TillNOKFOl.K : WKKKLV \T.Ws..lOri\Al { . FIMDAY. Al'HTl , L'S. 3911.'T m i The NoriOlk Wwkly Nevis-Journa The NWH. . EstabllBhcd 1881. The Journal , Established 1877 THE HUSE PUBLISHING COMPANY W. N. IIuse N. A. Husu , President. Secretary t3 ery Friday. Ily mall per year , Jl.fiO Entered at the poHtolIlce at Norfolk Neb. , an second class matter. Telephones : Kdltorlal Departmen No. 22. Business Olllce and Job Rooms No. II 22. The hobble skirt goeth before a fall Swat the fly und make the worli healthier. It will soon be open season for dar dcllons. What Mexico needs Is not more re\ olutlons but more BchooHiouseo. It Is said that llshen yawn. Is It an wonder , when they look at the llehei men ? Spain and France are to co-operat In Morocco. Goodbye , Morocco , you time has come. The baseball umpire's troubles hav once more commenced , and they ar not Imaginary ones , either. The plague In China is Incrcasln in Its power and extent. Bodies ar being burned by the thousand. About every man in Mexico appear to be an insurgent against the ide of having anyone else run things. Jack Johnson has bought an aer < plane , and now we will see If the p < lice can stop those black rockets. Poet Laureate Austin is having trot ble finding anything to rhyme wit George the Fifth. He might try Smitl Fisher's appointment to the cablne was not due wholly to his Interest 1 conservation. He is a golf enthuslas also. Some men who are as deaf as a pos Tfhen spoken to about charity coul hear a whisper if asked to take drink. One of the Camorrlsts on trial picl ed out his glass eye and threw it o the floor. This must have been a eye-opener. If tbe democrats have put the pn ducts of democratic districts on the ! farmers' free list , we have yet to tin out about it. The senate will get around to vet on reciprocity by the time It IB too h ( In Washington to attend the ba games In comfort. It is said the acts of congress o March 4 may be illegal. But the si preme court says most of their acl ara Illegal , anyway. Tbe Illinois hou&e increase the : pay from $2,000 to $3G60. They ha\ got to have some way of living b tween senatorial elections. About 12,000 people attended tl first league ball games. Our peopl are still firmly supporting the bu warkfl of national greatness. Reciprocity seems likely to pas and business men along the horde can deliver goods by train instead < through the woods on dark nights. A news item says the elk have su fered from the frosts of winter. Tt elks that we are acquainted with seei to have come through in tine shape. You can not found an enduring r public among an Ignorant and Indltfe ent people. Seventeen only out < every 100 Mexicans can read or writ The airship Parseval landed in swamp over In Germany , Friday , at the passengers must have been glc tor a good squshy place to Jump Int New York City has finally decide to tear up all its horse-car lines. Ma be tbe old town will be having ele trie lights and telephones one of thei Second Impressions are very like to be more correct and just than , fir ones. Considering this fact , wouldi it be safer to have only second Irapre slons ? It takes a brave man to meet r Increasing waist line without a pr test , and one must cultivate chrlstlt resignation to accept gray hairs In proper spirit The amount of land which is bell drained and reclaimed in Florida u der tbe Broward plan Is equal In ante to Rhode Island , Connecticut and D < aware combined. The trade reports say the volun of business is below producing c pacity. Like the rest of us , Uncle Sa hates to dig In the garden when tl fish begin to bite. Carter Harrison's boom for the prc idency is tbo smallest one to be foui on the political horizon with the e ccption of the ono launched for VI President Sherman. Everyone IB asking why Ambn pailor Hill retlgned. Perhaps ho Is ' tired of having American tourists nsV him to go down to the station am ht'lp get their luggage off. Secretary Hitchcock Is beginning to discover that the statesmen of this country are In favor of economy Ir the pofctolllce department but radicallj opposed to Its enforcement. Champ Clarl ; has no time for th < automobile. Nothing like being on * o the common people. The trouble wltl the most of them Is that they havi neither time or money for one. Nine hundred thousand books an being moved into Now York's nev Ibrary , and April breezes may reinovi the dust which Manhattan's citizen : allow to gather on the classics. A St. Louis judge decides a womai has a right to hang a cowbell on th door to tell when her husband gets in It would be a good thing for some nici to have it hung around their neck. Pittsburg again appears in the naui old role but with a brand new scan dal. Once more the smoky city 1 hunting out the grafters for whlcl due honor ought to be given to It. Someone having forgotten to get i supply of tobacco for a Norweglai ship just arrived at Boston , the cre\ chewed leather. These men nov know what boarding house life is. Just as the small boy likes to ge behind a sedate citizen before firini rocks , so tbe Mexican insurrectos ar careful to back up to the Unltei States line before letting oft thei guns. A