TI1K NORKOliK WKKKIiY NUWS-JOURKAIj , FRIDAY. APRIL 28 , 1911. M'FARLAND IS GLASSY FIGHTER CHICAGO BOY HAS NO SUPERIOR AS A BOXER. WANTS THE LIGHTWEIGHT TITLE Stockyards Terror Says He Will Make 33 Pounds Ringside for Wolgast In Twenty Round Bout He Should Outpoint the Champion. f By TOMMY Ct.AKK. Tacky MiTurluiid , the Chicago whirlwind , bus convincingly demon- iiratiul In iccent inntcliu-i Hint he lit the classiest boxer doing business tnioug thu iiuniller men. In fact , there lu nut one boy In the world to- ilny who has the remotest chance of outpointing him In a limited round battle al ! ; ) , * > pound * throe houn be- tore a battle. If given n opportunity there Is ttnoro than a chance that the Windy City glove wlelder would bo able to jack the handle of world'n champion llglitwclglil ii f I or hU name on bis vis iting cnrds provided ho can do 133 pounds and retain tils stamina. In fnct , If McKarlund were mntclied with Ad NVolgast , the present champion , at the nlx > vt weight , for a twenty round rtcht the chnnces nre that MeFnrland would lie al lenst an even money choice in the betting If not nn odda on ifavorlli * to relieve Wolgiist of his title , ill would lie different If the men were so battle o\er the full derby or forty- flvo rounti IfcFnrliuid Is n wonderful boser. < ittfll l renlly nboul the only man In The ring who Is Ills equul when It comes < o cleverness JlcKnrland to- dny Is faster than Attell In all proba bility , but Attell has four years more of experience as a flghrer than Me- Karlnnd , the boss of the featherweight division This experience miken : It possible for Altell to stnnd up with hard puncheri Hnd slip or block their lends. Neither Wolgast nor Nelson Ii clerer , like McFarliind. Wolgust Is as strong -is n young bull , and when he gcta In close and tarN working away It In almost lmp'os lble for si ninn to protect 'himself. Rut would MeFnrlund let AVolgast get In clo < e In a twenty round rlsht ; ? McFai-l.tiul's stnlght left Jab. which he omotlnies vnrles with n short lefl hcok to the | nw. bus a Htlns to It. His right hnnd used to have knockout power and probably hos yet , but hardly ngiilnst a man \Volgast' * atrenglh. In a twenty round bout Mc- Farland would be the boy who can Deliver the goodi. McFarland hns been hankeruig after a battle with Wolgnst ever aluuo the I-ACKT M'FA.nLAND. Utter won the title from Nelson The champion Is ready to take on Pauky at 133 pounds ringside. A.s McFar- land snld rHuentlyJip ai , > lUnjt | Jtx > make the required weight It la more than likely that the pair will be match ed to meet In the near future. At 130 pounds McFarlnnd ( q the boat boxer In America , but at 133 rlngalda he would not posaeaa stamina enough to cope with Wolgast In a battle over twenty rounds. McKarland U the toll- eet lightweight In the ring today and rxperiencai considerable dlfflcolty In reducing his weight. He la only twenty-two yeaw of age , and If h cannot make 133 ringside novr he never will. HU l9 Sfrowlnic right along aud In a year will be a real welterweight. The stockyards -champion la unfortunate bocausu he la between two weights. H ndJo pp ri H d d In Q rrn n/ . In Germany nearly all the athletic porta are run from scratch , as DO sat isfactory syatom of handlcappln ? has b eit evolved. I BOBBY WALLACE VINDI- CATE3 TV COBB , THE TERRIBLE. "Ty Cobb N not such a vllliiln- nuft villain us he Is pnlnted" Ho dednres Hobby Wnlluce , Ihe new lender ( if the St. Louis Browns Bobby ml m I res "Tyrus the Ter rible" and thinks Ihe "Georgia Pencil" ilcmniidx the respect of every limn who loves good base- ball. Wallace has bullied with Cobb since the latter broke Into the big league , mill lu all that limn they hnve never clashed In n serious encounter. Cobb spiked Wallace once. He Indicted a slight gush on the top of Bodt'rIck'Hhead _ _ " _ It waa u mere scratch "and I be only wound Inflicted on the Browns' manager by the star of Tiger- land Wallace believes that Cobb will play fair with all who ploy fair with him "The bix o runner ban the right of way , " declared Wallace re cently , "and Cobb only demands that his rights be respected. If you get In the base line yon are In