The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 07, 1911, Image 1

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, , . , . .
Harry Jones , on Wltnev r / at
Outte , Tells How Con Kcrv . , lmed
Four or Five Seconds Before Firing
Mortal Bullet The After-Scene.
Dutte , Nob. , April C. Special to The
News : Harry Jones , an eye witness
to the killing of bin brother Ed by
Con Korwln at Grous on the night of
November 11 last , was on the stand
yesterday In the murder trial in which
Korwln's llfo Is at stake.
The brother said Kerwln held the
revolver deliberately aimed for four
or llvo seconds before ho snapped the
trigger that sent a fatal bullet into
Ed Jones' body. Harry was outsldo
and could not got to his brother's side
until ho was falling , mortally wound
The two men wore quibbling over a
bot. They had agreed to bet $20 on
A two-round prize fight between Grey
; iud Paddock , two Gross men. Kerwln
offered to bet first $100 , then $20 ,
that Grey could knock out Paddock in
two rounds. They had gene to Kcr-
jwln's pool hall where Korwin was to
wrlto out the chock.
As ho was writing out the check ,
the brotlior testified , Kcrwin turned
and told Ed Jones that ho owed him
910."No , I only owe you $5 , " Jones said.
"I paid you ? 5 and I'll pay you the
other ? 5 now If you'll change this
20. "
Kerwln wouldn't accept it. He In
sisted that Jones owed him $10.
Takes Deliberate Aim.
The argument grew warm. Jones
told Kerwiu that he didn't como to
argue but to make a bot. Korwln said
he'd clean out Jones and the crowd.
He wont behind the bar and got his
revolver , the brother says. Harry
Jones and another man went outside.
Korwln then approached Ed Jones ,
pointed the gun at his body , aimed de
liberately four or five seconds , and
llrod. Ed fell into the arms of Harry ,
who rushed in. Kerwin instantly put
out the light and barricaded himself
in the pool hall. A mob gathered and
fired about 1GO stiots into the build
ing , 'whoi'o Kerwiu re ted arrest tiii-
ill 3 o'clock in the morning.
Chihuahua , Mex. , April 6. What
ever negotiations were in progress
elsewhere , peace seemed to bo remote
bore , where the insurrectos were
known to be encamped near the city in
great numbers. It was learned on high
authority that for thirty-six hours teV
{ -graphic communication had been
kept up between Mexico City and a
point in the field occupied by Fran
cisco I. Madoro. The nature of the
communications was not divulged but
it was given out they concerned Ma-
doro's attitude toward peace In the
light of President Diaz's recent message
sago to congress. Efforts were made ,
.it is said , to ascertain without the help
of an Intermediary , just what would
Induce Madoro to law down his arms
and bring about tranquilitles. Conces
sions of even greater Importance than
offered in the Diaz message were sug
gested , it is said , but without avail
The communications stopped sudden
iy and with apparent determination
that they would not be resumed. Im
mediately the work of building do
fenscH of security of the city was re
sumed with renewed vigor.
% La Follette Is Understood to be Be
H hind Movement to That End.
_ , Washington , April 6. Llttlo doubi
exists hero that an effort will bo made
to re-open the Senator Lorimer case
in the present congress. Insurgent re
publicans huvo considered the ques
tiou at recent conferences and the un
dertsandlng is a resolution for the
opening of the case will bo offered b ;
either Senator Borah or LaFollette.
These senators sought at the las
session to Induce H. H. Kohlsaat o
Chicago to make a statement aloui
the line of testimony given In Spring
field yesterday , but they failed. I
was in the hopeof getting such i
statement that Senator LaFollotto or
posed fixing a time for the taking o
a vote on the cose.
When ho became satisfied that hi
could not got the information desli
ed , bo permitted the case to como t <
a vote and it resulted in the exonerc
tion of the junior Illinois senator.
Bryan Attends Dinner at Which Ne\
Jersey Governor Speaks.
