The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 07, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Norfolk-Omaha Interurban Plan.
Ottinhn , Apt II ! ! . The contract was
let Saturday by the Nebraska Trans
portation cutnpnny to thu Baker Con
struction toinpany of Oinaliu for an
iiitorurban railroad to run from Oma
ha to Slonx City , and fioni Omalia to
Norfolk , wllh a branch to Madison. A
brani'li IH to run to West Point.
Mtogethoi l81 ! inllPH of tinck will
bi built , with a power house near K.h
City on the I'lalte rl\er cnpablo of
generating twenty one thousand horse
power. Two and a half years will bo
roqtilied to complete the road , and the
( est will approximate ) eight nilllloiiH
Arrangements for financing It are an
nounced as having boon completed
with European capitalists Sixty miles
of right-of-way ha\e been secured and
the construction will stint at once
The plan Is to build a double track
to Elk City from Omaha and fiom
there run one line to Sioux City and
the ether to Norfolk. It Is said there
will bo through service from Norfolk
to Omaha every two hours.
A want ad will llml It If It's tlndublo
A Chance For All of the Peg Legs In
the Nation
A challenge to all t.e ! cue legged
men In the country to paitlclpatc In an
eiiduianeo foot into fiom Minneapolis
to SI Louis , beginning April 2 , has
been Issued l > > Hairy Meyers of the
IIrut named city He has begun train
Meyers has been to In out a new
artificial lacing leg He thinks tin ;
rccoid he plans to make will cause
many sound men to hustle to cinial It.
Contestants who tal.e up his ptoposl
lion must deposit a side bet of $1,01)0 )
each. He satyl he hoped there would
bo at least twenty
The walk Is to be over the toute of
tliu Minneapolis and St Louis lallioad
'L'hero are to be no handicaps Sttlet
rules will not bo observed , howevei ,
except to make HUM- that uo contestant
May Start Intercollegiate Boxing.
Tf the plans of the Polydeuccnn club ,
the boxing organisation of the Unlvor
Rlty of California , hold Rood , this sea
son will witness the Inauguration ol
Intercollegiate boxing between Call
fornla. Stanford and St. Mary's. Th (
lending soirlt In the movement hat
been A M Johnson , vice president ol
the Pol.vdeueean club and sou of thf
governor eloft of California. Johnsor
In u clever lightweight.
A Woman' * Sacrific * .
Three years ago a startling tale caiui
lo light concerning a prominent busl
ness man in AnsUhi. Ho found him
s lf on the brink of ruin , and Ills wife
came to his reacuo at the cost of hut
own life. Leaving an overheated roon
one night , bhe walked up and d9wu t
stone flagged passage , barefoot and
with nothing on but a nightdress , til
she caught a chill which she aggravat
ed by a series of reckless acts In
animation of the lungs set In , and she
died shortly afterward. Her husband
obtained the huge sum of money ( n\ \
which her llfo was lusuied , and will
this he was able to pull thtough tin
crisis successfully. He married for i
( cioml time within three months of hl <
lr"t ! wife's death This husband dU
not get off scot free , however. A ten
ant in his employ had overheard tin
convocation in which the heroli
young wife had told her husband lu < i
intention lo die for his sake The serv
ant Informed the police Then the In
surnnce companies contended It .
< aso of suicide and s > ued successful ! :
for the retuin of the money The lius
band ptosecuted for being an ac
cessory to his wife's death and re
colvod the punishment be well merited
Germans and Americans to Bar Whit
Cedar Wood.
The Column and Ameilcan.ictil ;
men li.ive made an agict-mem ban in
white cedar In the constiuction of soi
der yachts The Kalscrllcher V.u li
club of li'erman.v and the faster
Yacht cl-itt of this . the pai
ties to ( lie .u'rei-ment , which does nu
extend to .vac-Ins now under constnu
lion or those alie.idy built
In Kiel li.irlioi the Cei ! mans foun
that stion pi inl.Ins ; was ML-eess.irv I the lough water , so most u
'holt' sniidei.nlit - ' aie litiili ot te
i-edai Hi uulii'K m > I'.ut tla * Amer
canx : n ciistntm-d to smooth SIMS o
Mnrhlelie.til , , _ the llgljtesi < ;
wood mill by ; isiug white cedar wi r
. \li1e in In In : : the weight of thel
vac hi i lose to I 020 pounds
The new rjret'tnent s.iys that th
gomlui .Mil-Ill * siuii ! 110 built of re
collar or heavier wood
Little Interest at Nellgh.
