THE NOHKOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOUKNAL. FRIDAY , APRIL 7 , 1911. On The s TAGE Henrietta Crosman Here Saturda , On Saturday of next week Norfolk will see ono of th" most notnhlo the atrical performances over given In this city when Henrietta Crosman In Percy MacKayo'H new satirical com- rdy , "Anti-Matrimony , " will como to the Auditorium direct from the Stnde- baker theater In Chicago and the Gar- rick In Now York. It Is expected Hint a number of out- of-town people will bo In the city to attend this performance , as Henrietta CroHinan Is well worth a trip to see. Beats will go on sale Friday morning , hut mall orders from either out-of- town people or Norfolk people are being reserved at the present tlrno when accompanied by remittance. "Anti-Matrimony" Is said to bo a "scream" all the way through. "Paid In Full. " "Paid In Full , " the great play by Eugene Walter , will be presented nt the Norfolk Auditorium next Wednes day , matlnco and night. Prices : MatInee Ineo , fiOc ; night , 2C > c to SI. Sulllvans Make Good In Gotham. "Those Sullivan boys , Jack and Dan , from Montana , have made good In Now York now and are right In the running for the middleweight title , " says Robert Edgren , sporting editor and sporting cartoonist of the Now York World. Mr. Edgren has taken a great fancy to the two O'Neill fighters who left this vicinity some time ago after defeating every fighter they came in contact with. Mr. Edgren knows a fighter when he sees ono and In the Sullivan boys ho sees two clean men who have taken to the professional prize ring after having made their way through a series of athletic contests beginning with polo vaulting. "Dan and Jack Sullivan are real Sulllvans and of good Irish stock , " continues Mr. Edgren in his Introduc tion to New York of the O'Neill fight ers , and then ho adds : "Paekey McFarland told mo that Jack Sullivan , who trained with him In Los Angeles , was the best middle weight in America. Ho hadn't seen Dan. It's a question , now , which of the brothers will go to the top first They are both genuine middle-weights. Jack fought n twenty-round draw with Stanley Kotchel , and has knocked out a lot of good middle and heavyweights. His first trial in Now York was at the Olympic Monday night , and he made ; Connie Schmidt look like a clown in a circus. "When the Sulllvans landed in New York no eastern middleweight would make a match with them. It was a case of 'none so poor to do them rev erence. ' 'Who over heard of the Sulll vans ? Let. them get a rep , ' was the cry. The real trouble was that the Sullivan reputation had been passed around , and the local champions didn't want to meet middlewelghts who had f been lighting heavies all over the country and heating them. 'Dan couldn't find a middleweight opponent , so he fought Reynolds , a dangerous heavyweight , at Brown's last night , and knocked him out in a round a one-punch knockout. "That middleweight title Is running around loose like a stray dog , and if 'the best middleweight in America' Isn't entitled to it , who is ? " Edgren gave the two O'Neill boys n feature place in his sporting page of last week. Mr. Edgren certainly knows how to pen the face of a pug and he has both Jack and Dan standIng - Ing with gloved palms up under the plum tree of the middleweight title waiting for the lonely plum to drop Into their arms. Other pugs arc in the distance with their hair on end yelling disapproval. John Pollock in the World tells the following of one of Dan's latest featf in New York : "Montana Dan Sullivan won the easiest kind of a victory over Jacl < Reynolds , the Brooklyn heavyweight at Brown's Gymnasium A. A. , puttlnj him away in the first round of a ten round bout with a short right ham swing to the Jaw. This was Dan's in Itlal appearance In a contest in thii vicinity , and the neat and quick wn ; in which ho whipped over the sleej punch made him an instant favoriti with the large crowd of club member who saw the scrap. The blow tha finished Reynolds was the only gooi one landed , as Reynolds bad previous ly missed several swings for Sullivan' jaw before Dan got over his wallop. " The Philadelphia Public Ledger , 1 telling of how Dan put the torrlfi Billy Berger to the bad in the sixt round says that the O'Neill fighter ha not yet struck the six-round gait an that he Is not taking any chances t let the middleweight title slip hi grasp. "Sullivan Is apparently a long dii tanco lighter. " says the Ledger. "I the first round he jolted Berger's ja' with a terrific right , and after tlu round Berger had n