The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 31, 1911, Image 1

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Many Members of the Nebraska Legit
lature Now Favor Final Adjourn
"icnt Next Thursday or Friday Wltli
out Turning Back the Clock.
Lincoln , March 30. Special to Tlv
News : Matrau's hoard of control nil
was killed In the house this morning
The bill lacked three votes.
Many of the house members favo
adjournment next Thursday or Frlda ;
with no turning back of the clock.
Pass Longer-terms Dill.
The senate also passed the Volp ;
bill providing two-year representative
and four-year senators , with a salar
of $ GOO a session for all n\cmbcrs ci
the legislature.
Wants New State Officers.
In a special message this mornin
the governor advocated the cstabllsl
tnont of a new state olllcer , a dopnt
Inspector of the construction of publl
buildings , who is to prevent tin ! n
curronco of such conditions in publl
work ns has been complained of a
Norfolk by the house and sonnto con
mlttccs on Institutions and asylumi
The present law provides that th
stnto architect , George A. Berllnghof
shall supnrvlso the construction c
buildings for which lie draws th
plans , but in the opinion of sever :
committees he has not been doing thl
work , and the governor's remedy Is t
appoint a now olilcor who shall wor
under the governor , bearing the tltl
of deputy Inspector and drawing
salary of ? L ,500 , with $1,500 for tra'
ollnjf expenses. In the senate the go
vrnor's bill was referred to a specii
committee consisting of Tlbbets , Bai
nlng and Sollcek , who will see to II
presentation to the senate.
Sunday Baseball Bill Passed.
By a vote of 54 to 41 the Nobrnsfc
house of representatives passed sei
ate Hie No. yr today , providing for tl
playing of Sunday baseball in sue
communities as do not foibld It by a
tlon of the local boards. The bill hf
previously passed the senate. Son
doubt is expressed as to the possibi
ity of the bill receiving the signatui
of Governor Aldrlch.
Says Stetson Is Trying to Ruin Ne
York Democratic Party.
Albany , N. Y. , March 30. Only
handful of democratic members of tl
legislature wore at the city hall , toi
porary cnpitol of the state , at the tin
act for the reconvening of the cauc
today to act on the matter of a cam
date for United States senator.
The feature since the adjournme
of the caucus last night appeared
have been Charles F. Murphy's fuln
nation against Francis Lyndo Stetsc
whom ho accused of planning the ru
of the democratic party in this sta
by the defeat of William F. Sheehti
the Hrst caucus nominee , attributi
Mr. Stetson's course to the influcn
of so-called "Interests. "
Senator Brackett , minority leadi
said that republicans were slttl
tight and awaiting in the devolc
William Heine , Slayer of Ralph Mil
Gets Life Term.
Fort Pierre , S. D. , March 30.N
Hum Helns was today given n life si
tenco on his plea of guilty on t
charge of having murdered Ral
miles. Ho accused Miles of alicnati
his wife's affections.
Confer Over Wire Strike.
Chicago , March 30. W. L. Pa
general manager of the Illinois Cent
railroad ; H. B. Perham of St. Lot
representing the telegraphers , and
\V. Miller , chairman of the Loulsla
division of the telegraphers' unl
conferred today on the wage questl
A strike Is threatened for April 1
the men , who ask an increase of
percent In wages. At a strike vote
contly taken 95 percent of the 1,1
telegraphers voted to go out unl
there was a satisfactory wage incro ;
Albanian Insurgents Active.
Constantinople , March 30. It is
morcd that the Albanian insurge
have occupied Scutari , capital of
Villayett of Scuttarl In Albania , fo :
Jive miles southeast of Dalma
There have been earlier reports of i
affection In Scuttarl.
Iowa Legislature Adjourns April
DCS Molnes , March 30. The I (
house of representatives today pas
the concurrent resolution that
Iowa legislature adjourn April 12.
Steamer is Refloated.
Cape Haltlen , Haiti , March 30. '
-Hamburg-American steamer Allen
nla , which went ashore off Point Mi
Gras , was refloated today by her
ter ship , the Croatia.
