The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 31, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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A Terrific Fight
Muekogoo , Okln. , March 28. Jim
Flynn knocked out Al Mandlno of
Chattanooga. TCIIII. , In the fourth
round of n scheduled fifteen-round
fight. Mandlno was floored four times
In the fourth round. The fight was
one of the bitterest and most vicious
over Btngod In this part of the utato.
The ring wns covered with blood at
the end of the first round , and the
head , nhouldnrH and chest of each man
wan smeared crluiHon when the light
Mandlno wan floored six tlincw dur
ing the four rounds. In the last round
Flynn chopped a right to the jaw dur
ing the Infighting and Mandlno went
down. Three times ho quickly Hprung
to his feet , each time to bo floored ,
lie was apparently crazed by the
blown , the last Unto springing to his
feet with his back to Flynn. His seconds
ends then throw the sponge into the
Madden Counted Out.
Cleveland , O. , March 28. Frankle
Madden of New York was counted out
la the seventh round of his scheduled
ten-round fight with Phil Knight of
Leavcnworth , Kan. , ncr hero tonight.
Danny Dunn and Jeff Gaffnoy , both
of New York , * fought a tno-round draw.
McFarland-Darada Today.
8t. Joe , Mo. , March 2 Tommy Me-
Tferiuid. the Chicago lightweight , will
go fifteen rounds with Jake Barada of
South 8C Joseph before the Robldoux
Athletic club here today. Dill Latency
came from Hot Springs , Ark. , to han
dle McFarland. A six-round bout be
tween Eddie Howard of St. Louis and
Jimmy Cain of Sioux City will precede
this bout.
Hyland-Saylor Floht Tonight.
Indianapolis , March 28. Fighting
Joe Hyland , the New York lightweight ,
and Young Saylor of this city are rest
ing today prior to their scheduled ten-
round bout hero tonight. Both men
are said to bo in good condition and
a fast contest is expected.
Eddlo Lang , a Chicago lightweight ,
will meet Freddie Cole of Indianapolis ,
also in a ten-round bout just before
the Hyland-Saylor set-to.
Kid Shirley and Jimmy Anderson ,
local featherweights , are slated to go
eight rounds in a preliminary bout.
Pug Breaks a Leg.
Springfield , O. , March 28. "Bat
tllng" Schultz of Toledo brokea log
in the eighth round of a scheduled
twenty-round bout here. The men
were fighting at close quarters when
Schultz fell. After he was counted
out , it was discovered that his right
leg was broken below the knee. His
opponent was Tommy Bresnahan of
A Fioht Called Off.
Memphis , March 28. An eight-round
bout between Jack White of Chicago
and Joe Mandot of New Orleans was
called' ' off because of an injury sus
tained by the Chicago man.
In walking about his room White
stepped on a piece of broken glass ,
cutting a deep gash in his right foot.
The wound is not considered serious.
Wrestle Without a Fall.
Elmira , N. Y. , March 28. Dr. Roller
and "Yankee" Rogers wrestled seven
ty-five minutes here without a fall.
Says Insurgent Democrats Must Join
Insurgent Republicans.
Lincoln , March 28. Concerning the
re-organization of the senate W. J.
Bryan said :
"Tho democrats of the senate have
a duty to perform at the very opening
of the extra session , namely : the re
organization of that body. The demo
crats are still in the minority but they
will have the selection of the various
committees and acting with the pro
gressive republicans they can not on
ly secure increased representation on
the committees but they can make the
committees represent the sentiment
of the senate. There are some stand-
pat democrats in the senate whose
sympathies are with the standpat re
publicans rather than with the pro
gressive republicans but there are not
as many of these standpat democrats
as there were before the 4th of
March , and there will probably not be
so many two years from now as there
are now.
"Tho standpat democrats and repub
Means are now in control of the best
committee assignments and they may
expect to keep them in spite of the
fact that they no longer represent the
sentiment of a majority In that body
It seems likely to bo a question of
seniority versus public interest a
question of ambition against the welfare
faro of the people. It IB not difficult
to determine which side to take in
such contioversy. It may flatter a
man's vanity to allow him to misrep
resent his party or his country but I
is not democracy. If public officials-
even senators are public servants ; i
they are selected to do for the people
what the people want done then
there can bo no question that commit
tecs should bo made up , not merely tc
pay personal compliments , but to carry
out the people's will. "
Junction News.
