The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 28, 1911, Image 1

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, , . , .
GOT $200 $
" "
TVIcManigal Declared on the Train En-
route to Los Angeles That He Blew
up Llewellyn Works and That He
Would Turn State's Evidnnce.
Los Angeles , April 27. The ques-
lion as to Ortle E. McManigal's con
fession of the dynamiting of the Lewe-
llyn Iron work of this city was at least
partially solved today when Robert
Brain , under Hherlff of this county ,
who had charge ot McManlgal on the
tranncontlncntnl trip just ended , said
the prisoner had voluntarily confess
ed to him on the train.
According to Bruin , McManlgal
brought up the subject lost Monday
morning , the second day out from
Chicago , by asking what punishment
would bo given him if ho were to turn
state's evidence.
'I am not In a posltiou to tell you. "
was Brain's reply. .
"Are you going tri do it ? "
'Yes , " answered McMauigal , 'I'm
going to tell. "
/'What are you going to tell ? " asked -
ed Brain.
. "Ail about It , " said MoManigal.
'Yon know what you are charged
with ? " continued Brain.
"Yea , I am charged with dynamit
ing the plant ot the Llewellyn Iron
"Did you do It ? "
'Sure I did. "
"What dldryou get for It ? "
Got $200 for the Job.
'Two hundred dollars , " said Me
BKuilgal. "That is the. price paid fqr
all .such Jobs. "
'Do you know Bryce ? " was Brain's
nest question.
"Yes , I U'now him. "
'How long have you known him ? "
'About a year and a half. "
Then McManigul said he would stop
"All right , Mac , " said Brain. "I am
not trying to coerce you. Do as you
like about It. That's your right. "
"When I get out there , I'll toll about
it , " concluded McManlgul.
The subject was dropped and not
taken up again.
Now Denies He Confessed.
Shortly after noon today Attorney
Hilton emerged from the jail after a
conference with -tho prisoners. He
said MeManigal absolutely denied in
the presence of witnesses that'he had
inado any confession whatsoever and
-said that statements to that effect
vrero "unqualifiedly false. "
McManlgal was taken before the
district attorney , where at 11:30 : he
had been for two hours in the presence
enco of a shorthand reporter.
Mra. D. H. Ingersoll of San Fran
cisco , in whoso lodging house the man
she know as James Bryce who was
charged with the actual dynamiting
of the Times building here , was taken
into the jail today to see if she could
identify James B. McManlgal as
Mrs. Ingersoll Gazes at Him.
Mrs. Ingersoll and John D. Freder
ick , district attorney , went to the of-
ttco of the jail and waited tuere while
Under Sheriff Brain brought McNam
ara from his cell.
To give Mrs. Ingersoll full oppor
tunity to scrutinize McNamara , Fred-
cricks contrived a seemingly official
conversation with the prisoner lasting
several minutes. Meanwhile Mrs. In
gersoll stood a long time In the room
apparently unobserved by McNamara ,
and gazed at the accused man.
Clarence Darrow is Retained.
Clarence Darrow , the attorney who
figured prominently in the defense of
Meyer , Hnywood and Pettibone. has
been retained as chief counsel for
Jolin and James McNamara and Ortle
McMnnlgal , the alleged dynamiters.
This information was received from
Indianapolis in a message to J. E. Tim-
mons , local organizer for the Interna
tional Bridge and Structural Iron
Workers association. Attorney Jot
Harriman of Los Angeles , of counsel
for the McNamara brothers and Mc
Manlgal , announced at the jail today
after an interview Vith all three pris
oners 'that they plead not guilty to'tiy '
namltlng nnd that defense was prepared
pared to prove that the Los Angeles
Times newspaper plant was destroyed
by gas and not by dynamite.
Burns Laughs at Kidnap Talk.
Chicago , April 27. William J
Burns , the detective who * broughi
about the arrest of the alleged dynn
miters of the Los Angeles Time :
building nnd was arrested in India
uapolls on n charge of kidnaping tin
/prisoners , Is in Chicago resting no. .