Lewis Is Criticised.
Plttsburg , March 30. Thomas
Lewis , retiring International preslc
of the United Mine Workers of .
orlca , and the international orgn
ers of the union , wore criticised
leading miners In an address be
the twenty-second annual convcn
of the Plttsburg district.
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours
Forecast for Nebraska.
Maximum f > !
Minimum . . . . ' -
A vorago < >
llaruinotor - ! > .7 (
Chicago , March IK ) Tlio bulletin In
Htietl by the Chicago Htatlon of tin
United States weather bureau glvoi
the forecast for Nebraska ns follows
lfn \ - > iiorally fair tonight and Friday ;
" % , . UmlKht ; cooler north ant
\w .v'/ " Friday.
Waving His Hand at the Crowd , H
Bids the Spectators Goodbye am
Adjusts Rope Noose About His Owi
Neck Says He Deserves It.
Pottsville , Pa. , March 30. A remarkable
markablo display of nerve was mad
in the county jail hero today by Jc
soph Christock , who was hanged fo
the murder last fall of Mrs. Ann Kiel
ards. Declining the proffered asslsl
anco of a priest and deputy shorlfi
the man walked smilingly from hi
cell to the foot of the gallows an
ran lightly up the steps.
It was a public hanging and befor
him stood 1,500 persons to whom h
waved his hand. Then lie reached ui
grasped the noose and placed it aroun
liis neck , put his arms by his side t
bo strapped , and smiling , said :
"Goodbye , all. "
The trail fell and he was dead i
twelve minutes.
Confesses the Murder.
Ilofoie going to the gallows Chri
tock made a confession , declaring h
had shot the woman when he was di
tected by her attempting to mistre ;
her daughter. Ho told of numeroi
highway robberies and burglaries li
had committed In the nortli and woun
up his confession by saying that li
deserved to be hanged for his crime
lie joked of death to the very end.
Plttsburg. March 30. When Thorni
L. Lewis relinquishes his position i
president of the United Mine \ or
ors of America , tomorrow night , 1
will leave the headquarters in I
dianapolis for his homo in Bridgepoi
Ohio , and on Monday will take
place as miner In the Wheeling Crei
mines of the Loraln Coal and Doi
It Is stated that Lewis has recel
ed n number of business offers , b
ho promises to remain In the mlnoi
organization and his friends hero si
ho will again bo a candidate for i
ternatlonal president. Ho recent
discouraged an effort to make hi
the head of the Ohio organization.
Convicted of Second Degree Murdi
Kansan Wants Another Chance.
Independence , Kan. , March 30.
guraents for a new trial were beg
before Judge J. R. Flannelly today
behalf of A. A. Truskctt , convicted
second degree murder yesterday 1
killing J. D. S. Nelley , n wealthy Lin
O. , oil man. Truskett. who is 70 yec
old , was In court The penalty for si
end degree murder is from ten
twenty years in the penitentiary.
Rob Train of $40,000.
St. Petersburg , March 30. Robbi
held up a train at Wldsow , a sm
station on the Warsaw and Gran !
line , last night and secured | 40,0
which was to have been used for t
payment of railroad employes. T
passengers were wounded by the p
bers , who escaped.
Islanders Worried About Movement
Workmen Toward Alaska.
Honolulu , March 30. The thrt
encd depletion of the labor supply
Hawaii by agents of the Alaskan c
norlcs is causing considerable ala
3d In the islands. The territorial lei
10 laturo passed three laws yesterc
providing for the drastic regulation
emigration and practically prohibit
In nature. The steamer Senal
tie which sailed from San Francisco
, ndi this port , Is supposed to bo com
to transport laborers to Alaska , i
- could convoy 1,000 men , each of wh
It cost the territory $100 to bring lu
Eighty-live laborers were taken
the steamer Wllhelmina and sove
from the steamer Sierra just bo (
nt the ship sailed for San Francii
in- Both the territorial officials and ph
Izhy era are making strenuous efforts
hy prevent any laborers sailing on clt
ire the Senator or Korea , the latter he
on the next llnor to leave hero for
continental coast.
