The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 31, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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1) . A. Brewer of Nellgh WIIH In tlio
Alhort Viorgul1/ returned from Co-
A. Lonhy of Nlobrara was u visitor
in the city.
Jack KoniilRHtuIn was at Madison
attundlng court.
Mayor W. L. Dowllng of MatllKon
was a visitor In the city.
Theodore Wlllo returned from a
business trip to Columbus.
H. ( ! . llohrkc of IIoHkliiR was In
tlio city transacting business.
Attorney W. A. MoHorvo of Crelgh-
ton WUH a visitor In the city.
Mrs. Aaron of IlosUim was In thu
city vlHltlnt ; with her daughter , Miss
Motta Aaron.
Sheriff C. S. Smith wan In the city
onrouto to his hoinu at MatllHon.
. .1.V. . Hankln rctunuHl from Serib-
nor to spend a day with relatives.
Mrs. Alhort Vlorgut/ went to Co-
lumbiiy to spend a day with frhmds.
Abe Lovlno returned from Omaha ,
where lie spent u day with rolntlvos.
Coubtublo John F. Flynn and Chlof
of Police Marquardt went to Madison.
W. II. lllakcinaii and M. B. Evans
returned from a business trip in the
western part of the state.
Miss Minnie Hraaach of Valentino Is
In the city visiting with her parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ilraasch.
Mrs. Joseph Sutherland of Grand
Island Is In the city visiting with Mrs.
W. Ti. King and Miss Maynio Kcovor.
Mrs. J. H. Hlght and llttlo son left
Monday evening to Join her husband
nt Interior , S. 1) . , where they will
make their home.
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. 13. C. Dcuol , a
The Ladles guild of the Episcopal
church will meet with Mrs. J. B. May-
lard Thursday afternoon.
The now daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
tK. . D. Harned , born Sunday , arrived
MI thu mother's birthday.
"Practically out of danger , " Is the
icport by the physician attending little
'oorgo Moulton , who was Injured by
house moving apparatus last Satur
Miss Ida Chapman of Omaha has ac
cepted a position as stenographer and
bookkeeper In the olllce of Dr. P. H.
Miss Marie Chemlier has resigned
her position as operator at the Ne
braska Telephone company and has
gone to Hooper.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Brubaker , who have
been living on a farm northwest of the
c-lty , are moving to their newly pur
chased farm near Salem , Ore.
A special meeting of Damascus
' hapter No. LT > , II. A. M. , will be held
Tuesday evening for work in II. A.
.legree. Visiting companions cordially
Miss Nona O'Orlen has net-opted a
position as bookkeeper and stenogra
pher in the Star Clothing company ,
succeeding Miss Edith Herman , who
loaves Wednesday for Los Angeles ,
The annual meeting of the Norfolk
Country club will bo hold at the of-
ilces of Mapes & Hnzon Wednesday
night , April B. for election of two di
rectors , a secretary and treasurer , and
'or ' the transaction of other business.
Ilov. Paul Iturkhanlt. pastor of the
Herman Congregational church , will
preach thu funeral sermon over the
remains of Phillip Schmeer. who died
Sunday from paralysis of the faro , on
Wednesday afternoon. Services will
bo at 2 o'clock at the homo and at 3
o'clock at the church.
Notwithstanding the heavy snow
which was falling at 9:30 : a. in. , live
patrols of the Norfolk Boy scouts , un
der command of Assistant Scout Mas
ter Elder Kirkpatrick left the S. L.
Anderson residence on South Tenth
street at that hour and started on
their "hiko" toward Hadar.
Funeral services over the remains
of the H-yoar-old McKinley Crouk ,
who died nt his home in Edgewater at
5 o'clock Sunday morning , took place
at the Sacred Heart church at 10
o'clock Tuesday morning. The pall
bearers were : Rome Kelohor , Robert
Lomly , Fred Kane , Ferdinand Miller ,
Clarence McWhorter , Hanson Poerter.
Remembering the panic at the Cry.s
tal theater some time ago , W. A
Kingsley , the new proprietor , has put
to work carpenters who are engaged
in constructing two largo exits which
can bo easily reached , no matter how
many people there are in the main
room of the theater. The room will
these exits can bo emptied within a
few moments. The stage is also being
remodeled and more seating capacity
is being arranged for.
Dr. II. T. Holden returned Monday
tioon from lloskins , where ho was
called on an urgent professional case
Sunday night. The physician made
the trip in the severe storm and do
clnres it was the worst drive he has
experienced In llfteon years. For some
time ho believed he was lost. The
horses wore covered with snow and i
was impossible to see. He remained
in Hoskins all night and declares he
would not make another trip like 1
under any circumstances.