Burlington. N. J. , April C. The Bui
llngton auditorium was packed for tli
celebration by the Democratic club c
Burlington county of the birthday c
Thomas J. Jefferson.
Colonel William J. Bryan , Govorna >
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska ,
Maximum 40
Minimum 20
iVverago 1(0 (
Harometer 29.80
Snowfall 3 in.
Rainfall 25 In.
Chicago , April 6. The bulletin Is
sued by the Chicago station of the
United States weather bureau gives
the forecast for Nebraska as follows :
Mostly cloudy tonight and Friday ;
warmer tonight.
Wilson , United States.Senator James
E. Martlno and FninloSi.JCatzonbach ,
Jr. , were among the spoajo ' gSponk-
or Champ Clark was J.f io. to bo
present. The meeting was preceded
by a dinner and a reception.
Colonel Bryan was the first speak
er and received an ovation. His sub
ject was "Watchman , What of The
Night ? "
James K. Marline , the new United
States senator from New Jersey , dur
ing a brief address evoked great ap
plause when ho said , slightly turning
toward Governor Wilson , "I will come
back hero next year , If desired , to
plead the cause and candidacy of a
follow juryman for the presidency of
the United States. "
Governor Wilson was given a hearty
reception when ho arose to speak.
Earlier in the Day it Had Been Re
ported That a Servant in the House
Had Committed Suicide Craige Lip.
pincott the Victim.
Philadelphia , April C. The police re
port that Craigo Lippincott , widely
known in social circles and a member
of the well known Lippincott family
of this city , died today in his home
on West Rlttenhouse square from a
gunshot wound.
Earlier in the day it had been re >
ported that a servant in the hoiise
had committed suicide.
Mr. Lippincott was 65 years old and
head of the J. U. Lippincott company ,
Mexican , Mox. , April 6. Simeoi
Berthold's force of insurrectos was
completely routed March 28 by fede
rnls from Ensenada , according to i
report received here. The informa
tion was brought by United States sol
dicrs who have been patrolling th <
border eight miles to the west where
It is said wounded Americans from th
insurrectos at Alamo have appeared.
According to the report made bj
Lieutenant Clarence Leislnger , of the
First cavalry , many insurrectos wen
killed , among them Thomas Rainey , i
deserter from the United States army
Berthold's fate is unknown but the fu
gltlve insnrrectos declared ho and hit
comrades lied , every man for himself
when night brought a lull in the fight
It is the belief of the fugitives ha
Rerthold fell into the hands of tin
federals , as ho was quite helpless fron
the wound ho received. The woundec
are on their way to Elcentro for treat
ment , but as far as can bo learnec
hero none lias yet appeared there.
At Command of "Fire , " Asks Tha
Heart be Aimed At.
Presidio , via Marfa , April 6. Anton
io Carrasco , insurgent and bandit , wai
executed yesterday in the camp o
General Jose Do Ln Cruz Sanchez , o
the Insurrecto army , by order of Fran
clsco Madoro. Carrasco , who has beoi
a bandit leader for years , outlawe <
by both the Mexican and America ;
governments , was found guilty by \
court martial of treason.
At the beginning of the rebollloi
Carrasco recruited his band until h
collected nearly 100 men. Ho was fli :
ally admitted into the Insurgent arm
and when the siege of Ojlnaga bega :
ho was given an important point o :
the line with orders to advance an
cut the line of communication wit
the American side of the Rio Grand
on the west sldo of the town. He fal
ed to do this and a letter , Intorcepte
to General Luquc , the federal garrisoi
took as conclusive evidence that th
bandit had warned the officer of hi
danger. The condemned man was she
r- by a tiring squad of llvo men. Ho fai
ed them with his hands tied nnd
cigarette In his lips. As the coinnmn
to IIro was given iio asked the flrln
party to aim at his heart. His breas
r was riddled by bullets.