Mrs. Clark of Foster is hero visiting
at tbo homo of her daughter , Mrs. T
G. Wood.
Athoy Clark returned to bis home
near Foster having spent a few daya
with his sister , Mrs. T. G. Wood.
Mrs. George Roseberry is seriously
M. Moollck arrived homo from
Platte Center where ho has been ope
rating a blacksmith shop for the pas
month , Saturday evening , to spend
Sunday with his family.
Leonldas , Martha and Charles , chll
dron of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Evans , ac
companied by their guest for the pas
few days , Ray Harrison , left for a vlsl
at Bonesteel Sunday noon.
Would Beat Sheehan.
Albany , N. Y. , March 27. OvorturoH
o the insurgents who have boon vot-
ng against William K. Shcehnn , the
cmocratic caucus candidate for Unit-
d Stateo senator , r * < ro given form to
day at a conference if republican Hen-
atom. It was agreed that a pronun *
latnonto should bo Issued calling an
hem to submit the names of candl *
lates for senator on whom they would
bo willing to conccnruto their support.
Suggestion Made to School Board of
Massachusetts City.
The HHOtaclt | ! > of n roomful of Lynn
ichool children brushing their teeth to
music will become common if the sug
gestion of John T. Sullivan In adopted
> y the Hchool board.
Mr. Sullivan urged thnt morning
toothbniBhlng h uinde a part of the
Hchool routine for hygienic reasons.
Re would furnish each pupil with a
iwh and cup. In order to avoid con *
'union , lie wild , there should be music.
It would also prevent children brush-
ng carelessly , he claimed.
Musical brushing had been Introduc-
d with Huecess in England , he Bald.
Hongkong Roller Skating.
Holler KkatliiR ban recently become
popular In Hongkong.
Sheridan County Maes Meeting
Hey Springs , Nob. , March 27. Spe
cial to The News : Probably the larg-
Bt crowd that ever assembled under
one roof in Sheridan county met in
uthrie'B Auditorium , under the aus
pices of the Sheridan County Booster
club. The first meeting of this club
was held at Gordon just a week ago
and developed so much enthusiasm
and good will as to demand n second
meeting in the sister town. Ono hun
dred and seventy tickets were sold at
Portion , and 172 at Rushville complete-
y filling a special train which took
.ho visitors back at 11:30 : p. m.
The meeting was called to order by
Jr. McDowell , president of the local
Commercial club , and the address of
velcome was ably delivered by Hon.
Charles Weston , response by Judge
Plantz of Rushville. The following
named gentlemen made able addresses
and held the closest attention of the
audience , which numbered over 700
people , until 10:45 : : Hon. W. II. West-
over , Dr. Jone , H. G. Lyon , W. B. Mc
Queen , L. N. Costley , J. II. Jones and
W. F. Mills.
The motive of this organization was
not the suggestion of .any one man or
set of men , but the spontaneous re
quest of the people of Sheridan county
that wo begin to realize the import
ance of our own county , its wealth , its
products , its people and its general
adaptability to furnish homes for many
hundreds of families.
Enemies in House of Commons Mix
Him Up in Mexican Affair.
London , March 27. The group in
: ho house of commons who have per
sistently hectored the government re <
gardlng Ambassador Bryco's connec
Jon with the American Canadian re
ciprocity negotiations is now trying
to involve the British diplomat in the
Mexican situaton.
Today these members Invited the
foreign office to instruct Mr. Bryce to
urge upon President Taft the desirability
sirability of submitting "the Mexi
can question" to arbitration.
Secretary Gray's reply was :
"I do not know to what question
you are alluding. The relations of the
United States and the Mexican gov
ernments , according to my most re
cent information , are quito friendly. "
Pozrtoffice Department Will Try New
Scheme in Transportation.
Washington , March 27. Magazines
and other bulky periodicals after July
1 next will be transported by the post-
office department in carloads as fast
Postmaster General Hitchcock is de
veloping as rapidly as possible plans
which he decided upon last December
to utilize fast freight in the transpor
tation of magazines when practicable ,
and instances where a saving to the
government in transportation charges
may bo effected.
"The plans I have decided upon , "
said Mr. Hitchcock , "are not proposed
as a solution of the pending contro
versy over the suggested increase ol
the second class mail rates on the ad
vertlsing sections of magazines , but
they probably will tend to bring about
a solution of that question the more
easily. "
Gale in English Channel.
