The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 28, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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George Barney returned from Oma
V. 1C. Pulton returned from Colum
P. J. Fuosler went to Lynch on
W. F. Hall went to Columbus on
Mra. J. H. Kleratead of Tlldcn Is
hero visiting with her aon , Dr. II. J.
Miss Emma Heckmnn returned from
n visit ( it Humphrey.
H. A. Pasowalk roturnud from a
business trip to Omaha.
Eugene Osborn returned from Fre
mont , where lie visited with friends.
Miss Vorna Nusblt of Oakdale Is In
the city visiting with her sister , Mrs.
Mlsa Alice Hoaklns returned from
Plalnvlew , where she visited with her
Miss Mcttti Aaron returned. from
Arlington , where she spent a day with
Mrs. F. F. Joy of Rapid City passed
through the city in company with her
mother , who lives at Plulnvlew , and
who will visit with her daughter In the
black Hills.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Anthony and
Mr. and Mrs. Lonqulst of Wausa came
to Norfolk In an automobile. Mr. An *
tliouy Is cashier of the First National
bank of Wausa.
C. P. Parish Is suffering with an at
tack of thegrip. .
Elks at Vnnkton are planning to
build a $20,000 club hoUse.
Frank Flynn , who has been ill , Is
again able to be at his work.
W. 55. King hits accepted a position
at the Northwestern transfer.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Nollgh are
visiting In Norfolk.
G. Schaaf of Stanton was In Nor
folk Monday on business.
Among the day's out-of-town visitors
in Norfolk were : M. For , Belgrade ;
Henry Hcllbusch , Belgrade ; George
Mitchell , Laurel ; George D. Tarrant ,
BloomUeld ; A. C. Williams , Meadow
Grove ; J. B. Fichter , Meadow Grove ;
W. R. Snyder , Meadow Grove ; Miss
Ida Desk , Madison ; M. E. Nielsen ,
Monowi ; J. A. Johnson , Wakefield ;
B. H. Meredith. Wluuer ; James P.
Riddle , Crelghton ; J. P. Berg , Wausa ;
Mrs. Charles H. Kelsey , Mrs. Charles
Melick , Mrs. C. L. WattlesMrs. . S.
Ritchie , Neligh.
E. A Bullock Is attending a state
convention of electrical companies at
The annual election of officers of
the Eastern Star will take place Thurs
day evening.
Oasius Uhllg Is laid up at the A. C.
Slcar boarding house with an attack
of throat trouble.
Constable A. W. Flnkhouse. who
has been seriously Hi , is now able to
be at his work again.
W. H. Parriott has received word
from Des Molncs to the effect that his
father died there suddenly.
The Norfolk boy scouts will 'make
their regular scouting expedition this
evening. The country southeast of
ttown will be invaded.
Mrs. F. W. Freeland. 110C Madison
avenue , underwent an operation Mon
day. She Is reported getting along as
well as could be expected.
An X-ray examination of the broken
linger of William Beck showed that
the break is a bad one and will re
quire several weeks to heal.
Councilman R. J. Eccles of the
Fourth ward has returned front Hot
Springs , S. D. , where he underwent an
operation. Mr. Eccles is feeling quite
Anton C. Hirsch. " proprietor of the
Norfolk Bottling works , went to Wy-
not , Nob. , Monday afternoon and to
morrow will be united In marriage tea
a Wynot young lady. Mr. Hlrsch will
bring his bride to Norfolk soon after
the wedding.
Enterprising citizens of Cdgewater
arc having the streets In the section
of the city graded. Workmen are al
ready busy on this work. The citizens
are congratulating themselves on the
two piles of sidewalk which they ex
pect to have built this year.
What are believed to be counterfeit
nickels have reached Norfolk. Aden
Sheriff and Ross L. Davenport are
among the lirst to be possessors of
these coins. The government , it is
reported at local banks , did not issue
live-cent coins in 1010 , therefore all
1910 nickels are adjudged counterfeit.
In honor of the conventions of the
Federation of Women's club and the
Brotherhood of Threshermen who are
holding two days' sessions in this city ,
the festive lights on Norfolk avenue
have been turned on. All day Monday
electricians were at work putting the
lights In order. At dusk the current
was turned on.
The price of hogs in Norfolk took a
big drop Monday , selling at twenty
live cents lower than the price offered
Saturday. At the South Omaha mar
ket hogs sold twenty cents lower. Nor
folk following it with an addltiona
live-cent drop. A carload of hogs were
sent to South Omaha Monday and
met a ten-cent higher market today.
