernor Burke of North Dakota havf definitely accepted an invitation of the Minnesota democratic state cen tral committee. Governor Wilson of New Jersey was Invited , but declined as he is to be In St. Paul on May 24 to address the local association of commerce and could not make a second trip. a Interurban Preliminaries. - West Point , Neb. , April 29. Special to The News : The building of the Interurban railway from Oakland to West Point seems to bo assured. A - force of seven man are now locating a route between the two places. Thp , main line is projected to run from Omaha to Siour City , touching Ben- nington , Elk City , Arlington , Tele- < basta , Craig , Bertha , Lyons , Walthlll , n Winnebago and Homer. Branches are , proposed from Elk City to Fremont , , with ultimate extensions to Howell. k. Stanton and Norfolk. Another branch will run from Oakland to West Point. h Promises are made by the promoter * n- that active construction work will commence immediately. C- Railways Raise Wages. Winnipeg , April 29. Tbe Canadian Pacific and Canadian Northern rail roads have agreed to new terms re n- specting tbe maintenance of employes . liy granting them better general workIng - Ing conditions and an increase in wages of 14 percent. Moro than 10,000 men are affected by these new condi \ tion ) ) .