Robert J. Ecclos , candidate for coun
oilman In the Fourth ward , loaves this
. . 'vcning for Hot Springs , S. D. , when
it Is probable he will undergo an operation
oration for cancer of the jaw. Mr ,
Eccles will bo accompanied to Ho
Springs by his brother , John ( "Beck
oy" ) Eccles , the Northwestern con
ductor who has a regular run bctweei ;
Dallas and Bonostcel. Mr. Eccles wa
injured some years ago in a handca
accident near Crelghton and has beer
suffering from the effects ever since.
In answer to a report which ha
been current for several days that th
underground work of the Nobraskr
Telephone company has been * permit
nently stopped , District Commercla
Manager M. J. Sanders of that com
jmuy says : "You can deny the re
port that the work has been steppe <
permanently. I will admit the worl
has been stopped temporarily. Ther
are no conduits or brick here , and hai
wo commenced digging , the dltche
would have boon In very bad shape b ;
this time. The material was shlppci
on February 23 and IH not bore yet.
The wires go underground , however ,
and the pole will bo off Norfolk av-1
onuo by the time given by the city. "
The Commercial club directors are
meeting with great success In their
canvass for subscriptions for a fund
to employ a paid secretary. The paid
secretary at the present tlmo Is much
needed by thu Commuroinl club. Tom-
porary Secretary C. C. ( Jew has been
swamped with work for the club.
Among the ( omnuinlcatlons received
nl I ho scerotary'H olllce me several
from out of the state asking for Bel
gian horses , while another one comes
from a farm machinery manufacturing
establishment which want the club to
furnish them a good reliable agent.
Another letter comes from a Boston
toothpick factory who want the club
to refer to them a man who would act
as a merchandise broker in Norfolk.
This man , says the factory , is to sell
thu output of toothpicks from this fac
tory. A paid secretary could do some
good with those letters and possibly
induce some now business enterprises
to come to this city , It Is pointed out.
Among the daxV out-of-town visitors
in Norfolk were : II. O. Oroojohn , Car
roll ; W. II. Belford. Carroll ; C. D.
Goarharl , Harwell ; Eric Engdahl , Hos-
kins ; Frank I lord , Spencer ; John P.
Kayl , Gregory ; Ed Kayl , Gregory ;
George Rounds , Tlldon ; C. B. Clayton ,
Creighton ; W. T. Gardner , Wltten ; A.
F. Hendrickson , Bristow ; Mabel El-
llngson , Center ; Mr. and Mrs. C. S.
Humphrey , Spnncor ; J. B. Fichter ,
Meadow Grove ; It. J. Fichter , Meadow
Grove ; II. A. Byrnes , Long Pine ; M.
A. Anderson , Battle Creek ; Mrs. Mark
Oshea , Madison ; Mrs. B. II. Schrocdcr ,
Madison ; Miss Gone Considlne , Mad
ison ; A. W. Fulton , Plainview ; J. A.
Brown , Dallas ; II. M. Kohjer , Clarks ;
J. M. Biggins , Bonestoel ; J. R. Kalar.
Bloomlleld ; W. H. A very , Tilden ; F.
R. Smith , Butte ; W. N. Grlggin ,
tallan Informer Tells How He Was
Paid for the Crime.
Vltorbo , Italy , March 29. Genuaro
bbatomagglo , the confessed Camor-
1st , continued his revelations at to-
ay's session of the trial of himself
ml thirty-llvo associates for the uiur-
er of Gonnaro Cuoccolo and the lat-
er's wife.
Strictly speaking , Abbatemaggio's
revelations , " are nothing more than
( delights in continuation of his origl-
al story as told to the authorities
.ml . published since the trial began ,
n his former statement the informer
old of how Cuoccolo had been mur-
crcd because ho had betrayed other
ncmbers of the Camorra and also
ocauso there was jealousy of his In-
reasing power on the part of En-
Ice Alfano , the actual head of the
oily , and other loaders. Cuoccolo's
vlfo was killed to conceal the first
rime. Asked about the $200 which
ad been paid to the assassins of the
Inoccolos , the informer replied that
Mfano had divided tlio money , giving
80 to the witness and distributed the
emaindor among tlio actual assassins.
Fcrdinando , one of the assassins ,
retested against the giving of so
argo a share to Abbatemaggio who
lad not participated in the killing but
10 was silenced with a wink from
Alfano. Abbatemaggio saw the wink
ind understood its moaning. His as-
ociatos were aware that ho knew too
nany of their secrets and could be
ray them at any moment. Accord
ugly no sum of money was too great
o pay for his silence until the oppor
unity came to put him out of the
Abbatemaggio realized the feeling
.owards him and this together with .a
revival ot. honest impulses Induced
.ilm to make the first revelations ,
which were followed by a determlna-
ion to teH all and so redeem himself.