County Commissioner Burr Taft is
today Inspecting the first car of t > tee
which arrived Monday night for tin
new steel bridge which will cross th <
Nortbfork mill dam oil North Firsi
street. The bridge crew of the Illinois
manufacturers who will put up this
bridge are now at work on a bridge it
Meadow Grove. When they flnisl
there they will build bridges at Kaln
mazoo and Emerlck. Norfolk is nex
in line.
Surveyor Bennett Seymour is bus ;
on South Thirteenth street makiui
surveys and endeavoring to find tin
corners of the half and full sectlot
lines which were marked last year
but the markings destroyed by water
Workmen are also busy on this roai
with plows and scrapers preparator ;
to the oiling of four miles of Thti
teenth street , which will be started a
soon as the weather moderates sulE
The Norfolk Board of Charities find
itself in a peculiar position. Man
applications 'for help have been mad
to the board and It Is a dlllicult task
to give aid to the deserving petition
ers. Ono woman , whose husband Is
said to be spending what money he
can make , for liquor , wants aid. She
hns three children. The husband Is
said to have pawned some of his
clothing for drink and is alleged to
liavo promised to pawn the feather
bed , next , for the much desired liquor.
Tht board would llko to help the
mother and children , hut they declare
thnt It Is unsafe to give aid , where
the father would spend the funds for
more drink.
Officers Who Arrested McNamara , Ac
cused of Kidnaping Him.
Indianapolis. Ind , April 25. Wal
ter Drew of New York , < i counsel for
the National Erectors association ; W.
J. Ford , assistant district attorney of
Los Angeles , and Frank Fox , a chauf
feur , charged with having kidnaped
J. J. McNamara , secretary-treasurer of
the International Association of
Bridge and Structural Iron workers ,
were arraigned this morning before
Justice of the Peace Manning. They
waived preliminary examination and
were hound over to the grand jury.
William J. Burns , detective employed
by the erectors' association , who ar
rived in this city from Toledo today ,
was sought by constables with a war
rant for his arrest on the charge of
kidnaping McNamara , but they could
not ( hid him.
Drew , Ford and Fox. when arrested
last night , were released under bond
of $5000 each. Their bond to hold
them for the grand jury today was
set by the justice at $10,000 each for
Drew and Ford and $5,000 for Fox.
Their attorney , A. W. Ketchum , af
ter trying to secure bail , failed , and
the men were taken to the county
jail. A crowd had collected about the
justice of the peace's ofllce and when
the men started for the jail , there was
applauding and jeering
County Prosecutor Baker today ap
pointed a special deputy , Henry Sey-
fried , to prosecute the cases.
Gave McNamara No Chance.
The general charge against the men
is that they conspired to take Me-
Namara out of the state without due
process of law.
The affidavits against Drew , Ford
and Fox were made by J. J. Keagan ,
a labor union leader of Indianapolis ,
and member of the Indiana legisla
It is alleged McNamara did not have
n opportunity to consult counsel and
esiat extradition after his arrest last
aturday eveninir. but that he was put
ito an automobile , driven by Fox. and
ikon to Chicago , bound for Los An-
eles to answer an indictment charg-
ig him with complicity in a dynamite
xplosion at the Llewellyn Iron works.
i\ . F Badorf of New York and an
ssistant of Drew was arrested by
iree constables at his room in a heel -
el at U o'clock this morning and tak-
n before Justice of the Peace Man-
Ing. Badorf was taken in custody on
"John Doe" warrant , six of which
ere issued last night by Justice Man-
lug , on charges of kidnaping and con-
piracy to kidnap.
Bondsmen Are Not There.
The expected bondsmen not appear-
: ig , the justices' clerk summoned con-
tables to take Drew and Ford to jail.
By this time the little court room , the
allway and the narrow stairway lead-
ng down to the street were filled with
noisy crowd. The cleric of the court
tailed lirst with Ford. Drew hung
"Come on , Drew , " yelled a number
f men , pressing from the hall into the
oorway of the courtroom. A cousta-
) le took Drew's arm and as he resist-
d a dozen arms stretched out and the
nan was half dragged , half pushed
nto the hallway. There he smiled
nd stepped forward briskly and was
apparently unmoved by a chorus of
auguter , handclapping and shouts of.
How does It feel yourself , Drew ? "
"There's the district attorney going
o jail , " called one man as Ford pass-
d down the stairway.
Drew was jostled on his way to the
street and a throng of men , most of
hem apparently of the working class ,
'ollowed excited and laughing as Drew
and Ford walked the two blocks to
The turnkey searched the pockets
of Drew and Ford , but they were not
ocked in cells. They were told that
for a time they might remain in the
outer ofllce , for they expected the men
whom they asked to be their counsel ,
to go on their bond.
"Infant" Club Finishes Season.