Faulty Construction or Wrong Plans
Resulted In a Dungled Job on the
New City Dam at Valentine , Quilt
for Municipal Light Plant.
Valentino , Nub. . March 30. Special
to The Nowa : The big city dam ,
which has boon in course of construc
tion for the last year , when Just com
pleted and tilled up about n day , went
out yesterday morning , tearing out all
of tliu cement work and most all of
the dam north of the power house.
The rush of water drowned several
head of cattle and hogs for Mr. Gas-
kill , n fanner living on the creek about
a mile below the dam.
About two weeks ago the dam was
Hllccl and a crack was discovered In
the cement and the water was all let
out again in older to repair the damage -
ago and It was thought the work was
done and it was the Intention to begin
lighting the city within a few days ,
but owing to faulty work or wrong
plans or something , the dam failed tc
hold and the work will all have to be
done over.
Italian Camorrist Sticks to Details ol
His Story.
Vitcrho , Italy , March 30. Gennarc
Abbatemaggio , the informer , vai
cross-examined at today's sitting ol
tlie court of the assizes , which is try
ing thirty-six Camorrlsts for the murder
dor of their treacherous associates
Gounaro Cuoccolo and ills wife.
Most of the questions asked by PresIdent
Ident Binnehl and the lawyers of tin
defense concerned matters of second
ary importance and were intended tc
impeach the informer. The lattci
stood the ordeal very well , innkini
many admissions concerning his owi
evil career , but clinging tenacious ! ;
to the story of Camorrist ci lines whicl
ho originally told to the police spy
Marshal Cnpozzuti , and later submit
ted in the form of an affidavit to tin
Lawyer Terre of counsel for the dc
fenso today received an anonymou
letter which the writer attempted ti
prove what the writer attempted ti
prove what has been before assertet
by other prisoners , that the carabl
neers who ran down the Camorrist
had manufactured the Cuoccolo rini
evidence. According to the police th
ring had been taken from the hand o
Cuoccolo to he sent to Luigo Arena i ;
proof of the death of the man when
Arena had denounced as a traitor t
the Camorrlsts. The carabineers swor
that they found the ring at the horn
of n woman companion of the assas
As proof that this evidence was fal
rlcatcd , the writer of the letter state
that Littillo , a carabineer of the legio
of Naples , being offended , boxed th
ears of his superior officer , whereupo
Instead of being courtmartialed , h
was sent to a hospital , as he ha
threatened that if he were punishe
ho would reveal the duplicity of th
ofllcers of the legion. Subsequentl :
the latter states , Llttiello was declare
Insane and removed from the army.
Plana Already Being Made to Rebull
Burned Portions of It.
Albany , N. Y. , March 30. The wor
of rehabilitating the fire-swept stat
capitol , begun yesterday while tli
( lames were still crackling In the wes
ern wing , was continued today wit
incessant vigor. First efforts wei
directed to drying out the portiers <
the great building untouched by tl :
fire but soaked by the tons of wat <
poured on the conflagration. Tods
the legislative leaders are expected I
confer with Governor Dix and Stai
Architect Ware regarding the appr
prlation necessary to repair the bull
The state architect has recommon
ed that the legislature authorize li
mediately the preparation of plans fi
rebuilding the ruined third and four
floors in the west end. This work w
Include the replanning of the Interl
to meet the demands of the offlci
that will occupy the quarters fro
which flro drove the education depai
Unofficial estimates place the cost
reconstruction close to $4,000,000.
