TIIK NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , FRIDAY , MARCH 24 , 1011. JOHN HAYS HAMMOND SUED. Washington , March IS.John Hays Hammond , ambassador of the United Stnteii to the coronation of King CJoorgo of England , was inado co-dc- fundnnt with IIH ! HOII and five others In a suit for fl.HOO.OOO damages filed by Daniel H. Hully of Now York In the Hiipromo court of the District of Co- limiblii today. Named ait defendants nro Ilarrln Hauimond , Frank S. Bright , Dolph IJ. Alhorton , John P. Miller , Wll- Uain W. llaldwln and 0. Scott Dalg- IclHh. Mr. Sully , who was formerly known an "tho cotton king , " charges a con spiracy to ruin lilii reputation and character HB an International cotton export and to deprive him of largo profits In connection with the general cotton securities company. Roosevelt Dedicates Dam. Phoenix , Ariz. , March 18. Theodore HooHovolt and party arrived this morn ing and loft for the Roosevelt reser voir , the big reclamation dam seventy miles east , where the formal dedica tion will take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Many citizens of Phoenix accompanied the party. Taft Ends Vacation. Auguata. Oa. , March 18. The presi dent played the last golf game of his spring vacation on the links of the country club today. Tomorrow ho will utart buck to Washington. TO SAVE FIGHTER'S HOME. Sons of OrUkany Hope to Preierve Herklmer Mansion. A small band of the lineal descend ants of the devoted 800 who fought under General Nicholas Ilcrklmer In the battle oC Orlskany In the Mohawk valley In 1777 dined and renewed ac quaintance recently In New York. These men are organized as the Sons of Orlskany. Only lineal descendants of those who fought in that battle , which the historian , John Flake , call ed one of the most decisive battles of the Revolution , because It made possible the later victory at Saratoga , arc eligible to membership. It was Colonel Campbell who learn ed and put Into practice in this battle the putting of two men behind each tree In fighting the Indians. The In dlnn was in the habit of waiting until u soldier had fired once from behind a tree and then dashing forward to brain him with a tomahawk. With two men behind each tree there was always n reserve shot for the attackIng - Ing Indian. This new method of meetIng - Ing the enemy , It Is said , li what won the fight at Orlskany. The project which the Sons of Orls kany hnvo most at heart Is the pres ervation by the white of the old Ilerkl- mcr mansion near Little Palls. This house , a fine type of Hie colonial , ! .Intact , but "urtly In need of repair. SKELETON OF MAN 170,000 YEARS OLD IS DISCOVERED tUmti Anoltnt on Record , English Sc ntist Declares , The skeleton of a man recently founu In the Thames bed at d'olloy Hill , nenr Northfleet , Is declared by Professor Arthur Keith of London to be 170 , < XX > years old. Delivering a lecture before the Roy al college surgeons on the antiquity of man , Keith tmld ho arrived at his es tiuiate of age by the work done by the Thames since the time when the level of the river was 00 to 100 feet higher than todny. Measured nt the lowest estimate the Thames bed had been lowered and raised at least 170 feet since the upper terrace of gravel was laid down in the poatglnclal times. "Seeing how littla the level and an- pect of the valley has been altered rtlnco the Roman period and that there is no reason to presume the change * la the level or climate occurred at n faster rate in pant times than In the present , one may safely allow , " sAld Professor Keith , " 100 years it > r every foot which the river has worn away or laid down. On this basis of com putation the antiquity of the Galley Hill remains may be estimated at 170- 000 years. " Consideration of parts of this skele ton shows how old the modern typo of man is. The Galley Hill man , al though differing in several features , is essentially modern In type and Is the only representative known of the thou sands of generations of Englishmen which span the vast period of human life In that country from the glacial to the neolithic times. WILL HONOR CARL SCHURZ. University of Wisconsin to Celebrate New Professorship. The establishment of the memorln professorship at the University of Wls oonslu In honor of Carl Schurz will be celebrated soon. The Carl Sohurz Memorial association is now cngngct In raising the money necessary to be turned over to the regents of the mil veralty so that an Income of an en dowraent fund of $30,000 will be avail able for the professorship. The exercises will Include addresse by the two German exchange profes sors now In this country , Ernest Dae necl , the German historian , this yen Kaiser Wllhelm professor at Columbia and Dr. Max Prledlauder , German pro fessor of the history of music at Har vard this year. The Income from the 130,000 will b sufficient to provide for securing a pro fessor from German universities one In two years to lecture for one HO raester nt the University of Wlscon sin. Tbo association also plans to In crease this fund as soon us posslbl to ? 