The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 05, 1911, Image 1

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. , . . .
Sheriff Rossetcr Thought Allen Would
be Driven In for Shelter by the
Storm , so Began a Search of En oh
Town West.
Valentine , Nob. . May 1. Special to
The NUWH : Frank Alien , who broke
Jail and Hindu hid Ret-away from heio
Hovorul ilay'H ago , was caught la Gor
don Tuesday and brought back bore
lnM night by Sheriff Hosteler.
Sheriff ItoHHetiir suspected that Al
ton would iiiuko hiH way weHt from
hero and that tlio nevero Htorui of
Sunday would drive him In to shelter.
; uid us all the telegraph and telephone
Unon and poles wore down west of
'hero Sheriff ItOHseter started out nr.k
Ing each town west of hero and when
ho reached ( iordon ho found his man
In the depot In company with some
"tramps. Alton was waiting for the
i- next train west to Ret out Into Wyom
In ? .
Blow-Up Occurs on Steamer , State of
Ohio , at Cleveland.
< . levelund , May 4. Twenty persons
ara reported injured by the explosion
' of a boiler on the steamer State of
Ohio , of the Cleveland and Buffalo
I/ line.Tho
The steamer was at a dock Inside
thtj breakwater at the foot of East
Ninth street when the explosion oc
curred. Ten persons were taken to
hospitals , seven of thorn to the United
States marine hospital , near the scene
of the explosion. Others were slightly
Motor in Big Gas Bag Breaks , But
Operator Pulls Rip Cord.
fUtterllold. Prussian Saxony , May -I
The dirigible balloon Parseval I. or
returning with a party of officers o
the army and government officials
from Lepsle last evening , was abou
. to land when the motor broke dowi
aud'Tlie ' airship swept away to th
northwest , driven by a strong wind.
The occupants experienced a fev
uneasy moments , but the pilot pulled
the rip rord and , releasing the ga
from the bags , made a skillful landing
in darkness.
Boston Man Turns on Gas , Ending Lid
of His Little Girls.
Boston , May 4. Thomas Hagertj
of Roxbury , meeting an acquaintanc
on the street last night , related tha
lie turned on the gas Tuesday nigh1
in the room occupied by his thre
daughters , aged 10 , 7 , and 4 years
and that they were dead. The pol
found the story true and arrestet
Hagefty. When the police entered th
Hag'erty homo they found in the gas
tilled room , the three children cuddle' '
together as if asleep. Except for th
odor of gas , there was nothing indicat
Jng tragedy. The little girls , whos
mother died a short time ago , were
.Margaret ago 10 years , Marie age 7
and Anna age 4.
Their father walked down tow
and , meeting some friends , chatte
with them for aome time , then , ac
cording to the police , remarked tha
his three children were dead
home , that ho had killed them b
turning on the gas and iiiteuded t
< lo away with himself in the same man
Hagerty was kept engaged while on
of his hearers informed the police.
During their visit to his home , h
was placed under arrest. It is be
lieved the recent loss of his wife ha
unbalanced bis mind. He is 37 year :
old. and had been employed as a bu
ler in a Hack Day residence up to '
fev weeks ago.
rulfills Her Promise to the Authoritie ; s
and Wants Man Punished.
Decatur , III. , May 4. Rather tha n
pcduro the anxiety of having her so 'n '
fugitive from justice , Mrs. K. '
Parker of Danville. Ind. . has returned
William H. Parker to the authorities
here. Her son was one of the seven \
who escaped from the Macou county |
jail on April 12. Mrs. Parker prom
ised the authorities then that she
would return her boy to the prison.
Sto wants him punished.
York Aristocrats Admit Breaking
Speed Limit Are Let Off.