What has keen known in Norfolk
as the infant club adjourned for the
season at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. D. S. Bullock Monday night aftei
enjoying the regular high five contest
and a chicken pie dinner. The club is
composed of Norfolk's oldest-ln-ag (
citizens , most of whom are members
of the G. A. R. Meetings have beer
held at the residences of each mem
ber of the club and It was declared
Monday night that this meeting woult
be the wind-up of the season's enter
tainments. The members of the clul
are : F. J. Hale , D. S. Bullock , J. S
McClary , S. H. Grant , A. N. McGln
nls , H. J. Graves , I. Sonneland. Witl
the exception of Mr. Sonnelaud , al
the members are old soldiers. Mr
Hale is not a member of the G. A. R
but a veteran of the C. S. A. The clul
will reconvene again when cole
weather sets in next winter. Thei
the old soldiers will again put thel
feet under the hospitable tables of tin
brother hosts and again enjoy the de
llclous dinners and endeavor to defea
each other in the friendly high fivi
Bank Robbers Are Captured.
Grand Island , Neb. , April 25. Th
three bank robbers who , early today
robbed the Citizens State bank of GUI
nor , Neb. , near here , of about $2OOC
were -captured this afternoon.
Chief of Police Arbogast and Deput ;
Sheriff Bowers captured the robbers
The chief came upon them by sui , covered them and no resistance
was made. The money and arms are
supposed to have been ditched. j
The trio was sighted for some time
and was on the run , Chief Arbogast ,
cutting their progress off by flanking
them. They gave their names as.
Harry Q. Forbes , John Evans and
Charles Taylor. Forbes claims to be
nn cx-rallway conductor , Evans to hail
from Milwaukee and Taylor from Chicago
cage , where he declares ho was em
ployed by the Chicago terminal com
pany ns switchman.
A bottle of nitroglycerine was found
In their possession. They refuse to
talk further than to answer questions
as to their identity. A search will be
made to locate their guns and loot
Think Robbers Are Surrounded.
At 11 o'clock this morning the sher
iff's posse had found the team used
by the robbers on what Is known as
Falldorf's Island In the Platte river ,
and sent word to the city for more
men , it being believed that the rob
bers are secreted on the wooded
A more exact count by the officers
of the Citizens State Bank of Glltner
reveals the loss of about $2,000 , of
which $982 was In silver dollars.
There were several charges of dyna
mite exploded and the money chest
was blown through a counter and was
Imbedded In a wall eighteen feet away.
Careful of Adding Machine.
The robbers carefully put an adding
machine out of harm's way.
The explosions were heard by sev
eral of the citizens between 2:30 : and
3 o'clock this morning , but they sup
posed it to be revolver shots. The
robbers first burglarized a blacksmith
shop for some tools and a hardware
store , where guns and ammunition
were stolen.
Wells Defeats Hague.
London , April 25. Bombadrle Wells
made n chopping block of Ian Hague
in a light before the National Sport
ing club for the English heavyveU'ht
championship and the Lonsdala belt.
Both contestants for the title are
Englishmen , and Wells gave severe
punishment to his opponent , knockIng -
Ing him out In the sixth round.
"Knockout" Brown Wins.
Memphis , Tenn. , April 25. "Knock
out" Brown of Chicago , welterweight ,
was given the decision over "Kid"
Broad of Philadelphia after eight fast
rounds here. Both men were badly
Brown outclassed the Philadelphia
man and toward the end ] hammered
him about the ring almost at will
A Fast Fifteen-Round Go.
New Haven , Conn. , April 2. .
Fraukle Burns of New Jersey and
Tommy Houck of Philadelphia fought
fifteen fast rounds to a draw here.
Both men were bleeding aud weak at
the end of the light.
Coulon and O'Kcefe Tonight.
Kansas City , April 25. Johnny Cou
lon of Chicago and Eddie O'Kcefa of
Philadelphia , bantamweights , will meet
in a ten-round boxing bout at the Hip
podrome in this city tonight. Accord
ing to the terms of the agreement ,
each man is to weigh 116 pounds two
hours before entering the ring.
Lindsay 4 , Madison 3.
Lindsay. Neb. , April 25. Special to
The News : The lirst game of ball
played this season. Lindsay defeated
Madison in an interesting eleven-in
ning contest , score 3 to 4. The score :
Madison 0011000010 0 3
Lindsay 0100001010 1 4
Batteries : Lindsay , Prcvo and Her
man ; Madison , Blugh and Bates.
Time of game , 1 hour 55 minutes.
Struck out : By Prevo and Plugh , 7.
Madison and Lindsay each made 11
O'Brien and Young 3aylor.
