The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 05, 1911, Page 2, Image 2
THK NORFOLK WEEKLY NKWS-JOUKNAIj , FRIDAY , MAY f > , 1011. Why Connie Mack is Successful. What IN ( ho iiecret of Connlrt Maek'a HUCCCHH ? Thnt question In asked al most every day by the baseball fium. Indeed , mnny baseball men Heom to coimkler there la something uncanny about th iiuin who hnn won three American league pennant * and a world's championship with the Ath letics. Hlvul managers. Jealous of Mack's success , hnvo liecn heard to nneorlngly cnll It "luck. " Personality , baseball wisdom , foresight , all these hnvo been attributed an reasons for Mack'H sue- And wo are all willing to nclinlt that nil mny be minor factors In the HUCCC.HH of Cornelius the great , Just as they arc In the accomplishments of IIMV man who attains something worth while. However , thu factor of devoting half his energies to the future la the one at. 1911. by American Pr * a Association OOMUK IIACK , M ibAOun or Tan ATU&rncs thnt has been Mack's big asset Dur ing his career as a manager there has seldom one might almost say never- been a time when he was not prepared for any old emergen6y. Mack has the great faculty of know ing when one of his stars IH about to fade and knowing when one of his youngsters in ready to jump in and fll the veteran's shoes Then comes the fateful day when the youth who has been nursed along by Mack , who kept him watching what the other players did , Is made H regular That hn.s always been Connie Mack's system. It's very line to have a pen nant winning bull club. But they can't go on winning pennants or keep Ing In the race forever The history of Mack's successes might be traced almost from the be ginning with his faculty of obtaining and training ball players as the big factor. Mack does not want to buj stars. He wants to make start * . Am that his system in a good out ) is evl dent from his record. PITCHER STEELE USES THE LONGEST BAT. Pitcher Rimer' Steele of the Ptttsburgs uses the longest hat on record. It Is fully a foot longer than the ono with which ' Ilomm Wagner docs such execu tion. One afternoon at the trainIng - Ing camp In Hot Springs , Ark. . Klmor was greeted with a laugh when ho appronched the plate , telegraph polo In hand. "I hope , " lie remarked , "that all the pitchers In the league take me for a monkey this season. I'll show them what's what. " I ! Gregory Wins Game. Gregory high school defeated Dalla high school at baseball , 28 to 5. Greg ory and Herrlck will play Saturday a ternoou at Gregory and Bonesteel am Gregory * will play next Saturday a lunostccl. The Gregory players arc : Volfe , Tlcnkun , Shaffer , Schudel , ipencor , Slaughter , Llstur , Lezotto , lorn , Bender ami Kosltzky. Many Veterans to Loie Depths. Uretikons ahead for the major league 'vetal" Slowly but surely the old I mom hailed a few seasons ago among the truly great * nro slipping , and popular demand for now faces , coupled with the degiuieratla of those mime old Idols , Is working trenvndout1 chatigoH In both circuits. The time lonorml adage , "It Isn't what you were ; It's whnt you nro today , " la working overtime , and the season of gloom lit on In full blast. There won't bo any glaring shake- nps In the Cub troupe , according to rfannger Chance. The only veteran o bo lot out wan Clarence Beaumont. I'lio peo.rlonn loader seems content to stand pat and go along with the bat * le scarred wurrlora who clung to him hrough thick and thin and assisted n giving Chicago four National Icagrji lonnanta In live thrilling seasons. If roung talent Is to l > o Injected Into thu > etltled ranks the process will bo ap plied locally to the hurling staff. Infield to Stand Pat To take It from Chance , the inflcld ono oC the greatest over assembled under ouo roof will endure anotlior season , all slams at tha faithful Stein- fold t to the contrary , although Zim merman and youngster Doyle arc hot after IIH ! job. The otittlcld will "come lack , " and It looks Ilko Shcckard , Schulto and Hofmau for the ono best jot. Kllug la getting up In yeara , as Is Veodhnui , but Archer Is still a spright ly youth , and the P. L. Is banking on no chaugOH In the wind pad department. At present sixteen ( lingers are on the roster of the club , bnt a number will > o let go before the season opens. Of the lot four must bo enlisted among : ho grownups of the slab department Roulbach , Brown and Pflestcr ore the irl/.o antiques , all hovering around .ho thlrty-three-yoar mark , whllo King Cole , the elongated marvel of 1010 , la merely n stripling , beerdleiw child of twenty-two , according to his own sol emn oatu. As In the case of the Cubs , every other club In the two major leagues IB burdened with voiiernblo artists , and thfl club owners seem loath to dis- Photo by American Pres Association IliTMONI ) , WUOHU WORK WILL BB OLOHKr.T WATUBICI ) . pose of the stars of yesterday , These players are of Inestimable value to their respective tcania In more ways thim one ; otherwise they couldn't stick to their jobs. Iflnduranco in a grand quality in baseball an well aa automobiles and pugilism , but the beat of them muut some day fall for the count. In Pitta- uurg ( ho bugrt are wondering what the fut tire holds for the athletic land- murk.