New York , May 4. Although they
admitted In the police court at North
Bergen , N. . ! . , that they had exceeded
the speed limit while motoring along
the Hudson county boulevard , Antony
.1. Drexel , jr. , the husband of Marjorie -
jorio Gould , and Allan A. Ryan , son
of Thomas F. Ryan , were let off with
suspended sentences last night. Ho
ward Gould , who was with Drexel
when ho was arrested , told the court :
that "a little diukoy machine" had [
passed them and "wo could not stand
tfor that"
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
Maximum fiU
Minimum 30
Average 41
llaroini'tt-r 30.1S
Chicago. May 4. The bulletin l
Mii > d lithe Chicago station of the
United States weather bureau gives
the forecast for Nebraska as follows :
Fair Mini warmer tonight ; Friday in
creasing cloudiness
Nellgh , Neb. , May 4 #
The News : Attorney diaries "fyy '
soy of this city a few days itgtv % . .
' ?
a complaint In Lincoln against %
Northwestern railroad , asserting thnt
station facilities provided by the rail
road in this city are Inadequate.
Mr. Kclscy stated that the present
structure IK no larger than it was
when first erected in 1SSO. Passenger
receipts are estimated at $60 per day
and more than 1,000 cars of freight,1
come into the city each year , as many
more going out.
The railroad commission will set a
date for a hearing on the complaint ,
unless the Northwestern voluntarily
settles the matter. The commercial
club of Nellgh has had this new depot
proposition before the railroad offi
cials for many months , but without
any near future prospects , and in consequence -
sequence the above action has been
Mabel Barrison Goes Back to Chicago
to Die from Tuberculosis.
Chicago , May 4. Although sent to
the southwest several months ago in
an attempt to ward off the final rav
ages of tuberculosis , Miss Mabel Harrison
risen , wife of Joseph Howard , both
celebrated in musical comedy , is re
turning to Chicago from San Antonio.
Tex. , to die.
In tlio face of her physician's posi-
\ tlve declaration that she would die
unless she remained away , Miss Bar
risen has wired her husband that she
is "homesick. " Pleadings by Howard
that she obey her physician's orders
were unavailing. At last , yielding to (
her wishes , Howard ordered a special
car equipped \ \ Hh every possible mod
ern luxury. Her doctors say that sis
months in Chicago will prove fatal.
Miss Barrlson's greatest successes
were scored in "Babes of Toyland"
and "The Blue Mouse. "
Irate Citizens Chase Out of Town
Clergyman Accused of Misconduct.
Sterling , Neb. , May 4. The Rev. L.
G. Parker , pastor of the Methodist
church , was driven out of town with
stale eggs by Irate citizens , following
an investigation of his conduct with
the daughter of a leading citizen. The
girl's father and friends gave him
twenty-four hours to leave town. He
lost no time. Parker is 57 years old ,
is married and has a daughter.
Appointments at Stanton.
Stauton , Neb. , May 4. Special to
The News : The new city mayor of
Stanton , Alfred Pont , was duly in
stalled Tuesday. He announced the
following appointments . . -
: .i > mar
shal , William White ; city water com
missioner and electrician , J. E. Ken
ney , assisted by W. G. Sonnenschine
and G. Martin ; city physician. L. W.
Bowan. A city attorney was not ap
pointed. Licenses were granted to
Jive saloons by the council
Coys Held for Murder.
Oklahoma City , May 4. Albert Hel
fenstein , 18 years old , and Charles I.
Reland , 20 , pleaded guilty and were
sentenced to life Imprisonment for
the murder of John Rebel , who was
shot in the hand when he resisted an
attempt to hold up his butcher shoi
on February 25. The boys were ar
rested on February 27 and confessed ,
. saying they came here from Dayton
O. , "to hold up a few people. " Dime
novels inspired them to choose the
life of bandits , they said. Rebel's
wound was not regarded as serious at
first , hut blood poisoning resulted and
in a few weeks he died.
A Colorado Senatorial Caucus.
Denver , May 4. A caucus of the
democratic majority In the legislature
will he called tonight or Friday to
take up the United States senatorship ,
according to reports. Many of the
antl-Speer members declare they wll
not attend but it is believed enough
democrats will be present to decide
on a winning candidate.
Strike is Ended.
Shauiokin , Pa. , May 4. The strike
of the 1,500 employes of the Shamokln
silk mills instituted three weeks ago
was officially declared off yesterday
\ satisfactory understanding was
I reached.
Want to Aid Madero.