00,000 so that a German professo may bo secured for one semester ev cry year. Besides lecturing In the un verslty the Carl Schurz memorial ex change professor will deliver lecture before German American and slmlln organizations of Wisconsin. Battle Creek News. ! llattle Creek , Neb. , March 17. Spc- Inl to The News : Myrtle , the ! lonthS'Old llttlo daughter of Mr. and Irs. Bernard Warnkc , who live one illo Honth of town , died Saturday vonlng. It was their first child. The tmorai was held Monday afternoon roui the Lutheran church and Rev. . Hoffman ofllcluted. Mr. and Mrs. leliner Hint/ , parents of Mrs. Warn- e. and other relatives from Nollgh vcro here attending the funeral. William Webb , who has been rim ing a restaurant here for several lonthH , died In an Omaha hospital londay night of cancer of the storu- cli. The i cumins were shipped to ) akdnlo , whore the funeral was hold Vednesday. Ho leaves n widow and n nrge family of grown and minor chll- ron. He was well known to old sel lers In Cumlng , Madison and Ante- op counties. Ho carried lifo inaur- nee In the order of the M. W. A. Floyd Collins and family of Tlldon Isltcd here- the latter part of last week with relatives and friends , Ernest Frcudonberg of Green Gar- en was hero Friday on business. W. C. Austin arrived hero Friday rom Grayson county , Va. , for an ox- ended visit with his daughter , Mrs. ' . H. Ingoldsby , and other relatives , 'he old gentleman was surprised at s'ebraska when , he saw the southern > lrds here already. They came hero ofore him. Knnnett Hale , formerly of this coun- y and now at Platte , Charles Mix onnty , S. D. , visited here one week vith relatives and friends , Frank Vr/al was here Monday on Hislne.sH from Kalamazoo. Harry Boiler departed Tuesday for winder , Wyom. , where he has taken a osltion. Rldnor and Holdcn , who came h'oro econtly from Leigh , Nob. , bought the Irs. Clark building west of C. A. Mar- In's store and remodeled the whole uildlng and will run a restaurant vlth lodging. G. C. Bennlng , cashier of the Val- ey bank , has started on his new welling north of the Willis property. Carpenter Herman Werner has the onlract. John A. Wright has moved his real state olllce Into the Gardels building on the south side of Main street , west of James Blohovek's pool hall. Dr. G. Hess went to Omaha with ils wife Tuesday , where Mrs. Hess vlll be operated upon for appendicitis. W. U. Fnerst returned Saturday 'rom ' Lincoln , where he attended a onvention of the Independent Tele- > honc company of the state. On the vay home he stopped off at Columbus or a visit with his brother , Otto 'uerst. William Cossairt and family of jonestcel visited here the middle of his week with his mother-in-law , Mrs. lose Avery , and other relatives. Mr. Cossairt Is an employe of the North- veslein road. Mrs , George Pratt visited with her laughter , Mrs. Bertha Barnes , at Xor- 'olk Sunday. Soon we will have a fire fighting jompany here , even before our water works are built. W. B. Fuerst is the organizer. Gusta\e Schlueler of Meadow Grove visited hero Sunday atthe , home of "Us brother-in-law , Ferdinand Wisch. [ loth came here from Cuming county. SOUTH DAKOTA AT A GLANCE. - A revival started in .Mitchell this week. A Y. M. P. A. Is being organized at Pierre. Robert Burns has been elected ex- ilted ruler of the Elks lodge at Mitch ell. ell.C. C. E. Hlbbert ana wife had a nar row escape from death from asphyxia tion In their home at Pierre , Both were aroused by neighbors in the nick of time. A music festival Is to be held at Mitchell. Farmers already have commenced plowing In the Mitchell district. Phillip Egreaman and F. II. Hir&ch are building a new hotel at Tripp. The annual meeting of the Old Set tlers' association of Dell Rapids was held today. Eric Johnson , a Lead miner , was killed by a fall of rock in the Home- stake mine. A newspaper has been started al Dupreo to be known as the Ziebach County News. ' Alpena has just completed a new artesian well at a depth of a little less than SOO feet. A nervy thief stole the overcoat o : the chiel of police from the police station at Watertown. Three Lawrence county men have been arrested by Sheriff Noonan on a charge of cattle rustling. Martin Xolson , a bricklayer at Aber ( Icon , attempted suicide by hanging himself with his suspenders. JKupree will soon have n cemeterj association , business men having sub scribed stock for that purpose. Miss Susie A. Brown of Sioux Falls has fallen heir to a fifth of the estate of tlu' late Isaac S. Lee Webster o Worcester , Mass. 13. C. George , editor of the New Era at Wagner , has purchased the plant o .1 rival paper , the Wagner Leader , am will consolidate the two. Mrs. Eva May Krelter , charged wltl the murder of her husband , will be tried late in April , the case having been advanced In the docket. The trial will be held at Aberdeen. A special election will be hold a Pierre to decide whether the city wll have three or live commissioners un der the commission plan of govern mont. Mrs. Minnie Grill of Elk Point , S D. , secured a divorce from Louis N Grill , former democratic candidate ii South Dakota for governor. The Great Northern road has not lk d merchants at Garretson that i will no longer honor "sign up" slip issued by employes on their time checks. The county commissioners of Per kins county at a meeting on Marcl 11 will hear arguments for and against furnishing free seed to homestcadcra. Harlaml II. Allen , who ran for reg ister of deeds of Edmunds county on ho prohibition ticket last fall , has Hirchnsed the Roscoe Reveille of Al ert Schroedor. Gotch Injures Another One. Lincoln , March 18 Champion Frank Gotch added another to his string of IctorlcH when ho defeated Charles Sutler of Chicago In straight falls , ho first In 3L minutes , the second In 0 seconds. Cutler wrenched his ankle n the first bout and made a Berry bowing In the second. Ho was all hn and aggressiveness In the Initial tnges of the match , however , and ave the champion as good as ho got n the first twenty-five minutes. A retch hold and a half Nelson finally ere him down and with it came the njury , which made him easy there- ore. Gunboat Stormbound. Amoy , China , March 18. The Unit- d States gunboat El Cano , unroute rom Manila for the Yangtso-Klang , Is tormbound hero. Arrest Another Note Raiser. Cleveland , O. , March 18. The sec- ml arrest in the campaign being wag- d by the government against foreign ers alleged to bo engaged in the rals- ng of national bank notes and pass- ng them , was made last night when ecret Operative Peter Dick took into ustody a man giving the name of Inda Gynklts. He is' said to bo an ccompllco of Hllos Mcndls , arrested lore last Monday night. It is claim- d that the men raised bank notes of he denomination of $10 to $100 and assed them in this and other Ohio TOBACCO BLUNTS TASTE. Jmokers Must Have Highly Seasoned Foods , Woman Saya. "With the sense of taste atrophied by tobacco , men must have highly seasoned foods to tickle their palates , and the constant eating of such fooda disables the Individual from recog nizing delicate flavors. " So Dr. Elizabeth II. Dunn , instructor of anatomical research nt Chicago uni versity , told the Chicago Medical so ciety. She added that 70 per cent of the Beuse of taste Is lost by the habitu al nmokor over forty years of age. It makes no difference whether he smokes a pipe or cigars. Strange revelations would occur to civilized persons were the senses of taste , touch and smell developed equal ly , she said , with those of sight and hearing. She said that In virtually all persons the senses of taste , touch and smell were either undeveloped or un used and that the dormant state of those senses was moro marked In men. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. That's Only Our Future Population on Eliot's "Six to Family" Plan. Arthur Baker , a Chicago editor and mathematical wng , has become Inter ested in Dr. Kllot'.s anti-race suicide talk. Figuring on the basis of six hlldren to a family , Mr. Baker says : "The thirteenth generation would be standing three deep on each others' shoulders , crowding every foot of dry land , the number bordering on quln- tllllons. One qulntllllon looks like thls-1,000.000,000,000.000'000. " Ohio Increases Coal Output. Poi the first time In the bbuory of the Industry In that state Ohio mlnpd more than 80,000,000 tons of coal lout year. Defeat Commission Plan. Arkansas City , Ark. , March 18. A > ropoaition to change the city govern ment to a commission form was de feated 67 to 625 , a special election here. The Sheriff la Arrested. County Sheriff C. S. Smith of Mad ison pleaded guilty to the charge of exceeding the automobile speed limit , in Judge Elseley's court Friday after noon , and paid $10 fine and $5 costs Imposed upon him by the court. Sher iff Smith was conveying Mrs. August Braasch , who is attacked by temporary ary Insanity at times , to the state hospital and when his charge was giv ing him much trouble the automobile was put to a speed not much more than the regulation limit. Tiio sheriff's charge when in this condition has suicidal tendencies and to get her to safety as soon as pos slble the automobile was used. It was nt the time when the patient was glv ing him the most trouble , that Sherifl Smith forgot all about the speed limit in his anxiety to safely deliver the woman at the hospital. His anxiety however , proved a dissatisfaction tc Mayor Friday , who ordered the arrest according to reports. Night Patrol mat Sassc hurried to the police station ant before the unsuspecting sheriff re turned from the hospital the patrol man was In the middle of Norfoll avenue on guard for the county of flclal , who was Immediately upon hh arrival taken before the police judge Mr. Smith , upon learning wha charges were filed against him , plead cd guilty without even asking for trial. He. paid the- cost , saying he might have forgotten himself for nt Instant when ho was BO desirous o getting his patient to a place of safetj to prevent self destruction. The speed limit Is violated in Nor folk every , but this was the first ar rest over made for the offense. "Sheriff Smith was riding in th ( back seat , guarding the patient , " sale County Attorney Nichols , "and then were , besides him and tbe patient , i driver , the woman's husband and an other woman In the car. It was a llv cry automobile and just why Shorlf Smith was picked out IB a mystery The trip from Madison to the hosplta required an hour , though the dlntanc is but eighteen miles. And the ca ran slower through Norfolk than li any other portion of the journey. " SOCIETY Pleasures of the Week. Mrs. Mary MathcwHon was hostess t a small supper party on Wednesday 'cnlnR. complimentary to her guest , Mrs. J. 1) . Haskcll of Wakelleld. Maces were laid at prettily appointed ablcs for the following ladles , who re all old time friends of Mrs. Has- tell : Mrs. H. J. Cole , Mrs. John It lays , Mrs. Hurt Mapcs , Mrs. I. Pow- TS , Mrs. Jean Whitney , Mrs. Edwin tooth , Mrs. S. V. Ersklne , Mrs. M. A. McMillan , Mrs. C. S. Parker and Mrs. S. MathcVson. A social evening ollowed the supper. A missionary tea was given Thurs- lay evening by' the ladles of the Bap- 1st church In the homo of Mrs. Mc Veigh , 300 South Tenth street. Mrs. P. H. Saltcr and Mrs. G. D. Sailor were hostosi.es to the ladles of ho First Congregational church on Thursday afternoon. Mrs.V. . 11. Jones , 501 South Ninth street , entertained a company of la dies at a kcnsington on Tuesday after- 10011. i The Yad-Sun-Doxv club met with Ilss Agnes Zutz Wednesday evening. Slaboratc refreshments were served. The Dorcas society met with Miss iladys Weaver Monday , Miss Marian Stitt and Miss Conltllu assisting. The Ladies' guild of Trinity church net with Mrs. W. 11. .Tones on Thurs- lay afternoon. St. Agnes guild met in the guild oem Tuesday afternoon. Personals. Mrs. .1. D. Haskcll of Wake Hold was i guest in the home of Colonel Cotton ind Mrs. Mathewbon on Wednesday , ilrs. Haskcll was cnroutc home front i visit in the home of her son at Sregory , S. D. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. S. Welllb , jr. , of Osmond came up from Omaha Wednesday evening and will visit a ow days in the home of Kev. and Mrs. J. C. S. Weills , sr. Mrs. C. II. Reynolds and children vent to Elgin Friday to spend a few days in the home of her brother , Wil ls McBride. Mr. Reynolds will go to Jlgiu to spend Sunday. Mrs. C. K. Burnham accompanied ler daughter , Miss Faie , to Omaha on londay , returning home Wednesday evening. Miss Kale Burnham left Monday for i six weeks visit with friends in Madrid and McCook , Neb. CHURCH FOR LATE SPOONERS. Coma at Midnight , Saya Pastor , and Avoid Lobiiter Palaoea , The Rev. John Thompson of the Methodist Episcopal church In Wheaton - ton , nenr Chicago , has begun a cru sade to Induce swrethearU to give up expensive "lobster palaces. " bring mid night lunches and do their courting In the church pown His rules will allow the sentimental ly stricken to stay late , with a big room and piano and 100 pews n roomy aa davenport * . "There Is no better place In the world for a young couple to do their courting than In a church , " announced the pastor. "I believe In matchmaking that IH. In * ho right kind of match making. "This tnlU about dinners at 'lobster palaces' and expensive seats at thea ters and taxlcnb bills is a mistake. A good girl who really loves a man does not want to see him make a fool of himself when he Is courting her any more than she wants to see him do so after they are married. " CHECK WAS POSTAGE STAMP. On It Bank Depositor Wrote Order to Pay 20 Cents. Probably the smallest check ( though not for the smallent amount ) ever pre sented to a bank was cashed in San Frnnclfico when Joseph Taylor of San Rafael K-celved 20 cents on presenta tion of a canceled two cent stamp which had been used by n. H. Mar cus of the Marln County Promotion league as a cheek. "This Is ; the moat diminutive check ever presented to any banking insti tution to my knowledge , " said an oin ilal ! of the Marln County bank , "bu\ . ns long as there were funds to meet the demand for payment there could be no objection to the blank on which the order to pay was written. " Diamond Profits In Education. The De Beew company has donated $125,000 toward the founding of a South African university. Print a want ad and the finder will probably bo glad to return It to you. MURDER RECORDS LAID BARE. One of the Chiefs of Assassin Band In Italy la Questioned. Vitorbo , Italy , March 18. The whole of today's session of the trial of the Camorriats was occupied with the cross examination of Nicola Morra at the conclusion of which an adjournment mont was taken until Thursday. Mor ra Is one of the six of the thirty-six prisoners who are charged with the actual murder of Qennaro Cuoccolc and his wife. Ho was a frequenter ol the Cuoccojo houuo , to which ho gained od ready entrance after the husband had been klllod In a suburb of Naples It Is assorted that Morra and Cor rado Sortlno loft their companions af tor the llrst murder and between them accomplished the death of the woman. Later they joined the other assassins at the home of Maria Stendnrdo , sub sequently reporting the success of their mission to Enrico AJfaHo , the real head of the Camorra , who waa dining at Mlinl-Ah-Mnre. According to the prosecution Morra and Sortlno beat Cuoccolo with sticks while the others stabbed him to death. Today the vile record of Morra , In cluding his participation in murders , was laid bare , the crown prosecutor Introducing much evidence during the questioning. Morra denied all the accusations made against him and roundly abused Gennaro Abbatomagglo , the Informer. The latter maintained n derisive atti tude as ho heard the denunciation by lilt ) former partner in infamy. OFFICIAL EASTERN LEAGUE SCHEDULE. MONTRBAU At Toronto. Mny IS. 2a , I7-Z7 | July 10 , 11 , 12 ; Sept. 1S-1S. 19 , 20. At Huffulo. June 1. I. 8-J ; Julr 4-t , l | Bopt. 21 , Si , 23-23. At HochcRtor , May 19 , JO-M , tl | Julr . T , ; Sept. 4-4. 5 , 6. At Providence , April * 24 , JO , 28. S7 ; June 18 , ID. M ; AllfT. 3 , 4. 6. . At Jersey City , April ti , 29 , 80. May Ij Juno 27 , 23 , 20 ; Aug. 11 , 12. 13. 14. At Ncwuilc. April 20. H. U. ZS ; June 24 , K , G ; AUK. 15 , 16 , 17 , 18. AtTialtlmoic , Mny 3 , 4 , 5 , 6-8 ; June 23 , 23 ; Aug. 7. 8 , P , 10. 10.TORONTO. TORONTO. At Montreal , Juno 4 , 6 , , 7 ; July 13 , 14 , IB , li > ; Sept. 15 , IS , 17. At fliiffnlo , Mny 2 ! ) , SO-SO , 31 ; July 6 , 7 , 8 ; Sept. 4-4. 6 , ti. At ItoHieslcr. Juno H. 15 , K , 17 ; July 4-4. Gj Sept 21-21 , 2 : ' . 23. At Providence , April 28 , 29 , 30 , May 1 ; Juno 21-21 , : . W ; Alifr. 15 , 16. 17. At Jewy City , April 24 , 25 , 2. . ! , 27 ; Jun IS , n. 20 ; AUK. 3. 4 , 6 , G. At Ncwnrls. Mny 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 ; June 21. 22 , 23 ; July 30 , 31 , Aug. 1. 2. At Baltimore , April 20 , 21. 22-2.2 ; Juno 27 , i * . 29 ; AUff. 11 , 12-12 , H. BUFFALO. At Montrciil , June 14 , 15 , 1G , 17 ; July 17 , IS , 19 ; Hcpt. 7 , 8 , 0 , 10. At Toronto , Juno 9 , 10 , 12. 