New York Central train mad three miles in a minute and fifty-on seconds the other day. Some of ou automobiles will feel badly under th disgrace of being left a notch or tw behind. They are separating church an state in Portugal. As the mlnlste can no longer be policeman , the ter dency of the American boy to stan on his head in Sunday school wl ! soon be observed. Mexican investments looked golde a few years ago. But under preset ) circumstances , we'd rather have ou money In the old country savings ban1 with its antique ledgers and obsolet furniture and single clerk. If the Sanborn decision Is upheld b the United States supreme court I will be found that the authority of th interstate commission has been fo nially extended over practically a the railroad rates of the country. If it took thirty women eightee hours to count 1,100 ballots cast b the Daughters of the American Rei elution , how much before July 4 wi ! we get the result of presidential elei tion when women hold the offices ? Professor AJtken of Lick observi tory says the canals on Mars are notl ing but earthquake fissures. It woul be mighty disappointing to wako u some morning and find the sweet pen had dropped down to the center c the planet. A fad prevails among the fashioi able women of Berlin for having thei portraits painted while they slee ] Most of us look stupid enough awjvk ( let alone our sleeping expression , c lack of it Besides , what if a snoi should be transferred to the canvas ? The American boys who have bee brought up on Patrick Henry's p ; triotlc speeches will be interested t learn that a bronze tablet In memo : of the eloquent orator has been place in St. John's church , Richmond , wher his famous "Liberty or Death" speec was delivered. A pretty custom has long prevaile at Vassar of selecting twenty-four < the prettiest girls In the college t carry the long daisy chain in the cor mencement festlvites. This year's 6 lection of bearers shows that no staler or section has a monopoly of femlnlt beauty. The students chosen repr sent ten different states scatter * from Connecticut to California an also the Philippine islands. Seattle has a council of nine met bers , men who must devote their e : tire time to the affairs of that clt and they are paid a good salary- $3,000 each. This Isn't a commlsslc form of government , but a modlflc tlon or a compromise between tt .commission and the old form of go ernment. The Idea of reducing tl number of aldermen is one of sen : and economy. It is becoming appn ent to tbo people that it Is not nece sary to have a large board of aide men to conduct the affairs of a city. Within the past few weeks tv young physicians gave up their llvi as a result of contracting dlseasi which they were trying to Investiga and discover the cause and cure. Tl world holds no greater heroes the these conscientious medical men wl In laboratory or sick room often lei their lives in an effort to enlarge tt boundaries of medical science and d liver their fellowmen from the fear death. The world docs not fully a predate the heroic sacrifice of a Ree a Brenkerhoff or an Ashley , but th < have the quiet approval of their pr fcssional brothere and the consclou ness of having done their utmost for Immunity. Thirty long term prisoners in the Kansas City , Kan. , workhouse are to be given garden lots this pprlng in a four-acre tract adjoining the work house , says the Kansas City Star. They will bo allowed to work In the gardens after working a certain num ber of hours each day on the stone pile. The prisoners will be allowed to choose the vegetables and the pro ducts will be served In the prisoners' ' dlnlngroom. Gardening will not be compulsory , but the prisoners who do not work in their gardens will spend that time breaking stone. Under the present conditions there Is no question but that the opening ol the Panama canal means a larger ln < crease of commerce for Japan than It does for the United States. It will afford the subsidized steamships ol Jnpau easy access to the Atlantic and a shorter route to the eastern coast of South America. Even If our commerce merco Is Increased in Asia the Inter change would be very largely carried in Japanese bottoms. Japan is des ttncd to wax fat off the trfl.de across the Pacific just as England has ac quired riches and honor from roonopo llzlng the trade of the Atlantic. M'NAMARA'S KIDNAPING. A new sensation has developed it the dynamiting case , in the sending tc jail of three men at Indianapolis charged with kidnaping McNamam and taking him out of the state with out duo process of law. This action however , was hardly as unfair as the method by which McNamara was ar rested and spirited out of Indiana without opportunity to employ coun sel or resist requisition. Such unfair ness on the part of the men who ar rested the union leader , could onlj work against their case and as r means of creating sympathy for Me Namara. The readiness of Mr. Meyer ant some other labor leaders to declare the entire arrest a frame-up , includ Ing the planting of dynamite in Me Namara's headquarters , is as unrea sonable as it would be to declare that because the men have been