) f
Dakota Attorney General Declares /
in tion Is Echo of Campaign.
s- Pierre , S. D. , March 30. Dlsbarme
s.y proceedings against Attorney Genei
jf Royal C. Johnson were commenced
'O the supreme court today. Johns
r , says the whole procedure is an echo
> r the late campaign and that ho has
fear as to the outcome. Ho was re
10 resented by counsel In the court a
in waived all technical procedure a
o. asked for Immediate hearing , either
iff referee or by the court , The court f
ty nounced that early action In some foi
ro would be taken.
it- An Iowa Courthouse Burns.
to Fort Madison , la. , March 30. FI
cr which consumed the county courthou
ig threatened the entire business secth
10 All of the county records were
( Copyrtght lm ! >
DCS Mollies , March 30. At a cau
cus of sixty out of the 104 republican
members of the Iowa legislature last
night Judge W. S. Kenyon was iiomi
natcd as the republican party candi
date for United States senator to sue'
eed Senator Dolliver.
Of the forty-four absentees fifteen
ave voted for Kenyon hitherto. Sixty
our members signed the caucus call
nt republicans who have been noting
or Judge H. K. Deemer did not sign
10 call or partu Ipate in the caucus.
On the only ballot taken Judge Ken
on received iifty-throo votes , a ma
irity of all republican members ii
10 legislature , and Judge Deemer ro
eivod six. One vote was cast foi
pcaker Stillmnn.
Representative John Jacobs of Cal
oun county presided and Senatoi
Nicholas Bnlkema was secretary o
lie caucus which transacted no othei
New York , March 30. Thirty we
non were removed late last night fron
a memorial mass meeting for the vie
ims of the Washington Place flro ii
Jrand Central Palace , suffering si
erribly from hysteria that ambulanci
surgeons were called to attend then
ind to remove them to the hospital.
Moro than 3,000 persons were present
ent , mostly women , whoso nerves wer
mstrung by the recital which som
of the speakers made of Saturday'
lire horror. The meeting was unde
the auspices of the shirtwaist an
Ireasmakers' union.
Golf , Tennis and Baseball Permittee
Governor May Veto.
Lincoln. March 30. The Sunda
baseball bill passed the house after
bitter fight and attempts to amend
to exclude small towns from Its bem
fits.The amendments which came froi
the friends of the bill were designe
to meet the objections of Governc
Aldrlch , who Is supposed to have d
clarcd himself as quite opposed 1
Sunday baseball on general principle
and willing to sign the bill only with
clause which would prevent Sabbal
games In towns smaller than 2,000.
The members from small town
however , were entirely unwilling i
exclude themselves from the bill nr
voted down an amendment to excluc
towns of less than 5,000 and to e
elude villages less than 2,000.
As the bill stands now , lawn tonnl
golf and baseball arc not crimes , eve
If they are played on Sunday. It
considered quite probable that tl
governor will refuse to sign. He h :
been besieged by representatives
both sides and has refused to comm
himself to either. It Is a question
practical politics. Pressure has be <
brought from every quarter. If 1
does refuse to sign It there seems
bo llttlo chance that It can bo passi
over his veto In either house , as the
is scarcely more than a bare majorl
backing It.
Regulate Jewish Name * .
St. Petersburg , March 30. The he
synod today Issued an edict prohib
ing Jews bearing Christian first nami
The Nebraska State Bank Guaranty
Law , Recently Held by United
States Supreme Court to be Valid ,
Is Now in Operation.
Lincoln. March 30. Special to The
News : The mandate from the United
States supreme court arrived todaj
and was registered in the federal courl
at noon. The state bank guaranty acl
wont into effect immediately.
This mandate reverses the declsior
of Judges Munger and Vandervantci
and puts into operation the act guar
anteelng bank deposits which was
passed two years ago.
Suffragettes Bring In Banners at Eng
llsh Political Session.
London , March 30. Premier Asquitl
and Whltelaw Ueid , the American am
bassador , at a large meeting of church
men and statesmen last evening , tool
occasion to eulogize the arbltratloi
movement. They were the principa
speakers at the tercentenary celebra
tlon of the revision of the Englisl
translation of the bible by a commie
sion which completed the King Jamei
version in 1611.