13 ; July i-1 , 3 ; Sopt. II. 12-12 , 13. At ItochoMer. May 25 , 2(5 ( , 27-27 ; July 11-11 , 12. 13 ; Sept. It , 19 , 20. At Piovldcnue , April 30. 21 , 22 , 23 ; Juna 22-22 , 2i ; Aug. 7. 8 , 9 , 10. At Jersey City , May 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 ; June 24 , X , X Aus. 15 , 1C , 17 , IS. At Newark , April 28 , 29. SO , May 1 ; May 14 , Juno 27 , 2S ; AIIR. 11 , 12 , 13. 14. At llnltimore. April 21 , 25 , 2i , 27 ; Juno 19. 20 , 21 , AUK. 3 , 4 , 3-6. ROCHESTER. At Montreal , Juno 9 , 10 , 11. II ; July 1-1 , 2 , 3 ; Sept. II. 12 , 13. At Toronto. Juno 1. 2 , 3-3 ; July 17 , IS , 19 ; Snpt. 7-7 , S , 'J At IJulYnlo. Juno 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ; July 10 , 14. 15-lu ; Sept. 14. 13 , 10. At 1'rovlilence. May 4. B , 8. T : Juno 27 , 28 , 29 ; AUK. 11. 12. IS. II. At Jcihey City-April SO , 23 , 22 , ZS ; June 21 , 223. . AUK. 7 , S. S. 10. At Newark. April 21 , 25 , 24. 27 ; May 21 ; Juno 18. 10 ; AUK. 4 , 5 , it. 30. At Italtlmnre. April 28 , 29 , May 1. 2 ; June 21-21. 2i > ; Aug. 15. 16. 17 , 18. PROVIDENCE. At Montreal-May 21. 2i 22 < ; July II. AUK. I , 2 ; AUK.0 , 27. 28 , 29. At Tot onto. May 8. 9. 10 , It ; July 20 , 21 , 22 ; Aur. 30. 31. S.-pt. 1 , 2. At Buffalo , Mii > 12 , 13 , 15 , IS ; July 24 , 26 , ; AUK. 19-19. Cl. 2. . At Uoi-liPHlfr , .May 17 , 18 , 19. 20 ; July 27. M. 29 ; AUK. WS3.'I , 25. At Jeisey Citv. May 25 , 26. 27 , 28 ; July 7. 8 , 0 ; Kept. 14. 15. 1C. 17. At New ink. June 1. 2. 3. 4 ; July 10. 11. 12 ; Sept. 1 ? . 19 , 3) , 21. At Baltimore. July 4-4 , 5 , 8 ; Juna 15 , 18. 17 ; Bopt. 11 , l.-12. 13. JKRSnt CITT. At Montreal , Mnv 12. 13 , 14 , 15 ; July 24 , 2fi , M ; AIIR. P. 20. 21. 22 , At Tot onto. Mny 17. 18. 19. M ; July 87 , 28 , 29 ; Aug. 23. 24-24 , 28. At Buffalo. Mny 22 , 23-23 , 24 ; July 31 , Aug. 1. 2 ; AUK. SB-M , 28 , 29. At Rochester. May 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 ; July 20 , a , 22 ; AUK. 30. SI. Sept. 1 , 2. At Providence. June 8 , 9 , 10 , It ; July IS , 14 , IS , 16 : Sept. 4-4. C. 6. At New-ink , May 28 , 30 , a. m. ; June E , 8 , 7 ; July 4. p. m. . 5 , C ; Aug. 27 ; B t. U , 14. At Bnltlmoie , June 12. 13. 14 ; Jun * 90. July 1-1. Z ; Sept. 18 , 19. 20. a. NEWARK. At Montreal , Mny S , 9 , 10. 11 ; Julr , 21. it. ZS ; AUG. 30 , 31. Sept. 2. At Toronto , May 12 , 13 , If. 1 ; Auir. 7-7. S , t ; Aug. > , 2S. 29. At Buffalo. May 17 , II , II. M ; July 27. , 39-29 ; Aug. 23 , 24 , 26. At Rochester. May 23. 2X-M , 4 ; July H. 5 , id ; Aug. 19-19. 31. 22. At Providence. Jun * II. II , 14 [ June SO. July 1 , a S ; Sept. 7 , 8 , . 10. At Jeroey City , May SO. p. m. , n ; Jun * II. 19 , IT ; July 4 , a. m. , IT. II ; Sept. 11. 28. M. At Baltimore. Jun * 9. t. 10 ; July IS , 14. 15-15 ; Sept 4-4 , B , . BALTIMORE ) . At Montreal , May IT. II , It , t Jury r. M , 29 , 80 : AUK. 23. 24. to. At Toronto , May 22 , 21 , S4-M : July 24. a , 0 ; AUK. 19-19 , a , 22. At Buffalo , May 8 , , 10. 11 ; July SO. U. 12 ; Aug. SO , 31. Sept. 1. 2. At Rochester. May 12 , IS , IS , IS ; July 81. . 1 , 2 ! AUK. 26-28 , 23 , 9. At Providence , May 29 , SO-80 , HI ; Juno 6 , 8. 7 ; Sept..22 , 3-23 , 24 , At Jersey City , June 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; July 10 , 11 , 12 ; Sept. 7. B , 9. 10. At Newark , May 25 , 20 , SI , 28 ; July 7 , 8. 9. IS ; Sept. 15. 19 , 17. Ryan to Take Boxer * t England. Former Middleweight Champion Tommy Ryaii plans an Invasion of England In April and \vlll take Con O'Kclly , lilH heavyweight ; Howard Morrow and Bobby Plttsley , light weights , with him , having been assur ed of bouts across the water for the men. Horse Show Prizes Amount to $60,000. The prize money at the Olympla horse show , London , will amount to about $00,000 , and Canada will be rep resented at the gathering , which takes place from June 12 to 24. The prizes for jumping competitions alone will amount to $25,000. Pretty Poll Gets a Legacy. Mrs. Jane McDonnell , widow of aNew Now York policeman , left $200 to her parrot , which had been her companion for years. Her will was probated at Derby , Conn. , and contained many in structions as to the care of Polly. Spencer Elects Teachers. Spencer , Nob. , March 18. Special to The News : At a meeting of the board of education the following teachers were ro-olcctcd for the ensuing ing year : Principal , Mlos Cecil Grace ; assls tnnt principal , Miss Thee Sabln. In Intermediate , Miss Elfrloda Carrel ) ; second primary. Miss Emma Pucollk ; first primary , Miss Elizabeth Ucrry. Miss Btnsln Walsh was elected to the gniminnr room. She comes from Ural- utml , Nob. The board Incrcnnod the teaching force to eight for the romlng year , uid will put another room In Hhape for omipancy. Motions weio adopted 'or the riuo of the grounds , and many 'mprovenieiilH. MISTAKE OR FRAUD Startling Discovery by the Nebraska Legislature. Lincoln , March 18. Evidence- n mistake or fraud in the engrossing of ho Ollls utock yards bill prevented Its llnnl consideration by the house uid It was sent back to the senate for correction. Hy the action of the house It maybe bo taken for granted that the Skllcs' nltlntivo and referendum bill , S. F. I , Is going to become a law , while ho hoiiKo measure by Hatficld , will bo consigned to the scrap heap , The conference- committee reported n favor of the .senate measure and ho hotiHo adopted the report after n Ight. Mockett brought the subject to a head by moving that the report 10 not received and another commit- : eo be appointed to prepare a now one. On veto his motion lost by HI o 08. Then the report wan adopted by 71 to 17. Senator Drown made an address to the house of representatives. The senate lias adjourned till Monday. The senate sifting committee re- lortcd out nineteen bills. Among hem arc the following : Sklles' hoard of control regulation 'or state institutions The judicial district prosecutor bill .linking assistants of county attor- ieys. The senate passed : S. V. 77 , pro viding protection for companies using shipping packages ; S. U. 124 , provld- ng that night telegraph offices shall le maintained at all county Beats ; Tandy's woman suffrage bill ; S. P. 1(12 ( , compelling railroads to light heir right-of-way through villages ; appropriating $12,000 for Thayer's nomuneiit at Vlckshurg. The senate killed the approprla- Ion for a rural life commission , fash- oned after the Roosevelt plan. The house passed II. H. 240 , pro viding for a universal hunters' lie- cnso and S. P. 137 , quieting title to and against unsupported loans. Harbor Improvements Planned , f ruaiiiiy I- . to spend * ( ! . : i8 < iHO : In harbor eMeiifioiu and Improvements t Montevideo Over $0,000.000 Is to be spent for improved port facilities : it ( Senon. Italy South Dakota's Indians Pious. Of the ' 'I.OOO Indians of South Da kota one-hiilf nre members of the Episcopal church , and one in every alz N a communicant. May Take L iter to Australia. Pormer Ilenvy weight Champion Fighter Tommy Iturns contemplates tulclnc his pupil , .lack Lester , to Aus tralia. Hums SM.VM Lester Is a good lighter , lint is not a good boxer. Lester Is live feet ten and a half Inches In height , weighs 180 pounds and will bo twcnt.i .venrs of age on May 2. He Is a Polish American and IH built on lines similar to the late Stanley Ketchel. England Has Dog Importing Craze. The crtm > for importing doga more or less known to English fame is again being felt In and around Toronto. Hull- dogs are the most popular breed In quired after , and prices range from $00 to $1.200. WILD SCENE IN PARLIAMENT. Canadian Lawmakers Got Angry and the Lie Is Paeaed. Ottawa , Ont. , March 18. "My hon orable friend is a liar , absolutely a liar , " thundered Glen Campbell , the consorvatlvo member for Dauphin , Manitoba , six-foot western giant , in the bouso of commons. Ono of the most tense situations and legislative scones ever witnessed in the house of parliament followed. The house was in committee and Mr. Necly of Humboldt , Alberta , in the course of a speech Raid Olen Campbell - boll , on a public platform had admit ted bribing a government official to get a grazing lease. The reply by Mr. Campbell brought proceedings to a standstill and for seven minutes nothing could be heard except the liberals shouting "with draw" and the conservatives yelling "stick to your guns. " When Chairman Mclntyro was able to make himself heard ho declared the explanation unparliamentary and de manded that it bo withdrawn. "I called him a liar and I refuse to take it back , " shouted Campbell. "Talk of honesty. "Where Is the capital of Saskatche wan , and what did it cost to vote It there ? " The chairman insisted on a with drawal. "Mr. chairman , it is a hard task to withdraw something which is nbso lutely true , " said Mr. Campbell. "Tho rule