arrested they are guilty. It IB a good time U keep calm and wait for the real evl dence in the case before venturinj cocksure opinions either way. THE TIMES CASE. If the detectives have the guilts parties under arrest in connectloi with the Los Angeles Times dyna mite outrage , which cost the lives o twenty-one men , the people of tb < United States may well draw a slgl of relief , and at the same time join ii the hope that speedy and sure justice may be meted out. Details of tie conspiracy which ! alleged to have been carried out b ] members of a structural builders' la bor union , make it one of the mos appalling crimes in the history of thli nation , if the accusations advance ! are correct. It was vigorously denied by officiali of the American Federation of Labor at the time of the explosion , tha union labor was in any way respon sible for the outrage at Los Angelei and the officers and members of labo unions In general will undoubtedly b < as much surprised and shocked by thi startling disclosures recently made , ' a ; other private citizens. Most of then will realize that if the men under ai rest are really guilty , a serious blov to the canse of union labor has beet dealt by the murderous wretches whi have wrecked property worth million of dollars and taken many lives , li their unfair methods of warfare. The accused men should have ever ; chance to prove their innocense. Thi size of tbe reward mokes it necessary to take extra precaution to make sun that evidence submitted , is truetwoi thy. If they are guilty , their punlsl ment should be so serere as to etani out as a warning that civilized socJet ; won't etanel for dynamite In politics or economical arguments. POPULARIZING THE RECORD. A determined effort Is being madi by some of the congressmen to mak the Congressional Record a real newt paper. They have the idea that i periodical that purports to be a recon should not be a work of fiction. They think it should no longer lool like any other old government reporl those funereal black bound document that scare awny readern by a forbid ding impenetrability. Rather the ; would like to have It a real story o actual debates. Almost any visitor to Washingtoi feels he IB repaid by spending conslc erable time In congress. But fei people feel that they are repaid fo time over reports padded with dea wood , which are circulated as a suj posed record of these discussions an doings. When congress lets a member prin in the Record a speech that it is no willing to spend time to hear , It I hardly likely that the public wl ! speid time In perusing it. And wore of all the limitless freedom give members to print Jong extracts fret favorite books scares away the pul He , which does not want to have It reading selected by tbo political fad of congressmen. The real debates In congress ar full of human Interest. They rin with the clash of personal , polltlca sectional forces. They are n thrillln and often dramatic epitome of th progress of political thought. To get people interested in them , It Is merely necessary to have it a real and not n falto report. The mqre people read about con < gU'sslonal doings , the more Intolll gent UTdlct we get on public matters The iinproxeuicnt of the Record con sequently Is a question where the pub He Interest Is sharply offset agalnsl the vanity of members , and againsl thi'ir desire to get long-winded lllus tratlotih of their oratory In the hands of the \oters under a goverumenl frank. AN AMERICAN CATHEDRAL. The fourth largest cathedral of the world was conbocratcd Wednesday ai Mornlngbide nights , In upper Man hattan. Much of the' spirit of self sacrifice with which tbo medieval cathedral : of Europe were1 built has appeared It connection with this church of St John tbo Divine. One poor seamstrcst gives $5 a year to it , and a dozen olc men in a church home earned $250 bj making nets and hammocks , People sometimes wonder why bun dreds of thousands of Americans gc to Europe every year , while outsldi of business men and immigrants , onlj hundreds come this way. The answer Is that every slzabl ( town in Europe has been trying foi 1,000 years to secure and preserve fine buildings , which while not rival Ing New York's magnificent new church In size , may equal It In poln of beauty. The question Is often asked why tin old workmen of Europe were superloi to our craftsmen. We build bette : locomotives , can't we make as gooi buildings ? In the old days in Europe nppren tlces used to work seven years learn ing everj" part of their art. They wen kicked and cuffed about the shop ! until they did good work. No mai became a master workman until h < submitted a piece of work artistti enough to get by the head men. The modern workman seeks firs for better hour's and pay , and fln < work Is secondary. He Is to be com mended for bettering his condition , am ho is not to blame for the modcn method that hampers him. Our modern system of industry re duces him to a machine by limitin ) him to the performing of some on < little function. In the old days then was no such sub-division of labor , am tbe artisan's Intelligence was devel oped by doing all parts. Our moden method