London , March 27. A furious gale
has been blowing for the last forty
eight hours in the English channel
with snow blizzards. It has complete
ly disorganized the mail service and
caused a number of minor casualties
Nearly all the telephone and telegrapl
lines between London and Kcntisl
coast have been blown down.
The Spanish steamship Setiembro
from Porman , Spain , is in the rocks
off Scllly.
Wesley Brown Makes a Clean Getaway
at Herrick.
Herrick Press : Wesley Brown Is
eald to be quite a noted criminal o
the northwest , having served a term
for bank robbery , and is now wanted
on the charge of having robbed the
American Express office at Elk Point
Last week he appeared in Herrick
and was recognised by the marshal
who promptly arrested him and placet
him in jail to await the arrival of the
sheriff from Elk Point. During ( ho
night Brown escaped from the jail but
was Immediately recaptured by the
marshal. The next day the Elk Point
sheriff arrived and Identified Brown as
the man wanted , but when ho went to
take him from the jail the next morn
ing ho was gone , having cut hln way
through the heavy timbers of the jail
Brown'a parents live about ten miles
went of Naper , and he had been visit
ing them for n couple of weeks before
coming to Herrick.
Matrau & Wllley to Quit Business.
Matrau Wlllc have announced that
they are going out of the coal business.
On April 1 they relinquish their pres
ent office to the BlngenholiiH'r Ev
ans Lumber company , who succeed
hem. Matrau & Wllle are part own
ers of the artificial ice plant and this
will probably be sold later.
The largo coal and wagon shed In
the Matrau & Wllle yards Is being torn
down and the new firm will begin 1m-
uedlatcly to build several new lumber
It was DC Qulncoy whu likened eon-
science to the whispering gallery In
St. Paul's , London. A word spoken
over so boftly on one side of the vast
dome is loudly ro-echoed on the other.
In youth conscience chid him in sullen
whispers ; in old age , at the other end
of his life gnllcry , the same conscience
spoke to him in peals of thunder. The
still email voice which the boy would
not hear returned to the old man like
the crack of doom In terrible self re
proaches. Even Nero , the monster ,
: md to fly from the spot Trhern he had
caused his mother to be murdered. He
fancied h was haunted by her angry
ghost ; that he heard the blowing of a
jhostly trumi > ct ami mailings over her
tomb. What u terrible discoverer of
sin conscience 1M-Christian Herald.
Pretty Poll Gate a Legacy.
Mrs. Jane McDonnell , widow of a
New York policeman , Idft .f.'OO to her
piirrot , which had been her companion
for years. Her will \\tis probated at
Derby , Conn. , and contained many In
structions an to the eare of Tolly.
A Good Joke.
"What is a good Joke ? "
"Any joke you have rend that makes
vou sore because you didn't think of It
yourself. " Exchange
Finish Wrestling Match.
Princeton , N. J. , March 27. The in-
.er-collegiato wrestling meet which
was stopped at midnight Saturday was
continued here today , Princeton win
ning the championship by a margin of
six points. The bouts Saturday night
were long drawn out and when mid
night arrived there were two bouts
infinished. The managers of the meet
decided not to have any wrestling dur
ing Sunday hours and the remaining
touts went over until this morning.
The final scores :
Princeton , 17 points ; Pennsylvania ,
11 ; Columbia , 11 ; Cornell , 10.
Traveling Companion Declares Wound
ed Man Won't Pay Him.
Francis Netherda , the Niobrara
nusic teacher who returned from Om
aha where ho had accompanied Josef
Kohout , the Rushville farmer who was
shot by bandits last week , was turned
loose by Chief of Police Marquardt
Monday morning after being ques
tioned. Netherda proved to the au
thorities that he had been giving
music lessons at the time of the shoot
ing and that he accompanied Kohout
just to accommodate the wounded
man , who could not understand Eng
Netherda declares that Kohout gave
him $15 with which to pay all ex
penses when ho left Norfolk. Neth-
orda says ho paid all the railroad
faro and that when they reached Om
aha Kohout refused to pay carfare to
the hospital , so that it was necessary
for them to walk over twenty blocks
to the institution.
The trouble started Monday mornIng -
Ing when Netherda presented a bill
for ? 7.50 which ho declared was due
him for time lost in taking the wound
ed man to Omaha. Kohout , who re-
tflrned Saturday night from Omaha
with his son , refused to pay Ne-
th orda.
