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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1911)
TIIK NOUFOfjK WKEKLY NKWS-JOUHNAh , FRIDAY , APRIL 28 , 1911 , Country Club to Open May 5. Opening day nt the Country club has boon net for Friday. Mtiy 0. The vnrlotiH coininltteoa arc already gel- ting bimy to ninke the day a successful - ful one. A good program Is to bo ar ranged. A special mooting of the di rectors was bold at the home of 8. M. Hraden Saturday evening , at which time the opening day wast arranged. A fihowor bath will be Installed In the club house , before the opening , If afrangomonts of the directors are completed by that time. President Hraden Is having experts examine the club house for the purpose of Install ing this bath. The following committees for the ensuing year wore appointed : Committee on Grounds Dr. P. II. Salter , chairman ; D. Mathewson , W. A. Wltzlgman. Soulal Committee C. 13. Cabanlss , chairman ; J. II. Delaney , E. F. Husc. Committee on Golf G. U. Chrlstoph , chairman ; C. U. Salter. A. 13. Cham- bora. Committee on Amusements J. B. Maylard , chairman ; S. F. Ersklne , Jr. , M. C. Huzcn. Farmers Are Holding Grain. A .sudden slump In the receipts of all kinds of grains has put a peculiar .situation In the local elevator busi ness. One local elevator which lias been doing a transfer business of about four to six cars each week re ports that most alt kinds of grain is unavailable. In explaining this situa tion , John I'hlnney , manager of tbe Tanners Grain and Live Stock com pany , declares that grain is being held all over the country for higher prices. "I have been buying much grain up to today , " says Mr. I'hlnney , "but now I am unable to buy any at all. Satur day Omaha was paying 45 cents a bushel for corn and we bid as high as 4G and were unable to buy any. " Two prominent elevator men repre- ttenting concerns who control about 200 elevators in the state were in the city Saturday and announced that grain is being held all over the state for higher prices. One of the grain men representing a concern controll ing forty-four elevators not says a car load of grain was bought Saturday for any of the elevators. The other man , whose firm controls 150 elevators , says his concern is managing on tbe c'orn they shell from their own cribs. . $12,000 Needed to Finish Y. M. C. A. The committee collecting pledges for the Y. M. C. A. building reports that the pledges are being paid as well as they expected. Most of the unpaid pledges range from $2 to $25. It Is of great importance that these Hedges be paid promptly. The ex- tonlor of the building has been com pleted. E. M. Huntington. one of the executive committee , declares It will cost about $11,000 to complete the In terior of the building. About $1,000 W.U1 furnish U. The day on which the wife becomci a regular ad-rcnder was a day of evei better fortune than the one on which 'ho husband had a salary-raise. ' William E. Purvlance. ' William 10. Purviance. brother of .lotih S. Purviance , 1107 South Fourth street , died at Omaha at 7:30 : Friday evening from Bright's disease. The remains were brought to this city by his brother Sunday evening. Funeral services were held by Rev. J. W. Kirk- Patrick of the Methodist church at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon , at the Ses sions & Hell undertaking parlors. In terment was made in the Prospect Hill cemetery. Mr. Purviance was 39 years old. Samuel VanSyoc. Samuel VanSyoc died at S o'clock Sunday evening from a stroke of pa ralysis at the home of his daughter , Mrs. John Koerber , SOO Madison street The remains will be taken to Valley , Nob. , at 6:30 : Tuesday morn ing and funeral services will be held from the VanSyoc farm near that place at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Mr. VanSyoc became 111 at Valley about five months ago and was brought here , attended by his ( laughter - ter , Miss Ruth VanSyoc. He was a member of the G. A. R. post at Valley. His wife died at Valley about five months ago. lie leaves live daughters. They are : Mrs. John Koerber of this city ; Mrs. J. McMorton , South Oma ha ; Mrs. George 13owle , San Antonio , Tex ; Mrs. W. K. Whlttiugham. Los Angeles , and Miss Ruth VanSyoc. Mr. VanSyoc was born in Pennsyl vania 74 years ago. Since leaving Pennsylvania , he has been living on a farm near Valley. He belonged to the Second regiment of Iowa volunteers. Company I , enlisting - ing November 21 , 1801 , and serving In the union army all through the civl war. He Threatens Whole Family. Neligb. Neb , , April 24. Special to Ttho News : Deputy Sheriff Bennet was called from his bed Saturday evening about 9 o'clock by the vigor ous ringing of the telephone. There was a woman at the other end of the line , who apparently was so excited that It was for some minutes