Is as if a. man tried to develo ] his physique by exercising one arm. It Is time to think more about hai monious and beautiful public build ings. THE D'A R TERS The stirrings of martial anccstr ; and traditional scrappinebs of th Daughters of the American Revolu lions have again been manifested thi week at the continental congress a Washington. A verbal harpoon was thrown inti the ranks of the so-called "insurgents' ' when Mrs. Mathew Scott , president general , described the campaign for i rival candidate as "paltry , pitiful am personal. " The president tried in vain to pou the "Taft bmlle" over the troublei waters. His prediction that the peac movement would succeed in Influcnc Ing the cfo'uncils of the Daughters wa : received with laughter. It evident ! ; looked to them as If it would be easle to wash the war paint off the flghtlni chieftains of Europe. In the seclusion of their home cit cles , tbe Daughters are very calm am self contained persons. They givi scrumptious social functions , at whlcl graceful women distribute refrest ments In heirlooms of colonial china with tbe stateliness of an old Urn minuet They wad papers of Hterar ; distinction about' , the second cousin of George Washington's great auntf They may rarely be persons o greattVcaUti. " ' There is not much blu blood In the Insurgent democracy o modern industrialism , in which th prizes are apt to be won by raw son of tbe soil who have had to climb b ; their own original powers , rather tha : by the virtues of their predecessors But the Daughters have been all th more attractive , on account of a cci tain aloofness from the new rlc crowd. In their circles , standard other than dollars have taken con mand , an Isolation from the drift o the times-that is thrice-welcome. They have also done fine work fo patriotic Instruction. They hav sought to develop no undlscrimlna ing adoration of flags and symbol ! but have tried for practical ends Ilk teaching newly arrived aliens tbe fut damental principles of good cltlzci ship. Serving so useful a function In ou society , wo all readily forgive thcr any little pet foibles. If they get thei fun by bellicose , conventions , If th spirit of belligerent.sires Is relncni nated in their scrappy meetings , wh can deny them their favorite recres tlon ? ARBOR DAY SUGGESTION , that tree planting time ha come ; let 'those who have planted o are about to plant , give more Urn and attention to the new trees tha merely setting them out. Much of ou tree energy In this country Is waste because it all IB spent In tbe one at of setting out the new tree , wlthoi ever giving further care and attentio to tree dexelopment. Many of tin trees set out are carelessly sclectei and give poor results , From the oak , walnut , elm , maple ash , birch and a few others , splcndli choice of trees for this climate run soil Is to bo had. Care should bo tak en that the trees bo set out not to close together and where grown one already stand too close together , the ; should bo thinned out In order to glv best results. Trees with plenty of little root should be selected for planting ; an foliage up on the trunk should ho ou off , fo that the roots may get th benefit of all the nourishment th ground gives , without having to d vide w'lth tbe foliage. And plenty n water should bo given tbo roots. Farmers in this climate must bcgi : to raise trees with which to provld their own fence posts , as Is done I European countries The scarcity c lumber might even make It profltabl for them to plant forests for the us of their children and their grandchl drcn , in building homes and barns. Nothing is more desolate lookln than a farm without a tree upon ii and those trees that are on the fan should be given care and attention I order to allow them to ajjaln thei maximum value In strength and beat ty. It is not enough merely to se them out and trust to nature for th rest. rest.And And speaking of trees , one New reader has suggested that samlj waste land , not now good for laisln any crops.might very readily be pn to real use if planted to fir trees. O the'stretches of waste sandy land , no' ' called blowouts , valuable llr forest could be produced , It is pointed ou in the course of a comparatively fe < years. AROUND TOWN. You can plant us. That c I still hanging around. And the enl way to get rl'd of a cold is to kii tbo patient. No. hold on. Twenty-four mor hours is granted before the plan Ing , In order to give one more chanc for surrender. ( We'd like just on more golf game one more chance t come back. ) A golf stick is better medicine fo a cold than a typewriter , anyhow. How's the new tree doing ? Another sign that spring IS here Mr , Brown has left the automatic tell phone company's employ and Mr. Vi < let has taken his place. When brow goes and violet comes , it'si lg that simply cannot be overlooked. Got your May baskets ready ? Pleas put candy in ours. This notice is given far enough 1 advance that there need be no mil understanding. We'll never forget the one we gi a year ago and NEVER , NEVE : will forget the candy that was in i Wo tried for six months afterward t forget It ; but failed. Norfolk is getting