-- wit , Clark , Wagner , Loach , Leovor , Phllllppl , et al All these heartlo * have basked In the llniollght for mom than a decade. Detroit has a. bunch of old scouts In Crawford , Donovan. Mulliu and Davy Jonoti. whllo tbo world's champion Mack men have some aged boys In Davis. Bender. Plank , Hartzel nmf Murphy. yet those grownups must stay on the job to lend a helping hand to newcomers who stand in need of tonsklernblo uplift In the flner points oC paatlmlng. Wagnar Saves Rod 8ok. Charley Wagner , shortatop on the Benton American league team , Is the keystone to thn speedy Infleld corral- tfid by John I. Taylor n few seasons ago and all but smashed to smither eens when the Hub o.lty magnate trad ed McConnell and Lord for Purtell and K. Smith , former White Shins. The Now York Nationals li-vo a few veterans who will have to do some tall hustling to hold their jobs Among them nro Catcher Schlel , Third Base- mini Devlin and Pitchers Ames , Wlltse nml rtnvmond. Cloo tabs will be kept on lite hitter , and If ho does not show foml f > r"iu \ > will sent to the minors nr " ' > ' < ! t > "onto tit > > r ' 'Inb. Business and Pleasure. The man who makes his business a pleasure U likely to live a good deal longer and get , a good deal further than the man who makes his pleasure a business. Chicago Record-Herald. Weigh Malls at Postoffice. For probable statistical Information , the department of posts at Washing ton has ordered every postofllce in the United States to count and weigh out going and Incoming mail of all de scriptions , Including collected and de ) livered mall. A daily report of all mall matter handled during the special count. May 1 to May 31 , inclusive , must bo mode. This order was put Into effect Mon day morning and from the looks on the faces of rural and city carriers and all employes in the local postof- flee the count is no joke. Every letter and parcel received at he local postoUlce Is being counted find weighed. The malls are divided n many classes and each class must receive a separate report dally. First' clusH , second class , newspapers and nagazlnos at pound rate ; transient , ocal delivery , free In county , third ulass , circulars , etc. , fourth class , con gressional franked , other franked , lu- eluding departmental , foreign and reg- stored , are the classes In which the report Is divided. The total number > f pieces of each of these various classes of mall must be counted each lay and the aggregate time consumed ti handling each class of mall must > u stipulated In hours and minutes. The day's report Is made out on a spe cially printed blank from which it Is transferred to the monthly report and scut to the department on the end of the special count. In the west end of the mailing room at the postolllco the rural mall car riers held a conference which ended n somewhat of a discussion. The ru ral men were hard against the special count and consternation was displayed as to how each class of mall whould be weighed. The order calls for pounds. What shall be done with an odd postal card which must be counted and weighed , is one of the questions to be inswered. The city carriers are grouchy and the smile with which they are known to usually greet the patrons has dis appeared. The housewives wonder why he seems so worried today. Mr. Mailman explains It like this : "We must count each letter , post card , newspaper , parcel , etc. , separate ly. Knoh class must be weighed by us and wo are allowed to work but forty- eight hours in the week. Our patrons want their mall delivered promptly and the office is choked up with mail awaiting us all the time. One day of it would be all right , but a month Is awful. " Coleridga The Lait Phasa' Professor Blackie In hln autobio graphical sUi-tch entitled "Notes of a Life" tells of a visit ho paid to Cole- fldge. then living at Ellghgate. of whom ho remembers only two things. " ( U that ho was an old. Inflrm. doTruboiit man : (2i ( that ho told me he lud thrown 0101 board all speculative phi losophy ( hiding perfect satisfaction In the tlrs ! chapter of the gospel of John. " WOMEN AS RADIUM PORTERS Sank Thinks Thorn Loss Liable to Rob bery Than Men. The Radium bank In Paris has great ly Increased Its female