- '
Hamburg , March 20. Lieutenant
Erler , accompanied by n passenger ,
made a flight from the Doeberltz ma
neuver field , near Berlin , to Hamburg
in a biplane. The distance by airline
is MO miles and was covered in three
hours and thirty minutes. This is the
longest sustained Hight ever made ii
Death List No. 143.
New York , March 29. There was no
letup today in the official probing of
last Saturday's factory fire disaster
In which 143 persons lost their lives.
The death of one victim during the
night brought the total up to the fig
ure given. Twenty charred bodies
still are unidentified.
Alliance , Neb. , is in the List Mostly
in Industrial Centers.
Washington , March 29. Postmaste
General Hitchcock designated forty
flvo additional postofflces as postal
savings depositories in as many states
and territories , almost all in Indus
trial centers , where there are many
wageearners. . It Is Mr. Hitchcock's
Intention to the offices as near
ly as possible to industrial centen
really needing such banking facilities
particularly giving consideration U
geographical location , postal receipts
foreign money order business am
general efficiency of postmasters
Among the now offices designated are :
Bisbee , Ariz. ; Helena , Ark. : Santt
Cruz , Calif. ; Canon City , Colo. ; La
salle , 111. ; Garry , Ind. ; Centervllle
la. ; Manhattan , Kan. ; Madlsonville
Ky. ; Alexandria , La. : St. Cloud
Minn. ; Hannibal , Mo. : Kallspel !
Mont. ; Alliance , Neb. ; Tonopah , Nov.
Silver City , N. M. ; Devils Lake. N
D. ; Shawnee , Okla. ; Astoria , Ore.
Temple , Tex. ; Blnghaui canyon , Utah
Hoqulam , Wash. , and Rock Springs
Socialist Appointed Refuses to Accep
Won't Wear Uniform.
Home , March 29. Premier Glollttl ,
who takes the portfolio of minister of
j the Interior today , announced the
makeup of the new cabinet which suc
ceeds Hint of Lulgl Lu/.zattl. Nearly
j all the members of the former ministry -
! ( try are retained. These are : Foreign
affairs , Marquis A. 1)1 San Glullano ;
treasury. Francesco Tedesco ; finance ,
I Slgnor Facta ; war , General Splngardl ;
j public Instructions , Slgnor Crcdaro ;
j public works , Slgnor Sacchl ; posts and
telegraphs , Slgnor Oluffelll.
Tlio now members are :
Justice , Slgnor Fliiocchlaro , who
succeeds Slgnor Fanl ; marine , Admi
ral C'attollca , replacing Admiral Leon
ard ! ; agriculture , Slgnor Nittl , who
akos the place of Slgnor Raineray ,
10 post first offered to Slgnor Blsso-
ill , loader of the socialist pnrllnmcu-
ary group , but declined by him bo-
auso while , ho said , ho was In sym-
athy with the proposed policy of the
ew government , ho could not bring
imself to adopt the outward forms
squired of cabinet members , such as
wearing uniform on public occasions.
Japs Ratify U. S. Treaty.
Toklo , March 29. The privy coun-
11 today ratified the treaty of com-
iierco and navigation with the United
tales. The exchange will be made
n April 1.
Steamer Is Saved.
Key West , March 29. The steamer
N. Luckcnbach , which wenl
ground on Now-ground shoals last
Friday , arrived hero this morning.
ho was floated last night. For a
imo It was feared she would go
own. Revenue cutters and tugs stood
i.v to save her crew in case she broke
Chicago Woman is Mother of Nine
teenth Child.
Chicago , Marcli 29. The birth of
or nineteenth child was recorded In
ho Chicago health department by
Irs. John Adduce ! , wife of a laborer ,
'ho mother is only 39 years old and
f the nineteen children , all of whom
vere born singly , sixteen are still llv-
Man's Will Shows He and Companion
Were Slain by Hunting Guides.
Norrlstown , Pa. , Marcli 29. A trag-
dy was revealed In an adjudication
vhich was filed in tlio orphans' court
oday. In the document was told how
.lorris . Wain , of Cheltenham , Pa. , was
lurdorcd while ho was on a hunting
xpedltion In the west with his friend
) . L. Strong , who met a like fate.
The day before Wain started west
o wrote his will as follows :
"Sunday , May C , 1888. I start to
morrow on a pleasure trip through
ho western country and in tlio event
f my death I desire my estate , fiom
vhatcvor source , to bo divided as
bllows : To my dear friend , Miss
Mice R. Ilawn , I leave one-quarter of
.ny . estate. To my friend and com-
anlon , O. L. Strong , I leave $10,000
n event of his returning from the
rip. The remainder of my estate I
cave in trust lor my three nieces. "
Tlio court finds exhaustive efforts to
ocate Wain were unsuccessful and ac-
cpts the report of the executor , J.
ri. Wain , deceased's brother , that "on
r about the 24th of July , 1888 , " both
Wain and Strong ) were killed by
heir guides. The balance for distribu
Ion amounts to $5,822. Since Strong
lid not return from the trip the three
ileces and Miss R. Ilawn are the legu
Fire destroyed a government ware
house at Custer.