\v 'preparing to go to Los Angeles ant
prosecute the men he arrested.
Mr. Burns brought with him fron
Indianapolis two suitcases full of evi
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
Maximum 0-
MItilmimi II
Average I > 3
Barometer 29.80
Chicago , April 27. The bulletin Is
sued by the Chicago station of the
United Slates weather buruciu gives
the forecast for Nebraska as follows :
Unsettled weather with showers to
night or Friday ; colder Friday after-
noun or night.
ileiu1 * ; , documentary and otherwise.
Ho laughed at the kidnaping charges
and mild ho was known as a synipa-
tlil/er with union labor.
"All talk of a frame-up is ridicn-
/MIH , " snld the detective. "Anyone
° o knows me. knows better. I am
man and I am sorry the men
stud were connected with a lab-
o1 * > n. I expect to be in Ixis An-
gei > . < " within a week. "
Tenders Resignation as President Pro-
Tern of Senate.
Washington , April 27. On account
of 111 health Senator Fryo of Maine
today tendered to the vice president
his resignation us president pro-tern ot1
the senate. The senator is confined
to his apartment and his friends , because -
cause of his advanced age , are appre
hensive. It is probably that Senator
Gallinger will succeed him as jjresl
dent pro-tern.
Reyes Off to Mexico.
Paris , April 27. General Bernardo
Reyes , the Mexican former minister of
war , has been recalled from bis mis
slon here by President Diaz and loft
at 4:30 : o'clock this afternoon for
Dieppe , and from thence will proceed
for London and sail for New York.
It Will Not Come up for Final Settle
ment Until Friday.
Washington , April 27. The expect
ed light in the senate today over com
mittee assignments was postponed un
til tomorrow , and after a session last
ing a quarter of an hour the senate
adjourned. When Senator Gallinger
submitted the list of appointments
and asked Its adoption. Senator Cum
mins moved that consideration of it go
over under the rules.
France to Intervene.
Parly , April 27. France notified to-
ay the signatories of the Algiers con-
erence agreement that prompt and
norgetlc Intervention in Morocco by
franco had become dooessary to pro-
ect foreigners at Fez , and establish
rder throughout the country and safe
guard the sovereignty of the sultan.
Nebraska University to Play in Tour
nament at Kansas City.
Lincoln , April 27. Arrangements
ave been completed whereby the first
nnual Missouri Valley conference ten
nis tournament will bo held in Kansas
ity under the auspices of the Kan
sas City club on May 19. The tourna
ment Is tbe idea of President Weaver-
ing .ot the Nebraska University club
who has. been arranging the matter
by correspondence. Kansas and Mis-
ouri have signified their intention of
Mitering teams and it is thought that
ho other valley schools will enter.
Washington , April 27. Refusal ol
he Interstate commerce commission
to permit the principal railways of the
west to advance their rates on the
transportation of cement , for the rea
son that the carriers are alleged tc
need additional revenue , is the feature
of a decision handed down today in the
rnportant Portland Cement case.
Dallas , S. D. , April 27. Special tc
The News : Burl H. Martin , managei
of the Western Telephone Co. , of Dal
las , and Miss Pearl Shannon , a home
steader In Trlpp county , were married
at O'Neill yesterday at the home ol
the groom's mother. It was a qulei
homo wedding , only relatives belnf
Received by Empress.
Tokio , April 27. Mrs. O'Brien , wlf <
of the American ambassador who wll
leave on Sunday for Berlin to vlsl
her daughter , was received in audience
ienco by the empress today.
Iowa Man Has Rigged Up an Ingeni
out Device.
Henry Myers of Des Molnes , la.
keeps chickens and feeds them by telt
phone. He has fixed up a box in th <
chicken house with a drop door In tin
bottom of It. In this he places feed
The catch that holds the door in pluc
is a sensitive affulr and Is connectei
to the telephone system.