Nellgh , Neb. April 3. Special t
The Nowb : There seems to be hi
very little interest taken in the con
ing city election by the voters of N
Ugh. The ticket has but one oppos
lion , and that Is for councilman in tr
second ward against the caucus nor
ineo. Joe McCalg. George Ferguso
has consented to his friends to mat
the race against McCalg in this war
Bombs In Iowa Strike.
Muscntine , la. . April 3 Thn
bombs wore tin own at the homes i
butterworkers who have taken tl
places of some 3,000 butter factory 01
ployes who ha\o been on a strike fi
llvo weeks. No ono was hurt but tl
houses were damaged A reward w :
offered for the bomb thtowerb.
Unemployed , by Reason of Plagu
They Form a New Problem.
Seattle , April 3. According to Ja
uneso papers received here 300,0
coolies have lost their occupation
Manchuria through the plague. Tl
coolies In northern Siberia , who wo
deported by the Russian authoritlc
ha\e entered Manchuria and added to
tin ) number of uncmplo > ( > d.
A Shanghai dispatch to the Toklo
lochl says that the Chinese minister
it Toklo has telegraphed to the Pe-
dug government that the Japanese
leclded to Itu reuse military strength
n Manchuria.
A dispatch fiom Australia to the
i'oklo Ahiihl reports that various pa-
101 H are tailing attention to the ie-
1011 that a gteat number of Chinese
no enteilng New Caledonia. There
no now about 1.000 Japanese on the
sland , liu lulling many skilled carpen
ers , engineers , etc The French on
he Islands are indifferent
Austialian papeis , however , declate
.lint the colonl/atlon of the 1'aclilc
tdand by Japanese should be resisted
Election Day In Michigan.
Detroit , Mich , Aptil 3 In today's
clqctlons all counties In Michigan are
otlng fet cltctiit judges and for n
state ticket , ut the head of which are
wo justices of the supreme court
Eighteen counties are \otlng on the
luestion of local option. Of these ,
eleven are now "dry. "
Is the Best On the Stage.
Henrietta Ciosman , who Is booked
o pla > her new coined ) "Anti-Matri
mony , " at the Not folk Auditorium
icxt Saturdaj night , is regarded as
far and away the best comedienne on
lie Ametican Mage , b > the dramatic
critic on the Lincoln State Journal
Miss C'rosman played at Lincoln Sat
iiuhi ) and the State Jottinal , In the
course of a column article , sa > s in
pint :
Henrietta Ciosman , far and away
the best comedienne on the American
stage , appeared at the Oliver > ester-
da > afteinoon and evening in a tat
tling good piece of stage wotk entitl
ed "Anti-MattImuny " There ate com
edians of both sexes in this countr )
who range ttom mete Idiots to dis-
pern-et.s of pine , high giado comedy
of the ( list water Kver.v season we
get a burfelt of would bo comedians
and comedians -mostlj parties
who liavo not biains enough to Ac
an.vtiling save to parade their insig'
niticant pctsonnlltles Put all of these
together in * lddlo ] Fo.v and Raymond
Hitchcock for good measure , and then
place Miss Crosman on the ether plate
and her side will lapldly cause the
otheis to tlv up into the all. Miss
Crosman is ono of the few absolute
units on the stage toda > Marked in
divldualit > is coupled to leady grasr ,
of a character and adequately hai
nossod to technical skill It is posl
live delight to see her act She alsc
has indivldu.ilit.v in the sense of pos
sesslng a line nature , spirit and char
acter. One need not bo a particularly ,
close observer nor be possessed of the
critical Instinct to discover that ever }
chai acter poitiavcd b > Miss Crosmat
huff gained at her hands , has improved
its qutl'ity ' us it weie I am convinced
that she coultl lound out and put spirll
into the most common-place and con
vcntional comedy pait or has she
the bad habit at the presenl
day of "occupying the center of the
stage "
Meio failuies of plavs from time tc
tinu cannot keep Henrietta Ciosmai :
down For the failures have always
_ been due to tlie character of the plav
1 jnot to the intcipietet It is ipjite wltli
, in the tinth to s.n that she never spoils
a p.ut She couldn't il she would and
wouldn't if s-lie < ould The pimcip.i'
pltns the gifted aitiess has nppeniei
In .it the Olivei in past .VCMI < > wore
"One of Our OIiU. "Mistakes Wil
Happen. " "Alistress Nell , " and ' \Ln.v
Quito Contiarv"
New Congress is All Ready.