Arrangements have been completed
or the annual spring festival of inn
sic at Yankton. The St. Paul sym
phony orchestra has been secured as
ho main attraction.
Okaton is lo have a banking insli
lution in the near future.
Governor Vessey has appointed six
lolegates to the national peace con
Murdo has again instituted the idea
of having an occasional special mar
The C. B. Horsey Co. has been grant
d a 20-year electric light and power
franchise at Langford.
Henry Hubert Mnggey , n Black Hills
mine owner and promoter , has been
arrested at Chicago for forgery.
Rev. R. L. Barrackmaff , pastor o
the Presbyterian church at Siou >
Falls since 190C , has resigned.
The body of T. J. Cushow , of Del
Rapids , was found in his home. The
body was naked. Ho had been deai :
a week. Asphyxiation was the cause
Faith , a now town , has three pee !
halls and four restaurants.
Grief over the tragic death of tw
of his children , who wore incinerated
In a fire Is believed to have caused
Albert Wendland of Sioux Falls to become
come insane.
The ravages of wolves ! n Lyrnan
county have boon materially cut down
by the operation of a bounty which
made residents eager to externilnat
them for their scalps.
Express companies of the state hav
served notice on State Treasurer John
son that they will test the new rate ;
established by the general assombl
at the last session.
Bert Honnlman , assistant cashier i
n bank at Kimball , is shy a thumb a
the result of a hunting accident.
The Catholics of Wagner have le
the contract for a now church costln
{ 25,000 which will bo built at once.
Webster voters are to hold a hi
harmony mooting tonight when the ;
plan to solcct n non-partisan city ticli
The Minnehaha Counly Bar assocla
tlou will give a reception to judg
John E. Garland at Sioux Fails nox
U. S. Thompson of Cooper commi
ted suicide by shooting himself.
Charles A. Ramsdell , a former drug
gist , is to bo the now postmaster a
Bercsford. He had the highest mini-
her of votes In n special election.
Melletto and Bennett counties In the
luthern part of the state probably
111 bo open to settlement some tlmo
i Juno.
It Is reported that John Holniau ,
'nliod States attorney for South Pa-
ota , will resign and that Frank Alex-
ndor , of Webster , will succeed him.
Ray Gould , a farmer near Stratford ,
VIIH killed by a fall from a disc liar-
Flvo butchers at Vermllllon were
fined $20 for selling sausage con-
ainlng a preservative deleterious to
While carrying a shotgun on n
ramp over the hills , Francis J. Quirk
f Belle Fourche stumbled and was ,
hot to death.
The 3-year-old daughter of W. IV
lanscn , who resides on a farm In Jer-
ul county , was kicked by n horse ,
racturing her skull.
Ono of the largest business transae-
Ions recently made In Sioux Falls Is
he purchase by Koonlg Bros , of the
Cataract hotel building.
It Is expected that the South Dakota
entral railrnnd , which connects Sioux
Falls and Waterlown , will be extended
luring the coming summer. i
The coroner's jury at Dupree exon
erated Abe Laplant from blame in the
killing of a 'strange gambler at that
ilaco with a blow of his fist.
Carl Johnson of Clarno , who went
.o Kansas City , Mo , , a few weeks ago
, o attend an automobile school , is beloved
. .
loved to have been murdered in that
Oakdale News Items.
Ivan Torpln and Miss Mattle Tav-
nor arrived home for the spring va
cation from the Wesleyan university
'riday afternoon.
Workmen are rapidly tearing down
ho old blacksmith shop on the south
east corner of Fourth and Walther
streets , where Henry Torpiu expects
o commence the erection of anollior
now residence soon.
Miss Fannie Malzaoher and Miss i
.ottie Hadley of the senior class
ransactcd business in Tilden between i.
rains Thursday evening.
After completing the addition at the
rear of the Oakdale Drug company's
building contractors have been busy
putting in a now tloor and plate glass
ront. They also had their lighting
lystem renovated and a now style of
junior put on. They have yet to paint
ho exterior of the building and put in
low fixtures and shelving on the In-
ido and paint it.
George W. Hunter of Loretto moved
lis personal effects to his new home
oiith of town tliis week.
Contractors have commenced the
erection of a new residence on Henry
Torpin's lots on Walther street , just
louth of his home. This residence is
o bo occupied by Homer McDonald.