Indianapolis , April 25. Rouse
O'Brien of Boston and Young Saylor
if this city , will box ten rounds to-
light before the Washington Athletic
Mub at 133 pounds. Kid Williams of
'hlladelphta ' is scheduled for a ten-
round bout with Jack Morgan of this
city at 15S pounds.
Mrs. Florando E. Krause.
West Point , Neb. , April 25. Spec ,
ul to The News : The funeral of Mrs ,
Floraudo E. Krause occurred here
Sunday under the auspices of the Ger
nan Evangelical Association church ,
Rev. G. H. Hemkln , pastor , assisted I
j > Rev. J. Scherhacher , former pas
tor aud Rev. L. -Powell , conducting
the services. The deceased was tlu
widow of the late Florando E. Krause
tor many years city clerk of West
Point , who died fourteen years ago
She was 68 years of age , the inline
diate cause of death being cancer ol
the stomach. Mrs. Krause was the
mother of twelve children , of wheaten
ten survive : Mrs. Peter Poellett
Wanda , and Lottie of West Point ;
Charles of Randolph ; William o
Walthill : Edward of Scrlbner ;
Ralph of , Iowa ; aud Ak > nz (
L. , Adolph D. and Floranda of this
city. She had been residence o
West Point for forty years.
A. R. Snodgrass.
Neligh , Neb. . April 25. Special t <
The News : The funeral services an <
burial of Alexander R. Snodgrass wen
held at the Presbyterian church , abou
twelve miles north of this city yester
day afternoon. Mr. Snodgrass was 7 :
years of age and died at his home ii
the above vicinity last Friday night.
The remains were held for the at
rival of a daughter , Mrs. E , V. Hart o
Red Oak , la. She was taken suddenl ;
ill between this city and Omaha
Upon her arrival here she was hurriei
to Gray Gables hospital and is prc
nounced as suffering with-pneumonia
Her condition late last evening wa
considered dangerous.
Whistles Tell of Convention.
Fifteen engines attached to thresl
Ing machinery of every descrlptlo :
opened the threshermcn'a conventlo
Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock wit
the blowing of whistles. With this
announcement it was made plain that
the threshormen had como to Norfolk
under no small expense , the fact being
that It cost at least $5 to get up steam
In each of these engines , to blow the
whistles. It was estimated by one ex-
pert thnt It will cost each exhibitor in
Norfolk $100 to display his machinery ,
the expense being for labor , freight ,
coal , gasoline , draynge and lubricating
Fifty manufacturers' representatives
met In the Bullock olllce Monday evenIng -
Ing and a smoker was enjoyed , It
was decided at this meeting that all
exhibits would be stopped during the
progress of the convention.
President Shannon of the State
Brotherhood of Threshormen called to
order the adjourned session of that
organization at 1:30 : Tuesday after
noon In the Auditorium. C J. Bullock ,
representing the Norfolk Commercial
club , delivered the address of wel
All day Monday the threshermon
arrived slowly in the city , but by noon
Tuesday there were about 100 dele
gates In the city. Most of these early
arrivals consisted of manufacturers'
Secretary E. S. Smith made a
change in the program and moved the
headquarters of the convention from
the Pacific hotel to the new Bullock
offices. In the visitors' and customers'
room of this office Secretary Smith
was kept busy' with registration of
The Bullock company were paid
many compliments by visiting dele
gates on their new ounces and excel
lent plant. '
Mr. Baker , representing the Thresh-
ermcns Review of St. Joseph , Mich. ,
and Mr. Winters , representing the
American Threslicrmiin of Madison ,
Wis. , were among the early arrivals.
Both magazine 'men were delighted
with Norfolk. Mr. Winters was elect
ed Held organizer of this state at the
last convention.
Avery & Co. of Omaha are in the
city with their entire office force.
They have brought with them no ex
hibits. Sachse & Bunn of Sioux City ,
jobbers * for Minneapolis machinery ,
have also brought their sales force
with them.
The Carpenter-Wing Carrier com
pany are also here and have brought
with them a carrier lor exhibition.
Representative Hammeraud of the
Baker Machinery company of Hastings
arrived in the city Monday afternoon ,
making the trip from Hastings In his
Through Colomc Train ?
Cotome Times : Announcement has
been made that a new railroad time
card will go into effect on May 7 , and
the understanding of local officials is
that changes will occur at that time
in the train service to Colome. No
definite information has been given
out on the subject , but it is quite cer
tain that the new order will give Co
lome through train service on at least
one train each way. Preliminary to
the installation of regular passenger
service to this point the new roadbed
between here and Dallas is to be sur
faced with gravel , and a force of eigh
ty men will commence this work next
Monday. It seems to be the present
plan to complete the track surfacing
to Colome before putting down any
ties or rails west of this point. About
twenty-live carloads of ties have been
shipped into the storage yards near
Dallas during the past week , and the
extension work to Winner will pro
ceed rapidly after work in that line is
commenced. All railroad talk is to the
effect that the extension of the road
beyond Winner is a very indefinite
Buck Krouse "Comes Back. "
Boston , April 20. Buck Krouse of
Pittsburg "came.back" after he bad
gone down for the count of eight In
the second round of a scheduled
twelve-round bout here , and in the
third round knocked out Ted Nelson ,
the Australian champion.