before lie could gather Jii detail her wishes Her urgent request was for him to come out at once to the farm o Stephen George , as the husband ant father was attempting to murder the entire family. Mr. Bennett hastily se cured an automobile and accompanied by Officer Jackson went to the scene of the trouble , which is about eleven miles northeast of this city. Upon their arrival George was In bed , am to all appearances sleeping off the beautiful Jag ho had accumulate ) while In town during the afternoon. The family consists of a wife , dau chtnr nnd three crown young men two of whom are reported as of age A family conference was held which was to the effect that the officers should return to Neligh without mak Ing the arrest , but promise was mad by Mrs. George- that she would bo 1 town today and Illo charges against her husband for attempting to do great bodily injury , which she states la an I to a common occurnnco when the elder gentleman goes to town and be comes crazy drunk. Stephen George , who Is past Co years of ago. according to his wife , lias repeatedly made threats on the lifeof one of bis sons , and during the Saturday night episode had a revolver lliit | ho claimed would clean out the family. The weapon was taken away from him by his sons , but not being satisfied , and possibly murder In his heart , he attempted to use his knite , which was also taken from him. The scene in the house upon the arrival of the officers from Neligh plainly showed that the old gentleman had successfully accomplished the complete destruction of dishes and glassware , with other Indications of a rough house nature. Big Suits Still Undecided. Wnshlngon , April 24. The supreme court of the United States today con cluded Its duty of handing down de cisions without announcing opinions In cither the Standard Oil or the To bacco suits under the Sherman anti trust act. SYNOPSIS OF PLAY. Senior Class of High School Appear on Stage Friday , This Week. Following is a synopsis of the local talent play , "The Merchant of Venice ITp-to-Date , " which is to be given Frl day evening at the Auditorium under the auspices of the senior class of the high school : Cast of Characters. The Duke of Venice Bessie Ward Antonio , captain of high school foot ball team BenJ. Willey Uassanlo. his friend , and suitor to Portia .Donald Mapes Gratiano , another friend..Earl Denton hylock , a wealthy gambler Ema Hllbert Tubal. his friend and .captain of ri val football team..Alva Bowman -ancelot Gobbo , court clown Harry Sterner 'rof. Sweigenhaugenblumenhelmer , X-ray photographer Ray Lobdell 'ollcemau Leonard Rlggert 'ortla , a rich heiress. . .Theo Sprecher N'erlssa , her friend. . .Dorothy Durland esslca , Shylock's ward..Marian Stitt Hss Abble S. Threedice , a teacher iPearl Livingston oily , Portia's maid Nadine Cole Vntonio's mother. . . .Marvel Satterlee Irs. Gobbo , an Irish washerwoman Vera Hay ward Football playora. - . , . r ' " Act I A street in Venice. Act It A doom in Portia's house. Act III Shylock's house and yard. Act IV A room In Portia's house. Act V Scene 1 , football gridiron ; cene 2. the court room. Synopsis. Act I A street in Venice Enter \ntouio , Uassauio and Gratiaiio. Bas nnlo confesses his love for Portia. Conditions to be met as a suitor for er hand : an examination in Caesar , 'Irgll or Cicero , depending on the hoice of the casket. Gratiano sug- ests usluc a pony. Pony borrowed rom Shylock. Time limit one mouth , 'enalty , if not returned at stated ime , OIK- pound of Antonio's hair to le fit off nearest the brain. Act II Room in Portia's bouse. Portia and Nerissa discuss suitors vho have already come. Enter Bas anlo and Gratiano. Bassauio chooses nd draws Caesar casket. Miss Abbie Threedice conducts the e.tamina ion. ion.Act Act III Shylock's house and yard , hylock proposes to Jessica and is re ected. ' Lancelot , led by the fiend , de ides to desert Shylock. Lancelot and ils mother meet and converse with ach other. Jessica , locked in by Shy- ock , cries for help. Lancelot comes o the rescue. Shylock and Tubal en- er and discover flight. Act IV Room In Portia's house. Miss Threedice announces to Portia md Nerissa that Bassanlo has won. .ancelot tells Portia of Antonio's and lesslea's flight , and discloses Shy- ock's plot. \ Act V Scene 1 Gridiron. Shylock carries out his plans. Scene 2 Court room. Called to order by Duke of I Venice. Portia and Nerissa enter dis guised as doctors of law. Portia pleas 'or mercy. Shylock demands the for feiture. Enter professor to tbe rescue also Lancelot. The duke doe. * the lireful deed. Bankers to Norfolk Next. Norfolk next year gets the annual 1 Arbor day convention of the North east Nebraska Bankers association. The convention at Tekamah Saturday was an emphatic success In every way. Following are the new officers : II. J. Linderlck , Emerson , president. T. A. Anthony , Wausa , vice presi dent. dent.C. C. A. Smith. Tllden. secretary. Trustees : II. M. Hopewell. Teka mah ; George N. Seymour , Elgin ; H. A. Cheney , Creighton ; W. P. Logan and E. W. Zutz , Norfolk. C. E. Burnham of Norfolk was toastmaster - master at the banquet , which was a delightful affair. There were 173 reg istrations at the convention and the regular program was considerably ex tended by impromptu addresses from many of those present. Lieutenant Governor Hopewell , Mayor Harring ton , George N. Seymour of Elgin , T. C. Huston of Tekamah and Mm. Good- well of Tekamab , all spoke. Mrs , Goodwell , who comes to Norfolk today for the Women's club convention , waa one of the best speakers of the day. This was the fourteenth annual con vcntion of group No. 3 , Northeast Ne bmaka Bankers association. Mayo : Harrington , who welcomed the con vention , has been in T fcamah flfty-eli years. A unique feature waa the ad dress of Florence E. HopewoT of Te knmah on "Banks , Their Origin and Purposes. " This was the first time a woman ever addressed this associa tlon , and the paper showed careful study and deep thought. W. H Uucholz of Omaha read an able address - dress , favoring the new Aldrlch cur rency system. Congressman Latta was one of the interesting speakers on the toast list at the biinqtict in the evening and Kd T. Kearney of Jack son made a "hit" with his toast on "Hope. " Last year's officers were : H. M. Hopewell , Tekamah , president ; II. J. Lenderlnk , Emerson , vice president ; L. S. I .a Rue , Tekamah. secretary ; W. L. Mote. Plalnview , treasurer. Atkinson Wins n Debate. Valentine. Nob. , April 2J. Special to The News : The debate between Atkinson and Valentino was held here at Qulgley's hall , Valentine having the alllrmatlve In the Htnte league ques tion , "Resolved , That the policy of maintaining the United States navy at Its present strength Is preferable to the policy of substantially increasing it. " Tbe debaters for Valentine were Miss Alice McLain , Miss Maud Row ley and Laurence Rice , while the team from Atkinson was Oscar Stratton , Harry Miller and John O'Connell. Both sides put up a good talk and the Judges gave their decision in favor of the negative , thereby giving the vic tory to Atkinson. The Atkinson de baters were accompanied by Superin tendent E. R. Hall. A Tragedy In Nebraska Town. Merrill , Neb. , April 24. As a result of family troubles C. C. Hewson yes terday killed his mother-in-law , Mrs. George Jenkinson , shot his wife three times , and wounded Leland Jenkinson , 14 years old , after which he killed himself. Mrs. Hewson is not expected to live through the day , while the boy , who was shot in the neck , will re cover. The Hewsons have lived at Mitch ell , Neb. , for several years and but re cently separated , Mrs. Hewson com ing here to live with her mother. Mr. Hewson yesterday afternoon dined with several friends and afterwards called at the Jenkinson homo as the family were at dinner. He insisted that his wife return with him to Mitchell , and upon her refusal to do so he drew a revolver and shot her through the head. He then turned the Weapon upon ' Mrs. Jenkinson , killing her by , a shot through the jugular vein. He then fired two more shots which took effect in Mrs. Hewson's head , and after fir ing one shot which struck the boy in the neck , he shot himself between the eyes , dying instantly. Coroner Welt and Sheriff Hunt ar rived from Goring to hold an Inquest. Would Make Court Real. A draft of a measure which , if enact ed in law by congress , would make federal court at Norfolk a reality in stead of a farce , has Just been forward ed to Congressman Latta at Washing ton by M. F. Harrington of O'Neill and the people of Norfolk , as well as those in the territory affected , will be vitally interested in the bill's pro gress Mr. Harrington thinks that the people of Norfolk should organize to help push the bill through congress and the Norfolk Commercial club will probably take up the matter. Follow ing is the text of Mr. Harrington's letter explaining the hill , as well as the full text of the bill Itself : Means Much to Norfolk. O'Neltt , Neb. . April 21. Hon. W. N. Huse. Norfolk. Neb. , Dear Sir : I en close you a copy of bill which I am sending to Hon. James P. Latta for introduction. Norfolk should be interested in this measure because it is affected more than any other part of the state by the bill. At the present time there Is only one regular term of federal court at Norfolk , and the delay is so long that the tendency of lawyers is to settle everything and get it out of the way or change the same to the Omaha division , where they have plenty of court. This bill provides for two regular terms instead of one at Norfolk. In addition to this. It