to be some coi ventlon burg. With 400 threbherme from all over Nebraska and 125 Wi men's club women from this distrlc there'll be things doing during th coming week. In fact , hardly a wee goes by nowadays but that there some convention in town , and we'r getting more and more all the while. WHEN : will the Union Pacific keep it promise to build that new Norfolk di pot ? will Norfolk get a hospital ? will Mrs. Hoxscy arrive at Atkii son ? will the supreme court hand dow the sugar and tobacco trust decisions will Mellette county open ? will we get more paving ? a bogey score bo made ? that grass seed come up ? But what's the use of making a hi gey score this year , , anyhow ? There' ' no $10 hung up. If you ever have had a cold sore th size of a nickel on your chin , yo know that It requires skill to a fin degree , to shave around it. And incidentally , can you tell wht happens to the whiskers underneatl while the cold sore holds the fort ? Another sign of spring : The sun mer parasol has appeared. What's become of the old faehlone girl who stuck gum under the dlnln room table during meal time ? And what's become of the o. f. ma who used to put curling wax on hi moustache ? In fact , what's become of the o. moustache that was long enongh t reach clear to the bottom of a cup ( coffee ? There's this advantage about llvin in the same town with one's father When your supply of six dozen bam kerchiefs is exhausted in six days , yo can fall back on father's supply fc the seventh day , until your own hav gone through the washtub. Won't there ever be opportunity t bring this confounded Furnace Go season to a formal close ? A year ago now we were all dlpp over what was going to happen , an what wasn't going to happen , at Rem All wrong , too. Wo don't bee how eye doctors ev get at th ? true condition of people eyes. It Is * o natural to exaggorati one's ailments that the average pet son , having his eyes tested , tells tin doctor that he can't see letters on tin chart which , in reality , he can see a plain as day. Maybe the eye doctor are on , and allow for that. What has become of the o. f. colla that used to invite a man's necktie ti ride up to the top , all the way aroum his neck ? Not many more days for you , 01 you oyster. At least one woman had a btirnln desire to attend the Woman's clul convention. If your neighbors got up extra earl ; yesterday morning , It was becaus those fifteen thresher engines blo\ their whistles at 7 a. in. Personally , we had been up so Ion by that time that wo thought It mus be the signal for dinner. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. There are plenty of good stcpnaotl ers , but can they prove It ? Most men who have made failure were failures before they started. Soda water fusses around n goo deal without accomplishing much. If a friend does you a favor get ou of his debt jusfas soon as possible An old-fashioned woman's Idea c shiftlessness Is to buy canned soup. Some men always know what to d a few minutes after it Is too late t do It. A hey Is not necessarily in dee thought because he scratches hi head. So many schemes that look all rlgh when they are new , don't wear vor well. If a healthy hey walks down stain It Is a sign that the stairs have n banister. Girls don't want a home of thei own as much as they want to ge married. Considering the amount of noise I makes a gasoline engine accomplishe a good deal. And there are men who don't g ahead very fast , even after they ar sure they are right When a boy gets his first sweatei ho can't help feeling that he is a goo deal of an athlete. You are a sure enough good felloi if you can enthuse when there isn' ' anything in it for you. When a man needs a shave , h seoini , to need It more than he eve needed anything else. Who started the cry that countrj currd hatn Is so much superior to th packing house product ? A man buys a patent cigar Hghte to show his superiority , rather tha to save time or matches. The soit of fame which is thrus upon a man , is usually recognized a about its actual value. Men who have escaped being faugh are always a little vhosty in the mater tor of assumed morals. On the other hand , Lent won't hel you much If joii try to make up fo lost time after it is over. What has become of the old-fas ! ioned man who had never known "sick day" in his life ? The drummer may ge a good mus clan , but he can't expect people t ask him to play solos. It takes winter a long time to glv up the fruit buds and let the worm have a chance at them. In a boy's ball team , nearly ever player secretly believes he Is entitle to fill the pitcher's box. One ought to be cheerful , of course but there is such a thing as being to noiBy about it Some men spend more time gettln r ady to work than they spend worl ing after they get started. People hate motorcycles bo muc they never see one without accusln it of exceeding the speed limit. No one who spends much time 1 them ever Beems to have a good wor to say for the American jails. You get so little money of all kind ! that the chance of accepting a coui terfelt needn't worry you much. Statesmen , unfortunately , are nc the only ones who think the