Washington , Apiil 3. The interest
ing .situation of a. democratic honsi
itnd a lepublican senate to consider :
Taft adniinisttatlvo measure direct ;
unusual attention to the convening o
the SKt.vsecond . congiess in extiaoidi
nary session at noon tomoirow. Tin
political complexions of the twi
branches of congress will bo as fol
lows :
House Democrats 228 , lepublican :
160. socialist 1 , vacancies 2. the Nintl
Iowa and Second Pennsylvania dia
Senate Republicans 50 , democrat ;
1 , vacancy i , from Colorado.
The roll calls in the two branche
will show some lemarkablo change
fiom the last session. In the housi
the demociats will rfhow a gain o
tlfty-four members and tne republi
cans a loss of fifty-five , the socialis
member , Victor Berger of Milwaukee
accounting for the difference in th
By icason of Iho change resulllni
fiom the election last November nov
faces will be seen not only in th
membeiship of the house but in th
whole oigani/ation. Republican en
ployes in great number will go ou
and their places w ill bo filled by demc
Instead of fift-nino republicans vvh
occupied seals In Iho scnalo o
March , Ihero will bo only fifty tc
morrow The ranks of the mlnorlt
will be Increased from Ivvelvo lo forlj
ono when Iho vacancy In Colorado i
filled. There was ono vacancy In th
last session caused by the death c
the lalo Senalor Hughes of Coloradi
President's Message Monday.
Washington , April 3. Pursuant t
Iho president's call for an oxtraord
nary session of Iho sixly-second coi
gross , Iho senale and house of lepn
sensatlves will meet tomorrow c
noon. The president's message rola
Ing to reciprocity with Canada wl
not bo sent until Wednesday.
In the senate the routine prograi
will bo followed. Vice President She
10 man will call the senate lo order , an
the president's proclamation callln
the session will bo read A comrnl
too will bo appolnled to call upon Hi
IB piosldent and Inform htm that the sci
ale Is In session , and anolher comml
tee will similarly advise the house
A big shift of seats in the senal
will accompany the opening of tl
session. Not only will there be nbsoi
many of Iho familiar faces that hav
30 seemed fixtures In the upper hour ai
In bo In evidence many now faces , hi
10 also many of the old ones will appei
re In new phu es
s , The great change In the seating i
the ncnate will bo the wiping out of
"Cherokee strip" that group of seats
on the cxttcmo end of the minority
side which have been occupied for a
number of > eats by republicans
ThuJ. Is due , of com. so , to the replac
ing by democrats of republicans in
seveial delegations.
I'lidci the loaitangcniont of seats
those who will have the front low
seats on the lepublican side , begin-
Inlng at the center aisles , are. In ol
der , Senators Pi > o , Ctillom , Oallinger ,
le.vbinn , Dixon , Hiandegce , Pcnrose ,
'ago and Polnde\ter. In the ft out
ovv ot deniociatlc side will appear , In
n der , Scnatois Chambcilaln , Johns
on , Martin , Owen , Now lands , Terrell ,
Taylor , Lea and Watson.
The cleik of the house will call that
) od > to older at noon , lead the prcsl
lout's proclamation , and call the roll
> f those entitled to Heats in the iiKty-
second congtess. The oath will bo
idminlstcred , ami the drawing of
scats will then take place , the mem-
boi. s standing behind the rails until
the name of each is drawn from a
box by u blindfolded page. Following
custom , Representative Joseph G. Can
non , the "father of the house , " prob
ably will be allowed the privilege of
selecting his scat. The chosen leader
of the democratic majority will also be
accorded the same privilege.
Several Days to Get Ready.
After the election of house oflicers ,
committees will bo appointed to wait
upon the ptcsident and upon the sen
ate to advise both that the house is
in session. Several days will proba
bly bo icqulred to complete the or
ganization and get the house into
working older so that It may consldei
the matter for which it has been call
ed together by the president. The
senate will not bo able to do much
business until the icclproclty measure
comes over from the house , and 1 * Is
probable that after disposing of its
piellminary business the senate will
adjourn for several days at a time un
til the action of the house is taken.