Painters have boon busy painting
ho residence occupied by A. G. Beach |
at the corner of Second and Walthor
streets , also the now residence erected |
by the Torpin company on the north-
ivcst corner of Third and Grant
Giant Steel Merger Planned.
Duluth , Minn. , March 2S. A stir was
created in financial and business cir
cles in Duluth when it was rumored
.hat a giant merger of steel , iron ore
; uid shipping companies was to be per
fected to compete with the United
States Steel corporation , with Duluth
nen nod others at the head. It is said
former heads of the steel corporation ,
ncluding Thomas F. Cole , formerly
president of the Oliver Iron Mining
company , would merge their interests
and fight the older corporation as soon
as the supreme court renders Its deci
sion In the American Tobacco com
pany and Standard Oil company cases.
Harry Forbes "Comes Back. "
Kenosha , Wis. , March 29. Harry
orbcs , former champion bantam
weight , showed ho could "como back"
and notwithstanding the fact that he
was beaten by Johnny Coulon , it was
only on points and Forbes showed a
lot of his old time cleverness. Ills
jamo showing made him a prime favor
ite with the crowd. Coulon had a lot
on Forbes in quickness , but Forbes
rocked Coulon repeatedly and at onetime
time knocked the champion through
the ropes. Both boys were strong nt
the end of the ten rounds.
Spike Kelly Whips Crane.
South Bend , Ind. , March 29. "Spike"
Kelly and Jack Crane , both of Chicago
cage , met in a ten-round bout here
and Kelly had the better of it. In the
third ho knocked Crane down for a
count of seven.
Young' Saylor the Victor.
Indianapolis , Ind. , March 29. Young
Saylor of this city won a popular de
cision over Joe Hyland of New York
In a ten-round bout. Saylor forced the
fighting and after the seventh round ,
when ho floored his man with a right
to the jaw , the latter was in distress
and covered up to the final bell.
Jury Out in Kansas Case.
Independence , Kan. , March 29. The
jury in the case of A. A. Truskelt of
Caney , Kan. , charged with murdering
J. D. S. Neeley of Lima , O. , had not
reached a verdict when court opened
this morning. It had been out since
G o'clock last night.
Army Arouses Labor Row ,
Rock Island , 111. , March 28. Labor
troubles are possible In the military
stores and small arms shops at the
Rock Island arsenal , employing 1,500
men , as the result of an order Issued
by the war department prohibiting em
ployes there from holding political of
Death of Mrs. Kloke.
West Point , Neb. , March 28. Spe
cial to The News : The remains of
Mrs. Aurilla Kloke , the widow of for
mer County Clerk Henry F. Kloko
were brought to the city and were In
terred In the public cemetery. The
deceased was 4G years of age and was
born in the state of Vermont. She
loaves two SOIIH , Carl and Donald , and
one daughter. Ada. Her death occur
red In Boulder , Colo. Funeral ser
vices wore hold under the nusplces of
the Congregational church , ReL. . J.
Powell officiating , .
Begin Big Land Case.
Seattle , Wash. , March 28. Trial of
, the , case of the United States against
Charles I-1. Munday , Archie W. Slilels
and I'Jarl Slegloy , who were indicted
( together with Algernon II. Straccy ,
f for alleged conspiracy to defraud the
government out of 0,087 acres of coal
lands In Alaska valued at more than
J ]
$100,000,000 , by employing dummy on-
trymen , was begun In the United
States district court today , Judge Cor
nelius , ( II , Hanford presiding. Slracoy ,
n brother of Sir Edward Stracey. IB a
fugitive in Vancouvei
I. C. Telegraphers to Strike.
Now Orleans , March 28. A general
strike of telegraphers employed by the
Illinois Central will bo called on April
I , If the demands of the men for a
20 , ( percent increase in wages is not
granted . , according to local reports of
the telegraphers. This boars out pre
vious statements of a like nature from
. .
the north. It was asserted that a
strike vote already had been taken
resulting In 75 percent of 1,600 men
declaring . in favor of a walkout. It is
claimed by the tolograpjiors that the
road has dlscnargcd more than 3'H )
operators within tlio past few weeks.
Sweeping Investigation Provided for
by Pennsylvania Resolution.
Ilarrlsburg , Pa. , March 28. A
sweeping investigation of the anthra
cite coal Industry in Pennsylvania is
proposed in a concurrent resolution
introduced in the general assembly
which has in view the enactment of
laws for the protection of the public
and the reduction of the cost of coal.
As an indication that the proposed
investigation will be thorough , the
committee ( Is empowered to inquire
into the relations between the com
panies , and the great banking houses
which are said to bo closely affiliated
with them and which usually conduct
their financial operations.
Dr. Bear Sells Two Buildings.