puts more counties in the Norfolk division. For example : The way the thing is now lined up , Platte county which adjoins Madison on the south , is connected with Oma ha for federal court. The absurdity of this Is plain. Of course , it was done as a matter of favoritism and on re quest of Senator Miller who was then in the senate. Boone county which i immediately west of Madison , haste to go clear through to Omaha to court. Wheeler which is still west of Boone. has to go to Omaha. Cumlng has to go to Omaha , etc. I have tried to arrange the new divisions fair to all. The only thing that the proposed bill takes away from the Lincoln dls trlct , Is Hamilton county. That coun ty adjoins Hall , where there is a federal court. The only reason whj the people of Hamilton county Are re quired to go to Lincoln to court is because Senator Burkett wanted it so in the bill and It was done accordingly With the exception of taking this one county away from Lincoln and taking several counties away from Omaha and giving them to Norfolk , no other change is made in the boundaries o the different divisions of the state I am sure that the boundaries as fixed by this bill will , meet the ap proval , ' pf any fair minded man who simply'desires no favoritism for any citizen , but that the courts shall bo arranged for the convenience of the people and not the people placed for the convenience of some courts. Yours truly , M. F. Harrington. The Text of the Law. And this is the text of the bill : A BILL FOR AN ACT to provide the judicial district of Nebraska Into divisions and to fix the time for the holding of the terms of court in said divisions. Be It enacted by the congress of the United States : Section 1. That for the purpose o holding terms of the circuit and dis trlct courts in said district of Ne braska , said district shall bo dlvlde < into eight divisions , known as th Omaha division , tbe Norfolk division the Grand Island division , the North Platte division , the Chadron division the Lincoln division , the Hastings d vision and the McCook division. The territory comprising the counties o Douglas , Sarpy , Washington , Dodge Burt and Tburston , shall constitute the i Omaha division , all terms of court > r which shall bo held In the city of ) nmhn. The tcerrltory comprising the oiintlus of Colfnx , Cumlng. Stanton , Imlldon , Platte. Nance. Itoone. Wheel- r , Antelope , Holt. Rock , Brown. Koya 'aha ' , Hoyd. Kmix. Pierce. Cedar. Vnyne , Dl.xon and Dakota shall con- tltute the Norfolk division , all terms f court for which shall be In the city f Norfolk. The territory comprising 10 counties of Cherry , Sheridan , ) a\vcs , Box llntli- and Sioux shall con- tllutu the Chadron division , all terms f'court for which shall bo held at the Ity of Clitulron. The territory com- rlsiilg the counties of Hall. Morrlek. lumllton , Howard , Greeley , Garlleld , 'alley , Sherman , Buffalo , Custer , Loup. Jlalne. Thomas , Hooker and Grant hall constitute the Grand Island di- Islon. all terms of court for which hall bo held at the city of Grand Is- and. The territory comprising the ountios of Lincoln. Dawson. Logan , IcPherson. Keith. Bcuel. Cheyenne. Merrill , Klmball , Banner and Scotts Huff shall constitute the North Platte llvlslon , all terms of court for which hall be held at the city of North Matte. The territory comprising the ountlcs of Cass , Otoe , Johnson , Ne- iiahn , Pawnee , Richardson , Gage , aiicastor , Saunders. Butler , Seward , aline , Jefferson , Thayer , Flllmore. Vork , and Polk shall constitute the ilncoln division , all terms of court for vhlch shall bo held at the city of jlncoln. The territory comprising the onntles of Clay. Nuckolls , Webster , Vdams , Kearney , Franklin , Harlan and helps shall constitute the Hastings llvlslon , all terms of court for which hall bo held at the city of Hastings. Mie territory comprising the counties 3f Gosper , Ftirnas , Red Willow , Fron- ier , Hayes , Hitchcock , Dundy , Chase uid Perkins shall constitute the Mc Cook division , all terms of court for which shall bo held at the city of IcCook. Section 2. That the regular terms of the circuit and district courts of ho United States for said district of Nebraska shall beheld at the follow- ng times and places , namely : At Omaha , beginning on the fourth Mon- lay in September and the first Mon day in April ; at Norfolk , beginning on ho second Monday in September , and the third Monday in March ; at Grand sland , beginning on the second Mon day In January ; at North Platte , be ginning on the first Monday in Jan- mry ; at Chndron , beginning on the first Monday in September ; at Lin coln , beginning on the fourth Monday Odooer and the second Monday In May ; at Hastings , beginning on the second Monday in March , and at Mc Cook , beginning on the first Monday n March. Section 