danger of being cut down , for Cobb comes In determined to make the bag. If the baseman takes his proper position Cobb will never cut him. " EDDIE COLLINS , NOISY CHAP. Athlatict * Star Keeps Up Running Firs of Jawing During Gamo. Few baseball funs know that Eddie Collins , the great second baseman ot the Philadelphia Americans , Is not only a rival of Johnny Evers In field ing , hitting and base running , but also In Jawing and In yelping at other performer - former ! ) . The Imprenslon seems to prevail that Collins Is a brilliant ball player , but a allent one. He Is far from nllent , being one of the noisiest ball players there are. His face always Is open , and some of these days he will Inhale n grounder If he Isn't careful. "Get a wiggle there ! For the love of Mike , do you think you're playing checkers ? Ah , sny , If I had a four- year-old baby and he couldn't stop that one I'd disown him. What ! Call that bane running ? You look like a goat tied to a pout ! Say , look at him now ; didn't .slide and caught standing up ! Hate to soil that nice white uni form , huh ? G'wan , now ; tell It to Sweeney , you big Ivory head ! " Thus doth Mr. Collins keep things stirred up vocally throughout a game , and the effect upon the Athletics Is the same as produced by Johnny Evers' diamond tribes when he upbraid * the Cubs. And maybe the Cubs didn't miss that How of Inngnage In the world's series last full ! Zimmerman , who held down Kvers' place at second , In no howler He went two weeks once without saying anything except "PI MBi puns the snlt , " and what good Is that M > r ( of oratory on n ball Held ? And another thing might be added Eddie Is always jawing at the news paper puotozraphera. When this pic- CHARtOTKR SI DOT 07 ED OOLLIK9 , COM- NIK UA.OK'3 OIIUAT STAIt. hire was taken Mr. Collins heaped all kinds of abuse on the camera man and gave him a few seconds to get out of the way or there would bo something doing. * Still , It would bo a good thing for Eddie to keep In mind that If It were not for the great amount of publicity given the game by the newspapers Mr Colllnn would really be working hard for a living at a salary much leas than he la receiving from the Philadelphia club for engaging In a game of sport. L ng t BiMball Qami * . The longest major league game was twenty innings , played between the Athletics and Boston , at Boston , Sept 1 , IDOti , score 4 to 1 ; minor league. May 31 , 1000 , Decatur versus BloomIngton - Ington , 111. , twenty-air Innings , score 2 to 1. May Bar Foreign Horta * In France. France may bar KnglUb and Ameri can Jumpers and steeplechase horse * . The fro * eaters are annoyed at the fre quent victories of the foreign horses. WHAT WILL THE CHICAGO CUBS DO ? SIGNS GO TO SHOW THAT GREAT MACHINE IS BREAKING UP. DISSENSION IN THE RANKS Many of the Leading Players Are Dis satisfied With Places on Team and Would Relish a Trade Kllng Isn't In High Favor. Is the great Chicago Cub Imsebnll machine lu the process of disintegra tion ? It looks that way to uiauy fol lowers of the game When the team waa going good , nil the athletes workIng - Ing together like clockwork , Chance's club jvajj the greatest lu the baseball world. Three straight pennantn were won and two world's championships. Then John Kllng , known an the great est catcher In bnneboll , dropped out for a year. Kllng's absence apparently started the shattering of a great club. The Cubs were whipped by Pitts- burgr the year Kllng wan out. The Cub players and followers of baseball ev erywhere held the opinion that Chicago cage would have fronted the Pirates lu the pennant race had Kllng been In the game. The next year , last season , Kling returned to the Cubs , and the Cubs again won the National league pennant. That was sufficient proof for the bugs. Kllng's absence lost Chicago a pennant the year before. Sure , Mlkel 9OMH OP CHICAGO'S it canons TUTINO UAUD TO LAND PLAOB ON THAU. Didn't Kllng come back the next sea son , and didn't the Cubs again fall into Uielr winning stride ? Can you doubt It ! Everything went smoothly enough last season while the Cubs were walk ing away with the pennant But when things went to the bad in the