Nogales , Ariz. , May 4. It Is report
cd that 500 Indians under Chle
Mori , in the state of Sonora , have sen
a messenger to General Madero before
Juarez offering to take and hold fo
the rebels any cites In Sonora , If Ma
dero would promise to restore to th
Tamils , at the close of the revolution
the lands and chattels that they claim
have been unjustly taken from them
Senator La Follette Postpones His
Fight , Which Had Been Scheduled
for the Day , on the Lorlmer Resolu
tion Wants All to Vote.
Washington , May 4. House leaders
today expressed the hope that the so-
called farmers' free list bill can be
brought to a vote on Saturday. So
many members are still pressing fore
\o to discuss the measure that there
> je a further delay ,
/lairman Underwood of the ways
. (1 means committee Is anxious to
et the free list bill out of the way so
that his committee can go ahead with
its proposed revision of schedule "K. "
of the Payne-Aldrlch bill dealing with
wool and woolens. The free list bill
debate continued today.
The senate met today for the first
time since Monday last. A fight had
een expected over the re-opening of
he Lorimer Investigation , following
he action of the senate committee in
otlng to favorably report the LaFol
ette resolution so far as the expense
if another inquiry is concerned , but
Senator LaFollette announced late
, -esterday that he would not press for
consideration today , preferring to
.iwait the return of a number of sen
; itors > who are out of the city. He is
anxious to get a record vote on the
question as to whether the Lorlmer
matter shall be referred again to the
onmiUtee on elections or whether it
shall be referred to a special commit
ee named in the LaFollette resolution
.ind . consisting entirely of new mem
. ) ers of the senate.
May Take Up Direct Vote.
Senator Borah , In charge of the flsht
or the direct election of senators , had
announced that he would today en
deavor to have the resolution embody
ng that legislation made the unflnish
ed business of the senate. The reso
ution recently passed the house and
, vns favorably reported by the sdnate
udiclnry committee. As the first
.neasure . to receive committee con-
- .sideration in the senate there was
| every reason to believe that this reso-
ution would he sUfti tli ? rjirut to
; iendlng discussion of Canadian re
ciprocity by the senate committee on
Governor Woodrow Wilson Signs Bill
Regarding Criminals.
New York , May 4. Governor Wood-
ow Wilson has affixed his signature
o the so-called sterilization bill pass-
id by the New Jersey legislature ,
With its adoption , New Jersey joins
Indiana and Connecticut with legisla
tion providing for the sterilization of
criminals and the hopelessly degene
rate. A board of examiners is yet to
be appointed.
War of Words Among Women , Fists
Among Men of Royal Neighbors.
Denver , May 4. Factional differ
ence in the Royal Neighbors , which is
meeting in triennial conclave in this
city , deevloped into a battle of words
among the women delegates and a
play at fisticuffs between two men.
The trouble started out of the seating
of two Pennsylvania delegates. The
faction which favors Mrs. E. N. En-
right , chairman of the board , for the
olflce of supreme oracle , demanded
that the two delegates be denied seats.
Mrs. Liua M. Collins , the present su
preme oracle , who Is a candidate for
re-election , favored seating the dele
During the debate a man threatened
women who had refused to take sides.
He was approached by another with
list upraised. Just as it appeared they
would come to blows several women
separated the belligerents.
One Substituted for Man Whose Ill
ness Caused Court to Adjourn.
Viterbo , Italy , May 4. The trial of
the .Camorrists was resumed today , a
substituted juror taking the place of
Dr. Michele DeMarla , whose Indispo
sition necessitated an early adjourn
ment yesterday afternoon.
Again Abbatemaggio , the Informer ,
had the center of the stage , being
called on to confront Giuseppe Salvi
and Antonio Cerrato , both' of whom
he denounced as having taken an ac
tlve part in the murder of Gennaro
Cuoccolo. Ho repeated his original
accusations against Salvi , the latter
denying each in turn.
To Save His Life.
Tecate , Cal. , May 4. Jack Mosby
leader of the rebel baud which march
ed north from Alamo to Tecate , Lower
California , and who was badly wound
ed In a brush with Mexican rurales ,
was turned over to the United States
troops here by his own men. They
did this to save his life , they said.