Kohout , the wounded man , was ill
Monday. The police have as yet no
clew to the hold-up men.
Morris Quinn of Neligh was in Nor
I. S. Steiner of Stanton was in the
Grove Smith wont to Fremont on
Tom C. Grant of Murdo , S. D. , was a
visitor in the city.
Mrs. W. A. Kingsley returned from
Omaha , where she spent a few days
with relatives.
Bob Ballcntyne returned from s
business trip to Omaha.
B. Mapes and M. D. Tyler went tc
Madison to attend district court.
Dr. B. V. McDermott and C. W. Deb
ney of Stuart were visitors in the city
Mrs. W. J. Wilson of Corning , la.
is in the city visiting with her daughter
tor , Mrs. F. B. Miner.
A. G. Schreiber is in the city froir
Colorado , a guest at the home of his
brother-in-law , F. M. Hunter.
Mrs. F. A. Lyou and children arriv
ed in the city Sunday from Bismarck
N. D. Mr. Lyon met his family a
Sioux City and accompanied them tc
Born , to Mr. and Mrs , C. J. Harncd
a daughter.
Benjamin Kalk has accepted a post
tloa as salesman in the F. E. Daven
port shoo tsore.
Mrs. A. Seawall , 40C Hastings avenue
enuo , has received word nnnonncinf
the death of her father at Randolph
Miss Anna Spindler of ONeill bai
accepted a position in the A. L. Kil
Han storo.
M. C. Hazcn , Charles Mathewson
jr. , of Walthlll , and two or three oth
era left the Junction at noon for the
lakes In the northwest for a few dayi
with the ducks.
Dr. Non-ell is expected homo fron
Indiana where ho has been to attend
his mother's funeral. She was 89
ears old. and the widow of a colonel
n the war with Mexico.
CJcorgo Palm has resigned his posl-
Ion ns salesman In the F. E. Daven-
iort shoo store and has accepted a
Itnllur position in the general store
> f his uncle , J. A. Huebncr , at Hoa-
The large Hash electric light sign
Mirehnsud some time ngo by the Nor-
'oik Business college Is being put In
iluco on the top of the Cotton block
extending over the sidewalk on Nor-
oik avenue.
Charles Hlco returned from a three
\\ecks' visit with relatives In Wash-
ngton , 1) . ( \ Whllo In the east Mr.
Hire transacted business In several of
he large eastern cities. Whllo In Vir
ginia , heislted with Dr. A. Bear and
County Commissioner Burr Taft is
in receipt of blue print plans of the
new uiilldam bridge. The print shows
that the bridge will be constructed en
tirely from steel , with a four-Inch con
crete flooring. Not a particle of wood
will bo used and only rivets are to be
used to put the bridge together. "This
bridge will bo the best in the county , "
says Mr. Taft.
A largo plato glass in the display
showcase in front of the A. L. Kil-
Ian store was mysteriously broken
ate Saturday night. Ono report has
t that the glass was accidentally
broken by a boy walking backwards
while another Is to the effect that a
fight ensued in front of the store near
uldnlght and that ono of the contes-
ants was thrown against the case.
Captain Ivor S. Johnson of Stanton
and Captain C. E. McCormlck of Ne
braska City will represent the Nebras
ka national guard at the border ma
neuvers. They were selected by Ad-
lutant General Phelps Friday after
noon on word from the war depart
ment that two officers of the Infantry
could be detailed to attend the ma
neuvers at federal expense. The of-
llcers will report at Sail Antonio , Tex. ,
l > y April 5 , and will remain two weeks.
Other Nebraska militia officers may
get a chance to go to the front and
watch the regulars.
Columbia Leads Among Colleges.
Registration returns for Nov. 1,1010 ,
of twenty-seven leading universities
have just been tabulated as follows :
Institution. 1010. 1 > OD. 1908.