staff since It started. This la due to the rapidly In creasing use of the marvelous mineral In medical and surgtaal practice. Women are employed In preference to mei ) because the- porters of radium have hundreds of thousands of del lars' worth Intrusted to them dally. Their Identity Is purposely shrouded In mystery to prevent any attempt to rob them while accomplishing their work. It Is believed that women carrying radium are less likely to be "spotted" by would be robbers than men. RUN OUT OF COAL. That Was the Story They All Told the Coal Dealer Monday. "Can you send me up a ton of coal before noon ? " That's what they asked the coal dealer. They had completely run out of coal and hadn't Intended to buy any more this spring. But they chang ed their minds. "About twenty ahead of you , " the coal dealer told most of them. Bryan at Des Moinea. Des Molnes , May L Iowa demo crata gathered here today for a .con ference and for the Jefferson day ban quet this evening. W. J. Bryan arriv ed early today to make the chief ad dress at the banquet. No Decision in Trust Cases. Washington , May 1. The supreme' court of the United States did not announce .I nounce a decLslon In either the Standard - dard Oil or the Tobacco sulLs arising under the Sherman anti-trust law. Stanton Wins the Ball Game. The lirst game of baseball played In Norfolk this season was easily won by the Stanton high school team from the Norfolk high school team , by a score of 7 to 3 , Saturday afternoon , on the driving park diamond. The Stanton team came to the city in automobiles , accompanied by a good following of rooters. For ft time it looked as if the game would be called off because of the threatening weather condition. The clouds were chased away , however , by a heavy northwest wind and although the sun came out bright , the heavy wind uiado good baseball playing almost impos sible. Chilcoat , Stantou's pitcher , was a favorite with both the wind and the funs. The wind was In favor of the pitcher , but the batters fought hard against the wind without any long hits. Chilcoat's pitching was good and he made good at base running. Keleher seemed out of sorts and the heavy wind seemed to him a puz zle. Lucas was again seen behind the bat for the Norfolk team and he was just as excited as ever. Lucas was good at both batting and gave Kele her great support. Vanhusen , catching for Stanton , is not slow. His throwing to second against the wind was a feature. Haw kins on second played a good game and the other Stanton players teamed together for good support of their bat- teries. Koerber made a sensational catch when he ran from the center Held near second and took In a fly which counted a double. Although light at batting , Mapes was a whirl wind on third and on two occasions put out two of the Stanton sliders by a narrow margin. Norfolk played a little loosely at times , but they show ed signs of fast playing with bettor weather conditions. The feature on the side Hues was the presence of the regular i Norfolk team , whose member * made i .themselves well heard by both , Umpire I'oiiclier and the visiting team. I ' ] Ollssman I , Schelly and Butler were some pt the strongest rooters. The score by Innings : K. H. K. Stanton . . .00400102 0 7 8 3 Norfolk . . .00200001 0 3 3 4 Batteries Chilcoat and Vanhusen , Keleher and Lucas. Umpire Itev , J. K. Pouchor , Stanton. The lineup : Stnnton. Position. Norfolk. VnnluiHcn c Lucas Chilcoat if Kcleher Ray Ilolstoln. . . , ss Odlorne Hey Holstcln 3b Mapea Leuck cf Koerber Young Ib Logan Olascr If. ' Smith Fuclis rf Denton Hawkins ib ! Landers Nellgh 7 , Atkinson 4. Nellgh , Neb. , May L Special to The News : The return game of base ball with the Atkinson high school team was played on the grounds of the former Saturday afternoon In which Nellgh won the game by a score of 7 to 4. 'Mike" Jenkins , Neligh's star high school twirler , is credited with sixteen strikeouts in this game. Clearwater Beats Ewlng. Bwlng , Neb. , May 1. Clearwater high school beat Kwing , 11 to 9. Wai ter Furloy dislocated his ankle while sliding to a base. A Clearwater play er WHS struck on the head by a ball pitched by Ray Benson. Valentine Beats Sparks. Valentine , Neb. , May 1. Special to The News : Valentino high school school baseball team crossed bats with the Sparks team at baseball park here and won an easy \ietory with a score of 12 to 5 in favor of Valentine. Valentine t a 0 4 0 1 4 0 * 12 Sparks 012000020 5 Batteries Sparks Shellbourn and Osborn ; ValOntine .Daniels and Wil son. Umpire C. Haley. WANTS EVERYBODY TO STRIKE Haywood Would Like to Have Gen eral Walkout as a Protest. St. Louis. May 1 Addressing a meeting of laboring men in union headquarters , William D. Haywood , once tried and