Thieves at Verdlgre.
Vcrdigre Citizen : On Tuesday af
ternoon a gang of thieving tramps
struck town and after making the us
ual run of thcT't'own and showing let
ters verifying their lying statements ,
they proceeded to get in their work
-j as thieves and burglars. Two of them
. I went into Havllcek & Vecera's store ,
and when one of them saw that they
were being watched by Grant Hutton ,
a traveling man , he immediately
caught hold of both lapels of his over
coat and spread it out in order to ob
scure the acts of his confederate , wheat
at that moment grabbed up a dozen
pairs of overalls and started off with
f them. Harley Hawk happened to be
3 at the front door and saw the act and
gave the alarm. Joe Schmidt and Hutton -
ton took after the fellow and overtook
him dowrn near the coal chute , but he
had ditched the overalls. They
brought'him back and when they re.
turned , his accomplice , the man with
the wide overcoat , was standing in
'the rear of Ne'derost's store. There
were eight or nine in the gang , and
flve'of them were rounded up aud the
balance of them hiked down the track
o The overalls" , were recovered latei
d ' from where the thief had tiidden them
The town board should use drastic
mteasures with this kind of people , or
during the rush on the Rosebud we
will be overrun with them. Everyone
arres'tcd should be given1 at least ter
days 'and they should be put to worl
on the roads. The town should Invesi
in at least six balld and chains and
these traveling thieves should be
staked down until they had servet
their time- and bread and wate :
should bo their diet. If this pollcj
were adopted bums In Verdigre woulc
be as scarce as hen's teeth.
Woman's Club EntertalninQ.
The eighth annual convention of tlu
Third district , Federation of Wo
men's clubs , was called to order It
the First Congregational church b ;
Vice President Mrs. J. E. L. Care :
of Bancroft at 9 o'clock , Tuesday
morning. Ruv. Edwin Booth deliver
ed the Invocation after which Miss
Shaw of this city played a piano solo.
A cordial address of welcome was
delivered by Mrs. Oxnam , president
of the local organization. Mrs. An
derson of West Point responded
cleverly for the visitors.
Mrs. Carey's report of the district
vice president was well received. The
Stanton ladles' quartet entertained
the convention delightfully and then
followed the regular order of busi
ness with reports from state com
mittees. After this report the club
reports were made and this * was fol
lowed by a box lunch by the local
The members of the state board
are : Education , Mrs. Orris. Stanton ;
c-lvlcs , Mrs. Adams. Ponder ; library
extension , Mrs. Long. Madison ; fores
try , Mrs. Barnes , Fullerton : art , Mrs.
Gunthcr , Albion ; household economics ,
Mrs. Rntcllff , Central City.
lip to noon today about fifty out-of-
town delegates had registered and
Mrs. C. 1 * . Ciilmseo , secretary of the
local clul ) . expected a uitu-h larger
number before evening.
Monday night's musical program
rendered by local talent was well
received by the visitors.
Miss Shaw rendered a piano solo
and Miss Hewins sang two solos.
Mrs. Edith Nelson Ulrica played a
piano solo. Miss Halo gave two
readings , one from Kipling and one
from Mark Twain. Mrs. Grace 1C.
Cooper sang a vocal solo. Arthur E.
Johnson played a violin solo and
Professor Ludvvlg KoeniRsteln finish
ed the program witli a piano solo. The
program was of extraordinary high
quality throughout and a very delight
ful one. An Informal reception fol
lowed the music.
At a signal given by Mr. Pasewalk
thirty-three automobiles containing
105 members of the Federation of Wo
men's clubs , start from the First Con
gregational church at 4 o'clock this
afternoon and invade the business portion
tion of the city In parade form. After
getting a good view of Norfolk's busi
ness houses and buildings , the chauf
feurs in charge of each automobile
will be given another signal and the
parade divide into sections , each sec
tion taking a different route to the
residence portions of the city. The
country club , old sugar factory and
other places of interest will be visited.