When 4 p. m. arrives Mr. Myen
Htleks in n plug and presses a bnttoi
the same way operators do when the ;
ring up your home or place of busi
ness. Then the catch on the feed bo :
moves buck , the door drops down , th
feed fulls to the lloor , and the chicken
are f d.
San Francisco Boarding House Keep
er , at Whose Place "Bryce" Stayed ,
Declares McNamara Is the Man A
Great Legal Battle About to Begin.
Los Angeles , April 27. John J. Me-
Nntunra , secretary of the International
Hrldgc and Structural Iron Workers'
association , his brother James Mc
Namara. and Ortle E. MeManigal , the
alleged dynamite conspirators accused
of blowing up the Times newspaper
plant last October , killing twenty-one
men , are in Los Angeles jail. In sep
arate cells , surrounded by extra
guards. All three men are charged
with murder.
The arrival after a sensational Jour
ney in irons from Indianapolis and
Chicago signalizes the beginning ot
what Is expected to be a desperate
legal struggle. Thus far , however , no
definite arrangements have been made
to Initiate the light. Before 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon all three men
were in the county prison , three
blocks from the ruins of the dynamit
ed newspaper building , but no one was
allowed to visit or consult with them
and there will not be any conferences
between the accused men and counsel
until today. District Attorney John D.
Fredericks , who said that the state
was ready to go to trial at once , an
nounced that the formality of arraign
ment would now await the defense.
O. N. Hilton , counsel for the Western
Federation of Miners , who came here
presumably to join counsel for the de
fense , started to establish headquar
ters and a working force to launch
the battle , but stopped all prepara
tions when he received a telegram
from President Ryan of the Iron work
ers' association , saying that all mat
ters pertaining to the defense of the
international secretary and his reput
ed confederates were in the hands of
Indianapolis lawyers.
"There is almost an Infinity of
things to be done at once , " said At
torney Hilton. "But there have been
no preparations and there is no money
in sight except the funds aggregating
$250,000 pledged by President Meyer
of tbe Western Federation of Miners.
Crushing Crowds Are There.
"The alleged conspirators arrived at
the jail in an automobile after ruining
the gauntlet of jwo ; crushing crowds ,
which in their eagerness to get a
glimpse of the prisoners , overbore the
efforts of more than a score of detec
tives and deputy sheriffs , detailed to
hold them back.
The men were taken from the Cali
fornia Limited train at Pasadena and
the nine-mile trip to the county jail
by automobile speed limit was abso
lutely disregarded. .
During the trip from Dodge City ,
Kan. , where John McNamara boarded
the train bearing his brother and Me-
Manigal , the three men were kept in
separate compartments. Johu knew
that his brother was under arrest be
cause he caught a glimpse of him as
he entered the railroad station in the
Kansas town. But John was ignorant
of the situation of his alleged confed
erates , and to keep him in ignorance
of it he was not brought through the
prison doors at the same time with
James McNamara and McManlgal
were taken from the train at the main
station in Pasadena and hustled into
one motor car , while John remained
in his compartment until Raymond , a
suburban station of Pasadena -was
reached , where a second automobile
was in waiting.
John escaped the curious throng
around the jail , but James and Me-
Manigal were rushed by a crowd BO
dense they were unable to reach the
waiting motor car until officers could
clear a path.
Woman Says He Is "Bryce. * *
Conspicuous in the crowd was Mrs ,
D. II. Ingersoll , the woman who Is expected -
pected to play a prominent part in the
prosecution. Mrs. Ingersoll is the San
Francisco boarding houSe keeper at
whose place the man known as J. B ,
Bryce stayed prior to the destruction
of the Times building.
James McNamara , according to Wll
Ham J. Burns and the other detec
lives , is held as Bryce , the man whc
is alleged to have laid the interna !
machines that blew up the newspapei
plant , and the woman was there tc
identify him. Seated in a third auto
mobile drawn up by the Bide of one
which was to transport the prisoners
she peered into the face of McNaman
as he climbed into the machine. Th (
man was shackled to an officer , bui
he kept his unbound hand before hi :
face. In spite of this Mrs. Ingersol
declared afterward that he was Bryce
McNamara Thin and Pale.