1. Columbia 7.411 6,132 6.C75
2. Chicago & .8S3 D.487 6,114
3. Mlchlgnn 5,333 6,159 6,188
4. Harvard 0,329 6t&8 6,342
6. Pennsylvania 5,187 4K7 4,655
C. Cornell 6,169 6.02S 4,700
7. Minnesota 4.972 4,351 4.C07
8. California 4,758 4.0S4 3,761
9. Wisconsin 4,746 4,245 3,876
10. Illinolb 4.CS9 4,602 4,400
11. New York university. 3.947 3,843 3,951
12. Ncbrnpkn 3.CG1 3,402 3,154
13. NoitlnvcRteni 3.C43 3.197 3,113
14. Yule 3,287 3,276 3,466
16. Syracuse 3,248 3,248 3,204
16. Ohio State 3,181 , 3,012 2,700
17. Missouri 2.C7S 2,689 2,655
18. Texas 2,597 2,482
19. Kunpiif. 2,246 2,144 2,088
20. Indiana LM02 2.231 2.113
a. Tulane 1.P8C 1.8S2 . . . .
Iowa 1,857 2,246 2,356
U. Stnnfoul 1.648 1.C20 1,541
24. Pilnccton 1.401 1,398 1,314
. Western Keferve 1.274 1.W3 1,016
X John ? Hojiklns 784 710 698
27. Virginia CSS 767 757
Four institutions exhibit a decrease
in the grand total enrollment this year
Harvard , Iowa , Indiana and Vir
Fewer Women Students.
Chicago and Mlchlgnn hnve passed
Harvard , Pennsylvania , has changed
places with Cornell , Illinois hns been
passed b.v Minnesota , California and
Wisconsin , California and Wisconsin
have changed places , Northwestern
has passed Yale and Syracuse , Kan
sas has outstripped Iowa and Indiana ,
ns Tulane and Indiana have Iowa , and
Johns Hopkins and Virginia have
changed places.
The number of undergraduate
en shows a decrease at the majority
of institutions quite an unusual con
dition. Harvard .continues to lead In
the number of men students , followed
b.v Michigan , Yule , Princeton , Wlseon-
Hi'n , Chicago , Columbia , Cornell , Min
nesota. Including the women , the or
der is Harvard , Michigan , California ,
Wisconsin. Minnesota , Chicago. Syra
cuse , Columbia , Yale , Princeton , Tex
as and Kansas. Each of. these Insti
tutions enrolls more than 1,000 aca
demic students.
Cornell Leads Scientific Schools.
The number of scientific students la
considerably smaller than last year.
The Institutions that attract more
ihnn 500 students to their engineering
schools are Cornell , which continues
to maintain Its old lead in the field ;
.Michigan , Illinois. Yale , Wisconsin ,
Pennsylvania. Ohio State , California ,
Columbia. Minnesota , Missouri and
Nebraska. In the order named. The
first four enroll more than 1,000 stu
dents each.
Illinois now attracts the larg est
number of medical students , followed
by New York university , Northwest
ern , Pennsylvania , Tulane , Johns Hop
kins , Michigan and Columbia , each
with more than HOO. In la\v Harvard
and Michigan have passed New York
university , followed by Minnesota , Co
lumbia and Pennsylvania.
Agricultural Courses Grew.
All schools of agriculture continue
to show an increase , Minnesota at the
head of the list , while Cornell has
passed Illinois. Of the architectural
schools Cornell and Syracuse ihow
ullgbt losses. The others registered an
Increase , especially Illinois and Co
The largest schools of commerce are
those of New York university , Penn
sylvania and Northwestern , and all
show considerable gains In attendance
over last year. Wisconsin and Cali
fornia hnve also Increased their en
rollment In this field , while Illinois
nnd the Harvard Graduate School of
Business Administration hare remain ,
ed stationary.
Counsel for Indicted Chicago Meat
Kings to File Demurrer.
Chicago , March 27. Counsel for the
indicted Chicago moat packers appear
ed before Judge George A. Carpen
ter in the United States district
court today and were given ono weak
to ilia a demurrer to the government's
action. The hearing was sot for
April 3.
Little Boy Whose Skull was Fractured ,
Almost Out of Danger.
Llttlo George Moulton , 5-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Moulton , who
sustained a fractured skull Friday
night and was operated upon Saturday
Is resting well and was said Monday
morning to bo almost out of danger.
It has not yet been determined just
what struck the boy. It may have
been the tongue of the crane , flying
around when released.
Minneapolis Ambulance Steed to End
Life In Ease.
Twenty yearn of faithful service giv
en the city by a horse HO moved the
hwirtt ) of the city fathers of Minne
apolis thnt they nt oucu voted a re
ward of merit ( o tlie deserving animal.