It Was the Priest Who , Declaring He
Had Secured Testimony In the Con
fessional , Secured the Release of
Some Accused Men in Italy.
Vlterbo , Italy , April 6. Clro Vitozzl.
the priest , was called in the court of
assizes today to explain his alleged
connection with the Neapolitan Ca-
It was Vitozzl who secured the re
lease of Enrico Alfano , Ciro Alfano
Ibelli and Uapl when they were first
arrested charged with complicity in
the murder of Gcnnaro Cuoccolo and
his wife. The priest went to the au
thorities and said that ho had learned
In the confessional the Identity of the
assassins and that the men under ar
rest wore innocent. He was believed ,
and not only secured the freedom of
his friends , but subsequently donounc-
d De Angelis and Amadco as the nuir-
erers. These men had some difilcul-
y in discrediting the priest.
As ho testified today Vitozzl could
lot or would not control his emotions
, nd , aided by his attorney who inter-
upted with counter charges against
lie carabineers , caused such an up-
oar in the court the president was
orccd to suspend the meeting ,
orced to suspend the sitting.
Suffering Physically.
The priest had suffered physically
rom his long confinement in prison
ind when he was summoned to the
jar he advanced slowly , leaning on his
cane. At his elbow was his physician ,
who explained to the court that he
would have to give his patient stimu-
ants to save him from fainting. Nev
ertheless the prisoner spoke In a
strong voice. He proclaimed himself
nnocont , and expressed surprise that
: he fact that he was the godfather of
Erricone should have been used
against him. He had never done
wrong and knew evil only as a servant
of the church must know it In order
: o fight It successfully.
"When I was arrested , " he contin-
icd , "I petitioned the queen mother ,
recalling to her mind that at the time
of King Humbert's assassination I eel-
brated masses for the repose of his
soul for eight days. 1 also asked
3ueen Helena for my release because
I was ill. Instead of attracting com
passion , I was sent to the prison bos-
Here a Dramatic Scene.
When the priest referred to the
woman companion of Errlcone's
brother Ciro who died in jail , Erricone
rose-and in a loud voice , charged with
emotion , asked permission of the
court to leave the room. The presi
dent ruled :
"Erricone is a man and must show
his strength. It is impossible to allow
him to leave the court every time the
name of his dead brother is men
tioned. "
Erricone , however , explained that It
was not the hearing of his brother's
name that got on his nerves , but that
he did not wish to bo present when
reference was made to the woman
whose name had been linked with that
of "poor innocent Ciro. " The presi
dent permitted him to withdraw in the
custody of carabineers.
At this point Signer Pletolesl , attor
ney for Vitozzi , broke in with the as
sertion that the witness against his
client had been bought and that he
could prove it. This brought forth
denials from the prosecution and in
the hubbub that followed the session
was adjourned.
Start 170 New Towns.
Winnipeg , April 6. One hundred
and seventy towns will be started in
western Canada this year , an average
of one for nearly every two days. The
Canadian Pacific will start fifty now
communities , the Grand Trunk Pacific
twenty-four and the Canadian North
ern twenty-six. Surveys have been
made for most of the new towns am
many of them already have been
Masked Man Robs Passengers.
Muncie , Ind. , April 6. A masked
man , armed with a revolver , held up
the passengers in one coach of a west
bound train on the Big Four railroad
as it was pulling into this city , nm
robbed them of about $300. Ho then
jumped from the rear platform of the
coach , and though several shots wore
fired at him , he escaped.
Only One Other Seaport In the World
as Tough as American City.
Now York , April C. Joseph Corri
gan , the city magistrate who begar
the present "crime wave" agitation bj
accusing Mayor Gaynor of demoralizing
ing the police force , testified for ar
hour and a half before the grand jurj
which is trying to determine whotho
the city is overrun with crooks , and 1
so , who is to blame. The magistral
repeated his charges , giving the ad
dresses of gambling houses and re
sorts , together with a list of wol
known criminals who , he said , Imv
( locked to the city.