Adjournment will take place after
tonight's session , which begins at
8:30 : , and to which the ladles have in
vited the public. Some very interest
ing addresses are to be delivered by
prominent speakers. Mrs , F. H. Cole
of Omaha , ex-state president of the
federated women's club , will speak on
"Civil Service. " Mrs. Cole has made
this subject a study and her address
will be one of great interest. The ad
dress of Mrs. T. J. Gist , state presi
dent , ia to be also a feature of this
evening's session.
The Elkhorn Valley bank at Tilden
Is to be converted into a national bank
this evening. C.E. , . Burnham , vice
president of this institution , left Nor
folk today to make the final arrange
ments which will change the bank
from a state to a national one.
The Norfolk ball team and the high
school teams are scheduled for a game
) f ball qu the driving park diamond
his evening. The Norfolk team is
rying hard to make a final orgauiza-
ion. The high school boys are a
shade the favorite for winners. Next
Saturday the Stanton team comes
here for a game with the high school
Man Killed at Plalnvlew.
Plalnview , Neb. , April 25. Special
o The News : John "Nelson , a far
mer 32 years old , was thrown from
wagon , fracturing his skulj , dying
nstantly , as a result of a runaway
accident last evening a quarter of a
mile south of town. Mr. Nelson was
coming Into town when the accident
occurred. He was all alone. The
lead tnau was a son of Peter Nelson
and the family had moved to a farm
three miles southwest of Plalnvtew
only a short time ago from West
Point , Neb.
The first Intimation that there had
seen an accident was received when a
team , drawing a driverless spring
wagon , came dashing into town. The
liorscs apparently had been running
a great distance , and apparently Nel
son had tried to hold them for a long
way before he was thrown out , or fell
Parties who went back over the road
met a woman driving , who said she
bad seen a man lying along the road
probably dead.
The man was unmarried and lived
with his parents. His mother is said
to be an invalid. He was heavy set
Coroner Salter found death accidental
The skull was fractured at the base of
the brain. Nelson leaves one brother
and five sisters.
M. D. Tyler went to Dakota City on
Paul Grant returned from a business
trip to Madison ,
Kndx Tipple of Stanton is here vis
itlng with friends.
Thomas P. Mathews went to Grand
Island on business.
J. E. Haase and Herbert Hauptl
returned from Omaha.
John Butler. Oscar Krahn and Chrl
Gllssmanreturned from a visit wltl
friends at Sioux City.
Edward H. Walters returned fron
a business trip to Hosklus.
' Miss Emma Schoregge went to Os
rnond to spend a day with friends.
Mrs. B. Lnhey aud daughter Mar
garet of Hartington are hero vlsltlnj
with the M. Kane family.
Mrs. N. G. Moore and daughtc
Irene of Fremont are in the city visit
Ing with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hnrter.
Mrs. F. X. Potras is visiting wltl
Clearwater friends and relatives thl
. Miss Imo Austin of Clearwnter Sun
dayed in the Junction.
Oliver Wood arrived homo fron
Ussourl Valley Saturday evening , .
here ho has boon working for some
Mrs. H. P. Pippin spent Saturday at
10 home of her daughter , Mrs. Lester
Royal Trlbert aud sister Nndlno of
Mlger were In the city yesterday.
Gone Crotty came home from Mis-
ourl Valley Saturday evening , where
e has been working for the past few
Miss Amelia Jackson of Madison
pent Sunday at the Junction.
William Alexander of Oakdale Is
ere vlaltlng at the home of his son ,
Inrry B. Alexander , and family.
Ed Coiiley , formerly of the Junction
ut now of Snyder , Is visiting at the
2A Mullen home.
James Brennan was In Oakdnle last
veiling to do some boiler work for
ho Northwestern.
Mrs. W. B. Wolfe went to Omaha
Ills morning to do some shopping.
John Purvianco arrived home from
) malia Sunday ovonlnu ; with the ro-
lalns of his brother Ed. who died at
hat place Saturday morning. Mr.
urvlance was taken to Omaha last
vook by his brother and was to have
indcrgono an operation for a largo
oln In his log , but died before the
ay set for the operation. Death was
lue to a stroke of paralysis.
The Fremont Herald declares that
onfidcnce in the proposed Omaha-
Corfolk and Omaha-Sioux City inter-
irban electric line is increasing. The
lerald gives half a page of space to
he projected road , including a map
bowing the proposed route. It says
urveys on the Norfolk end of the
ine will begin May 1.
Among the day's outoftownlslt -
rs In Norfolk were : A. Zimmerle ,
Emerson ; H. Peterson. West Point ; '
J. A. Staley. Plainvlew : W. M. McCon-
ell , Tekauiah ; D. L. Beat , Battle
Creek ; W. Miller. Battle Creek ; W.
Hoover , Battle Creek ; R. H.
Iughes , Lynch ; James P > Riddle ,
'relshton ; H. F. Harms , Pilger ; J. J.