The scope of legislation and the
probable length of the session arc now
the staple topics of discussion , lao
belief seems to bo gaining ground that
the new congress will take up other
subjects than reciprocity and tariff.
The advocates of direct election of
senators will probably make another
try for their constitutional amendment
An apportionment bill will bo sent
over by ( lie house. Tlio p.ew
with a record to make will clamor for
public buildings and ther and harbor
Impiovements. Consetvatlon meas
ures left over unfinished from the last
session maj bo icvised. Indeed , the
leaders think that the extra session
ma > be called upon to take up a va-
ilety of subjects for legislative action
First and fotemost on the agenda ,
however , is the subject of leciprocitv
That the Canadian agi cement will bo
given piompt approval by the house
Is not doubted by any faction. All of
the democrats appear to consider the
vote In the last house a committal of
democrats to such legislation. The
pioposed pact , on the other hand , will
find it haul sledding when it i caches
the senate
Piesident Taft will in go his peima
nent tarlfl commission , whiih is
expected to cause a wrangle in coil'
giess and help to piolont ; the session
Then again should the committee ao
cede to demands for a geneial revih
ion of the taillT to bo open to the
world , the session piobably would
diag tlnough the summer and well in
to the fall In any event theto appear *
to be little likelihood that the senator'
and repie entatives will be able tc
get away fiom Washington before the
hot weathei begins in cMinust
Memorial Day for Travelers.
Annual memoiial services of Ihc
Uniled Commeicial Travelers wen :
held Sunday morning in Norfolk al
the First Methodist Episcopal church
where Rev. J. W. Kirkpatrick , the pas
lor delivered a slrong sermon to :
half hundred traveling salesmen , whc
attended In a body. A large congrc
gallon , aside from Ihe U. C. T. men
listened to the sermon.
The names of deceased members o
the order were read by the secretary
and the president deposited a lily ii
a jar , and with filling words commend
ed Ihe departed ones to the care o
the All-Wise Ruler of the World.
Mis. J. K. Cooper tendered a 'verj
fitting solo , which was well rocelvec
jind added greatlv 'o ' Ihe success o
the service-
Rev I W. Kirkpatitck look for hi' '
theme , "What Constitutes a Success
fill Life" He said in pait
No man in his righl mind wishes t <
be Known as a failure. To be pointei
out as ono who makes good is one o
the most common ambitions of men
It would be well if this desire wa :
universal. For such a desire is thj
, . key to the world's progress. Whei
' we cease to desire to succeed stagnn
tlon and death follow.
But It may be well for us to ask i
few questions for consideration bofor
wo'pioceed farther. What is success
Has It any moral significance ? Wha
are the elements that make up a sue
cessful life ? Wo are told that a fc
. vorablo termination of anything al
tempted is success. That a man sue
ccecls when ho achieves what he aim
at. Marconi achieved success in win
t less telegraphy. The Wright brother
L. achieved success In producing the !
Hying machine.
It is clear that success as here dc
fined and lllustraled may apply to tha
which is evil as well as to that whlc
Is good. A man may be a succcssft
robber , a successful gambler , a sin
cessful liar or murderer. So to sa
that a man Is a success Is , after al
to say nothing as to his moral charai
tor. Unfortunately some men hav
unworthy ends or alms In life , and t
succeed In this case is only to haste
their ruin.
It Is , therefore , evident that succes
o as thus defined has no real elhlci
it value , no moral worth. And wo mm
seek for some further definition c
The Success magazine , being sever
ly criticized some years ago for II
glorifying of success regardless of II
moral barrenness , offered a rowat
n for a definition of what constitutes
successful life. The first prize of J250
was awarded a little woman In Kan
sas H Is so good I give : "He has
ichleved success who has lived well ,
atiglied often and loved much ; who
ins gained , and never betrayed , the
rtiHt of pine women and the love of
little children , who has filled his niche
mil accomplished his task : who has
left the wet Id better than he found It ,
whethi'i by an Improved poppy , a per
fect poem or a rescued soul , who has
never lacked appirelation of earth's
lA'aulj. or failed to express it. who
has always looked for the best In oth-
: -r.s and given the best he had , whose
life was an Inspiration , whose mem-
or.v a benediction "
Kvoiy clause of this definition Is
full of meaning \o\\ \ will observe
there Is no mention of gaining wealth ,
attaining political honors , or reaching
piofessional distinction. One may
gain all these and jot not succeed in
life according to this definition. To
succeed In making life strong , pure ,
helpful and Clnlstllke Is the highest
possible achievement. It is more than
to succeed in making money , or build
ing up a business. There are many
hindered In the way of attaining such
success , but the Good Book Is a safe
guide , and our Great Teacher has
promised his help , so that no man
need fall In attaining to such a life as
has been set forth.