While grand jury proceedings ar
secret , it is understood after submit
ting his data , ho suggested severa
new lines of inquiry.
Dr. George McPherson Hunter , man
| T3 to Line
10PPLES PlflURfi , 6REAT
j\rnec. e A
AlCBAU. ftTCrttR OR. A
ager of the Seamen's Friends society ,
another witness , told the jury that in
its opinion there was but one seaport
worse than New York out of the fif
teen ports in Europe and America that
was familiar with. This port was
Rosario , Argentine Republic. He
enumerated eleven recent specific
loldups and assaults on sailors along
he water front , one of which resulted
n the death of the victim.
* >
Sionx City , April 6. With two com-
Kiiiions powerless to save him , Gus-
tiiv F. Benson , aged 40. prominent in
local lodge circles sank to his death
in quicksand near McCook lake.
He hnd just shot a duck and was
wading in to retrieve it when , with
one cry of distress , lie sank before
the eyes of his fellow hunters. His
body has not been recivered. His
wife died a year ago , and there are
three children. Benson's parents live
at Alta , la.
Washington , April 6. Whether for
ty-one senators constituting the demo
cratic party in the senate shall sup
port a conservative or a progress pol
icy during the present session of con
gress , formed the subject of an ear
nest and animated conference partici
pated in by about fifteen democratic
senators. The meeting was hold in
the committee rooms of Senator Stone
of Missouri.
The gathering grew out of the visit
of William J. Bryan and was duo to
the prospect that Senator Martin of
Virginia would be elected chairman of
the democratic senatorial caucus. The
Nebraska leader is understood to have
counselled his intimate senatorial
friends to select some other senator
more inclined toward the Bryan poli
Mr. Bryan offered no personal op
position to Mr. Martin , but pleaded
that the party should take advantage
of Its present great opportunity. He
thought this could bo done only
through an aggressive policy to which ,
in Mr. Bryan's opinion , Mr. Martin's
membership would not be conducive.
As many of the democratic senators
had pledged their votes to their Vir
ginian colleague , the situation was em
Kill Prohibition in Alabama.
Montgomery , Ala. , April 6. State
wide prohibition in Alabama was giv
en its knockout blow yesterday when
both branches of the legislature adopt
ed the Smith liquor regulation bill.
This provides that 45 percent of the
voters of a county may petition for an
election to determine whether liquor
shall bo sold in that county , either by
saloons , dispensary or otherwise ,
Each county is given full power to regulate -
ulato its liquor traffic.
To Race In Colorado.
Denver , April G. The senate bill
establishing n racing commission ami
providing for race meetings at fairs
between April and October , with parl
mutual betting , passed the house on
third reading and now goes to the
governor. The betting and racing bill
Is pending In the house under second
reading. Tills bill has been amended
so as to take In athletic exhibitions
and legalized ten-round boxing con
The Question as to Just What Status
Will be Given the Insurgents , is
Concerning Congress Report Mann
Will Prove Liberal.
Washington , April 6. The third day
of the extra session of the Sixty-sec
end congress found the democratic
members of the house still confronted
by several problems of organization
and the legislative program not yet
finally decided on.
It was the hope of the leaders that
a number of new committees cou.d be
organized today. Representative
Mann , the minority leader , entrusted
with the duty of selecting the minority
membership , expected to bo ready
with nominations for several of the
more important committees soon after
the house should meet today. The
house will witness the inauguration
of a new era in national executive af
fairs. The new committees are to be
elected by the house itself. The
democratic nominations have all been
prepared by the ways and means com
mittee acting as a committee on com
mittees and the slate thus made up
will go through without a change. The
committees are also expected to vote
for the minority selections.
Considerable interest centers In the
assignments that are to be given to
the republican insurgents In the
house. It has been reported that
Leader Mann would provo liberal.