wholesome rcspe < for his opponent. " Before his fight with Berger th Evening Times gave Dan's history i detail as follows : Dan an Olympian Athlete. From the amateur realm of Olyr pic athlete to the commercial aspei of a tin-eared pugilist is a conside able leap ; but that Is the chasm whic Montana Dan Sullivan bridged wlthl a year or more. Montana Dan , in accordance wil the almost unvarying custom of fi tiana , is decorated with the name i the silver state because ho was hoi In Nebraska. His first appearance : the effete east will be tonight , wh ( ho barters blows with Pittsburgh ben cat , Billy Berger , of the Dendy ontou age. age.Now Now a little of the personal histoi of Montana Dan makes an intcrcstii perusal. He has four brothers , and ; are fighters , or at least three of them rc. Jerry , the youngest of the pug nacious quartet , thought that ho wan. But a few minutes' fistic converse with our own Wllllo Moody took that bollof out of Jeremiah , and ho has never regained his faith In his person al ability to make a dent In contem porary llHtlc history- HOWOVIT. back to Dan. Statistically speaking , Daniel stands 5 feet 1014 Inches In his stockings , and has seen twenty-six summers pass over his youthful head. When he fights ho tips the bar of the scales at If.S . pounds , and claims , with propriety and truth , too , that he Is a legitimate middleweight. Of his prowess as a disciple of fisticuffs one must learn later. Until his forthcoming argument with Billy Berger ho has fought a dozen times. Each was a victory. In his twelve fights he has never known the sensation of the ominous "ten" being tolled over his prone body. Has Never Been Staggered. Indeed , he has never felt the punch that made his knees sink with help less until he toppled to the lloor to await the count of "nine" to rise stag gering to his feet. Not only are these facts true , but Dan himself states that ho has never been smote with such fierce attack that ho was even dazed. But , historically , the fighting epi sodes in the life of Sullivan are scarce ly worth an extended mention. But his general athletic prowess Is such to mark him as n considerable boy In thrft particular Held. Sullivan was born in a little town known as O'Neill , Neb. As a boy he was a rugged chap and naturally took to athletics. He devoted himself to no particular form , but gave his efforts to many diversified forms of many-ave- nued sport Dan began , of course , as a slmon- pure amateur. His success became a matter of such neighborhood moment about the town in which ho was born that he early was looked upon with considerable respect , even by those whose athletic activities took them out of Uie horizon of the little Nebraska community. The Sulllvans slipped away from Ne braska several years ago and went into Montana. Here a larger field of endeavor was offered to Dan. Hero ho found athletic clubs appointed In the best of style and furnished with the necessary paraphernalia to bo reckoned as splendid organizations in every respect. In Ail-Around Championships. It was nuts to Dan to join ono of them. Ho speedily became reckoned as ono of the best athletes in Butte. Ixical meets always found him in the list of prize winners , and his trophy room looked like a jeweler's. Along in 1905 Portland , In the neigh boring state of Oregon , wanted to show its appreciation of the explorers who comprised the Lewis and Clark expedition that revealed to the coun try the fertility , the wealth and the nature of that great part of the north west. So n gigantic exposition was held. Here , too , the national amateur ath letic championships were held in con nection with the exposition. Athletes of various degrees and stations flock ed to the Oregonian city. Sullivan went with the team from Butto. Ho entered the all-around champion ships , and in this strenuous competi tion finished fourth. Ho won the pole vault with a flight of 11 feet over the bar. He was first also in the high jump with a leap over the stick of S feet 8 inches , and also took the junioi 56-pound weight throwing for distance with a putt of 24 feet. After the exposition , and when the American team to visit the 1906 Olym pic games was made up , Sullivan wuc taken as a member. Ho made the trii to Athens with the team and cngaget in the heavyweight wrestling contest He tussled two and one-half hour ! without a fall , against the toughes opponent in the competition. Becomes Pugilist. After a short period in amateu wrestling , when he reached homo hi found the step into professional rank ; an easy one to make. Ho had a sue cessful