Backos , Humphrey ; K. W. McDonald ,
lainview ; H. M. Culbertson , Long
ine ; J. R. Brown. Albion ; George
V , Phelps , Madison ; John Kesslcr ,
ladlson : Mr. and Mrs. J. Norwood ,
s'iobrara : H. W. Woodworth. Crclgh-
on ; Frank Phillips. Hoskins ; Dorothy
pn ; Hoskins ; Orin Porter , Fairfax ;
'arl Callnwa ; > , Fairfax ; Mrs. H. V.
? tanlield. Tekamah ; M. I. Inhelder ,
J. B. Duffy has purcnased a new
yueen , model F , touring car.
The St. Agnes guild meeting have
jeen postponed until May 2.
W. L. Lehman is confined to his
lome with a severe attack of the grip.
II. B. Dlxon , a'prominent ' member
and otlicer of the local fancy chicken
SPoplntion. ia in rflreipt of four line
Crystal White Orpingtons from the
Ernest Kellerstraas farms at Kansas
ity. Mo. , for which he paid $50.
Robert Klentz , who was operated on
or appendicitis some time ago. Is able
o enjoy outdoor exercise.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Young ,
a daughter. Mr. Young Is a car fore-
nan In the Northwestern yards at the
V. A. Nenow , one of the first Nor-
oik men to secure a fishing license ,
nade a successful fishing expedition
Sunday. Mr. Nenow brought back
about thirty-five nice fish.
The Women's Home Missionary so
ciety of the Methodist church will
meet with Mrs. Klrkpatrlck Friday ,
April 28 , at 3 o'clock. It has been
postponed from Tuesday to Friday.
The North Platte lodge of Elks has
ust dedicated a new $40,000 three-
story building , the two upper stories
being used for lodge purposes. The
edge has 225 members and was in
stalled in 1906.
Walte * Peterson of Winslde was In
he city and purchased an automobile.
The four-passenger automobile recent-
y ordered by J. S. Butterfleld , and the
orpedo style runabout purchased by
G. D. ButterQeld , arrived during the
C. E. Burnham and E. W. Zutz re-
urned from Tekamah , where they at-
ended the bankers' convention. While
at Tekamah the two Norfolk bankers
werq entertained by Congressman J.
P. Latta who , on account of illness , is
resting at home.
The defeat of the Nellgh team by
the Norfolk high school team Satur
day afternoon marks the third suc
cessful victory of the Norfolk players ,
who are endeavoring to attain the
baseball championship of northeast
Nebraska this year.
George H. Spear of Norfolk was
elected fifth vice president of the Ne
braska Travelers Protective associa
tion at Lincoln and H. O. Kiesau of
this city was chosen as one of the
delegates to the national convention.
Charles L. Hopper of Omaha was en
dorsed for national president.
The peace negotiations between the
Insurrecto and government officials In
Mexico has no effect on the Norfolk
militia company , members of which
declare they will yet get a chance to
go south. A regular drill Is to be enJoyed -
Joyed by the guardsmen this evening ,
after which further discussion on the
Mexican situation is to be held.
Dr. William G. Keehn , a graduate of
the Kansas City Veterinary college ,
has retilrned to Norfolk to t ke up his
duties as assistant to Dr. C. A. McKIm
at the Norfolk Veterinary hospital.
Dr. Keehn spent his vacation last
summer assisting Dr. McKlra. He
graduated on April 13 with the honors
of his class , lie also passed the state
board examination at Lincoln last
Ben Skalowsky , a tinner in the em
ploy of Al Degner and one of the most
popular firemen of the Norfolk fire de
partment , will bo married In New Lon
don , Conn. , on April 28. Mr. Skalow
sky went to Connecticut about three
weeks ago to spend a vacation with
his brother , and while there decided
to bring back to Norfolk a bride from
the New England state. Mr. and Mrs
Skalowsky will arrive in Norfolk
about May 2.
Mrs. J. W. Huntsborgor , mother of
Mrs. Frank Brown , Is suffering from
nn injured wrist and a bad shaking up )
nn the result of fulling from a IIURBT
Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.
Brown and Mrs. HuntaborRcr wcro
driving on North Third street whun
the home became frightened by the
nolno from a largo traction engine.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown Jumped from the
vehicle mid were uninjured.
Nearly every high school In this vl
clnlty has organized a baaoball club
and the Benson Is well started , many
fast and Interesting games having
been played. Among the teams or
Kiinlzcd are : Norfolk , Nellgh , At kin
Hon , O'Neill , Evvlng , Clearwater , Altu
worth , Vordlgre. Johnstown. Madison ,
Plnlnvlew , Stnnton. West Point ,
CrolRhton , Napor , Newman Grove ,
Fairfax , Dallas , Brlstow , Mouowl.