world's series with the Athletics trouble broke In the camp of the Cubs. Chance "called" Kllng , and there were words between the manager and the catcher. Kllng expected to be traded during the winter. lie believed ho would play much better ball with some other club Now that he is dissatisfied will he work with the Cuba in the same old way 7 Tinker Is not pleased with his berth at short and waa auxioua , to re place Stein fleldt at third , bnt Chance said no. Event says'hla ankle , which he broke shortly before , the world's series last fall , U ds strong as ever Bat la It ? We can tell better later. Hofman baa had a run In with Owner Murphy and would have qnlt only for Chance. If the team strikes falls by the wayside Artie Is apt to qnlt and put In his time at the brokerage busi ness. Overall la tired of pitching and IB anxious to try something else. But Chancu says he must stick to the slab. Brown talked of quitting the gam early In the year. Ho la dissatisfied alee and would like to be traded. With Bach lack of harmony among the club players Manager Chance will hare bit hands full this year. The Cubs may come back and show all other ball clubs the way this sea son. but there'll be many an eye on the lookout for open breaks , showlus dissension In the Cub ranks. Manager Chance Is highly pleased with the twelve new men who now grace Ihe Cub rnnks The youngsters who nre trying to make the team are ns follows Pi'lchoiN-Clnrke. Klrwnn , t'oiiey mill Orlllln ; Inllelders Salcr , Coone.N mid Klshei , Catcher Angenielr anil Out Holder Ball. Chniice recently stilted Hint Ihe recruits ou band were the best he Uul : had In year * . . . PASTE THESE IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. The greatest number of stolen bine * wns mutle by Hurry Sto- \ey of the Athletics in 1SHS , when he pilfctctl I. ' ! bugs The lonnem distance throw of 1"(5 ( feet IH. | Inches wa.s made by Sheldon liejeune. now a member of the Brooklyn NutlotniU , at Cluclnmitl , Oct. \ . 1010. The greatest number of games pitched In a season vrcre seven ty-two by Kmllmiinie of Provi dence In 188 * . Curve pitching was ttrst used by Arthur . umnidigs In 187 5. Overhand twirling was author ized In 18SI. First no hit game In history of game wan played In lena , Mich . Aug. 17. 187(5. ( between the St Louis Itcdn and thu Cuss club of Detroit Jim Galviu pitched for the Hc.il-i. The record for the shortest game Is thirty-two minutes , played Sept 17. 1010. between Atlanta and Mobile tennis at At lanta. Full nine tunings. The greatest number of vic tories In a setHon wan made in 190i5 by the Chicago National * when they captured 11(5 ( games. The strikeout record for a. sea-1 son Is held by Walter Johnson of the Washington * . * that of 313 made by him last year George ( .ibson ho'lds the rec ord for consecutive games caught In lWl ! he was behind the bat 110 days without a letup. STARS MUST MAKE GOOD. Fans Will Watoh Caraor of W ll c and Chasa In the Managerial Rolei. Hal Chase of New York aud Bobby Wallace or * St. Louis a're'two manogen who will be under close scrutiny this season. Because It Is their first ex perlence at the head of a major league team there will be considerable Inter eat In the showing their respective teams will make Wallace mUunilly has the better ol Chase lu that lie will not be blameil If the Browns full to get oat of Insi place , for no one expects him to dc much more. But with Chase It Is dlf fereut. He Is taking hold of a lean TWO trar MANAaKt vrnoK.YU run wn. AH SXtt C * . which finished second In tha.rpce iai season. He wilt receive bat HtUa cred if be brings the team up to the nan position , which trill by no means be a easy matter. If ho falls below tt mark bo will be classed as looompeten and jet be can hardly bo expected I finish higher , for the Highlanders hai not the class to win a pennant Them Is considerable doubt In tt minds of New York critics era I whether Chose will fill Stalling * ' shot or not There la no doubt about h capabilities an a player , but be mai till show that be can handle a ba team and not have tuU duty Interta with his playing. Matty Thlnka Cardinal * AM Caay. Christy .Mnthewson la willing