Suffragettes interfered with the pro
ceedings and when the prime minlste
began they unfurled banners bearini
the Inscription :
"Votes for Women. "
The banners were torn up after i
Test New Zeppelin Airship.
Friederlchshafen , March 30. Coun
Zeppelin's new airship made a maidei
flight today. The craft replaces tlr
passenger airship Deutschland , whicl
after a few thrilling exhibitions , cam
to grief amid the trees of the Teutc
burgian forest on June 28 , lust. Th
motors and the vertical steering plain
of the Deutschland were saved fror
Rev. J P. Mueller , pastor of Christ
Lutheran church , Norfolk , was born
on March 30 , 1854 , nt Saarbourg , Lor
ly raine , France , where he went to the
it- French-German school until his par
ents Immigrated into upper Canada in
the wreck and utilized In the construc
tion of her successor.
To Abandon International Flight.
Berlin. March 30. The projected In
ternational aviation race from Paris
to Berlin , Brussels and London prob
ably will be abandoned , owing to the
attitude of the Paris Journal , ono of
the papers contributing to the prizes ,
yielding to the French agitation
against flights In Germany. The Ber
liner Mittag Zeitung will apply the
$ i5,000 ! which it offered for the event
to another contest.
Bandits In Peru.
Lima , Peru , March 30. A band ol
100 bandits is levying tribute on the
merchants in the north. Troops have
been sent against them. The govern
ment is criticised for nothing main
tained sulllclently equipped giirrlsons
in that district.
Report of Chinese Attack.
St. Petersburg , March 30. A rumoi
was current that the Chinebo had sur
rounded and wore attacking Blago
zisliticlionck capitol of the Amur pro
vlnce on the Amur river in Asiatic
Russia. The rumor ib without confiim
Blngozlshtlchenclc is situated close
to Manchuria. It is cholera Infectcc
and some trouble has arisen betweei
the Russians and Chinese over the
epidemic and quarantine measures.
This town was unsuccessfully attack
ed by the Chinese in 1900 during the
Boxer trouble
Jury for Alaska Case.
Seattle , March 30. The jury t <
hear the case against the locators o
the English group of claims filed 01
Alaskan coal land valued at moro thai
a hundred million dollars was com
pleted. Ono of the jurors Is a fores
A Reception at Butte.
Butte , Neb. , March 30. Special ti
The News : A reception was held a
the homo of the groom's parents , Mi
and Mrs. Henry Rcinhelmer , on Mon
day evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs
John S. Relnheimer. Fifty invitation
were issued. Many valuable and use
ful presents were given these hlghl ;
esteemed young people by the guests
The newly wedded couple will leav
in a few days for Rapid City , S. D
near where the groom has a fine claiir
Who's Who In Norfolk
1SGG. Here he attended a Gertna
Lutheran parochial school and a pu
lie school until 1870 , when ho entere
a printing ofllce and worked at tt
printing business three years. In Se
tomber , 1S73 , ho enrolled at Concord
college , St. Louis , Mo. The followit
year ho entered Concordia seminar
Springfield , 111. , from which institutlc
ho graduated In June , 1878 , and c
tered the ministry of the Gernu
Evangelical Lutheran synod of Ml
sourl , Ohio and other states , of whi <
he Is still a member.
His first charge was near Lyor
Ituit county , Neb. , which ho served i
pabtor and parochial school teach
from September , 1878 , until Marc
1881. Then ho followed a call to Scrl
nor , Nob. , where ho worked seven ai
a half years , serving two congreg
tlons and two preaching stations.
After a repented call he. moved
Norfolk In September , 18S8 , and to
charge of Christ Lutheran churc
which he has served without intern
tlon up to the present , twenty-ti
jears and seven months. While 1
church was quite small twenty-l' '
years ago , It grew witli the city , t
parochial report of January 1 , 19
showing 177 voting members , 726 co
munlcants , 112 school children In
1,011 souls.
Many of the Mexicans Are Small
Farmers and Work on the Farm Do-
mandn Their Attention Are Gather
ing East of Chihuahua.