The horse is Hilly , which ban been
running with the ambulance. Chief
Corrislou plcuded with the police com
mittee to retire the old horse to a lifo
> f t'HBe for the rest of Its days , nnd
the coumxlttoe roooramended to the
council tliut ( his lie done. The council
Untuned to the- story of the faithful
animal , and IHIIy wns turned over to
the Humnne society nnd will bo left
to romu nt will nbout the workhonso
Al * > Indians of Oregon Use Gender
In the Verb.
Professor Lee Krachtenburp of the
Smliboninn institution nt Washing
ton , who has just completed a study
of the Alsen tribe of Indians In Lin
coln county nnd the Uuipquns in Curry
county. Ore. , buys the Alsens hnve a
language distinct from the other fifty-
seven bosk1 tongues of the American
says It Is oue. of the twelve
lu Inngunja-s usinj ; gender In the
verb- I hut ih , the same nutlon b.v a
male and female Is designated by n
different term. This peculiarity Is
shared by the IniiKunge of : ccrtnlu in
habitants of northern Asia , those of n
small section of southern Asia nnd by
the Kntlirs of South Africa.
Helen Taft Pink the Fashionable C l-
01 Boleros Have Returned.
American Meanly rose color hns be
come one of tbe most popular shades
since Mihs Helen Taft , ( lie president's
daughter , hns pro ml so pnrtinl to it
Her coining out frock was of Ameri
can nenuty chiffon diaped over whit *
The bolero has ictiirned. changed. It
Is true. In 111:1 : ny wnjs during Us seclu
sion. Inn . - ! - liiscinniiiiK ns ever. Ono
dainty Hull . . .ument of this type Is cut
3nst alxM-e ihcvaist line and in front
has lon i Mi ends , wblch are crossed ,
carried H rum id the waist and , Ued at
the back
One of the new models in motoring
coats Is exceedingly smart It is uinde
ct brown diagonal Scotch tweed and Is
rjcor-ANi > IUIIONO.
cnt with aery lile panel back and
front , comiiin' to the i-dpe of the shoul
ders. Then1 is a wide shawl collar
finished off Minircly | in front and part
ly faced with suede to match the coat
Ribbon of mn-ut velvet is one of the
favored tint trimmings of the spring.
The width most in use is live Inches
and Is very soft In finish.
Hero Is the new riiulnn kimono. The
Bleeres extend ( o tin ; neck cdgu , and
the backs are cut with slightly blaa
edges at tbe center , and to this fact are
due the graceful lines of the garment
This May Manton pattern li cut In three
claea small 31 or 1C. medium SS or 40 and
I&rre C or 44. Send 10 ccnti to this ofllce ,
rlvtnj number , CJW. and It trill t > prompt
ly forwarded to you br mall. If In haste
send on additional two cent stamp for let
ter potrtare , which Insures moro prompt
A Steamer In Danger.
Washington , March 27. The steam
er D. N. Tuckenbach is in dangerous
position on the now ground shoals ,
northwest of Key West , Fla , The rev
enue cutter Forward IB standing by
nnd has called for assistance. The
Ynmacraw , cruising near Uioro , has
been ordered to the sconeby wireless.
Mystery In Omaha Murder.
Omaha , March 27. Two men , cap
tured by bloodhounds , are held for In
vestigation In connection with the
murder of Herman 1) ) . Colin , who wan
shot and killed near his homo early
Sunday morning.
French Shellflih May Tempt New York
Appetite * .
That portion of New York's popula
tion which prcyn on lobsters meaning ,
of coume , the well known and succu
lent crustacean which appears In the *
dictionary under the alias Hornnrus
omerlcnnus are shocked at news that
there Is to bo a famine. There was
no wall of agony from the Tenderloin ,
but an attitude of stunned credulity , ns
the fact was spread around that the
crop is short this year nnd not only
must the prices go up , but the lobsters
themselves will be hnrd to gut at any
The shortage tx'gnn In Boston , which
IB considered the fonntalnbcnd of sup
ply , and , although It hns bvcu growing
gradually for months , did not break
over New York until Inter. Then the
cruel fact thnt the market price of lob
ster hns ndvnnced from 25 to 30 cents
a pound became known.
The nveniKo lobster weigh * nearly
two pounds , costing about 70 cents In
the market. Places where n broiled
specimen In served for $ 1 have a mar
gin of only : tO cents , and this la not
enough to suit them , they assert.