acquftted for complicity in the death of former Governor Steuncnberg of Idaho , advocated a general strike throughout the United States on the day the McNamara brothers are brought to trial in Los Angeles. The meeting was under the auspices of the socialist-labor party and approx imately 1,000 were in attendance. Haywood explained that the idea of a demonstration such as he has pro posed originated with the national of- llces f the Industrial Workers of the Worl'd , with headquarters in Chicago , where , he said , the movement already has gained considerable headway. Savannah , Ga. , May L Savannah socialists In a meeting characterized as an "outrage perpetrated against organized - ganized labor , " the arrest of John J. McNamara in Indianapolis , and pledg ed themselves to "do anything in their power" to aid the McNamara brothers. Resolutions adopted call for the prosecution of those responsible for the "kidnaping" in Indianapolis. Indianapolis , May 1. Samuel Com- tiers , president of the American Federation - oration of labor , arrived and imme diately went into executive conference with about forty labor leaders of na tional and state organizations , whose headquarters are here. After the con ference Mr. Gompers said the McNa- maru case was discussed and that It was decided for the , executive council of the American Federation of labor to take charge of a defense fund which would be raised by contribution from the labor organizations of the country. A mectinR of the executive council is to be called soon by Mr. Gompers , who said the session probably would be held here. Further than this Mr. Gompers" would not talk regarding the ' action of the labor leaders. | Boston , May ] . : The full strength . of the socialist party of America was ( offered for the defense of John J. and .1. B. McNamara , who are charged with murder in connection with the explosion at the Los Angeles Times building , by the national executive committee of the party now in session here. here.A A communication was also address ed to the locals of the socialist party condemning the arrest of the men as "suggesting a deliberate plot , " claim ing the prosecution ; of the men was "Inspired by the National Manufactur ers association" and that the whole was "a dastardly conspiracy on the part of the organized capital in this country to crush organized labor by crime and vengeance. " The communi tion calls upon the locals to raise for the defense of the accused and for the carrying on of an aggressive cam paign for socialism in California and particularly in Los Angeles. Railway Shop Men Return. Sedalla , Mo. , May 1. The seven hundred men employed at the Mis sourl , Kansas & Texas railway shops here , resumed work today after a close down since April 26 , on account of the month's appropriation having been exhausted. Auto Scares Team , a Farmer Injured Chris Marr , a farmer living west of Warnervillc , has a broken leg as the result of a spectacular runaway which occurred near the Burr Taft farm south of this city at 5 o'clock Satur day evening. Mr. Marr was driving home from Norfolk when his horses were frightened by an automobile , driven by D , L. Best of Battle Creek , which was enroute to Battle Creek. The machine passed the horses and a sensational race began immediately. The horses endeavored to overtake the automobile and succeeded. Mr. Marr lost control of the animals and 1 just as Mr. Best turned out of the way at the approach of the excited animals to avoid a collision , Mr. Marr was thrown down a forty-foot embankment near the South Thirteenth street bridge. His teg was broken. One of the horses received some Injuries and the buggy was demolished. In the automobile were Mr. and Mrs. Best and n lady relative , who jumped from the car In the oxcltument and .sustained a sprained wrist. Marr was put into thu machine and taken to Battle Creek for medical treatment. The broken buggy and the animals \scro taken to the farm of County Commissioner Burr Taft , who was called on for assistance. SONGS BYJVJRELESS. Experiment In Telephoning Made by Harvard Students. Members of the Harvard Wireless club are winning success In their ex periments with wireless telephoning. Con versa tlon , song * and Instrumental music on the graphophone have been flashed from the Harvard college sta tlon In .lefferson hall to the stations of the members , where It was said to bo reproduced with absolute clearness By using electric current of high fro qucncy nllornatlmi In connection with wireless telephony distances up to for ty miles have been negotiated success fully As for long distance telegraph rec ords , the members of the society feel that they h.n > no reason to complain. R. B. Wolvortnn. the manager of the club , has