J. Pope , foreman of the Gcorgu
Hurry ranch west of here IS reported
somewhat Improved aftur his exciting
runaway experloiu-o of last Friday
afternoon. Mr. Pope was driving to
the ranch from this city. About flvo
miles west of hero an automobllo
frightened the horses which ho wna
driving. Mr. Pope lost control of the
animals and In the smashup he re
ceived n largo scalp wound. Ills shoul
ders and limbs wore bruised but no
hones wore broken. The vehicle wan
badly damaged. The physicians took
several stitches In the wound on the
West Point Has a Serious Fire.
West Point , Neb. April 2 . Fire
caused an explosion of gasoline de
stroyed the livery barn of Henry Ick
man and the automobile garage of C. i M
C. Stahl yesterday afternoon. Two I
new automobiles' were ruined. ,
Fireman H. Mannefield was burned
about the head and Stahl was slightly
titirned. The horses In the barn were
Nlobrara News.
Nlobrarn. Neb. . April 25. Special
to The News : The firemen gave a
ball on Friday night. April 21 , which
was a .success socially and iinanclal
ly. The Northwestern baud furnish
cd music for the occasion nnd also
played several selections on the street
early In the evening.
At their annual election , the 21st
Inst. . Ionic chapter. No. 172 , O. E. S. ,
elected the following officers to servo
for the ensuing year : Mrs. George L.
Adams , W. M. ; George W. Draper ,
W. P. ; Mrs. Vac Vlasnik. A. M. ; Mrs.
E. J. Longer , secretary : Mrs. E. A.
Houston , treasurer ; Mlsh Othella
Opouonuky. conductor ; Mrs J. R
Vlasnik , associate conductor.
" .Maud Muller" will be presented by
local talent on Saturday. April 2'J. '
The play is under the direction of
Frank Lambert who has had con
slderahlo experience and has | > i < on
several homo talent plays at differ
ent points in this part of the state.
The net proceeds will be given to
the churches.
The Cottage hotel has again
cd hands. Lawrence Casper is now
the proprietor and it will bo a first
class hotel In every way.
The ladles of the Episcopal church
held a bazaar and supper Friday after
noon and evening which proved a suc
cess , both socially and financially.
Mrs. Frank Skinner of Ncligh spent
the past week visiting relatives and
friends hero.
St. Joseph's hall will be dedicated
Tuesday with appropriate ceremonies
ind the pupils of the school will give
in entertainment in the evening.
Mr. Thomas , brother of W. J. Thorn
is , who was accidentally shot at West
* * U
Point about a week ago and brought / I
here for treatment , is able to be
around town with the aid of a cane.
E. J. Mack Is the proud owner of a
new Oakland autonwblle.
Mrs. Daisy Allen' has returned to
her home In Wisconsin after a visit
with her mother , Mrs. Raymer.
Miss Meta Martin of the second
primary is ill at her home in O'Neill
with tonsllltls , and ber place in the
school room Is being filled by Mnbello
Are Against Two Terms.
Panama , April 25. Persistent rum
ors that friends of President Arose-
mena were seeking his re-election
have resulted In an open letter being
addressed to the executive by promi
nent liberals , in which it is asserted
that their party is strongly opposed
to such a move. There appears to
bo a quite unanimous sentiment
against the policy of a second term
for a president and in view of this
It Is believed that the partisans of
Arosemena will abandon their activi
ties in his behalf
Passengers Are Safe.
Toklo , April 25. It wag reported to
day that the passengers and crew of
the Pacific mall steamer Asia were
rescued after the vessel went ashore
on Finger rock Sunday. The malls
were saved. '
London , April 25. Captain Gauk-
royer of the Pacific mall steamship
Asia , wrecked on Finger rock , reports
that his vessel Is a total loss.
Enough of Politics There.
Cork , Ireland , April 25. John Donovan
evan , a Callfornian who was active In
the last election campaign here , was
a witness at today's hearing of the
petition against the election of Cap
tain Anthony Donelaan , the national
ist whip , who defeated William
O'Brien in the east division of Cork
county. Donovan declared that he had
had enough of electioneering in Ire
land and Intended to return to Cal
ifornia. He thought that the people of
Youghal were "savages. " He admitted
having promised to distribute money
among the poor of Youghal If Done
laan was elected.
Considering Illinois Situation.
Springfield , III. , April 25. The state
senate bribery Investigation commit
tee went Into , exe'cutlve session imme
diately on reconvening at 9 o'clock
this morning. At that time the mem
bers of the committee had not decided
on what recommendations to make to
' the senate regarding Edwin Tilden.