career as a professional , bu when the game seemed to be ebbini decided that ho would take up som other branch of commercial activity. Professional pugilism seemed nntui ally the next move , and into flstlan Montana Dan went. His career in thi form of sport has also proved as su ( cessful as his efforts in other fioldi 's Through the west he is known as Hercules who disdains to pick oppoi c-nts according to weight. Anything that savors of heavyweigli or middleweight does for Dan. He ha a match with Pueblo Jim Flynn , wh lias forty pounds on this lad. Th ic match fell through. Then Dan shoo the west. Hense his appearance her tonight at the National. Crelghton Wins at Basketball. Creiqhton , Neb. , April 1. Special I The News : In a one-sided game ( basketball last night , Crelghton hie Inw school girls defeated Bloomfield , 39 t w 1. The Bloomfield team made de at pt-rate efforts to win , but were tc ct light. Tills makes a game apiece , ai : the rubber will probably be played , ic in Wolgast Easy Winner. Auditorium Pavilion , Son Franclsc April 1. Lightweight Champion A m- Wolgast made short work of Anton mct ct LaGrave , a rather obscure local flgb jr- er. Wolgast batted his opponent abo' ' ch the ring , landing whenever and whe In ever ho chose. LaGrave's secant InUi threw up the sponge after about tv Ui minutes fighting in the fifth round , ; is- it was palpably apparent that L isof of Grave would not last the round out rn in Abe Attell Beats Burns. en Now York , April 1. Abe Attell , tl ir- featherweight champion , outclassi .ir- Frankle Burns , the bantamweight Jersey City , at the National Sportli ry club. Attell took the risk of makii ringside which ho d ng 118 pounds nt , nil for the first time since he becan champion of his clans. Although Burns was the aggressor , the champion , with his ring generalship outpointed him , notwithstanding that his left arm was rendered almost useless by lefts Burns dellvurud on his olhows and shoulders In the fourth and sixth rounds. It was an Injury to this arm which had kept Attell from the ring for the last few weeks , and after Burns' blows hi1 fought almost all of the remaining rounds with his right In the ninth ho sent Burns to the lloor with a right swing for the count of nine , and with exactly the same blow he turned the trick again in the final round. Nellgh Commercial Club Election. Nellgh. Neb. , April 1. Sperlal to Tht News : A meeting of the Com mercial club of this city has been called for Monday evening at the court room at 8 o'clock. Among other busi ness that may bo transacted at that tinio is the electing of a president. The removal of J. J. Mellck from this city to Omaha has caused this office to become vacant. It Is not known at this time who the now president may by. by.On On account of failing health the sec retary , A. Vance Anderson , will tender his resignation at this meeting. This will make the meeting still more 1m portant for the members to select two of the foremost officers of the organ ! zatlon. North Nebraska Deaths. Paul Cook died at Stan ton. John Dlereon died at Winner. Mrs. J. II. Moellor died at Leigh. Mrs. G. M. Paul died nt Burke. James B. Riddle Died at Croighton. Mrs. Clara A. Newton died nt Royal. J. B. Nash died at Nellgh. Martha Renner died at Elgin. Joseph Fisher died at Creighton. G. M. Hardy died at Rushville. P. E. Brown died at Pierce. Mrs. Margaret Bcnnet died at Car lock. What Other Towns Are Doing. The town board of Long Pine held their first mooting in the new town hall , which has just been completed The building is constructed of pressed brick and has every modern conven ience. The Dallas Boosters club entertained the farmers of that vicinity last week , The farmers were treated to an II lustrated lecture by Professor Camp bell of Lincoln. The Tllden Commercial club at a special meeting entertained the farm ers of that vicinity. The good roads question was thoroughly discussed. At a mass meeting of Neligh citi zens held for the purpose of looking into the oil road question , J. H. Curtis of Minnesota gave an interesting ad dress on oil roads. A committee was sent to Lincoln to investigate the oil roads in that city. The committee returned with a favorable report and a car of oil was ordered for experi ment on the streets of Neligh. Women farmers of Niobrara are pre paring to attend the farm women's congress , to bo held in Colorado next October. In O'Neill the business men to offset the "Florida fever" are endeavoring to establish a home market for thq farm ers by securing a factory for the farm ers' products. A meeting is