only wa to Insure peace Is to fight for It A fanner , If his farm pays dlv dends , doesn't have a great deal c time to devote to the fish industry. Some men meet an appolntmen ahead of time so they can loaf a fei minutes before the other man arrive : When a young girl marries an ol man , she doesn't worry much abou the old man's health unless It is gooi If a woman can't think of anythln In favor of her child , she'will tel how good It is about taking mcdlclm One trouble about smiling whe everything goes wrong is that a moll ; coddle Is nearly always Imposed upoi Recollections of childhood are ofte much more pleasant than childhood I hood rangH. was when you lived It at close As u Kntorlnl suggestion , It mny bo said that thu derby hut wan IICMJT Intended to ho worn with overalls. A MR man driving n Shetland pony mny bo very kind to the uiilnml bill ho always looks Ilko ho lit Imposing nn It. If you don't deliberately do a lot of things > on know you will bo berry fur afterward , you are n most umuuiul person. Why wasn't the human animal con structed with a disposition to go to bed early and get up early , an hi : bhould ? Some men go to extremes ; not con tent with making a phnplo seem u boll , they Hguro out that It umst ho n concur. ' " " -y-j < J - According to a fnrin boy , If there Jj wore some way of dodging the ehoroi > , the rest of the work wouldn't ruuount , to much. What has become of the old-fash loncd mother who worried a good deal for fear gypbies would kidnap her children ? You can't blame the dogs for going to a dog show , hut It would seem that people could llnd bouiothlng uioro amusing. While wo sigh for excitement occa sionally , news of a new straight away i coord In : in automobile can't satisfy thu i-nnlng. A man who usually Is late getting to work In the morning Is the employo most likely to watch the clock for quitting time. Regardless of the regulations of the pure food law , one continues to gut about the usual amount of strawbnr- rles for a quarter. A woman's Idea of a real drouth sufferer Is herself when the cistern goes dry on the day she has planned to wash her head. Another advantage the woman possesses is that she doesn't have to join the Uniform Rank to get a license to wear a willow plume. However there is less wear and tear in keeping > our nose on the grind stone than in pressing the panels of the primrose bath. Every salesman , who works on a salary , likes to impress you with the notion that ho could do much bettor on a commission basis. A man who marries one girl simply because another girl of his choice re fused him , certainly believes in get ting revenge on himself. While a barber charges a good dual for shaving a corpse , one must con sider the fact that he can't carry on n conversation with such a customer. While it is difficult to heat the lin : of gravity , you may have observed that the cost of live hogs falls a good deal faster than the cost of breakfast bacon. A dead hero may not appreciate jour devotion at his shrine , but he has the advantage over the live one in that there is less likelihood of the tune changing. When children are willing father should marry again after mother dlcb , it is a blgn they don't like to have him around , and think be needs some one to take care of him. If might prevailed as they ay it used to in the world , and as some insist It does now , It would be imj E- sible for a hundred-pound woman to boss a two hundred-pound man. A man isn't necessarily disagreeable jubt because he doesn't happen to agree with you ; it is when ho insist * on dwelling on that fact that the new spring styles In tits are thrown. If jou are feeling down-hearted , tell your sad btory to a fat man , and get him to crying about it. If the learn rolling down his vast erpaneo of cheek fall to "make you laugh , you know where the river is. There Is also the fool who thinks ho can get across a grade crossing eigh teen inches ahead of a locomotive ; and he frequently stays there , dis tributed in wild profusion up and down the right-of-way. TO WORK ON MADERO. Spiritualistic Society Is to Send Emis sary to Rebel Leader. Mexico City , Mex. , April 2C. Not withstanding officials continued mute as to formal acceptance of the armlt- tico proposals , news that the war de partment had Issued orders to com manders in the armistice zone to cease hostilities , has practically official sanc tion. Formal instructions were said to have been sent to all commander ? ) in the affected territory to observe the requirements of the armistice signed Sunday. A new influence is to be brought to hoar upon Francisco I. Madero , jr. , in the Interest of peace through the send ing to San Antonio by the Splrltualls- tic Society of Mexico of which Madero Is a member of an emissary In the person of Rqgell Fernandez Quell , Mexican consul in Baltimore. Guell has been hero for some time conferring with leaders of the society and studying with them means for a re-establishment of peace. A committee - tee from Jtn membership called upbn the minister of foreign relations and was given proper credentials to en able Guell to reach Madero. Ho de parted for the north tonight