No one , however , qould have identi
fled him as Bryce from the printed dc
scrlptlons sent out after the indict
ments were found by the grand jury
Thin and pallid , he looked little Hk <
the 160-pound man described in th <
official circulars. But to make sure
Mrs. Ingersoll will again confront hln
in Jail today.
The nine mile journey to the Jai
was made in twenty minutes and Me
Manigal and James McNnmara wen
hardly out of the prison corridor be
fore the automobile carrying John Me
Namara arrived.
In front of the Jail another bii
crowd had assembled , and hero agnii
the officers had to fight their wa ;
( Oo rri ht. UttU
hrough the throng , with their prison-
rs dragging by shackled wrists.
But at no time was there even the
east sign of anger on the part of the
rowd , or of a disposition to justify
he apparent fear of the officials that
n attempt might be made to rescue
he prisoners. Union buttons were
lentiful in the assemblages , but the
nen wearing them were as quiet and
orderly as those who displayed no em
blems of affiliation with organized la
, . . A SERlEp.
New York , ; April 27. Today bade
'air to ho another active- one in Presi
dent Taft's New York iteniary , his
program Including a series of confer-
; nces with New York republican poll
leal leaders and the delivering of
what promised to be an important
speech on Canadian reciprocity at the
annual banquet of the Associated
Press and American Newspaper Pub-
ishers' association tonight.
William Barnes , jr. , chairman of the
republican state committee , and LJoyd
C. Grlscom , president of the republi
an county committee , were expected
to call on President Taft this forenoon ,
while it was thought probable that
former Congressman Herbert Parson's
and William Loeb , jr. , collector of the
port of New York , would take occas-
on to pay their respects. Several
other political leaders were likewise
expected to Bee Mr. Taft before he left
the home of his brother Henry W.
Taft , where he spent the night , to at
tend a luncheon at the residence of
Henry Clews early this afternoon.
Mr. Taft's speech at the dinner of
the Hungarian Republican club was
delivered about 1:30 : o'clock > thls morn-
Ing. President Tail's speech tonight
on Canadian reciprocity , it is under
stood , is to be the first of a series
of speeches to be delivered while the
reciprocity Is before the senate in hope
of infiuencine favorable action by that
body on the reciprocity measures.
Cleveland , O. , April 27. Thirteen
indictments on a total of 110 counts
charging four iron ore carrying rail
roads entering Cleveland with rebat
ing and alleging two of the railroads
and three Individuals were guilty of
conspiracy to violate the
were returned by the federal grand
jury here. The railroads are the Penn
sylvania company , the Lake Shore nnd
Michigan Southern , the Bessemer and
Lake Erie and the New York. Chicago'
and St. Louis ( Nickel Plate ) .
Dan R. Hanna , president , and R. L.
Ireland , second vice president of the
M. A. Hanna company , and D. T. Me-
Cube of Plttsburg , fourth vice presi
dent of the Pennsylvania company ,
were each indicted on one count which
charges that the Hnnna company has
an alleged contract with the Pennsyl
vania company whereby the Hanna
company is said to have rebated to
shippers , profits of the Ohio and West
ern Pennsylvania Dock company , a
subsidiary concern of the Hanna com
pany. The dock company , which is
included in the indictment , leases and
operates docks owned by the Pennsyl
vania Company at several Lake Erie
ports. The M. Hanna company is one
of the largest Iron ore , pig Iron , coke
and Iron companies in the country.
Man Whose Sister is on Witness
Stand , Declaring That She was Vic
tim of Criminal Operation , Suddenly
Begins Firing a Revolver.