pti-Kcd up messages from Mil waukee. Chli.igo and T.impa , Flu. Oc casionally he N able to hear messages from Key West. May Day Blizzard. A blizzard of serious proportions ushered In May da > in northwestern Nebraska , northeastern Wyoming and the Black Hills region of South Da kota. The tail end of the storm whipped down across the Rosebud country and northern Nebraska. Freezing weather followed the r.torm , which raged for twentv-fotir hours The tempcruturo in Not folk \londa > morning was 27 above zero West of Valentine the snow ranged from six to sixteen inches deep and all tele graph wires are down , between 4UU and uOO telegraph poles having gone down between Valentino and I lav Springs West of Chadron a tc-rrillc blizzard is reported The snow dmt ed and train service was interfered with. Snow-plows had to be sent In to the storm region and operating was rendered more difficult because of the lack of train dispatching wires At Royal , Nob. , on the Burlington line near O'Neill , a vvateispout occur red Saturday afternoon. At Osmond two inches of rain foil in a short time. At Winnotoon a ver > heavy rain ib re ported Prwirlos wore flooded and some live stock drowned. In Norfolk the rainfall amounted to 70 of nn inch. There was just a traeo of snow- Train Stalled at Gregpry. "West of Gregory the storm attained serious proportions , much the same as at Valentino. Train No. 401 , which loft Norfolk Sunday afternoon for Co- lome , on the first through trip to that point , the run Just having been extend ed from Dallas , was unable to proceed beyond Gregory and tied up there over night Sunday. Again Monday morn- ng this train was stuck in the snow west of Gregory , but soon got out and went on to Colorae. Will Fruit Be Killed ? Fruit men in Norfolk are gloomy over the freeze , fearing that the se vere freeze has killed fruit prospects tor this summer. They are not cer tain , however , that this will result. Gardens were laid low. The North- fork river here has risen sixteen inches. Cold Even in Oklahoma Today. Kansas City , Mo. , May 1. Missouri , Kansas and parts of northern Oklahoma - homa are shivering today from the midden drop in temperature , which in some places was as great as 50 de- grocs. Wind from the northwest which started early yesterday had passed eastward today , but It left a frozen trail. The weather bureau here predicts that by Tuesday morning it will bo freezing throughout most of Kansas and Nebraska , In Missouri frost is predicted with freezing in the vicin ity of Kansas City. A report from North Platte. Neb. , said the mercury this morning had dropped to 24 do- ( jreos above zero. Valentine , Neb. , May 3. Special to The News : The rainfall in the storm here amounted to 1.12 inches. Snow 12 to 16 Inches Deep. Gordon , Neb. , May L Special to The News : The heaviest snow of the winter and in fact for several years , fell here Saturday night. It began raining at 6 o'clock but before 8 hau turned into a wet snow and fell con tinually until about 10 o'clock yester day , turning a trifle colder , enough so that it froze on everything that it fell upon. At no time , however , has it been colder than 20 degrees , and very little wind has accompanied this storm. The telephone system is flat upon the ground in the streets here , going down In the nlgtit from the great weight of snow and ice that clung to the wires and poles. Small trees are bent to the ground but will couio out all right. The telegraph wires are all down in both directions from here , so that only scheduled trains will bo able to run for a few days. Aa yet there have been no reports of loss of stock and It is not antici pated that there will bo much , as stock Is generally stout here , having wintered In line shape. The snow stands from twelve to sixteen inches deep on the level , but Is already going down quite fast , and will probably not last moro than two days , as the ground is quite warm underneath. On the whole the benefits derived from the moisture which was quite badly needed by the farmers , will far exceed the damage done to the telephone - phone and telegraph linos. Home Course In Health Culture XVII. Stimulants and Drugs In the Home By EUGENE L. HSK. M. D. Copjrrlfht. Hid. liy American Pr A oelutlo < i. far back as tha memory of man runneth not to the con trary alcoholic drinks have been termed "stimulants , " and yet alcohol Is not a stimulant , but a depressant. Kxact laboratory experiments have determined that alcohol acts ns an anaesthetic upon the higher brain cells that preside over thi > moro complex mental processes. In other words , the man who "wakes up" under the Influ ence of alcohol la really going to Bleep , so far as the more useful part of the brain Is concerned , and