Two property changes of some con
sequence ( are reported today. Charles
Rico { , who went to Richmond , Vn. , with
the intention of purchasing several of
the Dr. A. Bear business buildings , an
nounces that he has purchased the
Martin Sporn saloon , which was owned
by Dr. A. Bear. At the same time
Asa K. Leonard reports that ho has
purchased the Barrett Millinery store ,
also one of Dr. Boar's buildings.
Fourth Carrier Will be Added.
It is very probable that a fourth
mail carrier for city delivery will be
added to the Norfolk postofllce force
in the near future. An inspector from
the postolllce department was in town
Saturday and he has made a strong
recommendation for an additional car
rier. He found that not enough help
was employed to adequately take care
of the local mail deliveries , as the
three carriers now on the job find it
impossible to deliver all of the mall
within the stipulated forty-eight hours ,
ind have to miss one afternoon's do-
ivery each week.
Uncle Sam Takes 49 Years to Pay.
It took forty-nine years for the war
ilepartmont of the United States gov
ernment to seek out II. E. Hardy of
Norfolk as an heir to an uncle who
'ought in the civil war , and pay up the
noney due the uncle when he died.
Mr. Hardy has just received notice
that he will get about $7 , his share of
the uncle's back salary.
A "Con" Man is Captured.
James Shannon , an Omaha sign
painter and confidence man , who has
probably been making an easy living
in the shoplifting line and harping on
the "old customer" gag , which busi
ness men are often subjected to ,
reached the end of his rope Tuesday
morning when ho was arrested by
Constable A. W. Finkhousc , after he
had stolen a pair of shoes from the
Fair store and obtained GO cents from
B. T. Reid of the Norfolk Shoe store ,
where he claimed ho was an old cus
tomer of the store and was out of
When he was brought before Judge
Elseley he Immediately pleaded guilty
to two charges and was given thirty
days In the Bounty jail. He was taken
to Madison during the afternoon.
Shannon entered the Norfolk shoe
store and V. A. Nenow did not notice
In'tho neat grey haired gentleman any
thing that bespoke graft. Ho allowed
the man , who appeared to be about
CO years of age , to walk around the
store and inspect the stock. Shannon .
made his way to the bookkeeper's
desk , where ho Inquired of Miss Agnes
Smith the name of the manager of the
store. He was given this information
and blundered slightly when ho called
Nenow "Mr. Reid. " The latter was In
the rear end of the store and the con
fidence man apologized profusely and
shook the hands of Mr. Reid vigorous
ly , saying nt the same time that It was
a very long time since he had the
pleasure of speaking to him.
"I'm An Old Customer. "
"My name is Randall , Mr. Reid , '
said Shannon. "I am your old cus
tomer from Wayne. I will not be able
to got any money until this afternoon
and would like n little change to buy
some lunch. "
Seriously Inspecting Mr. Randall
Reid recalled such a name , though the
face was unfamiliar. But to accommodate
modato n customer Mr. Reid asked
how much Mr. Randall wanted.
"Fifty cents will do nicely , Mr ,
Reid , " said Randall , and ho soon had
the half dollar safely pocketed
Thanking Mr. Reid ho walked down
Norfolk avenue and entered u saloon
He was watched all the tlmo by the
manager of the shoo store , who had a
"hunch , " and the entering of the sn
loon strengthened the "hunch. " Shan
non soon reappeared and entered a
few business houses. Followed by Mr.
Reid , ho entered the Fair store , whore
ho was unnoticed for a time walking
around an unfrequented part of the
largo room. Mr. Ruld confided his
suspicions lo Morris Irvln , one of the
partners of the store , and together
they watched Shannon admiring a
, stock of shoos. Soon Shannon stooped
and was out of sight for u moment.
Then ho reappeared with his coat
bulging out at both Hides.
"lie's got your stuff all right , " whis
pered Reid to Irvln , and both business
men made for Shannon when ho walk
ed briskly for the front door. Hero
ho encountered Irvln and a pleasant
smllo flitted across the countenance of
the "old gentleman. " "Blawstod bawl-
ly day , IH it not ? " ho asked of Mr. Ir
vln , who stood In front of the man and
struck a match to light a cigar. The
match was snatched from the mer
chant's hand by the shoplifter , who
coolly lighted his own cigar and walk
ed out of the store.
Had the Gooda On Him.
Mr. Hold soon had Constable Finkv
house In tow , and Mr. Irvln and the
constable followed Shannon while Reid
mol him on the corner of the street.
"You say your name IB Randall ? "
asked Mr. Reid.
"Why , yes , don't you know mo ? "
said Shannon , and at this moment ConP
stable FinkhouBo and Mr. Irvin reach
ed the spot and the officer's request
to "deliver" was fruitful. A fancy
shoo appeared from both sides of the
coat and was handed to Mr. Irvln.