Death of Henry E. Palmer.
Omaha , April 3. Henry Emerson
Palmer , a prominent citizen of Omaha
for the last twenty-live years and for
mer postmaster , died suddenly at his
home , 1COS South Thirty-second av
enue , yesterday at 10-30 o'clock. It
is presumed that his death was caused
by a stroke of apoplexy.
Mr. Palmer was apparcntlj as well
as over Saturday and Sunday morning.
Shortly after 10 o'clock Mr Palmer
prepaid ! to go down town from his
home , but thought he would sweep
some snow from his upper porch.
Neighbors passing noticed that Mr.
Palmer had fallen and notified mem
bers of the famllj They found that
ho was dead.
Three years ago March 9 his son
and paitncr died , leaving two small
children and a widow. The children
are Morse and Jean Palmer. Besides
these he Is survived by his wife and
aughtcr , Mrs , Herman Kountz , who
Ivcs in New York City.
Mr. Palmer was G ? years old , As
icad of the H. E. Palmer , Son and
ompany , an insurance company , and
; s a member of the Grand Army of the
lepublic and Loyal Legion , Mr. Pal-
ner had a verv wide acquaintance.
Mr. Palmer was born in Centerville ,
Ohio , July 31 , 1841 , and to few men
ave been given the varied career of
his man , who held a proud record as
i pioneer , a soldier and a business
nan. He was a pioneer of seven
tales and terrllories Wisconsin in
S5 ; ! , Nebraska and Colorado I860 , Kan-
.is in 1861 , Wyoming in 1863 , Mou-
ana in 1SGC , and Idaho in 1867
Actor Thompson is Better.
Wesl Swansej , N II , April C En-
enraging repot Is c.nno from the bed-
hie of Douninn Thompson , the aged
ctor who is ill with utaemia and
ictiit affection He appealed much
inghter but the attending ph\sicians
ire still non-committal as to his
bunco of tecover-
vlarshal ? t Ewinc ! Throws Wrestler.
Ewing , Neb. April 3 Special to
The News- One of the most interest-
ng tnd hotlv contested wrestling
mitches ever pulled oft at Ewing took
place at the opera house Saturday
light. Ed Downs of South Dakota ,
leralded as a scientific wrestler , went
o the mat in the space of about thirty
ntnutes at the hands of William
" ojnc , matshal of Ewing. The wres-
le was to be a one-hour contest un-
ess sooner decided , and Downs was to
.brow Cojne and Clarence Thompson ,
i well known athlete of Ewing. For
he minutes Coyne acted on the de-
'enslvc , and then by a careful maneu
ver succeeded In hurling his opponent
icross the mat and down. From thia
HI the wrestle was on in earnest. Dur1
ing the balance of the contest Downs ,
by Ins quick and active movements
succeeded in getting a full Nelson , a
lammerlock and a body hold , respec'
.holy , none of which seemed to avail
dm anything. On the other hand ,
with grit coupled with an alertness
ind a tenacity equal to that exercised
jy the canine species , Coyne succeed'
ed at last in getting a heel and toe
lolcl. This hi ought the climax. Downs
was down and Coyne the favorite mar
hal of Ewing was the winner and the
champion of nottheast Nebraska. Hay
McClure , president of the Ewing ath
letic club , referccd the bout and gave
entite satisfaction All through the
contest Downs displaced a viclousnesE
not in keeping at all with a man whc
aspires to be a champion in the manlj
art , while his opponent acted entirelj
to the eontrarj.
Death of a Child.
Neligh , Neb. , April 3. Special tc
The News : The infant child of Mr
and Mrs. John Lenny died Saturdaj
evening at the home of the parents
about three miles northwest of this
city. The remains were taken the fol
lowing morning to Julian , Neb. , for bu
Plague In Java.
The Hague , April 3. The presenci
of the plague in eastern Java is off ]
cially confirmed. In the vicinity o
Malanga , in the eastern part , alone
there have been forty-six cases , twen
ty-stx of which wore fatal.