to b ( $100 be will not lost a gun * to tt St. Lools Cardinals tt& o on COULON READY FOR CONLEY. Bantamweight Cbntpion Anmoui to Show He ji EUdjor Boy'i Mst r. A large assortment of Jubs , upper cuts , liookH Mini swings will bo on tup vvlitMi .loliiiny Coulon atul Frankle Con toy , biuilnm tlvals , clash In a twenty- tlve totiml buttle scheduled to be held In Frisco tliD second week of M.iy The boy * hive agreed to weigh 110 pounds at 3 oVUx-lc Hie diy : of the con ti" l Coulon anil Conley huvo bcon rlvali for years , and bud blood exists be rwo oir woniiD'H OBKATKHT WXIOIITI * WHO AR TO ttXOTC A (14. IN. tween then * lending fighter * of the bantamweight clans. Johnny won a decision over Conley at New Orlean < recently , and since that tight Conlej ban been seeking a return go. Th < Badger battler clalnm that he was not In condition when he fought Coulon and he wuatH _ another battle. The latter In anxious to show tht pugilistic world that he la Conlcy' ; master and In now In hard training Johnny said the tight cannot take placi soon enough to suit him , while Conlo ; said ho would ba able to battle insldt of two weeks. Couley claimed thi bantamweight championship before In was beaten by Coulon and la anxloui to regain bin laurels. SEEKS ANOTHER LONG WALK Edward Payton Wcston Saya Ho Flu ur on 2,000 Mlle Jaunt- Edward Payaon Westoa , the walker who observed the seventy-third an nlrorsary of hla birth recently , la look Ing for fresh Holds to conquer "I fee aa strong today as I did when I starte < on my Jaunt from the Atlantic to thi Pacific. " said the veteran the othe : day , "and I'm now looking about fo some attractive route a couple of thou sand miles long suitable for a stmlla trip. " Wrastling at Olympic Gam . The -xTi'STling games af the Olympt games In Stockholm , Sweden. n year will be according to ttw Greoc Roinnn sty ! < . Instead of catc.h-tM-oitcl ; can. Mclntyrn Still a Young Man. A , ball player soon becotnes a ve : wan. Matty Mclutyre of the Chlcng dub Is Just thirty years of age , y < ' by the funs he Is regarded as an o ! man as far us baseball M concerned. i Sprinter Henry Going to Sweden. Gwynn Henry , the Texas -jprintei I will be a member of tie Olympic teau that goes to Sweden In I')12 ) An nouncement to this etlWt M ma do b ; L. Dl Benedette , s - < : retnry of th southern division of the Aui.iteur Atli letlc union Flenry will b th tlrs southerner thus houorod. Carry Wounded Through Arizona. Washington , April 22. By order < Secretary of War Dicklasoa autho Ity has been wired to the commaudlc ofllcer at Douglas , Am. , to perm twenty Ihe wounded Mexican soldier accompanied by attendants , all u armed and without uniform to pr ceed In a srxx-ial car from Agua Prio' ' by way of DougUu * to a hospital at C nanea To Confer in Iowa Stride. Mu catlne , la. , April 22. All quiet In this rtty today. A few mini disorders were called to the atteutlc of the police last night The man facturers Bold they would be prepari * late today to hold a conference on tl strike situation. The local mlllt a company la still on duty. e Went After the Burglar. Some excitement was cai ed In t lobby ot the Oxnard hotel at 3 o'cloi thLs morning , when the 5-year-old s < of Mr. and Mrs Edward H. Walte alarmed W. J. Currier , the night cler by walking into the lobby , dressed his night clothes , and telling ot bni lora who weru la his father' * apa munis up the street , attacking him Currlor imulosome haste to the build ing at LT.l Norfolk avonue. but Ilndlng cMM'ytlilug lu darkness , lot tied and Bvcurud the assistance of Night Patrol man O'lirlcn. With ilri\\n ; mvolvura , the two men ciopl up tin1 b.'iik stairway to surprise the burglars , but found Mr Walters sleeping peacefully No burglars had been there , said the awakened furul lure dealer , and he showed much sur prise when told of his little son's mys teilous alurtn. The hey had probably been walking in his sleep. Dakota Disbarment Case. Pierre , S D. , April 22 The supreme court room was the center of attrac tlon at the state house yesterday be cause of ( ht > hi-arlns ou the disbar ment proceeding * which have been brought against Attorney General Johnson. The