soon to bo held at Battle Creek to organize a volunteer flro department The fire company Is to bo ready before the Battle Creek water system is completed. Following in the footsteps of other towns in * this vicinity , West Point Is being a campaign in the form of cleaning up backyards and alleys. The business men of Winner have subscribed sufficient funds for a public well which will bo located in the cen tral part of that thriving little town. A new water main and concrete dam is to bo constructed at Chadron The cost of these improvements wiH reach $51,000. Northwest Weddings. : R. J. Headley and Lola Blair were married at Gross. Carl Rethwisen and Christina O.e son were married at Tilden , it Jerry Spangler and Lena Rode were married at West Point. John Stuckenschmidt and Anne Schroeder wore married at Wesl Point. Erail Bargholz and Mary Miller wer ( married at Wayne. . Abe Dolph and Jennie Bashkir ! E. were married at Wakefield. E. L. Drebert and Estolla L. Mat teson were married at Osmond. E. A. Bass and Alice A Heath wen ilt married at Winner. id Elmer D. Wnrnoke and Alma Lillii 10 were married at Winner. 10k J. L. Davis and Anna James wer k married at Carroll. re Guy C. Finney and Mae T. Delma were married at Ainsworth. J. C. Quick and Bertha E. Bee were married at Ainsworth. Jake Lackus and Sadie Darnell wer 01 married at WInside. B. F. Sherbahn and Goldie Cox wer ° married at Wayne. T. W. Roberts and Bertha Klok , were married at Neligh. Charles Doty and Blanche Nowma were married at Springview. Business Changes. R. D. Hill has opened a moder . cafe at Bonesteel. W. F. Adamok & Co. have opone t up a grocery store at Humphrey. Krotter & Hall Lumber company c * j Long Pine have sold their buslnes to Walrath & Sherwood Lumber con no pany of Omaha. a. William Beem has purchased the , W. Epler grocery store at Wayne. Joseph V. Kuzel has purchased tli R. H. Goodgo hardware business : ho Leigh. ed Woods & Crandall have opened u of an automobile garage and repair she ng at Spencer. ng The Farmers Elevator compaii lid have purchased the Galena l.umbi mo yard at Nellgh. SOCIETY Pleasures of the Week. On Tuesday Miss Rosolla Cole gave a luncheon to twelve young ladles In honor of Miss Fussolman of Kdgerton , Ohio , who for four years was Miss Cole's roommate at Oborlln. Those present were Misses Wattles and Cochran of Nellgh , Misses llees , Shaw , Halo , Johnson , Viele , Bridge , Maylard , and Odlorne. Music and reading by the guests gave much pleasure , after which they engaged hi a costume con- ' pst Six guests each armed with crepe paper , pins and scissors , proceeded to array their partners in gowns mod eled after the latest spring creations. The result was highly satisfactory to those acting as models , as each gown was different from the others and most becoming. Mrs. E. T. Kearney and Mrs. Brown of Jackson , Neb. , were guests in the homoof Mr. and Mrs. II. J. BIngon- heimer on Koenlgstein avenue Mon day. The West Side Whist club enjoyed a pleasant meeting In the homo ot C. S. Bridge on Tuesday evening. The Ladles' guild of Trinity church met with Mrs. J. B. Maylard on Thurs day afternoon. Personal. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Rainbolt are now at St. Augustine , Fin. , where they will stay until the middle of April. Batcs-Olmsted. At the homo of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Olmsted , at 8:30 : Wednesday evening , occurred the wed ding of Miss Opal Olmsted and Harry Wilber Bates. Rev. Edwin Booth , jr. , performed the ceremony , after which a dainty dinner was served. Only Im mediate relatives and a few close friends were present. Mr. Bates Is a popular business man here , having only recently purchased the Macy photograph studio. Miss Olmsted is one of Norfolk's most pop ular young ladles. Miss Dorrs Olmsted , sister of the bride , was ringbearer , carrying the ring in a calla-lily. The guests were : Dr. and Mrs. Bates of Crete , Dr. and Mrs. Heckert of Wayne , Mrs. Arm strong of Wayne. Prof. C. O. Carlson of Crete , the Misses Chrissie and Mar garet Dick of Crete , Miss Myrtle Akers of Plalnview , Mrs. J. D. Sturgeon , the Misses Alton of Long Pine , Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Booth , jr. , and Miss Grace French of Lincoln. Pearson-Braasch. At 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braasch , at 1312 Norfolk avenue , Rev. TJdwin Booth , pastor of the Congrcga- tional church of this city united in marriage Miss Eriioia I ) . Braasch to Elmer R. Pearson of Omaha. The bride was beautifully gowned in pale blue chiffon mull over Dutchess satin and carried a bouquet of white roses Miss Minnie Braasch acted as brides maid and John G. Lees of Omaha a * groomsman. At the appointed hour the bride and groom and attendants repaired to the parlors , which were tastily decorated with smilax and hy acinths , when W. D. Day of Downs , Kan. , sang "O Promise Me. " After the ceremony those In attend ance were seated at an elegant three- course dinner. There wore many hand some and precious guts from relatives and friends. The bride and groom de parted on the evening train for Oma ha , where they will bo at home to their friends at 2219 VInton street after April 12. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Braasch and has been a resident of the city and vicinity for many years and has been identified in educational work for the greater part of her time. The groom is also well and favorably known in this city , having been a resi dent for some time and now engaged in business in Omaha. Besides the im mediate relatives and friends of the city the out-of-town guestswere : Mr. . and Mrs. W. J. Braasch , Platte Cen ter ; Miss Mlnnlo Braasch , Valentine ; Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Rohrke , Lincoln ; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Day , Downs , Kan. ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearson , Hastings ; John G. Lees , Omaha. t- Coming Events. The economic department of the Woman's club will meet with Mrs Kuhl on South Ninth street Mondaj afternoon , at 2:30. : e Fish Scarce This Year. O'Neill Frontier : It looks like then ir would bo little sport in the flshint line this summer. The water was so shallow in the lakes and creeks when it froze up last fall and tin e freezing was so severe In Januar ; that the fish have all perished excep o In the very largo lakes where thi water was deep. In Dry Creek , Soutl Fork and the lakes intervening then nro great quantities of dead fish , fron in the wee minnows to three-foot pick rel. Unless heavy rains set in am bring high water with overflows litho the streams and lakes so fish wil n como up from farther down th streams there will bo none this sum mer. of BOY ROBBER IS CAPTURED. as Has Only Five Cents Left of the Smal Fortune He Stole. J. Fort Wayne , Ind. , April 1. A boy c 16 years , who gave his name to th 10 police as John Rahnor when arreste at late last night , today admitted that h is the youth wanted for the theft c ip $1,300 and valuable papers from th ap Union Hill National bank of Unto Hill , N. J. , early last December. y Rahnor , who was recognized from er photograph , when arrested was worl ing as a messenger hey and had enl I llvo cents of the Email fortune he says : io stole. Ho Implicated nn Italian boy In the robbery. Argue on New Trial. Independence , Kan. , April 1. Argu ments on a motion for a now trial for A. A. Truskt'tt of Cancy , Kan. , con- \lcted of second degree murder for kllllim J. 1) . S. Neeley of Lima. O. , wore called before Judge Flanclly to day. Truskett has been in jail since the verdict against him was returned Wednesday. HIS ANSWERS NOT SO CLEVER. Italian Alleged Camorrlst Leader , Ap pears to Poorer Advantage. Vlterho , Italy , April 1. Under cros * examination today Enrico Alfano ap- licnred to less advantage than ho did under direct Interrogation yesterday when his vehement denials that he was cither the head or the tall of the Caniorrn or had guilty knowledge of the deaths of Gennaro Cuoccolo and his wife , fairly stampeded the audi ence. He fended skillful blows not so convincingly. "If you were Innocent , " asked Pres ident Blanch ! , "why did you fieo to the United States ? You did not take your lllght immediately after the crime you were accused of. In fact , you delayed and were arrested. But following your release you fled .when Abbatemagglo's revelations began and In so doing you showed that you felt that the informer spoke the truth. " "I lied , " answered Alfaco , "because for the second time I TS.IS experienc ing an attack of intestinal trouble and I feared that it would bo aggravated by confinement If I was held in prison for some years preceding my trial. Of my ultimate vindication , I had no doubt. " "And what of the Camorra today ? " pursued the president. "It no longer exists. " "That assertion , " retorted the presi dent , "Is explainable when It is re called that a rule of the society obliges Camorrists to deny to the au thorities their affiliation with the Ca morra , this repudiation of their po- sltou not implying cowardice in the eyes of the Camorra. " TO ADJOURN NEXT THURSDAY. Nebraska Legislature