"And I want my 50 cents , " said Mr.
Reid. Shannon reached Into his pocket -
et and returned the "lunch" money.
"Now , gentlemen , this is all I havo.
This man lias his shoos and you have
your money. Mr. Officer , can't you
let It go at that ? " said Shannon. I
"Nothing doing , " replied the officer ;
"you talk to the judge. "
| In the courtroom Shannon felt "very
sorry for this , gentlemen. It's harden
on an old man like me. Judge , can't
, -ou make it fifteen days Instead of
hlrty ? " His request was not granted ,
When Shannon was searched , a note-
> ook was found in ono of his pockets
.vliich . contained the dates on which
10 had visited many towns In this vl-
clnity. He had visited Norfolk on
nany other occasions.
Postmaster Hays Sounding Sentiment
as to Sunday Mall Delivery. ,
John R. Hays , postmaster , is anxious
o know the sentiment of Norfolk pooa
> ! e with regard to the abolition of
Sunday delivery of mail at carrier win-
lows in the postollico.
There has been a widespread move-
nent for eliminating Sunday delivery ,
n order to give carriers a day's rest.
n some cities the now order has gone
nto effect.
The plan would bo to keep open the
jeiieral delivery window a short time
Sundays , so that people wanting realv
y urgent mail could got It , and to
eave the lobby open as at present , so
hat people who rent boxes , could got
heir mail.
It is pointed out that but a small
faction of the total patrons call for
heir mail on Sundays.
At the homo of the bride's parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bruasch , at 4
o'clock Tuesday afternoon occurred 11
he wedding of Miss Emma Braasch
mid Elinor R. Pearson of Omaha. Mr. '
Pearson is a well known traveling
salesman , having a territory in this vic
. -inity. For some time he was local ,
iiianagcr of the Herbert E. Gooch and
company , brokers. Miss Braasch is
well and favorably known here. Aft
or the ceremony the young couple
went to Omaha , where they will make
their home.
Westergaard Booked Here.
Because ot a break between Yusslft
Mahmout and his manager and book-
ng agents , the "Terrible Turk" will
not wrestle in Norfolk Saturday wilh
Oscar Wassem. On the eve of the
commencement of his tour of the
lorthwcst , Mahmout and his managers
liad a falling out and the Turk abso
lutely refused to fill the dates book
ed for him in Iowa , Nebraska and
South Dakota. The trouble is said to
have arisen over Mahmout's failure
to secure matches with other big grap-
piers. Wrestling fans here , however ,
: ire not to be disappointed. The man
agement has secured Jess Wester
gaard , the burly DCS Moines mat ar
tist , to meet Wassem and the follow
ers of the game therefore are as
sured of seeing a good bout.
Westergaard is considerably In the
limelight at present because of his
great showing against George Hacken-
schmldt , the "Russian Lion , " and also
for the reason that ho is to meet
Frank Gotch in Los Angeles next
month for the title.
Tommy McFariand Loses.
SL Joseph , Mo. , March 29. Tommy |
McFariand of Chicago lost to Jake
Barada of this city in tbo third round [
here last night. McFarland's seconds
tossed a sponge into the ring.
Jimmy Cain Wins It.
St. Joseph , March 29. In the semi
wlndup before the Robldoux Athletic ,
hero last night , Jimmy Cain of Sioux ,
City won from Eddie Howard of St.
Louis on a foul in the first round.
They were matched for six rounds.
Morris Not Much of a "Hope. "
Sapulpa , Okla. , March 29. By
knocking out Mike Schreck , the Cin
cinnati heavyweight , in six rounds
here , Carl Morris of this city , kept
himself in the running as a "white
hope. "
That was about all ho did , however ,
for his showing was not such ns cal
culated to indlcato that Champion
Jack Johnson Is In any danger of
losing his title to the ox-onglneer of
Sapulpa. A right hook to the Jaw
won for Morrla.
Morris boat Schreck fairly enough
but the fight was slow. About all 1
Schreck did was lo act as a punching
bag for Morris's blown and await the
coming of the end. The records show
that Schrock landed In all about half
a dozen punches , none of which wan
hard enough to jar o\en a middle
weight , and Morris l far larger than
a middleweight for lie \\elKhed In at
-15 pounds.
How W.irren Hurlbcrt Came to Death.
Funeral services over the remaliiH
of Wiirron ilutlbort , an old tlmo
Northwestern railroad conductor \vlu >
WIIH accidentally killed In Oklahoma
last week took place at 2:30 : Tiiu.tdny
afternoon at the Second Congrega
tional church at the Junction. Rov.
Mr. Conrad had charge of the serv
ices , after which the ivmaiim weio in
terred bosldo tlio grave of Mr. Hurl-
hurt's first wife , In the Prospect Hill
comotory. The pallbearers were : J.