The senate committee on commit
tees may bo engaged today in com
mittee selections but the session of
the senate itself probably will con
tinue only a few minutes and will be
adjourned to meet again on Monday.
The house may adjourn over until
Monday if the committee election pro
gresses favorably.
The Day's Routine.
Both houses of congress listened
yesterday to President Taft's brief
message urging the adoption of the
reciprocity agreement with Canada.
Then , with the senate adjourned ,
the democratic house proceeded fur
ther with its organisation by adopting
now rules.
These are largely a repetition of
those that have boon handed down by
many congresses. The democrats
claim Uioir greatest reform is taking
from the speaker his power to appoint
committees and to designate the chair
man of each committee.
The now rules provide for the elec
tion of committees and their chair
The rules continue "calendar
Wednesday" and unanimously consent
calendar and seek to perfect the rule
for the discharge of committees. This
latter , the democrats say , effectively
does away with the former practice of
stifling legislation in committees.
He Won't Discriminate.
Republican Leader Mann of the
house made it clear that insurgent re
publicans who did not cast their votes
for him In the election of a speaker
will bo in no way discriminated
against in filling the republican places
on the standing committees of the
house. Mr. Mann said lie had told
several insurgents it would make no
difference how they voted as to their
treatment In the committee assign
Mr. Mann will have ready for sub'
mission to the democratic leaders to <
day , the republican personnel of the
ways and means , mileage accounts and
one or two other committees. The
other committees will not be deter
mined on for some time.
Oakdale Went "Wet. "
Oakdalo , Neb. , April 6. Special tc
The News : Oakdalo went "wet" by n
majority of twenty-two votes.
Death In Storm's Path.
Montgomery , Ala. , April C. Tues
day's storm , which swept Alabama
generally , did not pass without its toll
of death and heavy property damage ,
A tornado passed about two miles east
of Pine Hill at 4 o'clock Tuesday ai-
ternoon killing several negroes nnd
severely injuring others. A negro
church and school house were com
pletely demolished and scores of ne
groes who had taken refuge in the
church were injured. Two negro girls
were instantly killed by the falling
i timbers. At Leesburg , twenty-five
, houses were demolished.
Who's Who In Norfolk
C. E. Burnham was born on a farm
near East Troy , Wis. , on July 21 , 1860.
His parents , Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Burnham , moved to the central part of
Iowa. Mr. Burnham attended the pub
lic schools in the little mining town
of Molngona , and in 1872 he moved to
Sioux City , where he attended school.
In 1875 ho loft school to enter the em
ploy of the Sioux City & Pacific Rail
road company. He was employed in
the general freight and passenger of
fices until 1878. During his employ
ment in these offices he mastered tlte
art of telegraphy.
The offices were moved from Sioux
City to Missouri Valley in 187S and
Mr. Burnham was transferred to tlu
latter place , whore he hnd direct
charge of the baggage and ticket de
partments. Ho was later ad\ami-d
from the passenger department to the
position as superintendent's thief
clerk. Ho remained in the employ of
the Sioux City & Pacific road until
18SO , when he went to St. Paul , Minn. ,
and was connected with the general
freight department of the C. , St. P. ,
M. & O.
On May 21 , 1881. Mr. Burnham was
married to Miss Lena A. Leper of
Valley th" wadding takini
place at Council Bluffs Miss Fail
Uurnham Is the only iliiid.
Funk Goea On the Stand and Gives
Damaging Testimony In the Lorlmer
Bribery Investigation Now on at
Springfield ,
SprliiKllclcl , III. , April 5. H. II.
Kohlsaat todny told the senate bribery
nvostlgatlng committee that Clarence
S. Funk , general manager of the Intor-
imtlonul Harvester company , was the
man who told Mr. Kohlsoat that a
slush fund of $100,000 wan put up to
elect Lorlmer. To the first queittlon
at Attorney J. J. Hoaloy , Mr. Kohlaant
Idontlflod n telegram sent by Chair
man Helm saying his confidant called
lit the Record-Herald office and was
willing to appear before the commit
Mr. Funk was the next witness call-
id.Ho said ho had boon with the com
pany nine years. Ills attention was
inlled to a conversation with Edward
Hlncs shortly after the Ix > riincr elec
The witness enta the conversation
look place In the union league club.