Comes to Agree ment on Time to Quit. Lincoln , April 1. The house and senate reached an agreement to ad journ April G , and both adopted reso lutions to quit on that date. The Carnegie foundation fund for superannuated university professors received n scoring in the house , when the bill providing for Its acceptance came up , but the house passed the measure by a vote of 53 to 40. It haa passed the senate. Action of the senate In placing it at the foot of the sifting committee file practically kills the Placek congres sional reapportionment bill. The foot of the file will never be reached. Governor Aldrich , in a special mes sage calls attention to the approval of the Nebraska bank guarantee law by the supreme court of the United States , and urges the legislature , if it wants to see the law put in force , to provide the necessary funds. The senate passed Hoagland's bill , emulating the amount of damage that telegraph company may bo held for , nd Bartos' bill providing for the gar- lishment of cemetery association unds. It killed Dickens' bill , providing a enalty for exposing or printing se- rets of secret orders. HITCHCOCK CLEANS HOUSE. ( weeping Changes Made in Railway Mall Service Organization. Washington , April 1. Drastic ac- ion was taken last night by Post naster General Hitchcock in effecting i reorganization of the railway ser ice. A dozen changes of the most mportant officers were made by Mr , litchcock as a result of careful inves- igation and consideration. Theodore Ingalls of Kentucky , su pcriutendent of the division of rural nails , was appointed general superin endent of the ra'ilway mail service al 54,000 a year in succession to Super ntendent Grant , who was transferret o St Paul as a division superinten dent at a reduction to $3,000 a year. The affairs of the railway mail ser vice were overhauled thoroughly bj Mr. Hitchcock personally and the out come is the most sweeping change ever made in the history of the rail way mail service. New Dakota Bankc. Pierre , S. D. , April 1. Articles o ncorporatlon have been filed for thi Loynlton State bank at Loyalton , Ed rounds county , with a capital of $10 , 000 and the Okaton SUite bank at Oka ton , Lyman county , with a capital o $15,000. CANADIAN MINERS ON STRIKE o 10,000 Men Walk Out Supply of Coa on Hand Is Not Large. Winnipeg , April 1. The strike c miners working in all the largo cor mines of southern Alberta and caster British Columbia , the sources of sui ply for the prairies of western Cai u ada , began last night involving 10,00 ) n men. men.The The supply of coal on hand at Letl bridge , Alberta , the largest coal rail ing center , is not large. The Gal mines are lifting about 1,100 tons dall and have 5,000 tons on hand. Most c the output this week was saved , o outside orders have not been heavy. The miners demand an open she and increase fn wages. RECOVERS HIS SANITY. Alaska Prospector Who Killed TV. Men , Has Been In Asylum. Washington , April 1. Convince that W. H. Ledger , an Inmate of tl : government hospital for the Insan who eight years ago killed two me and wounded three others while d struggle that preceded the shootin ho wan hit on the head with the butt of a revolver , causing his Insanity , . The throe wounded men escaped. Ledger won found with the two dead bodies. Ho was arrested and convict ed of murder and sentenced to twenty years In the Leavenworth peniten tiary. Ho has now served eight years and Is 55 years old. Dakota Wins Debate. Vermllllon , S. D. , April 1. South Dakota university won the debate with Crelghton college of Omaha , with the negative of the question , "Resolved , That the Conservation Policy of This Country Should bo Left to the States Rather Than the United States. " A BLACKHANDER CONFESSES. Chicago Italian May be Author of the Threat to Judge L.indls. Chicago , April 1. Phillip Pnrpurpa , who confessed that ho had written more than a score of blackmailing let ters over a "blackhand" signature , was turned over to the United States authorities. Secret .service men will try to determine whether Purpurpa can bo connected with letter written to United States Judge 1C M. Landls , threatening him with vengonnco of the "hlarkhnnd" If Gianni Along ! , an Ital ian being tried for blackmail , was not acquitted. The letter to Judge Landls was fol lowed by the discovery near his dis trict of a harmless "bomb , " composed chietly of muscllage. The bomb at first was treated as a joke but later secret service men declared they be lieved It planted by the writer of the letter In order to show his ability to reach the United