To Kill Florida Racing.
Tallahassee , Fla. , May 4. The house
this afternoon passed the anti-race
track bill by a vote of Gl to 1. The
measure has passed the senate. The
bill awaits the signature of the gover
Neligh. Neb. . May 4. Special to
The News : The grand jury complet
ed their labors lat > yesterday after
noon and were discharged from fur
ther duty. Only oue true bill was
found and that against Charles Bur-
dick for the stealing of a team of
horses from Percy Jones.
Several witnesses were examined
dining the afteriion in regard to the
violations of the fish law , and prin
cipally to the catching of fish with a
seine Tbe jiutijtt' apparently ns.
"Greek" to all , as they had no knowl
edge of such violation : ; , and so stated.
The proprietor of the Atlantic hotel
was ghen thirty days in which to
place a fire escape on the building as
provided by law.
The most important case for the
early part of next week before the
petit jury is that of Lou Greggerson ,
who is charged with the murder of
Nels Pedersen last August. The de
fendant has been released for several
months on $5,000 bond. He was bound
over at the preliminary and charged
with second degree murder.
The Work of Trying ta End War Will
Proceed With Deliberation.
El Paso , Tox. , May 4. Peace nego
tiations scheduled to begin today will
probably l progress with more than
usual deliberation , owing to the fact
that Judge Carabajal , the government
commissioner , will be compelled to
hold frequent consultations with Mexico
ice City. The commissioners will meet
In a 200-foot ring , roped and guarded
to keep out the curious. Not even
General Madero will he permitted to
enter. Judge Carabajal and Dr. Vas-
quez Gomez , the elder Francisco Ma
dero and Senor Pine Suarez , who rep
resent the Insurrectos , will be the sole
occupants of the charmed circle.
The site of the peace conference was
not chosen for the newspaper men. It
is the Mexican side of the Rio Grande ,
midway between Juarez and the in-
surrecto camp. As General Navarro
will not allow the reporters to pass
through Juarez , It is necessary to
make the trip to the scene of the
peace negotiations by way of the foot
bridge , near the El Paso smelter , two
miles beyond the meeting place of the
conferees , which in addition , necessi
tates the retracing of two miles more
on the Mexican side.
Rebels May Attack Agua Prieta With
in the Next Few Days.
Douglas , Ariz. , May 4. An attack
on Agua Prieta Is expected here with
in a day or two. If made , this city
will come under a fire of rebels more
directly than any heretofore experi
enced. The federal garrison has so
arranged Its fortifications that an at
tacking force must fire directly Into
the American people on this side of
the line.
Directly south of Agua Prieta the
federals have done most of their work ,
erecting heavy entrenchments with
adobe barricades and sand bags.
In the exact center of the line of en
trenchments they have erected an
adobe block house with a platform on
which to mount machine guns.
The attacking 'rebels , firing from
any angle , will shoot directly towards
Douglas and only bullets stopped by
the block house itself or buildings of
Agua Prieta will fall to cross the line.
United States cavalry officers are
In possession of this information and
Washington has been advised of the
danger to American citizens.
Federal forces near here total about
300 and are well supplied with arms
and ammunition. Three bands of rev
olutionists numbering 600 to 700 , sur
round the town and evidently are
awaiting orders to attack. They are
not so well armed or supplied with
ammunition as the federals.
Three hundred Americans of the
Sixth cavalry , U. S. A. , are encamped
at Xog&lea , Ariz. , with machine guns
under command of Captain John W.
Furlong and Captain D. T. E. Casteel.
Refugees who have come here from
different parts of the states of Sonora
and Sinaloa during the last few weeks
number se\eral hundred. The great
est part of them have taken refuge on
the American side and hotels as well
as private houses are full.
Passes Committee Stage in the House
or Common. * .
London , aiay 4. The parliament
bill , known also as tlie veto bill , for
the curtailment of the powers of the
lords , passed the committee stage in
the commons practically without
The refusal of A. J. Bnlfour. leader
of the opposition , to vote against the
preamble , romovfed any danger that
might have been apprehended from
the revolt of the laborites against it ,
and this portion of the measure prov *
ed easiest to carry.