3. That special terms of the Ircult and district courts may bo held n said district whenever such special erins are deemed necessary by the udges thereof , and the time or times of holding such special sessions of aid courts shall be fixed by the judges either by rule of said courts or by special order of a Judge thereof. GOOD RAIN AT VALENTINE. Moisture Amounts to a Third of an Inch Was Badly Needed. Valentine , Neb. , April 24. Special o The News : The government veathcr bureau reports one-third of in inch of rainfall here Friday night nid it was needed , as there has been 10 moisture for some time , but this rain , followed by a cloudy day. has lone lots of good for this section of ho country. Norfolk 9 , Neligh 3. Neligh , Neb. , April St. Special to fho News : The second baseball : amo of the season took place in this city at Riverside park Saturday after noon , when the high schools of Nor- 'oik and Neligh clashed on the diamond mend for supremacy before a large crowd of fans. At no stage of the game was there he slightest hopes of the home boys laving .a look in. They were outclass ed from the1 start , and the individual playing instead of team work , coupled with numerous bono head plays on the part of Neligh arises the ques- Ion how they managed to get the three measely scores recorded them. Despite the fact that the many ques tioned decisions on balls and strikes made by the umpire for the visitors , s no excuse whatever. It was plain- y demonstrated that he did the best ie could if ho had but meager knowl edge of tbe game. Not until the last half of seventh inning was Neligh allowed to score , and Norfolk rolled up four In the first. "Mlko" Jenkins pitched his usual good game , and aside from being wild at times , did better than during the Atklnson-Neligh game the week prev ious. Catcher Fred Sellery was steady at all times. The battery work of the visitors was of excellent quality and were the main factors of their team. Following is the score by innings - nings : Norfolk 40010020 2 9 Neligh 00000012 0 3 Batteries : Norfolk. Keleher and Lucas ; Neligh , Jenkins and Sellery. Struck out , Keleher 9 , Jenkins S. Hits , Norfolk 4. Neligh 5. Atkinson 11 , Valentino 3. Valentine , Neb. , April 24. Special to The News : The Atkinson high school ball team played ball here against the Valentine high school and won with a final score of 11 to 3. The Valentino team was somewhat crip pled , as seevral of their players were on the sick list and unable to play. The score was as f alloys : Valentine 100001001 3 Atkinson 24011003 0 11 Batteries Valentine , Daniels and Wilson ; Atkinson , Miller and Raymer. NIOORARA PRESBYTERY MEETS. Session Held at Wayne Was Largely Attended. Wayne , Nob. , April 24. The pres bytery of Nlobrara met at the Presby terian church. There were present Rev. D. A. Dickey , the retiring moderator - orator ; Rov. J. W. Angell of Atkinson , the stated clerk ; and also Rev. Samuel Light , the pastor at large in the pres- hytery , as well as the following min isters : Rev. J. M. Caldwell , Wake- field ; Rov. II. G. McClusky , Laurel ; Rev. I Henry McClenagliHii , Madison ; Rov. I W. O. Tiilhol , Emerson ; Rev. J. B. | Cherry , Ponea ; Rov. A. E. Schaftor. South Kloux City ; Rev. F. E. Thomp son , Pender ; Rev. C. P. W. Wimberly , Osmond ; Rov. I ) . B. Ralston. O'Neill ; Rev. II. H. Gallic. Rev. K. P. Wlgton. Elgin ; Rev. E. F. Hammond , Norfolk ; Rev. Mr. Heathcoatc. Wynot. The fol lowing elders wore also In attendance : Elder Sevens , Pouca : Mr. Bultuutyne. Norfolk , Mr. Kryger. South Sioux City : Mr. McWhartor. Mr. Potter. O'Neill : Mr. Rosecrans. L ) . Cunning ham ' , Wayne. In addition to these regular mem bers Rev. W. H. K earns , Lincoln , the synodlcal superintendent of Nebraska , and Dr. A. E. Turner , president of Hastings college , were In attendance. The presbytery was opened by a ser mon by the retiring moderator , Rev. D. A. Dickey , after which Rev. II. G. McClusky was elected as moderator. Two clerks were also elected. Rev. W. O. Talbot and Rev. D. B. Ralston. Two commissioners were elected to represent this section of the country it the general assembly of the Presby terian church , which meets this year at Atlantic City , N. J. , in May. Rev. H. McClenaghan and Elder Rosecruns were chosen. The presbytery will meet again on May lf > at Emerson. Oakdale News Notes. ' C. H. Ray returned from a business trip in the western part of the state. Frank Selms , sr. , and daughter Nora returned home on the evening pas senger. Miss Inez Durham , principal of the high school , entertained the seniors at her home. Marjorle Jenkins of Neligh was vis iting Oakdale friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Peterson and two children and Mrs. Carrie Cunningham and son of Tllden were guests at the home of O. B. Manvllle