According to a telegram from Bn
tavia , the capital , the total of death
is in the neighborhood of 100.
Farmers Are Seeding.
West Point , Neb , April 3. Specln
to The News : Many fanners of Cum
Ing county have sown spring wheal
Ono or two Holds of oats have als
been sown.
Delegation In Congress Well Take
Care of In New Congress.
Washington. April 3. The thre
democratic members of the house froi
Nebraska were well taken care of 1
thu committee assignments which
were agreed to by the caucus. Repre
sentative Magulrc goes on agriculture
and the committee on claimn Repre
sentative Latta , who served on the In
dian committee In the last congress ,
was allowed to retain his membership
theieln and in addition he was given
places on banking and currency and
the committee on accounts , through
which the patronage Is dispensed.
Representative Loheck the new mem
ber from Omaha , was put on the ills-
tilct committee , which legislates fet
the national capital , and also the com
mittee on expendltutes In the treasury
depaitment , cmllmullj a useless com
mlttee. If the democrats carry out
their intention of Investigating all the
departments this committee assign
ment may come to be one of the most
Important In the house.
In a partj caucus noteworthj. foi
Its harmony and the smoothness of
Its piogiess , the deniociatlc members
of the new house of icprescntatlvcs
adopted without , change the commit
tee assignments , the economy pro
gram and the new i tiles prepared for
the coming session b > the commit
tees that have been woiklng in the
last month.
Important changes in procedure , and
a general rcorgani/ation of the house
will result from the action of the
democrats. The power of naming
comiiiiltees was definitely taken from
the speakers by the rules and lodged
in the house itself Commitleo mem
hers are to Jo elected b.v the house ,
not onh in the first instance , but al
so in the filling of vacancies
A saving of $182,000 in the annual
cost of lunning congiess Is .1 utilised
through tile cutting out of Mil plus
emplo.vcs and in active committees
and through the abolishment of the
tlmo honoied "exlia monlh's pav. "
Appointive places ate put into the
hands of one committee , a .special
bod.v to bo known as the committee
on organi/atlon , and the sci amble foi
congressional positions will centci
about Its doors
The important changes in the rules
under which the new congress will
operate , aie :
The selection of committees by the
A ptovlsion to prevent filbusteilng
under the rules giving authoriu lo
dischaigo comtniltces from consideta
tlon of bills
A piovlsion permitting amendments
to appropriation bills whenever those
amendments will result in retrench
ment of natonnl expenditures
Authority for bills to come up twice
for passage under the unanimous con
sent privilege.
Slack and White Colorings In New
Millinery Modish Coats
In hi.ick iind whlti * are shown the
sm.ntest of stt.tvv tut bins for early
spring Usually tinciovvn Is of coarse
white br.iid with an apology of a brim
in black. One sue h model N oddly
dented in fiom. and the trlmuilngt
consist of fan shaped loops of blact
A very attractive mole colored coa
of r.nlni' . ctosslng in fiont with deej
fever * and fastening on the left Itli
with tour Inigt- button * . , is one of th <
spting models
Hridfsiii.ilds nre wpjiing.hoi chlf
fen urn ) iii.iniulnHte ovci slips ol
white 01 ptistoi luii'd situ
fleav.v ( olds , nc very lonspicuoui
among the new trimmings , both fo
hats mid gowns
Qualm HI ft * me obialni'il In over
blouses with white stitching ou blacl
ground. Hie n > siilt resembling mimit
Tunics are among the latest am
smartest for little girls This one I
exceptionally attractive and Is adapt
ed to all childish materials , for it cai
be used for linen , pique , lawn or cash
This Hay Mnntnn pattern ta cut In size
for glrla of eight , ton and twelve year
of ago Send 10 contH to this office , RV !