The unionist opposition almost van-
ibhed. In place of hundreds of amend
ments , only a few important ones
will be moved in the report stage of
the bill which Is expected to occupy
only two or three days next week.
Camorrist Faces Accuser and Spafka
Fly Court Adjourns.
Viterbo , May 3. Nicola Merra , de
nounced by Gennaro Abbatemaggio as
one of the actual assassins of Gennaro
Cuoccolo and the latter's wife , faced
his accuser in court today and their
exchanges provoked n scene so violent
that President Blanch ! was forced to
suspend the sitting.
150 Soldiers Desert.
San Antonio , May 4. Disgusted
with army life spent in almost con
tinuous rain , about 150 soldiers have
deserted. A large majority of them
were returned , however , after being
picked up in San Antonio rnd in near
by villages. One of the most exten
sive maneuvers undertaken will be
started today A force from the
camp will try to dislodge a detach
ment menacing Leon Springs. The
signal corps wireless and the- aero
planes will be brought into play as j
well as nearl > all the troops j
Meadow Grove , Neb. . May 4. Spe
cial to The News : Meadow Grove is
going to advance with both feet this
summer. Two bond elections were
carried yesterday for municipal Im
provements. Water bonds were voted
ed , Gl ! to ' . ' 3. School bonds were voted ,
Iu5 to 50.
Three State Senators and Two Repre
sentatives are Accuted.
Columbus , May 4. Three state sena
tors and two representatives were in
cluded in bribery indictments return
ed yesterday by the Franklin county
gntud jury , which has been engaged
in investigating corruption in the as
The seudtors are : Isaac E. Huffman
of Uutler county , L. R. Andrews of
Lawrence county. George K. Cetoue
of Montgomery county.
The representatives are : George B.
Nye of Pike county and A. C. Lowry
of LaWreht'8 ' COllhty.
Ono indictment waa returned against
each , charging the solicitations of
In addition Rodney J. Diegle of
Erie county , sergeant-at-arnis in the
senate , an alleged go-between , was
Indicted with the senators.
All six appeared at the courthouse
soon after the bills were returned
They were accompanied by Attorney
Jtihn A. Connor and furnlsued bonds
at once.
Wilhtifm in Sweden.
Karlshrtihe , Dutchy of Baden , May
4. Emperor William and the empress
arrived here today to be the guests
with King Gustave and the queen of
Sweden of Grand Duke Frederick.
The German imperial personages
reached Genoa from Corfu on the roy
al yacht Hoheii7ollern last night.
King Gustave and the queen are re
turning homo from a visit to King
Victor Emmanuel and Queen Helena
at Rome
Mrs. Carnegie is Better.
Washington , May 4. Mrs. Andrew
Carnegie who suffered a severe at
tack bleeding from the nose while oc
cupying a box at the peace conference
In Baltimore , has returned to Wash-
ington with Mr. Carnegie and was said
to have entirely recovered
Who's Who In Norfolk
Edward E. Harter. Norfolk's city
| clerk , was born in Des Moines. la. , on
September 10 , 1872. His father. T. J.
Harter. was a farmer. Ed came to
Norfolk with his parents in 1881 and
attended the Norfolk public schools
In 1832 while he was in the olllce of
the Nebraska Telephone company he
was wounded by the accidental firing
of a revolt or in the hands of Frank
Yost , who was toying with the weap
on. The ball struck Mr. Harter In th
left leg and the wound resulted in
the amputation of that member. Later
Mr. Harter's time was taken up In
the study of telegraphy , which ho mas
tered in the local Western Union of
fice and in 1891 he went to Illinois ,
where he was employed with several
railroad companies as telegrapher ,
train dispatcher , cashier and agent
In 1890 he was married to Miss
Phoebe Alspaugh and In 100G he came
back to Norfolk to stay. He was en
gaged as traveling salesman for E. A
Bullock , selling machinery , and in the
spring of 1(107 ( tu w < t > elected city
clerk of Norfolk w on U position he
has hold over * < >
He is Gradually Sinking and It la
Thought That Life Can Not Last
Many Hours More , According to
Thursday Morning's Report.