thus the lower and simpler mental processes come more Into evidence. Analyze the con- versatlon at some convivial banquet and note how trivial and Inane It appears - pears In the clear light of day pucrllo when compared with some splendid Intellectual - tellectual debate or discussion bringing Into play the higher faculties. But these higher faculties are sometimes overworked and unduly active , deny ing proper exercise to the simple brain is NOT A FOOD , BCT A POISON ; NOT A STI\JUr\NT , nOTAN ANAB3TUKTIO. IT IMPAIItB MKNTAI. AND MDSOUIiAH KIT- ; IT ttuouriiNU Lira. elements that control the emotions , the play Instinct , the tendency to mix with one's kind In iclaxlng good fellowship. Something might be said for alcohol as an agent for suppressing that part of the brain which Is overworked In the dally struggle for existence and thereby affording opportunity for the nervous balance to be restored by exer cise of the simpler faculties That some Influence Is necessary to preserve proper nervous and mental poise Is evidenced by tha example of philosophers and scientists who have become mentally "lopsided , " as It were , by overuse of ono portion of the brain or disuse of the other portion Dar win's loss of the aesthetic faculties and the power of appreciation of music and poetry Is a familiar Instance. His weird taste In literature , which enabled him to enjoy the lightest and trashiest novels , was merely the call of his sim pler brain elements , neglected and sup pressed by the constant exercise of the higher reasoning powers. Buc la It nec essary to Qiuploy a poisonous drug for such ? It would appear not. Is Alcohol Foodf Atwater abowed that alcohol la small i quantities WM ntlllced by tha body . as a food. It has long been known thnt alcohol la burned in tha . body with tba production of energy , but poisonous musbrooma also furnish nourishment. ' Likewise , aa Atwliter states , human flesh la digestible and nourishing , but that la no reason for using It as a food. Experience of Life ) Inaurano * . Life Insurance companies are quite particular to exclude not only heavy drinkers , but those whose bablta show a trend In this direction. They are tak ing no chancea with alcohol , and they do not want to Insure people who "feed" on It , This Is a business mac- ter with a life Insurance company , and the moral phase U * not considered , which means that Its action 1 based upon the facta developed by experi ence. The most comprehensive experience that has been published la that of the United Kingdom Temperance and Gen eral Provident Institution. In that company the total abstainers were sep arated from the temperate drinkers In the mortality experience , with the re sult that a difference of 32 per cent was shown in favor of the abstainers. Alcohol IB no longer used in medicine aa a direct heart stimulant. It Is of Borne value as a rapidly available tem porary food In the crises of severe Ill ness , fever , etc. , when It supplies ener gy to carry on the body work , but even hero It must be used with caution because - cause of Its toxic effect on the heart muscle and the fact that it lowers the resistance of the body to the poisons of disease. Excluding the moral phase of this question , therefore , medical judgment , considering solely tbo scientific evi dence available , must pronounce against the dally use of alcohol. Whether the occasional use of alco hol as a relaxing beverage or anaes thetic for overoctlvo brain centers Is permissible each man must decide for himself. It Is right , however , that the grave risks of even occasional Indul gence should be known and remem bered. Certainly no man of feeble will power or neurotic family mstory can afford to take the chances. Narcotlce. Opium , cocaine , chloral , bromides , all ure employed either to relieve bodily ily pain or stltle th overlnstotent and worrying brain , Hut , aa In the cns of / alcohol , the relief brought by themi drugs Is usually paid for at a high rate of ln'croat. In fact , thn troubles which are temporarily fotved luU > thn * background by such Indulgnnco seem to grow In direct proportion to tint degree of Indulgence and simply awnlt i the t ! reckoning day. when the long rvnd cd life bunion must be tnkcti up with Its nddrd weight or Mfo'a journey for ever terminated. Those remarks do not apply , of course , to the Intelligent and proper administration of Mich remedies by n physician. It Is part of nfphysician's duty to relieve pain , both mental and physical , but It too often Imppeiw thnt a narcotic properly administered In ono Instance Is carelessly again tnkrn without medical advice , and the fonn- datlon of a lifelong habit In laid. Heedacha Remedies. A great deal of harm In done by thn self administration