It was an accidental meeting. "He
said ho had boon wanting to see me
and we sat in the lounging room. "
"HincH said to mo without prelim-
Inry , 'Well , wo put Lorlmor over , but
It cost us 1100,000 to do It. '
"Ho said , 'wo had to act quickly so
that It became necessary for us to put
up the money. Now , we are seeing
some of our friends to got It fixed up. '
"He gave mo to understand that ho
wanted to bo reimbursed and I asked
him why ho came to us , and ho said :
" 'You are as interested as any one
in having the right kind of a man in
Washington. '
"I told him we would have nothing
to do with it. Ho said he could only
go to big people and wanted to get
$10,000 from each of ton. He loft me
and told me to think it over. "
"Edward Tlldon , connected with the
stock yards at Chicago , is the man to
whom I was told to send the money , "
said Mr. Funk , when an answer was
forced by the committee.
"Was anything said of Tildi-n col
lecting the fund ? " Funk was asked.
"No. "
"Were other names used ? "
"No. "
"Did he give you mimes of any con
tributors ? "
"No , and I did not ask him , " re
plied Mr. Funk.
"You told him you and your com
pany would not contribute ; did you
talk to any one of your officers ? "
"Ye.s , 1 told Mr. McCormick. Mr
McCormlck said , 'Good , I am glnd you
turned him down promptly. '
" 1 told so Edwards Bancroft , gen
01 al counsel for our company. "
Funk said ho did not road the Rec
ord-Herald editorial which caused Mr.
Kohlsaat to be called before the com
mlttee. Ho snid Hines came to his
office after the editorial appeared.
"Ulnos was disturbed , " said Funk ,
"and undertook to refresh my moni
tory on our conservation.
"He .said he had not tried to get
money from me and had talked of
money , just in a general way. That
was the first time I talked with him
after the first conversation. "
Funk said his company had some
dealing with the Hint's Lumber com
pany. 1U > said lie had known him
prior to the union league club ( silk.
Funk declared he was certain Hines
had not told him the name of any
contributor to the fund. He said he
never had any difficulty with Hinea
and had no antagonistic feeling to
ward him.
"I am here because I did not want
to see my friend Mr. Kohlsaat go to
jail , " testified Funk.
Funk said he knew Lorimer only
slightly and never had had any trou
ble with him or his friends.
He said C. H. McCormick had no
Interest of any kind in the Chicago
To Senator Helm , Funk said he had
no idea who Hines meant by "we. "
Hines Makes Complete Denial.
Chicago , April G. A complete de
nial of the assertions made before the
senate investigating committee by jur.
Funk , was made last night by Kd
ward Hines , president of the Hines
Lumber company.
"When I was at the Union League
club ut lunch shortly after .Mr. Lori
mer elected senator , " said Mr. Hines ,
"Mr. Funk came to me and asked mo
If I would Introduce him to Senator
Loiimer , saying ho had never met the
senator and would like to do so. I
told Mr. Funk I would introduce him
to Senator Lorimer whenever he de
"After 1 told Senator Lorimer that
Mr Funk desired to meet him , and
Senator Lorimer told mo that Mr.
Funli was one of ills active enemies
I int-r talked to Mr. Funk about Sena
tn' Lorlmer at any other time or
i > lai c
I did not there or at any other
nun- ask Mr. Funk or any one else to
( iiitiitmtu anything to Senator Lori
inn - election or on account of his
li-rtion. I never know that any ono
CUT did contribute anything for or on
nrrnunt of his election. If . -r. Funk
tcstillcd to anything to the contrary it
i * uiitnii1"