. Ins number 6314 , and It will be prompt )
forwarded to you by moll. If In hast
send nn additional two cent stamp fo
letter postage , which Insures more promr
Norfolk Dally N w
Well Known Citizens in Las Vega
Under Suspicion ,
Las Vegas , N. M. , April ! { With tli
abduction and ransoming of Wald
Itogeis , lltllo son of Mr and Mrs. i
T Rogois , four da > s pasl and no a
made , the mj story surroundln
10 case Is still unsolved. Persistent
iimors connect well known persons
t Las Vegas with the abduction , but
o official confirmation denial could
o secured It la icported , however ,
mt Kevctal suspects are under stir
It became known that enl > one man
dually paiticlpated in abducting the
hild and It Is believed the same man
eioived the $12,000 ransom paid for
iecovor > There Is no doubt , how-
ver , among the authorities that oth
is aided In the kidnaping
Although over ) member of the New
Icxko mounted police la working on
10 case prospects of an immediate
nest aio disappointing Fred Kor-
oft , of the mounted police , headed a
eav lly ai mod posse In nn automobile
or some point south of Las Vegas
heir destination as well as the oh
cct of the expedition are known only
those In charge of the search
Another Remarkable Flight.
Paris , April 3 Plerro Vedilne who
ecently Hew fiom Poitiers to IHH.V Los
loullnaux , 08 miles in two hours and
.velvu . minutes made another lemark
bio lllght josterday Ho left ISH.V
ally for Pan and landed near Mou-
In , coveting the -ML1 miles at 8evcnt.v
even miles an hour Unfavoiablo
vcathci compelled him to rise to n
ight of 0,000 feet , being out of sight
lorn eaith Ho tried to keep his
rso b.v the sun and a compass but
hiding lie was losing his wav , he do
Shopmen Have Grievance.
Pittsburg. April 3 Following a caller
or a meeting here next Wednesday of
lie gtancl chiefs of the transportation
iepaitment and otllcials of the rail-
oad depat tment of the American Fed-
latlon of Labor , it developed today
hat gilevances of shopmen In the em-
iloyment of the Pennsylvania railroad
ire to be considered The shopmen
vere recently organized and It Is al-
egcd by leaders of the men that some
of them have been discharged because
of their new union affiliations ,
Yerkes' Widow Dies ,
New Yoik , April S Mis Mary Ado-
aide YerKes widow of Charles T.
. died at her homo in this city.
American Missionary Attacked.
Shanghai , April 3 The Ilov. John
Murray of the American Presbyterian
nlsslon Tsi-Nan-Fu attacked
at - - , was
jy Chinese on March L'8 , seventeen
iiiles north of that place. He was
badly Injured about the head and body
and was brought back to the mission
by a government escort He is not
onsidered out of danger. An absurd
report had been circulated among the
Chinese that Mr. Murray had stolen a
: hild and some of them set upon him
while he was engaged In making pas
orate visits. His assailants are un
der arrest , and the Chinese officials
are displaying the utmost solicitude
'or liis recovery
Kane-Sullivan Fight Likely.
At Ewing the athletic club is plan
niug on matching Martie Kane and
CJene Sullivan of O'Neill for a boxing
contest in the near future. Martie
Kane showed himself a clever whirl
wind lighter in his recent bout with
Young Gotch Sullivan is a clever
lightweight with much experience.
Gregoiy , it is said , is asking for the
contest to be brought there Tills
match has been pending for several
Dummy West Wins.
In the third round of what was
scheduled a ten-round bout at Nio-
brara Thursday night , the seconds of
Tommy Elrod of Omaha threw a
sponge Into the ring , thus giving the
decision to his opponent , Dummy West
of Gregory. West had the bettor of
the fight from the first sound of the
gong. West passed through Norfolk
yesterday enrouto to Wisconsin , where
ho Is scheduled for a ten-round bout
with a fast Boston boxer Monday
One Man Killed , Three Wounded in a
Juarez Dance Hall.
El Paso , Te\ . , April 3. Francisco
Sonora , a federal soldier , is dead and
three men are wounded as a result of
the explosion of three bombs in Cnllo
Diablo in Ciadad Juarez at midnight
Unless an atlack was being planned
on the jail and was thwarted by the
bombs exploding prematurol } , the real
purpose of the explosion is inexplic
The fii si explosion occuned In Iho
slreet In front of the La Volte dance
hall and as the revelers ran out wo
men shouted that t\vo men on top of
a roof opposite the dance hall had
thrown a bomb A number of special
policemen and soldiers who were In
the hall dashed into the building
vvhcio the men were supposed to bo
and two bombs were hurled at the
mass as they got Into Pallor court.
The first bomb literally blew Fran
cisco Sonora to pieces The second
bomb wounded his companions. The
two bomb Ihrowers escaped.
It Is the Iheory of the federal au
thorities that the bomb throwers were
making their way across the tops of
roofs to hurl their bomb against tne
walls of the state prison , which is in
the same block as the building they
destroyed , and that they dropped a
bomb by accident.