must be obeyed and the explanation withdrawn , " replied the chairman. "Then I withdraw and bow to your ruling , said Mr. Campbell. Speaking later Mr. Campbell said if Mr. Neely dared repeat his charges outsldo the chamber ho would chas tize him. Senator Stone Much Better. Kansas City , March 18. Physicians attending United States Senator Wil liam J. Stone , who Is ill with grip at the homo of his son Kimbrought Stone In this city , said today the senator's condition was greatly Improved. He IB still confined to bis bod. Denmark for World Peace. Copenhagen , March 18. The Danish foreign office today sent a letter to The Farmer's Wife's mm Best Friend Old Dutch Cleanser DOOB all the cleaning bout the home and farm , and keeps everything eplok and cpan ( or lOo a month Just try it , The farmer's wife has a ready help in this handy , all-'round cleanser that will save her much labor and time. It does the work of all old-fashioned clean ers easier , quicker , better Cleans , Scrubs , ScoureJPolishes Pots , Pans , Kttlld , Milk Ittilt , Separators , etc. The Best ftttoy To clean woodenware , tables , pantry shelves , etc. , etc. Wet the article , sprinkle with Old Dutch Cleanser and rub with vret cloth or brush ; wipe up with clean water ; wring cloth tight ly and wipe dry. It cleans clean and is hygien ic , no caustic or \ acids a void them 1O * LARGE SiFTER CAM the peace bureau at Uerno , Switzer land , saying that Denmark will ac cept the American government's Invi tation to appoint a commission on the lines provided by congress to promote arbitration among nations and for thu llmtatlons of armaments. BANKER SHOOTS SELF. Suicide of R. F. Carnegie Causes a Sensation. London , March 18. A sensation has been caused in liitaneial circles by the suicide of H. F. Carnegie , manager of the Lombard street branch of Parr's bank , limited , who shot himself at his residence. The affairs of the Institution are said to bo in perfect order. Parr's bank , liimted , of which C. F. Parr IB chairman of the board of di rectors , and R. W. Hawley , general manager , was originally Parr's bank ing company , and was so registered in 1805. In 1892 it was amalgamated with the Alliance bank , limited. On amalgamation with the Consolidated bank , limited , In 1890 , the present name was adopted. The authorized capital Is $62,500,000. For years it has paid a dividend of 19 percent per annum. - Explorers Not Massacred. Brisbane , Australia , March 18. The report brought to Oouribari by natives last month that Stanlforth Smith , the British administrator of Papua , and his party of exploration had been mas sacred by Papuans , proves to bar * been untrue. Smith with bis expedi tion arrived at Thursday inland yester day. The explorers left Port Moresby , the capital of Papua , on November 18 last , for the Interior , whore they suf fered great privations and lost a fw native carriers. Yesterday's advices from Thursday island contained the first authentic news of the expedition since It set out. STUDY "SLEEPING SICKNESS. " Two Eminent American Professor * Leave for African Interior. Boston , March 18. Dr. Simon B. Wolbach , assistant professor of bac teriology at the Harvard medical school , and Dr. J. L. Todd , of the med ical department of McGill university , Montreal , have departed for west Af rica to study the so-called "sleeping sickness" and Its allied diseases among natives. ROOSEVELT ON LONG HIKE. Leads Party Down Into Gorge to See a Beautiful View. Grand Canyon , Ariz. , March 18. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt lunched beside the boiling waters of the Colorado rado river many feet below the rim of the grand canyon. It was bis first visit hero and ho is the first occu pant of' the white house who ever made the fourteen-mile round trip to what is often declared to be the most wonderful view In the world. Col onel Roosevelt led a cavalado com posed of his daughter Ethel , his BOD Archie , Chief Justice Kent of the Arizona territorial supreme court and others , to the bottom of the gorge. On his return the former president went over the address which bo will make at Phoenix Monday relative to the Arizona state constitution. This address the colonel regards as the most Important of his present tour. The colonel's party loft Grand Canyon - yon and arrived in Phoenix this morning. They will take automobiles at once and hasten to the Roosevelt dam dis tant , a six bourn' journey.