C. Lnrkln. Ralph Boyd , M. P. Suitor ,
A. J. Ryel , S. ( } . Sattorloo , A. M.
Conductor Hurlbert was on his ,
regular , run In Oklahoma and the train
was making a fast trip for a hill.
When about to slldo over , an oil crane
struck Mr. Hurlborl and knocked him
from | the train. Ho lived several hourtt
afterward. The remains were brought
to ( ( Norfolk by Mrs. llurlbort who l
prostrate with grief. She was mot nt
Fremont by Roadmnstor Fred Lino-
Disagree On Quintan.
Madison , Nob. , March 29. Special
11 to The News : After being out all
night and until noon today , the Jury
In the case of Quinlan , accused of be
ing an accomplice of Shea , who yester
day j pleaded guilty to stealing silk nt
the ( Klllian store In Norfolk , reported
that , it was unable to agree and Judgt <
Welch dismissed the jury. From a
reliable source It was learned that the
jury stood 11 for acquittal and ono for
Norfolk Couple to Wed.
Madison , Nob. , Marcli 29. Special
to , The News : Judge Bates yester
day j issued a marriage license to Hen
ry , Wilber Bates and Miss Opal Olm-
sled of Norfolk. Mr. Bates Is a Nor
folk , photographer ; Miss Olmstcd la
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Olm-
Judge Bates , of the probate court ,
appointed Emtl Moellor of Norfolk ad
ministrator of the estate of Mary E.
Khle , deceased.
Joseph A. Mitchell and Miss Clara
O. Juclson of Newman Grove obtained
a marriage license.
Dieter Bros , and Dankey , Implement
dealers ' of Madison , made a deal yes
terday ( whereby they traded their Im
plement ' biHness in this city to Ves-
soy & Dill of Wessinglon Springs , S.
D. ' , and took several quarters of fine
land ' In Jorauld county as considera
tion thcrofor.
Messrs. Dieter and Dankoy will con
tinue the business until fall , when it
will pass Into the hands of Vossey and
Dill ' or their assigns , as they took it In
trade ' and for speculative purposes.
Mayor Friday Remits Emery's Fine.
Chief of Police Marquardt was suc
cessful yesterday In finding Forest
Emory , for whose arrest a warrant
was issued a few days ago for alleged
violation of ( lie automobile speed or
dinanco. ' Some commotion was in evi
dence ' in Judge Elsoley's court when
the young man was lined $10 and
costs. Mayor Friday was called on
and he took it upon himself to remit
the t $10 fine and Emery paid the $5.10
This was the second arrest over
made l ! In Norfolk under the automobile
spued ordinance , the first having boon
that a few days ago of Sheriff Smith ot
Madison while he was conveying an
insane woman to the state hospital.
Sheriff Smith paid $15 for the of
A Black Hand Arrest.
Kansas City , March 29. In a llttlo
room In a liouso In the Italian sec
tion , detectives today arrested Loren
zo Mezzlna , Nick Debcrnnado and Sara
Gcnnusso , Sicilians , in connection witli
the assassination last night of Joseph
Raimo , an Italian policeman. The po
lice declare they are members of the
organizczd black hand which was uluo
responsible for the murder of Mrs.
Paulina Pizano , an Italian woman , who
was mysteriously slain on December
14 , last.
Unknown in St. Louis.
St. Louis , March 29. The police de
partment has no record of ever having
arrested Lemuel Tiggs , Carl DeLand
or Henry Steingger , who have boon
arrested in Omaha on charges of lar
ceny and who is reported belonged tea
a gang here.
Man and Wife Confess That They Kill
ed Boarder In Their Home.
Chicago , March 29. Chicago police
today ' prepared to extradite Achilles
Pantarakls and his wlfo Angellquo
who , on being arrested yesterday In
Kansas City , Mo. , confessed to the
murder of a former boarder in Chi
Detectives Michael Manger and
Thomas McFariand were expected to
bring ' the couple back tomorrow. Inspector
specter ' Stephen Hoaloy said today ho
did not believe the murderers' story
that the boarder George Barbarosos
had sought to Induce Mrs. Pantarakis
to clopo , but said ho had been unable
to find trace of several hundred dollars
lars which Barbarcsou had saved. The
husband owed his boarder for a hos
pital bill paid by the latter when the
wlfo was 111 recently and the theory
of the police Is that the murder waste
to avoid paying this bill and to get
what other money the boarder had.
Two other former boarders nt the
Pantarakls homo , George Demltrow
and Arlstatls Chrlstakls , were taken
into custody today as witnesses. They
told the police they were nt the house
Saturday night and the husband and \
wlfo were scrubbing the kitchen floor.
They donlcd knowledge of the crime.