States judge with a dangerous bomb. Purpurpa , ararigncd before United States CommlsiBonor Mark A. Foote , repeated his confessions and was held in bond of $5,000. His hearing was set for April 6. It developed during the examination of Purpurpa that James E. Stewart , chief of postal inspectors of the Chicago district , also had received a death threat In the Along ! trial. Mr. Stewart says on the second day of the trial , ho had entered an eleva tor on the sixth Moor of the postofficc building and the car had started down , when a man crowded against the gate and called , "bo careful what you say against Alongi , or you will go to your death as others have. " The postal Inspector turned and saw a short Italian hurrying down the cor ridor. The inspector alighted nt the fifth floor and ordered his deputy Inspector specter to make a search of the build ing , but failed to find the suspect. Along ! is to bo placed on trial April 3 , the jury in the former trial having failed to agree. Not in Insurrecto Army. Mexico City , April 1. Sydney S. Burbank , reported in dispatches from Fort Leavenworth , Kan. , to bo fighting ns an officer in the insurrecto army , is working hero on a local paper. He has never been identified with the rebels. Wrestling Match Tonight. Jess Westergaard of DCS Moiues , a famous wrestler , meets Oscar Was- sem at the Norfolk Auditorium to night. The match will bo a good one. LINCOLN STILL IS CAPITAL. And Will Remain so For Two Year * More , Unless Bill Is Killed. Lincoln , April 1. Linncoln will con tinue to be the capital of Nebraska for at east two years more , unless the house shall today reverse the vota which last night killed the capital re moval bill. FRIDAY FACTS. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. William Chris tlan , a son. The executive committee of the Y. M. C. A. will hold a meeting tonight in J. W. Ransom's office , at 8 o'clock. John Schelly has commenced the distribution of river ice. The crop haf been one of the best In many years. The convention of Implement deal ers and traveling men. booked for next Tuesday , has been postponed till Apri 11. Caught begging on Norfolk avenue by Officer Sasse , a tramp was lodgec in the city jail and ordered out of th < city. city.J. J. C. Adams , a Northwestern en ginecr , has purchased the Charlei Rouse property on South Fourtl street. Mrs. Warren Hurlburt , who brough her husband's remains hero for Inter ment , left at noon for Mena , Ark. Mrs Hurlburt was accompanied by her sis ter. Miss Wille of Nellgh. Reports from Rochester , Minn. , sa ; that Alfred Bohlander , who was or f crated on for gallstones , has left thi hospital and will probably return ti Norfolk in about two weeks. The hotels and rooming houses o the city were crowded Thursday nigh al to their utmost capacity. In severa of the hotels cots were lined alongsid 3f each other and were all used durln the night n Mrs. A. Osborn arrived In Norfol ! P- last night from Texas and is a gucs Pn n- at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. II. I n)0 )0 Gray , on the Osborn farm northeast c )0h the city. Mrs , Osborn may remain 1 h- Norfolk all summer. hn n- All the cement work on the Norfol nIt Oil and Chemical works factory nort ly of the city will bo completed by noi of week , says Manager W. W. Wassoi IS The joists for the second floor are bi ing put in place today. George Moulton , Uio 5-year-old bo > who received a fractured skull who struck by house moving apparatus lai week , is again able to bo out of bo < The boy's condition is reported vor favorably by his physician. Ed Skiff , who recently purchase sd the T. E. Odiorno residence on Wei 111) Norfolk avenue , is suffering from 10 , badly skinned face as the result ( an receiving a hard glancing blow from le- lover of a wire fence stretcher. Ski leig ig was repairing homo hog fencing who the lover slipped. It was n narrow o - capo from probably a fractured BkulL A largo crowd of lovcra of the wreaU ling Rnmo nro expected to asmunblo at the Norfolk Auditorium Saturday , night , when Joss Woatorgnard , wfio has Just closed a contract to moot Frank Gotch at Los Angeles for the championship title , will tnko on Oscar Wassom of Omaha , who Is already known to Norfolk. A number of oujl- of-town fans are expected horn for tlU bout , which will b ono of the best wrestling matches over soon In the city. city.Tho The Norfolk stonm laundry delivery wagon had a narrow osonpo at noon from total destruction. The driver oC the wagon was occupied In watching , for the Union Pacific freight , when the Bonestool train , making Its way slowly across Norfolk nvonuc , caught the hind wheel of the wagon and pushed It ft few foot. For a moment It looked an If the wagon would bo turned over , but the train simply pushed the wagon out of the way and the vehicle resumed 1U journey as If nothing had happened. Only a few people saw the Incident. SOUTH DAKOTA AT A GLANCE. A Robeknh lodge has boon organ ized at Corsica. Longford will bo dry because of lack of signers to the saloon petition. A gang of thieves Is bHloved to bp operating In Brooklngs and vicinity. Th Milwaukee ticket office nt Mc- Laughlln has been made a first clasp office. The campaign for the endowment fund of Huron college has reached $31,943.45. The St. Louis Railway Co. was voted ed a franchise right through the city ; of Pierre. The city of Vermllllon is considering the advisability of taking over tao waterworks. The annual mooting of the South. Dakota presbytery will bo held at Scotland April 11 , 12 and 13. The rumor is being revived that the South Dakota Central IK planning to extend from Watortown to Fargo. The 3-ycar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hanson of Wessington Springs was kicked by a horse and may dlo. John L. Jollcy , former South Da kota congressman , was operated on at the Mayo hospital at Rochester , Minn. William Heinz in the Stanley county circuit court entered a plea of guilty , to the charge of murdering Rolfo B. Miles. Sanborn county authorities are searching for Walter Burk , who eo- caped from the county jail at WOOD- socket A government surveyor is marking each quarter section corner on the Cheyenne river reservation with nn iron post The annual debate between Crolgh- ton and the University of South Da kota will take place at Vermllllon on March 31. The Odd Fellows at Parker win cel ebrate with a banquet on April 21 the 24th anniversary of the founding of the lodge there. Creditors of the roller mills at Ar mour , which recently went Into the hands of a receiver , expect to realize 100 cents on the dollar. F. C. Mills , owner of the $15,000 Mills hotel nt Faith , has been granted nn electric light franchise and will put in a light plant at Faith. Fire broke out in the Charles C- Leyh pantorium at Yankton and com pletely destroyed the outfit and badly burned the interior of the building. Prof. J. W. Browning , for the past three years superintendent of schools at Clinton , 111. , has been elected su perintendent of schools at Brooklngs. The Catholics of Eagle Butte are ar ranging to build a church. Charged with the abandonment of his child , Arthur Shells was brought into justice court for an examination and was bound over to the circuit court at Mitchell. The South Dakota board of pharma cy will meet at Brooklngs on April 19. The residence of Fred Love at Hu a ron was portly destroyed by fire. Dorius Giles of Cavour , a pioneer of Beadle county , is dead at the age ot S4. Kingabury county old settlers will hold their annual reunion at DeSmet on Juno 10. Albert F. Lawrence , a farmer living near Huron , is dead of heart failure and pneumonia. The Nebraska Telephone company IB making Improvements at Rapid City which will cost $50,000. Forest fires are becoming numerous in the Black Hills. The government is establishing lookout stations. Disbarment proceedings against At torney General Royal C. Johnson were commenced in the supreme court. A Minnehaha county farmer has filed a petition in bankruptcy , the first fanner to take that step In ten years. In prospecting for oil a company eighteen miles southwest of Belle Fourche struck a flow of from ono to three barrels per day , which was pure lubricating oil. Chicago physicians performed a very dangerous operation on the wife of former Senator Pettigrew. A special election will be held atm Woonsocknt , at which an appropria tion for n new school house will bo voted on. Joe Phillips , porter at the Centra ) hotel , Sioux Falls , was given a jail sentence for robbing the till at the hotel. The Sioux Falls Ad club has a land scape gardner on the job to teach Sioux Falls folks how to make the city beautiful. y Thirty young men of Pollock have m organized a military company and are st holding dally drills. They expect to std. d. enlist in the army. d.ry The citizens of Plerpont are taking great Interest in the result of a special id election to issue bonds In the sum of st $3,500 for the construction of n system stn n of waterworks. of Fred Mobeck , a traveling salesman ofa for the John Perkins wholesale gro Iff cery in Chicago , fell Into a basement 3ii at Huron , crushing his skull , and died.