I lot Springs , Ark. . May 4. Reports
his morning from tlio bcdsidu of for
tier United Stales .Senator Klttrcdge
> f South Dakota , who Ib critically 111
iuic. Indicates that death Is near
Senator Klttredgu has been uncoil
Melons for the last In only-four hours.
Steamer Deutschland Leaves Hamburg
Headed for Buenos Ayres.
Hamburg , May 4. The steamer
Deutschland. with the German ant
arctic expedition , sailed at daybreak
for IluenoB Ayres , where complete
supplies will bo taken , on.
Correspondence School Indicted ,
llarrlsburg , Pa. , May 4. A true
1)111 on the charge of using the mails
to defraud was found against the Correspondence
respondenco Institute of America in
the United States court The instl
tute was charged with Illegally main
talning a school for cartoonists by
A Mexican Governor Quits.
Oaxaca , Mex. , May 4. Governor
Emllo Plmental has been given a
leave of absence and Brigadier Gen
era ! Diaz , the president's nephew and
chief of police of Mexico City , has
teen ) named as the new governor of
_ to
The Railroad Continues to Fill Places
With New Men No Disorder.
Plttsburg , May 4. The Pennsyl
\anla shopmen's strike is spreading
About ilOO men employed In the shops
of the Pittsburg , Fort Wayne & Cht
CIIKO railroad on the north side , join
i-d the movement todtiy and it was
said men along the lines between
Pittsbnrg and Alliance , O. , would also
g < out todr.y Two h"ruirtil4. n qu'l. '
work at the Verona shops on the
Conemaugh branch of the Pittsburg
division. Thy railroad company con
tiniies to place new men in the differ
cut shops. No disorder hiis been re
ported , v
Woodrow Wilson Comes West. .
New York , .May 4. Governor Wood-
low Wilson of Now Jersey departed
for a four weeks' tour of the wesL
His first speaking stop will be at
Kansas City. "
Rosebud Appraisement Work Has
Been Resumed.
Sioux Falls , S. D. . May 4. The-
government appraisers appointed to
make an appraisement of the surplus
ands of the Rosebud Indian reservn-
ion in Mellette county , after having
abandoned work during the winter ,
IIHVO again resumed operations and
will puh the work of making the
appraisement to a conclusion as
speedily as possible.
The members of the appraising crew
state that they expect to complete
their work about August 1 next , when
about 1,000,000 acres of the surplus
land will be ready to be opened to
iltf settlers as soon as the oflicials
at Washington can make the neces
sary arrangements It Is expected
the Washington end of the arrange
ments can be completed in time to
have the immense tract thrown upon
the market early in October.
It is presumed that well before the
date of the opening a railroad will
have been constructed to the border of
the tract to be opened , giving home
steaders every opportunity to reacli
the laud without difficulty. The ter
minus of the railroad now is at Win
ner , county seat of Tripp county. Di
rectly west of WInner is the town of
Carter , which is situated on the bor
der of the million-acre tract which Ute
to be thrown open for white home
steaders. By extending westward from.
Winner to Carter the homesteaders
who occupy the lands will be given
railroad facilities to the very edge of
the promised land.
it is certain that one of the greatest
land rushes in the history of the state
will be witnessed when the surplus
Indian lands In Mellette county are
thrown open to settlement. Informa
tion from that part of the state Is to
the effect that numerous persons who
have decided to attempt to secure
homesteads In Mellette county already
have taken up their residence in the
region near the boundary of the tract
which is to be opened , and will remain
there until the tract Is formally open
ed and they have the right to occupy
The fact that farms In the ceded
portion of Tripp and Gregory coun
ties. which until a few years ago also
uere embraced in the Rosebud Indian
reservation , already are worth from
f.'iO to $50 an acre , making intending
homesteaders all the more anxious to
secure farms In Mellette county , an in
the course of two or three years at the
latest the land there will be worth
fully as much as land now Is worth In
Tripp and Gregory counties.