of headache reme dies , mostly of the coal tar cliws. These remedies have their place , but should be used under a phyalclnn'H guidance. Many headaches can be ru- llovcd by simple remedies. Bathing the forehead with a little buy rum or rubbing with a menthol pencil , stmplo rest or n dose of salts will often provo snfllclent. The constant use of head ache remedies Is moro than likely to prove ' ' Irritating to the kldueya , aaldo from the depressing action on the heart. Aromatic ummoulii , strychnine or sonic oilier heart stimulant should always bo within the reach of tlumn who are no 111 advised its to use head ache powders more or lean regularly. The causes of headaches are so nu merous as to cover almost the cntlro range of diseased conditions. So call ed "biliousness" Is one of thn common causes. This In nothing other than poisoning from the retained product * of Indigestion Bile may have Httln 0a 0a nothing to do with It , but calomel or some other brink evocnant will clear the system of the poison and re lieve the symptom * . Rye strain Is also a very frequent cause of headache. Tha folly of swal lowing drugs to relieve such trouble Is evident. It Is comparable to knockIng Ing n man Insenslblo In order to rallovn his pain Properly fltted glasses will \ usually relieve eye strain. But In some cases eye strain lit due to overuse or Improper use of the eyes. Such cases are readily relieved by root and attention to proper Illumination or po sition while reading Abusa of Cathartic * . As a rule , cathartics should only hn used : as emergency remedies In aculi * condition * , an colds , biliousness , dull gestion , etc A tendency to costive ness % nn usually be owcn.'om * by nnr- urnl remedies Drugging chu bowels Is very much Ilko drugging the nerv OUR system the drug bwounv * man ter. but the time come * when th < slnvit will not obey the master , and a coiull tlon of Rcml-purjlyitd of the bowel function exists. In treating constipation It should h < remembered that the Intentlne Is a long muscular tube. ' Thin muscle" Is what Is known aa an "Involuntary" muscle , not under tbu control of thn will , but acting redexly. Certain can ters . In the spinal cord preside over thfl bowel function and reapond to certain stimuli. On of these stimuli Is tlio presence of a certain volume of wastn matter In the bowel. Another la tha tendency t to rhythmical action of the spinal center In other words , spinal centers form habits , just the same an brain centers , and U accnatomed to act at a particular tlmo each day will contrive to do so If permitted. The value of n fairly general mixed diet I * evident when the structure and function of the bowel are considered. Concentrated , prodlgested food would aoon abolish the bowel function. Boat * people eat too llttlo waato matter. Their fond Is mostly meat and poU- toex. A generous , allowance of trylt and green' vegetables , especially splii- acli , and tb free ufte of water be tween meals will act Ilko magic In Bach cases. The use of drags la Irrational and positively harmful. Tea , Coffee and Tobaooe. The use of tea. coffee and tobaooo l moderation cannot be regarded aa harmful , but oven tna term "modera tion" Is here used In a positive aena . No doubt much dyspepsia and nenroun derangement are due to tha abase of rhpse fragrant and cheering sub stances What constitute * abuse cam only be expertmont in each Individual case. For the avcrags ninn one cup of coffee at breakfast and a demllnsse In the evening should be sufficient. Two cupa of coffee or te * contain a pretty generoun done of the drug caffeine and amount to drugging the nervous system. Tobacco should also ba used accordIng - Ing to personal susceptibility. A cigar after each meal will not , aa a rale , In jure the average man , although sonm are better off without tobacco or with nn allowance of one cigar after dinner. Constant smoking or chewing Is posi tively Injurious , no matter how robust or conceited the man may be who In dulges In It Summary. Alcohol Is not a food , but a poison ; not | a stimulant , but an anaesthetic. It . Impairs mental and muscular efficien cy It shortens life , even If used In so called moderation. Narcotics mask pain and trouble , but do not remove the cause. They destroy the will power moro effectively than alcohol , but do not cause the same tis sue degeneration. Alcohol and narcotlca should not be nsed In the home , except on A phyal- rlaa's order * . A happy life is not made up of nega tives. Exemption from one thing U not possession of another. Landor. A Friendly Tip. "My husband nlwaxn la tbo Buverest critic of the gowns I wear. " "Well. Judging from what I hnvo heard , ho IIIIH to go some If he la.H ' 'hlrn o Rivord-Herald. Try a News want ad.