Broadway restaurants hnve planned
no action , except n possible raise In
prices , but the stringency hns become
no great that nt least ono hns arranged
to ship in a quantity of the InngoiiHte ,
or lmmen .o lobster , which grows In
French wafers.
"This specimen , " said this restau
rant's maniiger , "Is new In New York.
It Is much more delicious than the na
tive lobster and usually weighs about
eight pounds. Of course It would be
Impossible to serve n whole one for
one or two persons , so wo plan to cut
one up In portions , four to the lob
ster , nnd charge about $1 each. "
Planet Marc Next to Die.
Mercury and Venus are already dead
and dried up worlds , Mars is rapidly
approaching a state of wrinkled old
ago , and the earth Is next in the procession -
cession headed toward the extinction
of all life , according to Dr. Perclvn !
Lowol ) , head of Lowell observatory ,
who recently addressed the New YorSc
Electrical society.
Mars is certainly inhabited by some
character of organized life , Dr. Lowell
snld , and the Martians have far greater
renson to deny that there Is life on the
earth than we have thnt they exist
Dr. I > owell was sure that there was
no life on any other planets besides
the earth and Mars , all other members
of the BOlur system being either al-
rendy dried up. so that life , animal or
vegetable , cannot exist , or else , like
Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus and Neptune ,
much too young in world evolution and
therefore much too hot from interior
sources to admit of life of any kind.
Assuming the mm to be the source
as well us the center of the solar sys
tem. Dr. Lowull begun at the outer
vast orbit , working Inward. Jupiter
nnd Saturn , lie said , arc still actually
red hot. They were gradually cooling
off. however , as the world Is now do
ing. Jupiter no longer shines , though
red hot , but its color , glimpsed now
nnd then through Its clouds , is a bright
cherry red. and Dr. Lowell spoke of It
as a huge baby of a world still in its
swaddling clothes.
City Smoke Affecti Rainfall.
On Mars , he said , the clearing of the
atmosphere , which had been going on
here since the paleozoic era , had reach
ed peifection. Mnn , Indeed , he snld.
must be the source of constant annoy
ance to nil orderly Creator , for he was
constantly Interfering with the natural
course of events. With city chimneys
nhvn.vs belching forth smoke and mak
ing It rain , rann , Dr. Lowell declared ,
wns responsible for more than half the
bad weather of which he complains.
On Mars the sky Is perpetually clear
from morning till night and from
spring to fall.
While the water on the earth was
slowly but surely disappearing through
sublimation into the heavens and sink
ing Into the oarth. on Mars the sens
had already disappeared , though there
appeared to have been sens there ages
In expressing his confidence in the
xNtonco of organic life on Mars Dr.
Lowell said :
"Only M-lf centered ignorance sus-
talnsourM'lf conceit that we are some
thing pcvulinr in nature's scheme.
Our pet ullnrity consists In so think-
In jr. Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus nnd Nep
tune are too young yet ; Venus nnd
Men-ury. though ostentatiously open ,
are too old to have anything to reveal.
Only we and our next neighbor , Miirs ,
nre In a position to testify , and the
study of those qualified to give nn
oplulon is emphatic as to the evidence
of orgnnlc life there as here , thoujrk
the two are probably quite different.
"It Is certainly suggestive thnt Mar
tians could from the aspect oJ the
earth rnnko out a much more plausible
case for doubting the existence of the
earthly doubters tnan these can for
doubting them. "
Trouble In Garden County.
Lincoln , Nob. , March 27. Special to
The News : The Kinkaid homestead
ers and cowboys of Garden county
have armed and trouble may be pre
cipitated at any moment. Special
Agent H. D. Durham of the depart
ment of the Interior reported the facts
to Washington today. Ho has boon to
Garden county and stopped in Lincoln
on his way to Omaha. Homesteaders
have organized n protective associa
tion to guard against alleged encroach
ments of cowboyn.
Snow Storm for Change.
Following two days of terrific south
wind , the storm center thnt had been
approaching from the northwest struck :
thlH territory Sunday with the force ofl
a blizzard. Sngw fell all afternoon
and Into the night , dmou by high
northwest wind. The temperature was
never below 10 above /mo. Two
Inches of snow fell.
Monday morning dawned clear aud
crisp , with melting temperaturo. The
forecast was for warmer wvnthor. Thn
snow will put tbo ground in good con
dition for seeding.