Sunday. Mrs. George F. Boyd was reported on the sick list the fore part of the week. R. E. Palmer , a railroad man from Norfolk , moved here this week from Norfolk and Is occupying the Blesh property on the southwest corner of Third and Grant streets. Son Blesh of Emmet Is here this week lathing the Torpln residence on Walther street. J. P , Booth arrived with the grad ing outfit Wednesday and Thursday morning commenced work on the road south of town. Mrs. Hanson of Fremont was here tills week visiting at the home of her parents , W. R. Launt. Painters have been busy this week painting the front of the E. A. Martin hardware building , also the front of the Oakdale Drug company's building. O. B. Manville and A. C. Beach were business visitors to Xeligh Thursday. E. A. Brodboll of the Antelope Coun ty bank entertained the members of the Social Dancing club at a dance held in the K. P. hall. There was a good crowd in attendance and a good time was enjoyed by all. The Oakdalo concert band has had three valuable additions : Mr. Means , harness maker , Robert Leith , who will open a moving picture gallery , and E. G. Elhiney , who will be connected with the W. L. Payne & Son paint house , all of whom are old and ex perienced musicians. Will and John Wade and wife and daughter are in town this week from Bismarck'N. D. BIG BLAZE AT ANSELMO. Business Portion of Custer County Town Wiped Out. Broken Bow , Neb. . April 24. The principal business part of the town of Auselmo , twenty miles northwest of here on the Burlington line , was com pletely wiped out by fire at an early hour. The lire originated in a small jewelry store and in a short time bad communicated Itself to other buildings and gotten beyond control. The town has no water facilities for fighting fire and the citizens were compelled to stand by and watch their business places go up In ( lames. One whole block was destroyed , entailing a loss of probably $7i > ,000. Anselmo is a thriving town of about 400 population. Eight stores and business bouses with the greater portion of the stocks were destroyed. As near as can be estimated at present the damage is as follows : F. C. Wilson , dry goods and furniture , loss $20,000 , partly Insured , but not certain whether some of the policies were renewed in time ; Baker , hardware , implements and buggies , loss $8,000 , insured ; Christen , hard ware and furniture , loss $9,000 , Insur ance $5,000 ; Williams , general mer chandise , loss $7,600 , Insurance $3,000 , and about $1,000 worth of goods saved. Runner's Jewelry store , where the fire originated , loss $1.000. The gen eral merchandise store of Warren and Boss was not burned , but goods were damaged to the extent of $1,000 , fully Insured. The whole south side of the bust- ness block excepting the building of Warren and Bass is In ruins. BOY KILLED BY LIGHTNING. John Mulllnex of Crawford Struck While Returning from Field. Crawford , Neb. , April 24. John Mulllner , aged 17 , was Instantly killed by lightning during a heavy thunder storm. He was returning from the field with a team when struck. Over one Inch of rain fell. POST , KING AND BROADY WIN. Governor Aldrich Selects Lawyers to Recodlfy the Laws , Lincoln , April 24. Governor Aid rich made announcement of his ap pointment of Judge A. M. Post of Co lumbus , E. L. King of Osceola and John H. Broady of this city as mem bers of the commission which will re- codify the Nebraska statutes , accordIng - Ing to the provisions of the Quacken bush-Hardln bill passed and approved during the recent session of the legis lature. Each man on the commission will receive a yearly salary of $ it.OOO and will report to the next session of the leglHlatnre. Un.idllla Suffers. Lincoln. April 21. The business sec- tlon of the town of Unadllla , In Otoe county , midway between Lincoln and Nebraska City , was practically wiped out by lire. Only two business houses are left , the bank and a ntoro. The loss is roughly estimated at from $125,000 to JIKO.OOO. The fire started In the postolllce from an unknown cause. All the mall matter was burn ed , rnndllla has no fire department. A Fire at Ewlng. Ewlng. Neb. . April 21. Special to The News : The warehouse of the Nebraska Lumber and Live Stock company was damaged to the extent of $ lr > 00 by lire. P. M. Conger Is malinger. The Ewlnr firemen prevent ed a serious blaze. FIRE HITS PHILLIPS , NEB. Business Section of tbe Town is Prac tically Destroyed. Grand Island. Neb. , April 21. The business section of Phillips , a clllage sixteen miles east of here , was prac tically destroyed by fire early yester day. Seven places of business were burned. The loss is j-stlmated at $12,000 , less than half Covered by In surance. The fire started In the Chap man pump shop. Its origin has not been learned , in addition to the pump shop the