The city jail rapidlj filled with prls-
oneis bolwcen Iho tlmo of the explos
ion and daylight , soldiers and police
forming a cordon around the dlslrlcis.
All Ihoso In the dance hall and many
others In the street nearby were held
as witnesses until Ma.vor Murtlne/
could make an examination
During Iho day soldiers filled the
streels and the town bristled with the
military as much as on occasions
when the Insinrectos were Just outside
the city.
About noon a tetrlfic wind storr
came up and blew the dust in such a
manner that the soldiers could see
g si ii'i'lj , u loss the street This ad
Clean Your Cream
Separator with
Old Dutch
Not only the quickest and
easier cleanser you can use , but
also the safest because it con
tains no caustic or alkali no
danger of tainting the milk.
Otl Dutch Cleanser
is hygienic and Ster
ilizes as well as cleans.
Old Dutch Cleanser is an
all-'round cleanser. It
Cleans , Scs'ults ,
Scours , Polishes ,
and is the best cleanser to use
in the kitchen and through *
out the house. Avoid de
structive caustic and acid clean
ers , and do a II
four cleaning with
this one handy , me
chanical Cleanser. \
powder. )
Slftor Can
dcd to the confusion until a rain set
in and the dust storm ceased.
Texas officei.s repot t that a band
of fiftv Mexicans intending to join the
Mexican instmcctos left Ysletla. Ys
letta Is twelve miles east of El Paso
It is known that another band cross
ed the line In this vicinity Friday
night Whclhcr they are congregating
near Juareor making for the Inter-
lot is not known , but Juarez Is ner
vous and apparently fears an
Wrestlers Fall to Appear.
Jess Westergaard and Oscar Was
sem , who wore hooked for a wrestling
match in Norfolk Saturday night , fail
ed to appear to fill the engagement
They had sent no advance notice
State Troops Called in Alabama , But
the Lynching Goes On.
1'nlon Springs Ala , April I ! While
state Hoops wcic mustering at Mont
gomery to hurry here to protect a
negro prisonei , a mob that had taken
him fiom jail carried him lo the out
skiil > of town and lynched him The
mobs victim was Abbermlno Johnson
who was accused of assaulting Mrs
J. J Butts of Goshen , last month
Johnson was captured near hero yes-
lerdav Soon after ho had been lock
ed up in jail , news of his capture
spiead to Pipe county where a mob
Its members came here and stormed
the jail
Meantime the sheriff called on the
governor for troops Before the troops
could bo mustered , however , the mob
took Johnson and lynched him. The
sheriff was tied in his office when the
jail was stormed.
San Francisco , April 3. With the
departure of Theodore Roosevelt for
Ucno , Nov. , the reunion of the Iloose
veil family at the home of Theodore
Roosevelt , jr. , the former president's
eldest son , came to an end and Mr.
Rooic-v elt began the latter part of his
jomney , which he has repeatedly de
clared Is his last extended tour.
Since he left New York , March 8 ,
Mr. Roosevelt has spoken in Georgia ,
Alabama , Mississippi , Louisiana , Tex
as , New Mexico , Arizona and Cali
fornia. Before he arrives in Now York
April 21 he will have spoken also in
Nevada , Oregon , Washington , Idaho ,
Montana and Wisconsin , and there
will bo but two atatos , Utah and Flor
ida , which ho has not visited since he
loft the white house.
Mrs. Roosevelt and her daughter
Ethel will not accompany Mr. Roosevelt
velt during the rest of the tour. They
will spend a day or two In Yosomlte
valley during the present week , and
on their return to this city , will go
directly to Now York , arriving a few
days in advance of Mr. Roosevelt.
Mr. Roosevelt's voice has been much
benefited by hla rest in this city and
ho resumes his tour ready for the
hard daya before him. Ho spent the
entire clay today In Reno , and the only
announced subject on whjch ho will
speak is "Good Citizenship. " Mr.
Roosevelt will return to Sacramento
tonight and after a brief stay In that
city ho will go north , arriving In Port
land Wednesday afternoon.
Wayne Democrat Sold.
Wayne Democrat : The Democrat
plant , subscription list and good will
has been sold to H O Gardner and
G. A Wade of Vllllsca. la. who took \
possession Monday , March 13. They
assume all liabilities and resources as
to the subscription list.