Rnlnt Predicted During the Week ,
Followed by Lower Temperature.
Washington , March 27.-That tem
peratures below the seasonal avorngo
will prevail over most of the country
and relatively high temperatures wont )
of the Hocky mountains during tlin
week beginning today , IK announced
by the weather bureau.
"Tho week , " says the buroau'H bul
letin , "will open with general rains in
the eastern states , nnd HIIOWS In the
region of the great lakes , nttendlnc
the eastward movement of n storm
area that was over the Missouri valley
Kuiulay morning. ThlK disturbance
will bo followed by a chnngo to colder
woathnr which will oversprond the
mlddlo west Monday and eastern
states Monday night and Tuesday.
"Tho next important disturbance to
cross the United States will appear In
the northwest Tuesday or Wednesday ,
cross th mlddlo west Wednesday or
Thursday and reach the Atlantic
states the latter part of the week. Ib
will bo preceded by a chnngo to warm
er weather and bo attended by rninn
in the north Pacific KtntcH and in the
region from the Mississippi valley to
the Atlantic const. A change to colder
weather will appear in the northwest
Friday. "
Farmers' Sons OuQht to Attend.
Elgin , Neb. , March 24. Editor
News : I was very much gratified to
ward your recent article urging the
young people of northeastern Nobran-
ka to take advantage of the agricul
tural educational privileges which are
to be enjoyed at the atate university ;
and farm. Your remarks are very
timely , for certainly every young man
and young woman who expects to
make a permanent home upon the
land should seek the necessary prep
aration to enable them to enjoy rural
life and get out of It the maximum
amount of personal happiness and ma
terial gain , and these not at the ex
pense of the welfare of others , or by
selfishly exploiting the- soil , the fertil
ity of which it should be their ambi
tion to conserve.
Recent years have made very plain
the absolute necessity of having aucb
a preparation as your article suggests.
These lovely and fertile lands of ours
in northeastern Nebraska have won
derful potential ability to make ono oD
the fairest and most productive- agr-
ricultural districts , but to reach the
zenith of their possibilities , these
lands must be controlled and inhabit
ed by an intelligent and careful people
ple , generously educated and specially
prepared to carry forward their busi
ness on the land , and which demandn
so varied and accurate a knowledge
of how to fit personal effort into the
machinery which nature is operating-
and also to take advantage of the nu
merous things which are incident to
rural surroundings and which have the
ability to expand largely that part of
human life and experience wo call per
sonal adaptation and happiness.
The school and college of agricul
ture has had some very bright young ;
people from the northeastern part of
our state , but as you intimate not HO
many as should have embraced the
opportunity to gain the education nec
essary to make them expert and ef
ficient agriculturalists , and I sincerely
hope that when these departments of
the university open next fall we shall
see a much larger number of our
young folk , both from the eighth grade
and the high school entering either
the school or college of agriculture.
It is the avowed policy of the chan
cellor and governing board , also the
faculty of the agricultural college , to
make these- departments of the uni
versity as efficient as it is possible to
make them , for they well realize the
immense importance it is to the state
to have a cultured and specially train
ed young man or woman returned to
the soil.
To make the most of these splendid
lands of ours , we must have a proper
ly educated population living upon
Nature has been lavish with her
gifts to this portion of the state , but
she demands intelligent personal ef
fort to develop these gifts to their
fullest usefulness.
It is , therefore , a matter of vital im
port to our state that the best provi
sion possible shall be made to cducato
our young people and that they take
advantage of the splendid opportuni
ties to get the necessary education
which will enable them to obtain a full
measure of beneficial results from
thHr lifo in the open country.
George Coupland.
The Chautauqua ic Now Assured.
A chautauqua for Norfolk this sea
son IB assured. The dates are August
5 to August 13 , Inclusive. At a moot
ing of twelve business men , C. C. Gow
was elected chairman of the local
chautauqua organization , while twenty
business men who will guarantee the
sale of the required GOO season tickets *
are to compose the local board. The
contract of the Midland Chautauqua
circuit of DCS Moines was accepted.
The twenty business men who are
guaranteeing the sale of the tickets
are to sign this contract. So enthusi
astic arc many citizens over the chnu-
qua that 325 season tickets have al
ready been sold. The chautauqua will
probably bo held on the mill grounds.