following places were de stroyed : Phillips opera house , Littcral meat market , Pachln Brothers' pool hall , the Claussen saloon , the Campbell Barber .shop. . The alarm was given by telephone and by ringing church bells and a bucket brigade fought the ( lames. As sistance was sent from Grand Island mil Aurora In response to requests. APOLOGY ORDERED. Daughter of Yale Professor Victim of "Misunderstanding of Status. " Washington , April 24. An apology from Captain John M. Bowyer , super- ntendent of the United States naval academy to Miss Mary H. Beers and ier father , Professor Beers of Yale , las been ordered by the secretary of the nary for the slighting remark re garding Miss Beers made by same one it the academy as a result of her at- .eudnnce at a dance there. Miss iieers was governess In the family of Lieutenant Tarrant and her escort was ater Informed that he should not have nvited the young lady because of her losition. In explaining the incident in a let ter to Representative Korbly of In dianapolis Secretary Meyer said : "It grew out of a misunderstanding of the , status of the young lady. " The secretary expressed the regret of the department and advised the congressmen of the instructions for a otter of apology. This , however , docs lot satisfy Mr. Korbly. Unadilla Fire Loss $40,000. Lincoln , April 24. A revised esti mate of the loss by fire at Unadllla Saturday night places the figures he- ween $35,000 and $40,000. Only about ; 13,000 insurance was carried on the destroyed buildings and contents. | Twelve stores and the postofflce were > urned , the fire originating in the alter place , destroying all the mall it contained. Fish Licenses May be Secured Here. You can secure that fishing or hunt ing license right here in Norfolk , now. Deputy Game Warden A. C. Stearns las received a supply of blank li censes to be issued to persons desiring them. His office is in room 9 , Citizens National bank building. No person may fish in Nebraska under the new law , except women and loys under 18 , without a license. The license costs $1 per year. R. S. Lackey Breaks an Arm. R. S , Lackey , 1210 Koenigsteln av enue , fell down a flight of stairs in a tiarn near his home Saturday and broke his right arm. Cotner Beats Mormngsldc. Lincoln , April 21. In a game mark ed by hitting and many errors , Cotner university defeated the baseball team of Morningside college , Sioux City , by a score of 10 to 9. The visitors had a good lead but were overtaken in the' ' last two Innings. Art Display is a Success. The art exhibit at the high school building was closed Friday evening with a recital by Miss Alice Howell , professor of elocution of the state university. Miss Howell Is a clever impersonator and her audience of about 500 persons who crowded the assembly room gave her a great ova tion. tion.The The eighth grade sang two choruses and made a fine showing , there being about sixty in the A and B divisions. Mr. Solomon rendered a solo and Ruth Halversteln gave a piano solo. In the three days of the exhibit hero over 1,500 persons examined the pic tures and attended the concerts and entertainments. The candy selling contest was a success. Mrs. H. C. Sattler presented the Grant school building with a beautiful picture , a large photogravure of "Saved. " This picture will bo placed in either tbe first grade room or the kindergarten of the Grant school. Superintendent Hunter pronounces the exhibit a financial success. The proceeds of the exhibit amount ed to $275 , of which about $235 will be clear for the purchase of pictures. Mildred Christoph of the second grade won the prize for selling the most tickets , and the same grade , Miss Brush teacher , won the prize for sellIng - Ing the largest number of tickets. This prize is an extra picture for the room. Margaret Parker and her room , third , B grade , Miss Jennie Mills teacher , won the second prize , also an extra picture. Probably LMich room will have money for the purchase of two pictures. Mr. Vlele. president of the board of education , gave an excellent Introduc tory talk on "The Relation of Art to the Public Schools. " He made the audience and I he teachers feel how deep an Interest he has In the highest welfare of the schools. The program Wednesday evening ; given by the Herman club , consisted of music and two'clover farces , "Alter schutzt vor Torholt nlcht. " and "Kat focklalBch. " In the first. Leonard Rlggert as the old bachelor and Mlsw Helen Lobdell as his housekeeper , took their parts excellently. The scene In the park , whore the bach elor's mischievous nephews watched the outcome of the trick played upon their elders , was very pretty and amusing. DeWltt Ihinluivor and Wll bur Hlbben. us the nephews , acted In exceedingly realistic manner. Thn second farce , which represented a Ger man afternoon