Lincoln. April 27. Grant Hursh , a
laboring man ot Lincoln , 41 years old ,
created a pduic In the criminal branch
of the district court room yesterday
afternoon when , without warning , ho
drew a revolver and fired five shots at
Thomas Hawkins , distant from him
scarcely fifteen feet. One of the shots
struck Haa/klns in the hip , another
wounded a woman , Mrs. Hazel Rys ,
In the leg and three others went wild ,
the bullets burying themselves in the
wooden railing separating the lawyers
and jurors from the spectators. As
Hursh fired tbe last shot , ho waived
his hand holding the revolver dra
matically and shouted :
"Gentlemen , I give myself up. "
Bailiff- ) seized him and took the
weapon from him. The courtroom
was in an uproar , lawyers and wit
nesses dropping behind the benches
and chairs as the shooting began , and
women screaming hysterically.
Judge Frost adjourned court.
The case on trial was that against
Dr. W. R. Townsend , charged with
performing a criminal operation.
Miss Dese A. Hursh , a sister of the
would-be slayer , complaining wit
ness , was giving her testimony in
course of which she named Hawkins
as the man who had wronged her and
said he had taken her to the doctor.
It was just as she had concluded her
testimony when Hursh rose from a
seat in the spectators' section and be
gan shooting. He was taken to jail
and his two victims to the hospital.
Their wounds , while severe , are not
Potash Merger is Off.
BeMm. April 27. A dispatch from
Frankfurt today announces that an
agreement has been reached between
the independent potash interests In
the United States * and the German
syndicate through which the indepen
dents will cut loose from the Ameri
can combined Interests and negotiate
directly with the German syndicate.
The negotiations will be opened at
Hamburg on May 10.
Socialist Congressman Would Take
Veto Power from President.
Washington. April 27. Victor Berger -
ger of Milwaukee , the socialist mem
ber of congress \ a resolution intro
duced today not only proposes to
abolish- the senate but alms to strike
from the ha-ad of the president the
veto power and take' ' from th courts
authority to Invalidate legislation en
acted by the house of representRtlves.
All this is proposed as an amendment
to the constitution which if petitioned
for by 5 percent of the voters In each
suite , shall be submitted to a general
"Tho senate has run Its course , "
said Mr. Berger , after his threatening
document had been dropped Into the
hopper on the speaker's desk. "It
must some day as with the British
house of lords , yield to the popular
demand for Us reformation or aboli
tion. "
Graduation This Year Will Take Place
In the Open Air.
Cambridge , Mass. , April 27. Har
vard university plans nn Innovation In
the form of an open air commence
ment this June.
Memorial hall will be abandoned on
account of insufficient seating capac
ity and outdoor seats and platform
erected In the quadrangle formed by
Sever , Emerson and Robinson halls.
For a number of years even alumni
of long standing have found it im
possible to secure seats. With the
proposed arrangement In force ovci
3,000 can be accommodated.
Crown Prince Very III.
Tokio , April 27. The condition ol
Crown Prince Wo , who has been II' .
with typhoid fever for some weeks , is
believed now to be serious.
WHo's Who In Norfolk
Or P. H Salter was born at Ottawa.
Canada. September h , 1VJ. . his * par
ents being Mr. and Mr.G. . B. Salter
of this city. He attended tbe public
schools of Port Hope , Ont. , and later
studied medUIne in Toronto univer
slty for four years , following that will
another year to obtain an Edlnburgl
degree at the Royal college of Physsi
clans and Surgeons of Edinburgh. Af
ter finishing at Edinburgh Dr. Saltei
attended hospitals in London for i
time. His first practice was a servict
of nine months on Clnm line steamer :
between England and India. Retumiiif
to America ho practiced three year :
In Port Hope. Out. , and then cami
to Norfolk in June , 1889 , having re
sided here ever since.
Lust year Dr. Salter was preslden
of the Nebraska State Medical society
In 1895 he founded the Elkhorn Vnlle ;
Medical society and was the thin
president elected by that organization
He has boon president of the Elkhon
Life & Accident Insurance compan ;
hlnce that organization was founded
In 1904. Ho is a director in the Nor
folk Long Distance Telephone com
pr.ny nnd in the Norfolk Country clulj
being chairman of the grounds coin
mltteo of the Country club. He ha
served one year as exalted ruler o
the Norfolk lodge of Elks.