whole case appears to hinge up on Johnson' * connection with certain cl\ll cases , having prosecuted as state's attorney the same parties lu criminal actions Thu prosecution de pcnds evidently more- upon record evi dence than oral testimony , as only a few witnesses were called and they sought to connect Johnson with the conduct of a civil case which was conducted by T F. Auldrege , a clerk In the ouice of Johnson , and lu which he was assisted by A B Fairbanks ot Huron Fairbanks testified to bK employ ment of Auldrege and that he had no conference whatever with Johnson in regard to the case , except to ask John- sou why he did not take part himself , with the reply he could not do so as he had been connected with the pre liminary hearing in the criminal com plaint Johnson was ou the stand in his own defense most of the afternoon and several other witnesses were call ed by him. The court has taken * fte case under advisement and will gUe it a speedy consideration Junction News. Mrs. GtiR Grauel arrived home from Omaha last evening , where she had been on business. Mrs. J. N. Dougherty , who has been ill for some tl ue , is some better at present , though still very low. Mr. Smith has moved his family from east of FJrst street to the Gil bert Johnson property on South Third street. Fred Cornell Is making some im provements on his house on the cor ner of Fourth street and Hastings av enue , which is occupied by T. G. Wood and family. The house Is being given a freah coat of paint , while n bath room and electric lights are being In stalled. Local Talent Makes a Hit. "The Whirl o' th' Town" made a hit in the Auditorium Thursday evenIng - Ing , and Jamea W. Evans , writer of the play , and the committee In charge came in for high praise from a well packed house. Seventy local people took part In the play and they did their work like oW-tlme professionals. The niudlc of the play was a feature. The plot is well designed. "Andrew Jackson Squllld. " in the person of J. W. Diet- rick , made a fine impersonation of a newly elected senator from Pleasant Valley. His daughter , "Truly Your.s. ' played by Mihs Mellie Bridge , waa well and gracefully acted Her friend "Acnes Watsoa. " plated by Klolse Dletrick , was also a tavorite of the house In the musical number Mh = Dietrlck and Herman Schelley display ed talent above that of amateurs. C J. Bullock played la * part of "John D Astorgould. " th financier and loter Mr. Bullock woa much applause aud he romantically saved the honor 01 his sweetheart's brother , who had led home and become a burglar. In this I capacity Karl Shurtz made good. In the Squills private apartments h gave up his wayward ways to take u [ a better life as the result of pleading of the financier , and he soon found ar open path to home and the girl he loved. Mr. Bullock's voice was plena lug aud hla singing waj also a fea ture of the performance. Lorin Bruecpeman ao "Jim Feen y , ' i the political boss , wtui clever , whllt i W. P. Logan as "Tamarack , the coun , i try detective " appeared to excelled I advantage. He came In time to Ugh ; his pipe with the burning fuse con nected to a barrel of giant powde , secretly laid by Peeney aad whlcl to put the Squills home out o commission. Mr. Brueggetnan alsi featured in leading a musical number C. M South art "Letn Tucker , " thi private secretary to the senator , ha < 1 : heat y part and filled It to perfection I Eugene Otiborn a < a comedy hit o 'the e.-oiling H. played the boll bo ; 3 anil played tt well. His pranks In th < r comedy acts and musicals brought hlc n | back a number of times to appeas the thirst for more comedy. HI "makeup" wan rich. Kd Hans as "ArtJiona Pete. " a ba cowboy , wad "there" His endeavor to obtain sufficient funds from th newly elected senator , to finance i wild west show proved a failure. Archie Gow , a.i the dudu. played hi part splendidly. One of the musical features was th Indian singing led by Herman SchPll and MUM Maud Glbbs Mr. Schell was the Indian chief and Mis * Gibb the Indian maideo. To the pretty It dlan music of the bong , four other Ii Here's A New And Better Way To Keep Tilings Clean Avoid drudgery m the Ititchtn in