tea. In which there wan the traditional gossip , was also good. .Those . participating were Martha Win ter , the hostess , and Ruth Shlvely , Ag nes Xutv. and Emma Koerber , the lat ter of whom acted her part with great energy. The musical numberH wor solos by Boulah Ha > es and by Opal Dunn , a duet by Ethel Colwell and Ruth Rouse. The program was con eluded by a chorus by the club , "Tho Watch on the Rhine. " Thursday the program was given by the grades. A large and enthusiastic audience greeted the performance of the children. The costuming of the "Sleeping Beauty" wa3 especially pret ty but everything was very good , The following waa the program : " Chorus , third grade Washington school ; plnno solo , Elmer Beeler ; rec Itatlon , Doris Brush ; dramatization of "Sleeping Beauty , " east Lincoln ; cho rus , sixth grade , west Lincoln ; life illustration of pictures. Grant kinder garten ; vocal solo , Beulah Hayes ; duet , Hilda Johnson and Edmond Cur ran ; recitation. Mae Rollins ; ( lag drill , fourth and fifth grades , east Lincoln , ; , recitation , Easter Currier ; chorus , second end grade , east Lincoln. \ A Great String of Fast Horses. Well Informed Norfolk horsemen de clare that absolutely the best strln of high class , bred in the purple , light harness horses west of Chicago , owned by one man. is the stable now sta Honed at the Norfolk driving park and owned by J. M. Askey of this city , who is just moving here from Plain view. Neb. The entire stable Is bred to go the route and there are none better , old racing men say. Mr. Askey is locating permanently in Norfolk because of this clty'a ad vantagcons geographical location and railroad facilities. He is a valuable acquisition to the city and through his work It Is expected to put Norfolk on the map as a high grade light har ness horse breeding center. Mr. As- key has bought a house here and i now moving to the city. A Classy String. Among tbe horses in the Askey sta hie Is the young stallion Our Reaper , 1457 , a handsome mahogany bay 15 % hands , and weighing 1150 pounds. Ho is sired by Early Reaper 2:09 : % , the sire of that sensational trotter Early Alice 2Of : V , , and many others , and his dam is Our Girl , the dam of Early Alice 2:06 : rl , making Our Reap er a full brother to the great mare Early Alice 2:06Vi. : Next we find that great handsome cherry bay stallion Our G. G. , by Greg ory the Great (3) ( ) 2:23VJ. : This fellow stands 17Vj hands , and weighs over 1300 pounds , and is a whirlwind nt the pace , for with light road work he can show a 2:10 : clip , and wears nothing but the harness. Gregory the Great Is also the sire of that heavy money winning trotter Angiola 2:06y : , and last season's champion trotting geld ing Henry H 2:07M. : and many others. Our G. G. will make a great pacer for the slow classed this season. Then comes the big handsome son of Early Reaper 2:09tt : in the bay stallion Our Early. He is a full brother to Our Reaper , also Early Al ice 2OGVi. : This fellow stands 16y2 hands and weighs 1350 , and is a sure stake trotter. We also find Kame On , a rugged handsome black stallion with great quality and substance , standing 15 hands and weighing 1050 pounds. He Is a great trotter , for with light work hs has shown 2:20 : speed. His sire is Spokane 2:15V4 : , the sire of Starlight 2:12 : > / , . The dam of Kame On is by Shadeland Onward 2:18. : Feast for Horse Lovers' Eyes. Perhaps the one nearest ready for the races is the big handsome bay mare Maude Star by George Star , p. , 2:17. : This mare is 16 hands high and weighs 1200 and bos been trial miles in 2:29 : and ought to give a good account of herself in the slow classes this season. Then comes the baby pacer MInne G. G. , bay filly (2) ( ) by Our G. G. , dam Ginger by a son of the mighty On ward 2:25 : % , and while this youngster has had the harness on but a few times she can show a 2:40 : clip and will bo staked in her class this season. We also found a handsome bay mare In Lady Reaper , sired by Our Reaper , dam by Nebraska Bourbon. She stands 1C hands and weighs 1100 , and will be heard from. There are several other youngsters In the stable , most of them sired by Our Reaper. Then comes that grand old matron , Our Girl or ( Katy Did (2) ( ) 2:41) : ) . She never lost a race in twelve starts. She Is the dam of Earl/ Alice 2:00 : % , Early Storm 2:21 : % , Early Harvest , p. , 2:16 : % . Early Reaper 2:29 : % , Early Harvest 2:19 : % . This grand old mare Is now 17 years old and has a handsome colt by her side by Karno On. In all there are a dozen or more , all of the same top-notch class. If you are Interested In the light harness horse it will do you good to go out to the stables and look them over. Trainer - er Shoemaker , who la In charge of the stable , will take pleasure In showing you around.