For nine year's Dr. Salter was :
member of the Norfolk board of edi
cation , six years its president.
At Caucus of Insurgents , It Is Deter
mined to Appeal from the Gallinger
Committee as to Assignments Split
Is to be Aired.
Washington , April 27. Progreanivo
ppnblk'nn senators In conference to-
lay decided to ask ( he senate to
MI the question of the addition of
Senator I.uFollette to the committee
) ii Interstate commerce and of Sen
Uor Itilstow to the committee on ( In
nice , contrary to the derision of the
republican caucus.
Washington , April 27. Before ad
ourmncnt today the house ot repre
sentative expects to pass the reappor-
lonment bill Increasing its member
ship from 301 to 433. Chairman Un
derwood of the ways and means com-
nlttcc had planned to take up the
measure yesterday , but it was sup-
> lanted by the free list bill , though
with the understanding that it woull
bo taken up today. Efforts to get
quick and favorable action are due to
ho fact that many state legislatures
are nearlng adjournment.
No state under the bill loses ita rep *
rose n tat I on , the reapportionmcnt
merely fixing at approximately 125,000
lie number of constituents entitled to
one representative.
Philadelphia , April 27. An import
ant general meeting of division 477 of
the Amalgamated Association of Street
and Electric railway workers will beheld
held tonight In the Labor lyceum ,
when methods to secure an increase
of wages from 23 to 23 cents an hour
will bo discussed after the active
board submits Us report. C. O. Pratt
and P. J. Shea , members of the Inter
national board , will be in attendance.
It is'stated that the question of wheth
er the union car men employed by the
Philadelphia Rapid Transit company
shall go on strike If the company re
fuses to grant We increase will be
decided , although none of tbe leaders
would discuss that phase of the situa
tion in advance of the meeting.
The company controls all of the
street railway lines in Philadelphia
and employs about 3,500 raotormen
and conductors. It has not entirely
recovered from the strike of a year
ago. Its affairs are undergoing re
habilitation and a proposition before
the city council for the authorization
of a loan of $10,000,000 , the city being
a partner in the company's affairs and
its consent , therefore , being necessary
for the loan. The men claim they
should get a portion of this money.
Springfield , III. , April 27. Lleuten
ant Governor John ( r Oslesby this
morning signed the warrants for the
arrest of Edward Tlldi.'ii. W. I' . Cum
mlngs- and ( ionrgn M. Benedict , order
ed yesterday by the senate. Deputy
sergeant * at arms at once departed
for Chicago.
Springfield , III. , April 27. Edward
Tilden , Chicago packer , and William
C. Cummins * and George M. Benedict ,
president and cashier of the Drovers
Trust and Savings bank of Chicago ,
were ordered arrested on a rontempt
charge by the Illinois senate shortly
after (5 ( o'clock last night. The vote
was 40 to 7.
This action was taken on recom
mendation of the senate bribery Inves
tigation committee after Tilden , Cummings -
mings and Benedict , through their law
yers , had refused to produce Tilden's
personal bank accounts for May , June ,
July and August. 1909.
The committee believes these bank
accounts will show evidence of use ot
money In the election of William Lori-
mer to the United States senate. Til
den had submitted an affidavit before
the committee saying these accounts
show nothing directly or indirectly
bearing upon the election of Larimer.
He also had offered , in a letter to
the committee , to allow one member
to come to Chicago and examine these
bank accounts. Tilden made the ex
press stipulation that ho should be
allowed to designate the member of
the committee.
The committee took the position , in
which It was sustained by the senate ,
that It refused to allow Tilden to dic
tate the conditions upon which the-
hank accounts should bo investigated.
The commltteo also insisted that a
subpoena served on Tilden , asking for
the banking records , was sufficiently
specific and was not so-called \ "drag
net" subpoena , and was contended by
his counsel.