cleaning pots , kettles and pins , in scrubbing floors , cleaning wood work , bath-tubs and keeping thingi clean throughout the hoaw Old Dutch Cleanser his revolutionired house work This new , hand ? all- "round Cleanser does the work of all old-fashioned cleaaeri put together Old Dutch Cleanser Cle&ns-Scrubs-Scou re and Polishes m the kitchen , pantry , dairy , bath rooms , bedrooms , parlor tnd throughout the house. It keep * everything clean and spotlcM , from millc-pails and separator ! to wood floon , wood-work , bath tubs , etc. The Euier and Qricktr Wi/ . Wet the article , sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser on cloth or brush and rub well , rinse with clean wrier and wipe dr/ . Aroid caosUc and ad cleiaers With thu new Cleanser you can get throughyqurhoobeirorlem halt ( ho Hmo and with half the labor formerly required. -LARGE SIFTER CA dlans In the persons of Dr C. S. Par ker , K. F. Huse , L. B. Nicola and A. T Hutchinson danced the war dance most satisfactorily Dorothy Hudat played the village cut-up and made good. Miss Rudat's pretty singing and her pranks with , her friend , "Hap Hazard , " played by Oliver Utter , made a favorable 1m presslon. Uoy Hlbben aa the waiter played his part well. F. B. Miner as "Hucker Jenkins , " the hired man , came in for favorable comment. Miss Elizabeth Hale as the famous actress , made good , and took her di vorce from Tom Squills In perfectly good form. "Miss Mandy Sparks , " the coy maiden - en lady , played by Mrs. Esther Hyde , was one of the hits of the evening She found rest and perfect comfort after a strenuous effort on her part In the arms of the country detective. Mrs. C. J. Bullock , as the manicur ist , and Mrs. Huntington , as the book agent , played their parts well and the newly elected senator could not resist the temptation of leaving behind a little easy money In "Tho Whirl o' th' Town " Professor Otto Voget played several tiolln solos and was brought back by hearty applause. The "Fusstown Screamers brass band" made a hit with the balcony , and their "Squills March" caused much merriment. " " The "makeup" of these musicians was unique. Miss Amy Reynolds made a decid ed ! ) favorable Impression with her sonu. "Don't Forcet thu Number. " Another popular feature was the novelty number "I've Taken Quite a fancy to VOM. " in which the following per on , participated : Misses Collins , Dietrick Dun iml IJletrlck. and Messrs Thompson , Parker. Schelly mil O-brjrne Atirl the Fancy chorus Marguerite Bates , irae King , Merle Blake'nan. Gladys Cole Marion May- lard. lard.Miss Miss I.oU Lorfuu wa. * th pianlbte In the play , which position she filled ino t ac < eptably. The remainder ot the performers with lighter parta did well and receiv ed hearty applause. The members of the chorus were prettily dressed and among them were many very pretty girls. They were : City Boy * and Girls May Miner , Marion Dietrick. Carrip Thompson , Agnes Smith. Mabel Odlorno , Helen Lobdell , Ruth Beebe , Dorothy Salter , P.oy Hlbben. LnRoy Gillette , Louis Thompson. Glen Briggs , Leland Lan ders , Lee Ogden , Herman Bechtel , John Lynde Country Bo.va and Girls Mary Odl- orne. Flora Kngelnian , Lois Hardy , Opal Sturdevant , Bernlce Mapes , Clara Smith. Arabella Lucas , Corine Culm- .ve. Caryl Logan , Ward Blakeman , Frank South. Walter Chase , Thomas Odlorna. Sydney Sonueland , Guy Par ish. Ray Musselmaa. "Pusbtown Screamers Brass Band" Mebsrs. Avery , Blank , Moldenhauer , Laubsch , Raaley. Smith , Wlchman and Boehnke. The committee la charge , to whom much credit la given for the success of the play , arcMrs. . E. E. Gillette , Mrs. K. A. Bullock. Mrs. O. D. Butter- field. Mrs. T. E. Odlorne , Mrs. L J. Johnson , Mrs. S. T. Napper , Mrs. F. G. Coryell. Mr.s P A. Blakeman , Mrs. L. X Culmsee Mrs. P. E. Davenport , Mrs A. S Gillette , Mrs. J. R. Hays , Mrs. W. P. Logan. MYs. Mary Math- ewson. Mrs McGlnnls. Mrs. L. Ses sions , Mrs Wtlley. Mrs. H. T. Holden , Mrs. M. D. Tyler. Mrs. A. T. Hutchln- son. Mr.s W B. Donaldson. Mrs. J. O. Burton , Mrs. Rngelman , Miss Melllo Bridge , Mrs. Sturdevant , Mrs. Burr Taft. Mrs. F. McWhorter , Mrs. D. S. Bullock Mrs. Huntingdon.