Kl Paso , Tox. , March 30. All avail
able limurrectoH In the Hold In northern -
ern Mexico arc bolns concentrated
east of Chihuahua , according to now
received hero. It IB believed by In-
surrecto sympathize that the pur
pose of this move IB to allow thoio
who have fought for Uio Inaurrocto
caiiBo to have seine part In the con
sideration of peace tonnfl. That there
has been no recent lighting around
Chihuahua Is regarded as indicating
that the men In the Held tinllovo Uio
selection of the now cabinet an evi
dence of good faith upon the part of
the government preparatory to peace
However , the concentration of Ma-
doro's forces near Chihuahua would
make possible an Immediate move
ment against that city , should nego
tiations fall.
Many of the insurrectos arc small
farmers ; they have been In the Held
for months and have suffered many
hardships. As the time for planting
their crops Is now at hand it IB
thought hero that they will bo willing
to loturn to their farms and await
the development of reforms If assured
by the cabinet that the reforms nl-
teady outlined will bo enacted. They
will demand , however , that they retain
tain their arms ; that all prisoners taken
on since the outbreak of Uio Insurrec
tion bo released and that famllle * of
those who have fallen in the Insurrec-
to ranks be given the same compensa
tions as awarded to families of the
federal army.
De La Barra On His Way.
San Antonio , Tex. , March 30. Senor -
nor Do La Harm , the now Moxlcan
minister of foreign aairs , passed
through here today on his way to Mexico
ice City , hut was not joined by any erie
ie Madero family , who are expected
,0011 , to outer into ; mao . 'jogo'.faiiou *
Hh lepresentatives of the Moxlcan
; overnmeiit.
On subjects of public intercut , Saner
) e La itana was client.
Reyes Not in Cabinet.
Paris , .Maich 30. General Hornnrdo
: e.\eb of Mexico , who returned from
inly , said In an interview that ho
as leceived no invitation to join the
ie\\ ministry and that hu had no in
'iition ' of letm-nlng to Mexico at
'resent. ' /
General HOM > S added he wa.s ab
rbi'd In his military studies which
10 expected would keep him occupied
'or a considerable period.
Ho took an optimistic view of the
Ituatlon in his country and regard d
ho ministry as a promising combina
: ion. Ho had no thought that the
evolution would continue for any
length of time , as the government
.roops were in possession of the prln
ipal strategical points giving the ad-
ninlstrntion complete command of the
filiation. Another thing which made
'or the rapid termination of the trou
, was the mobilization of the Unit
id States troops along the frontier.
Ho pointed out that now it would
bo Impossible for the Insurgents to
iscapo over the border or obtatu sup
Four Killed in Attack.
Pnobln. Mexico. March 30. Armed
with nothing more than stonust , a mob
attacked a detachment of police at Loa
Arcos , \illnge near hero , in an ef-
'ort to lescue twoiity-soxen rebel pris
oners. Officer Ahumada , in com
mand of the guards , ordered a charge
and at Its conclusion four of the mob
had been killed and live prisoners ad
iled to the lot brought to t'uebla
Lincoln , March 30. "Unless the
ogislaturo consents to do bomethlng
o reloabo state banks from paying the
tiHcsMncnts under the bank guaranty
aw which have accrued during the
abt two jears while the law was In
litigation , thirty of the largest state
hanks in the state stand ready to na
tionalize , " bald Senator Volpp , draw
ing from his pocket a list ot state
banks having the largest capital , de
posits and loans of any in the state
Volpp is anxious to have the leglsla
turo mnko some move to relcaso the
bunks from the payment of this as
sesbincnt and in support of his propo
sition , in the event a bill should roach
the governor , ho has shown Governor
Aldrlch the Imposing list of banks
which have threatened , Volpp states ,
to become national banks , If they are
forced to pay the assessments that
huvo accrued.
Among the list of banks Is Senator
Volpp's own bank at Scribner , which
has deposits of $101,000 and is among
the largest of the state banks affected
by the operation of the guaranty law.